HomeMy WebLinkAboutAccounts Payable Batch - Accounting (002)Payable batches audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RGW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by 1 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to the Board: As of this data, 02/27/2023 the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those payable batches . Payable Total: 2,204.36 Reviewed and certified by: Commissioner7 Commissioner Chairman oafd"V Commissioners Date: 2/27/2023 Invoices/Batches not approved: Double Checked by: Date.- R V .ase E-z.D tl fo C,3FRtAt1Nn1T CION-INTV COMM:ISSIONOrT FERFW, E� , NON)MT '4# , W IM Mr AM IAL n/ 0 ----rwf AP BATCH ID: GCEMG 2127/2023 Grant County Claims Clearing Account - 9201 Name FUND AMOUNT CURRENT EXPENSE 001.000. COUNTY ROADS 101 .CARES ACT - ELECTIONS 102 VETS ASSISTANCE 104 HAVA 3 ELECTIONS 106 FEDERAL DRUG 107 MENTAL HEALTH 108 ST DRUG SEIZURE 109 LAW LIBRARY 110 TREASURER O/M 111 JAIL CONCESSION 112 .ECON ENHANCMNT 113 TOURIST ADVERT 114 COUNTY FAIR 116 INET INVESTIGATION 118 PROS CRIME VICT 120 LAW & JUSTICE 121 TURNKEY LIGHT 122 AUDITOR O/M 124 ,DD RESIDENT PROG 125 R.E.E.T. I st 114% 126 TRIAL COURT IMPROV. 127 DOM VIOL SRVCS 128 AFF HOUSING 129 HMLSHSLOG 130 REET 2nd 1/4% 132 Econ Enh. Rural Co 133 Dispute Resolution 136 Building 138 REET Admin 139 ISHERIFF SURPLUS 140 SHB 1406 141 1 GC ABATEMENT 150 HILLCREST CRID 161 GRANTS ADMIN. 190 ARPA 191 AOC BLAKE DECISION 192 MUSEUM CONTRUCTION 304 MACC Bond 307 MCKINSTRY ESSENTION 308 COUNTY FAIR SEWER 309 PROP 1 SALES TAX 311 ERP RESERVE 312 SOLID WASTE 401 DATA PROCESSING 501 INSURANCE 503 INTFUND BENEFITS 505 UNEMPLOY COMP 506 DENTAL INS. 507 OTHER PR BEN. 508 VISION BENEFITS EQUIP RENTAL 509 510 COMMUNICATIONS 511 PITS & QUARRIES 560 TOTAL TRANSFER: 4 EFAM 1 Rkv AP COMPLETED BY: N.YANEZ JOURNAL ENTRY: TREASURER NOTIFIED: POSTING COMPLETED BY: 2,204.36 CHECKS:— VOIDED: BATCH $ 2,204.36 $ $ $ 2,204.36 $ 2,204.36 2,204.36 607313 PIVICHK $ 4,408.72 $ S $ $ $ 4,408.72 $ 4,408.72 $ 4,408.72 CREDITS $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ PMTRX 4,408.72 RENEW214.23RG 4,408.72 4,408.72 4,408.72 2,204.36 2,204.36 System: 2/27/2023 :3 34 AM County of Grant- Page: 1 User Date: 2/27/2023 CASH REQUIREi,[ERYS REPORT User ID:, nayanez Payable Management . Ranges: Vendor ID: I - zzzzzzzzzzzzzz Vendor Name: First - Last Vendor Class: First - Last User -Defined 1: First - Last Sorted By.* Vendor ID Payment Priority: First - Last Due Date., First - Last Discount Date: First - Last Papent Date: 2/28/2023 Vendor ID Vendor Name Document Document GL Account Amount On Hold Total. Number ------------------------------------------------------- Date LLPOA 'LAKELAND POINTE APARTMENTS 12542161 2-23-23 ----------------------------------------------------- 2/24/2023 108-150-00-0000,564004502 $2,183.00 ~~ ------------------ $0.00 ~ ---------- $2,183.00 LLPOA LAKELAND POINTE APARTMENTS 12542161 2-23-23 2/24/2023 108, $2136 $0,00 $2136 -------------- TOTAL FOR FUND 108 ------------- $2,204,36 --- $0.0q. ~ ---------- $2j20436 GRAND TOTAL $2,204.36 ------------- $0.00 $2(2,04.36 System: 2124/2023 1:55:29 PM County of Grant User Date: 2124/2023 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST Credit Amount Payables Management Batch ID: RENEW2.24.23RG PURCH Batch Comment-, 0.00 Trx Total Actual: 1 Trx Total Control: Batch Total Actual: $2,204.36 Batch Total Control: $2,1204.36 Batch Error Messages: 108.150.,00.0000.564004780 User posting access denied PURCH Page: I User ID: rgonzales Batch Frequency.- Single Use Audit Trail Code: Posting Date, 2/24/2023 Distribution Messages: Work Messages: General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type Debit Amount Credit Amount,564004502 MENTAL HEALTH... EMERGEI` PURCH 20183.00 0.00 692,001,00.0000.211000000 WARRANTS PAYABLE PAY 0.00 21204.36 108.150.,00.0000.564004780 MENTAL HEALTH... CLIENT U' PURCH 21.36 0.00 ----------------- 2, 204.36 21204.36