HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreements/Contracts - Sheriff & Jail-lo%� -�1/ z-/i3/Z� E r VE D 2023 I'Ty1�1111 -MMUNITY COLLEGE �IG BEND CO. HEALTH AGENCY AGREEMENT FOR PROVISION OF CLINICAL EXPERIENCE FOR BIG BEND COMMUNITY COLLEGE HEALTH EDUCATION PROGRAMS 2022-2025 AFFILIATION AGREEMENT This Agreement is made and entered into between Big Bend Community College, 7662 Chanute St. Moses Lake, Washington, and Grant County Sheriffs Office/Grant County Jail 35 C Street N.W.IP.O. Box 37 Ephrata, Washington. The purpose of this Agreement is for Training Site, which is committed to training health care professionals, to provide desirable clinical learning experiences and facilities for School's students who are enrolled in its Health education programs the "education program"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, School and Training Site agree as follows: A. School and Training Site agree that contemporaneous with or following execution of this Agreement and within the scope of its provisions, School may develop letter agreements with Training Site to formalizeI operational details of the clinical education program. These details include, but are not limited to, the following. - 0 Beginning dates and length of experience (to be mutually agreed upon at least one month before the beginning of the clinical education program); 0 Number of students eligible to participate in the clinical educationprogram; 0 Specific days, hours and locations for the clinical education program; 0 Specific learning objectives and performance expectations for students; 0 Specific allocation of responsibilities for the faculty Liaison, clinical education Supervisor, and Preceptors, if any, referenced elsewhere in this Agreement; 9 Deadlines and format for student progress reports and evaluation forms. Any such letter agreements will be considered to be attachments to this Agreement, will be binding when signed by authorized representatives of eachparty, and may be modified by subsequent letter agreements signed by authorized representatives of each party. B. School and Training Site will jointly plan the clinical education program and jointly evaluate students. Exchange of information will be maintained by on-site visits when practical and by letter or telephone in other instances. C. School and Training Site will instruct their respective faculty, staff, and students participating in the clinical education program, to maintain confidentiality of en and patient.informat ion as required by lawoand b th' icies.and roce 7 _e,vol pdures USchoola,nd''Trainin, - Site.. .9 DO The-re'Will b rid pay nt,of. heres.orf6es.' ho A Trahi m.e C, ee c an Site., betw n:8 ng E. The' Hl be: no di t -re wl scriminotio, n, �agti_in.st,,, any program paqilz ip,;an or applicant cov6red::under �-�.A, t� beca qselO -..c 4or,,:reli9ion,,, no ional.. reem n rigin e an U- I rientation ve n se h di 0! p.,.�status.�as ....-.a Vietnam era or ais bled x a 0 SIN, nor wi I SO -116,61 o- Tdrriinatl►npl' t or r ining ii e enga -ge in:such� iscrj.I iin their em-0oyrOLP on e. pq1IP1e$, P lk 11��RRI - A �ro C Sch S it cb,� toth- �_,Po WH P. :int �to, Trainihg n ino i v;de M Cfirl:the:,s We. -f I 'a -pro rnlo.t nd the '' fessional; and a"caae 6 'to' Is of re enua_ Jts Pt nts at. •Train' iq "I hili dit appro -redo t i tiled �,fa �49 nA e priatelV qualifi ed �an,d 'c' n P�u e MeM�.r.�­ r 'to c d" -as th 'Li i 'ith' T` ire i --��Site...Sth. 0 -ib ....Qor._jn8tO!�and:,.act e 9 son w ra n Ing Willbe. respo, h, sAr 'to V .10., for I Udbl'oh, a -h- d� -" i - "►1 101111 a m n ist ra i :'he students:a em -tat' tb- rare. qn:oft endo titin p win ango ;'d: A Q.. s iaison., S - choo'l n 01HY Tr 'ni in .-'a' y tK Site. writi mg, n h of rqpqse cange U Will'hav 'the"fina. I respo., S - I bIst 4 .gbrad n n -g-studen't's. ob,faplt►uwllmt With Tra k *nSitefiniI d t,n .$ginn g 'and eln any U receptdrs, If at t 'he d u cat" r ra, m Ft - n �e .,p P 'd I --t aq .,,eva. ua the iinic I ed C a u c cation rpgraM Th,,6$ will p,,ip e .. c. on 'a thei** b"P Pce n, person f pr cfi bleh`� 0 y, e.,e ter p I Q is I b le f6, aPring rSpInirM ng e . _e ings.. proviae e names h004 wi -and in.formate on pertaining to tiM Oa cation rain . n fir', a H d, n _le th.O:� lihi -:-F d evan du c 0. ndl- 1 ts: enrol d, I n, u e u Progra e. the d1in" dPCatj, n pomr weeks: re'.. the b'O i.h., �!ngae:, of r ra.,;cai :e 8 hool i rep -b I g' additiona] �-ihform6tionrequited b '''T ua'iainingQ_ W1 nof T(1te fgree al''r a�,iv I 1"M d fo rt h I n:,t IS A men., P 10''r: to hL rr a o u ent SO 0 -'go -in a s 'Y Wn n ­any,-cna. g6, or 0 ange Pr _udent s status, iI T46 Hea.Ith A genwi I Ieproviopq With .4I�tof:"st'U dents veti in tho f g� roqu"Irementsor rp,ll ,h ` _QW.R I ­ went i., a� a.. knega,iv Tt3: tes e day,thy:h opJI rt,prior to:th . first of t 11pro ..am ort of t Xawra�t e ­ t. and -re - I ease t I o W, ork in- Pos 1-M dood.m.entation o ches y wea m n e. haire4011inirts.B v H.0tlis. ...Ccn. S.0nes doc Pm,p-m. aTion or written de.clinato vaccine. Jon f -Hepis B. antibody titer . may -be done if ►vacci d ne receive. in past, but .documentation 'is uh`­H cable aval a e.. 0, s e M' n ' on-strabo of Mea -lesM W immuni R y by- (a) physidianftw umps/Rube" I diagnosed measles or mud .­Mps. isease,, or(b) labr r evidence - of measles, mumps, or rubella immunity, arsons who have an -ndeterml nate" or :Oq :u ivoca ievej upaw, t t 'h'nsidered non uld be c immune)- n -es ing s o o or (c) appyopriate vac -MU id rubefla. . cin agairitt. meamet, Mps, an ft rs dm I n on r w. er th fi "t birth Ooses -of .1 e day bf two 2 ive measles and mU le- t d of Iv m.ps, vaccines: separated' U-28 d - ore; a as, one ose Ive, rubella vac cin d. De­monsttAti n'of cha' kenpox. '0 Ic 0 immunit Y..by: 2 doses f Va ri I I ce- a. vaccine 'given_at- least 28 days p6ft 'b a - - Od f or., bora ory evi �ence o, immunity Td.orjOa" ''bo. r, i n-11' ears P W-thi 0 y [Ouenza -.- 'ac v aine -fofeutt -, t. -,season, n;, 9�- Q O"t h6alt carp, provider'lev P ml .5 . . I � alenx-, Q, R.�cardorequiv h# 81gned, -con ride itsali ty agreement, L Nagati've L d r -'u en. g 1Fale, in 'School shall -ask each Student ho b "I p_`jc'-e­d T, w rn,p `7► Y -140 R, _�g it to w o ground record from ''ton St'_ te P6tr I Wash" 9 obtain hi' /h"" btihiina"fl h" W er:.i iM b e, in ory ac ease -a 0 rell Co 0 Or., uant o.:RC I 4� A3 834_ :RCW43,43 Z- *­ Ift A �� C,,fd to the h t trnrillt'reof Ao Training r z- :th'- 'School' a n d', 'a' th, u o'i'e-: _a. record or Qopy..to�:"It B_ ing 'S 'ho e r -Sit -With th" 6' th'tar'of trairii est C. 61 will rovid T'a, ining, P n any e q. u ts-: -who have ftiileit dend -�o r Wh, o..refv -o ...o Ar e "te_ rp or., se t authorize in -ft g -dth"'t, "h:'W` d o recor . e s t6'Tra' Re.: The�s n - in orme a w e er,or e ag, re,pase n,�g nothey a tin�thote ­6ed 6ndg ree o ob to P.hp I ra o, and T i Site, Tra,ai -Sitdu-,the Tr inin $.It ng _..I. 6,1�'May co ndt h e b ck round `nq a i uIr d ire. tly A Y nq tna Y rela se-, I ft" d- s nor%d�the re, p aceme 11t, of a stod 'n W, t "p -o ..quesl Orepords r who has a record --f o �pri rzra 1 -1. - , I - I d!t ing. ,o it t" h for SN' d .t '_.s -,and ag that J1 f I MIa ID "ard d t e un.. Lpps 4qd, rees� -at any in o' M rolu.91 t V & dhooi do P. c not qerx, Y of :i-d"th -b -th -o..Ihasbeen procure oh Q if e '.,e RIP th.6� red&d§ NO a hd �f n "to oon-dulct' Provil tk appropriate rtn rm _e obli afi gr,n goAd� dheo. s. -and: l --he i a b: i I ify 'Torrmjai," th th re a ins Ahe ibili W�Ity jning. H -S;C'h6oI W1 nor student:pw i I tficpating in the::cfinical 'education pr ram m lo ac J -comprehe I a a "d " t J- 'e, that will provide _qVire ns ve health h cci en nsuranc confinu 1. ou Vet f s" -'h 'tudent Burinhis.r her partis --co: age o uc. sg oQ ipa tio n in the educati01411 0on program.. 8chb�. :thrill- inform students that' they , are, ktbon, sibl fr the-irhe-alth need's, Nea Ith date':dosts, and he'alth'insura'nce,co . .1 .. verage. . j=A, Ed =wLr z _AIL. l;&iWel Z611 Ulm !!M 'A. Traini'g: Siloto I Willido student irable cli I -eclu'dat pr s with a des, n io on experience. Within the �scope, of health - ­ ro se, &6,Vid6d _b T__ g S, ca. rvj es .1 . - -, - " �.. ­ ' ..- ­: - - - . in ite, T p y , rain ralning ite voll A I n in w i es tite recoptoirs if' -any, to be res ponstbI f r: thi� CliniCal ., e education. rogram ,,and will desig Ato n wi"' p mllng...ne., rson.asthe cHni eduedtion P­ Supervis-or. W h 0-jaiho 'a wflliiiAinn aw.. c -!des'Pont bt ith 'the8--to_w.of, ig,n ted Li oh, t .0 ,...:,.s.su.re. .,0, in ica d 'at opato- M-U ua., p -r.evi* w �'of the, e ud ti end Uon -in and n ,.n pro aM Is s:l , *sarin,� _*. 9r. t I Su M p rog, re ss Trai in ni g -Site WHI bruit wr in.g Se Qpl_ I►e. .-academic h essoaVand r-' d c ei ritials'Ibir"ffie a.. --6jv' ihx_� clinical educ­ tioh Su sor. rc ing w. 1. a p Qt TV I ca c0tors or cl*ni 11 of -ibh-. h- -6 ".4 - h' 8chool J, in rain any or p e c he P ange df� t S re, odu-d. ion, "Uo iv sor., Trai#ev ning � W, S pro. cle ud-ts. e wits cesu inA -Ce :-prp,9ram_, w., 's. Doliclesnd d' r'' necessary forth, ed U­o6t;16 i"N T -a ----$ 'Pro u ts, d _in r., �tn in- g Re C mensurate with obeh"t halob u dt�� a d f 't n' rig Is, ' cludif g, i rar n in so rc 'y weria,,!§ t E. wi available4o::st.. dents b, li:-an eqq, p en C T ta ion i h '''M ke t on program _e ciinic M fi neppsspry r ca, ofient. d th re p i to 'T i6o­., it. in the MI ion of -fMlitrnad. CO, d �t:0,0 t6t, Jfe -will make;:ava'I "g. i able "'o -an,,- nTereno dor e 'a, et, cholo.[,MCUITY bI 0, n _%,;ana, it applic On any day when a s t d� n-- t i .ri I.A. ng iI n i the clinical education PrOgrama- It dilities Training Sjte -id will pro" -to s� 'h,stioide- C v e UC n. Tie essary emer'' health tare . fa diliti or, first a'i d for ac'' � d i d 6 n Ccur ing in it's es., The. student will be S h, e rthe Co. S i1b.11 f6 t ,S 0 ..,ny and all:carek P. rcl In tE jr'willhave-- i.1"i e'- dE: Cxcno h�ra to u trash trialr surgical er rtuent * erasrail + the.s � ofd r r � �r ' rr ,,r;,,do ... � Site rce rrcr trtrrrtal the act�►ri purpose, gat theclinical ' . • _ in gram. nQ . tuderit are ­..,,e ere to the. a. �r s, +��� t . � n pe­ uir ul�l f 'r r� wring th it clinic l uc.ation,pror rr r K r Lu nt will Wit ear al�l�roprfate :Attire rbc r� t s Ohd Fill � r f r to -thy t d _ _w ..r r= n ata t es to [is el ►to [ r h th r. lrr�� l e la n c ram at �`r in n Ite., y t en. n+ ► it inin [I i will r r it �h�P ars ell M r� +hit ern : i+ . = raining:- '.. . . e� regni r Site does hot ar- ill h6t �iar�e n l i ll l h r .., ' y ley r l un t ' ' JorlCe : rrartJecr: fr�Sh tudetreo, iving.- raining, or r v lir urs"went 'tc" this tee r t t uts will r r��i4e �� ' d t r ► n car er r r u e eti.c 1 fir ,: rv� c erforme , the at r f_r: r� nor r tilt Mfr • �- war. ite r th+ rw . l ve �n n r et i it +�r� t 1 r h ent Virtue ►f this Ag. nt. tud+r� dill - r... u;rrd t l r the 'u're '8 r Mn.., . r • r � # r _d R+� +fir , �, e�� N:.:....`.se.■ ,,ASI/ wn I.,.■.'i� .:< -'! s ,.._ _ , _r • c -a r. or tc bc�rr�rr1+�r� clrrlarr+re, Eache to..., his a r rr nt. ill h res r i le for -thy ne le r t ectOrr i ►r f t h errs :Its: ° E e s E ►r nt : � r r the,*, +fir. :.: re r` r t. � r p r� i* -considered- -th .agent �t tha th r and nith r paity r ,:., r r assumes �an .. r pon t►i l ifiV t the - th r for the + J1' S uenc 9 . ,... � .. ;.. , � �►f ani .t r �►l! c rsr�,'�fiirr� r rt.r to the _gr_ -Mont • .J' Schoolis-cover the tt t +�f' hire Melfi in uren 'r rerr� h T 1 inn t hapter 1+ iar :-. - ai t uh Q[r d its rn l eesi �c rd a encs in pie.. orrr rOf' t er do inne rhx r r+ n frI(a inhjtr �crklty► a�ur�t ,tie, ter l r-'92!.:paid n t er t a t tie Trainin't studehts will r+� qui red h r- rye i i mal r ie ' i r l li Oili�y cwN�.. arae rhathar throe thestudent e iml M� I ", ice n n r; lia i ft l r o er d b - _. y y� the ; tta of !'ahl nt, Qffice OfFinanciai Ma � e� t� RiSKMAna- sti car oth r ri etine . aini g,. t_, while r+rl�Crr� g A.eeMt 'this Agreement con'stitutet, the o ti Agr enn re, a ent, eem -gr ral or Itten agree nMMt between the.pa&iesIj:a.n prior p wr metS.rV CO* Mentr> i r on - 'd taact, nin o " -th cernin _g e:matters. providedfor herein. B. dMe e, n a t Amen Ill. This, Agreement -may be modifted,on Ph tlnay not itten Agree --_exec "t d b-, thment u eP,Parties. Thirov $110 iYt described achmen or agreement -as I b relsOWh6ror 'this, -anv Att­ t 6 M' 0 d NI file''d: g A ent.. Pern. C. Order�of Precedend6, ny c -m.p.- or j ­co merft�'�­ . .. ­­­ - - -and 0 Sis encv n is �gre v6d ni th A ementits ath "ill b"Wnn th f_riice ce- in e oflowng the docg urnenta. prerrR g.r ement.* 2 , re, 10 in � r 6' ollogical.orcle. r" _A th ttachmentl§t J9 vqr4p c - WI.. T e pa', .D. Gover Ph -ft of e hts or obl"ga A s __--i vons, reeme tinder'this R beco s, r wig ". . : _ In - d, Pcord n with and an 'M -6f:d uta ye_ in aricel Y clal is 1"A "' t h e"; reaina W :governedb -the; I of th-e. St, N1 b - ate.0f'lin►r. :0fte/Gran't.Gount- _,Y �(b) To7rWill�., �r� � Iii' B _7 hr 3, '' �Otas W Each rty d t f ad M4 -may esjgna. e, a, change 0 dress bv notice: in Wri inn �� ti+ � ication� AhAt :a,te ndt h a"il-aeuvered 'will be deemndsrequests, or �comnluned nhe, �U INSM ma 'Postage prepaid4e or upon .c.olnfir-,mati.on,O'f,successfUI facsim"Itrans i, *6, ie m sst nA F. Survival. School and Training Site express intend and agree that the liability coverage provisions of this Agreement will survive the termination of this Agreement for any reason. G. Severability. If any provision of this ►Agreement, or of any other agreement, document or writing pursuant to or in connection with this Agreement, shall be held to be wholly or partially invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, said provision will be Ineffective to that extent only, without in any way affecting the remaining parts or provisions of said agreement. I f H. Waiver. Neither the waiver by any of the parties hereto of a breach 0, or a default under any of the provisions of this Agreement, nor the failure of either of the parties, on one or more occasions, to enforce any of the provisions of this Agreement or to exercise any right or privilege hereunder, will thereafter be construed as a mraiver of any subsequent breach or default of a similar nature, or as a waiver of any of such provisions, rights or privileges hereunder. Inspection. Training Site Will permit, on reasonable notice and request, the inspection of clinical and -related facilities by agencies charged with responsibility for accreditation of School. J. HIP . School voluntarily provides students with training on the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Training Site will provide additional training on Training Site's specific HIP policies and procedures. School will direct its students and faculty to comply with the policies and procedures of Training Site. No protected healthcare information (PHI) is anticipated to be exchanged between Training Site and School. Solely for the purpose of defining students' role in relation to the use and disclosure of Training Site's PHI, students acting pursuant to this Agreement are defined as members of Training Site's workforce. However, School's students and faculty shall not be considered to be employees of Training Site. COLLE. E By Director, Health Education Programs am Dr. Sara T. Tweedy President, Big Bend Community College MEDICAL CENTER By Clini6a-f'R-epresentative' Iq W x ib it MTO�T' SAIL WAIVES AND RELEASE.FORT DiT NURSES r'an Coun-ty her iffs Of ce/Grau cunt' � (JAIL?),or "+ + r")located at 35 C tr�et Northwest/ P.Oa Washington,, ht sunurs 'riungte- for the e tIcation 7- E gat _ rrFns for Big Communit Q116e, oto sp�+rt t+el€mtd draati±ri; ftur a th care profssiors. In consideration of the valuab►I� t�°ai.n irk a ,,p ie r��c� tb�i "�1Taiv r �i�d ol+, se � .executed the T ,MEi�Tr,. to cover the �'�� T#s ��� i�aattc�r� alt the JAIL a a Trainitig Site fo ,a,*g, j3Pnd Co .itwnit-. . Th.e.-STUDENTAcwdedges aid W, To khat h 'her n eip ed clinical. Ja net 1 theJAIL In— lodes r h ar t:rz l , v ll c irna in ludo l��t r��t limited td� th=� fallowing: Tor i. in rnedical envtronmpp parr es xth t t a s x it t opersona *ury.asWell a: pot l o oze t ai �n r bioo b rn i G ild lead an toihfe_cto�u ie such IT T h.ena,OVID'-.►°1r files. The I ni al l c e t I iri e ndlir Q ar inst urnents or ; th r e(wipment,that , could caer�ury if nd handl,d rnry ' r in pit e Ii in of r s �i- a risky such a (trisI osu1tA riots and Other tri !'' , latile i_uat�i ns that may l a tea n i l ealt :is i e , is 1. in death: . . ,_ l r • e t% - Jst i'i` v r�. to min%r r e HSks the DE T-� ,., n+e all "ph �� 1 :hd �r�t l h''i h a ate n tlwsk� i ren in. • W a partic­ip . n t e e + en r��r ��� �t tl�+�_�rgot�► £+ill W:ill p r aoils �n.."ded , J if - taff. T A T a r s ti the vp un r�i ,a rY to h la+ a is Trai in 't r . a a r es rxs her nt to he ee er�t�� ":0D E T:ac ri , l�e ges t tl a a t e s=i �r lv d iii this 'rli i lt6, 01ac nen nit a ren ac d pit tbli . y Si. Training _ s sirielo, the.'STUDENT an hl`he legal urdar_ if t T.1 is . Jn r ac +e t the risKsinherentin the. clinical int ern . -: ent axed a e s to a i+ e :.�:ii:ru es rind instructions provi The STUDENTand lgai g+in tin~sr tt I to,a�+enstrclt a:r.r uls. can. lead. torem ed faun �thwlernri g dvrse f n+d a e� ping "tie n er rit rel l� o a +ci ni.c l ;acera�nt � � p .. .., . , �'. DENT (and th6: I ' 's legal guardian � .-el "s'a. rn; nor) l r y ref s and ives all cl zrn insti Its dfce aunt er.ly+s,, an slr as well as +rar pu , , cerof s, a + nt , 6rrzpl y e rid as,s gns, r� a' . acti tyar iri. i t: t .i hi - tis stat a ove the STUDENTis negligence.-. air the TUDENT's Callure to NI" rule + r,ow ctlons ' 1 I . E . i, the STUDENT, hereb r'waive,end d' h Grant 0 1 C 11fttY ksrelei�W+ ' c officer PM ��� �� �r � X11 ���v�on x :. d appoint' are r ferredto hereafter 4fCoumy ` "ad �� • + + c c�n�'�epersonnel" r+ Bilit ytome mypersonal represent atiV /e, P � +e �r fid. -f Wh f + r. y Waiver and_ Release for Student Nurses ig+e 'l -of Claiihfor.da ageof In 'dr able- -att6rim-lar U o stn nature whatsoever, i mb ding c As an eason IPY .fee's ari's m"g out of tie ipal 4acemj�xce , pt per eclini ent at*hel AIL,, P ies.solely c� d Vk iffi._. ose -amag ausedby the, s neg;. n eorw MIC onduCt 0 he S County or Co perstin-U6 I a C-filag, withi.n.the -.scope of employmenL .SCOPE OF RE -LEASE AND IDFMN Fff., I -Wled 'tid 7 y1h.e. TUDENT, expressly ac 0 ffiat -ge a -agree Icipatin th �c 'to part in e inicalolaceti!Ontie -e s.me thatmayresult ns ,­oul and/ or property Aamage.,' 1P .qre- ressly agre-' -e- x assqme the associatedwith., ini.40AH61nin.the' Pa C -that,the t 11 . ­. V ­'_­­,­ r_Ultiv ty, and agree Olt oimr releAs- a as w4it, agreem.- selandjade A �y eift, d -:s- lntlus�ive as i Permittedb th, * L hi '"of-Wasngton yj_ e, aW:O, i*0 S if :any port n is �th -t "th t d d baler Agreement. is,,,,,h Id i0al K ed that ce. s hall, no mn s an Conjj aue:iwfull. ga orcea i ` uc 1 l. haVe- c ar e- Niyrea d and under9tand -ffierontef this'd mts o 0C.Umeilt b0fore _gn q� and wgii tho game Of MY . wri: , roewin., stud , ]iNam- tu.46#t . e:� ,S ignatuf& & Date: S" IStu . f� f dL : in is -a m1non IAd Le I G d Naihe.&Re p't % ga.... ja,)q on o..S ude"M: Le".g"alG'Uarai�,n-SiLynature",&jD- te Waiver and Reflei-ase I for Student Nurses Page 2 Of 2 Big Bend Community College Nursing Contract A TTES T .bekahKaylor,WSBA #53257 Civil Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Date: 9J, 412- 13 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON Rob Chair IPA Cindy Ca r, Vice -Chair Dahny E. ton e, Member