HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCC (003)I GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Memo MAY - 3 2022 .... ....... J To: Board of County Commissioners From Janice Flynn, Administrative Services Coordinator Dam April 22, 2022 Re: Authorization for Release of BOCC Approved Funds, Requests #6-8, SIP #2021-01- GC Hospital #4 — McKay Healthcare, Phase 1 Capital Improvement Plan McKay Healthcare has certified the requirements for release of funds in the above - referenced SIP project, which was approved by the BOCC pursuant to Resolution No. 21 -013 -CC dated February 16, 2021. The proof of requirements is in the form of a signed Project Certification form from the Hospital and supporting invoicing of the project that meets the requested amount. To that end, I am requesting the release of funds on this SIP project as follows: (1) 6th -8th installments of the grant award in the amount of Ten Thousand Four Hundred Twenty Four and 93/100 Dollars ($10,424.93) to McKay Healthcare. Note: The full grant amount is $350,000. This leaves a balance of $316,156.75. Thank you. GRANT COUNTY STRATEGIC INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM PROJECT CERTIFICATION This form must be signed and returned, with an invoice, for the approved funding, before reimbursement can be approved by Grant County. SIP Project Proposal Number: SIP Funding Recipient SIP Project Description SIP2021-01 McKay Hospital & Rehab Phase 1 Capital Improvement Plan 1, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, and/or the labor performed as described in the project proposal for the' above -referenced SIP Project and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify to this claim. I also certify that this claim of $1,960.86 is just and due and is an unpaid obligation against Grant County. Further, according to the SIP Project Funding Policies, I attest that at the next audit of my entity, this project shall be called to the attention of the Washington State Auditor's Office and an emphasis audit will be requested to assure that these funds were expended toward the proje t and ing to the intent of the proposal. Si na Title �A �e r Printed Name Li•1l•ZZ Date Signed Printed Title Completed, signed original certification and invoice are to be mailed to: Administrative Services Coordinator, PO Box 37, Ephrata, WA 98823 Reimbursement # 6 in the amount of $1,960.86 ATTACHMENT 4 MCKAY HEALTHCARE owl 02/10/2022 91571 vv Invoice Number Invoice Date Gross Amount Discount Taken Net Amount Paid 3026 —Description 01/26/2022 Admin - PS - SIP Grant $1,960.86 $0.00 $1,960.86 $1,960.861 $0.001$1,960.86 McKAY HEALTHCARE QVbank. - 96-671 415 127 SECOND AVE SW - PO BOX 819 1232 SOAP LAKE, WA 98851 6041091571 (509) 246-1111 91571 02/102022 $1,960.86 One Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty Dollars and 86 Cents PAY PCI To THE 400 S Jefferson, Ste 301 BY ORDER OF Spokane, WA 99204 BY AVTHOR f fQ FIE M' u@604091571on i:L232067L01: L536073695300 ,i .f.../ z U kdn_qM�CElectlicalcyndElectronICs ZZSystem Design I.Grant County] mcKayHeamcareGeneMor.I.Foolacemerit-.. . 3 202 Nate ..-Rdb` 0b Revised oescnpvon of WOM 11.1 pw Reimbuirsables $653.62 $ ffQ'IfIl". �- W�l Man :'•V Odor oath [Design Trip #3 (10/12121) $ 653.62 100% 653.62 100% is C'- , 100% --653,6-2 Design Trip #4 (1119122) $ 653.62 0.00 100% Is loc)% CA Trip #1 $ 893.62 - 0.00 Is - 0% CA Trip #2 $ 893.62 0.00 $ - 00/0 Utility Coordination $ 1.101.121 0.001 $ - - M/0 IL&I Permit Fees $ 920.00 0.00 $ - 0% ITotal ReimWrsables $ 6.422.84 $ 653-62 $ 1,960.86 $ Pre�nou $0.00 $ 920.00 Total 3.808,36 tem* MIMS' 6VWd 1 Wirihi % tUrrentTO B1H Bred :; Total MM I Design Development S 5,503-99 100% 5,503.89 100% 100% $5,503.89 $ 2 65% Construction Documents $ 8,255.83 100% 8,255.83 100% $ 100% $9,255.83 $ - 3 100% Construction Documents $ 9,478.93. 95% 9,004.981 95% $ 9S% $9,00498 $ 473.95 4 gid Phase $ 611.S4 0.00l $ 0% $0.00 $ 611.54 5 Construction Administration $ 6,115.43 0.00 $ 0% $0.00 $ 6,125.43 61Prnied Owe out $ 611.54 0.00 09/4 $0.00's 611.54 11.1 pw Reimbuirsables $653.62 $ ffQ'IfIl". �- W�l Man :'•V Design Trip #1 (4128/21) $ 653.62 0.00 100% $ 653.62 100% Design Trip #2 (6fl4/21) $ 653.62 0.00 100% Is 653.62 100% [Design Trip #3 (10/12121) $ 653.62 100% 653.62 100% is C'- , 100% --653,6-2 Design Trip #4 (1119122) $ 653.62 0.00 100% Is loc)% CA Trip #1 $ 893.62 - 0.00 Is - 0% CA Trip #2 $ 893.62 0.00 $ - 00/0 Utility Coordination $ 1.101.121 0.001 $ - - M/0 IL&I Permit Fees $ 920.00 0.00 $ - 0% ITotal ReimWrsables $ 6.422.84 $ 653-62 $ 1,960.86 $ CONTRACT TOTAL. Change Wem. - C -M 0.001 Pro M000-00 $653.62 $ $653.62 $ $653.62 $ $653-82 $ - $0.00 $ 893.62 $0.00 $ 893.62 $0.00 $ 1,101.12 $0.00 $ 920.00 2,614.48 $ 3.808,36 GRANT COUNTY STRATEGIC INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM PROJECT CERTIFICATION This form must be signed and returned, with an invoice, for the approved funding, before reimbursement can be approved by Grant County. SIP Project Proposal Number: SIP Funding Recipient SIP Project Description SIP2021-01 McKay Hospital & Rehab Phase 1 Capital Improvement Plan I, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, and/or the labor performed as described in the project proposal for the above -referenced SIP Project and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify to this claim. I also certify that this claim of $473.95 is just and due and is an unpaid obligation against Grant County. Further, according to the SIP Project Funding Policies, I attest that at the next audit of my entity, this project shall be called to the attention of the Washington State Auditor's Office and an emphasis audit will be requested to assure that these funds were expended toward the projec and a g to the intent of the proposal. Signature Title Printed ame Date Signed Printed Title Completed, signed original certification and invoice are to be mailed to: Administrative Services Coordinator, PO Box 37, Ephrata, WA 98823 Reimbursement # 7 in the amount of $473.95 ATTACHMENT 4 MCKAY HEALTHCARE f1IY 1 03/11/2022 91658 JVI invoice Number Invoice Date Description Gross Amount Discount Taken Net Amount Paid 3039 02/28/2022 Admin - PS - Other SIP Grant 73.95 0.00 $473.95 473.95 $0. $473.25 McKAY HEALTHCARE CMbank. 971 415 1232 127 SECOND AVE SW - PO BOX 819 SOAP LAKE, WA 98851 6041091658 (509)246-1111 Four Hundred Seventy Three Dollars and 95 Cents PAY PCI TOTE 400 S Jefferson, Ste 301 ORDER OF Spokane, WA 99204 91658 03/11/2022 $473.95 BY Ar BY AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Ar v6041091658►i' 1:1 2 3 206 7 101: 15360738953011' Pip, �� Penne[1 l andtt ectr Inc. Eiectrlcal and Hectronlcs �� System Design 400 South Jefferson, Suite 301 Spokane, WA 99204 Public Hospital District #4 of Grant County WA PO Box 819 Soap Lake, WA 98851 Attn: Erica Gaertner Invoice I' Date • 2/28/2022 3039 FAR 0 � Nit, 11Y• ............... renneu con=agLng Inc- ffi Electrical and Electronics r- P, ar;re,rSystem Deslggn Kewsea mescwtion v1 rrvric 1 Design Development $ 5,503.89 100% 5,503.89 100% $ - 100% $5,503.89" 2 65% Construction Documents $ 8,255.83 100% 8,255.83 100% $ - 100% $8,255.83 $ - 3 100% Construction Documents $ 9,478.93 95% 9,004.98 100% $ 473.95 100% $9,478.93 $ - $ 611.54 0.00 $ - 0% $0.00 $ 611.54 4 Bid Phase $ - 0% $0.00.$ 6,115.43 5 Construction Administration $ 6,115.43 0.00 6 Project Close Out $ 611.54 0.00 S - 0% $0.00 $ 611.54 Reimbursables Design Trip #1 (4/28/21) $ 653.62 100% 653.62 100% S - 100% $653.62 $ - Design Trip #2 (6/14121) $ 653.62 100% 653.62 100°% $ - 100% $653.62 $ - Design Trip #3 (10/12/21) $ 653.62 100% 653.62 100% $ - 100% $653.62 $ - Design Trip #4 (1/19122) $ 653.62 100°% 653.62 100°% $ - 100°% $653.62 $ - $ 893.62 0.00 $ - 0°% $0.00 $ 893.62 CA Trip #1 0.00 $ - 0% $0.00 $ 893.62 CA Trip #2 $ 893.62 Utility Coordination $ 1,101.12 0.00 $ - 0% $0.00 $ 1,101.12 L81 Permit Fees $ 920.00 0.00 $ - 00/0 $0.00 $ 920.00 Total Reimbursables $ 6,422.84 $ 2,61448 $ 61 8 3,808. 36 t.': s• :._.:r ,'.,,.A:,`. . ,. t :.t": ..:: ..;. . ,<{. ., %j/..,...,. �.': ti? :,',.. }..,,, ,i'- i "�v 't77i: Z , rL��0.73 )J,.�.�� t � 1 d68i' Change Orders: 0.00 $ - 0% $0 00 $ - CO#1 GRANT COUNTY STRATEGIC INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM PROJECT CERTIFICATION This form must be signed and returned, with an invoice, for the approved funding, before reimbursement can be approved by Grant County. SIP Project Proposal Number: SIP Funding Recipient SIP Project Description SIP2021-01 McKay Hospital & Rehab Phase 1 Capital Improvement Plan I, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, and/or the labor performed as described in the project proposal for the above -referenced SIP Project and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify to this claim. I also certify that this claim of $7,990.12 is just and due and is an unpaid obligation against Grant County. Further, according to the SIP Project Funding Policies, I attest that at the next audit of my entity, this project shall be called to the attention of the Washington State Auditor's Office and an emp asis audit will be requested to assure that these funds were expended toward the projected a r m to the intent of the proposal. Signature Erica Gaertner Printed Name LI ,) � . Z_6 z- 2 Date Signed Administrator Title A[k & 111 (- Printed Title Completed, signed original certification and invoice are to be mailed to: Administrative Services Coordinator, PO Box 37, Ephrata, WA 98823 Reimbursement # 8 in the amount of $7.990.12 ATTACHMENT 4 MCKAY HEALTHCARE 04/13/2022 91738 JV invoice Number Invoice Date Descri on Gross Amount Discount Taken Net Amount Paid 3054 03/28/2022 Admin -PS -Other (SIP Grant) $7,990.12 0.00 $7,990.12 $7,990.121 $0.00 7,990.12 1 415-67 t�bank. I 96 MCKAY HEALTHCARE 6-67 ;27 SECOND AVE SW - PO BOX 8191932 196041091738 ,. SOAP LAKE, WA 98851 (509) 246-1111 e 91738 04/13/2022 $7,990.12 Seven Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Dollars and 12 Cents f PAY PCI MTHE 400 S Jefferson, Ste 301 a, WIDER OF Spokane, WA 99204 BY e6041091738'I' 1:1232067101: 15360738953011' a Pennell Heti on INnr Inc. Wpm. !C Flece cO an nElecfronlcs 400 South Jefferson, Suite 301 Spokane, WA 99204 Public Hospital District #4 of Grant County WA PO Box 819 Soap Lake, WA 98851 Attn: Erica Gaertner Invoice InvoiceDate 3/28/2022 3054 7 RECEIVED MAR 312021 Client Account # .. n. .• 2021.13 McKay Healthcare Generator Rplcmt Description Quantity Rate Amount Pre-bid Walk through @ 100% 893.62 920.00 893.62 920.00 L&I Permit Fees Department of Health Fees 1.1 5,615.00 6,176.50 Vendor #: �--- AmOu Bars Name 0 W SLD r rte. —��C• IZ iotat. pprOVBi: Dep Head Please contact Cindy Merrick with questions at (509) 747-1888, or To#al $7,990.12 cindy.merrick@pennellconsulting-com fflm VPerer,:ea Consultin9�E7ecM -ofandElecfiOMcS J `�Csystem Design /Y �,�y ... .._:..:...�y� t_:..:: ;>;;;t�•L::,;��,,{{, ��:+;.:,y:,y�:,:,:�Y., ,.�;'�: y,� �j�py�i ]ny.� ��,,�y y� .:.r:ntY, k7i�l��i�, t'' Hk7:7A4 ,il�b{�I�IYi?11181 MC�%••iedit W7Ql1VFy'�f\C i�tie S2yYu BiHitlui## 15t�i' ,�?R6ii f .)dbNi�ixlb�r� ;, C HeWSeQ Vescrrpvvrr VJ vrv�n .�.'. 1 ` �y _ r .) iitafan+retei .i'otdt Wl , r z '3�rel+�du • ,} r, `Brtled ` total efiie+d ' Wr`�jset� li�r�'� ;;' Desc�Ip�ftlw of 1�11otCc -,� 8udjfet , �'9t :. r P t�reirfou� B1il�d .Current % Curif,E�ttt iE,�-(sill .. . 1 Design Development $ 5,503.89 100% 5,503.89 100% $ 100% $5,503.89 $ 2 65% Construction Documents $ 8,255.83 100% 8,255.83 100% $ - 100% $8,255.83 $ - 3 100% Construction Documents $ 9,478.93 100% 9,478.93 100% $ - 100% $9,478.93 $ - $ 611.54 0.00 $ - 0% $0.00 $ 611.54 4Bid Phase $ 6,115.43 0.00 $ - 0% $0.00 $ 6,115.43 5 Construction Administration $ 611.54 0.00 $ - 0% $0.00 $ 611.54 6 Project Close Out Reimbursables Design Trip #1 (4/28/21) $ 653.62 100% 653.62 100% $ - 100% $653.62 $ " Design Trip #2 (6/14/21) $ 653.62 100% 653.62 100% $ - i 00% $653.62 $ - Design Trip #3 (10/12/21) $ 653.62 100% 653.62 100% $ - 100% $653.62 $ - Design Trip #4 (1/19/22) $ 653.62 100% 653.62 100°x6 $ - 100°� $653.62 $ - Pre -Bid Walk Through #1 $ 893.62 0.00 100% $ 893.62 1000/0 $893.62 $ $ 893.62 0.00 $ - 0% $0.001$ 893.62 CA Trip #1 $ - 0% $0.00 $ 1,101.12 Utility Coordination $ 1,101.12 0.00 $ 820.00 0.00 100% $ 920.00 100% $920.00 $ 1.81 Permit Fees 2,614.48 3S 62 428 4 $ 4,428-1,994�t.7L} ;$12! ,W42.2I. T.otal Reimble.s.;..s. ut',: r.sa. .6li 4I•/.D -t ,.l-+r.Ss ; sr,,.,h: ,.,». , }l,,y:,i.fri:�:•,r . .. ..: rp't}�"t�i..$.yY. (u41� k4�_lti�hii..J.,Fd,'y((f l. Yf?'�"'F ftJr*t<�1 Nrri„g+�.}4z,...s,.,,;: ra,l I xOPW" �✓ l $$.. J...8 :,;.,.r.lJ.r,.e.,1NL�'4tr'} i8y6�1r}� . J ybl� Change Orders: COM -Dept. of Health Fees $ 6,176.50 ° 0•� 100 � $ s1 7s.50 ' 0 100% - .00 $ o $ .. ., ,- .....„,. ".,f": ;'x Yr. ....y�. ,,,. .,,. ;: J ilk .<.. u,:t',., i:.•'�lj.'De :,n'< '"':., �W k, , r; r r yl:(rklrU J 6 �c y� �c• {. 2 4{' 4: r4[7J hi ta[ 1 � t rr I i 1. . , 1 y IrrvdlceA,J , fc< rY ! I '�11 r rr fr ; ,`t t 7t4� 4 t '. '� L4 y. jlif i Wf{ S C $TATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTh9ENT OF HEALTH .G� D(o722.._ March 16, 2022 McKay Healthcare and Rehab Center 127 2nd Ave SW Soap Lake, WA 98851 Attn: Accounts Payable Construction Review Services has received the following application for plan review., Invoice# CRS -61286205 Project Title: Emergency Generator Replacement Please remit payment of $5,615M. To avoid delays: Payments for each project should be submitted as separate payments and should reference CRSN 61286205 Check via U.S. Postal Service Department of Health Revenue Section 111 Israel Road S.E., MS: 1099 Olympia, WA 98507-1099 ACH Payment Name of financial institution: Financial Institution Address: Account Name: AWRouting #: Account M. US Bank 60 Livingston Ave., St. Paul, MN 55107-2292 3030 -DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 123000848 153910882452 If you have any questlons, please contact our office at 360-236-2944 or by email at crs@doh.wa.gov. Sincerely, p o \u Ricardo Theodore HSC1 _....-