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Agenda - New Hope DV/SA
New Hope/Kids Hope Updat4 ,f IKi.ds Hope i�*InR C;I1tW1'VA f}OtlOI1R ° t{[CA 0.R:7�R new beg' Inn better tomorrows. i 0 To: Grant County BOCC From: Suzi Fade Date: 2.1.2021 1. Shelter Update 2. 2020 Stats 3. Harvest of Hope updates 4. Trauma Informed Services opportunities 5. Board Orientation -February 18 for 1 hour 6. 2021 Budget impact from recording fees 7. Executive Session r�ir ri:ti;-ilii riiF:_ii,.a�� z riii <i �;r-: iiiiiiii iiovis: �;ia�:rrri� . �zi--rzr;-r•-�.ii.-,�s�iss-:::::�-:��„rrs,,,_._V-.--. _ ,�,.,,..._i,;:::-,s,r �-r-w i:; iiriiii .��;iis: :,;sisr,�,.,,;;y:,�._ �--;:,:ir-;�i r�ii-r..vi:�:�ii rr�r, �::u�:iu:.,���io�-: ,xa:� �i:✓:z�.--; 311 W. THIRD AVE. MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 509.784.8402