HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreements/Contracts - FairgroundsI 5_� K21-139 � , .y__ � g THIS CONTRACT ("Cod �e . GRANT C:O��._ TY duly ntract") , entered iil.lfo by, all bet Wem n �er al vi rgani d o�i);e at �irn g u: d id y `ftu �o: t] o dad �f w Constitution and, thelaws of the St'. te, of 0 0. uc n Son; on d* ly for ed and ' Washi"119t0j.1 �d S: col, ("County )!),.a WT S� 111str ,tion, a,. i.( doing porati ki 'n I r� ;tor S1 eg:s ffilh.e- State of ' Wa b- n- ton Cont w. in tbe- pa" 01 -lid venants conta'ne'�" r In I CO It.i c 'd at' -flhe utua pf ons.i e q o. es a, hereto agree JamfoHOWS. r -ffidl -doal h I fool'18 mi r to s s_ f rn-is T [1w ork amd, O. -f -or -lie C I Ork :amot/ OfV n COPe materials 1,u.�.Tp Ion ae -essar t UiPtetethefhttowitask. nicitit 11gs, of Ov. e. ry des cd t i, c mid: t ii i19 : .'0 COI and wo of rk as inr --the request for bids. for the Gran't County Mc'rgroun( rse Stall pe A. i s Ho move'and . oof.systenn, ft. s�ltallation oontra..-ctor gill " bze responsibl . io, to., I, Oism-:an.tle Doose stalls �t ourriant lo tcatj'an pQ,-r bid 2 :Move�a,n dasaslemble-h orse-stallis at'Im Jon per bid new 3. Comcst-ru t Oh i r! t P.all ro, f sys.tmOrle Contractor.:,qhatl leave, q P the.::: i.,�t site iti,a c1eancondi firon W ith all deb-nS r-ecov over and.r-ernovea jec The: te-lim.. work"I shall mean, all work individually arid/or collectively- perfornted by the Q. ..Ont.r .0tor-d'urtIin.9 ae pro jiyet:. 2, Pro C I a W.. e.- Lt on'th: t.S.te,- Th,e or s1i, I'" ,e, ac. 0 ip 1 sh 'd P iere prope C m m.... onlyk.110WIlm 9. a 0 ut,39 5 E (COunty: Fa �r roun d ose L atid ;si atod, Iti, or abo 3, A-h-wa D k- Washingtoll or as -irta b -e more.,spe.(- fi 11 d s, (fi. c-ri.e. 1'. e,UO n y .�v wo y lrl.�.exteda .1 1 : �t tht 0, e is 01 tl of M t Y 4. 'Contract :Sulci arid. Tei -ins.. The. agreed, Contract suin, except for provisions. set forth below 'U S t m Pareag-rap0i 14. alld wi,th payment of susuchCon-tract StI.1 subject o. provtsions Set forth below. ..W/Or ziny otti -ithin tb.e Contract. whicli may.affI6 t. i.n.p�ar�i!.gr*aphs9�a,n...d',12 an er.provis,10,11, contaiti..6dv* such Contract Sum.to be: p 'al d to Con,trktor is as fbllmv�4* Subtotal $22,73 0 cattfe ChUtO filstal lation —Page I If Flj . . . ........... . ...... . . ........ . . ............ . ............... . . .. .. ...... ............ ff I'll 01 0 M 71 .... ..... . ... .... ............ ...... ....................... . . ....... .. a ates Tai 8. 1 8630-8o shin on State IS 2% 579186 Toi, .eta ,.%ofsuN. ot-al ot req u i*.ird. r this prpj,ect, 'a'' ce am. Ray'mo. tB4O1111dsNot Pellb , reqwrle. fo Rot &' Not vd. 0 r ties roj cot, P', y'. a A ho e. i1xi i �t nid 'T e C ntractor, h 11 -Biownd inderMity.. nd 7., Ind- i 14mi s h o!; S U e mles . d ld, th cottnty,- its officers, 'd CER I -=i,es.an,,-dvo' :ha 1, _S f O'm tnyalnd .1 cla'nis fiIjunes -o cil s, Ploye :C..: 1-UlItNrS.11 "llmle-8 W 9. 0 att ..m. Y �9 0 0i damnages. iosses� or u.its,,: in I- e fees an,isl ;-Ut Of -t' n r in oni c. 0 with thel t 1,n aa q -ed by tble sote nelgWe 0, -e of the contra.ct, ex fo: nl,,t ..r ies and dan, ge r i: n Bb; D CP s:caus. gn f the co,u,nty.- R. •ev �prov'.dcd Iq an a P -ii derstoodlhal- the indeinin"' .1 and �e n It 's ftirther.sP .1 x res sl ere fifle 51ROW, solely lut ej On nal constitutes th, I C tractor `.Swaiv earoI: immun Y,:un,der lnft�st Jnsurank-ce,.. 1,t f6r the putt -at n posy s of ind'emniflucati.m. Thi -s :waive, r� has 'been. m 1 tiall xgofi.ated, b, y the - p all, Ther offlik.:secti, n 1 Prom si I o, s�hal survi.ve the. x *r fion, of term -i -nation Of this Con fracts -ur n 10 8, lnsuranee�. Tlie. Contractor shall proc e a d, mai, -f6r the durat" n of this contract, t r t1j'arie . -to -ers:ons -or d -rum -age tot -propefty which ma &om or :msurance aga ii.s O:afin,s fo,� i s. p Y (1-11se in -conne otion W.-ltli the performance, of the work 'hereunder by the Contractor, its agents, Ovilae 1:1101�11t, etnp.� yees ors '10; ors. repr es. entafi'Ve S-,,: 10 ubcontn, t The Cont actot, shall. P a Cerd r 1 4011 Of U 'di - ,n n, s a ce evi 011C.111,11, ia At 0 'll i Uab 1 1 vinsuran 'I 1 .1 . 'S '000 000 com.bined 401, mn b i.,Q; ce w- th 1` m ts n0 ; I es. . than. t 4 -:and,. 8,111glel, e 1c enr.. or o t_y ,t'Y 1 0 P erty� Q alll. Flg imi. p. r a., id t- f b,' d' at d e Pl, ene s b, COmmermal. Genera L1itnuran, I n ou...e asis wA i, no less, than. $.1 ,000,0.00eoi-hb-ined n s1''t gle tim"t, per ooicui-rencie and . $1 ,0 ' 00000 10 .1.1ij -L 0 and pro- ily dam, g Covetra, gie shall a-g-gregate f , r Personal vil.ry, b di Y in ju pe. a, e -o,d-L t I ons; iiieludo but not be liTnited to: blanket, contractual ;pi� ict,s/compe.e.� operati brorad, Bonn Propeity, da��1:age; explosion, collapse and. under ground(Xc -U)i if Qatfl� Chute iffi-stall. cition Pake.2 flity. 's I bi .a.p. llicable.� nd C 'yer P I va Ja i. insw...: -. q . i 1 t ' 1 0 shod. by the State of Qii Wor eir �s C011,11 ensa-tioll ince c t the l*M is es ab 1 Was'hington,, PROVIDED :a Se., where part o 'll of t ent t eld for 0, ny, :0 r a. Pay �U, IS go'�lll o bo thla g t Ory rfbman-Cie. the.::: County hall Cox.i ,cto, in S nioury acco; dan; e witil. RCW 3:9.7 x,01 I (b loi TV tv, IT, thek: I ontractor f I o e fo Ct Author"' Coull' S on the worldac- aord' to p requIlreni.ents of thQ Contract -D ocuillellt tll!e:c Ount r! vide, w itten not.l. . e of the def yshalt'p 0 n. c te. to the:Co�lits ractor and, Contractm- shall: have. ,seven days. to correct, :n thedne ef ie q*me th work. eft Contra, `th'n the: seven. daY Pen otor fails tri core defic" --ey in the work wi ii ten od or,to take anal continue :1 ;R11 a, at steps to initiate the coiTections in. the, event corrections cannot be ppro a pn reasonably coir pleted . - n: seven da A tbe: County may with -ttd- -ie to other i, the. y' penc out prej Ic h er bither contractors or olliet-'r means to.: make food the; Contractor's CO -Ll. iy' f rei-nedies', (a) i:ise .1 torces del"wrtency and (b) deduct f�o' M- the. Co t: actor's.:paynients the cot off' suoh effoll, nr p e'C s ided 11. War,ranty. of Construg.tion. llti addition to any ial. warra n ies pro-vt etsewh ere in .� the a ion: or a pip 4 ij V. , do cunitlltS., the Contractofw't "Irants. that ,p ni n �ccqblo all work con.fotnis to the requtrei:nents of the Cointr'act and is free of any- defect, in. equipment:, Cattle ChUte' l'i"Istal hat i oil — Paige 3 desgn furnished, orworki-nansl'iP:fie rform,ed'by Contractdr, work- perf ed or mate * als fu�mished. ith res eu- to all waii-.i i e r ri W'. p Fanb es 'x s . T* es- or irn .1 ied, f6r accord. in.gto th'.ei -Contract, and/orcompani" on. or a pi,i-Qable do",meints the Contractor shall: -P- I'vien in nonn. 1111 prad a. Obtain a',11 warra ntlies thatwould be g.1' al COM erci a and R oPq ire. :11 wwarr at" invr' 'ing -f- rthe beneA.-Olt Ofthe t bl. ui a. a i cs* to *b o executed, i Co"'.r? . 4. u Y or , c e %�n . r ed b th' Coun, ty, C: ies- or en -u EAf the h ota of thQ Co nty, it dli ed y e i -u 'Is wairtrafttythat extends b nd noluding ally- subcontractor"s- mAnufacturrs, "e' 0 r s, ppuer eyo, d the: period spe. C in ho. Cont a - r cT. �d � Thi ObligatJOITS "Ll:,11der this S-ection shall sturvive. completion.. .1-4. No Agency RetationshNeither the Contract nor an agreeni.ent,. implied therefrom) Cattle: ChLa e in . 8WT I at 1. o n —Pr ge 4 C01119 -tit.: Ites.. the CO * tra c Ne of the County for any purpose L n ctor as.an agen gd, reprosenteati t e ract "on, � lip m h C. r� to the couftty by-rea-sion'. -e Cont at 0. aii.d. tb e ;re lati. sl f oi.itracto o f th d.- 017 C n c. 8 -a S. 0. Ibi e that an i,,W 0 oto The o, t roto I t y Do'cuimen t's I a a .0 f: in.. Qp e. at:se Atta no granted . n. express OL:, y 'be alb ,U ort. y 't-fte or: Create- aliy, ob'. -!,� Q Sbi-V lu ilupll CM: right t flt o a s u Ii afion_ri s po. 11 1 J i on of or ill t���tthe namo oftlic. counr tly oW. ymw Of Ot i.e Cot ,qn nh t. hin,g w,l 16., vvivaj, hi the event, any cl at so or St I I 1 .1 1 hat prov is �'oii. o ftt ',s Contract s I lb e h d. to b c invali d t, f 1*1 for e a d hen e rem aining ot ess:bc and retiiain.in tt auses �and prov,11,81iolls Sh.all, ineverthel n ContractA i bod,les th -e. entire. agrcemipnt. betw1.. , ee- i e 11 the parties: all e e rn e to: erseded b- the.,:Contract.:,,. The -1-C 'fitten a, Otil-er a Q -t. . 01.1al o W , ..r ea., and s u gr*o.,OM.,.i,i­ s r h er: by g, *" tato Y all ft oth 1 a c' iTen,ts h Rc' : --moy or Bect tfieA;611111S hereof, No amundMent here -to shal'I 8 th. 0 1 arc 9 b+ b ij'- tA.d n; unless, b, e.. t ,c ii. in: st s - .1,m,cl::i s of thi:e:: esis e! g un-ess, t. - -M ; e, Q _r r wr. ed by "both t*v T I pat i,e "Nove, Or 0 -1tn OT., a. to�o -uoin.t's MOC 1 �.y: or::a.f c rb.4 g the 184. Ex .1anation. t The COntra' I heell . w d. by' the Contra t The Of.DoguM.: OnTS, fuffl r e c or Y Conitractoil has 'liad the oppoltunity 'tons ons wi D C Ut ttli .1 egal.. Couins I as.:,to t e leg c600t of the C,ontraot,.: p be 19. Nbtioes. All notices w P. h i aly, sir~ - t r,,qu ed P. irs, lo t... tbie!t r .,..of are to. �b�, il pe, o rty by rogui. r n Writing aid d;cllivermd rspnally t the pa to. receiVe the 8,�ain e or .-n it possa e. prepa..id to the address spocilled-adja0ent- to -1 pa- i -es' si:gpl tures, A1 ot 11 a Z, ti e -,.rt ices sh, 11 be deemed Served upon -delivery -thereof or -,(.3) days following d.eposzt of t1e not.1.1Q. 11n. : n afl, si. as.tvqui red-herc1 10M. T in lo -pa -e fed solel 201, H'ead,111 Ctoh8ti I ac fl, he head" gs � f the sections and -ra -par.hs are tn r ElPh , , s I .. Y n -ided t �er - ]J:�mit-ora'd. for tb.&o.b.vcn­ af� -th a I d a e.ndt a part of and a,:e . otlintei _c Wpailles 11. f o: ov rn, o ►n ill the constructi.ol! o.f':a,n * terin o o h nung tne: parti es'; intent -with, regard y rprovisi n. ereof i c'� st to this, cantract nogr. U01 On 0 an, --provision here f shall be a, se ted eatet. or ter.,., constr t f term: ot C 0. 'S a . gainst the Count Y, as d rna: e ft 21-1 Ls.ts,ttor1cys! Fees. hi any contr , versy ctain, or an -Sing outbf or, rel t" .9 '0 dils in pute aoh t. or col the .to h"s c ot Or z Qth 'd ali-id, i al -111c.1 of: pelffotracqilce th ereof or the orQ prevatlilig paP y shall be cn1,.tit1,e-,d to be: awardle. 6 -,it_ 1 easonablo att t;nev's fee_s:,in addi i0n to SUCIA .0 prova 11s, the par mbsta,j i 1.1y other dcrin-ines as aro, appropricate 1 11-61 f ither pat.ty wholly -ti th s at ifla. Catti[� Chuteinstallation — PaP D ails sliall be, 1:0 atto, ey's, fi"-cs asslit"gation expenses, For the pu- osen.'s. aw'a 0, 1 rd :dit.s'i -asonab .111. P S. P..0 of th.i r vinion,, the terms I'Pr c and �I.tl 11 a -atio i,, a. - i i've. 0 " 'Oeall1g, i Ig :0� 'sh, 1.1, includ.e ar*bitt :i -i dt-ninistrat" bafflcmptcy, axe j"UC"1"1.0,1'al:p,roc:eeidiii.gs :'I'l 0 u Ing a tiler. C ron-1. For purpo f :"tl, . ii contract 11 1 d-" ppeals , ier% f soso s reason le: the witual aftomeys'&es- h deer.n.ed b' incu.iTe, d. sh.all b6, a Qoverriiili,g., Law, 'Ve-JIU0. The. �p er, flo.ima, :ce atid, 'ititerm of ntrawtDocument pre tat"I Co Sh. It be gQ,:v.e-.., d: -old in, cordancie w- th thea of the State of Washingrton, An ,rne . am m. Q: Tirf.-N. ac y u.on ari. sinIgOut. of -or.. in. coll".n..e.e.-tion witll.:th a s.: C hallb VIC. M.: s ei cond to I'll I Y� Washington. Dated th-e GIMi 4unnu of' 2021. CONTRACTOR, e -th < fly 12021, DA'b d 'T �ST: Ba m1- J. Vasquez Cl of the B o ard� d7 Approved as `to fbrlln.i: cattloCl t flat" III.S.4 � ton --- Page 6 :8-OARD.'OFCOU,NTYCONI.,Al'�SSI�*I . I I ONERS Cattle Chute ilistallation — B Kevin McCrae Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Date: � ��p � �c��-I Cattle Chute installation — Page 7