HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - JuvenileJuvenile Court & Youth Services Tuesday, February 21st, 2023 Agenda
Submitted by: Suhail Palacios
1) Financial
2) Intakes
3) Courts:
i. offender/Diversion:
ii. Truancy:
iii. Dependency:
4) Martin Hall
5) Administration
Tuesday, February 21st,, 202-3 Submitted by S. Palacios
l)$23,200 for a total of 116 days in January 2023. Average Used Bed = 3.74. Compared to one year
ago, January 2022, we spent $23,678 for a total of 143.5 days with an Average Used Bed = 4.63.
UNDER 90,84%
Min Hall SW hn-23 FeW3 Mar*23 Aprill MatH Jun -23 Jul,23 Aug*23 Sep -23 Oct -23 Nov -23 AVG/MO YTD TOM 2023 BUDGETED AMOUNTS SIVIET
# a days 92.5 116 104-25 208.5 2150. 00 BUDGUED, DAYS IN 2023 1941.50
# of youth 14.50 29
"Avg Used Bed 2-98Z )J4 3.36 6.72
BUOGFED $IN ACCT.60,4101 $390,613
so 1510 1 �o 3000
cost O $3,282 $39,388
Toda/s Daily Population Report: VVecurrently have 3juveniles detained in detention. One juvenile for
Assault I^and for Murder J"u,asecond for juvenile for Incest 2"d,and lastly one for Residential Burglary and Assault
Znd.All these juveniles have bail imposed.
14 13
10 9
6 5 5
2 1 1
0 0I�
i. OFFENDER/DIVERSION: All civil and criminal matters are still being held via WebEx, and we only have
in-person court hearings for Dispositions and Trials.
ii. TRUANCY: As of February 17th, 2023, we currently have 152 active petitions, 117 total stays, 99 filed
so far this school year, 58 stays lifted, 27 contempt of court filed this school year, and 50 extended
stays this school year.
DEPENDENCY: The dependency unit is also doing regular docket hearings, via WebEx.
Our dependency unit currently has 232 active cases.
2) Martin Hall: On March 1St, Martin Hall will be bringing our juveniles to our detention at 9am and that will
be the end of our contract with them. Chelan County will then be there picking our juveniles up at our
facility that same day.
3) Administration:
On February 1St 2023, We started our new Evidence Based Program EET (Employment Education Training),
where we began teaching youth how to create resumes and integrating interviewing skills. We have
partnered with skill source to assist the youth in finding employment.
4) Needs of the Department
We did interviews for the Probation Counselor position, and I am currently in the process of selecting
the best candidate.
I will be losing my Lead Legal Secretary and we currently have the position opened externally. We will
begin conducting interviews next week.