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Grant Related - BOCC (003)
GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Memo To: Board of County Commissioners Frorr>r Janice Flynn, Administrative Services Coordinator D January 22, 2021 Re: Authorization for Release of Funds, Emergency Housing Grant #316-46108- 10, Reimbursement #21-07, Dept of Commerce, Subrecipient City of Moses Lake Request #3 The City of Moses has submitted Request #3, regarding the above referenced grant in the amount of $49,604.99. Invoice and supporting documents are attached for review. I am requesting the release of funds for payment to City of Moses Lake in the amount of $49,604.99. Thank you. Dated this day of _ 20__ Board of County Com ssioners Grant Count, % ashington A r ve Div—ps)rny_ Abstain Dist #1 Dist # 1 Dist # 1 Dist #2 Dist #, 2 _ Dist # 2 Dist #3 Dist # 3 Dist # 3 I INVOICE DATE December 21, 2020 City of Moses Lake DEPT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PO Box 1579 INVOICE #1 -12-21-2020 Moses Lake, WA 98837 FOR TO COVID -19 EMERGENCY HOUSING GRANT Grant County Commissioners Attn: Janice Flynn P.O. Box 47 Ephrata, WA 98823 Sent Via Email; 12/21/2020 Description Amount Subcontract work for Grant County Dept of Commerce Contract 316-46108-10 Homeless outreach and chronic homeless shelter program Homeless Outreach-HopeSource Invoice 1 1/] /20-11/30/20 $5,620.23 Lowe's- Operating supplies for sleeping center $5,1 12.01 Faber Industrial Supply- Operating Supplies for Sleep Center $131.82 Modern Building Systems- Lease for Office $6,325.00 .. ............................. . William Scottsm Inc.- Lease for Bathroom Facility $26,233.05 Lca4 . . ..............._._...._ . Fastenal- Operating Supplies for Sleep Center $410.77 b Department of Transportation- Professional Services for Water and Sewer Work $5,772.11 ........................... REFERENCE ACCOUNT NUMBER ON PAYMENT TO ENSURE A PROMPT RESPONSE - 110 -000-33321-019-1000-0896-00 Payment is due within 30 days of invoice date. Balance Due $49,604.99 Make all checks payable to City of Moses lake or call 509-764-3715 or 3719 to pay with a credit card. If you have any questions concerning this invoice, contact Finance Department at 509.764.3732 or 3735. Page 2 of 2 City of Moses Lake ATTN: Allison Williams Grant Bars Code: $$,620.23 GL Accounting Code EDEN Pro ect Accounting erode HOMELESS GRANTS GRANT REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST INSTRUCTION TO VENDOR OR CLAIMANT: Suemil U'ns fcim to request payment for services or materials. Attacn accompartying prod of expenses It e. race) Is timesheals) CrrY OF MOSES LANE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PO BOX 1579 MOSES LAKE. WA 9 88 37-1 579 Vondor: a 1d ate: Theo Jvkto,i sign q, th .°weer tete- -shams Ivey have the aw,msly [b! Ser as a!tlhonte° and w, hdr.!Il ni Ilrr, antN iaentifieJ-in U!e VetNnr;C»itrer,t sactign The Cualf; IrpbenwCer," rde,Pena.y 1pep yNallh emmx let kb l dhe....... prcpe charges tar naienaY n rhanAse o scrvLei harshr" la the Gran) d i, t as Gnn,k or johedard aer res e a ahavehe£ P1 '"° 'th`!a"""R'na"enW"�`-to3e. sex. -dial lata . n,,.c d olo, ".1—olorigin, l A: p 69-o'VI—a.11£,a£. d9abild Yele—, 9bt. VENDOR OR CLAIMANT (Warrant is to be payable to:) In Hopesouree/COVID-19 Emergency Housing Funds 700 E Mountain View Ave Suite 501 Ellensburg WA 98926 er• Contact Person: Susan Grindle Phone: 509-899-0978 s16NATURE) C.� i Email: x« r r Grant Period: 7/1120-10131121 REPORT PERIOD1Month &Year: Nov -20 Title(DATE) Homeless Budget Line Items: Grant Budget (711120 ` 10/31/20 Reimbursements To Date Report Period Request Line Item Balance COVID-19 Emergency Housing Grant funds $170,000.00 $11,822.57 $5,620.23 $152,557.20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SubTOTAL County Homeless Funds $170,000.00 $11,822.57 $6,620.23 $152,557.20 New Grant Balance for Current Fiscal Year $152, 557.20 Reimbursement Request this Reporting Period $ 5, 620.2.3 FOR CITY USE ONLY: Voucher Approval Signature: DATE: Frncram Staffing Chances: Please complete monthly to report new or departing PROGRAM staff Staff Change Type No Yes If yes, enter employee name, job title, Et email Credit 0.44 Pope: 1 Dale. 17/929 14:37:19 PM Hope Source Funded General Ledger- BL- Grant County CV -19 EHG - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 609202007 - Grant County COVID-19 Emergency Housing Grant From 11/112020 Through 11/30/2020 Divi... GL Code GL Title Session ID Transaction Description Code Division Idle Debit 7000 Salaries & Wages Opening Balance 100 Administration 0.00 7000 Salaries & Wages JVA1357 Allocated fine for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 143.98 7100 FICA & Medicare JVA1357 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 11.55 Expense 7101 Employee Tax JVA1357 Allocated fine for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 28.71 7105 Health Benefits JVA1357 Allocated One for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 27.55 7106 Unemployment JVA1357 Allocated One for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 1.00 Insurance Exp 7107 L & I tax expense JVA1357 Allocated One for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 1.03 7108 Other Benefits JVA1357 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 024 8010 Professional Fees JVA1357 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 14.75 8100 Office Supplies JVA1357 Allocated line forAdmin Allocation 100 Administration 3.65 8110 Office Furniture JVA1357 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 5.11 8200 Communication JVA1357 Allocated Brie for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 0.88 Expense 8350 Dues & JVA1357 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 14.27 Subscriptions 8400 Rent -Space JVA1357 Allocated One for AdminAllacadon 100 Administration 6.71 Lower County 8405 utia ties - Ellensburg JVA1357 Allocated fine for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 0.75 8420 Repairs & JVA1367 Allocated One for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 0.63 Maintenance - General 8421 Repairs & JVA1357 Allocated One for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 0.18 Maintenance - Program 8510 Program supplies JVA1357 Allocated Ina for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 0.54 and tools 8850 Photocopy Expense JVA1357 Allocated One for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 1.80 8675 Advertising JVA1357 Allocated One for Admin AOccation 100 Administration Expense 8700 Travel Expense JVA1357 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 1.49 8711 Training & JVA1357 Allocated line for Admin A6ocation 100 Administration 2.19 Technical Assistance 8712 Representation AP1032042 Michaers on the Lake- ML Sleep Center mgmt meefing 100 Administration 66.13 expense Credit 0.44 Pope: 1 Dale. 17/929 14:37:19 PM Hope Source Expanded General Ledger- BL-Grant County CV-19 EHG - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 609202007 - Grant County COVID-19 Emergency Housing Grant From 1 V7/2020 Through 11/302020 Divi... GL Code GL Title Session ID Transaction Description Code Dt"on Title Debit Credit 8800 Vehicle JVA1357 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 0.01 Maintenance & related Transaction Total 333.15 0.44 Dal... Administration 332.71 100 7000 Salaries & Wages Opening Balance 812... Personnel 0.00 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPR01090 Payroll Nov 1-15, 2020 612... Personnel 1,850.15 218.82 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPR01093 Payroll Nov 1630, 2020 612... Personnel 2,465.49 280.95 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPR01095 Accrued Vacation Nov 2020 612... Personnel 44.11 7100 FICA & Medicare CDSPR01090 Payroll Nov 1-15, 2020 612... Personnel 144.60 Expense 7100 FICA & Medicare CDSPR01093 Payroll Nov 1630, 2020 612... Personnel 193.64 Expense 7101 Employee Tax CDSPR01090 Payroll Nov 1-15, 2020 612... Personnel 218.82 7101 Employee Tax GDSPR01093 Payroll Nov 16-30,2020 612... Personnel 280.95 7105 Health Benefits CDSPR01090 Payroll Nov 1-15, 2020 612... Personnel 283.57 7105 Health Benefits CDSPR01093 Payroll Nov 18-30, 2020 612... Personnel 186.44 7106 Unemployment CDSPR01090 Payroll Nov 1-15, 2020 612... Personnel 2059 Insurance Exp 7106 Unemployment CDSPRO1093 Payroll Nov 16-30.2020 612_.. Personnel 28.48 Insurance Exp 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPR01090 Payroll Nov 1-15, 2020 612... Personnel 23.00 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1093 Payroll Nov 16-30.2020 612... Personnel 34.97 7108 Other Benefits CDSPR01090 Payroll Nov 1-15, 2020 612... Personnel 0.83 7106 Other Benefits CDSPR01093 Payroll Nov 16-30,2D20 612... Personnel 021 Transaction Total 5.775.65 499.77 Bal... Personnel 5,275.88 612... 8010 Professional Fees Opening Balance 613 Program Operations O.00 8010 Professional Fees AP1032245 Prorated charge for Volgistics volunteer tractdng 613 Program Operations 1.64 database, subscription 11-11-2020 to 11-16-2020, E 8010 Professional Fees AP1032246 Volgistics vol0nteertraddng database, subscription 613 Program Operations 10.00 11-17-2020 to 12-16.2020, EHG DaW 1MV 12:99:19 PM Pelle'2 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger- BL- Grant County CV -19 EHG - Unposted Transactions included In Report 809202007 - Grant County COMD-19 Emergency Housing Grant From 111112020 Through 11=12020 GL Code GL Title Session ID Transaction Desaip*m Transaction Total Divi. - Code Division Title Debit Credit 11.64 0.00 Be[... Program Operations 11.64 613 Report 0.00 0.00 OpeninglCurrent Balance Report Transaction 6,120.44 50021 Totals Report Current 6,120.44 500.21 Balances Report Difference 5,820.23 Papa 3 Data 1ZWO 12:n19 PM 018 I.AR Rern,pl ftea •ntj Receipt mtnii^� LOWE'S OF MOtANSm: LAKS.WA -SA SAI.ESt+: Si g56AH3 2638190 i 88630846 11.17-20 70332.4.92.5;) #2ItD Df••HF.M•1.74 70 6.25 DISCOUNT EACH 011 15 yV 4,98 9470 SLB PQ IQ DECK 4CRW 3 IN G 25.69 26.98 DISCOONT EACH •1.29 89519 91.9 PG70 DECK FCHW 2 IN G 25.69 26.98 DISOOgNT EACH 428 155670 PROMOTIONAL.01SWUNT AI'PL 0 00 N SUB'I;OTAL• 12008 IA . STATE TAX. R 114 MOSFS LAKE • CI Y TAX: P 40 TOTAL TAX: 10:59 INVOICE 01VO 11D7AG: 136.67 LAR: 136.67 LAR ............0195 001,328 Wri.0 i1EFIG 24131 11:11,;20 08:34.11 TOTAL IAISCOUNT 113.61 P956 01 11!17120 08134-20 nrra 070 C11STC3um. City i)v ldOSE3 t AXE i i THE ISSUER OFTHE r RD IrWN111 IF0 ON THIS tTWA IS, 17..ED TO PAY TitE AMOUNT SHOWN AG T&TAL UPON PROPG71 PRFS6NTAT10H I Pn(�41SE TO PAY SUC14 TOTAL (TOGETHER WITI ANY OTHFR CHARGE DUE THEHEON) G(+EC:T TO AND IN ACCORDWE WITHITHE AGREEMCNT GOVERNING THE US� OF SUCH CARD. I r CUSTOMFn 69GNATUEtE c i i LAR ReCeipt Het+E©Vnl + RacaiPt Detans LOWE'S OF MOSS LAKE.WA SAt. - SALPSti 82956LWt?.SWI54 BRANS# 80419DOOt1-0320 2410023 PS 18MIA AND MANI SNAP KNIF 8.60 2.98 D0006NT EAGH •0.15 2 it 1.83 296669 D%V 18 -PC CMPCTil MGT DRV Gia 9.49 P.00 DISCO NT EACH •0.49 1S667 0 PWAOT(ONAL DISCOUNT APDL 0.00 N 808101AL: 10 15 WA•STA!F'rAX 008 MORES IAKr • CI�Y TAX A 20 TOT tL TAX. 127 1NVOIOF 01406 VOTAt 18.42 LAR 16,42 LAR ".....- ,8qLT5 001193 iv,YED REI'ID t03493��11/0✓200' 56:45 TOTAL b(SCOUNT: 0.70 295001 11:U32007'.05.1 REFS.486 CUSTOARER. CITY IbI7 MOSCS tAKE t 1 THE ISSUEH OF RIC C NRD IOL;NTIF IM) ON THIS ITEM IS AUTt IU RED TO PAY THE - AMOUNT SHOWN AS T TAL UPON PHOPER PnC-SVzKrAT10N. I PRC MISF TO PAY SUCI I TOTAL (TOOPTHERVJITF ANY OTHERC-HAR[1E DUE THERI=ON)rU ECT TO AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH Ill: AGREEMENT GOVHRNING 1HR OF 2 OF SUCEtCARU. C l CUSTOMER oto-NAVJSE E LAR Recalpl RnitieVBl' Rrccipt DBteils LOWS OF MS -11A SALESA; $2056DT2 2186360 7033 2.4x3? -5/8 e2 5 92 DISCO 154 SS LAKEMA RANS 0: 6441'.445011.03- W D ON IEM-L o4 a0 VT EACH •0.30 5,62 165610 PROMOTIONAL DISCOUN'eAPDL 0.00 N $t OTAU 81,30 NIA • 85W E TAX, 9.48 MO&FS LAKE • CIJY rAX• 1.60 I01 -AL TAX :'.08 INYCMOI° 64874 tOTAL' 91.10 LAR: 91.38 )AR """""'•815 001268 KCYCD RI:FID.I10744 I1 03:200917W TOTAL discoUNT 4.50 295664 11;03;2'J 09;2';47 REl'e: 874 CUS7Ci4LR: oily 6F 410133ES LAKE 3 Hf_ IS5Uf-R'OF THF: CARD IDFNTIFIL-:D ON 1HI$ ITEM IS AUTHO VEE 70 PAY THE AMOUNT SHOWN AS It TAL UPOi1 PROPER PA SENCATION. I PRgJISE TO PAY SUCH TOTAI t TOGE T1tLR WITI•(ANY OTHER CHArt(,,F AUL THEREON) SUI ECT TCS AND 01 ACCORDANCE WITH liF AGREEMENT GOVERNING THE USP OF SUCH CAW. CUSTOMEti E40NATUAL: 12//0\/ /+� flor Burton ���� From: Lowe's Home Improvement <do+notreply@ receipt.lowes.com ` Sent Saturday, November 28,2U2U 12:01 PM To: Taylor Burton Subject: Your Lowe's Purchase Receipt Your Lowe's Receipt Thanks for shopping— at �uve'a. Use this just like you would a paper receipt for proof of purchase, keeping, returns and more. LOWE'SHOME CENTERS, LLC 14OOEYONEZAVVABLVD. MOSES LAKE, VVA9Dn37 (689) 7642600 Item Price KOBALT8-1-BSLEDGE(-807347 ' $28.48 Item #:8G3644 2Q.Q8Discount Ea'1.5O 3/4-24ROUND STEEL STAKE W/HOUE3 $264,60 Item #:0883 3.Q8Discount Ea'U2O 70 @ 3338 KOBALT4LBENGINEERS HANIK8ERF/G $1Q.O3 Item �420259 19.98Di000untEa'0.95 1@1OD3 BLUE HAWK LH DIG SHOVEL FG HDL $ 10.46 Item #: 109123 10.98 Discount Ea -0.52 1 @ 10.46 PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED $ 0.00 Item #: 155670 1 @ 0.00 Invoice 1904 Subtotal $ 322.57 Invoice 1904 Subtotal $ 322.57 Subtotal $ 322.57 Total Tax $ 27.10 Total $ 349.67 Total Discount: $16.97 Total # of items purchased: 73 Excludes flees services and special order items Payment: LAR ending in 8695 $ 349.67 AuthTime 11/28/20 12:00:45 AuthCD 001552 KEYED REFID 684263 Authorized Buyer EMPLOYEE ANY Account Name Cl TY OF MOSES LAKE ACCOUNT WILL BE BILLED UPON MERCHANDISE TRANSACTION DATE FOR STOCK MERCHANDISE AND NO LATER THAN 90 DAYS FROM TRANSACTION DATE FOR SOS OR DIRECT DELIVERY MERCHANDISE, Order Date Store # Terminal # Store Manager FA 11/28/20 12:00:53 2956 1 JASON SCHEEL Tell us how we did! Enter for a chance to win! * SHARE YOUR FEEDBACK! * ENTER FOR A CHANCE TO BE * ONE OF FIVE $500 WINNERS DRAWN MONTHLY! * iENTRE EN EL SORTED MENSUAL * * PARA SER LINO DE LOS CINCO GANADORES DE $500! ** * ENTER BY COMPLETING A SHORT SURVEY * WITHIN ONE WEEK AT: www.lowes.com/survey * Y 0 U R I D #019047 295603 335572 * NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. * VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. MUST BE 18 OR OLDER TO ENTER. * OFFICIAL RULES & WINNERS AT: wrvw.lowes.com/survey Thank you for shopping at Lowe's. To see our return policy, visit Lowes.corn/returns LOWE'S PRICE MATCH GUARANTEE FOR MORE DETAILS, VISIT LOWES.COM/PRICEMATCH This email is sent from an unmonitored mailbox. If you need to speak to someone about your purchase, please call the store using the number at the top of the receipt. or Burton Ikb 11k) - SIO ,am -o31z From: Lowe's Home Improvement <do-not-reply@receipt.lowes.com> Sent: Thursday, December 3, 2020 1:22 PM To: Taylor Burton Subject: Your Lowe's Purchase Receipt Your Lowe's Receipt Thanks for shopping at Lowe's. Use this just like you would a paper receipt for proof of purchase, record keeping, returns and more. LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLC 1400 E. YONEZAWA BLVD. MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 (509) 764-2600 P1 Item Price 51-13 PG10 DECK SCRW 2 IN GRAY $ 25.64 Item #: 89519 26.98 Discount Ea -1.34 1 @ 25.64 PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED $ 0.00 Item #: 155670 1 @ 0.00 Invoice 1914 Subtotal $ 25.64 Invoice 1914 Subtotal $ 25.64 Subtotal $ 25.64 Total Tax $ 2.15 Total $ 27.79 1 Total Discount: $1.34 Tota! # of items purchased: 1 Excludes fees, services and special order items Payment: LAR ending in 8695 $ 27.79 AuthTime 12/03/20 13:21:30 AuthCD 001235 KEYED REFID 498708 Authorized Buyer EMPLOYEE ANY Account Name CITY OF MOSES LAKE ACCOUNT WILL BE BILLED UPON MERCHANDISE TRANSACTION DATE FOR STOCK MERCHANDISE AND NO LATER THAN 90 DAYS FROM TRANSACTION DATE FOR SOS OR DIRECT DELIVERY MERCHANDISE. Order Date 12/03/20 13:21:38 Store # 2956 Terminal # 1 Store Manager JASON SCHEEL Tell us how we did! Enterfor a chance to win! * SHARE YOUR FEEDBACK! # ENTER FOR A CHANCE TO BE * ONE OF FIVE $500 WINNERS DRAWN MONTHLY! * iENTRE EN EL SORTEO MENSUAL * * PARA SER LINO DE LOS CINCO GANADORES DE $500! ** ENTER BY COMPLETING A SHORT SURVEY * WITHIN ONE WEEK AT: www.lowes.com/survey * Y 0 U R I D #019149 295623 386842 ** * NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. * VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. MUST BE 18 OR OLDER TO ENTER. * OFFICIAL RULES & WINNERS AT: www.lowes.com/survey # Thank you for shopping at Lowe's. To see our return policy. visit Lowes.comlreturns 2 LOWE'S PRICE MATCH GUARANTEE FOR MORE DETAILS, VISIT LOWES.COM/PRICEMATCH This email is sent from an unmonitored mailbox. If you need to speak to someone about your purchase, please call the store using the number at the top of the receipt. w� iw+.r.+.M��� '�M�4H..w•.YVi LOWE FAYMkxr,I.'IF.nlxxirer.l�xc�,�,.h rrnmwrrM+•wrwtl•�wK�w�• MIS II'k1E OfERb, I.LC 1444 f:, Y01K:+01A $01). MOSES 1130, WA 53091 (5;)11 764.2600 SAI.EBM: SIT1603 1159916 IAAIl56. 00 III 11-24.24 14611114 ur 1/2 -IN r"OVI) IMPNA IMM 11900 DC9;:01R'1C EAt:N -5.95 919(11? 2YH up 6400 PRILL U/kv) S 19M? 61111MO,t 199.02 [AX: 11.17 [HUORF 01216 M.M.: 194.19 ,I I.AR: 149.19 TfITAI.. DIS4::i1 IN I' : .95 iRR;KK1{%tKllKK>sr<K0615 4610111.141.19!19fHG0:1101:142 KEYD W.F191.01001 11124f24 10:50:06 i AC 01141 KflUF.. s:llY OF 80.3 LAK( AUfR IR►YL•R., I:HPU' R W? ACCOUNT Olal. Rk 0111d 0101 (ti:OCl1,11i01S1 lHflHSAG7'IAH On FOR 61OCII NOCI1A1M11SF s1Mu Ipl i,A1F8 film 90 DAYS FROM TRISOClloN [JAIC F04 E4S 4ti OCREGI DEJ.IUFRY MW1MAHOVE, ��bC: 7 �0� TCRMiHo-L. 4! 1117A/2O 10:50:19 io rt1 it(EMS KIRCIffISE0- 1 R%Lld1OES FELs, 5> fiUl ,lnu 5fA C1AL 111101:11 film [jL[o;WEVS-' LOUE'S HOME CENTERS, LLC 1400 E. YONEZANA BLVD. MUSES LAKE, NA 98837 (509) 764-2600 ... ♦ <}4lkYaa{}. t.{}IY FF/ii a1}<�; a!<1{ «.2;1l.}. PICK UP INFORMATION 10 OBTAIN STOCK MERCHANDISE DESIGNATED AS [PICK UP LATER] ON THIS RECEIPT, YOU HI1ST CONE TO THE CUSIOHER SFRUTCF DESK, — SALE — SHIESn: 52956DT2 2196360 TRANSI: 64962008 11 Oy 20 93043 UK95COB 375,30 UYNA-GLO 23UOO-BTU PORT K 139.00 DISCOUNT EACH •13.90 3 - 125,10 LPICK UP IW ER - LOVES 0 2956 an 11/09/20201 55399 CR.KE.M.05 378.10 CROUN 5-6ALL811 KEROSENE 44.48 DISCOUNT EACH -6.67 10 3 37,81 1PICK UP LATER - LOUES 0 2956 an 11/09/h2U] INUOICE 82296 SUBTOTAL: 753.40 SUBTOTAL: 753.40 TAX: 63.29 BALANCE DUE: 816.69 LAR: 816.69 101 AL CIISCOLINI-: 106.40 LAR XXXXXXXXXXXXH695 AMOU11r:816.69 AUTHCG:002Oo KEYED REFID:409737 11/09/20 14:46:50 ACCOUNT NAME: CITY OF HOSES LAKE AUTH BUYER: EMPLOYEE ANY ALLUUNT DILL 8E BILLED UPON MERCHANDISE TRANSACTTON DATE FOR STOCK MERCHANDISE AND NO LATER THAN 90 DAYS FROM TRANSACTION DATE FOR SOS OR DIRECT DELIVERY MERCHANDISE, 8T0u': 2956 TERMINAL: 64 11/09/20 14:47:36 110-110-%5q0- cum - a3� -o�atab i1D-11 U — 51,5W, 0"" ILCowE'� MIE'S HONE CENTERS, LLC 1400 E. YONEZAIIA BLVD. HOSES LAKE, IIA 90037 (509) 164.2600 — SALE — SALESe: 1?95602 67046 TRANSA: 69449166 12 -ON 2U 1325026 5 -UAL KEROSENE CAN 25,64 26.99 DISCOUNT EACH -1.35 903404 LFI 12002 NATURAL CONCEPT 20,46 29.98 DISCOUNT EACH -1.50 1072111 UN fG 2 -PC HEX SOCKET AOA 4.73 4.90 DISCOUNT EACH -0.25 1072062 BY IR 3-I11 DIT HOLDER 6.53 8.98DISCOUNT EACH -0.45 805,715 FTSKARS 36 -IN 548 PICK(- 47.48 49.96 DISCOUNT EACH -2.50 006328 2-5HAGE 10-Ff BLUE POP-UP 279.30 98,00 DISCOUNT EACH AM 3 9 93.10 1118560 NEU TRIO PACK FUNNELS 4.73 4.90 DISCOUNT EACH -0,25 1046902 LEATHER GLOVE 1111H SPANDE 15.19 15.98 DISCOUNT EACH -0.79 suDrOTAL: 414.08 TAX: 34.78 INUUEE 68947 TOTAL: 448.86 LAR: 446.86 TUFAI DISCOUNT" 21.79 LAR:XXXXXXXXXXXX8695 AHOUNf:448.86 AUfHCD:00166, KEYED REFID:682451 12/08/20 09:49:35 Burton 11D-11V-SU,5�c) r_,_ &/-� From: Lowe's Home Improvement <do -not -reply@ receipt, lowes.com> Sent: Thursday, December 3, 2020 10:19 AM To: Taylor Burton Subject: Your Lowe's Purchase Receipt °iThis�er�del+i¢!`nt�t'ed -� - Your Lowe's Receipt Thanks for shopping at Lowe's. Use this just like you would a paper receipt for proof of purchase, record keeping, returns and more. LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLC 1400 E. YONEZAWA BLVD. MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 (509) 764-2600 9 - Item Price COMMANDER 20X48 5 -TIER SHELF $ 265.92 Item #: 1152800 69.98 Discount Ea -3.50 4 @ 66.48 7/16 CAT OSB SHEATHING $ 565.50 Item #: 12212 19.85 Discount Ea -1.00 30 @ 18.85 PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED $ 0.00 Item #: 155670 1 @ 0.00 Invoice 68901 Subtotal $ 831.42 1 Invoice 68901 Subtotal $ 831.42 Subtotal $ 831.42 Total Tax $ 69.84 Total $ 901.26 Total Discount: $44.00 Total # of items purchased: 34 Excludes fees, services and special order items Payment: LAR ending in 8695 $ 901.26 AuthTime 12/03/20 10:18:22 AuthCD 002108 KEYED REFID 483662 Authorized Buyer EMPLOYEE ANY Account Name CITY OF MOSES LAKE ACCOUNT WILL BE BILLED UPON MERCHANDISE TRANSACTION DATE FOR STOCK MERCHANDISE AND NO LATER THAN 90 DAYS FROM TRANSACTION DATE FOR SOS OR DIRECT DELIVERY MERCHANDISE. Order Date 12/03/20 10:18:34 Store # 2956 Terminal # 68 Store Manager JASON SCHEEL Pick Up Later For stock items: Please visit the Customer Service desk to pick up your merchandise. For special order items: After being notified that your order is ready, please visit the Customer Service desk to pick up your merchandise. Pick Up QTY Date Item Description 2 12/03/2020 1152800 COMMANDER 20X48 5 -TIER 4 SHELF 12/03/2020 12212 7/16 CAT OSB SHEATHING 30 Tell us how we did! Enter for a chance to win! SHARE YOUR FEEDBACK! * ENTER FOR A CHANCE TO BE * ONE OF FIVE $500 WINNERS DRAWN MONTHLY! * iENTRE EN EL SORTEO MENSUAL * * PARA SER UNO DE LOS CINCO GANADORES DE $500! *# * ENTER BY COMPLETING A SHORT SURVEY * WITHIN ONE WEEK AT: www.lowes.com/survey' * Y O U R I D #689017 295633 386526 ** * NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. * VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. MUST BE 18 OR OLDER TO ENTER. * OFFICIAL RULES & WINNERS AT: www.lowes.com/survey Thank you for shopping at Lowe's. To see our return policy, visit Lowes.com/returns LOWE'S PRICE MATCH GUARANTEE FOR MORE DETAILS, VISIT LOWES.COM/PRICEMATCH This email is sent from an unmonitored mailbox. If you need to speak to someone about your purchase, please call the store using the number at the top of the receipt. Burton Inti-11u--5�5go —ov() -0112— Burton 0312 t-� � b-0 s!no From: Lowe's Home Improvement <do-not-reply@receipt.lowes.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 2, 2020 10:15 AM To: Taylor Burton Subject: Your Lowe's Purchase Receipt Your Lowe's Receipt Thanks for shopping at Lowe's. Use this just like you would a paper receipt for proof of purchase, record keeping, returns and more. LOWE'S HOME CENTERS; LLC 1400 E. YONEZAWA BLVD. MOSES LAKE WA 98837 (509) 764-2600 IHJ Item Price 2-4-92-518 #2 KD DF-HEM-LRCH STUD $ 141.90 Item #: 7033 4.98 Discount Ea -0.25 30 @ 4.73 1 L PG 10 DECK SCRW 1-114 IN GRAY $ 17.06 Item #: 10777 8:98 Discount Ea -0.45 2 @ 8.53 BSH SDS MAX 1 -IN X16 -IN PT CHISEL $ 18.99 Item #: 744170 19.98 Discount Ea -0.99 1 @ 18.99 I 100 -FT GALV FIANGER TAPE $14.23 Item #: 301700 14.98 Discount Ea -0.75 1 @ 14.23 BIN REFLECTIVE MYLAR #1 $ 21.00 Item #: 106956 1.68 Discount Ea -0.08 14 @ 1.50 BIN REFLECTIVE MYLAR #2 $ 21.00 Item #: 106958 1.58 Discount Ea -0.08 14 @ 1.50 BIN REFLECTIVE MYLAR #3 $15.00 Item #: 108965 1.58 Discount Ea -0.08 10 @ 1.50 BIN REFLECTIVE MYLAR #4 $ 6.00 Item #. 107014 1.58 Discount Ea -0.08 4 @ 1.50 BIN REFLECTIVE MYLAR #5 $ 8.00 Item #: 107016 1.58 Discount Ea -0.08 4 (a 1.50 BIN REFLECTIVE MYLAR #6 $ 4.50 Item #:107023 1.58 Discount Ea -0.08 2 Payment: LAR ending in 8695 $ 307.61 AuthTime 12/02/20 10:14:39 AuthCD 001514 KEYED REFID 481026 Authorized Buyer EMPLOYEE ANY Account Name CITY OF MOSES LAKE ACCOUNT WILL BE BILLED UPON MERCHANDISE TRANSACTION DATE FOR STOCK MERCHANDISE AND NO LATER THAN 90 DAYS FROM TRANSACTION DATE FOR SOS OR DIRECT DELIVERY MERCHANDISE. Order Date 12/02/20 10:14:48 Store # 2956 Terminal # 1 Store Manager JASON SCHEEL Tell us how we did! Enter for a chance to win! * SHARE YOUR FEEDBACK! " * ENTER FOR A CHANCE TO BE * ONE OF FIVE $500 WINNERS DRAWN MONTHLY! * iENTRE EN EL SORTEO MENSUAL * * PARA SER UNO DE LOS CINCO GANADORES DE $500! ** * ENTER BY COMPLETING A SHORT SURVEY * WITHIN ONE WEEK AT: www,lowes.com/survey * Y O U R I D #016665 295603 373208 ** * NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. * VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. MUST BE 18 OR OLDER TO ENTER. * OFFICIAL RULES & WINNERS AT: www.lowes.com/survey Thank you for shopping at Lowe's_ To see our return policy, visit Lowes.com/returns LOWE'S PRICE MATCH GUARANTEE FOR MORE DETAILS, VISIT LOWES.COM/PRICEMATCH 4 j1 —SID 4 vp Cal 0 -r NO -0312 Taylor Burton From: Lowe's Home Improvement <do-not-reply@receipt.lowes.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2020 11:57 AM To: Taylor Burton Subject: Your Lowe's Purchase Receipt . �... . fax r»d' �t'n��'�. ��� >F..��.a ...' t s�.�? ? ��`�i � � _. �,� _� �y'•'` �,�� ,,ng''r Your o Receipt Thanks for shopping at Lowe's. Use this just like you would a paper receipt for proof of purchase, record keeping, returns and more. LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLC 1400 E. YONEZAWA BLVD. MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 (509)764-2600 9 - Item Price BSH SDS MAX 314 -IN X 21 -IN BIT $ 52.24 Item #: 196595 54.98 Discount Ea -2.74 1 @ 5224 PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED $ 0.00 Item #: 155670 1 @ 0.00 Invoice 1445 Subtotal S52.24 Invoice 1445 Subtotal $ 52.24 Subtotal $ 52.24 Total Tax $ 4.39 Total $ 56.63 1 This email is sent from an unmonitored mailbox. If you need to speak to someone about your purchase, please call the store using the number at the top of the receipt. Total Discount: $2.74 Total # of items purchased: 1 Excludes fees, services and special order items Payment: LAR ending in 8695 S56.63 AuthTime 11/25/20 11:56:22 AuthCD 001256 KEYED REFID 804859 Authorized Buyer EMPLOYEE ANY Account Name CITY OF MOSES LAKE ACCOUNT WILL BE BILLED UPON MERCHANDISE TRANSACTION DATE FOR STOCK MERCHANDISE AND NO LATER THAN 90 DAYS FROM TRANSACTION DATE FOR SOS OR DIRECT DELIVERY MERCHANDISE Order Date 11/25/20 11:56:29 Store # 2956 Terminal # 1 Store Manager JASON SCHEEL Tell us how we did! Enter for a chance to win! * SHARE YOUR FEEDBACK! * ENTER FOR A CHANCE TO BE * ONE OF FIVE $500 WINNERS DRAWN MONTHLY! * iENTRE EN EL SORTEO MENSUAL * * PARA SER UNO DE LOS CINCO GANADORES DE $500! ** * ENTER BY COMPLETING A SHORT SURVEY * WITHIN ONE WEEK AT: www.lowes.com/survey * Y O U R I D #014459 295653 301617 ** * NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. 'VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. MUST BE 18 OR OLDER TO ENTER. * OFFICIAL RULES & WINNERS AT: www.lowes.com/survey' Thank you for shopping at Lowe's. To see our return policy, visit Lowes.com/returns t� LOWE'S PRICE MATCH GUARANTEE FOR MORE DETAILS, VISIT LOWES.COM/PRICEMATCH This email is sent from an unmonitored mailbox. If you need to speak to someone about your purchase, please call the store using the number at the top of the receipt. Invoice 1337 Subtotal $ 114.54 Subtotal $ 114.54 Total Tax $ 9.62 Total $ 124.16 Total Discount: $6.18 Total # of items purchased: 34 Excludes Tees, services and spacial order items Payment: LAR ending in 8695 $ 124.16 AuthTime 11/30/20 14:14:02 AuthCD 001328 KEYED REFID 133934 Authorized Buyer EMPLOYEE ANY Account Name CITY OF MOSES LAKE ACCOUNT \MLL BE BILLED UPON MERCHANDISE TRANSACTION DATE FOR STOCK MERCHANDISE AND NO LATER THAN 90 DAYS FROM TRANSACTION DATE FOR SOS OR DIRECT DELIVERY MERCHANDISE. Order Date 11/30/20 14:14:10 Store # 2956 Terminal # 1 Store Manager JASON SCHEEL Tell us how we did! Enter for a chance to win! * SHARE YOUR FEEDBACK! " * ENTER FOR A CHANCE TO BE * ONE OF FIVE $500 WINNERS DRAWN MONTHLY! * iENTRE EN EL SORTEO MENSUAL * PARA SER UNO DE LOS CINCO GANADORES DE $500! ENTER BY COMPLETING A SHORT SURVEY " WITHIN ONE WEEK AT: www.lowes.com/survey * Y 0 U R I D #013376 295683 355247 * 2 k * * NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. MUST BE 18 OR OLDER TO ENTER. " OFFICIAL RULES & WINNERS AT: wvmlowes.com/survey Thank you for shopping at Lowe's. To see our return policy, visit Lowes.comireturns LOWE'S PRICE MATCH GUARANTEE FOR MORE DETAILS, VISIT LOWES.COM/PRICEMATCH This email is sent from an unmonitored mailbox. If you need to speak to someone about your purchase, please call the store using the number at the top of the receipt. IIIb -))0 -%gi )-xv-03)7. From: Lowe's Home Improvement <do-not-reply@receipt.lowes.com> Sent: Saturday, December 12, 2020 10:16 AM To: Taylor Burton Subject: Your Lowe's Purchase Receipt This sender is trusted. Your Lowe's Receipt Thanks for shopping at Lowe's. Use this just like you would a paper receipt for proof of purchase, record keeping, returns and more. LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLC 1400 E. YONEZAWA BLVD. MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 (509) 764-2600 R1 Item Price 24 -CT SWIFFER WET MOP REFILL GAIN $22.74 Item #: 811771 7.98 Discount Ea -0.40 3 @ 7.58 SWIFFER BASE STARTER KIT -008 $11.38 Item #: 687868 11.98 Discount Ea -0.60 1 @ 11.38 LIBMAN PREC BROOM W/DSTPN $ 18.96 Item #: 749384 9.98 Discount Ea -0.50 2 @ 9.48 1 7 UTILITY BOOT SCRAPER $ 37.96 Item #: 794099 19.98 Discount Ea -1.00 2 @ 18.98 GE 32W CFL 4 -PIN TRPL 3600K 1 -CT $18.96 Item #: 903788 9.98 Discount Ea -0.50 2 @ 9.48 WA ENV HAND CHARGE 1.90 RAYOVAC FUSION 30 -PACK AAA $ 17.07 Item #: 866573 17.97 Discount Ea -0.90 1 @ 17.07 13 -GAL 130 -CT KTCHN FLX (-797376) $12.33 Item #: 1217523 12.98 Discount Ea -0.65 1 @ 12.33 UT WIRELESS DOORBELL KIT 100 -FT $23.73 Item #: 77189 24.98 Discount Ea -1.25 1 @ 23.73 ML KEY SAFE WALL MNT PUSH BUTTON $ 32.76 Item #: 478570 34.48 Discount Ea -1.72 1 @ 32.76 1(4 -IN X 3 -1/2 -IN CARRG BOLT $ 0.42 Item #: 63386 a 0.22 Discount Ea -0.01 2 @ 0.21 HM 1 -CT 1/4 -IN ZINC HEX NUT $0.12 Item M 63301 0.07 Discount Ea -0.01 2 @ 0.06 HM 1 -CT NO -10 314 -IN STL FND WSHR $ 0.16 Item #, 61697 0.09 Discount Ea -0.01 2 @ 0.08 CHEVRN MATRX 3 -FT X 5 -FT( -320880) $32.08 Item #: 771834 16.88 Discount Ea -0.84 2 @ 16.04 18-30 WELCOME BORDER COIR $13.28 item * 816387 13.98 Discount Ea -0.70 1 @ 13.28 6FT FIH BLOW MOLD TABLE GRAY $ 40.84 Item #; 1085853 42,98 Discount Ea -2.14 1 a 40.84 24IN X 481N BLOW MOLD TABLE $ 37.99 item M 1085851 39.98 Discount Ea -1.99 1 @ 37.99 HAMPER/LIFTOFF BAG $ 37.98 Cl Item #: 561265 19.99 Discount Ea -1.00 2 @ 18.99 10.25 -GAL RECYCLE CAN( -804902) $37.92 Item #: 901225 9.98 Discount Ea -0.50 4 @ 9.48 NIAGARA 32 -CT PURIFIED WATER $ 7.58 Item #: 309791 3.98 Discount Ea -0.19 2 @ 3.79 PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED $ 0.00 Item #: 155670 1 @ 0.00 Invoice 1598 Subtotal $ 406.16 Invoice 1598 Subtotal $ 406.16 Subtotal $ 406.16 Total Tax $ 34.12 Total $ 440.28 Total Discount: $21.27 Total # of items purchased: 33 Excludes fees, services and special order items Payment: LAR ending in 8695 AuthTime AuthCD KEYED REFLD Authorized Buyer Account Name 4 $ 440.28 12/12/20 10:15:23 001656 770421 EMPLOYEE ANY CITY OF MOSES LAKE ACCOUNT WILL BE BILLED UPON MERCHANDISE TRANSACTION DATE FOR STOCK MERCHANDISE AND NO LATER THAN 90 DAYS FROM TRANSACTION DATE FOR SOS OR DIRECT DELIVERY MERCHANDISE, Order Date Store # Terminal # 12/12/20 10:15:33 2956 Store Manager JASON SCHEEL Tell us how we did! Enter for a chance to win! * SHARE YOUR FEEDBACK! * ENTER FOR A CHANCE TO BE * ONE OF FIVE $500 WINNERS DRAWN MONTHLY! * iENTRE EN EL SORTEO MENSUAL * * PARA SER LINO DE LOS CINCO GANADORES DE $500! ** * ENTER BY COMPLETING A SHORT SURVEY * WITHIN ONE WEEK AT: www.lowes.com/survey * Y O U R I D #015988 295683 475701 * NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. * VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. MUST BE 18 OR OLDER TO ENTER. " OFFICIAL RULES & WINNERS AT: www.lowes.com/survey Thank you for shopping at Lowe's. To see our return policy, visit Lowes.comtreturns LOWE'S PRICE MATCH GUARANTEE FOR MORE DETAILS, VISIT LOWES.COMJPRICEMATCH This email is sent from an unmonitored mailbox. If you need to speak to someone about your purchase, please call the store using the number at the top of the receipt. I] D -110 - g651J0 - 06O-O--?,iZ Tavlor Burton From: Lowe's Home Improvement <do-not-reply@receipt.lowes.com> Sent: Friday, December 11, 2020 4:50 PM To: Taylor Burton Subject: Your Lowe's Purchase Receipt This sender is trusted. -&:4 --,- k3l-i-w Your Lowe's Receipt Thanks for shopping at Lowe's. Use this just like you would a paper receipt for proof of purchase, record keeping, returns and more. LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLC 1400 E. YONEZAWA BLVD. MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 (509) 764-2600 Pi Item Price BOUNTY 8 DOUBLE PLUS $ 19.93 Item #: 1048723 20.98 Discount Ea -1.05 1 @ 19.93 SCOTT BTH 2OPK WH 1000 $ 30.36 Item #: 2492610 15.98 Discount Ea -0.80 2 @ 15.18 10X12 CAMO TARP 5 -MIL $96.78 Item #: 1262879 16.98 Discount Ea -0.85 6 @ 16.13 1 BLACKANHITE NUMBERS 21N 6311 $11.28 Item #: 61536 1.98 Discount Ea -0.10 6 @ 1.88 GLOVEPLUS BLACK NITRILE XL 100 CT $52.22 Item #: 960814 27,48 Discount Ea -1,37 2 @ 26.11 100 -CT NITRILE GLOVE $ 43.10 Item #: 332970 22.68 Discount Ea -1.13 2 d; 21.55 5/8 -IN X 50 -FT LT HSE *2626708 $ 9.48 Item #: 805330 9.98 Discount Ea -0.50 1 @ 9.48 SS 721NTENSION ROD CHROME $15.19 Item #: 13997 15.98 Discount Ea -0.79 1 @ 15.19 LETTER E 3 IN BLACK/SILVER 3-6042 $ 3.20 Item #: 86695 0.68 Discount Ea -0.04 5 @ 0.64 LETTER R 3 IN BLACK/SILVER 3-6042 $ 0.65 Item #: 66708 0.68 Discount Ea -0,03 2 I @ 0.65 LETTER T 3 IN BLACK/SILVER 3-6042 $ 1.30 Item #: 66710 0.68 Discount Ea -0.03 2 @ 0.66 LETTER N 3 IN BLACK/SILVER 3-6042 $1.92 Item #: 66704 0,68 Discount Ea -0.04 3 @ 0.64 LETTER X 3 IN BLAMSILVER 3-6042 $0.65 Item #: 66714 0.68 Discount Ea 403 1 @ 0.65 LETTER 13 IN BLACK/SILVER 3-6042 $0.65 Item #: 66699 0,68 Discount Ea -0.03 1 @ 0.65 LETTER M 3 IN BLACK/SILVER 3-6042 $ 1.30 Item #: 66703 0.68 Discount Ea -0.03 2 @ 0,65 LETTER W 3 IN BLACK/SILVER 3-6042 $0.65 Item #: 66713 0.68 Discount Ea -0.03 1 @ 0,65 LETTER O 3 IN BLK/SLV 9410 3-6042 $ 0.66 Item #: 66705 3 0.68 Discount Ea -0.02 1 @ 0.66 PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED $ 0.00 Item #: 155670 1 @ 0.00 Invoice 1645 Subtotal $ 289.32 Invoice 1545 Subtotal Subtotal Total Tax Total Total Discount: $15.22 Total # of items purchased: 38 Excludes fees, services and special order items Payment: LAR ending in 8695 AuthTime AuthCD KEYED REFID Authorized Buyer Account Name $ 289.32 $ 289.32 $ 24.30 $ 313.62 $ 313.62 12/11/20 16:49:48 001529 805001 EMPLOYEE ANY CITY OF MOSES LAKE ACCOUNT WILL BE BILLED UPON MERCHANDISE TRANSACTION DATE FOR STOCK MERCHANDISE AND NO LATER THAN 90 DAYS FROM TRANSACTION DATE FOR SOS OR DIRECT DELIVERY MERCHANDISE. Order Date 1 211 1120 16:49:56 Store # 2956 Terminal # 1 Store Manager JASON SCHEEL Tell us how we did! Enter fora chance to win! 4 **xt:ti.,t x*,t*,tn**xxxxxxx ** x *xxx * x x xxxx x xxxxx x xxxxx * x x*xxx z * SHARE YOUR FEEDBACK! * ENTER FOR A CHANCE TO BE * ONE OF FIVE $500 WINNERS DRAWN MONTHLY! * iENTRE EN EL SORTEO MENSUAL * * PARA SER UNO DE LOS CINCO GANADORES DE $500! * ENTER BY COMPLETING A SHORT SURVEY *WITHIN ONE WEEK AT: www.lowes.com/survey * Y O U R I D #015455 295613 467673 ** * NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. * VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. MUST BE 18 OR OLDER TO ENTER. * OFFICIAL RULES & WINNERS AT: www.lowes.com/survey *xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*xxxxx***xxxxxx***xxx***:**xxxxxxxxxxxx Thank you for shopping at Lowe's. To see our return policy, visit Lowes.com/returns LOWE'S PRICE MATCH GUARANTEE FOR MORE DETAILS, VISIT LOWES.COM/PRICEMATCH This email is sent from an unmonitored mailbox. If you need to speak to someone about your purchase, please call the store using the number at the top of the receipt. Burton 5G540 -660-D312 sxo� 2 From: Lowe's Home Improvement < do- not- reply@receipt.lowes.com> Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2020 2:13 PM To: Taylor Burton Subject: Your Lowe's Purchase Receipt �. Thi$ serideris trusted. Your Lowe's Receipt Thanks for shopping at Lowe's. Use this just like you would a paper receipt for proof of purchase, record keeping, returns and more. LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLC 1400 E. YONEZAWA BLVD. MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 (509) 764-2600 H4 Item Price PL 24 PACK TERRY TOWELS $ 22.76 Item #: 509270 11.98 Discount Ea -0.60 2 @ 11.38 PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED $ 0.00 Item #: 155670 1 @ 0.00 Invoice 1314 Subtotal $ 22.76 Invoice 1314 Subtotal $ 22.76 Subtotal $ 22.76 Total Tax $ 1.91 Total $ 24.67 Total Discount: $1.20 Total # of items purchased: 2 Excludes fees, services and special order items Payment: LAR ending in 8695 $ 24.67 AuthTime 12/10/20 14:12:20 AuthCD 001239 KEYED REFID 818218 Authorized Buyer EMPLOYEE ANY Account Name CITY OF MOSES LAKE ACCOUNT WILL BE BILLED UPON MERCHANDISE TRANSACTION DATE FOR STOCK MERCHANDISE AND NO LATER THAN 90 DAYS FROM TRANSACTION DATE FOR SOS OR DIRECT DELIVERY MERCHANDISE, Order Date 12/10/20 14:12:28 Store # 2956 Terminal # 1 Store Manager JASON SCHEEL Tell us how we did! Enter for a chance to win! * SHARE YOUR FEEDBACK! * ENTER FOR A CHANCE TO BE * ONE OF FIVE $500 WINNERS DRAWN MONTHLY! * iENTRE EN EL SORTEO MENSUAL * * PARA SER LINO DE LOS CINCO GANADORES DE $500! ** * ENTER BY COMPLETING A SHORT SURVEY * WITHIN ONE WEEK AT: www.lowes.com/survey * Y 0 U R I D #013146 295683 455194 ** * NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. * VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. MUST BE 18 OR OLDER TO ENTER. * OFFICIAL RULES & WINNERS AT: www.lowes.com/survey Thank you for shopping at Lowe's. To see our return policy, visit Lowes.com/returns 2 LOWE'S PRICE MATCH GUARANTEE FOR MORE DETAILS, VISIT LOWES.COM/PRICEMATCH This email is sent from an unmonitored mailbox. If you need to speak to someone about your purchase, please call the store using the number at the top of the receipt. 11D-110 , eS�b _OL ) -03Q Tavlor Burton From: Lowe's Home Improvement < do -not- reply@ recei pt.lowes.co m > Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2020 2:16 PM To: Taylor Burton Subject: Your Lowe's Purchase Receipt This sender is trusted. '424 ,z Your Lowe's Receipt Thanks for shopping at Lowe's. Use this just like you would a paper receipt for proof of purchase, record keeping, returns and more. LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLC 1400 E. YONEZAWA BLVD. MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 (609) 764-2600 IHJ Item Price PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED $ 0.00 Item #: 155670 1 @ 0.00 KS 2.5 -GAL KEROSENE $ 98.72 Item #: 638209 25.98 Discount Ea -1.30 4 @ 24.68 KS 1 -GAL KLEAN HEAT KEROSENE $ 46.64 Item #: 335477 12.28 Discount Ea -0.62 4 @ 11.66 KS 1 -GAL KEROSENE (-156586) I Item #: 726197 10.98 Discount Ea -0.55 8 @ 10.43 Invoice 85735 Subtotal Invoice 85735 Subtotal Subtotal Total Tax Total Total Discount: $12.08 $ 83.44 $ 228.80 - �$ 228.80 $ 228.80 $ 19.22 $ 248.02 Total # of items purchased: 16 Excludes fees, services and special order items Payment: LAR ending in 8695 $ 248.02 AuthTime 12110/20 14:15:30 AuthCD 001462 KEYED REFID 818371 Authorized Buyer EMPLOYEE ANY Account Name CITY OF MOSES LAKE ACCOUNT WILL BE BILLED UPON MERCHANDISE TRANSACTION DATE FOR STOCK MERCHANDISE AND NO LATER THAN 90 DAYS FROM TRANSACTION DATE FOR SOS OR DIRECT DELIVERY MERCHANDISE. Order Date Store # Terminal # Store Manager Pick Up Later 2 12/10/20 14:15:39 2956 68 JASON SCHEEL For stock items: Please visit the Customer Service desk to pick up your merchandise. For special order items: After being notified that your order is ready, please visit the Customer Service desk to pick up your merchandise. Pick Up Date Item Description QTY 12/10/2020 638209 KS 2.5 -GAL KEROSENE 4 12/10/2020 335477 KS 1 -GAL KLEAN HEAT 4 KEROSENE 12/10/2020 726197 KS 1 -GAL KEROSENE (-156586)8 Tell us how we did! Enter for a chance to win! * SHARE YOUR FEEDBACK! * ENTER FOR A CHANCE TO BE * ONE OF FIVE $500 WINNERS DRAWN MONTHLY! * iENTRE EN EL SORTED MENSUAL * * PARA SER LINO DE LOS CINCO GANADORES DE $500! x * * ENTER BY COMPLETING A SHORT SURVEY * WITHIN ONE WEEK AT: www.lowes.com/survey * Y O U R I D #857351 295663 458580 x * * NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. * * VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. MUST BE 18 OR OLDER TO ENTER. * OFFICIAL RULES & WINNERS AT: www.lowes.com/survey Thank you for shopping at Lowe's. To see our return policy, visit Lowes.com/returns LOWE'S PRICE MATCH GUARANTEE FOR MORE DETAILS, VISIT LOWES.COM/PRICEMATCH This email is sent from an unmonitored mailbox. If you need to speak to someone about your purchase, please call the store using the number at the top of the receipt. IN Taylor Burton Azq{ ,� J From: Lowe's Home Improvement <do -not -reply@ receipt.lowes.com> Sent: Friday, December 11, 2020 7:36 AM To: Taylor Burton Subject: Your Lowe's Purchase Receipt This serder is trusted, Your Lowe's Receipt Thanks for shopping at Lowe's. Use this just like you would a paper receipt for proof of purchase, record keeping, returns and more. LOWE`S HOME CENTERS, LLC 1400 E. YONEZAWA BLVD. MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 (509) 764-2600 FJ Item Price 5LB PG10 DECK SCRW 1-5/8 IN GRAY $ 25.63 Item #: 16967 26.98 Discount Ea -1.35 1 @ 25.63 3/321N X 1 F GALV CBL( -348163) $ 0 93 Item #: 1329409 0.33 Discount Ea -0.02 3 @ 0:31 BLACK CABLE TIES 500 -PACK $ 13.19 Item #: 757003 13.88 Discount Ea -0.69 1 @ 13.19 I LUXPRO LP600V2 FLSHLT(-486468) $ 71.10 Item #: 999436 14.97 Discount Ea -0.75 5 @ 14.22 FA FIRE EXT BRACKET 5LB $18.92 Item #: 314110 9.96 Discount Ea -0.50 2 @ 9.46 FA PRO 3A40BC FIRE EXT $ 94.96 Item #: 314107 49.97 Discount Ea -2.49 2 @ 47.48 PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED $ 0.00 Item #: 155670 1 @ 0.00 Invoice 1408 Subtotal $ 224.73 Invoice 1408 Subtotal $ 224.73 Subtotal $ 224.73 Total Tax $ 18.88 Total $ 243.61 Total Discount: $11.83 Total # of items purchased: 12 Excludes fees, services and special order items Payment: LAR ending in 8695 AuthTime AuthCD KEYED REFID 2 $ 243.61 12/11/20 07:36:11 001459 765275 Authorized Buyer EMPLOYEE ANY Account Name CITY OF MOSES LAKE ACCOUNT WILL BE BILLED UPON MERCHANDISE TRANSACTION DATE FOR STOCK MERCHANDISE AND NO LATER THAN 90 DAYS FROM TRANSACTION DATE FOR SOS OR DIRECT DELIVERY MERCHANDISE. Order Date Store # Terminal # 12/11/20 07:36:18 2956 Store Manager JASON SCHEEL Tell us how we did! Enter for a chance to win! START SURVEY * SHARE YOUR FEEDBACK! * ENTER FOR A CHANCE TO BE * ONE OF FIVE $500 WINNERS DRAWN MONTHLY! * iENTRE EN EL SORTEO MENSUAL * * PARA SER UNO DE LOS CINCO GANADORES DE $500! ** * ENTER BY COMPLETING A SHORT SURVEY * WITHIN ONE WEEK AT: www.lowes.com/survey * Y 0 U R I D #014086 295643 465051 ** * NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. * * VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. MUST BE 18 OR OLDER TO ENTER. * OFFICIAL RULES & WINNERS AT: www.lowes.com/survey Thank you for shopping at Lowe's. To see our return policy, visit Lowes.com/returns LOWE'S PRICE MATCH GUARANTEE FOR MORE DETAILS, VISIT LOWES.COM/PRICEMATCH This email is sent from an unmonitored mailbox. If you need to speak to someone about your purchase, please call the store using the number at the top of the receipt. 19 — � t� 11%1 �1�& Taylor Burton �'` l� - ��9 J�i1" �r�i)� --U�t 2 - 0000 From: Lowe's Home Improvement <do -not -reply@ receipt.lowes.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2020 8:44 AM To: Taylor Burton Subject: We're Preparing Your Order Now {Thissen8er` trustetl: Your Lowe's receipt Thanks for shopping at Lowe's. Use this just like you would a paper receipt for proof of purchase, record keeping, returns and more. LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLC 1400 E. YONEZAWA BLVD. MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 (509) 764-2600 Transaction # : 69631398 Order Date : 11/17/20 08:43:40 Item Price SDWH HDG .270 X 121N FLAG $ 350.70 Item #: 1944435 5.28 Discount Ea -0.27 70 @ 5.01 4-4-6 TRD GC TIMBER (-476191) $ 670.60 Item #: 2260386 10.08 Discount Ea -0.50 70 @ 9.58 [DELIVERY] 1 PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED $ 0.00 Item #: 155670 1 @ 0.00 DELIVERY FEE $20.00 Item #: 2 1 @ 20.00 Invoice 68889 Subtotal $ 1,041.30 Invoice 68889 Subtotal $ 1,041.30 Subtotal $ 1,041.30 Total Tax $ 87.47 Total $ 1,128.77 Total Discount: $53.90 Total # of items purchased: 140 Excludes fees, services and special order items Payment: LAR ending in 8695 AuthTime AuthCD KEYED REFID Authorized Buyer Account Name $ 1,128.77' 11/17/20 08:43:30 001320 252324 EMPLOYEE ANY CITY OF MOSES LAKE ACCOUNT WILL BE BILLED UPON MERCHANDISE TRANSACTION DATE FOR STOCK MERCHANDISE AND NO LATER THAN 90 DAYS FROM TRANSACTION DATE FOR SOS OR DIRECT DELIVERY MERCHANDISE. Order Date Store # Terminal # Store Manager 2 1 1/1 7120 08:43:40 2956 68 JASON SCHEEL Faber Industrial Supply, Inc. Y 423 E. Broadway Street PO BOX AF Moses Lake, WA 98837 Invoice No.: 1247464-000 Phone: 509-765-1841 Date: 12/08/2020 is Fax: 509-766-9927 Page: 'I of 1 Sold To: Ship To: CITY OF MOSES LAKE * CITY OF MOSES LAKE' PO DRAWER 1579 PO DRAWER 1579 MOSES LAKE, WA 98837-0244 MOSES LAKE, WA 98837-6244 P.O. No.: COMM DEVELOP Phone: 509-764-3735 Fax: 509-764.3739 Terms Order No./Rel. Customer No. SalesRep Ship Via Req. Date Reference NET 30 1247464.000 719 KEVIN CUSTOMER 12/0812020 TAYLOR 274674 7/8 X 16 X 21"4 -CUTTER 1 1 EACH 72.16 72.16 SDS MAX HAMMER BIT Sub Total: 78.16 (�V - t� V v —V J WA -ML 8.4 State Tax: 6.06 V I Total: $ 78.22 12/08/2020 10:43 c13 iRu1u ir,�dlsll:ud �ul'+vr °I;er 1tVrtnu. Tim iLnd, IU, Y6. pr Sale EISA Enlr/ Ikthod; ChiF notal: 6.60 112g120 IV If: 24103210:zO:51 'nrvd: Online APPr Code: ,� 663016 1, , 1 H�1.,f I,U,>I:I Oatchii: 3?9Oii1 l Q1 I" �. nr4g1(Nr,Kri,Hqu CUixi Faber industrial Supply, Inc. 423 E. Broadway Street PO BOX AF Moses Lake, WA 98837 Phone: 509-765-1841 Fax: 509-766-9927 CARD SALE WA Ship To: Invoice No.: 1247032-000 Bate: 31/24/2020 Page: 9 of 1 CASH/CREDIT CARD SALE MOSES LAKE, WA No./Rel. Customer No. SalesRep Ship Via Req. Date Reference 132.000 2 TYLER CUSTOMER 11/24/2020 W PRO 07525E 1-9/16 6PT DEEP 1 314 DR IMPACT SOCKET 1 EACH 55.95 17.10 _= 39.89 SUN 2302 ADAPTER 3/4 MALE 1 1 EAGH9.56 1/2 DR IMPACT SOCKET 9.56 Sub iota!: 49.45 WA -W 8.4 State Tax: 4.15 Total: $ 53.60 771 l0 - 50,40 :Dbb - 0313 -DaoD -fib I V24@C20 10:36 d! 16 City of Moses Lake B CITY OF MOSES LAKE I 401 S BALSAM L P 0 BOX 1579 L MOSES LAKE D+IA 98837-0244 T 1-509-764-3735 Approved - 0 1-509-764-3739 (fax) 00008572 V MODERN BUILSINQ SYSTEMS, INC. E PO BOX 110 N D AUMSVILLE OR 97325 0 R MONTHLY LEASE AND INSTALL * * Date: 12/07/20 PO Number 96571 S CITY OF MOSES LARK H 401 S BALSAM I P 0 BOX 1579 P M0SES LAKE WA 98837 T O QTY UNIT E7Lf.IT P92C-9-T-82MPRTOE 1 6,325.000 6,325.00 Subtotal * TOTAL ACCOUNT NUMBER(S) 110-110-56540-000-0411-0000-00 6,325.00 Purpose of Purchase: MONTHLY LEASE AND INSTALL APPROVAL Po approval by SLTAC on 12/07/20 6,325.00 6,325.00 City of Moses Lake B CITY OP MOSES LAKE I 401 S BALSAM L P O BOX 1579 L MOSES LAKE WA 98837-0244 T 1-509-764-3735 Approved. 0 1-509-764-3739 (fax) TOTAL 26,233.05 ACCOUNT NUMBER(S) 110-110-56540-000-0411-0000-00 26,233.05 Purpose of Purchase; 12 MO LEASE DELIVERY & INSTALL APPROVAL PO approval by &TAC on 12/07/20 00008574 Dates 12/07/20 PO Number 96570 V WILLIAM SCOTSMAN, INC S CI'T'Y OF MOSES LAKE E 901 S. BOND ST H 401 S BALSAM N SUITE 600 T P 0 BOX 1579 D Baltimore MD 21231 P MOSES LAKE WA 98837 0 T P 0 tE£� iPY'It3N E 0 T -NIT -X paICE 12 MONTH LEASE, DELIVERY, INSTALL 1 26,233.050 26,233.05 Subtotal 26,233.05 �r TOTAL 26,233.05 ACCOUNT NUMBER(S) 110-110-56540-000-0411-0000-00 26,233.05 Purpose of Purchase; 12 MO LEASE DELIVERY & INSTALL APPROVAL PO approval by &TAC on 12/07/20 /r. f Oust. No. WAMOS0042 Oust. P.O. 11011OLCK Job No. 793-6090 Contract No. Per National IPA R192001 Sold To CITY OF MOSES LAKE 11789 RD 4 NE MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 Remit to Fastenal Company P.O. Sox 1286 Winona, MN 55987-1286 For billing questions 900 East Broadway MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 Phone 509/766-7440 Fax 509/766-7443 Ship To Picked up at branch 900 East Broadway MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 This Order and Document Is subject to the'Terms of Purchase' posted on www.fastenal.com. Line Quantity Quantity Quantity Control Part Price / No Ordered Shipped Backordered Description No. No. Hundred Amount 1 40 40 0 MASTER S7 KD MALOCK 1000223 833.4000 333.36 T Y INVOICE Received By Tax Exemption Page 1 of 1 Invoice Date Invoice No. 12/10/2020 WAMOS128818 Contact: Jessica. Invoice Total 410.77 USD Due Date 01/09/2021 Ship To Picked up at branch 900 East Broadway MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 This Order and Document Is subject to the'Terms of Purchase' posted on www.fastenal.com. Line Quantity Quantity Quantity Control Part Price / No Ordered Shipped Backordered Description No. No. Hundred Amount 1 40 40 0 MASTER S7 KD MALOCK 1000223 833.4000 333.36 T Y Reasonable collection and attorneys fees will be No materials accepted for return without our permission. assessed to all accounts placed for collection. All discrepancies must be reported within 10 days. If you re -package or re -sell this product, you are required to maintain Please pay from this Invoice. Integrity of Country of Origin to the consumer of this product. fnvofce: WAMOS128818 Cust WAM080042 Received By Tax Exemption Subtotal 333.36 Shipping & Handling 45.58 Comments WA State Tax 24.63 County Tax 0.00 Contact: Jessica. City Tax 7.20 Total 410.77 Reasonable collection and attorneys fees will be No materials accepted for return without our permission. assessed to all accounts placed for collection. All discrepancies must be reported within 10 days. If you re -package or re -sell this product, you are required to maintain Please pay from this Invoice. Integrity of Country of Origin to the consumer of this product. fnvofce: WAMOS128818 Cust WAM080042 AW �% Washington State Department of Transportation BILLING INVOICE/CUSTOMER STATEMENT Invoice Number: RE-313-ATBO1215066 Customer: *****7721 Project: JB3198 L Project Title: UTILITY ACCOMODATIONS CITY OF MOSES LAKE PO BOX 1579 MOSES LAKE WA 98837-0244 Invoice Date: 12/15/2020 Due Date: 01/22/2021 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $5,772.11 AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE: $835.17 Make Check Payable & Mail To: DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION CASHIER P.O. BOX 47305 OLYMPIA WA 98504-7305 Direct Inquiries To: BUTTONJ@WSDOT.WA.GOV 360-705-7587 Return top portion along with payment »»»»»>T»»»»»»)>)>»)>»))»»»)>»»»»>)»»»»»»»»»»»»»)>)>»»»»((««<(«((((<(K«KK««(««((<(<«««««« K<( K K V 0 V K K K((<4(<t<(<((«c Current Billing Period: 11/01/2020 To 11/30/2020 Work Order ---------- Description ------------------------------ Line Amount Total J8319801 COMMUNICATIONS - TELEPHONE -- ----------- $22,98 98 -------------------- JB319801 COMMUNICATIONS -CELLULAR PHONES . $1.17 JB319801 COPY MACHINES MORE THAN 1 YR $1.68 JB319801 INDIRECT COST RATE $97.56 JB319801 OTHER SERVICES $.42 JB319801 TEF EQUIP RENTAL - MATS LAB $7,52 JB319801 TEF EQUIP RENTAL -FIELD ENGR EQ $.25 JB319801 TEF EQUIP RENTAL -OPER TEF EQUP $27.61 JB319801 TEF EQUIP RENTAL -PER W/EQUIP $1.02 JB319801 WORK TIME CHARGES - REGULAR $694.96 OTHER CHARGES SUBTOTAL $835.17 AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE -------------------- $835.17 Additional Outstanding Invoices on this Project: Invoice Number Invoice Date Due Date Balance Due RE-313-ATBO1116078 11/16/2020 12/24/2020 $4,936.94 Additional Outstanding Amount: $4,936.94 Project: $5,772.11 q Information: NO ADV FHWA Number: 00.00 Billed To Date Amount: $5,772.11 I portion along with payment -ob0AWk bill. 17Pwashtr�gton seato D8 of Tran5portatim BILLING INVOICE/CUSTOMER STATEMENT Omoseaoamanoannaocameememnmaaaaaaonaanoaosanaaomeaaneenanaanntinnaaaonoaoomaommm�mememnneaanaa Invoice Number: RE-313-ATBO1116078 Customers *****7721 Project: JB3198 L Project Title: UTILITY ACCOMODATIONS CITY OF MOSES LAKE PO BOIL 1.579 MOSES LAKE WA 98837-0244 Invoice Date: 11/16/2020 Due Date: 12/24/2020 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: 4,936.94 AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE: 4,936.94 Make Check Payable &Mail To: DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION CASHIER P.O. BOIL 47305 OLYMPIA WA 98504-7305 Direct inquiries To: BUTTONJMQSDOT. WA. (;0V 360-705-7587 Return top portion along with payment e7l7NN��Nvk70�►eibla!►A?I"b7070»A�a7►7►7►»1o)►7a1NND:►1►14M1NP7»►1►7►Af►e 7s KKK KKKKaC KKKKKKCKKKKaNt�IKKK�CK KK K�tKKKitKQKK KKKKK KK Current Billing Period: 10/01)2020 To 10/31/2020 Work Order Description JB319801 COMMUNICATIONS - DATA LINES JB319801 COMMUNICATIONS - TELEPHONE J8319801 COMMUNICATIONS -CELLULAR PHONES JB319601 COPY MACHINES MORE THAN 1 YR JB319801 INDIRECT COST RATE JB319801 OTHER SERVICES JB319801 TEF EQUIP RENTAL —MATS LAB JB319801 TEF EQUIP RENTAL -FIELD ENGR EQ JB319801 TEF EQUIP RENTAL -OPER TEP SOUP JB319801 TEF EQUIP RENTAL PER W/EQUIP JB319801 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION STIPEND JB319801 14ORK TIME CHARGES - OVERTIME JB319901 WORK TIME CURGBS - REGULAR JB319802 GOMMONICATIONS -.DATA LINES JB319802 INDIRECT COST RATE JB319802 TEF EQUIP RENTAL -OPER TEF EQUP JB319802 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION STIPEND JB319802 WORK TIME CHARGES - REGULAR OTHER CHARGES SUBTOTAL Line Amount ------------------- $.04 $25.63 $21.86 $7.14 $559.20 $2.12 $39.12 $1.30 $143.87 $5.32 $3.43 $1,089.91 $2,886.92 $.04 $17.66 $1.11 $.13 $132.14 AMOUNT•DUE THIS INVOICE Total -------------------- $4,936.94 -----------$4,936.94 esoeomnnsnamaaeamomommoeeemmaoaomaewwmemneawaenmswomoamnommemmwesoaea ■meoeaeaoaeea0000sln�ormatiaat NO ADV project Reference FMA Number FHWA Humber: 64,436.94 Pro act : JB3198 ACCOI+IODATIONS gilled To Date Amounts 11A,,Ty j,OQ ,000.00 tl max Billing with payment Return top portion along 5421