WHEREAS, the right of the people to keep and bear arms is guaranteed as an individual right under the
Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and under Article I, Section 2 & 7 of the Constitution
of the State of Washington; and
WHEREAS, the right of the people to keep and bear arms for defense of life, liberty and property is an
inalienable right of the people of GRANT County; and
WHEREAS, the GRANT County Board of Commissioners, being elected to represent the people of GRANT
County and being duly sworn to uphold the United State Constitution and the Constitution of the State of
Washington; and
WHEREAS, the people of GRANT County derive economic benefit from all safe forms of firearms
recreation. hunting and shooting conducted in GRANT Countv using all types of firearms allowable under
the United State Constitution and the Constitution of the State of Washington; and
WHEREAS, Initiative I-1639 failed in GRANT County by a 68% to 32% margin; and
WHEREAS; Sheriff Tom Jones has instructed his deputies to not enforce Initiative 1639 in GRANT County
while the Constitutional validity remains in argument at the federal courts level and
WHEREAS; INITITIVE 1639 places a great burden on law0abniding citizens of Grant County while
creating no additional accountability for criminals;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the GRANT County Board of Commissioners hereby opposes
the enactment of any legislation infringing upon the rights of the people of GRANT County to keep and
bear arms and consider any such laws unconstitutional and beyond local legislative authority.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the GRANT County Board of Commissioners support the principles that
future gun control laws should be narrowly drafted, specific in scope and deferential of the Federal 2nd
Amendment and Article I, Section 2 of the Washington State Constitution.
Passed by the Board of Grant County Commissioners meeting in regular session at Ephrata, Washington,
then signed by its membership and attested to by its clerk in authorization of such passage the
day of March, 2019.
Richard Stevens, Commissioner, District 1
Tom Taylor, Commissioner, District 2
Cindy Carter, Commissioner, District 3
Barbara J. Vasquez, Clerk of the Board
Grant County Republican Party
March 18, 2019
Grant County Commissioners
Tom Taylor, Commissioner, District 1
Richard Stevens, Commissioner, District 2
Cindy Carter, Commissioner, District 3
P. O. Box 37
Ephrata, WA 98823
Dear Commissioners;
I am writing today to introduce and present to you a Resolution against 1-1639 by the Grant
County Republican Party. The Resolution itself explains our concern and our desire that you
sign on each line at the bottom of the letter.
Our concern is that each chink in the armor of the US Constitution, such as 1-1639, brings us
closer to the abolishment of rights that we hold sacred and dear. Please consider our request
to sign this resolution and return it to us in the enclosed, self-addressed envelope.
Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.
Barbara Morgan, Chair i
Grant County Republican ,y
Enclosed: A Resolution Supporting the Federal Second Amendment & Article 1, Section 2 & 7 of
the Washington State Constitution.
www.grantcountyGOR.com • Y�
Grant Clountv Republican Party • 601 S. Pioneer Way, Suite F • PME 265 • Moses Lake, WA 98837
Many... even most think this nation is a Democracy. The Founding
Father's didn't agree and created a Constitutional Representative
Republic which applies throughout its Governmental structure even
to include smaller units such as County Commissioners.
I know you, as elected representives of the people of Grant County,
like me and the PCO's here have sworn an oath to support and
defend said Constitution as well as the Constitution of the State of
The proposed resolution before you is an expression by the Grant
County Republican Central Committee of its concern for and support
of that very oath.
That Grant County supports that concept was manifested in the
voting on 1-1639 in the November 2018 General election with 18,008
registered voters voting against it. 67.8%
likewise, throughout the County ... 73 of the 74 Voting Precincts
voted against the contents of 1-1639. That's over 98%.
These statistics reinforce the belief Grant County citizen voters are
opposed to the nature and possibly the legality of 1-1639
As a citizen of Grant County, Washi o ion State and the United
States of America I am asking you as elected representatives to fulfill
your oath of office to support and defend the Constitution by
passing this resolution.
Thank you & God Bless America
Phil Anderson