HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreements/Contracts - Facilities & MaintenanceK21-041
FHI S CU�MACT Cont act"), entered into by and between. CIRANT COUNTY duly
org4a-nized and ope-..ating -tinder and by virtii.e of Ion ai.A the laws of the State of
the Constitud
Wa-shing-ton, ("County"), ta-.n's Con.struction. an- d Son, LI.C., a Corporatton c. w. I i -v fornied and
Aoin(a bttsiness,, in the State of Wash' 1W
I __
k ington. ("Contractor""').
In cO41SJ.der/,_-,t of the In-titualprom.ises, aiad cove-nants co-nuanied her ei,n.,the parties hereto
agree as foltows:
Work of Con. tract./&,L).W.,ofWork. The Contractor shall labor and ni,aterials for the removal and disposal
of the existing soffit, and fascia and installation of the specified materials in the RFB for FM2102 for the exterior
of the facility. Contra(. --,;tor will be responsible for developing a work safety plan and informing and training
employees on the material s being worked on and providing appropriate PPE.
Contractor shall be responsible for demolition, procurement, shipping and transportation, installation
and disposal of all project related PPE, materials, and equipment,
Contractor will. supply all equipmen, t necessary to completeproject,,:
Remove or cover fascia as specified and confirm necessary material, quantities to meet project
requirements for completion, Coating any wood materials will be part of the scope of the projeUL.
Provide triple 4 center vented aluminum soffit-, Color to be a close match to the existing soffit color.
provider ater•ial to cover existing fascia with aluminum. Color of new fascia to closely match existing
fascia colors.,
Barricades., ti-11pe or other methods to effectively notify employees and custorners oil hazards and or
prevent acce'ss to areas the project work is, being executed.
Materials, equipment and means to capture' materials loosened and dislodged durir*,,g -the, project..
Removal and disposal of all waste generated by the project. Associated waste disposal costs are the
responsibility of the contractor.
Clean up of all areas affected by work related to job.
when and the time needed: to ccs lute
Contractor ill coordinate with project manager in.regard to
dem.olltioria.r!id construction -to allow safe access for customers and employees.
Container s tc properly store and haul aIJ job-related materials,
solid and liquid, for disposal,
Generators or other power supplies to run all equipment to be utilized for the project. The building is
lacking outside power
IVISIDS', are ti) be provided and available by the contractor upon demand: and on site for any
chemicals brought on site.
CoIltainers to properly store and. hatil all job-,re-.Iiated ln,,itericals, sotld. and 11C.I'Llidfor
C(,,)ntractor shall leave tlie project siteln a clean. cond.1t1w,.i. with. all debris recovered wid. reriioved.
k I - hadividully and/or coll-1E.,%etlively-
tie morin, ed'bv the Contractor
The ter -in "work" shall niean all'work
dwiri.4,4. the piroj
41- ject.
10 Projegtsitc-% The work. shall be accomplished 11pon the real property coinnionlyknown, a.n.cl
... .......
Sit'11,4`ttZd on or abota (31'ant Cotinty'Flealth District 1.038 West St Mos'- I.A—ke ashingtota.
I Vit, es W
Fni..21 02: Stan't s Catistn .,.( ,Aion- Cantract Pa I
Date of Coni.mencement. and Date of Completion. The Contractor shall commence the work-
. 0
described herein upon receiving notice to proceed from the County. Substantial. completion of the'
work shall occur ort or before May ,31, 2021, or at. such other time as may be mutually acyreed upon
by the parties. In. any event, Contractor shall not commence construction until notice to proceed has
been provided, by the County.. The Contractor shall obtain. all necessary permits pior rto the
commencement of cavy work.
forth Delo
3. ContractSupp.candTerni s. The agreed Contract sum, except for Provisions set., -
Paragraph. 14, and with payment of such Contract Sum SU ect to. i i et f rt.h. bel.o-w
I �j provisions. yet -o
Paragraphs 9 and. 12, and/or any of e. provi&ion contained within the Contract which may affect. such
Contract Sum, to be paid to Contractor, is as follows:
Subtotal $487 13,00
WaAS.11_.i_.'n,Rton State ;3ales Tax @ 8.4% S-4 0 9 1. 8 9
Total $52804.8.9
C� $2435.65
The Contract SWIL shall 'be $4.8,713.00 pl-us all applicable taxes (sales -tax at 8.4 percent) or
3 d* 'i -at-titained by an additional authority."
any add.ltlon,al, cost,; resulting froinjuris . ictional requirein.ents n.t•
perm. it co's, ts. as neededand, al,1 materials and/or habor to com.plete the scope of work described herein,
is- the responsibility of the Contractor
5% retainage is required as are in.tents and. affidav`s to Washington State Labor and Industries.
Contractor,shall -,submit a sinale, bi"Ilin.,al statement arid/or 'invoice to the County at the co.nipletion of
the pr(�j ect. S tach billing statement and/or invoice shall set out the nature ofwork perfot-niea,. as we, I
e and t Ndals * -ivolved:in such work- or percent -age of work completed. as i-nutuaIly a�4reed
as the tini11
upon by the Contractor and the Count', The County will pay: such staten-ient and/or invoice witllin
dAirty (30) days of receipt..
4. Perfortnanc,Ne and Payment Bonds" Required -foi- this pr 'ect.
5. Retainage, Required for this prq�ject,,
,, 0
6. Indeninit, md, HoM Hari.n.less. The Contractor shall defend, indemnl.fy arid, hold.the County,
.its officers, of'ficia [s, employees and. volunteers harmless from any: and all claims injuries daniac
losses or suits, inctuding attorney --fees, arising out of or in. connection- with the performance of tli.e
contract, except R r inj Lines and damages caused by the sole negligence of the County.
It, Is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein
constitutes the Contractor's waiver of imm-uni,ty- underl.-.tidustrial Insurance, title 5 1. RCS, solely log.
the purposes of indeinnification. This- walverlias been mutually necrotiZAted by the parties. The
provisions of this secti.o.n. shal.l. survive the expiration of terinination of this contract.
7* Insurance. The Contractor shall procureand maintain, fcn the duration of this contract.
insurance at�cTainst claims for i11.'uries to persons or clan:-iage to property which may arise f-roin or in
Fnil 102 Stan.'s Constr%wfion. Cararact — Page 2
connection with the performance Qf the work herettri der by the Contractor, its agents, representatives,
.0 bcontractors. The Conti -actor sh<ffl provide a Certification of Insti.rance evidenc`112:,
employees or & t'
Automobile L-labilit , m.sLU,-,EMce with limit 's nole�ss than S.1,000,000 conabined singb.:,,
Peiaccident for bodily h1jury and Property da:ni age-, and
Conimercial General Liabill, 1, 1 nsti-rance wr"tte.i, on an occurrence basis withl iin.its no
less 'than. $ 1,000,000 combinedsingle 1.1 -mit per occurrence. and $1,000,000 aggregate
'for personal injury, bodily illjury caji'd property damage. Coverage shall 'neltide but
htnited to-, blanl<et contractual: products/col. d operations; broad forn.,i
-not ie. i i, npet.e.
property da-tnage; explosiol-.1', collapse and underground (XCU) if applicable; an.d
employer's liability..
Worker's Coin -isation insunc�tce tiat the lin it.{ established by ishtine Stat.e of
,Any pay-inent, of deductible or selfin,(.;ured rete.titi-o'n shall be the sole respon,sibifity of the Cojtj4f.:,(.,to,r..
li,e County sh,all. be nal..n.ed Cts ai:i. add-itional. instired oil, the insurance policy, as respects work
pe-,rlfor.tlled by or or.l.. behal-f of the Con.tractor
and a copof the endorsement j.iarrt* s
Y ti-ag the county a
add itlonzi,l Insure d ..1afl be attached, to t.,1i;e Certificate of 'Insurance.. The Contractor' s 1111S,Urafice sli ,ffl
I -n thirty���0days prior
be pr" -y insurm.i,r-e with respect' th.e. County and the County shallbe give
1,17 V. T1 -er ,i -age.
ion, susl
VVIII-t-': 'n notice of ai ty cancellat' )ension or i,cit. ial. cht nge in covei.
b s(*qttent1:y discove'red
thel.d. The O',)-un'ty may wAhho1d'or`,. on. account
0' s Lu
evidence, nullify the N.vhole or part of any' pa.y'.n-,i'ent'to such ext'ent'as may'' beri,ecessar- o protect
COL1.11.14Y frOD-1 IOSS or da-n-i,age for re,,Cisolls 111clud-tti.g but not firnited to:
Work.r1ot in accordance with the Contrae't.
Reaso.i,,i,,,ble ev-ldemce th(It the m1ork. required by the Contract cannot, be con'lpleted -for
the. unpaId balance of the contract, sum;
Work- by the County to correct def-ective wo:rk- or complete the work.;
accordance with th Contract: or
Failttreby the Contractor to perform, in e
Cost or lizibilfty that may occur to the Coutity as the result of Contracto-i,`s fain tor
negligent acts or omissions.
-vVhc,-,-re part or all of a payi'llent is going to be withheld, f r ui-isat* -,"factory
PROVIDED: In Wly case 0 1 s.
the (.'.'ounty shall n.otify Contractor in accc)rdance w."fln RCW39.16.01. 1(b).
9. Authority �:)f CoLinty. If the Cont-ractor fa.11s to perforni the work according to requji-eineius
Ot the Con.tract Do currtetit, th,e Cou.j,'ity shall provide written notice of the deficiciacy tothe Contractor
11. -veseven. days toCOITCCt the drifici.ency 'n. th * worl,-. If the Cw* ffl,s to
ai.A.Co�.Ar.act�61- sh(. ha I C-11 itractor 4,,,L I
defic* e
correetthe i iej icy the work within the sev en day period o r to take ai-id continue 'all a i
Corlstri-iction.. Contract --Pagel
stel.), to, h,).itlate the corrections 'It), the evei.,A correcti.o, -tas cannot be reasonabl (I in the seven
y ✓complete
day period, the Co.-inty inay, wilthout pre'luffice to other renaedies,, (a.) use County forces, other
(Yood the Contractor's deficiency and (b) deduct froin the
contractors, or otli(-x meat -is t0:1. ia
Contractor.s payme-tats the cost of such. effort,
10, Wantarity -of Comstruction. In. addition to any i I warranties provi.d.ed. elsewhere in the
Contract Docurijen,!,-," and/or companion. or applicable docutnents, th.e Contractor warrants that all
work confornas to the req:uireinents of the. C(z)ntract and Is free ofany defect. in equipment, inatertal,
or desigpi fur aished, or workmarishiP perfori-ned by Ccant rac' tor.
Wtla'rcspect to al.] warranties, express or i.mplied, for work perforilied. or .niaterials n- ish,.ed
accordingto the Contratct and/or co-nipanion or applicable documents the Contractor shall:
Obtain all warranties that would be g*
iven in, i
rornial co il prac we
mme-rcic,.t., c
Require all warranties, to be executed, in writing, for the berlefit of the Cou-nty, a-n(l
Enforce :,. d.1 warrant s for the'. bo- nefit of the County, if directed by the County, inC.111-dil"10,
an,y stfbcon-,,-.-ra.ctor's, ni,�antrf.`acturers, or supplier's wara.anty t1iat extends bey0nd the period
specified in the Contract.
'rh.e cab figations under'this Section. shall survIve coinpletion..
Li. successors 'a:.nd Assi�,,-ns. T`tie. (_'.-ounty atild Contr ves. th-eir'
t actor tvspectvvelybind, thernsel,
f�ca-e -o and to nartners,
-e sentat.i:ves to the other party
Success ns, id'le�4a_
S11 1-1* 1%
aiats ca,,aree.rtie.nts
L.CCeSS0.1's, ass,igns a-tid legal representatives of such, oth.er party in respect to c0vellc_ .
a--ticl :obliga:-1-3,01.ls Contained -in -the . Con.tra'ct, Neither party shall asstgn - tll NA, it -1
A. e 'fir bout written
wi,h such. col.1-se'rit', that
collsent of the oth.e.,.:... If either party atter-1pts-to make such an, a's s i g.ti,.niejit .1, out
PkIlity sl.j_all rermdrt fly'resiponsible for *,cill obligao,on.s set in. tlieCoilfrae't.
aja. I eS I
h -Y e, a d withoanoticz -to Contr-actor's s'atet.3,,
.e C ounty, may', at a.,ny til 1 .11
or(lerac'ldl.tioti.ks.�de'tet'lo'ns,re-vi.,,��,i.ons.oi-ot'h.e-i-cha.tiges.-I'-i-itl,iemi:or.k,,..,rhe�sec.hanges'i-it,hL wor'k. shall.
I I e
be'(,T11C,X)TPora:ted lonto the Contract,. Doc-unient throuc)-h the executto-t'i ofChari.ge Orders. If any charllze
-a"I tl,ie� work ordere.11. by County caLlses, an in.crease or deerease ili, t'lle, Conlract Sum or the tini,e o -f
pe.rformai..'i,ce, an ecuitable ad -stm.ent shall. be jnade, and such adjuStilaents(s) shall be -incorporated
into a Cliange Ord.. -,1,,r,
iN h
If the County desi.�rsto order a changej.,j,,i t e wor'k, -it rnay request a. written Ctlal,�k.ae Order ,..s^'.
Contractor. (.7,ontractor -shall, submit a Change Or
der ptoposa within 14 days of the request
ftotl-i. the Cou.i.-ity, 01- within such. other period -,�-ts tinitually agreed. Contract or's Change Order
pi-.,,oposed chan.ge 1-,n- the 1A.1ork,
pi.-oposat sbal.11. It'ictude full eotnpen.Sa•hon for implen.i.ent1ng thL
I.,ticluc-finct any adjustment in the contract sum or tinge of perfor.Mance, a' d. *nclu
< n i aing cornpensat,ton.
or all (J.elays in, connection, with such chalhze,1111 the w().rk. and for any expense or inconvenience,
disrt,tptioln.-of schedule, or loss. of efficiency or productivity occe,_,tswi-ited 'by cham'Ye i-11 the Work*
Upori. receipt of the- Change Order proposal, or a reque's.t.for equitable a�tjtLstment in the contract. s'um
or titre o of perforniance, or both, the County may accept or reject. the proposal, request further
1 4'
"m2 1 .0.2 Stan's Cojistr.n.ctlon. Contra.(, -,t — Page 4
acceptable terms w*th. Contractor. Pending agreenient on the terras of
doc.umentatloll, or egoti,al.C., 1
the Chmanee Order flie Count --ay d're t Contractor to proceed inan-iediately with the Chancre Order
I c
work.Con.tractor sh.al-l. not proceed with any chancre in the work. un
.t*.l it- has obtained the Cou..nt.yl
'cl,pprova l. All -work done pursuant to any County -directed change in the work shall be execut-ed
accordance with. tlao Contract,
Re . hitionshim Neither the Contract, -nor any ca�greenlent implied theref"F01111
constitutes the, Co.*11tractor as an agent or legal reiresei tat' • the County for any purpose
I ive of
whatsoever, and th(/' relationship of fb-e Contractor to the Cottntyby- reason of the ContractDocument
shall be. that, of an 11,depe.n.dent contractonnie Contractor is not gm.nted any express or irnpfied.ri�_Oit
or authorityto ass -u -me or create a.tay obligation or responsibility on behalf ol,.'orin. name ofthe
County or to 1:71nd tlae County in any man.-ner or thing whatsoever.
14 Clean ' %,-,
U). -'ontractor sliall at all. times, keep the project site. includitig hauling routes,
.--r -'ro ons of waste n-iaterials. Before
Infrastructures, uti-lmes., and storracre areas, f ee f ni accum tflati
the Nvork, Contractor shall remove from. the pre.niiies Its rubbi-sli, tools, scaffolding,
e cli i i j,),;1,.n en. t', an.d materials. Upon conij:).Jetin t. site in. a
g the Work, Contractor shall leave.. prec i
.a:,neat, and orderly conctit.io-n satisfactory to the County. If Contractor fails. to clean. up as
ay do so and the cost,
-u-,ible not*ce -Froni the Count y,, the Co-unty m�
provided herein., and. after rectisor
*hereot` shall be ch-arged to Contract -Or.
154 V
&trvival. In the event any clause or provisi.on, of this Contract s'hall be held, to be 'n. afid
Chluses an vorthe-less be <and rernat'n. 'n full. force and
th-en. tl-ie i-.-cmamilh, d Provisions shall ne
f_, A I I
�Niit The Contract etnbodies the ent' oth e r
1.6. ErItire. Ai�.rc:enlc
gree ora.l,o--wi-i,tten:,-a-re.,:ber'e,byiiie.j,"godiiitoaiid's,�i'perseded-by:tl-icCor.i.t-i.-eict,.T.'I-ier�e'',,,ii, rio
ot.lie'r agreements which.modify or afl`ect the terms hereof..No amendrnent hereto
ur.fless ttke ted th:*.reof are in wr.a.i.n.9 signed by both parties. "rime o-r"the een.ce, No verbal
Ot her agreements i- I-Iodif. �i or affect the Co.i.itract
17. of DoctimentS The Contract bee' eviewed. 'by the Contracto-r me
- - ---- � 4! . n illy 1
Contnactor has had the opportunity,to cons- It wit
Ll h legalcotuisel as to the le(alel.Tect of. Co-nttuct.
Notices. A 1.1. notices -which.. may be re qUired purRlcant to the ternas herctof are to be'its ,%vrani�-,,,
a -.tic[ d6livered persbi,.ially to tlie party •torece.ive the sam.e or mailed by regular mall, post pa-cl
age, pre i,u
to -the„.'iddress spe6fied actjacentto the 1) arties'si gn attire s. Allnod.ces sl.iall be deenied served upon.
delivery thereof or three (3) days, follow.`M2, deposit of the notice in. the U.S. ii -ails as required- herein.
19, Headings, (,"..onstrtictlon.. The lieadlngs of the sections and lea racyraphs are I inserted Sl',olely,r
t 0. r
the conventence ofthe parties cand are not a part of and are not inten.'ded to govern, or aid. in 0 --ie
constructi.on of an term or provisioni. hereof. 'In cons,trLdn,(.Y. the-partics' in. -tent with regard to this
Contract'.., no greater or stricter construction. of` wiy term 6r prov,!soon hereof shall be asserted against
fl'ye County as drafter,
Frn2 102 Stan” s Constr! iction., Contract Page;5)
Disputes. -AttorneysTees, In any controversy-, ctafi.ij or disputte ar.' t of. or relatincy to,
� . ising ou
this contract or the niethod. and ni.anner of performance thereof or the breach thereof, the
party sluall be entitl(,,d to be awarde'd its reasonable attorney's fees 'n addition to -such other da.m.a.ges
as are appropriate. If neither party wholly- prevails, the party that substantially prevails, sli.all be
awarded its; reasone-ble attorneys' -fees as 1.t°atlon expenses. For the purp
oses of this, rovision, the
terins proceeding" and "litigati.on." shall include arbitrat io* 11, ad7inistrat.1ve. yankruptcy-,. andjudicial
proceedilags, 1-riqlucting appeals therefrmn.. For pu Uurneysfees
iq? o s e of this comract,Ahe actual. a
mcurred shall. be dee.ni.e rea onable .
21, Governi. z Law, Venue. The pefforniance and interpretation of the Contract Document shall
be, governed and In.-terpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of 'W
ashen ton. Any.1
ari,stria out of or.in, connection w
il]a this. Contract, shall be conducted 'In. Gratil CoLti.i.t.y,,W4'I.S,11.ii-igtota.
Fr 1- - , Q
R)") S U-in's Constructlon . Contract ., P e 6
1 C
Dated the.. of ~2019#
License No. STANSCS8-41 D,
UB I No. 60.3566918-
I n I - =., L �l
Dated the Of 20'��*
Approved as to form
Kevin Mc e
Deputy Pr cuting Attomey
F-m2l., IOC Stan s Constrilction . Contract — Page 7