HomeMy WebLinkAbout*Other - Public WorksMemo Grant County Departm I ent of Public Works 1.24..Enterprise St, SIR E hrAta. -WA 98823 To: ,onorabBrd of i- oners Gt t County From: 8a muel Castro, c -R.0 Dire- etor bf Publ' ' Wofk IC S Date* fr A Re* Undfil, ReMe, iation Change Ordu.: ScOal No. 2t,0451 Authonz . ali-611 �to Ch i -r No. 2 and. pay for the Old *1 0 Otde Landfiairs , I tep n thd f! nal co-yer systemy This �scqpe of Work -was not outl .,work, and contr .t med within -the:4gmed scope 0 ac, agreem . ent With, RCI for, Phase 3 �Constmcfion., $9 -he total. $114 266 11 -Ul be 7551-19 of t W1 submitted as :9, grant ele iblnein.19 Aft -60d contact change xhibit A). -extra pay estimate (E, hib- B)*k ignatu'r; page, (E X it and,Liner Repair Area x bit- onstittit, Ch�wge (E. hi C) c e Order No'' 2 to the P S Iha e 3 Landfill contract. lis ctiai 'rde kxpanded exhibit A. The additi, 9 ge 0. r qoVets casts for the g, woxk- in. on budget under Change Order No,2 i $I14,,266J9'vvbich b s the to tAI umatiander--athoon the S ring o -al c6htr4ct t6 $0.2.0XO -.48. rig 3:77 Dated this day i Board of County Comnus Si OnOr 'S Grant. Countyo'Washington ,A. Ale D* e' b stain zt Dist #1 Dist #1, Dist 42 Di.st. #2 Dist #2. Dist #-It3 Dist #3 Dist 43 R E.UE I V AIA D - 5 x.021 IM b'OS COMMI�%SIONERS RANI C ig To meet current and futur6 needs.e s rving together With public and private entities, w ing a rovectful anid hils fosteA successfu wwken : I vironment" Informati . ........ on., ........................... )7546082 Refth -E'lefson, County Road Engineer ....... _.....Ext 3602 Ed Lowry, S.q tirvisur-Dist. No. I . ....................... ..... Ext:�540 FAX..... ......... - .......................... . .......... (509) 754-6087 Bob Bersand, Constructlon-:Engl -nee r . .................. Ext _3503 Mike DeTrollo, S ist, 0. 2 ........... ............. Ext.. upervisorm-bi N E-mail ... ......... r ........... publieworic-50grantcbulntywa.gov Lac Ohl, Accountant Lead .. . ....... ................... -...-Ex rtssey,, SuperVIS4, �t 3555 John U, r-DI-st. No. ................. ­Ext.'3641, Sam Castro, Public Works Director . ............. -at. 3.-W4 Rod Follett, IForemanSIgn Shop ...................... E >79 xL 3r. John Spiess, $uPerAsor-central Shop ...... 4...,...(5G9) 754-6086 Samuel Dart, Ass.1'startt Dtrector_. SSI -S 1 Wilv%gs, wtd wasle ......... ........ t509)7!54 -43I9 Andy Doothr Bridge .................... s._,F_Xt. 3535. rCOUN.. TRACT CHANGE RDER .Date, 21P2021 , arametm [Lacatiott: E WA ' ' r OMMOt . pkh t4 n4bIt PHS am1YCL 125aM::`�dtiWenatchee. ?4L Clang- ...OrderNo..-.-02 YOU [ t .i! ' � � wMg � "ro c �s ud 5p Acs t a ' �` - w6ati 4 " � Vit' n ncec l b n � ` - :,. 3�t' 1 W Y he dul 3' . x. h tract. rice 0611 tract Price . ' o ►ire. end o the Old U itkto tepz h fiml cover systems after ad difion1,00-On w e In. access cohructlbn, and cable Ins Ion.. 60-639. Sub -Total - cr*5:ase S80659.7-2 82% Txx Totall M* cre�alsyd 14,266-11 NOt'w*Creaw-,.C.O1itracf Mike The SUM Of 1A L1 �,is hereby added t the total RO( pricex all t�� t�� � ��•� �� ���ct P�'�� to date tbero d The time provided. for C p ev nin theF3tra-01t l nl ,hau -ed - c omplet��� �'��� � u�n�r�t .��t �� ��� � d��en MOM to .fie �M" t and All Provisions. CE will Apply j*TC�t r Date. 0.x/2 �2 () { rierv"�... gi:R & .rti�a . fF )5`11:k0E , w a ���yy,��77,, Date. -Ephrata Can drill. Phase 3 KRCII�f LLC M. onit tig'' Wett Extra VqOrV, Pay Et�ftzte Devon Gray - G t W Repairs, Item No Description I M a 4111.11zation 2 Surveyltlg 3 Slope Repairs 4 Well Repairs (50uth,Cf slope) .5 CSTC 6 Pothole for Manhole 7 Backfill and Ci�ant..JP: k Access Road Repair. Item No Destription Road Repairs. CSTC ant.tV 'n't prif .Ext n d P of easu e e rice LS $61000t,00 $6jO01b:1100 I QUarlfl ity Unit of wasuremen't -unit Price Exte rided, Price 442 *1 SF $5�305.20 50 CY -5 .00 $2,'75UO ,.Subtotal $8 1055.20 Sum total Items 1-9 R P ro posed modificatio'n. t FO- W -L Estim-atebased on.actual qi3antltlesln thy: fie Due to the sign;f1cand reduced squarefbeta Ke. y but lfn.cn�ased seaml'ng an hand dirt work, reqUes . ting an increase ire -unit price for fteilns 3, 4,,.zind 8. Propose a. lumpsurn for aU flow Jacket completes ped1stal 4nAajfg6O.n.. BacI backfill and djeanu-p, jjrnc�.udmg-�;any re-atrion,:req-u,'tre�'d to,ddso) �ifte'r­Y and cleanup in cludzis_ smooth i* g -out p4l: sand other:0 m.-efl le n 5 cc ail UV.as instructed by on. sup -w. - in it ndo vey dbta, quantity calculations provided bE. y:g" e.e­r.,:,.En- d resuh 11"s a. net decrlease Of a I le t u r: 100,000 -from original, estiMated; iota is $3$000,00 $�3r0010100. '33,30.44 SF $13.50 $44-1 96Q.94 11586.2 5F $121,00 8 i9 0-34540 246.47 CY $59.00 $135 55 LS: $1,00.00 ,Subtotal $97155IM19 QUarlfl ity Unit of wasuremen't -unit Price Exte rided, Price 442 *1 SF $5�305.20 50 CY -5 .00 $2,'75UO ,.Subtotal $8 1055.20 Sum total Items 1-9 R P ro posed modificatio'n. t FO- W -L Estim-atebased on.actual qi3antltlesln thy: fie Due to the sign;f1cand reduced squarefbeta Ke. y but lfn.cn�ased seaml'ng an hand dirt work, reqUes . ting an increase ire -unit price for fteilns 3, 4,,.zind 8. Propose a. lumpsurn for aU flow Jacket completes ped1stal 4nAajfg6O.n.. BacI backfill and djeanu-p, jjrnc�.udmg-�;any re-atrion,:req-u,'tre�'d to,ddso) �ifte'r­Y and cleanup in cludzis_ smooth i* g -out p4l: sand other:0 m.-efl le n 5 cc ail UV.as instructed by on. sup -w. - in it ndo vey dbta, quantity calculations provided bE. y:g" e.e­r.,:,.En- d resuh 11"s a. net decrlease Of a I le t u r: 100,000 -from original, estiMated; iota Old tpbrata Landfill Uner kepi it Areas ArAps Surveyed supplied by KRCI Ext-Vation ,Area Description Sf andwaterR ep irs- slope Repair GW me4pair (MWS* Mpl 99-0201-02b v 100pi IOIP21 106bl. 109pI., 101'I 111b,11r 0pl112p2.. & 105b) %330A4 P well flepalf-S (SOUthdf St 00e) 2 GW repair (MW -8b, 84Z 81b) 177,83 3 Gw repair (MW -73p2., 74b) 19 5.3 - 8 4 GW repair (MW� I 84pl, 87p2i 26b) 174-34 5 GW repair (MW: .9r2pI. -9 Ip2 11120 6 GW repair (MIAI-95 1,o 94 2:.97b) P P 7 G*W repair VVIW-:10,802,104PI) 122- 12 repair .5 .58 9 repair tMW- 121b; 1142) 135.34, 10 9 GW repair (MW- 88p2lS'b 9QpI) 25524 41 GW re -pair (MV -V-7. 'p2, 78b%- .12 GW r e -pair (MW-122P21k 13 GW repair tMW-72b) SUbtotal 10586*20 14 Roadside'. ca, We 334,88 Is, oad Side table "Pothoie 3652 16 Roadside cable: 17 Southeast Comer '93.5 silbko.tal. .442.10 v t, •e.": 7i fj mat• F.� r��+. 3?� � � .... F��"'i,�""�" �}`; � r�y��' . 1 r,71,. 1 ,i 'tfr • S " • . -..,;. - ' ' . * � .. ._.. � .. ., ..'; . 1e' na:.,.,.•.w.�..y '..» �;� :.�:,:iS .+... a •y'+'Y++^+'-a-t +var..,tr. ae•:a'. .:.» • t- :.e. -+—w -r i :.....,.:. ...a... ' :.. f .. ,},i..�.. , :5- a,+. - -. �• �t� . c • ''•T -'i' - ice. - - _ _ k! -i `� sj t•. ,k`,1 ., "h« ,w.:}!'; �.S' Y'� :L� � .. e, : .� { •'92 f � •s.' i _ - ls"'��r IONact ,+•, ��i-;.�:,.. +.:_i�Se igs.. ya - ., ..._ __. .:-a.. ... ..._ �. .5..:'...� -e .....A,x..., . -...._....a..., ti }.:. ..... n, „ ,e J- -., z� .4 '� r�. '�- J •S• J� Y. 4 .++' i } t- '¢. a� J� ,}, :r.., ''ii .{A . 44 t' '.� ets rt ,s� ��� •�T �: ���:�'' j, F", (t�..t .,�: i,:.J g,: �.€ �-•* •%��t+-n:a 1, 4� #,� 1.44i�. V44 �Y`9``47^, ")' iT -.9#,�p..,*wY`�4a}M'•mn - , ... _ ._ ...-_ wsa • 3� .� —. fIq .l i r t v •� 11 r .,, .a-. .:_ _ ....._... x ..--., RY INN .r ' I :. �. } !. _ r --r _ _.. _.. - - it - t 3•' t' K' 4. i i. t' �, f ,i �1°✓D� 14 1` � g �r •� .f :`f t ! .� , , .1Tc` _..: e..:. .. .. .' • ...: , x : ? : :, t s i F .. t t - '4 '.�,� � �, ,F �+ ". �. -. w.a ..�. _.1 � ...:) .'.: •. , a. t :. :: r�'�M. -. s�-' > .. .: . e - ,{dry[± .:� ,�,g '�i� � t . F t v vt+ _?�'ir - �+ir 1 �' TaR �a I �,, ti 4. +r, ,i r .s .t i .a is p. sq f s• :x �-e �I1oi�� i' 5 ..,.i�..x,.�:.:k>.Fw.ai � �.< .� ,.,.",,,-.,,., ., ►,fir � �� .� � .�. f _ ...W e�.:: .. . ..:....,y'�. a_xr. _ .-_..-.�w� r•`_..+!•. *., 5....++-+s. '9W `•r•r�••,. w. R)!S F� .�.. � � d- 4 'Y' _ .. k',"'•+"^" 2^ ,. � V._. .. . p_..x. -s a-a'..n.,.._....« ..,r. .'.. '..rw ..r.., ` ._ ..a-. 2" 4 ,+• - % .. " �a, ...:. t•iF�3sF.N..ig..f:"e4 .. �c•�ry � .roin..e..:WR�4.',�':. :, M -.. ,: :. a :. -.: .. �.. .. .., t ,i � . .. a... ^x�•J ��` �} �6. It :�.. �. � �::� .�-. .y, ���_.... �x .s.t V�. •' �+�7�' TOTAL BID ITEMS 129 $2,048,446.00 $2,153,418.47 $2,195,274.50 $2,261,668.00 $2,390,702.99 $2,409,044.10 WASHINGTON STATE SALES TAX (8.4%) $172,069.46 $180,887.15 $184,403.06 $189,980.11 $200,819.05 $202,359.70 PHASE DEVELOPMENT GRAND TOTAL $2,220,515.46 $2,334,305.62 $2,379,677.56 $2,451,648.11 $2,591,522.04 $2,611,403.80 EPHRATA LANDFILL PHASE 3 DEVELOPMENT Bid Tabulation, 8/04/2020 KRCI, LLC 125 SE McGee St. East Wenatchee, WA 98802 Deatley Construction P.O. Box 490 Clarkston, WA 99403 Selland Construction P.O. Box 119 Wenatchee, WA 98801 Strider Construction 4721 Northwest Dr. Bellingham, WA 98226 C & R Tractor and Landscaping 3829 Pleasant Hill road Kelso, WA 98626 Glacier Environmental Services 34105121st Street SW Lynnwood, WA 98087 Item # Tota Quantity Unit Item Description Unit Price Total Amount Unit Price Total Amount Unit Price Total Amount Unit Price Total Amount Unit Price Total Amount Unit Price Total Amount 1 100% L.S. Mobilization $110,000.00 $110,000.00 $200,000.00 $200,000.00 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 $305,000.00 $305,000.00 $174,000.00 $174,000.00 $244,450.00 $244,450.00 2 100% L.S. Health and Safety Plan $2,100.00 $2,100.00 $9,000.00 $9,000.00 $250.00 $250.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $1,689.68 $1,689.68 $16,030.00 $16,030.00 3 1 100% L.S. Surveying $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $35,800.00 $35,800.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $24,000.00 $24,000.00 4 31,669 C.Y. Excavation and Haul $1.00 $31,669.00 $5.25 $166,262.25 $5.00 $158,345.00 $16.00 $506,704.00 $6.39 $202,364.91 $4.12 $130,476.28 5 4,032 C.Y. Embankment Compaction $1.00 $4,032.00 $0.70 $2,822.40 $0.50 $2,016.00 $3.00 $12,096.00 $4.78 $19,272.96 $12.50 $50,400.00 6 6,352 C.Y. GCL Bedding Layer $25.00 $158,800.00 $11.00 $69,872.00 $30.00 $190,560.00 $16.00 $101,632.00 $23.23 $147,556.96 $25.82 $164,008.64 7 38,114 S.Y. Geosynthetic Clay Liner $6.00 $228,684.00 $5.65 $215,344.10 $6.25 $238,212.50 $6.50 $247,741.00 $6.36 $242,405.04 $6.85 $261,080.90 8 38,114 S.Y. 60 -Mil Textured HDPE Geomembrane $6.50 $247,741.00 $5.64 $214,962.96 $6.25 $238,212.50 $6.50 $247,741.00 $6.71 $255,744.94 $6.83 $260,318.62 9 31,768 S.Y. Geotextile Cushion Layer $4.00 $127,072.00 $2.82 $89,585.76 $3.00 $95,304.00 $3.25 $103,246.00 $3.18 $101,022.24 $3.47 $110,234.96 10 19,057 C.Y. Leachate Collection Layer $30.00 $571,710.00 $21.00 $400,197.00 $24.00 $457,368.00 $9.00 $171,513.00 $24.00 $457,368.00 $35.71 $680,525.47 11 703 S.Y. Rock Armor Layer from Stockpile $8.00 $5,624.00 $25.00 $17,575.00 $5.50 $3,866.50 $6.00 $4,218.00 $10.44 $7,339.32 $6.56 $4,611.68 12 1,934 S.Y. Crushed Surfacing Top Course - In -Place $9.00 $17,406.00 $16.00 $30,944.00 $8.00 $15,472.00 $12.00 $23,208.00 $6.34 $12,261.56 $6.86 $13,267.24 13 2,457 L.F. Interim Stormwater Geomembrane Berms/North Containment Geomembrane $28.00 $68,796.00 $24.00 $58,968.00 $25.00 $61,425.00 $29.00 $71,253.00 $27.23 $66,904.11 $36.11 $88,722.27 14 334 L.F. 6 -Inch HDPE Solid Wall Leachate Pipe $28.00 $9,352.00 $23.00 $7,682.00 $40.00 $13,360.00 $25.00 $8,350.00 $36.09 $12,054.06 $25.82 $8,623.88 15 682 L.F. 3 -Inch HDPE Solid Wall Leachate Pipe $20.00 $13,640.00 $28.00 $19,096.00 $30.00 $20,460.00 $16.00 $10,912.00 $24.08 $16,422.56 $14.15 $9,650.30 16 635 L.F. 6 -Inch HDPE Perforated Leachate Pipe $12.00 $7,620.00 $21.00 $13,335.00 $13.00 $8,255.00 $14.00 $8,890.00 $29.45 $18,700.75 $16.32 $10,363.20 17 316 L.F. 8 -Inch Buried HDPE Solid Wall LFG Pipe $55.00 $17,380.00 $43.00 $13,588.00 $45.00 $14,220.00 $44.00 $13,904.00 $45.30 $14,314.80 $40.15 $12,687.40 18 426 L.F. 6 -Inch HDPE Solid Wall LFG Pipe $47.00 $20,022.00 $55.00 $23,430.00 $50.00 $21,300.00 $43.00 $18,318.00 $47.69 $20,315.94 $49.41 $21,048.66 19 1,374 L.F. 4 -Inch HDPE Solid Wall LFG Pipe $27.00 $37,098.00 $38.00 $52,212.00 $52.00 $71,448.00 $33.00 $45,342.00 $36.02 $49,491.48 $13.40 $18,411.60 20 13 Each Modified Existing LFG Wellheads $2,500.00 $32,500.00 $2,200.00 $28,600.00 $2,000.00 $26,000.00 $2,000.00 $26,000.00 $2,741.15 $35,634.95 $2,035.00 $26,455.00 21 14 Each LFG Wellheads $2,300.00 $32,200.00 $3,600.00 $50,400.00 $4,500.00 $63,000.00 $2,200.00 $30,800.00 $2,812.64 $39,376.96 $2,365.00 $33,110.00 22 4 Each Geomembrane Penetrations $1,000.00 $4,000.00 $823.00 $3,292.00 $600.00 $2,400.00 $1,000.00 $4,000.00 $927.07 $3,708.28 $986.00 $3,944.00 23 400 L.F. 6 -Inch HDPE Solid Wall Trench Pipe $17.00 $6,800.00 $62.00 $24,800.00 $45.00 $18,000.00 $10.00 $4,000.00 $33.48 $13,392.00 $3.71 $1,484.00 24 3,000 L.F. 6 -Inch HDPE Perforated Trench Pipe $9.00 $27,000.00 $5.00 $15,000.00 $25.00 $75,000.00 $8.50 $25,500.00 $24.65 $73,950.00 $5.94 $17,820.00 25 3,400 L.F. 4 -Inch HDPE Perforated Trench Pipe $8.00 $27,200.00 $3.25 $11,050.00 $22.00 $74,800.00 $7.00 $23,800.00 $23.03 $78,302.00 $3.80 $12,920.00 26 100% L.S. LFG Meters $19,000.00 $19,000.00 $14,000.00 $14,000.00 $16,000.00 $16,000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $21,728.40 $21,728.40 $15,250.00 $15,250.00 27 100% L.S. Trimming and Cleanup $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $12,500.00 $12,500.00 $4,729.43 $4,729.43 $6,200.00 $6,200.00 28 100% L.S. Flare Facility $135,000.00 $135,000.00 $162,600.00 $162,600.00 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 $85,000.00 $85,000.00 $18,302.33 $18,302.33 $85,200.00 $85,200.00 29 100% L.S. Electrical and Control System $68,000.00 $68,000.00 $193,000.00 $193,000.00 $85,000.00 $85,000.00 $90,000.00 $90,000.00 $270,349.33 $270,349.33 $77,750.00 $77,750.00 TOTAL BID ITEMS 129 $2,048,446.00 $2,153,418.47 $2,195,274.50 $2,261,668.00 $2,390,702.99 $2,409,044.10 WASHINGTON STATE SALES TAX (8.4%) $172,069.46 $180,887.15 $184,403.06 $189,980.11 $200,819.05 $202,359.70 PHASE DEVELOPMENT GRAND TOTAL $2,220,515.46 $2,334,305.62 $2,379,677.56 $2,451,648.11 $2,591,522.04 $2,611,403.80 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this behveen the Board of Counq, Commissioners of GrantCounty, State of Washington, actin under and by virtue V, I ofchapter 36.77 of the Revised Code of Washindon. as amended, hereinafter called the County, and K RQ L .-...- for itself. its heirs,. executors administrators. successors and assigns,, hereinafter called the Contractor ..'-'-'--- W1 TNE S S E T H That in consideration of the payments, covenants, and agreements. hereinafter mentioned, and attached .and made a part of this agreement', to ba.made and performed by the pasties hereto, and the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows., The Contractor shall, do all iN�--ork- and fumish all tools, materials, and equipment necessary to improve and complete Ephrata Landfill Phase 3 Development, located 'in Grant County, Washintylon. as proposed in a bid opened 1:30 P.M., Tuesdav, August 4th, 2020 in accordance NN41i and C: I 0 as described in the herein attached plans and standard specific-ations. and in full compliance Nvith the terms, conditions., and stipulations herein set forth and attached, now refer -ed to ativ by. such reference incorporated herein' and made part hereof as fully for all purposes as if here set "fort"h at length, and shall perfomi any alterations in or additions to the work- covered by this contract and every part thereof and anY force account k'ork may be ordered as Provided 'in this contract. and eNTry part thereof, 1W 2. 'nie Contractor shall provide and be at the expense of all materials, labor, carriage, tools, 0 0 4 0 implements and conveniences and thins of every description that may be requisite for the transfer of C materials an . d for constructing and co-Inpleting the %vork provided foi 'in this contract and ever part thcreof "I j 11 The County hereby promises and agrees with the Contractor to employ, and does ern to , the Contractor to provide the materials and to do and cause to be done the above described Nvork and to complete and finish the same according to the attached plans and specifications and the tears and conditions herein contained, and hereby contracts to pay for the same according to the attached specifications and the schedule of unit or iternized prices hereto attached, at the time and in the manner and upon the conditions provided for in this contract and every part thereof The Count), further aarees to employ the Contractor to perform any; alterations in or additions to the NN-ork covered by this contract and every part thereof and any force account work that may be ordered and pay for same under the terms of this contract and -IL -4a"'tt--che4,nl;"a-xi's"and `specificat*ions. 4. The Cop'tractor for himself. and for his heirs, ejxecutorsl, administrators and ass'1ans. and successors and assigns, does hereby agree to the full performance of all the covenants herein contained upon the part of the Contractor. It is further provided that no liability shall attach to the Counq, by reason of entering into this tontract. except as expressly provided herein. Z: GraOt C01111r3 Public I VoAj Deparonew Ephrata Landfill .boss 3 Doelopment Consinrction Contracts and Spclfi'colions -4pri 121 025 a ig XMI-1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Canter has executed this instniment, and the said Board of County Comaiissioners of Ouresald County hps caused this Ins meat to be executed by and 'tn the name of said Board by Its Members, duly attested by its Clerks and the seal of said Board to be hereunto affixed, 0 SFr Via OTO - ------------ er S. TZ.wd. - - --- ------ WRAMMYWIR L V Chair commissioner Grwu Cowl Public Warb bvwwmnt J$5.374"1 (05,01) E p1trala La dill P 3 Development .4pr)11010 Ccnxrmalm Contraw and Sptcy�wwnj 41 0 "A"ll ; IL 4111 1 12100 NE 195th St., Suite 200 BOtheU3WA 98-11 (.425--) 499-4500 Fim. Smut Addms rNa P.O. 110,0 ice Of L0=1 Office crAWl Approved as to fonn -, �0 2020 Graw Como P VMC Worb l3varlwni W-1746401 10 Of 4Mralp twd,411 Phw J Dow*msw .1030 Cmieursot Corwwa god SpItcylleaper, s