HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreements/Contracts - New Hope DV/SA60P K21-016 2021 i.CHARGE DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT RECORDI G F' 'UR N EE S THIS AOMMENT, between Grant C unt 0 y COUNTY") the Housing Auth rR't I ., 'Oy Of Grant County and New Hope Domes ervi. tic Violence and Sexiial Assault 8 "ces he- rei* 44 1 1 - -nafter GRANTEES-, is P(jr the sole purpose of4istributing fiords obtainedby,'h t e. COUNTY -as a. result of RCW 36*22.178* The COUN... TY here -by ppo amts. and GRA S fe at - the Ora h reby accept th nt . County 'W1 Auditor, as -the COUNTY's desiignee "Al. -d'stribw L -to tunds obtainod by the COUNTY thfoug ,h addncding Bee surcharge pursuant to RC W 36����p titloazlteor178, to suport lie efforts of GRANTEES in, operating and maintai n"ing in certain homeless housing and ass istance programs,. The COUNTY and BIZ TEES m.utually agree that, GRANTEES shall use the f4nds distributed under thisAgreement 'y s mrI onl ad'bed heret.n. Oil 1� * 4 * , Su*ct -to its other Provisions the perica, i p 4 't a'n o erforman -e d e J um c un-cr US A -1, ShAll b 11 2 0.2, 1 to Dectibber 3 1 � 2021, unless tertninated as provided here. * n. green ei 7- 111111111111I� 1111111111mill! L 4FFh CO TY shall a cate funds receivw as a result of RO- 36.22,179 and 1791 W t.0 09ANTEES based on the following dl*stibution formula after th _e required M are remitted to e State. T ea s an.ap ..'a pe t ge is reserveth .. re u e. anc.rrate rc.e propn ,n a v toy from the funt a Ardmini at ive costs, Thirty percent (30%) to New Hope Domestic Violence and Sexual As I ault M Services* and b. Seventy percent (70%),to Houoritv s th ra -.t, ing Au , of 0 C outi. y, I Fands Will be distribtited at least once each quarter based oti the amou at of funds, r 'ec We by theCOUN TY the previous quarter.. 3. The Auditor Will retain those funds allowed b d- 0". %# . y RCW .36.22.178 and to cover Ministratikle Recordlog Fee Surcharge Distribution Agreement Part #2 (11AGC-New Hope) Page I of 7 q 1p� IlIgill 1111111 lip liq III IIIII GRANTEES fliscat m*ana -ement systems sh 1. , g 1. Provide accurate, current and complete disclosure of the amounts received and expended pursuaat to this Agreement* And I Dui ont the specitic use of the fwid.sk All books 'records, docum.ents. ports and other data Pertainhig to the performance of thts re Agreement shall be subject at all keasonabld times. to.ins pec. -tion., and it by COUNTY M, or peen and others, authorized, by law. GRANTEES shall not, on the grounds of ra.e e, color sex, rel i g n, natlionaongin cree I d mar*ta:l , i status, ag-e, or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical hand"cap, 1. Deny, any individual any services prowided under this Agreement. I Subject an 'indiviaual to gse­ t ent in. any matter related to rega.ion or separate treatm his/her receipt of any services provided. under thi,s Agreement,, I Deny m individual an ogport-Linity to participate ire any program provided by this Agreement. This Afire emeat, 'in determining (1) type of service to be provided, (2) the class of "indivictuals to whom, or the s1tuation in which, such services will be provided or (3) the class of individuals to be aff-orded an opportunity to participeate in any Recordling Fee Sure hargelffistritbu (Iton Agreement Part #2 (HAG -New Hope) Page 2 of 7 .servi,ces, will not utilize. cntena or methods of admi"nis-on which have the effect of trat.1 subjecting indivi'duals to discrim* n, because of their race, color, sex, rel'g* inatio I ion, natlional, ongin, creed, metal status, age orpresence of a sens.oryt mental or physical handioap, GRANT. EMS shall provide -the COUNTY or COUNTY authorized personnel, upon reason4ble roqueSt) Isuch, and fiscal dAat 'Y y be required to -e the- prografti theCOUNT may'reasonabl evaluat farce of the Agreement.. GRANTEE(Sauthorize the C -s*t to perform. on. i e program evaluations as needed to assure Agree Ment conl�pa nce. L INDEMNIFICATION GRANTEES shall protect, def�nd, and hold harmless the COUNTY and its officers, officlals, and employees from and against all claim A'its, SU and actions arising, from negfigent, act's gross or * offic negagence, or intentional acts or omissions of GRANTE-ES theit ers, offic." Is or ta poye--es, in the performance ofhe-* A time nr r-gre, ,,, 1% GRANTEES further aaree that th y are financially I* e for any audit e e tabl xceptions, wnien occur .due to their negligence, gross negugenoe a intentional acts or omissions or failure to comply w* the t ith erms of thi A g m ti , TWW and 1791 ate or or other applicablelocal, Su Federal laws, rules or reggtions., Without limg this in-demm"fication, itagree i �wd that GRANTEES shall maintcain, at all times s during the performance of this AgreObellt 4 poll o 0[1,6 s of insurance P le covern�g the' ir operations, GRANTEES shall maintai- cont"' ously publio liability insurance with limits or n Inu Hability not less than.,-, Five Hundred Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($500,000,00) each occurrence flab, ff ity; and A per general. aagree li gat inu'..t of One Million and No/1 00 Dollars ($100001000.00) GRANTEES shall prruffle"tint wr-ttendocumentafion tothe CO UNTY of the aforementioned insurance coverage withirt seventy -turn (72) hours of the last party affixits mg signature to the Agreement. GRANTEES -shall provide sufficient written documentation to the COUNTY of the aforementioned tnsuranI c . e-. coveI rage -on 'an annual basis, by January 15,'hof each sub,sequent year the Agreement is in effect, TERMINATION 1. The COUNTYreserves the ri&, to te -n t whole or in pail, rminate this Agreement, With. thirty (30) days written notice in the event expected or actual funding is w itlidrawn, reduced, or limited in any way after the effective ve date of this Agreement, prior to normal compietion thereof. Record'ing rice Sure-harge Distribution Agreement Part#2- (HACYGNeW - flop c) 2. In the event of termination tpler this clause, the COUNTY shall be liable only for payment in accordance with the terms of the Agreement., prior to the effective date of termination, 3* The terms and conditions contain.ed. in this Agreement shall remain. -in full force and effect until and unIess s . pecifica ly to hated or modified by mutual consent of the partes, 4. The County reserves thehout notim"ght to t rm ate this agreement w* --e c n e_ --in I it. , for ause, K, TERMINATION F011 DEFAULT The COUNTY may,, by written notice, omni thus. Agreement, in whole or- i"* Part, for s 'b by e 0 u. stanwu bre . ach any on f GRANTEES of any ote of its duties under this Agreement r. In the event of an recons stem s A pe en unless otherwise proviaed hiere'n, the in flu gre. �`�ingprecMconssten sballberesolvedb. edence *n the followincyI- - . g order L Applicable Federal and State statute rules and retat" g.u. ions', 2. The terms and conditions of th'is,Agree ment, and-, 3, Any other tho Agreemetit whether incorporated by refereni� provision, of e or otherwise. 111 11, q�,,�Iiiiqiarii I'll 0�1 I IN V1 ' am This Agreement contains all the terms and, eon.aitions agreed on by the parties. No other understanaing, ora t or otherwise. re,Cardin me subject matter of this Agreemmt shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties he et o., No change or additions to this A, reement shall be valid or binding upon either pity unless uch 'g ar s change or addition is in writing, executed by both parties., 0A TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE Time 'is of the essence in each and every provision of this Agreement. Recording Fee Surcharge DI'stributtion Agreement Part #2 (HAM -New Hope) Page 4 of 7 P9 WAIVER 'Fhe failure of the COUMFY to, insist on a strict perforinanee of an of the terms and conditions Y hereof shal . I be deemed awaiver of the ri h g ts or remedies that the COUNTY may have -regarding that spe, C.1.110 instance only, and shill not be deemed a Nvaiver of any subsequent breach or default in any terms anal ins M # -h ka . 1 *- - ,Any notice required to'be given any, party to another s allbedepositecintheUnited,Statesm U, ai g postaid, addreso sed to. .,,I e prepa eCOUNTY* 'A 1 1; 1 d.minWr.au've Se-rv'ces Coordin.ator Grant County Bbard of Commissioners, Office, PA Box 37 Ephrata, Washington, 98823-0037# ro GRANTEES:, (1) Housing Authon*ty of Grant County I 139. Larsen Blvd Moses Washa , Lake -1 1. 1 gtQn., - 9 88'37, P Viz. Fode, D -hector New Hope Domestic Violence and Sexual Ass*ault Serviops 3 1 11 W. Third Avenue Moses Lake, Washinaton, 98837 Recording Fee Surcharge Distribution Agreement Part #2 (HAM-NNew Hope) Paye 5 of 7 f ID ,..of my l T wpbm�� ��-Page 6 of 7 Suzi Fde, Director Date. Car'01 Ande n , E NO xrs�qufive. Director Date Retording lk"o.Surobarp Distributlo.n. Agreementpart H2 (IJAGC-Nov Hope) Page 7 of 7 4$Uere) Di, - Dattot 1. 13.2021 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY Carol And-enon Execu ve. D e to Date Recording Fee Surcharge Distnibution Agreement Part#2 (HAGC-NNew Hope) P e