HomeMy WebLinkAboutAccounts Payable Batch - Accounting (002)Payable batches audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCC 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42,24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to the Board: As of this date, 0111212023 the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those payable batches . Payable Total: 1,400.00 Reviewed and certified by:, Commissioner �k cis Q-Jf Commissioner Chairman ooard of Commissioners Date: 1/12/2023 Invoices/Batches not approved: Double Checked by: Date: AP BATCH ID. GCEMG 111212023 Grant County Claims Clearing Account- 9201 Name FUND AMOUNT CURRENT EXPENSE 001.000, COUNTY ROADS 101 CARES ACT - ELECTIONS 102 VETS ASSISTANCE 104 HAVA 3 ELECTIONS 106 FEDERAL DRUG ------------ 107 MENTAL HEALTH 108 ST DRUG SEIZURE 169 LAW LIBRARY 110 TREASURER O/M JAIL CONCESSION 111 112 ECON ENHANCMNT 11 TOURIST ADVERT 114 COUNTY FAIR 11 INET INVESTIGATION 113 PROS CRIME VICT 1.20 LAW & JUSTICE 121 TURNKEY LIGHT 122 AUDITOR O/M 124 DD RESIDENT PROG 125 R.E.E.T, 1 st 1/4% 126 TRIAL COURT IMPROV. 127 DOM VIOL SRVCS 128 AFF HOUSING 129 HMLS HS LOC 1.30 REET 2nd 114% 132 Econ Enh. Rural Co 133 Dimte Resolution 136 Budding 138 REET Admin 139 SHERIFF SURPLUS 146 SHB 1406 141 GC ABATEMENT 150 HILLCREST GRID 161 GRANTS ADMIN. 190 ARPA 191 AGC BLAKE DECISION 192 MUSEUM CONTRUCTION 304 MACC Bond 307 MCKINSTRY ESSENTION 303 COUNTY FAIR SEWER 309 PROP I SALES TAX 311 ERP RESERVE 312 SOLID WASTE 401 DATA PROCESSING 601 INSURANCE 503 INTFU ND BENEFITS 606 UNEMPLOY COMP 6061 DENTAL INS. 507 OTHER PR BEN. 508 VISION BENEFITS 509 EQUIP DENTAL 510 COMMUNICATIONS 511 PITS & QUARRIES 660 TOTAL TRANSFER: R 1,400,00 AP COMPLETED BY: N.YANEZ JOURNAL ENTRY: TREASURER NOTIFIED: POSTING COMPLETED BY: CHECKS: 605626 VOIDED: BATCH PMCHK CREDITS PMTRX - $ - $ r S _ 1,400.00 $ 2,800.00 $ - $ 2,800.00 NHEMER011123 1,400.00 $ 2,800.00 $ $ 2,800.00 1,400.00 $ 2,800.00 $ - $ 2,800.00 1,400.00 _$ 2,800.00 $ - $ 2,800.00 System, 1/11/2023 10:42:22 AM County of Grant Page: User Date: 1/1112023 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID: abarrientoz Payables Management Batch ID- NHEMER01 1123 Batch Comment: Batch Frequency: Single Use Trx Total Actual-, 1 Trx Total Control: 1 Audit Trail Code: Batch Total Actual: $1,400.00 Batch Total Control: $1,400.00 Batch Error Messages: Posting Date: 1/11/2023 User posting access denied VendorlD Document Number Document Date Voucher Number Purchases Document Total Vendor Name Terms Disc Avail LINO H 01 102023-DGL 1/1112023 0380514 $1,400.00 $1,400.00 CHAD LINDSTROM Description Client EFA - DL Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Document Date Amount Check 0/0/0000 $0.00 Distribution Messages'. Work Messages: General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type 128.170.00,9328.565504580 DV ADVOCATES.CLIENT RENT) PURCH 692.001.00.0000.211000000 WARRANTS PAYABLE PAY Debit Amount 11400.00 0,00 ----------------- 11400.00 Credit Amount 0,00 1,400.00 ----------------- 1,400.00 System: 1/11/2023 10:42:22 AM County of Grant Page- 2 User Date: 1/11/2023 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID: abarrientoz Batch ID Payables Management Purchases Amount Terms Disc Avail Document Total ---------------- ------------------ $1,400.00 $0.00 $1,400.00 State of Washington -County of Grant 1, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered or the labor performed as described herein, that any advance payment is due and payable pursuant to a contract or is available as an option for full or partial fulfillment of a contractural obligation, and that the claim is a just, due and unpaid obligation against the county, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify to said claim. Subscribed this day of (Signed) For Departmen! Approved and Authorized By Date Allowed Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner GRANT COUNTY Kids - New Hope/Kids HHopeope tali PROMISE TO PAY Date 1110/2023 Claimant: CHAD LIN DSTROM Post OfficeAddress,. 1155 MICHAEL LANE EAGLE POINT, OR 97524 Month Day Purpose Dollar Cents 01 01 JAN 2023 RENT PLUS LATE FEE.1W 00 J400 All bills must be itemized in detail on this blank or itemized list attached herewith.. When submitting claims for rent be sure to specify dates claim is intended to cover. For Submission for Payment - ISSUED: Return Voucher To: Grant County DEBBIE LONG New Hope/Kids Hope New Hope/Kids Hope Advocate 3 11 W Third Avenue Moses Lake, WA 98837 1 hereby Certify on Honor, that the goods, merchandise, material or service charged for in the above bill have been furnished as herein charged. o4l DATI`4: -1 /10/2023 - Printed Claimant Name Signature CANNOT BE USED FOR ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, Check- one: Mail pMment to above address PRE -PAID OR GIFT CARDS. Claimant will pick up pa3Linent at Ne How Vouchers received by 12:00 pm Wednesday will have payment available the following'rhursday. - EMERGENCY FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FORM SIGNED? YES EZI NOE] FUNDING: 9328 - DV ADVOCATES Tenant pays $1300.00 per month for rent. Tenant iS CUrrently late for January 2023 refit and has incurred $100.00 in late fees, Total GwIng for Januaill's rent Is $1400.00. Chad Lindstrom 1155 Michael Lane Eagle Point, Or. 97524 RBSIDENTIAL LEASE AGEMENT Tho �dslad, easel a Balled Tenant agrees da to rot a udre a� " d Chad Lindstrom .cresn.a r fled Lstrdlord), washinton, begimil lag gra .1A_' ay tetlmzcy upon the fo�llowln tcr�a. , �,�����, �� � 12-Monthlease d 0,03diflonst ENT ` The onto y rent for said haus 'vhzch Tenaztt agt'ees to a 00.€ 0 is road shall be payable hi advatwe on tl Inst da of each� �'� � � `l'l Lls��oa�, Ian o ev�raat the rpt s calendar naott. to Chad shalt on any day o er titan the first day of the calendar mout1j, the Fent sbaf l be collected from the Ue of wmmenoement to and facluding the kst day of the Mond M,,ar which thio all roars shalt ho due mid payable on the &-st day of oath succeed , Ing calendar Moilf h The t aA understands that he will reeeiv'e-no rent reduc ,ons, a4ustmetts at comp sWOU du.ir, to wpalfs ora` nteriruptioaatts Ofsecvlce Mcept as provided by law. 2# PRO-RATM FIRST IVIONITS RENT FOO 410 Perlod fiom Tewwt's ovo4jl date, � rs lst tC� l� filo e end of the month, Ten t will pay Landlord the ' � � r ted .oA ly.rent of =Jbia MUout]t will he paid on oar bet` re t1v date tho Teimt mov" In, 1 USE T'PU1 1t W008 that 916 house to be used laild occupied by Tenant as R pr' Vato duelling and for rig other VwPose, If the twatit is unmarried and should du n IMS IIa � A ntey, all nights to ocogancy are immedlatel t�imted'unless a now lease areceu Is d�a in terms tothe oor t . by beth parties to ;e ,�.�i�� d� and sigd 3, D13POSIT Tort agrees to pay die sum $1&00 A as security I damage dip est fer the pertormatcoofTenallts6ligationheromider. ext ty / dam.ago ep It will be holdfit a cheo hr$ nocoutxt at jok Modford., OR. This doposit doors not limit Landlord's Fight ox Tenant's obllgatlons. To taut understands that all or a�: �. ere � o hie l o o Sit .>a�ay bd ro%hted by Landlord upon tcrn�1rnat Oft o on Of to anoy and tb a. ref od, ,Many ortlott� of Deposit to the, e'en k f the follows- � �t t� eondltlo�ecl as 1. Tehant shall occupy for twelve months or longer. TenantOh l cl�cm awl re staar'e house to ft cotidltion at the cot .erzee .e"(0fWS ten=y� T1 s normal wear wd tear) as eYicleaccd by tae Wpodt Ott Ro pod steed by the Tenant prion to o pea my, Tonant agrees ** soilage is got nounal wear and teat and wher agrees to have oarpats and cftapas clowned to proftosional sta dsrds haat will be scho d led by t1w Wi llord at the to inafiom of tenancy at the Ter.t's exnse, 3, TOEOnt ill return to Landlord W1 keys providod dutitig tenancy,, 4_ T- want shall bavo remedied or repaired arty damage to pxetnjseg of fiOiahlags to Landlord's satisfi*tlon. . Tonat shall baw rePlaccd any .lost or missing items of fli nishin s or equipment, urclrrdtng Personal propetly of the LandloW, enoyl.<led dufatiteagcy. 6. Tenant 8110 have eornplied vAth, all Pfovisions of Ws lease agreement atI4`�Vt+rh .t acs anal. rOaulatsons as the Landlord may doom neoeW11blu fowtoon (lob) d4ya AOf U-10 tex mination of the teumoy and vac4on of flie Prelulses, the Laatdford shaft ill to the `I`enattt's last laiown addresis, a (till and sp ealfle statement of the basis foto r*nti()n. of y or all of the Deposit, together itb the payment of, any rofund duo the Tenant. The Landlord shall have the Aght to pronee,d a aim t An aMouftt of tlxe Tenant's Depoait for cleaning, I -tilepla went oflost of missing-iteitis;• or , `hey es x the reasctnRble atto�ey'3 fess s fovl+ded o Tont �' 4. AQEPTNCE Tellfat agxeos to WPM the hallso pr1or to occa.panoy arid to oornple a sign and return to Landlord an, fuspeo boa Report, z)lc11 Ivill be provided to hbrAieri, Tho Tenant futther agr s alid widerstaads that cleanhig and pailItkIg req ked at ftio tofmigiltioll of t1io WIAROY Walt be c1larged to the temat acro rd%ngl�. 5,o L U -TAM TdFM4xk f 1' #ands jat if t() j �� to xent 13 not received by the six of t1le monTI, or if a check additionis rehitherned forMY tenon therfull wtount of tho retIte will be a otxe hu-e dot r 1 .Q4 charge 6, NOTICE TO VACATE Tenzat ugreeg that to tel irate 1e tenaney, t elity (20) days Written notice, mast be l-verx to LundloTd prior to the end Qfthe Monttlly twin. They tenant understands that occ pane 0110-your lease tcnancy nWt'h18 frOM the flist to the last day of each ox t1)3 XMD.ple. Notice given on the 150, of one Month Woold bind flie toftanoy 111til the 104-t day OfthO folio ing nloa i; Lftndlord may terminate thO teMa ey, Withotat romon, by delivering to the Te vuii rItton wtice at lout t en Q) days prior to the egad of a MOILthty term. In ad.dltlnn, tho Lalidlord may give the Following nodcoo qs oh=stancos may Warranto 1 day :Ucti" to 00MAy With aRy Of flio turns of Ibis agreement or Yncate.. r Mir tam, (14) day notice f after" default M1 the payer t Oftcnt# t � e rcpt in �X car vaoate, pay �e lll be a �.f�� foe for de�t�e��y nonce, 3, Three (3) day nada tc Wacccte for co fitting a wasito upon pxreMises, setting lip or oMITlm Oil any t1nla:whl busfhess' or Polmitting or Ana-41talR ai nuisance on, or about thepreMIS031 7. LIABILITY Tenant agms ftt aU porgonat propetty in the house bail be at risk o the Tenant Tenmt fu 'Dr nlWees hot to held the Landlord riabtc fit any atter for, of cunt ofany loss or darns o sustained by action of jho elanluflta, ot for loss of any articl fronx gny Ouse, from said house or any other put of said Pro orty. Wolther shall the ndtord. be liablo for any inftx7 to the Tenant hiz/her �aMI 00,5, employees, or any persola ontering the 1)0090 or property of which ttao 11o1Ts '$ 4P4 1101090 Oattsed. by Ile llgence oMo Landlord, Wier agent or employees in.the operabon or a tonwice of the building ted swounding propcxty containing tho premises* 8. MAINTENANOR Tonant;shall rnainta the house, yard, parte area, patio ad garage area, including f-"01-91*099, apph ces, fluor cove Inas: acid draperies, In good order and in a clean and saftary oon.dzvon< . ATMAOS Tonant aging to do no paintinS or other such decorafloij or make any alterations to the fAMMS, bolos QEF WW119 W10mut plior consent of the Landlord, 10, ASSIGNUPINTS Tenant shall not ass%n Wo Aswo ent nor sublet anypart those . 11 * ACCESS tl milt soli allo-tx Lmdlord acm at all reasonable times to said. liomo forthopurpose of'inspOct OU, or to show snid house to pr��ospeouve p-Prcllasers and MoAgage.4 of the b0di erany other � pexsera h4019 a ie ltl ate interest therein, oar to In o necessar XOPW mid MPM- e�nents, Landlord slab, hexrever pram-ina lei amen; e e trt 4,-,v,,,y i lotus, Teount agrees that in the case of I MAY Mtor W10nout wnuent of the Tonew, l�hKItMM Tan 12. RE-RENTING Tonant agrees that the Lmdlord Shan havo the fight shove said home to pros eptzvo Tountzts dor yedod oi`t onty (2-0 &P7100 to the expiration of twmo, � � �' Landlord sha14 ' heaevcr practicabtc, Sivo ibe Manan[ two () days plior nonce o bis/her iuton#ion to enter. 13. REMOVAL OR plop)BTy Tenaat agroos that hi tho event of abandounjent and accompat�.ying do cult III relit, the Landlord ,array i nedilatcly enter tho houso and take possession of any propolty offne Townt fotmd therein, Landlord shall stoyjc aaa110 ju Seollre place and mail a notice to Tealant's last known address stating the location d a.ddrogs for storedyo ert , After sixty (60) days from the elate of de .ult hi ,enta as 4 a►�r :Prior zotico of 'quell sale Landlord may soil such propedy and MaY 4PPIY gay hteonio derived there fiorn against motleys due the Lmdlord, lucluding drayage and storage{ .may emss income derived fi-om the sale Of such, Propedy shall bo hold by tho Lmdlord fbr the bemAt ofVie Teiiaiil for a POHOd of one (1.) year from the day of sale, and If no clam Is made or aeon oommeneed by tho Tetiant dor cct ery thweof.P1j r to file expiration 0-f that period o thll.o, the bol cci shall �U� the property of the Laatdlovd. 144 RULIBS AND REGULATIONS TeWit agrees that Lwdlord xnay Upon Wrt +" (3 0) # aye writtey, ofico xmako "rh chapg es or tiddilions as deeined neoessary to file Mos acid reguladom stated. herein, All other Ov'slcxas Of this 89=110"t 8119Z remaiA In itU fofco and effect re araless of Lea . fil rale 0r re Mm ations, 'boow11i also n0 gl titles + and a earlfee. dhtwgt� 1S, �11T11�► y y Te"Ont shall{ it addition torent, pay for 61L pub] 'to utilities charged against tho hollsol 16- GOA-8 .A AIS RECIDL . x 'tenant shall cofnj)ly with all law ox�d113=0s, Dubilo d ,. - d � � ����t ���tatio�s applicable to saYd hese or the 1160 xoroof, 17# ATTUNEY'S ATTUNE'MES Taniant agrees to pay All cost% W=03? at1d attofnz s fees as allowed by law, expended or lnct ed �y Uaidlord by Mason of any default or hreaWi by teamt if any of the terms of WS a rocalaan IS, LOCKSMITH FRES onAut meas to pay the sum of sevOnty4ivo dollars (75.00) Tor a Io0mij . to cjImI o the heirs itpan vaonting the hoLase. Re-keying i be dolle bye r l r :' LW end be sche&led by the property managetnent oompanyl 9# PET rim Terzitagrees to pay a�S� � Pet fee f;0V aY pet of My kind kept or harbored In or about 1110 promises, WhM1 the house is �uoated, Ole cost of s r 1n for J-leas and . any rieoeisary cleanup ar repairs will be de4liced from t1118 deposit toney. 0. CARPEP CLEANING "errant agveQs to pay :for carpet cleaning stt$ -Upon vacating the house, MmIa oyaont Fill. WhNIUle gleaning With. Professional oioituIn compaDy. 1.ply Tenant will be charged a porcentage oftlle pabiting basod on the length of 00py p flic follovW Nchout; 6-12 Months 75% w t •wuw.n Tonant t F � t ' t Z F S A l(t � t I 2 k { 1 t t l t RITL I"AE AGREWENT (continued) RULES AND REOULATIONS : aui ser, Pett Ofuny bind shalt be kept coy.! harbor Ire or abo, -the PremisOS W4110ut tIOPIM13isSion of the Landlord, , All Waage WM be Plaoe4 in garbage containefs With 8001wed lids. No 10080 ga.rbftge, ,papex bags or boxes will bo allowed, 141astle bap must tie used tompomrily, they :must NOT be Placed atthe outb before the MorWn9 041ok-up, Garbage containers IV111 be stared in the gavbage with the exceptioxt ofpiric-up day. I DrIvuWays, side a4 y gad groluld.1 shall at all tinaes,be kept free of 4ebris acrd ersonat objoots. LanclJord shalt bayc dI0 right to brim UP to sends 48 Ileum after 11offyiritho Toll t of intent. TIle cost ilivoived sI II be at the WMe of the TenaaL 4. Di tjwa. aer, dis sal,, toilets and sin,($ ar, to bOUsQd r (>r tho ur�so tIDiIdecL .eP e -MQ and repairs resitting from. `f t ab� Val, be tho expense of azo Tonant. at 5, All lcaldng faiaeets, Windows and/or defects of appliance or 111�ts shall be re oxlcd to the .mdlcotd IMMEDIATELY. No V w atin blinds, awning, drag shades for nan.-aonforming cotMns drapes shall be in tallod "t% out per sslf)n ofthe f�n�llord► 7, frect-faring WiftdOW3111s Shall not be used for stofa e of i ) foodo etc. Ba No Patnting, sWnin oo- papexing shall be d+ no without the VnItten 9. Te-naut will use, ohly lctLWe 110o 5 to l ngi uues, ra yrs and . deecorativo lte s on galls. 10- W Wlr � 40flalso antennas for radio or tel evisI014 or wires, ropes, ac, for 01001 d�fyjtlgx etc. sball bo installed on the roof or ottj�r art of the bOding, or grounds, ithont vvrI#erIet'n a thou d No signs € r Pbeards shall be posted en or about tho building or grounds Without wrltt$n Pe issiort of the Lavidlotdt 1 . `f' aut, P lly And guests shall be duo rezaixl for the peace, comfort and e coynxe t %�r t ants d rba w7► fastest i truMox%t radios lty's, r'000td Player, ate. shit be played only at re-asonablo hours and at a reasonable voltwie. 1:. Tenants arc Ilot po�=rnittod access to roof except e 0080 of M, , ei�zer�e��oya 14 - No autoniobiles, triallers, boats* motoroyolos or eampem shad be pmiked aa la l . 15. NO allt0i'lobiles, trallexs, boats,otolv-yeles Or oaffilvas shall be stored or DuPaIrOd On the Proses WIthOut WrIttell P00111881611 of the La,adllcord. Landlord shall Ixave the right to remove any veht01e or porsonal object fro, , t1 u Pre' zs0s. .hIch is deemed. by the Landlord to be MIjI htl or constitutes 4 ha or uulsa"e a ce011119 4 Mice on flee vohidle foto at least 72 hours, notlWylli� the o xor of his/her ir�teatio��* T e rolteval shall . be clam at e� Welise of tho Tonant aad/ar owner of the vahlelo. Zen The Tenant agives that hofshe is responsible for any d=a.ge by a wateycd in his&er 11vit. 17, Thoro is to be NO parking on the lain drive 18► There will bo a. $50.00 0h0v9P ifYOU d0 ,Wt pay your rent and tnanaga ent bmes you with a 3 -day pay reat or vacato rzotlee. 19, TOReAt Will keep BrOuJads WOO .alyktalned locluding, brit not Iix It to edglng, rowing tho lam, watering andJ w dklo . + Tenant undorataads and agrees tilat the foHowlng are apart of thisag ente�zn r �'R . Alicaen to relit rales of:'enanc►�"'� las ee lc y � � Won Report dd$ndum A- . - W Water & smoh Do, IN WrINESS WHERT-1.0vMNAM HEREBY AOMM TO T - BOVE s TenantDam Date System: 1/1 2/20403 lmz'so em County or Grant Page: z User oat -e` 1/12/2023 CASH REQUIREMENTS REPORT user zo` uayaoez., Payables Manapinent Ranges: Vendor zo' z - xZllullZZoouxZ vendozNam aFizst-Last voudoz claam, First - Last ooer-oefine l' virst- Last So-rted By: Vendor !o Payment priority' First -Lae Due Date, First -Lam Discount Date: First -LaSIL Payment Date: 1/31/2023 venaorzo Vendor Name Document Document GL Account Amount On Hold Total Number Date _--____—___--_________________-________________--________-___-_____-____-_-__-______ L 1uC CHAD LIwDSrROM 01102023+DGL 1/1I/2023 0,400.00 $0.00 $1,400.00 ________ ------------- ________ cOTa FOR FUND # zao $1,400,00 $0.00 $1,400.00 _______ --------------- _______ oRAm TOTAL $1,400.00 $0.00 $1,400.00 Sys rem: 1/12/2023 1:44:04 PM County of Grant User Date: 1/12/2023 COMPUTER CHECK REGISTER Payables Management Page: i User ID: navane-21, Batch ID: GCELMER-01. 12 . 23 Audit Trail Code: Pt4CHKO0003131 Batch Comment-, Posting Date: 1/12/2023 Checkbook ID: U. S. BANK * Voided Checks Check Number Date Payment- Nuuber Vendor ID Check Name Amount --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9201605626 1/104/2023 0208476 LINCH CHAD LINDSTROM $1 r 400.0 ---------------------- Total Checks: I Checks Total: $1,400.00