HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - JuvenileTuesday, March 21st, 2023 Submitted by S. Palacios l)$18,500 for a total of 92.5 days in February 2023. Average Used Bed = 3.3. Compared to one year ago, February 2022, we spent $21,438 for a total of 122.5 days with an Average Used Bed = 4.36. Martin Ham S Jan -23 Feb -23 Mar -23 Apr -23 May -23 Jun -23 Jul -23 Aug -23 Sep -23 Oct -23 Nov -23 AVG/MO YTD TOTALS 2023 BUDGETED AMOUNI 4 of days 92.5 116 92.5 100.33 3DI 2150,00 SUDGETED DAYS IN A 4 of youth 157.14 12 13.67 41 staternentsaid JGC will terminate MH/CCCS contract as of 2.28.23 Today's Daily Population Report: We currently have S juveniles detained in detention. One juvenile for � � � "u Assau�1�andfor��urder2 ,asecond for juvenile for |nces 2 'athirdoneforResk]entia|Burg|aryandAssau�2 ' a fourth juvenile for Assault 4 DV and a fifth for Juvenile for Assault 2nd. All these juveniles have bail imposed. J -I ak�S ILI i z� 20 2.1 20 15 g uz 8 g g � 3 3 ��NNnU N 0 N1� o Nm�� _ /an Fea Mar Apr x4ay Jun Jul ... Aug Sep Oct wov Dec totals i. OFFENDER/DIVERSION: All civil and criminal matters are still being held via WebEx, and we only have in-person court hearings for Dispositions and Trials. A lot of the new referrals have been sent to the Diversion Unit, we currently have 261 active referrals, out of those referrals we have 100 to be scheduled for the first time and to keep up with our high referrals we have been doing group diversions. ii. TRUANCY: As of March 18th, 2023, we currently have 170 active petitions, 132 total stays, 142 filed so far this school year, 77 stays lifted, 32 contempt of court filed this school year, and 50 extended stays this school year. DEPENDENCY: The dependency unit is also doing regular docket hearings, via WebEx. Our dependency unit currently has 190 active cases. Out of the 190 active cases, we have 150 assigned to staff, 28 cases assigned to Volunteers and 12 monitored cases that are active but because they have an attorney, there is no need for a GAL. 2) Chelan: Since March 1St, our transition to Chelan has been pretty smooth. On average, it is taking Chelan transportation 1 hour and 15 minutes to arrive at our facility. 3) Administration: • We have had 3 internal promotions in the last couple of months. Leaving some for the entry positions open. We hired Amanda Wolther from the Soap Lake School District to be our Lead Legal Secretary. She will be starting next Monday, March 27th, 2023. • Our last vacant position is the Legal Secretary for the Dependency Unit and we are conducting interviews this week. • l sent a memo letting Law Enforcement know the changes that we will have for the after -hour intakes starting April 1St on March 10, 2023. On March 16, 2023, my Juvenile Service Manager, Scott Olson and I attended the Law Tac meeting at MACC Dispatch to present the new changes and also to answer any question Law enforcement might have. This next Thursday, March 23rd, we will be hosting another meeting inviting Law Enforcement to come in regards to our upcoming changes for after-hours intakes. • Human Resources and I have a meeting with the Association in regards to standby bargaining today at 2:30pm. 4) Needs of the Department Facilities and Maintenance to put extra lighting in the parking lot, a cover area and an bench for the exchange of after -hour juveniles.