HomeMy WebLinkAboutAccounts Payable Batch - Accounting (004)Payable batches audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCS! 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to the Board: As of this date, 12/21/2022 the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those payable batches . Payable Total: 1,561.20 Ile, e;� I - XX; 4; Reviewed and certified -40 Commisc, ner Chairman of th�(Board of Commissioners Date: 12/21/2022 Invoices/Batches not approved: Double Checked by: Date: AP BATCH ID: GCEMG 1212112022 Grant County Claims Clearing Account - 9201 Name FUND AMOUNT CURRENT EXPENSE 001.000. COUNTY ROADS 101 CARES ACT - ELECTIONS 102 VETS ASSISTANCE 104 HAVA 3 ELECTIONS 106 FEDERAL DRUG 107 MENTAL HEALTH 108 $ 1,551.20 ST DRUG SEIZURE 109 LAW LIBRARY 110 TREASURER OIM 11.1 JAIL CONCESSION 112 ECON ENHANCMNT 113 TOURIST ADVERT 114 COUNTY FAIR 116 INET INVESTIGATION 118 PROS CRIME VICT 120 LAW & JUSTICE 121 TURNKEY LIGHT 122 AUDITOR ON 124 00 RESIDENT PROD 125 R,E.E.T. 1st 164% 126 TRIAL COURT IMPROV. 12.7 DOM VIOL SRVCS 128 AFF HOUSING 129 HMLS HS LCC 130 iREET 2nd 1/4% 132 ' Econ Enh, Rural Co 133 Dispute Resolution 136 Building 138 REET Admin 139 SHERIFF SURPLUS 140 SHB 1405 141— GG ABATEMENT 150 HILLCREST CRID 1.51 GRANT'S ADMIN. 190 ARPA 191 AOC SLAKE DECISION 192 MUSEUM CONTRUCTION 304 MACC Bond 307 MCKINSTRY ESSENTIDN 308. COUNTY FAIR SEWER 309 PROP 1 SALES TAX 311 ERP RESERVE 312 SOLID WASTE 401 DATA PROCESSING 501 INSURANCE 503 INTFUND BENEFITS 505 UNEMPLOY COMP 506 DENTAL INS, 507 OTHER PR BEN, 508 VISION BENEFITS EQUIP RENTAL 509 510 COMMUNICATIONS 511 PITS & QUARRIES 560 TOTAL TRANSFER: $ 11561.20 AP COMPLETED BY:: N.YANEZ JOURNAL ENTRY: TREASURER NOTIFIED: POSTING COMPLETED BY: CHECKS: VOIDED: BATCH PMCHK CREDITS PMTRX $ 1,561.20 $ 3,122.40 $ - $ 3,122.40 RENEW-EMG12,22 $y$h. $ $ $ - $ .. $ . $ 1,561.20 $ 31122.40 $ _ $ 3,122.40 $ 1,561.20 $ 3,122.40 $ $ 3,122.40 $ 1,561.20 $ 3,122.40 $ $ 3,122.40 System: 12/21/2022 10:21:55 AM County of Grant Page: 1 User Date,: 12/21/2022 CASIff, REQUIREMENTS REPORT User 1D: nayanelz Payables Management - Ranges: Vendor ID.- .1 - zzzzzzzzzzzzzz Vendor Name: First - Last Vendor Class: First - Last S. User -Defined 1-, First - Last Sorted B,y.ender ID Payment Priority: First, - Last Due Date: First - Last DI-scount Date: First - last Payment Date: 12/31/2022 Vendor ID, Vendor Name Document Document GL Account Amount On Hold Total Number ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date ECOM J&V INVESTORS LLC 12532115-DEC1422 12/21/2022 108',150.00,0000.564004502 ~ ---------------------------------------------- $672,2G $0.00: $672,20 EC011L J&V INVESTORS LLC 12542635-121922 12/21/2022 108,150.00,0000,564004502 $400.00 $0.00 $400.00 WPMGC WINDERMERE PROPERTY MANAGE 12530255-121422 12/21/2022 $409-. 00 $0.00 $489.00 -------------- TOTAL FOR FUND # 108 ------- $1,561.20 ~ ----- ..,---------_--` $0.00 $1t561.20 GRAND: TOTAL ------------- --------------- $1,561.20 ---------- $0.00 ~ --- $1t561.20 System: 12121f2022 8:23:25 AM County of Grant Page: User Date: 1212112022 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User 11J., r9onzales Payables Management Batch ID: RENEW1122222R,G Batch Comment-, Batch Frequency-, Single Use Trx Total Actual: 3 Trx, Total Control.: 3 Audit Trail Code: Batch Total Actual: $1,55'1.20 Batch Total Control: $1,501.20 Batch Error Messages: Posting Date: 12/21/2022 ~ Purchpses Docum''. eftt Total .'Vendor ID Document Number Document'Date Voucher Nufter Vendor Nar`ne- Terms Disc Avail - ECONL 1253211 5-DEC1422 12121/2022 0379768 $67220 $672.20 J&V INVESTORS LLC Description 12532115 Emergency TAP Payment Information Checkbook/ and Payment Number Document Date Amount Check 0/0/0000 $0.00 Distribution Messages: Work Messages., General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type Debit Amount Credit Amount 108.150.00,0000.564004502 MENTAL HEALTK. .,EMERG Et PURCH 672,20 0.00 692.001.00.0000,211000000 WARRANTS PAYABLE PAY 0.00 - — --------- 672.20 — --- 672.20 672.20 Ve,ndor ID Do• CLIMent• Number Docum6nt Date..- Voucher Numb6r - Pu• rchases,;-.,,..Docum(§nf TXIx otal. y y VendoMarne 4 1 Tptrns D A0 ECONL 12642635-121922 12/21/2022 0379770 $400.00 $400.OQ J&V INVESTORS LLC Description 12542635- TAP EMERG. Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Document Date Amount Check -0/0/0000 $0.00 Distribution Messages: Work Messages: General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type Debit Amount Credit Amount 108, 160.00. 0000.664004602 MENTAL HEALTH...,EMERGEP PURCH 400.00 0.00 692.001.00,0000.211000000 WARRANTS PAYABLE PAY 0.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 System, 1212112022 8:232 m, 5 AM County of Grant Page: 2 User Date: 12121/2022 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID: rgonzales Batch ID RENEW122222RG Payables, Management 0.00 nd -�4 4a. 1yocument -cument"Da r. UM e r P TL 61'. rttw ms,Diset. ­Qcu I er "A a "J, 'PM ;C 12530255-121422 12121/2022 0379769 $489.00 $489.00 WINDERMERE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT GRANT COUNTY, INC Description 12530255- EMERGENCY TAP Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Document Date Amount Check 0/010000 $0.00 Distribution Messages: Work Messages: General Ledger Distributions Account 108.150.00DO00.564004602 692.001.00.0000.211000000 Account Description Account Type MENTAL HEAUH,._,.EMERGEf P U R C H WARRANTS PAYABLE I PAY Debit Amount Credit Amount 489.00 0.00 0.00 489,00 489.00 489.00 Purchases Amount Terms Di so Avall Document Total — ------- ---- $1,661.20 $0,00 $1,561.20 JY State of Washington -County of Grant It the undersigned,, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered or the labor performed as described herein, that any advance payment is due and payable pursuant to a contract or is avalfable as an option for full or partial fulfillment of a contractural obligation, and that the claim is a just, due and Unpaid obligation against against the county, and that I am authorized to ,authenticate and certify to said claim. Subscribed -day of f ��r.- -. (Signed) aC, fo0 r e\CJ Department Approved and Authorized By I Date Allowed Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner e ivi Gront gc—bwifaral Kealtha weffne4s ......... AV X DateR Rem(s) RiAlequested (include a photo if you need a specific item): Approximate Cost, �)z /C;,? Funding Source, if known: -" Ab Supervisor's Signature /L/�/� ZDate a IV Please have your supervisor sign the form an* then return it to the Finance Department, Form for 'fqip,01yar (Rev. Cjqwbar 7-ai aj and Cerra `(1 131 nomlon esmauty I ft # I �SYICCTRKIJIVI�Iltllu,61 $ery rb 1� NARO faa 4 ovin Qn y4ur it tax ro 6m). ulmd Qn tils Me; do lloffsa 0 wi mna 94n;7"" namal it emerant teem jqbova GillID FL* 0 L rjjQ f 0WAOSMr. Do nat SOA 0 to RIO 1,11FM a CfT,�Ck gppropdato box (or roddrml," G14aEi(ftg;Aft1j Qf tiro pelaanwhoze'. nam# it In, -WayAng Bevan �Pxoq. brad On IfVa ft 01100k 6hIV one Df thin rilV-evf 4 �XWPM% (qadm gppily OhP/ to Ifialdual/sole proptletor or F1 c caTpuralloft E] 4g, 1� 40 TMt 16$ta W Cert,411 �n%4 nit --riA b6tuatclia on pago LW 81 1; Umited gabill-b/ r;ompiAny. Ept. r thp -K, 0Wr4fttV15A (�=o ce�rpordolj, Nato', ObOok �Kofnpt paytrj tme tffany) the Wroorli-ato box III tilt rO &bolia for JhQ tU. jo,,TF( T0ctz WaatcherN LLOINWI-LO 1aata pqfUqd ipq ;I LLD that k dIorqfXYd*d'-ftn IN 6%Mqr VnjpW tha CWneroj thj§LLC ft Oftlerfor U,S, WMI WX iMM FATCA raporElng Oda MOMS. Oftrwigs, a sindo-irembe4-, LLO I (if Any) aw ff4 oil 01 ft owrift, 5 Addre 46rr 14parg"A a Apt. Qr gotle no') $0� 111vai6tomp ---- Opwka to keulamts cut.-* #,v wqj --T 7 A 6L 6. CfW -gaCa, and �0 04dd ....... e, �� I Effldr YOUr 71N in the approprW4 bQx, The TIN pravfded must Mg �JVsip a(I 4vold . — . 1* bgokup Wthholdlibe, F& thijividudg, th � �.a E - 14 0 0rq*)1Y YOur,90611J I 00curky n urober (88N), H owtsver, Yo Ml*f alren, -solo, IWOPrIato(t or ftraprelod whyt aEm t� OL 111styub5trio fQr Fort I, later, For other 014es, It Is your emliloyor nurnNr ffyou do ildt have a numbaroggeHowto gat'a �' Ve- NON If the accowl [a In wore thah 0116 nam o� E4to, the, atructimig, f r I'( Wj? t Na 41 0 tvz- Alm saa a r4ig and VorlftftMcatfon IVUM�Or TaQAo the RaquaQfer for guldeUman on whose nurnbar ti� imtjm. MIN urldor pensill" fit p6quryi, I 00ruty thulto, . . . .............................................. . I. Th& mmbar shown on Va foon is my tonv&, ta,v/or IderAlftdation mmb�tr (or I am wafting for a numbol. to ba Issued to me), and 2. (am not hlkject to baokLq;� WithhQla vr!rt I �kriP WithhotdIng, or (b) I hava not boah notMed bY th(� fritemal awarlu810.(VICIO OR$) thEil I AM SLOIQLltte) Imkip WithhoUng at * ieosdt of ja fallum 10 110POrt $4 kewNtt or (fividends, Or NIhO IRS has ntflQ Athat I am 00 lonver 'Osubloot to hookup WON5101ing, and 10 a,1 d UA Clonn Cr othor U.S. pamDn'(d8N0d b0bi); and 4, TM rATCA code(s) antorod on this form (if AN) IlAdIdOng Wt I Am exerript,fmm FAT CA raport�ftg k§ �orrocrt. 001004311M 1"AtI110110flitr YQU MUSt arae out ItOM V , gWWa if YOU MVO bftri no(Mod by tha 18$ thAt pu Or* "Irre"ll���� dt to ba-Okup Y6L1 We W(Od 0 MpOa ell Inlars-st and 61dands on your tu returq, fbr rew eslato hnsA0bjt:rWithholding btoauaa et0qu(siflon oe Absndonmerft of 4000W PfORriN Qwlcdatfon Of fttp contribut ROM 2 doo- nqt appIXriot Interest PAId, a not r,�qwfrqd to sIgn 'ths 0ortiffoationo but YOU =14t PMV'dn Yui WnWtTINt �o Viahi�hjau Gritz 001'er than IRNIWA POO avloonds, you gr t"n IndIvIdUal relrOMOAt 8=94MOlt Q" -j and UdneeAlly) pEC ...... ............ ons for Net is Jalpr Nfi Here u,& parant, General Instratom Form I 09.q-D(V (dM&M4$, r�,okIdIng tecton raferw1ppgs are to thelritemal Re-venrjs Code unta�o t;qjerMs6 funds) 0,10- from abxks or toulk t I'lal Nan 1099-MISO Niadaus 0�a bt luxoomin or OrMe Fokure devallopmenta. Nr tho IANWthiformatlan aboLdwOQpments PrQr,�do) rplatod-to Form W -v and ft jrim4e6n� ettj�h ft$ Ie&jaVdh ontMed took or mutual fund saigz and 401-tWh other P Nhed, go to WwYJrs.yav1PormM. 4ft.nr thoy wary ►pikll ir-anw�, hookor Purpose of F011M 0 Fbrm I 09P-8 bnx� !$d-9 front rkVI 0aftita tran&aot*jon�) 1w Form 10 W -K (imrehant tArd and V11rd Party netwadl tra-risaeflons) An indIMIdLml or enifty (Form Wr-9 requester) who Is roqulm4 to file &n Form i6oe avma maetgggo Interest), 1098u,F. q(studerri. low tnjj�m InWrilatlon e6tum with tha ME' t1ju&E 6bfafn your CanEQt tAxp-jer M, -T (Witton) g), Idamiliffaiabon number (NIY)whJoh maybe yoursoolal Form 1099-0 (canceled debt) PEN, k*441JEll WPAYer 440-111NAtlyn nwnber #TJ 6dopfl(5n 6rtrjrWjjQn numbtw texp.sTler IdeM, ffldsf'czi mimber (ATIN), oil omplqoe [.1 41R)rm 1000-A (acquiVition �r abandcrimorit 10i secured pvoped� (2314),16 repart on an lnbrmaflq n return thq gmiount paid to you., ar other We Form W-9 only If you aea 9. U,%Ijl, pot-apn OnOILIding aftWnt t6pDrtable on inn. 1n1drmgtW*rertL1Fn, Uxamples of kifarmtftrl to provida your =,rrmt 'n h,L 11'eums lholUde, but are not 111'rilttO tj the jollatv[rig, not refum Form W-9 to ft M4406ter with a T14 yvv Mf-ght Form I W.94NIT Claerot earned or pakl) bo rbjo�l tobgvivp WM1)41d1nq. Seo What [a beackup w1jjjjj0fdI11g, Clat Nalq pix Porfn x NameDate, Item(s) Requested (include a photo if you need a specific item' )X Approximate Cost* . it Fu nding Source, if known,, #�4z/ .. r-) x Reason for Request: 0 Date Needed By. 9�0 (Y)- Supervisor's Signature " Oe, Date '%''`'��L-G- Please have your supervisor sign the form and then return it to the Finance Department, Form, W, MK9 (Rart. Oc-leber 201 J 6) D" 0� ,q 71 I-laMIRMey"Con'410108'e, asurf ---L I Nqme (4a Shown oto your Windermere Properl. 2 f3usinese nernaldImmarr Ma Request for Taxpayer Identificatlon Number and Certificatif i ion GO lc) v-'WWArs-r1ov1FDrinMq for Instructions and 1h.0 late'qt Infc)rMaticIll. e tax raturn). Nome 11$,raqufred on this lintel cc not leave tills fine b Mob 111.1- nagemant Grant county, inc, Ity name, K(Arremn't fromabove GIVO Form to the lreques%r. [Do not sand to the JR8.1 S Chock approprTat,0 box for fedemi tag 0114%lifoatton of the parsorl whO,4a PaMe Is enterod on line 1, Chock only olle of til— -- follOWITTV 86van bay'05, a 4 Examptfons ton aPply only to rt cOrtAin MtltleS, 110( IndN(dtIqla; see Ind[ Wd"4110019 propriefor at IJ 0 Corpamllon Corporallop partnep1hip (nstruollons on page 3): 0 singla-membar E, Gmpt poyea 00(!0 Ctf any) Limited liability company. Wer the tag chisriffloagon (Q --o corporation, 8=8 co"rAtIgn,P=PartnerahIp))o,- Notol. Cloak the approprfate box In. the 11rie above for the 14X 0148100VOV a the alnglo-member owner, r)a n Ot chgck 150mption from FATOA reporting LLQ 11 the LLO is cless1floo as a afnglo-mornbar LLC that [a diera garded fraill the owner unless tile ownar of the LLOfyat another LLO that Is not disreprided ftM tine ewner for U,so fe(forej Code of any) taX ureases, Otherwise# 9 single-mernborLLC Is c1leregardecl from tho Owner should obeck (her opprop0ate box for the tax olasaffloation of its owner. other (see Instruc lon�) 0- ,L , MAO" 10 4"4iiilI9 Wfi(dhod aurLtdr Ifla VS,� 5 Addrnj (number, street, and apt, or sulto no,) Instruations. Ncide—MOI'A Mine and addreasTo �pj I a 'n,11) 324.x. Ash St, $1.11fti A tato, and Zip code Mose S Lqke, WA 98837 7 List account nombr(a) Ji - e ere (ollonal) Tr Tax ee IdentUMation'Wriabor (TIM) Enter year 11N In the DPProprl4te box4llie '171N provided mas match the nom ; I match t �,AhAme given on line J to avoid backup wllbhold4ig. For JhdIv1du,9IS, this ll� 0611erallY Your scalal security, number (88N), However, for a resident alien, sole proprIetor, at d1sregarded entity, see tile Instruct ons for part 1, later. For other antItles, It Is your employer IdeMt1floatlon nUmber (E]N,�. If ycQ do not Dave a numbel-, sea How to get a TIA11 later, Note: it the account Is In mora than Oft narn% 600 ft Instructions for line 1, At -so see What Name alld Numbor To GIve Ilia Requester tor guidelines on whoso nul-nber to enter. Social aeourity, num—bar -------------- or --golployarld6liflaGation nuMber F2To 14 10 16 or Under psnMIOG Of PerlUrY, I certify that: L The number ohown on this form 1:3 my correct taxpayor 11clonlItIcatlon number (or I am walting fQr a number to be issued to o1o); And %a 2,1 am not atiblaot to backup withholding because: (a) I SM exempt from backup withholding, or P 11ML I not been notified by thfm Intornal 11olenLIG SeN100 (IRS) that I am rubjeot to blokup w1thholdino as a result of u fiallure to repolt all in no longor subject to baokup withho dingv a interest or dlvIden(r3, ol, (0) fho M has notlifed Ino, that I am I , and M am a U.S. citizen or other U,S, poi -son (defined bejoWl; and 4., The SAT OA aodo�s) entered on this form (If nnA Indicating that I am exempt from FATOA rapoftg Is col rest, Carl1floation 14rtlottgna- You must cross bit Itom 2 abOVO If YOU have been notified by the IRS thtit YOU 00 OUrrently st!bjeat to ba0k0l) W[Hiholding becaiuso you have falled to rePolt all Interest and dIvIdondas on your tax return. For real estate transActions, Itenn 2 does not apply, For mortgage interest patd, acquIsItion or obandonment of securad property, Cancellation of debt, contributions to an IndlAdulal rotirement anngamont ORA), and gerierallyp pgyments atter thon Interest and dlvldenda� you oro not required to sigh thea oerliflootlon, but you Must provIdo your correct TIN, aw the Instructions for Part I[, later. Ign "Ore M, pars 090 4? General Inst/ructions 0 Form I Ooq-Dlv (01VIdellds, Including those from stocks or mutual Seollon referencea are to the Interna) Rovonue. Oode unless offierwise funds) rioted, V FOrM 10094/118C (MIOLIS types of JtIC01'ne, pr[Zeal aWal-4% C)r groca Foaurs developments. For the latest Information about developments proceeds) related to Form W-9 and Cts Initructlans, such Qq 1691814tion emoted * r-Orm 41000-0 (stock at mutualfund atilep and oorltoln offlar after they were published, fjo to WWWJ18Vg0V1Fbm1 W9, tronBactlops by brokers) Purpose of Form Form *1099-8 (proceeds rrarn real estate transaotloos) An IndIvIdual or enilly (Form W-9 requester) who Is re aired to file an Form 1 009 -IK (merobant ceird and third party networ(c transections) rOem 1098 00me rnorto;�iga Interest), I 008-E (student loan Interest InfotTnation return with the IRS Must obtain your correct taxpayer 1 098-T (tuition) ), Identification number (TIN) Which may be your social security nuinber '0 Form 1099 -G ice ed (SSM), tndividual'taxpayer IdentifJoatlon nUmber (IMI), adoption (ldebt* Form I 099-A (acquIsitforl or abandonment of socured propet) ta,V4yor identificatlon number (AFlt, or employer Identification number (Elul), to report gn an Information return the amount paid to YOU, or other U80 Form W-9 onfy If yotl are a U.S, person (Inaludlng a rosident amount ropotlable on an Information return, Examples of " rM tton returns f nolude, but are riot flf'nlfted to, the fdIfowIng,, 111fa alien), to proYde your correct TIN. 'Fyou da not return ► Form 1099 -INT (Ititerost eimed or paid) FQrrn 1`11-9 to the re guester wM11,R 77N, you ralgh" be sUbject to backup wlthholdlng. See What Is backup wIthholding, later, 00, No. 10281X Foml W-9 (Rev. 10-2c1 Name.r GA Ij Date., t- //'C' don ,Item(s) Re-querbted (include aiihoto youPneed a specific item), X Approximate Goat X 4 Fending Source, it Known: Reason for equesta79 ;�' �.(I f Date Needed OD�- c,�}-c7Q��'� ��7�/aC� Supervisor"s Signature v4-lAa fx� f� �. <f IIZZL, Date Please have your supervisor sign the form and then return it to the Finance Department, Ecru i i f I 1 * • Request f'+d' i Taxpayer (Rev-.7Gat� r} mia), l +fin i ' t ", � r Jo Rorer to ne 1 if b� ��it t sl i 1j�' I F3 Ir �A'���WI ���t�ii�` � l TFBs� #�,� 4 �+y ,1+ T�t�!►�s� �y j'r�T,�!+�Ty.�y rti ,w� 1x7 4"tw M '4F rz'T.r�4' il►iwh i i�`tlifli fL•►' iJ.s�4 9.fX�ii rt rt�3 . Ci .Seri "! a1ur` r f rr�s retLiTr hi.,ril I iLt.rl�4 � j'a s1sfJQ Do hole �Cw a� �+, �.yt� ipr d to the 1�. -1s. C�'r tisk Oft; dd nort Isalto 1his ilri$ blank. J t Jt i raFXr�r/f i r, . ' Crl tt name, !J dli'Genj IP��`ii above {`ii see opprapr#ato bw (or f4deat person 1rtt 'c n�..rrd on 1111`~ 1, chodlr ohly anis of the f�11aFr�rr�� ��'1'$r7 trt'�rn��• c 4 Ex mpti�n� {�ade.� *p��li only to a r idi l itr�J' l � rl i r' car i ..t Corporation Corporation ❑ �'�net�i-pp � '�IVge,,0341to certalq Tttlti , nut indfvldula; ; Infrctfcrrr3 ❑ . p Ljh7ifad fiebrlot/ com,parry,F Ehtor thp, t ela:'*ifloltlon {Q=O roorpc�i°�t ont S=8 orperallon, PWP tr lrtt � E��J'r,pf ��y�� �c�d� �"rf any) Nate� + lYr3ck tfi t l�r'+ii~irrrAte box in Urdi tfria ve fertile tlx ctassiifmition at e LC. hd t In !£� t'rt r`i7f�r;r' � sir r. Cir `rat chec r alee4fti i rn 1, r �rrrb r �. C chat f l•�r erineded �Stoni 46A owner urrl� �� ��r��r~c51� tlt� E�4empzi�r� i��rr� I��°%� reporting ...p 9 4 ot 0,a, C; €�L� i� + old#frer L LC tlt� f nr�r4S9r►1 tllg4'rtl` dr L1,S fe�tl t� iWrt. de rf+ { ,d,t }.. _ Othe('r4ip, a elrigt� rnemberLLO 1hdL. ` I (11tr6joradej frog` IN llJ��tt& should check Uis e� w ��"aprr�t� tSo,, f�rtha fax �cis�f�cg.tf(jn c)i ttS owr1.or", Other Po tri Vt i Clone) b- .� J 5QJJ. L 4 0, - i�'; x'1.2 to GR"..Yau � Ar{dre {�urrt�rar, arty, sn� apt. dr' ���� ttt�.� r .,..�.....�. . . 4t"�r�»�•tV 13 WIG and a(Wr`s'ss (pptlonaQ + fiifJo.ztw of and �10oda -- . 7 t,ist c'tyc tt ncrmber��) hom (opbonetj � f t payer idenfif'11*6ii Enu,w y+buri