HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCC (007)1 Hous 1*ng Authorl of Grant Coun 1139 Larson Blvd.. • Moses Labe A 98837-3308 Phone: (509) 7+62-5541 e Fax: 509 762-2202 Toll Free: (800) 747-9202 TTS, (800) 833-6388 } www, agc.net January 4, 2023 Grant County Board of Commissioners ATTN: Janice Flynn Po Box 37/35 C Street Ephrata, SNA 98823 Dear Ms. Flynn: Please consider this Fetter and attached documentation the Housing Authority's claim for draw #18 for December, 2022, for the Consolidated Homeless Grant. I certify that: The information on the A-19 and supporting documentation for the Consolidated Homeless Grant (CHG), contract # 22-46108-10, in the amount of ,$4.2,120.03 is a true and accurate report and that all reported expenditures are properly chargeable to the CH grant. Sincerely, BE IVk; I's Christopher A. Sutherland JAN 10 2023 Financia[ Director P. /► 1: /'^..mYC"!r�.�W.TwF1x,m�:-*vC...•••+„lv..+-..-^.-...-•-.::---r'.'--r....�...._-..�.o-...�.�.,+-.....-...�..menn-r.^•s .. •m-.•� R E Ce' t, JAN 0 4 2023 k i p r �rmswire:°ir.aaonasxrssa+ne:.no.�^.:.�rnx.�+�v�nrsn:mut:..ssessns-.rra.�..+w¢vt•.0-u� �•s.=�.�� +c :crlr.,ar own 31ie HousingAuthority of Grant County, Washington is an equal opporhmity provider and empkyer and does not discriminate on the basis of race; color, national origin, rel g;on, sex, physical or mental disahififY, orfamlialstaties The Ilousiq Authority of Grant Countyolicies andpractices are deigned to provide assurances thatpersons with disabilities will be given reasonable accommodations, EIIUAL HIDU61NO upon request, so that they may fully access and utilise the housingprvgralns afid related services. OPPOATUMITY If you or anyone in your family is a person with disabifiiles, andyou require a specific accoinngodatlon in order oto fully utilize our progratrts and services, please contact the housing Authorhy. Contract Grant County/GCHA HAW Submitted to GO by: Date:, 0, r Z _TZ Request for Reimbursement No. #18 Grant County's Subrecipient Checklist: State Auditor's Office Audit Procedures for Testing Activities Allowed And Not Allowed, As Published In 2007 Questions to ask before submitting a payment request Was the expenditure or cost: Mad * e for an allowable activity under the grant guidelines? _x Authorized (or not prohibited) under state or local laws or regulations? x Approved by the federal awarding agency, if required? x Allowable per Circular A-87 (June 2004 version), Attachment B, items 1-43? For payroll transactions: I_x Does the employee's time and effort documentation meet the requirements of ,Circular A-1 22? _x Allocable to the program? (i.e., was the dollar amount charged to the program relative to the benefits received by the program? Is the federal grantor being charged its fair share of the cost?) 1 --ox Based on actual costs, not budgeted or projected amounts? _x Applied uniformly to federal and non-federal activities (i.e., is the federal government being charged the same amount as if non-federal funds were being used to pay the cost)? _X Given consistent accounting treatment within and between accounting periods? (Consistency in accounting requires that costs incurred for the same purpose, in like circumstances, be treated as either direct costs only or indirect costs only with respect to final cost objectives). x Calculated in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, or another comprehensive basis of accounting, when required under the applicable cost principles? xX Not included as a cost (or used to meet cost sharing requirements) of other federally -supported activities of the current or a prior period? _X Net of all applicable credits? (e.g., volume or cash discounts, insurance recoveries, refunds, rebates, trade-ins, adjustments for checks not cashed, and scrap sales). _X Not included as both a direct billing and as a component of indirect costs? x Properly classified (e.g., some costs may be incorrectly claimed as a directcostinstead of being incorpor6ted as part of the indirect cost rate). _X Supported by appropriate documentation? {e,g., approved purchase orders, receiving reports, vendor invoices, canceled checks, and time and attendance records.) Doctimentation may be in an electrohic form. _X Correctly charged to the proper account code and grant period? H:\ACCOUNTING\LOTUS\LOTUS\Consofidated HG\CHG 2021-2023\CHG Subrecipient Cheektist.doex Page 1 General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 12 Ending 1213112022 Run Date: 114/2023 12:54:36PM Page: I G/L Date: 12/3112022 User Logon: CA HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (G H) PROJECT 011 - Account Number/Doseription Beg Balance Debit Credit Net Change End Balance 408204-7-01 IVIGMT RETIREMENT:CHG 44.61 11.17 0.00 11.17 55.78 408205-7-01 IVIGIVIT MED/DENTNI8/I.I:CHG 96.46 19,29 0.00 19.29 116.74 411000-7-01 ADMIN SALARIES:CHG 71550.96 681.76 0.00 681.76 81232.72 417001-7-01 ADMIN FEES -GRANT 00-CHO 21000.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 21000.00 418200-7-01 ADMIN FICA-CHG 657,90 50.08 0.00 50.08 608.04 418201-7-01 ADMIN SUTA-CHG 107.17 0100 0.00 0100 107.17 418202-7-01 ADMIN L&I-CHG 34.74 3.06 0.00 3.06 37.80 418204-7-01 ADMIN RETIREMENT:CHG 932.51 100.39 0.00 100.39 11032.90 418206-7-01 ADMIN ME[)/DENTNIS/I_-,CHG 11729.48 163.51 0,00 163.61 11892.99 419012-7-01 MEMBERSHIP DUES & FE- HG 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 419018-7-01 POSTAGE:CHG 173.87 9.69 0.00 9.69 183,56 441000-7-01 MAINTENANCE SALARIES,.-CHG 41878.68 44.99 0.00 44.99 41923.67 443300-7-01 MAINT FICA4,CHG 367.55 3,39 0100 3.39 370.94 443301.7-01 MAINT SUTA.-CHG 69.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 09.56 443302-7-01 MAINT L&I:CHG 183,09 1.12 0.00 1.12 184.21 443304-7.01 MAINT RETIREMENT:CHG 459.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 459.52 443306-7-01 MAINT MED/DENTNISIL:CHG 604-73 0.49 0.00 0.49 605,22 471501-7-01 HAP PAYMENTS RENT:CHG 4.00- 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,00 - PROJECT 01 -Total: 20,286.88 11088.94 0.00 1,088.94 21,375.82 Run Date: 114/2023 12:54:36PM Page: I G/L Date: 12/3112022 User Logon: CA General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 12 Ending 12131/2022 Run Date: 11412023 12:64:36PM Page: 2 G/L Date; 12131/2022 User Logon: CAS HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) PROJECT 02 - Account Number/Description Beg Balance Debit Credit Not Chanae End Balance 411000-7-02 ADMIN SALARIES FACILITY SUPF 49,675.68 61422.33 0.00 5,422.33 543997.91 418200-7-02 ADMIN FICA FACILITY SUPP & R/ 31668.72 397.08 0100 397.68 41066.40 418201-'7-02 ADMIN SUTA FACILITY SUPP & R 733.93 73.98 0.00 73.98. 807,91 418202..7-02 ADMIN L&I FACILITY SUPP & RA i 262.26 29.14 0.00 29.14 291.40 418204-7-02 ADMIN RETIREMENT FACILITY 81 61753.75 558.58 0.00 558158 71312.33 418206-7-02 ADMIN MED/DENT/VIS/L FACILITI 19$964.64 11629.75 0.00 11629.76 21,584.39 443000-7-02 GONTRCT SVC MAINT FACILITY 1 13277.64 0.00 0.00 11277.64 PROJECT 02 - Total: 82,226.62 8,111-46. 0.00 8,111.46 901337.98 Run Date: 11412023 12:64:36PM Page: 2 G/L Date; 12131/2022 User Logon: CAS General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 12 Ending 1213112022 Run Date: 11412023 '12:54:36PM Page: 3 G/L Date: 12/Sl/2022 User Logon; CAS HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) PROJECT 04'- Aocount, Number/Description Beg Balance Debit Credit Not Change End Balance 471501-7-04 HAP PAYMENTS RENTS-CHG 58,138.17 10,408.56 0,00 10,408.66 68,546.73 471502-7-04 HAP PAYMNT PROJECT LEASE C 40,752.00 31720.00 0.00 31720.00 44,472.00 471506-7-04 RENT DEPOSITS-CHG 18,890,00 31332.00 0.00 31332.00 22,222.00 471508-7-04 MOTEL VOUCHERS -CHG 11849,69 0.00 0.00 0.00 1)849.69 PROJECT 04 - Total: 119,629,86 17l460.66 0.00 09= -f 1 1460.56 137,090.42 (2Cv1T1j,7-1 Run Date: 11412023 '12:54:36PM Page: 3 G/L Date: 12/Sl/2022 User Logon; CAS General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 12 Ending 12/31/2022 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (CCH) PROJECT 06 - Account Number/Description Boo Balance Debit Credit Not Change End Balance 471504-7-05 HAP PAYMNTS UTILITIES OFIG-01, 160.00 0.00 0100 0.00 150.00 PROJECT 06 - Total: 150.00 0.00 0.00 0100 160.00 Run Date: 11412023 12:64:36PM Page: 4 Q/L Date: 1213112022 User Logon; CM General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 12 Ending 12/3112022 Run Date: 1/412023 12:64:36PIVI Page: 6 G/L Date: 12131/2022 User Logon: CAS HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) PROJECT 08 - Account Number/Doscription Beg Balance Debit Credit Net Change End Balance 411000-7-08 ADMIN SALARIES -HEN -OPS -CHH 24,219,82 2,027.20 0.00 21027.20 26,247.02 418200-7-08 ADMIN FICA-HEN-OPS-GHG 11596,44 149,93 0.00 149.93 1,748,37 418201-7-08 ADMIN SUTA HEN-OPS-CHG 31670 22.95 0.00 22,95 418202-7-08 ADMIN M HEN- SPS -CHCS 114.30 10.50 0.00 10.50 124.80 418204-7-08 ADMIN RETIREMENT HEN -OPS -0 21832.50 184.30 0.00 184.30 34016,80 418205-7-08 ADMIN MEDIDENTNISIL HEN -OP: 51631.69 549.10 0.00 649.10 6j080.79 PROJECT 08 - Total: 341611.46 21943.98 4.00 37,656.43 Run Date: 1/412023 12:64:36PIVI Page: 6 G/L Date: 12131/2022 User Logon: CAS General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 12 Ending 12131/2022 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) PROJECT 09 - Account Number/Description Beg Balance Debit Credit Not Change End Balance 4 1 1 000-7-09 ADMIN SALRIES HEN.-CHG 928.67 81.81 0.00 81,81 13010,48 418200-7-09 ADMIN FICA HEN- CHG 69.72 6.12 0.00 6.12 2 75-84 418201-7-09 ADMIN SUTA HEN-CHG 13.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.08 418202-7-09 ADMIN LI HEN-OHG 3.92 0.38 0.00 0.38 01 4.30 418204-7-09 ADMIN RETIREMENT HEN-CHG 128.15 11.14 0.00 11-14 139.29 418205-7-09 ADMIN MED/DENTNIS/L HEN -CH, 246.31 18.87 0.00 18 .87 265.18 471801-7-09 HAP PAYMENTS RENT HEN-CHG 187,636.33 12,202,60 0.00 12,202,199,738.83 471604-7-09 HAP PAYMNTS UTILITIE -CHG 661.30 194.27 0.00 1 . 94,279 866.87 471506-7-09 RENT DEPOSITS HEN-CHG 41346,00 0.00 0100 0100 41345,00 PROJECT 09 . Total: 193,932,48 12,516.09 0.00 12,615.09 206,447.57 Report Total: 450,837.19 42,120.03 0.00 42,120,03 492,967.22 000 0 0 0 0 *, I 19088v9111, - 8 17,5460o56 + 9 1`5 1 8 0 3 2 + 12-'r) 9- 6'r -r 7 7 + 0 6 y �09 120,�03 00.0 0 .0 00 12-it,202-50 1 2 7 �. 002 12P396,r,-/fY7- Run Date: 1/412023 12:64:36PM Page: 6 G/L Date: 12/31/2022 User Logon: CAS General Ledger Detail Report Detail Postings for Period 12 Ending 12/3112022 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) Account. NumberlDese'ription Period Date Journal Comments Boo Balance Debit Credit Not Change End Balance 471601-7-01 HAP PAYMENTS RENT:CHG 4,00- 0,00 0100 4.00- 4.00- 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00- 4 71.601-7-04 HAP PAYMENTS RENTS-CHG 58,138.17 12 1215/2022 AP -004232 338.00 0.00 66476-17 12 12/5/2022 AP -004232 700.00 0.00 , 69,176.17 12 1202022 AP -004236 600.00 0.00 59,776.17 12 12/812022 AP -004236 200,00 0100 59s976.17 12 12/8/2022 AP -004236 550.00 0.00 60s526.17 12 1218/2022 AP -004236 183.30 0.00 60,709.47 12 1211312022 AF -004240 390.00 0.00 61,099.47 12 12121/2022 AP -0 04245 984.00 0100 62,083.47 12 12/21/2022 AP -004245 754.00 0.00 62,837.47 12 12121/2022 AP -004245 11262.00 0.00 64,099-47 12 12/2112022 AP -004246 883.26 0.00 64,982.73 12 12121/2022 AP -004246 11782.00 0100 66,764.73 12 12/21/2022 AP -004245 I t782,00 0.00 68,546,73 58,138.17 10,408.56 0.00 10,408,56 68,546.73 471601.7-09 HAP PAYMENTS RENT HEN-CFIG 1870536.33 12 12/5/2022 AP -004231 300.00 0.00 187,836.33 12 1215/2022 AP -004231 550,00 0.00 188,386.33 12 1216/2022 AP -004231 425.00 0.00 188,811.33 12 12/6/2022 AP -004231 7K00 0,00 189,511.33 12 1216/2022 AP -004231 1,262.00 0.00 194,773,33 12 121512022 AP -004231 641.00 0.00 191,414.33 12 12/512022 AP -004231 641.00 0.00 192,055.33 12 1215/2022 AP -004231 641.00 0.00 192,696.33 12 12/5/2022 AP -004231 472.50 0.00 1930168.83 12 121512022 AP -004231 745.00 0.00 103,913.83 12 121612022 AP -004231 410.00 0.00 194o323.83 12 12/512022 AP -004231 675.00 0.00 194,998.83 12 12/5/2022 AP -004231 620,00 0.00 196,618.83 12 1216/2022 AP -004231 700.00 0.00 196,318.83 12 121612022 AP -004231 630.00 0.00 196j848.83 12 121612022 AP -004231 650.00 0.00 197,498.83 12 1215/2022 AP -004231 625,00 0.00 198,123.63 12 121512022 AP -004231 515.00 0.00 198,638.83 12. 121512022 AP -004231 350.00 0.00 198,988.83 12 12120/2022 AP -004244 325,00 0.00 199,313.83 12 12/26/2022 AP -004248 426.00 0.00 199,738.83 187,536.33 12,202.60 0.00 12,202.50 199,738.0 471502-7-04 HAP PAYNINT PROJECT LEASE CC 40,752.00 12 12/612022 AP -004231 000100235 /IN: 1004120622 610.00 0100 41,362.00 12- 12/5/2022 AP -004231 000100236 /IN: 1006120522 610.00 0.00 41,972.00 12 12/6/2022 AP -004231 000100235 /IN., 1008120522 640.00 0.00 42,612.00 12 121512022 AP -004231 000 100235 /IN: 10 10120522 640.00 0100 43,262.00 12 1215/2022 AP -004231 000100235 /IN: 1102120522 610.00 0.00 43,862.00 12 1216/2022 AP -004231 00010023511N:1104120522 610.00 0.00 440472.00 400752,00 31720.00 0.00 31720.00 44,472.00 Account Number/Description Period Date Journal Comments Beg Balance ambit Credit Not Change End Balance 471504-7-05 HAP PAYMNTS UTILITIES CHG-06 150.00 0.00 0.00 1.50.00 Run Dato: 1/3/2023 9:45:46AM Page: 2 GIL Date; 11312023 User Logon: SAB I 150-00 0.00 0.00 0100 160.00 471504-7-09 HAP PAYMNTS UTILITIE -CHG 661.30 12 12/13/2022 AP -004240 109.22 0.00 770.52 12 12/21/2022 AP -004246 85.05 0.00 855.67 661.30 194.27 0100 194.27 855.67' 471506-7-04 RENT DEPOSITS-CHO 18$890.00 12 12/812022 AP -004236 360.00 0,00 19,240.00 12 121812022 AP -004236 660.00 0.00 19,790.00 12 12121/2022 AP -004246' 300-00 0.00 20,090m 12 12/21/2022 AP -004246 360.00 0.00 20,440.00 12 12/2112022 AP -004245 1782.00 0.00 22,222.00 18,890.00 3,332.00 0.00 31332.00 22,222.00' 471506-7-09 RENT DEPOSITS HEN-CHG 41345.00 0.00 0.00 41345.00 41345,00 0.00 0100 0100 4,345.00 471608-7-04 MOTEL VOUCHERS -CHH 11849.69 0.00 0.00 11849.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 Report Total: 312,318.49 29p857.33 0.00 29 867,33 342,176,82 Run Dato: 1/3/2023 9:45:46AM Page: 2 GIL Date; 11312023 User Logon: SAB I CHG - DECEMBER 2022 471501-7-04 HAP PAYMENTS RENT - CHG OA2F2BC67 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 12101/2022 12/3112022 $550.00 OA2F2BC67 Rental Asslatances, Rental Assistance 12/06/2022 .12/06/2022 $183,30 17864FC08 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 12101/2022 12/31/2022 $338.00 915295AA4 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 12/0112022 12/01/2022 $754.00 915295AA4 Rental Assistance-, Rental Assistance '1210112022.1213112022 $984.00 O98F22630 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 1210112022 12101/2022 $883.26 098F22630 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 1210112022 1213112022 $1.t262.00 943524OF4 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 12/01/2022 12/31/2022 $390.00 AF7E771D1 Rental Asslstance'. Rental Assistance 12/0112022 1213112022 $600.00 AF7E77ID1 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 1210512022 1 ' 2105/2022 $200.00 C373136483 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 12/01/2022 12101/2022 $1,782,00 C373136483 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 1210112022 1213112022 $1,782.00 CB668BA36 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 1210112022 12131/2022 $700.00 $1.0,408.56 471501-7-09 HAP PAYMENTS RENT - HEN 1BOB90DAF HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 12101/2022 12131/2022 $641.00 41 CE07E70 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 12/01/2022 12131/2022 $1,262.00 713AWA4133 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 12/01/2022 12131/2022 $641.00 A585CABFI HEN Rent Assistance-, HEN Rent Assistance 12101/2022 12131/2022 $472.50 A27DD0130 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 12101/2022 12/31/2022 $300.00 C413CA126F HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 12101/2022 12/3112022 $425.00 3CI347377 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 12101/2022 12/31/2022 $425.00 8529765CA HEN Rent Assistance; HEN Rent Assistance 12/0112022 12/3112022 $745-00 E59AAEAF9 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 12101/2022 12/31/2022 $515.00 99CFE20F4 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 1210112022 12/3112022 $350-00 551 CAE1 22 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 12101/2022 12/31/2022 $410.00 4CBD53486 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 1210112022 12/31/2022 $641.00 642299ID613 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 12/01/2022 12131/2022 $675.00 CF494EO92 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 12101/2022 12/31/2022 $325.00 F35OF8A2A HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 12101/2022 12/31/2022 $550.00 3B753E8EO HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 12/0112022 12/3112022 $620.00 37AI4A37F HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 12101/2022 12131/2022 $700-00 03731DO14 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN' Rent Assistance 12/0112022 12131/2022 $650.00 008962DOF HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 12101/2022 12131/2022 $625.00 453EB0019 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 12101/2022 12131/2022 $530.00 427C21351317 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 12/0112022 12/31/2022 $700.00 471504-7-09 HAP PAYMENTS UTILITIES - HaN 410E07E70 Utility Payment: Utility Payment 542299D6B Utility Payment: Utility Payment 471506-7-04 RENT DEPOSITS - GHG 037$136483 Security Deposit: Security Deposit AF7E771DI Security Deposit: Security Deposit 098F22630 Security Deposit: Security Deposit 915296AA4 Security Deposit: Security Deposit OA2F28067 Security Deposit: Security Deposit 12106/2022 12/06/2022 1210112022 12/01/2022 $12,202.50 $85.05 $109.22 $194,27 12101/2022 12101/2022 $1,782.00 1210512022 12/0612022 $350.00 12/01/2022 1210112022 $350,00 12/01/2022 1210112022 $300.00 1210612022 12/0512022 $550-00 $3,332.00 Grantee Name: Grant County lead Grantee List Sub Grantee Names Below Total Report Month/Year: DECEMBER 2022 F HAGc k\ :Admin $1r 088.94 $1088.94 CHG et Rent Fac Supp Lease & Housrng \ 0.00her x\ \ ... \ Costs CHG Base°FUn, ding,, CHG Rent & Fac support/Lease Costs $17,460-56 $0.00 $17,460.56 q iT 77 .. \,.. ..... •. ,,,.,\ \ \\ \ \` \ , \ \ N ,\�.. 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