HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreements/Contracts - Renew (002)ren.e.w
Granb Behovioral Heolth 8 Wellness
January 11,, 2023
Board of County Commissioners
PO Box 37
Ephrata, WA 98837
Re:. Strategic Planning & Leadership Development
Dear, Commissioners,
840 E. Plum Street
Moses Lake, WA 98837
Phone: (509) 765-9239
Fax: (509) 765-1582
Renew is seeking approval_ to partn ' er with. Ingen"urn Healthcare Advisors as a professi6nalser'vice
agreement to begin the process of strate I ' planning and leadership development. Our goal is to
9ic -
develop a .3 5 year strategic plan, align our team on vision, *on, miss on, Valuos, and transform the overall
organizational performance of our organization. Participants of this plan of 15 managers and
Kathy Letendre has given us a quote of $105,000.00 over a, three-year period,,, This proposal 'Includes
multiple workshop style, sessions, both virtual and *n�-person, where will focus on . e Wf the key
methods, and tools tailored to our, organizations', need . s and cha Ile n-ges, In additi -on, there is a
$12,000.00 fee for Executive Guidance for a 6 -month period which provides consultation & training
specifically for the Execut , ive Director and the Director of Behavioral Health Services.
Please see the -attached adreemnt which includes an appendix with Kathy's bio a.nd testimonials of
her work. The cost break down is $2333.00 per employee per year. When -onsite visits are scheduled,
w will also be responsible for airfare and lodging. The funds for this project
e wi. also I . I i.,will come from fund
IM 150.00,00001.564, Q0 .4100.
Thank you for your consideration. If you have any questions e
please contactm*.
Dell Anderson, M.Ed., LM HC
Executive Director
JAN 11 2023
G la A vN1 T
*9 1*
Gront Behavioral Health a Wellness
Renew's Strategic Direction.
to accelerate Organizational Transformation
Letter of Agreement
L What We Heard
it tabun Analysis
In 2022, Renew Grant County Behavioral Health and wellness
(Renew) began to assess and
optimize t.elehealth in order to improve, growl and expand virtual care to complement your
existing service delivery offerings. Your aim s to :best reach and serve the communities
throughout the region. Through this work with you, we have, established a relationship based
on trust. Therefore we were pleased to talk With you recently -about your interest
in the
Ingenium. team supporting Rene is broader strategic, direction and organizational.
While virtual care is the focal point of in: genium Ugitdl Health Advisors, our team within'
Ingenium Healthcare Advisors, fed by Xathy Letendre, works with -organizations who are
seeking to excel, transform, And reach. higher levels of overall orLanizationat
-across all dimensions from quality to service, for growth and financial sesta iniabi . lity to
workplace climate.
In recent conversations,you indicated:
• a need to bring greater clarity to the strategicdirection of Renew,
• a desire to put in place systematic approaches for planning and management, and
a commitment to i the organization and its leaders with the means to consistently
equip 1
deliver on strategic priorities, thereby demonstrating measurably improving results.
1 0
You shared that while Renew has made notable progress in rebranding as a respected and
valued service provider., your efforts to truly transform the
organization and lead with a clear
January 7, 2023 .1 -
Strategic D-Irectionat Renew Ingenium Healthcare Advisors
strategic direction are in the early stages. It would be our privilege to work with you on
accelerating this vital work.
We have prepared this Letter of A
. greeMent based on our work together, recent conversations,
and decades of experience guiding such endeavors in other health and human service
organizations. I am glad that you have had an opportunity to talk firsthand With your
counterpart in rural Vermont about what this entails and the numerous benefits. I know that
Dick Courcelle would be pleased to share additional information with you at any point to
compare notes further.
I am including a number of options for how we can work together so that you can choose the
option that best meets your objectives and needs at this to
Your Desired Outcomes
Your ultimate desired outcome is a high -performing, high quality organization that is well.
positioned to transform and grow in serving the expanding and evolving needs of the region in,
a manner that supports Renew's long-term"ability,
V1 I
To achieve this ultimate outcome, you are seeing to:
* Set a clear and coin-Delling Strategic, Direction, for the coning years
* Align leaders around that Strategic Direction
%-W - gi
* Enable the organization to fulfill its MOssion, Ve S
i ion, and Values
• Establish key strategic metrics to m
easure and monitor progress year over year
• Translate the ,strategic Direction into Annual Strategic Initiatives for effective focus.
and execution
• Equip leaders with the skills, knowledge, and tools to execute the defined plan, goals,
and initiative's.m" order to consistently deliver improving results
• Provide ongoing Leader -ship Development to enable leaders to grow in. their confidence
and competence to deliver on goals with demonstrated results
All with, the overarching goal of delivering on strategic priorities consisten. tly - year over year
over year.
The initial focus will be at the organizational level, Over time we can discuss how best to bring
this approach to the program level as well.
You desire clarity for your leadership team to utilize a defined strategic direction, articulated
in a strategic plann , to guide the organizatioover the next three years (and beyond.}. You
envision an approach that will purposefully integrate strategic and action planning, define key
strategic metrics, and utilize effective methods for ongoing accountability that supports Renew
in realizing its vital strategic ,gic priorities, amidst an evolving external environment.
January 7, 2023 , 2 -
Strategilc Directlion at Renew Ire onium Healthcare Advisors
In brief, you desire to strengthen the internal management approaches at Renew to enable
your organization and leadership team to consistently set and execute on plans and'ties
deliven'ng needed results now and into the fitture.
You desire to markedly accelerate thiswork by tapping m,
pping into the expertise of In
achieving in months and years what could otherwise take up to a decade to accomplish in your
organizational 0 t
r anization-al transformati n efforts. Indeed, many organizations abandon their ambitious,
visions when using g simply a do-it-yourself, trial -and -error approach.
The Value of Achievino Your Desired Outcomes
Through a successful transformation, Renew will position itself to consistently define and
deliver on organizational priorities, with improving organizational results, fory ears to come.
Further, a systematic planningapproach mill 1
improve your capabilities to anticipate and, serve
your clients' and regib , n"s expand" & evolving ing ev g needs much more effectively and
n iv
oom-or6hd 's" I ely,
By leveraging Ingeniurns expertise . and eximrience guide you* in
to ide exploring, and setting a clear
and compelling strategic direc, ti o
ri� aligning your leadership team around a defm,-
I-P ed sed. of'
strategic priorities; and equipping your leadership tea. mwith an expanded array of 'knowledge,
skills, " and tools to consistently deliver on plans and priorities, you will position the
organization for long term success.
Our clients find that this workaccelerates the accom -To 14. ent of their vital strategic priorities
plisnm gic priorities,
and brings clarity and focus to wo
rking on only the most fruitful opportunities ..
11. Achieving your Desired Outcomes
Our Approach
To achieve the desired outcomes, ;we mill in abo don coI 1 ra i with you
and members.of your
leadership team - take an active and guiding role in establishing your internal management
process for ongoing strategic management.
W ,
We will design withyou and *de you in putting in place a strategic gic management approach
for Renew that:
• advances your Mission, Vision, and Values;
• contemplates the rapidly changing health and human services environment,-
considers internal and external factors for your future, success*
• creates clarity and leadership IP alignment around your strategic direction and priorities;
• promotes synergy rather than conflict,#
is customized to your organization, including your environment, key stakeholders, and
resources; and
defines an organizational cadence for ongoing goal achievement.
January 7, 2023 -3-
Strategic Direction at Renew Ingenjum Healthcare AdAisors
Our approach typically includes, the following major phases and is supported by leadership
development and executive guidance. Our approach is tailored to your organ i*zation's unique
needs, goals, and starting place.
Engagement Opti"MIS
We are proposing a few options for you depending on the level of support and expert
consultation you feel would be the most beneficial, as well as the pace of improvement you are
striving for over the next few years.
In addition, we have included an add-on component that you can include with either of the two
Both alternatives below are designed to achieve your desired outcomes. However, higher -
lettered alternatives will take you further, more quickly — creating the value sooner.
January 7, 2023 -4-
Strategic Direction at Renew Ingeniurn Healthcare Advitsbrs
Both alternatives tap intra our deep expertise in healthcare and human services, strategic
planning, measurement, alignment, accountability, organizational onal growth and change, as well
as leadership & team development.
The pri'mary differences between Alternative A and Alternative 5 are M', the level of internal
responsibility versus expert support for achieving your desired outcomes and the extent and
depth of leadership development and support to enable your organization's short-term and
long -ter success.
Alternative A: Comprehensive
In this alternative, we will jointly guide and facilitate with you each phase, in the process relying
on Renew's leaders and executive assistant to play a s
ignificanrole during each phase. For
example, in Alternative A senior leaders at Renew would conduct key information. rmation gathering
and synthesis is aspects in the Discovery
This alternative includes v workshop -style sessions virtual et
various w s ns, vi e
m. ings as deemed
nate and our independent work off-site. The, rksh,op: sessions use a ombin flonof
appropriate wo c a 1
(where ols appropri ).
virtual and in-person sessions as, well as collaboration t o late
In this Alternative A. we will focus With you on pnmanly.
setting a strategicDirection D' ection for a 3 -year timeframe;
annual Action Planning poncein each of the next3years); and
deliffieatinR the overallat on-lev't approach for str ,Organize. a. tog management including
the cadence fourperiodicreviews f ro ess t Ian" and the f k strategic rics
0 P gr P e use o , ey a, gic met
to monitor progress,
The Leadership Dev'l
evelo included in Alternative A, will foc-us exclusively on the
knowledge, skills and tools to enable and support this,ith one leadership development
skills workshop conducted in the flrst vear, such as our highly regarded two-day
"Management Planning Tools Workshop."
With Alternative A, if additional Leadership Development workshops and supports are
deemed necessary and valuable for the ensuing years, these can be discussed
for future
work and priced accordingly.
Alternative.- Be* Transformational
This option includes Alternative A but is more 'in-depth, supportive, and transformati've as it
includes focus both at an organizational and program level.
January 7, 2023 - 5 -
Strategitc Direction at Renew Ingen'ium Healthcare AdAsors
The added value in this alternative is four -fold:
First, we will lend additional expertise and support in each phase of the strategic direction
setting process, relying on Renew's leaders and executive assistant for essential involvement
during the stages of strategic plan development. For example,i Alternative B, Ingenium will
support key aspects of the Discovery phase in a more hands-onI
fash'on w*it
h key 'puts and
documents assembled by Renew's leaders.
As .in Alternative A, this Alternative B *includes Multiple workshop -style sessions, -virtual
meetings as deemed appropriate, and our independent work off-site. The workshop sessions
use a combination of virtual and in-person sessions as well as collaboration tools (where
The second added benefit of this Alternative B is that we will work with you and members of
your leadership team to define the key strategic management practices most needing
attention and focus on preparing leaders for consistent t strategic execution. The emphasis is
on leadership readinessn for executing ostrategic priorities, whether these are strategwt
ic growth
and expansion initiatives a cl"I
ent-focused 'improvements, organizational culture efforts, or key
quality, service, and other areas of focus that are defined as critical*th
wi in your strategic
direction and annual action plans.
Thirds we gillco-design with yand me: ,you amebers of your leadership team the the strategic
gn Wit
management structures, processes, and toolsboth at the organizational anda
progr m
levels for ongoing smne m
,strategic management.,e will focus in year oon those that are ost
critical at the organizational level and then 'introduce additional elements in years one, two,
and three once these initial approaches are successfully in place rgan within * the organization.
. . I
Fourth, the leadership development workshops and support which are a part of Alternative
B will continue over each of the three years and will focus on key prifficiples, methods, and
tools tailored to your organization's unique I nique needs and current priorities and challenges but
can range from action planning to accountabilitv, from fact -based management to team -based
improvement, from change management to customer -focus, from leadership improvement to
staff involvement, We will align this leadership deveto . pment work to your strategic priorities
as delineated tineated in the strategic and annual plans that. are developed,.
High -performing organizations do not leave these approaches to chance but instead
intentionally build effective methods for effective and consistent implementation of plans and
customer -focused improvements.
As such, this option includes two to four leadership development workshops each year over the
three years of our strategic work together. In these virtual or in-person leadership development
January 7, 2023 -6-
Strategic Direction at Renew Ingenjum Healthcare Advisors
workshops, we introduce structured and proven approaches to build solid action plans and
accelerate progress in impi lementation. Some of these workshops will be co -designed and co -
delivered. With you, Dell, in methods you are accustomed to from other settings, such as
rounding for results, customer service techniques, and the like.
We will guide you to facilitate progress checks with members of your, leadership team to: assess
progress in implementffig the techniques, answer questions about specific e
xperienc.es in using
the methods, and provide advice and counsel to sustain your efforts.
Where deemed critical this Alternative B may also use periodic small group advi
I sory sessions
for leaders to accelerate adoption of the specific management -practices and to tailor them to
their unique circumstances. When learning new management processes and techniques,
individuals are more apt to see early and sustained results if they have a trusted resource with
whom to discuss early successes and any concerns, role-play various circumstances, and get
direct feedback and guidance,
Add-on 1: Executive Guidance for Results
This component (Add --oma. 1), is optional. It can be add ' ed onto either of the above alternatives (A
or B) to accelerate your results. This Executive Adv1s. ing is for you and for your senior leader
for behavioral health programs. This executive advising can be selected for six-month periods
of time.
In these one-to-one advisory conversations, we discuss topics of importance for your
professional growth and ongoing success, Kathy serves as your sounding board, trusted
advisor, and personal rev- elopment advisor to both you and Juan.
Our focu's in these advisory visory conversations would not be solely on the strategic manage
practices (described above in. Alternatives A and B) but can be wide-ranging to include topics
of any nature, 'including important organizational priorities, challenges, decisions, and
Where appropriate, Kathy would make recommendations provide 0 counsel, oun - advice offer el, and
share resources. You may select this Executive Adv1sin F4 for the six -month periods where this
additional executive guidance would be most valuable to achieve results.
In addition to our scheduled advising times (which we would set up), the executive guidance
relationship would "include unlimited phone and email access to Kathy between our scheduled
meetings for opportune and time -sensitive topics.
January 7, 2023 -7-
Strategic Direction at Renew Ingenium Healthcare Advisors
fi aicall , organizations choose to begin these add-on Executive Guidance periods after the
strategic direction setting work is well underway. Therefore i add-on feature c be chosen
P this an
for any (or all) six-month periods of time during the active engagement. A decision to renew for
the next six-month period needs to be secured with advance payment two weeks before
completion of the current period,
Our approach is systematic, pragmatic, and straightforward. What we have laid out here as
Alternatives is based on our current understanding of your needs and Kathy's professional
expertise and experience regarding the elements that Will be most beneficial as you and your
leadership team create critical change in the organization,, building an enduring capability to
deliver on strategic priorities consistently.
Kathy will tailor and adjust the approach and tion ing to your organizations ganization's specific needs,
unique challenges and culture, and the pace of improveme, n*t you are seeking to achieve. We
will provide guidance. to you. and your leadership team in support of your goals and objectives,,
The organizational ca ability to execute: on plans d priorities is
P an n ities a ke-v driver of organ lizational
results. When organiations put in place the vital management systems, processes, and
structures for execution, the results follow. This is the essence of organizat"onal excellence and
1 n
Preparing the organization and leaders now by increasing . ing your internal apabilities ill pay
capabilities 1 gill
.dividends in numerous ways for years to come.
111. Logistics &Terms
line. ng
We can begin this work upon your acceptance and schedule sessions at mutually agreeable
times in the coming months. The pace of progress will be largely. determined by the rate at
which decisions are made and actions are implemented. A substantial amount of strategic
progress is possible in one-year increments and within an overall three-year timeframe..
The optional Add-on 1 can be selected now (to commence at a future date of your choosing) or
added at a later date within the engagement but no later than January 1, 2023. Verbal
commitmentadvance with payment can 'initiate this Add-on anytime within 2023.
January 7, 2023 -8-
Strategic Dilrection at Renew Ingenium Healthcare Advisors
Strategic progress*Wi11 require the organization, to allocate sufficient time for all key
participants, make advance arrangements for workshops and sessions, and reach decisions
ions in
a timely manner.
Joint Respoiisibilities
Ingenium will:
• Sign Non -disclosure, Confidentic-dity) or Business Associate Agreements, as requested.
• Return all calls and emails within 8 business hours, US Eastern Time except for pre -
communicated circumstances, such as vacation or travel.
You will:
Provide introductions and ensure access to key stakeholders and leaders as needed to
achieve the. desired outcomes.
Make available all information that has a bearing on the engagement.
Provide clear support and sponsorship of this effort.
Abide b the pschedule and all termd s anconditions herein.
Anent s
Be accessible and return calls or e ails ithin 24 h, u -commu. icated
M wi 1 o rs, except forpre ni
circumstances, such as vacation or traVe 1.
As the chief executive, Dell Anderson will be specifically responsiblefor.- providing clear
leadership and sponsorshipof this effort; ensuring, access to key individuals nd* iduals on mutually
convenient dates; sharing all information that may have a bearing on this effort; synthesizing
and summarizina key information sources about the internal and external factors most
pertinent to Renew- payment in conformance with the terms below- making decisions needed
for moving the process forward promptly; allocating logistical and administrative support
including for documenting key components of the plan an d processes as decisions reached
and processes are tailored to the Renew environment,, and for reasonable access to yourself
and others for any necessary discussions, questions, and dec"
Sarah Nelson, or a highly capable administrative designee, will be responsible for: arrangin
ponsi. ing
,logistics for the workshops, sessions, and any interviews, 'including scheduling all participants
to attend, securing appropriate spaces as needed for any workshops or sessions that will be
conducted in person; coordinating use of Renew technology and collaboration platforms as
needed; arin,.g
ran i iz food and beverage for workshop participants for meals and breaks during
sessions where this is prudent; and for providing administrative support including for
documenting key components of the plan and supportive processes.,..
We both will:
e Immediately inform. each other of any developments that might jeopardize the successful
achievement of the objectives s and/or the creation of the value outlined above.
0 Respect each other's confidentiality and proprietary materials and proprietary
January 7, 2023 -9-
Strategic Directilon at Renew
Ternis of Engagement
Ingenium Healthcare Advisors
As a value -focused consultancy, our fees are designed to be commensurate with the value and
are represented in a single e fee. More time spent does not automatically translate into higher
value, which is why we do not assess an hourly or daily rate. Until we achieve the desired
outcomes, you should feel comfortable to interact with us whenever necessary, without the
fear of a "meter" running.
Profes-slonal Fees
Your investment options are:
Alternative A:,$65,0 ' 00
Alternative B: $105,000
Add. Oxy 1 (to either Alternative A or B) 0- $12,000 per six-month period of time selected
Administrative expenses (duplication mail, etc,,) are 'included in o fess
ur professional fees. Travel
expenses will be billed as incurred and are due upon receipt of our I Invoice. Reasonable travel
expenses include air travel mileage transportation, lodging, meals, and tips.
Direct expenses, if incurred, will be, billed as 'incurred and are due upon receipt of our invoice,
They are not subject to any markup, Depending on workshop and session des ns this may
include virtual and/or socially distanced collaboration tools (e.gVirtU
al whiteboards,
collaboration environments) as well as resource materials to support leadership development
and executive. advising.
A deposit of 60% is due upon acceptance to secure. our availability and to start the work, with
the balance due, within 90 days.
Payment for Add-on 1 must be received two weeks before each six-month executive advisory
period starts to secure availability,
As a professional courtesy, you can apply a 5% discount if the professional fee for Alternative
A or B is paid in full upon acceptance,
Once accepted, this engagement is non -cancellable, and payments are to be made at the times
specified. However, you may reschedule, postpone, or delay this engagement, as your business
needs may unexpectedly dictate, without penalty or without time limit, subject only to mutually
agreeable time frames in the. future.
January 7, 2023 _10-
Strategic Dilrection at Renew
Conimiti-nent to Satisf-'action
Ingenium Healthcare Advisors
As trusted advisors, our most valuable marketing currency is strong word-of-mout-h -referrals
and glowing references from our highly satisfied customers. As the founder of the Ingenium
Consulting Group, Inc,, I (Christian Milaster) personally stand behind the quality of our work.
If you feel that. we have not aggressively and competently pursued the obj ectives we have jointly
agreed on, Kathy Letendre or I will confer With you to 'identify all problems and develop
solutions. If, after that process you remain dissatisfied, I will refund fees paid as requested,
Your Advisor and conSUItillcy teatii
It is our intent that Kathy Letendre, our Organizational Excellence Advisor, will lead the
proposed work for this engagement and serve as your trusted advisor. As determined in the
design of workshops and sessions, we may use qualified professional as co -facilitators at key
points'in the process.
As needed, we intend to rely on the expertise of other Ingenium Advisors and professionals, We
may leverage the following members of the Ingeniu' Team"
0 L te- ndre Consulting Lead and Organizational Excellence Transformation
- Kathyy e
0 Christian ;pilaster - Advisor and Optimization Expert
0 Trevor Cunningham - Consultant and Prof ect Manager
0 Aubrey Dais - Documentation Support
We may, at no additional cost to you, use other qualified professionals; we will request your
approval 'in advance if their expertise is required,.
Enclosed in the Appendix, you will find additional information about Kathy Letendre,
,including her extensive experience in healthcare and human services, strategic & tactical
planning, and organizational transformation.
In addition to testimonials included in the Appendix and on her personal website
(mnv%v,le,tibndreassoc'iates.cor,n)., Kathy is happy to facilitate conversations with senior executives who
have worked extensively vely with Kathy over multiple years and can provide additional insights
about her impact, customized approach, and style.
This proposal is valid through February 28, 2023.
,January 7, 2023 -.11 -
'Strategic DIrection at Renew
Ingenium Healthcare Advisors
Transformational improvement. takes time, but there are key elements that accelerate progress,,
Strategic approaches, consistently implemented, are the hallmark of high -performing
organizations. I look forward to working with you, Juan, Sarah, and your leadership team to
notably improve Renew's ability to set and execute on plans and priorities; of strategic
'Xr4t4ty, Ate'wfie'
Kathleen C. Letendre
Organizational Excellence Advisor & Vice President, Organi izational Excellence
Ingenium Healthcare Advisors
January 7, 2023 -12-
Strategic Direction at Renew
Ingenium Healthcare Advisors
Your signature below and selection of an alternative indicates acceptance of this Letter of
Agreement and your agreement with the terms above. Alternatively, your deposit or full
payment also constitutes that acceptance and allows us to begin working together.
Select one or more:
[ ]Alternative A: Comprehensive
YpAlternative B: Transformative
[gAdd-On 1 (to Alternative A or B): Executive Guidance
We accept the Letter of Agreement above and the optl*on(s:) selected.
Renew(Grant County Behavioral Health & Wellness) '
genium Consulting Group, Inc..
Name.* Christian Milaster
Title: President
Date: Januarv7,2023
Ingenium Consulting Group, Inc.
1173 Bayview Vista
Annapolis, MD 21409
@ 2023 Ingenium Consulting Group, Inc. and Letendre &' Associates, LLC
Confidential — This document may not be shared without the express, written consent
of the lngeniu�n Consulting Group, Inc.
January 7, 2023 -13-
Strategic Direction at Renew
Brl*ef Biography
Kathy Letendre, MHSA
Ingeniurn Healthcare Advisors
Kathy Letendre creates trans -formative experiences for her clients, catapulting organizational
perfomiance to new heights.
As an experienced 'h.ealtheare executive and champion of transformational improvement, Kathy Letendre
shares, her expertise and planning methods, helping leaders. achieve unprecedented levels of excellence
for their organizations. An expert in on4anizational excellence, stratcaic planning, and performance
tn , she
advises healthcare and human service organizations. She has a reputation as a collaborative and
passionate agent of change. She understands the value and pragmatism of telehealth as a means for
enabling extraordinary care delivery.
P.r"i*.or to establishing her consulting practice and coltaboraflng with Intzenium, Kathy served as the Vice
President of Planning & Organizational Excellence at a regional healthcaresystem ire mo Vermont, where
she spearheaded the organization's transformative 'journey to excellence,' *resulting in numerous
recognitions., including. the Baldrige-based Governor's Award for Performance Excellence and Magnet
designation. Kathy is a Founding Member of Healthcare Shapers USA, President of Letendre &
Associates, and an Advisor in, Ingenium Healthcare Advisors. Her associates in these consulting
collaboratives frequently engage ,with Ka. -thy on client endeavors.
Previously, Kathy was a senior consultant/mana-ger in, Ernst & Young's healthcare Performance
Improvement Group. She earned her'Master's degree in. i Health Serv*ices.Adm.,in,.'istrm
ation from.
University of Michigan's School of Public Health and a Bachelor of Science itiffiomedical Engineering
from Duke University.
Kathy is a member of the fiaculty in, the University of Vermont's Center for Leadership & Innovation
where she designs and leads leadership and team development workshops for healthcare managers,
executives, and physician leaders. She is also a member of the American College of H ealtheare
With Kathy's counsel, her clients set new strategic directions and execute their ambitious plans,
achieving results of importance to healthcare and human service organizations and. those they serve.
January 7, 2023 -14-
Strategic Direction at Renew
What people are saying
Ingenium Healthcare Advisors
"As Rutland Reto
gional has been pursuinje its vision ofoxcellence over the past several tears have. been guided by these nvo individuals — Kathy
ol I
Letendre, my Vice Pi"Osidew qf Planning & Organizational Excellence and Doug Home [now associates in Letendre & Associates]. Their expertiSe in
petformance excellence, their experience *
in organizational transjbrmation, and their professional coaching have been invaluable to me, my
executive team, and the organisation,
On a personal level, Kathy is one of'the finest intellects I have had the pleasure to nPork with in nty, career. fler ability to envision systenis acrd
processes is extraordinary. Ifer ability to organize and ensure teams get their work done is exemplary. She I.Y persistent, yet polite, and i's
consistently Professional. She always pills the needs of the organi zationfirst rind has a level of personal integrity that is"second to none,"'
Tom Huebner, (retired') President & CEO,, Rutland Reorional Medical Center
"Kathy has extensive experience in business planning and brings a great deal of insight to the stratek, and execution of an
y goal or project.
c t
She has experience with marketing, ftnancial,,,and customer service aspects qj'delivering a product to the market, She brings an extensive.
peqpective on planning with the ability to bring, long. term -vision to any prrr ject and the necessar process tools to make it happen. I
y pt
.recommend Kathy to any organizzation looking to sharpen their approach towards business strategy and an overall improvement process. She
is a versatile, and capable resource in the changing world we live in. n.
Bruce Bullock, MD, physician -owner, N-larble Valley 1'=ealthwork-s- & Occupational Health Partners
"Kathy,is dfittitre thinker who has a,"' bread variety of c abilities ithin the are o planning, flea,4 e n n. rvice
at lopme t,. a d se'
excellence, She 1*, an outstanding collaborator and leader in team building andfinction. Ae, acts as an excellent guide and coach. She
has the ability to dispIqy an important voice as aj*ilitator'i both large and small. She ' a c - to -1-fie
hgr6yps4sed pors wh
is Ills Meon 0 IS
always. compas,v't'oii.ate.:dndvract 1. She sim ly searches for excellence in all that she d at she q .1 that she sees,
ica does, P all th ffers, and a
She is driven in her pursuit of the best, She is a transformative thinker who pushes the edge when approaehing s ' i0cant" Iues. YY
ign, ss,
President of the Medical Staff (retired)
"Kcit hy:Letelldrehas been 1111strume tal over the years W helping ing our organization to i ve
anprove its impact on the li s oj'those eve serve.
Specifically, she has helped us achieve a level of organizational clarity in our structure, and the ap
roach to oui- Work This has rern i e
unnecessaty obstacles, and rovided criver directionfor our stajf'. .1 cannotspeak high�y enough about thesupport.she has provided he p ng
p I
its make bold change, in incremental ways. We.simply could' not have achieved as much Without her guidancea
Lorraine fenneIChief Operations & Human Re. Officer, Community Care - Netwo-&
— . 11 1. .. sources 1
"K(tthy.Lotendie is ti 'rofe —on I -* I a vast ' pf kn wledge., expe * ' tegrity and: tience ills
ssi a with as pth rience ante pa She has been trumontal in nurturing
and,teaching our organiz,ation rind team the rationale and benefits of operationalizi`ng an excellence frameivork, :She was able to teach us
the proven too ISO techniques than can refocus ca to ovejrom goo t
great.lathy onl'0'
d,&tailunci her cyonarnrtrnerrt
to always raising the bar have been responsiblefor tnaity qf thesuccesses that or team organiZation and indiv have roped...S.he
I iduals is
never satiqfted with good enough, excellence is what she teaches, models and, lives. She has taught us the importance of listen' to our
patients, our stqff, our leaders and each Who-% .. Maqv people aspire to make an impact but Kathy leaves R-RA4C a m' uch better organization,
team and hospital because- qfher tenure.
All Markowski, DNP, MSN, RN, VP of Nursing, Gifford Medical Center (& formerly Director, Rutland Regional Medical Center)
"The Am
lanageent and Planning . 76ol's Class that lattended ivasexceptional, It is highly relevant in my work av a service provider and
leader. The tools are vett
Anctional and have high ap licability in my work with teams and in the tannin ss in general. I recommend
the elass and tools to any organization that is serious about accozenlability, planning and teamlstakeholder engagem , e I nt.
Vi.ce President 'ComIn uni.ty'Care Network
"Managenimt by Fact i's a course that had a profound ellect on how.1 viewed processes and how I determined when to intervene (or not)
when presented with performance data. This course shaped our approach to how ive manage processes, and how and when we initiate
improvement efforts. It directly influenced nty leadership philosopity.
President & CEO in Management by Fact workshop
441t inspires me to improve our practice,
Medical Director in Process Management workshop
January 7, 2023 -15-
Date:. �" i
Barbara I/Vai4sqa_u�e
Clerk bf thi Board
Cindy Cafted Vice -Chair'
Danny E. tone,- Member
Ingenium Consulting Group, Inc., INVOICE
Ingenium Consulting Group, Inc.
1173 Bayview Vis
Annapolis, IVID 2,1409
Phone: +1-657464-3648
eMail: operati'ons@ingeniumadvisors.net
Invoice Number RNW-2023-01
Invoice Date January 6, 2023
Due Date on receipt
Renew Customer ID
c/o Dell Anderson
35 C Street NW, P.O. Box 37
Ephrata, WA 98823
Strategic Direction at Renew for Organizational Transformation. $105 0.000
Alternative B,,, Transformational
Deposit 60% $630000.00
Add -On 1, Executi've Guidance for 6 -month period $12,000.00
Make checks payable too. Ingenium Consulting Group, Inc.
Include the invoice number on your check.
For wire transfers please wire funds to
Capital One; Routing No. 255071981; Acct. No. 1361428561
Payments more than 45 days past due are subject to a 1.0% weekly finance charge,
calculated from the original due date.
For questions regarding this 'Invoice, contact: operations@ingeniumadv*lsors.net
Subtotal $75sOOO.O0
TOTAL DUE $75j000-00