HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreements/Contracts - Sheriff & Jail/-/>��F til z��3jz� IU 2 3 }Car Flo Fly' O�IMTY IG -RE C COLLEGE ENCY AGtIE", NT PROVISIONOF FOR ORCLIMCAL ]EXPERIENCE --F , BIG ]BE" COIV���� OLLEGE HEALTIt..' E.0'UCA1n0X PROGRAMS 2022-2026 AFFILIATIONAGREEMENT T hireernent *i'.mad A­hd entered into between �.B*Ben d Commun' s -�A Q-,. ash"n and G' M Lake.drtI.ty Collle�e, 7662- St. 's W I g.. on., oe nFf ce/Grant C W J: H 36 C tr• oun a . t W.W.1 P80. 80 .3.7. Wasbington. The, X, E*rat� purpoSe,- th" A' g S' C Is committep to Qrpem n is;ter, r, Jn n ite, wh hrch a. care a d- f4c1l"ti.'.$ �fdr pro 0 si hals- to n vi -'des" bl' lei'l - - i provi it e c i ar ng experient e Wchoolos Udish6­-J4r'e­ eftiled In i Hea Ithcation `' u � U, programs e 0 ne In .,,.cQns`de Tation of the '.,mut.ual.�c.t.)Ven,ant8.,and -,agre enis Mai.' d'herein- sit. �an ra I 8c-hool d T j -n in ;asf[,Iv agre 10.Na. Crag- ininagree that' Qontemporh.6-6.1 and T aneous "with or followin 9 i0fit, xec" -pro I u S -0 of -4141 s ��g.re rn ent an6 ithin the scopm,.- W, 1. �S,, vislo, s oo may op t e Clinical etter :a9ree-ments'With Train.ina � S i te:, to f6r.-m:aii 1pp,e fabprial - 1. .. .1 : etalls o. th ze e' Oducat*) rogrp' m Andetails ino lare t 14 -hit d, to t1►J, but d: t- k a t one B.0 in ing a e -and length zof ex eroe c d. f -s' na p jo. be Y:­ag.rP p Po Wk dunn in g of-thnth b6for6""t e eJ�4tonp; inicM Progra. 'Nvmeof t i pa intlinicat eau cat. iorog s rcim doysh0ur$ and, 16cation .sJ6.r -he-clin icafatiota edu6 it ' , prp r pol l 'e11 a- *r,n dbjctl ge Anp rf rmanc- e ,pectatjons'forst ud ents,- fjk Ity Lai 6"iffis'-ot.,line Pe.wic allocation : of re�pohsribflffies fo th;' e CU I 10� ca,, pd.uc n � p r ►l 'd pier'if,6ny referenced.e;rPece,Isewhere ffin-th1s­:Agrb6M0,ht pr, an and form t, for stlu dprpdry's-'and eval eadl ines a qn, ogress: -p,,, on -forms. Any tuch,le" tter.a�greements Will be do;­,�`00 d to b a`tt6 h A to-th'is A ree n i re ,c mentv W1 .9. be , bindin h n d b g. w s1gri ho.d' d re p. -Ach pa' e y a ze rese t6tivat, of: e n and nlab­ 'dih, 9 d fomodified by subsequent lett6r,ag-roaM ntse 81 ne Dv iauon4ed re pr esentativ0s of each B.'h­­001 'anlr hd TraiIt wi ll"jo4ntly plan. the �clini st-tide n't and piatient. information stequired by law a d b - ane nI a y� polilcie's end procedures Of School -and TrIa.inin-g- Sit6., DOI Theredill b � �'no pa me C-hool d Traininge y nt of Charges �or fee I between S an Site. 'There will be�, no discriminOtioh ag-41h'st a' These nor prpgrarn participant or applicant tove­red,� u-n-dre-r- thwis,`AN, t& nt b6i�ause.:of racpaler, r igion n. ti g. ,pme to el*'' _.ona ,origin, a Metnamera or disabled:v I eern s*;)(' ­ 'ex . ual -'O'denta ton, ;!��ge-, hani.._ ic D, status -as: a I -:1, xt Qrr'S I T svto nor wilf,�,86 0. tai.fl., ,h. o :or in ng I -in heiremplt or such di nationeng�age in .scrimltO"en Orso Po ..pie$. pnlei SCU OL"AftEg'e,,' 11LI A S'h ` oo 1, w preside I ill,pro i e �*nformat*on 'to Training ni-h'g* Site C6n'cetn . i g , ifi _c rriOU m c a a 0 emic..-cre 'entiais efi Ts., acul fo the s ude�andlheprofessional hd b` �dnts at T' ining �ty. r C 0-:1 designate S h'� 6: Wj_:an appro telIt' bpriay, qualified an, d credohtialed:fU2V meM1 q r Site. 'wth T .to C dinate�and a -as ffi Liai§ ni Mor. :apt 0 W1 itin g Sthoo will be.respons: le. for -t I:a -ad'M e i a � M1theuden c uca. ion re gr,arh,, hi­ Ihstruttib­ -d -d ' on, nist"ion oSO 001 W11 e ic*. u-propose.i. c 1. I . .:. - - hool no bite in writhl ''"""d: fi- � Tr 0 Of 8MY t,*hahg6 �6­1"" ange, of it Liaison, $o far: rep. y-�:graoing z. W- ill'I'a ve 'the-flih-al tudents; 4, M- 14 B. Sch: -10eY eet w t Qo s U t 'he T�aini na �bitecl* k o�der 'tatW. h t: in cal ion I educat'g 0 e..Cli "-a Jon S U 01" b,an_dd �f -th _..Per- $or Frece t6rs., if ,any at the p n1c iscuss:.and i-,th- :4i iI 'se rneetnrCl pr ram 16 _e. educavor "program, c rail n .. t k "A if a, t the'Misb h• ppp-ie, �iq person. I a tic 0 , y -Teiep.i.p.no c on, eronoe. $che is reaphibCe>fc art6,n, vn'_ gi_ g Pria., p.;,pn ,.e meetings... ning h ill We the -h An - r:, in CM w rov names edr Otion p. rta in"in g to le re an v f Ain' ..a e- udati edO dtta"inin for HCl ik' -enrolled. in the.:�."d io'n an Mdents d on p. o g rR asst our.weeksbeforethe bogit _rudate:, of th Icern.ol is e c in e U P4, _,ca ion. :pr 0 66 e fpr w-zr oons11JIby'Tr..id g.,additional irforma, ion required ningS e uppyipg',any A ite. in forth in:1hJs,.,A�,qrP.e e d- r to.: tWenta� rn n prio the a IV will 0 Tta*';re al atn_ jf iningg o f ahv"d ange or Pf6pose c.:. d nge instaUstatus. change D �'h'e Health Agen Will be.� ro id In tp ved with �alist of stOdents vr, W follow n* ts" y g.rpqkjire.men. i,, a.. kne t�ve18, -prior to the., firstday'of th', hoitl -erW tst00 test I proifTB 'itivo d cumen avon of -� 'hfiretrnenand �po$_ 0 finest x-ray release: to work in ON hN;WM.4R1th:qare setting. b. Hepatitis B v dd­ine.� aerie - s doc wit's -um,enta"tion or written declination of vaCc'ihe. gift if vac, i aft Capt eptitntib.dy titer maybe done neeeivd iI - _. . .,, I .. 1: . , n a documentation is Uh avaitap e c. mons. ration. of Meas es/M (a) ph si Umps/Rubella immunit' by y _y_cian as, 0 eviden diagnosed meastes or MUM'' . deieor(b) IOpsab p --ra_ r :ce- of measles, y mumps, or rubella immunity, (pe ons rs, who have an Wet in te" or lot ri.. erm i a ,eq u ivoca tevej upon festive shldu e considered non.immunr ..l b C 'le' 'hd ru befla pproppate. vac ination against. meas s- UmDs. a administration on or after the fi( two (2) doses of.five measte s re, at le, : t'--' Ive an*dmuMD.$ vaccines -28 days ays or mo as_one dose of I" rubella vaccine). d. D emoost' of ch - ke ra. i4on c npox ;m munity � .2 dosos of varicella h va a Mce .given at least 28 days q,ap art, or -b) 1cadry�aVnoa ofimmUni.tyP e Td Or T A' 'ith*n, 10 os,pr w i p � 0' years. rfluen CC za-.] "ne-for-current-se S" n 'g. Ouf h-rW lerr t ea thcre � proer , v 1.C,PR,card or equival nt e _h# Si g n. coed nt en-fialit Y agreement. L tiv'e­ drub s+ reen. -ask each student ho mod it -to chool- shall C w M.'. be e C in Tr ining 81 obtairi hWhet, in - I hist background -from-the Washin't, St -a- tr6l T criTri a, history ac ground record P g on the parsua-ntb,kGW -3 �0 that or I 4 A3.8'34.and,RCW' 43 -1`8- t lease a . 43 483 .o tie. C. opy Q -a r P 4.o o ns . mit t c 'theI t -tta then eof.to Train':n- .8chool,:and, -to a'uthortze.:'chop �pyhatrp ord or co_t of _tra"%cho6l Sit "th thIft B046fe'' �thestaIninp W*ll ovido Tr rainingVVI e0017ries o.any nts.who:h " -vd f6 e Vi- . I . I I . a..-- d W delhe u seed '' or ­,,,.,o q�g,,e rec d, who:re se to, autho i rize the rel ase f H f. b6' _6 "'-d tha"fl: 0 re Tra" Mg The: ini, Re studontg* wl w 0 ner or .,n rme rd re0 w"not,they agree .to- obt 6`ih. th tecd""" A it 4hool an, a ,,.,-gr,e qraining 7 and T sitel Training ite-ay PO ndu-ft the ba kground nu digit! th- e T aiw Si may 'refuse.�pla,oenlentof a st - debt- 'orw U. whb d: t d. -th -s s- no V1 req veste d record ho has, a record,. oMprio.r'.criminal ++t . -Sat - I - K w M w -1,., pe unaerst and ag that env .,jnfo­ I ,g --an, T(- JOAh' rMat*Oh forwArd' d t re S, .1 Py e '0cho: th roUgh Ihis h" I:d to1bas been� procuri��d'oos,, n. qg0iyheN.'N1 1. Veracty of the- records rMoro ob to condutt the. ligatio'n Ot, for -6-1. rhos" T, 4 Pl(gFound- n 'he ks- and ithe HOW H th _q�como, ia e mains, :,the resp O'ntibil.Nty, W. Tyaining;.Sit e, G. ly " ith and e" to, the extent, possible that students. 0 W1 MO w nsure All i no C.OmPy with,th,6 .0.11c es -and procedures o'stablished by Tra ing SitewS 0' h 061 w P in trtoudent,of his her statu d - ;, " �an, Tan, responsji1nie, rs this Aeem n !d 0 0� d 0, t '00 1 d0" t tunsthen "cerc s nowiation , o �ss of e d1o',procure the nsuranao V, 06 teo u ire �Y,the, Trainia Site as idontifiedln s- cti, WC be jr owp,_Nor to 9 0 ond therb ih _p mitt g adto Tra-49nin.'"oS t r - Ho Schbo'l Will.courage,.-h 't e,, ac s Went -participating 'in the clinical educato n program enquire ompre'hens health nd aI I cei..d.1.0nt inu_ranc­­ that ..r ­o i-d .. cont&nuouscverageseen e of � s u. en 'r her Parti ip.a"-i n in the education Ud A du h" r g . is. 0, c t o program. ,School Will 'Inform students that tho y are ret.ponslblo for their oh6 Ith needs, health care cost8, and health insurance coverage. HL TRAINING 4r;oITFO SE=181LIJ Training: Site 'ill -i 'Mrs".cal �ed§prdodents with a desirable c, ca, ion c" I'- ence Wi per thin the sco se id bv T ing pe of health care ry es p Qvided raining Site,. Train," 6sign- te in if "ble for the Site vill A A, ung vrepq any, to be responsi P C n Ca' Nti, education; program,, and M Perso A the dUc ion ill desionato in,'Wr n h s plinical afi e. Su Ns' wh n pon a w h cho pe isor- o w,l mAj .- t�j- t bt 'Ith t n i e ol-Tclesignated Liaison. -to as�s,-u re - N on program pa. cipavon in and re e --of a ad , d ti vi w the coli- ic' e. UO nt d zf d ,progress, Training,,Slte will $u.bmft;,in-'­ J- h writi.11 W _g .8d ool,, tbe. professionaland..'academic ...... ... . IF,` SO cred, nfials for'th'e. Prec tioh- Su' Ivi's6r. Tt;Mhin de- W­il[n e tQrs and olinical eduda Ot. meriting o add th, -Chool, -in, writ'., tors o, clinical nge, re., cep. Pr Pfppp�q the P 0" S uca. ion -0 petvlsor., _TrainingSiteo.. . Exceptar e twill �a e no lia'tlonpd n to fur.--isn meaial or surgical +pare to any.student. I .. T OENISITjM.AKL.R9jP..QNMRQJ UE 'Students rill e the. ttgs of learners :and ill not r+ is .:. p e ng*te Per80nnel.,ii rrie ren erect y� studer t s inei ent 1 t • tl a edc6tional D urpose of the clinicald cation p roa * 13. students are -.re qr d t edi� re to the tand6rdolio a and pequtatlo ns .Of `raining Site du"rin"g their 01 iai du ationr r . p �'tuderdt uvill �nrear a ro riate.:;Attire;and narn tads n will co rrin tc s •and rds -and p►racti es a tablished Dy, choo[ d t r g h it - olwinioa education - program JDA ... .... Stud+ nts s ned . to T'rai n i erg ne rvi l l be and ill l r+ r ai n stud t + f g • ,$Qde end i[I an no Manse b considere- - . mp[p , ees of Trern n Ite raining, bite dogs nbt end rill not assume : n aiabili under ars Iar�r rel�tin t g o s o re rnpenSa�t�on on account f any drool student s performing, recewin trainingor traveling pursart to this Agreement: tuont will not be entitle t6:any nepry or other rein an rati n for ervi�ces performed by them t 'rain n bite nc►r r�If Tratntn ate tl arr vis lave nY irrtc netary bllgetion oto ool car its students b. �r�rtu of tl1i rent - a students will �q., required to sign Vie, Waiver and Rel0a'so for $tude` pit NU*_r on in �E. , i1bit l-'1� rio�r't beginning their .clinidal.eerience V. IIABILET.1 QL0..ER_A_.G__ wwEP IONS .,.... • - .. tach a . wi l be res onstble f or tho ne l� o �s reorr�ant _ -gent. alts or Andh .:_ un is ons fits oUvn em lo: eek, o ricers, r agents in :the errormanee of this greamen dtherert v�rlll be ccnsideref Ahe.­ int `of the otherd nettnir a• . assumes :ernes a p respor s� i l Not to the c�tl�ter a for the consequences of any dot or ornisir o any perm, firm, r-corporton,Qt a a to this r�eemer�t P . ......... dol is IgPNIW by the ate df Washington Self-lr�surance f'r ram ►nd th Tdr( :1 r' Act-hapter 4:92 1 _ Cfairris a air t dheel - :.,. • g , _ .: and its•_ernploye • ofl=i+ er and egents �n the perrormance of their dues under this Agreement will be . �.... f _ ..pal..,._. ffdmn the t rt f atr s liability►recount ais pr ► id d in Cha ter 4.92 RC W. G. In er er to be accepted at ,the Train ng Site - student ' 11 b re; ui re:d to -have , rnedioal �malproc,ti a ar'd, feral i abclity co r+ re - r t ertbrou l the t medical , .. u er1 M pr i en general ,liability policies offered b6,the dch' • t6r . Ace of Financial Management, Ris-k'Ma`h�a Ont dl�ri is nor otl�e i e while rorkin in theTraining tee, t V1. TQR,_�, �A. This� Agreement is be M -an co, inue effective. ginning , ..a,y-- 2 d will nt thereafter from Year to year-. TIjs'. a I be. ....groOfnentwil reviewed n .,o later than three years from its ' �' ff citiv dat o e - e r earlier at the request ofeith r hI and p e art C; " 0 rainin y. S. o will Join*'In stdnt pi tI_ aue a'cemen m -'df'rr'� y 0 into. a ve ince oe h sbeginning. t ak"no account-t. th W 0 :1 f►r Oi. al placement. axim'unubrfi * t f r !on experienQe. and he. whom Trai in Mi ..g Site can provide 'a esir c n c "I d, -a" ble -1i - i edu.c .needs of othe ditint sci in -or sc o im h'. pis req ues.finical pal eits :B. This ma 0 a agreement. e:canceled by written -,notice n y r prior to Is: Wrminationo however, �such - termi e- Oive. fbr the-n then na ton S a not be come- stude,. h lied "th- in Cal "i o n' 'p, io am if suc e ro 'in �e olozz ca gr I h termination, preventscomp,_ ion o their re, rementsducatprogram, qui, I tin of ,th in ;R a or comp e n 6 t ic I Ooh' Vila P..ROV10qN'$a;...,9 5'GARDIN qBO.RNE PATHOGE N'S A. 81phool certifies thaT 'd each stude" t H: d t it hat> tra'in'e' ....n .sen S►ing r: inn 6' Site i :universal �precau to' iohstrar­a*'dh..smission I d.,b pathogens, -and that it:wi' rne 11. send to, Tr' SR6 4t DO �Wde. nts who have bee "d h iq d n tra* 'Y m6d i n an aye praq using H�,,soreenihg to, fl end - - to S­ h 6IN9 t6lbo"m-m- 'the universa �,precau ions. q_ o ed H s C H Inical e-d 's trim' Sit Stude rria ppa,Tjon p student before, a Wgriment y ive n-es-. ,.u, a re- "'dto' ayp a. 'and ba �u -n all wa- the HBVse, but te-quire h' TB. sci enin a e o P4o d 't, otho am"Train-ink-S -p *d t6 -Oht thatj. J ri muniza on$ will I rov...e:, pe a rson, I pro ion e�W' 'd t &M. 111, a0igne;, - o,-, -s auaen n th -eVeht- a:-.s1ildont ­'ij '.�A e s s ain. a needleAws4ick:-in"q' ry or-other: s u_ u4stantial eXPOWre'.- to b6dil :y .-TiuidS': f a' th .-:other fe6fio, no pot. ntoally in u s m41eria,i While '7 opow '.S Ot'' Tt 'in ing 8 0 f iPip in. th I c I edu,t 'n rogra. ­Araining,,i e,:,ng e ofinka caioatP,I e, ag,rees to provide'th,04 - 1: ".. � I 1 -1 - I .M....:- ... 1 4 w1low ng s ,e_ icess ice 0 e bt e in,p.g, qq,s e p1pye.0 -h 1t[ ing-8� hyTra"­ S'tpasern. -andlor emergen. y id partmo Qon as pp ib fter the 'injury,,. . � le.a. El rgJancV me, care fQ 'ing the do ­ -1 How injury -itia, io o aCiti'V 'to .In t n f HBV, HOP, � G(HO ),and HIS -Q PP c0l, 40 H.1 .'andap riate te'su V�Pounseling., prop The tu+ent will be responsible for the costs: of an- .'d te'Mi- u I yan aiicare ngco res ii ars obtaininghecii�s, a f 116 Sry w q-, a re...: CK The soUrce p , Otient'8 HBVx HGV and HJV status will be determined' b Y Trainitnc,i it in, the. usual_ manner to.the extent possible, A. Ehfike A .greeMgnt This Agreement constituto't the entire -n ant, . greerne or wri . between the,patties, ancl'''s-u-"D-e-rd�'e-s' �a, "Itfiri agreements prior oral ��Commftments or understan'din, S� On erni C c I e matters, provided for herein. 130 AMehgMefl, This Agreement may be modified -On' _b a sWbs , eauen w i- this AgreernerAmay not ritten Agreemerite �-­execdted b - th y wntes. The priOpMons, rt bo M-6difi6d b, .,,y any a aci met q as. described hi 11, r letter agreeme t e r in nt AO't'00ment.. V C. Order ��of-:P'maegde h 'c6- -An IC :0rtin js r in, do - s, i s, e n 0 th' Agree -rant 'arid its. attachments, W1 I d b'- the is pre 'n, the foll 11 b, PO ve. y: iving - d.ocumen Cade ce ..owing 0r: fir* ThisAgreemen" Z -Attach, 'h % ical . order. mehts to this, A�.g­ r� I relver;W C..'ron.0,109 Lam e Goyg.rn,in Th' pa ►..es ri hts or o .,A reement ions under '' 9 _b O'gati. th is :9 will be contr � 'd s, ue �.,, in accordarim with, and any la* 'd n, c im ispOp re.. a..pnq th,�a ill be o w, :governed b, thola, f the'Stat -f WOningto e .0 n. E. Notic'e"s, 'All nook �6 t 416m.- ailds. req or -c other ommunication s e ..'ato n �oll b 'i'-' Wrion-a an_ wi e en Qr wi. ►e n -by: require'.d to 1,614 se School or Traini d ''HI b pr �hand d - mailed b firs -c asi� m epaid e -,,,,:or rpnsmitt d �y li, rf 1 M, *11 e, e very -o a cs ddrd as Ifo"ll T-bcBI 'S"ho''Ol., lit 8 g- mmunity C11 H _Ith:�Ed­ uca.uon,,,: epa:,,men, 6. 7 '62, , Ch Moses Lake, �M 98837 C (b) ouh T -C -Site'.�Gtan _,o..Tr�fir ind ty$hOrif. :Offi' Gra t G. Q.e./, n ounty jail Sts NW `351 C; P.0, Box 37 -E 4t , I P, W. A 98823 Each - art M- y des*gnc' te a .chanqe� ritinti p .y a: I — .1.1 ­- I of address: �bv notice in w ;ill n6finem demands, requests. or cN iate not h Ommu ications Jhat no and -delivered 'will be deemed 7 received three Od o 'it U S. -It . II, 'postage prepaiaft er ep.. s. in the rnal nfirmation O'.f.successfUl facsimite -transmission, F. SurVivall, School andTraInIP, Site reWY intend �and agree that the .9 liability cove ra: e p rVIVe rovi.sions -of this. Agreement W 11 ;Su thio t r inn on of this Agrqe'ment for any reason. severa�� an pr nsio -o f this Ag ' ropmen or f any. otherag nt reeme m rfn�rhs Agreement:shi ,be ho or unenforbeable Un"der:ap" Iible' WN,, 'ad V or partially invalid Sal 610 will prov be Ine �' & COV& to that 0�*nt oniv. Withbut y offectin the te.maining p8w sor in ;any wip. 9 p Vistons '. f- 'd ogre S01. ement, Wi I.,on re, sonae 'I' not e. .,and. -request tho Wpecoon. Training,.,$- ite, 11 p b IC �re c Inspoction :of ou" inic, i 'i itv '0 I and, I' t a ino �:me� mi , resp mi. . �Nl dt tio vil . f C 0 If A By Director'He-alth E�ducauo.n P rograms By., wmmwxmw .Dr. Sato- T, TweedP _.Y., resident, Rig Bend Communay.0olIP90 ExhibitA GRANT COUNTY JAIL VESANDRELEASE F 0R.STUDENT N.URSES Grant Courity Sheriffs Office/Grant Count y latt (`�AI_V'or'"GCS0"') located at 35 C Street Northwest/ P..O.Box.37WgtoA, hostsstuderit burses as a Train ng or th Education Ephrat�.- aWin I f Sate., e Realth Pro' grams.. f6r dig Bend Cummunt -6 t f future 0116ge o support the ...de'Vold­ eika d ''du �`t PM n Ca ion'. 0, health �cal re pr o-fLis-sion s. In considera tionofthe valuable training e wriehob this -,Wdiiv­'e'ra`n-&Releae - i s .s., executed e jENr totheto with the JAIL as a y the STUD S '0 T., D NT's par iDa ion Trai.,nitlg Site dor i3endCoitni,uiiity,.Coll'ege., The STUDENT 'ck" ow a h led Id N are to her anti _ipjated cl"ni.plac*ehietit-,w-*Ith the JAIL ges an I aw ci d, h ch ma include but.is, t1i it th' fi M in.c. u., es in erent.171"k wliii s s, Y, no limited to' lowing. 7, P in 0 - Work gln,a M kq�.: en wi_i uepo- 'b" it ed` oil vironmentc.�Ardc5 thifth ss persona. injuryi.4s welL a pa tentsureto d lead to an In ela :0�po air r. b dth e- J0 fb I d'b 6' th. a oo rne pa ogens Which ul co t lous 1 -In DS ess.sqc.h.assTe za-...00VlD`-119 .7.Kepqd­tis �,. n 1 -Au Or other inness. The '4awm,' t., I I d I iWh en cou. invo veta. -P ins.rurnents orothere quipment,that �ilng, or S 1 could.cause injury ifpot-bandl od prop erly. e Workin,gatthi 'JAIL. involves "is nbere'n't asks such as the:r1sk of a ssault, 'nt&Joandothora WPdotentialyvolattle situatinsthat may 169d to .ectal altkissue s in,. or Bath. ju hi• le.JA.� , the staff works,,to mi ,4� I iz `sksithe..STUDENT-als, him, e frisks, sumes allh '.nd rpent I health p_ysica, a a -in eren An par cipat' "I en fisks—h- - - the �ffiedi'ca vi nment,at-the �Land,-a to 1ol in in ren w gr _6 v0s, 1, all prepautiona -�y measuresan ins, ruction s.,pro Med'by-JAM:tt afff. vi The, STUNT -Agrees that thq''-volun q„ �yare agreen,gt6be.,ptacedat`th is Train ing& e and assumethexisk$ 'h �thp. piacoftient 0 TU inherent to Th .0 e owledges at.-, 0, th h �S IDE MAY avo"d r i nvove. Wi NT. Y d 1he. i§k _'d 4th't ite.0acement by n t agr Wg-to bo,,pAa 0 d at ce Tr* aill- 'In -9 Site. By-s'jigh-in” gb-61 ow": the 'STUDENT d b* /her.legal�1 th ENT," S--: or) atce t an �is gu;ardianJ,,, 1) 1 a.min $T -U. p s the risks inherent In the. 611ni al, ic aid g e b­�911-rules. -anld 0 a r s to:a, i e y 9, e M, a placer e instructionsDrovided. �diki d Th--'e'S"TUDENT.a-'-n"-u:.iega guar i nun erstabdtha�ff 'lu. re fq W P I ad to 11 ol. instructi' n d.ru' san s can.; Ie ad. rerno.val from pla the.;� cement . H4v1ng'bd' I een.a vise( of an, tin - t of -a. clin ccal, laceme L-fhe STUDEN and he., i,.n. ren r s1k I T P '19 4. n I . , - p T'U 'S a -h elimses and. a all cl -the�-STUDENT. s le gal -guard"an if the DENT I mino e e y r'b ''t waives aims T s 0, 4pinstthejA1L,:`t- Aicets,a­' p 9y d f 9 M ees, an, as as well as C n 'Pu t itsof icers,, y agents 6 m- pl nd as ns, r oyees --a , ,relayed i ereh risks stated ..9 ted.,to activityarisin.g. out,d t ks tzit d above - the f the ftih' f STUDENT's negligence-,, or the STUDENT's ail ure to follow rulesor instructions, WAIVERIANDR18LEAS wal-ve, pischa I I E. 1, therelease.'Grant STUDENT, hereby , and e County its eletted afid A _Ibd officials, officer loyees' 4p 'po,n, sp pM p or agents,,,all of whom are rIef6rred. to hereafter as "County p erso'' ell" And �GCSO its ele'ctoM and. appointed nn 6 ft i C i al s 'c i Mi M _G Cers'.0 . Poyees,.or -agents, 'hereafter 66 personnel" fro' all1lability to me, my personal representatiVe/6s, -" h� V.aSsl�ns, ei Sfid.itext0, I It!* for any loss or. Waiver and Release for Student Nurses Page'l -of 2 clai0m. for. damage ny p;atu of a -re whats incl do drbl tt6rn u ing. Costs an easona e a ey fees arim g out of the M except, ParU�Ipauon in. e clin cal I MY .-ement At-th p ac e. JAIL, for those. --d. Am-;-s.sokly caused by the g ce o'', will S --du tAt rossneglign r mi mi con c 0 he Coun,tyorCo,"p-erson-ne--i�a-,c--,tl*,, - ngwithi, he,scop e "eMPIDYMent. .SCOPE OF RELEASE AND IDEMNffY. I�.th,e'S-TUD.-ENT-iey�pressly,acknl w*og 'nd o e ea roethat arti c ivatipg'n' -clonical e., t the ac men ex e,o ay.result Tisksth ore, ss s 'ous I ury a n ./or property damage ex ly*' A- t a... d gree o assume 'afl. un . teer acti ity and nree t . hat the the risks assocl"ated with rtle th on in g r.e:ease -re n-1 -ten el t6�b b -i �'d waiver Aod, dewhit is in d'd yag d Was ...roa* .:a s i erm W -o f M f Wa§hington-If any port . io' f th clu�fvea S.P. itt dby:.the, a e Sta. Wo is A- t s-,�heldln fid, re n, va i iv agre, -ed, that th balahee'. shall, no­:w4ffi'ta­­'v coula "lflj nue: Wfh�pforce an d dft 1h J1 - read a ,aye care -, y nd wider tandthe contents �of this documetit b0o 'e sI Jt nd sign the sarAe:6f ofri�, WIT _e. Will S -tudent'NarheO, Student S":- .4gaa.tdre.& Date: If Student is a Minon Leg I G di ''Nahie& Rblaib 'p:tb S ga u,a,r,, MA 1, , tudent on 1 S111 & jan 1G,uJard'' igpa,ure* Dte-� Waiver and Rel ei-ase fair -Student Nurses Page of2 EAVA-1 M -E ar er ev rr, •� � „ dl�s � Cindy , i r, 'Vico. Ch _rr