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ilk 1' I l �_I_I_.�� To: Board of County Commissioners Janice Flynn, Administrative Services Coordinator Data December 15, 2022 Re: SIP No. 2020-01 Reimbursement Request Attached is a signed Project Certification and reimbursement request for SIP Project #2020- 01 — City of Soap Lake — Division Street South Sewer Main Extension. The City received a grant in the amount of $105,000.00 and a loan in the amount of $45,000.00. I am requesting approval of this reimbursement to the City of Soap Lake in the amount of $150,000.00. R E 0 T r Orc 5 2022 C "ANTY 'CIIOPVIA,ji 4 w P. Engineer Ankney, Jamin Totals TotalLib or Limits Total Billings Limit Remaining 3 0 r r A v u. fie 3 0 Houm Rato Amoun3 12.60 127.49 1593.635 1150 11593,63 Current Prior To-Da'te 11593.63 0.00 1159.3i1,63. 37,2756*37 Total thl* *s Inv®rice U L f I N G E 1-10 1 U E E R 19 IInvoice I August City of Soap Lake Project No: 20870-00 Attn: Nic, Tijerina - nict@soaplakewa.gov Invoice No: 2 239 Second Avenue SE PO Box 1270 Soap Lake, WA 98851 Project 20870.00 Division Street South Sewer Main Extension Professional Services from July 18,, 2021 to August 14 2021 Professional Personnel A"w Limit Remaining 38,850.00 32,768.77 ....................... .............. Total this Invoice 1130 Rainier Avenue S., Suite 300 Seattle. Washington 98144 (206) 284-0860 Fax (206) 283-3206 Hours Rate Amount Res. Engr. Carlson, Chad 2.00 115.15 230.30 Engineer In Training Wies, Justin 9.00 105.28 947.52 P. Engineer Ankney, Jamin 1.00 135.71 135.71 P. Manager Ellis, David .60 154.63 77.32 Wagner, Stephen 15-00 206.45 31096.75 Totals 27.60 40487.60 Total Labor 40487,60 Billing Limits Current Prior To -Date Total Billings 41487.60 11593.63 61081.23 A"w Limit Remaining 38,850.00 32,768.77 ....................... .............. Total this Invoice 1130 Rainier Avenue S., Suite 300 Seattle. Washington 98144 (206) 284-0860 Fax (206) 283-3206 T ln4 G E 31- jV�- N E f--; R S Invoice September 21 2021 City of Soap Lake P J t No: 2087U0 AM: Nic Tijerina - n1ct@soap1akewa,gov Invoice No. 239 Second Avenue SE PO Box 1270 Soap Lake,'WA 98851 Project 20870.00 Division Street South Sewer Main Exte nsion �Profossl.qqall, Services froom,6 g, .6 2021'"' �q Prof6s,slonal Personnel Hours Rate Amount Engineer In Training Rodriguez, Miguel Wes, Justin P. Enolneer Ankney, Jamlin P. Manager Wagner, Stephen Technician Parker, Frank Totals Total or 17,50 92.12 11612.10 7.00 105.28 736,96 1 #50 135,71 203.57 16,00 206.45 31303.20 9.00 95,41 85B,69 51,00 61714,52 Billing L.Jmits Current Prior To -Date Total Billings 61714-52 6tO81,23 12t795,75 U.mft 38,850.00 Remalning MtO54.25 Total this 61714.62 1130 Rah*4r,Aver ilue, S.., SUitkO:00- %0 Eift I e .W: t5t: -,Our I a t n, i 1 9 8 , 14 .4 it -f'-20 6.) r'' Fs 4- - 0 ^'+t. ► 0 Fax (206) 23206 4a> CFzvA.v &,r: OSbaiizc..I11(:. CONSULTMG ENGINEEAS Invoice October 15, 2021 City of Soap Lake Project No: 20870.00 Attn: otic Tijerina - nict@soaplakewa.gov Invoice No: 4 239 Second Avenue SE PO Box 1270 Soap Lake,, WA 98851 Project 20870.00 Division Street South Sewer Main Extension PLofessional Services from September 12 2021 2021 3 to October 9. Professional Personnel P. Engineer Ankney, Jamin P. Manager Wagner, Stephen Totals Total Labor Hours Rate Amount 3.00 135.71 407.13 10-00 206.45 21064.50 13-00 2,471-63 Billing Limits current Prior To -Date Total Billings 20471.63 12,795-75 15,267-38 Limit 38,850.00 Remaining 23t682.62 Total this 2*471.63 1130 Rainier Aveme S.. Suite 300 Seattle, Washington 98144 (206) 284-0860 Fax (206) 283-3206 k CONSULTING E* Invoice November 15, 2021 City of Soap Lake Project No: 20870.00 Attn: N TIJerina - nict@soaplakewa.gov Invoice No: 5 239 Second Avenue SE PO Box 1270 Soap Lake, WA 98851 Project 20870.00 Division Street South Sewer Main Extension Professional Services from October 10, 2021 to November 6, 2021 Professional Personnel 1130 Rainier Avenue S.. Suite 300 Seattle, Washington 98144 (.206) 284-0860 Fax (206) 283-3206 Hours Rate Amount Principal Wetch, Nancy 1.50 164.17 246.26 P. Manager Wagner, Stephen 6.00 206,45 11238.70 Totals 7,50 11484,,96 Total Labor Billing Limits Current Prior To -Date Total Billings 1 ,484.96 15,267.38 16,752.34 Limit 38t850.00 Remaining 22,097.66 Total this Invoice u, tAUZI 1130 Rainier Avenue S.. Suite 300 Seattle, Washington 98144 (.206) 284-0860 Fax (206) 283-3206 cx"Xy C).�_hk'xrla-e' 1111c. 7 CONSJILT MG ENGH'IIEERes ---------- City of Soap Lake Attn: Nic Tijerina - roc t@soaplakewa-gov 239 Second Avenue SE PO Box 1270 Soap Lake, WA 98861 December 14, 2021 Project No: 20870.00 Invoice No: 6 Project 20870.00 Division Street South Sewer Main Extension Professional Servicesfrom November Z., .2021 to December .4, 2021 Professional Personnel P. Manager Wagner, Stephen Totals Total Labor Billing Limits Total Billings Limit Rema ining Hours Rate Amount 11-00 206.45 21270.95 1 1.00 21270.95 21270.96 Current, Prior To -Date 21270.95 161,752.34 19,023.2.9 381850.00 19 t 826.71 Total this Invoice I 1130 Rainier Avenue S.. Suite 300 Seattle, Washington 98144 (206) 284-0860 Fax (206) 283-3206 0-- W11 City of Soap Lake january 10t 20-22 Project No, 20870.00 Attn.' Nig' Tijerina - nIct@soapIake\&a,gov Invoice No'. 7 239 Second Avenue -S.E PO Box 1,270 Soap Lake, WA 98851 Project 20870-00 Divist"on Street South Sewer Main Extension Prof assional-, vlces- ftotil Deembd,5'�R 0 .,M -J -t O�c -4, Profoss'lonal Personnel 0 F- Hours Rate Amount P. Manager Wag ner, Stephen 4M 206.45 825,80 Totals 4.00 82580 Total Labor 8111fing emits Current P1610Y To,.Date Total Billings 825.80 19t023.29 1904849,09 L.finit Remaining I , 910,004-91, Total this Invoite 0 F- I N Ez Invoice February 5, 2022 City of Soap Lake Project No: 20870,00 Attn.., Nic Tijerina - n1r,,,t@soap1akewa,gov Invoice No: 8 239 Second Avenue SE PO Sox 1.270 Soap. Lake, WA 98651 project 20870= Division Street South Sewer Main Extension from L91_20 PEqNSSIOnal Se'rVices Jaj,*. ua M22 to Jantla'N''._ 22 Professional Personnol Hours Rate Amount P. Manager Wagner, Ratephen 14,00 206.45 2,890-,30 Totals 14.00 2j89O.30 Total Labor Billing Limits Total Billings Limit Remaining Curront Prior To -Date 21890.30 1 %849.09 22,739.39 36,850.00 Total this Invo Ce IJ t,v i " k '�06) 284-10-865Q Fax �206� 2833206 I 1 30 S,, SUAte, 300 Seattle.,, Mishing ton 98-144 2, 130 Rainier Avenue S. $Suite N3,00 S"ealtie, Was4tiinglon 98144 11't2W,1264-0860 Fax (206) 283-,3,.206 1 March 4 1 202 City of Soap Lake Project. No. 20870,00 Aftn', is Tijedna - nlct@soapia.ke.wa.gov Invoice No: 9 239 Second Avenue SE PO Box 127-0 Soap Lake, WA 98851 Project 20870.00 Division Street South Sewer in Extension Pejo nat.Se.ry i'O,O'sfro,mi_anI rv- 0 .22 to F -ant ebrd 26i 2022 Professional Personnel "Gum Rate Amount P. Manager Wagner, Stephen 13,00 213,85 21780,05 Totals 13.00 2t780-05 Total Ubor 21780,05 Billing Lim'"' cuoont Prior T0410ate Total Billings 21780,05 22J39.39 m4 25,#,519. Lim -ft 381850,00, R e m aibi n g 13AGN166 TotW this Invoice 130 Rainier Avenue S. $Suite N3,00 S"ealtie, Was4tiinglon 98144 11't2W,1264-0860 Fax (206) 283-,3,.206 1 "qk . .......... N T I YN 6 E N G 19 1: E D 'j "18'.-0860 Fax (20 6) 28`3-3206 11 3;� () FA a to -, c�, r A v e t -I, i. le e S, ut I t a "' 3 0 0 Se,,zatt'e, Washil'ig-tc,"m ,"*x 1' 4 lx'.00. e" 4 April 5, 2022 City -of Soap Lake Project No; 20870,.00 Attn: Ni c Tiqerina - nict@soaplakeo/a,gov Invoice No" 10 2,39 Second Avenue SE PO Box 1270 Soap Lake, WA 98851 Project 20870.00 Division Street South Sewer Main Extension Professional Services from Febru,ant 27,.,,g2g to March 2 . 6,92022 Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount P. Manager Wagner, Stephen 13,00 21165 21780-05 Totals 13.00 2JK05 Total Labor 20780-06 B1111"nq Limits Current Prior To-Dato Total Billings 21780,05 25,519.44 28,299.49 Limit 38,860.00 Remaining 10,550.51 Total this Invoice 'j "18'.-0860 Fax (20 6) 28`3-3206 11 3;� () FA a to -, c�, r A v e t -I, i. le e S, ut I t a "' 3 0 0 Se,,zatt'e, Washil'ig-tc,"m ,"*x 1' 4 lx'.00. e" 4 bXX1Xe.Lie,* CONSMING ENGINEERS February 15, 2022 N1r. Nic TU'*erina City Administrator City of Soap Lake P.O. Bob. 1270 Soap Lake, Washington 98851 SUBJECT: PROGRESS ESTIMATE 1, WATER AND SEWER (PHASE 111) IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF SOAP LAKE, GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON G&O #18045 Dear Nfi% Ti"en"na: We have enclosed Progress Estimate I for this project. Please make two copies of the 41 progress estimate; one copy is for the City files and the other copy should be forwarded M-19 to the contractor with the payment. i ne amount due the contractor and the retainage amount to beheld by USDA Rural Development are as fb1lows: *0 Total Amount Retainage Earned to Date PgMent to Contractor (Held byUS fIncludi�,,,, g, $232,453.22 $17254.19 $249,707.41 4* k'ftt * - For funding a enc y reiinburseme. purposes. $173,802..28 of -the amount due is nt duel's associated with Schedule B .,-:hedule A, $43,890.50 of the :moo e amount due is associated with Schedule C,. FT` 'a� l t,'y'oh�iave any quest -ions or concerns regardingr this matter. Sincerely, GRAY & OSBORNE, INC. Jamin A.fie y, P.E. JA/cah :net.. By email Division Street Sewer cc: Mr. Richard Rose, Community Programs Specialist, USDA Rural Development 180 Iron Horse Court Yakima, Washington 98801 (509) 453-4833 (:ontractor-,S Application for Payment Owner: City of Soap Lake Owner's Project No.: 18045 Engineer,: Gray & Osborne, Inc. Engineer's Project No.: 18045 Contractor; Halme Construction,, Inc, Contractor's Project No.: Project: Water and Sewer (Phase 111) Improvements Contract. Water and Sewer (Phase 111) Improvements Application No.: I Application Date: 2/16/2022 Application Period: From 1/26/2022 to 1/30/2022 1. Original Contract Price (Including Tax) $ 2,364.376.66 2. Net change by Change Orders (Including Tax) $ - 3, Current Contract Price (Line I + Line 2) (including Tax) $ 213641,376.66 4. Total Work completed and materials stored to date (Excluding Tax) (SLIM of Column G Lump Sum Total and Column J Unit Price Total) $ 238,835.29 5. Tax 8.2% X $ 132,586-80 Work Completed $ 10,872.12 6. Retainage a. 5% X $ 132,586.80 Work Completed (EXCILiding Tax) $ 6,629.34 b. 10% X $ 106,248.49 Stored Materials $ 10,t624.85 c. Total Retainage (Line 6.a + Line 6,b) $ 17,254.19 7, Amount eligible to date (Line 4 + Line 5.a. - Line 6.c,) (including Tax) 232,453.22 8. Less previous payments (Line 7 frohi prior application) (Including Tax) 9. Amount due this application (Including Tax) 232,.453.22 10. Balance to finish, including retainage (Line 3 -Kine 4+Llne 5.a.) (Incl. Tax) 21114,669,25 Contractor's Certification The undersigned Contractor certifies, to the, best of its knowledge, the following,. (1) All previous progress payments received from'Owner on ACCOWL of Work done under the Contract have been applied on account to discharge Contractor's legitimate obligations incurred in connection with the Work covered by Prig Applications for Payment; (2) Title to all Work., materials and equipment incorporated in said Work, or otherwise listed in or covered by this Application for Payment, will pass to Owner at time of payment free and clear of all liens, security interests,, and encumbrances (except such as are covered by a bond acceptable to Owner indemnifying Owner against any such liens, security interest, or encumbrances); and (3) All the Work covered by this Application for Payment is in accordance with the Contract Documents and is not defective. Contractor: Signature: Date. Recommendby Engineer Approved by Owner Y -le, 8 Y By: Title, Project Engineer Title: Mayor Date. Feb 15, 2022 Date: Feb 16th, 2022 Approved by Funding Agency By By: Title: Title: Title: Date Date: EJCDC C-620 Contractor's Application for Payment (c) 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers for DOC All rights reserved, Progress Estimate - Lumn Sum Work Contractor's Anolication for Pavment Owner: Engineer: Contractor: Project: Contract: City of Soap Lake Gray & Osborne, Inc. Halme Construction, Inc. Water and -Sewer (Phase III) Improvements Water and Sewer (Phase 111) Improvements Owner's Project No.: Engineer's Project No.: Contractor's Project No.: 18045 18045 Application No.: 1 Application Period: From 01/26/22 to 01/30/22 Application Date: 02/16/22 A B C D, E F G item No. Desceiption Scheduled Value,($). Work Completed Materials Currently -Stored (not in-D.or EJ Work Completed and Materials Stored to Date (D- + E + F)'.. of Scheduled Value (-G J C) Balance to Finish (C G) (D +' From Previous Application. This Period .;r --:Change Ordert Change Order Totalsl $ Original Contract and Change Orders - Project Totals (Excluding Tax} l 734,278.00 1 $ - 1 $ 110,397.30 $ 1 $ 110,397.30 1 15%1$ 623,880.70 EJCDC C-620 Contractor's Application for Payment Lump Sum (c) 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers for EJCDC. All rights reserved. 2 of 2 Progress Estimate - Lump Sum Work Mobilization and Demobilization 121,513.0€3 42,529.55 - 42,529.55 35% 78,983.45 Lontractor-s application Tor Faymeni Owner: Engineer: Contractor: Project: Contract: City of Soap Lake Gray & Osborne, Inc_ Halme Construction, Inc. Water and Sewer (Phase III) Improvements Water and Sewer (Phase Ill) Improvements - - - - 0% S,000_00 63 Erosion Control Owner's Project No.: Engineer's Project No.: Contractor's Project No.: 18045 18045 Application No.: 1 Application Period: From 01/26/22 to 01/30/22 85 Application Date: 02/16/22 - - - - 0% S -- B14 D 42,000.00 - - - - 01yo H l . ltern No. Descror _ Scheduled talue W rk inoleted iVtaterlals Currency Shored no# in D'or E),.. Work;Completed . and Materials. Stoped #o Date . D + E + F ...: �� of Scheduled Value(G f C) balance to Finish {C (D Fro�rn -= Previous . '. ,.._ :. "Application - This fern . Otiemal Contract Schedule,► Al Mobilization and Demobilization 126,100.00 - 441135.00 - 44,135.00 35% 81,955.00 A2 Trench Excavation Safety Systems 3,600.00 - 180.00 - 180.00 5% 3,420.00 A3 Erosion Control 20,000.00 - 1,000.00 - 1,0OO.Ofl 5% 19,000.00 A3 Traffic Control 80,000.40 - 4,000.00 - 4,000.00 5% 76,000.00 AS SPCC Plan 2,500.00 - I 10250.00 - 1,250.00 50% 1,250.00 Aa Maintaining Sewage Flow 60,000.00 - 3,000.00 - 3,000.01 5% 57,000.00 CZJ-haAI IIra. R B1 Mobilization and Demobilization 121,513.0€3 42,529.55 - 42,529.55 35% 78,983.45 B2 Trench Excavation Safety Systems I 5,000.00 - - - - 0% S,000_00 63 Erosion Control 2,000.00 - - - - 0% 2,000.00 B4 Traffic Control 45,000.00 - - - - 0% 45,000.00 85 SPCC Plan 2,000.00 - - - - 0% 2,000.00 B14 Water Main Fittings 42,000.00 - - - - 01yo 42,000.00 B33 Electrical, Telemetry, and Instrumentation 114,200.00 - - - - 0%1 114,200.00 034 HVAC Modifications 23,50-0.00 - - - - 0%1 23500.00 Schedule C C1 Mobilization and Demobilization 40,865-00 - 14,302,75 - 14,302.75 35% 26,562.25 C2 Minor Changes 10,000.00 - - - - 0% 10,000.00 C3 Trench Excavation Safety Systems 6,{300.p{i - - - - 0% 6,000-00 C4 Erosion Control 3,000.0{3 - - - - 0% 3,000.010 C5 Traffic Control 25,000.00 - - - - 0% 25,000-00 C6 SPCC Plan 2,000.00 _ _ - - 0% 2,000.00 Original Contract Totals (Excluding Tax) $ 734,278.04 $ - $ 110,397.30 $ - $ 110,397.303 15% $ 523,8801.70 EJCDC C-620 Contractor's Application for Payment Lump Sum (c) 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers for E3CDC. All rights reserved. 1 of 2 Proaress Estimate - Unit Price Work Contractor's Application for Payment Owner: Engineer: Contractor: Project: Contract: City o, Soap Lake Gray & Osborne, Inc. >>Halme Construction, Inc. 'Vater and Seaver (Phase Ill) Improvements Water and Sewer (Phase 311) Improvements Owner's Project No.: 1804 Engineer's Project No.: 180145 Contractor's Project No,: Application No.: ? Application Period: From 01/26/22 to 01/30/22 Application Date: 02/36/22 Sid Item No. _. Description C6ntractinformation 'Work Completed . vlaterials curr+er:tly - Stored (1161 iin Q` tS) .:.. Work Completed and Materials red.tbi Date #H + l} ) Value of ; - item (! / 1=) a #•6) Balance to finish (P' _ i} iii ..1tefft 3uautit - Unit Price stirr,ated : Value of Bid Item Quantity #C X� ncorporated in: i the work :: :Value of'l Work:, C pleted to -D2 ite.- .=(E X G) #$) O al Contract Schedule A - A7 lControl€ed Density Fill 25 CY 200.00 5,000.00 _ _ _ 0% 5,000.00 AS Foundation Material gol CY 60.00 5,4001 0 - - - 0°lo 5,400.00 A9 Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill 1,000 CY 42.00 42,000.00 - - - 0% 42,000.00 A1Q Rock Excavation 230 CY 73.00 16,790.00 23.50 3,715.50 1 1,715.50 10% 15,074,50 Ail JPvC Sanitary Sewer Pipe and Fittings, 10-1n. Diam- Incl. 560 LF 56.00 31,360.00 - - 9,604.5: 9,604.54 33% 21,755.46 Al2 JPVC Sanitary Sewer Pipe and Fittings, 3 -In. Diann, Incl. Bedding 4,9001 LF 43.00 210,700.00 303.00 13,244.00 51,251.42 64,495.42 31% 146,204.58 A13 JPV Sanitary Server Pipe and Fittings, 6 -In: Diann, Incl. Bedding 510 LF 52.501 26,775.00 - - 3,056.60 3,055.60 11% 23,718.40 A14 Reconnect Sian Sewer 80EA 933.00 75,440.00 - - 7,695'.74 7,599.74 30010 67,340.25 A15 Manhole 48 -inch Diameter, Type 1 2.51 EA 3,635.00 90,375.00 2.00 7,230.00 31,740-00 38,970.00 43% 51,405.00 A16 ManheleAdd itionaI He€ght- 49 -Inch DianIeter, Type 1 25 LF 1150.03 3,750.00 - - - 0% 3,750.00 A17 IService Connection, 2 In_ Dian. 21 EA 1,650.00 3,300,00 - - 6111.19 610.19 180A 2,689.81 A'18 15ervice Pipe, 2 In., incl_ Bedding 1,2001 LF 8.00 9,600.00 - - 2,286.00 2,286.00 240A 7,314.00 A19 lCornmercial HMA Pavement Repair, Type 1 2,3001 SY 42.00 96,600.00 - - - 0% 96,600.00 A20 Commercial HI IA Pavement Repair, -type 2 7001 SY ?'!6.00 81,200.00 - - - 0% 81.,200.00 A21 Crushed Su Lacing lop Course Repair 850 TN 43.00 36,550.00 - - - 0% 36,550.00 A22 Cement Concrete t rat i is Curb and Gutter Repair 1013 LF 87.00 8,700.00 - - - 0% 8,700.00 A23 jCement Concrete Driveway Repair 30 SY 94.00 '2,8213.00 - - - m 2,820.00 A24 Monument Case and Cover 1 EA 652.00 652.00 - - Q% 552.40 Schedule B B6 Controlled Density Fill 1 25 CY 130 00 3,250.00 - - - 0% 3,250.00 37 !Foundation Material eG CY 53.00 3,180.00 - - - 0% 3,180.00 5S bank Run Gravel for Trench Back -fill 400 CY 37.00 34,800-00 - - - 0% 14,800.00 69 IRock Excavation 100 CY 91.00 9,10€3.00 - - - 0% 9,100.00 BIG PVC Pipe for Water Main, 8 -In. Diam., Incl. Bedding Material 3,2.00 LF 53.00 169,600.00 - - - 0% 169,600.00 811 DI Pipe for Fire Hydrant, 6 -In. Diann., Incl. Bedding Material 200 LF 86.00 ?7,200.00 - - - 00/0 17,200.00 612 Iservice Connection, 1 In. Diarn. 1.01 EA 1,446.00 14,450.00 - - - 0% 14,450,00 613 15-arvice Connection, 2 In. Diann. i EA 4,1:00.00 `4,0110,00 - - - 0% 4,000.00 814 Service Pipe, !An. Diam, Incl.. Bedding Material 320 LF 28.00 81960.00 - - - 0% 8,960.00 515 IService Pipe, 2 -In- Diam., Incl_ Bedding Material 10 LF 60.00 ,1 600.00 - - - 00/ 600.00 B17 Additional Water Main Fittings 3,00 LB 9.50 28,500.00 - _ - 0% 28,500.00 518 Atdditional Concrete Thrust Block 40 CY 270.00 10,800.00 - - - 00/010,800.00 $19 G ate Value, 4 -inch 1 EA 963.00 963.00 - - - 0% 963.00 820 JG -ate Valve, 6 -Inch 81 EA 1,200.00 9"500.001 0% 9,600.00 E,?1 Gate Valve, 3 -Inch 22 EA 1,389.00 311,555.00 - - - 0% 30,558.00 $22 :ins 'r`.ydrani Assembly. 1 YPe 3 2 EA 5,900.00 11,800.00 - _ - 0%1-1,800.00 623 Fire Hydrant Assembly, Type 2 2 EA 5,3010-00 10,600.00 - - - 0% 10,600,00 524 Connection to Existing Fire Hydrant Assembly 4 r- 2,296.04 � 9,384.00 - - - Orb 9,284.00 625 Connect to Existing Water Main 13 EA � 2,821.00 35,673.1311 - _ - 0% 35,573,00 C C-623 Contractor's Application for Payment of 3 Unit Price I -j 2GIS National Sod. --y of Professional Engineers fo.r ElCDC. All rights reserved. Progress Estimate - Unit Price Work (-nntrnrtnrss Annlirntinn fnr Pavmar';t Owner: Engineer: Contractor: Project: Contract: Cita of Soap Laky Gray & Osborne, Inc. : ?alme Construction, Inc, Water and Sewer (Phase ill) Inprove^sents Water and Sew r(Phase ill) Improvements Owner's Project Na.: Engineer's Project No.: Contractor's Project No.: 1S045 1SO45 Application No.: 1 Application Period: From 01/26/22 to 01/.30/22 Application Date: 02/16/22 A B C D E F G K i. 9 K 1. i [ I Bid item I No. Description Contract information Value.of Bid Stern unit Price (C , -x E) Item {quantity Units tliock'Comptetect Estimated- value of Work Quantity Completed to Date Materials -Currently incorporated in (6 X G) Stored {not in G) the Work Work Completed and Materials Stored to Date (H + 1) of Value of item Balance to rinish {F V 1 F) VA) W 626 Commercial HMA Pavement Repair, Type 1 2,600 SY 39.5-0 102,700.00 - - - 0%1 102,700.00 B27 Commercial HMA Pavement Repair, T ype 2 230 SY 151.00 34,730.00 - - - 00/0 34,730.00 B28 Crushed Surfacing Top Course Repair 60 TIS + �0.`li. 2,400.00- - - 0% 2,400.00 829 Cement Concrete Sidewalk Repair C-01 SY 95.00 5,700.001 0% 5,700.00 F 330 Cement Concrete Traffic Curb and Gutter Repair $ LID I LF 37.00 22,620.001 0% 22,0620.00 B31 Cement Concrete Driveway Repair 10SY x'4.00 940.00 � - - � - 0% 940.00 332 Maria vont Case and Cover,1 EA 652.30 552.013 - - j - 0% 652.00 Schedule C7 Controlled Density Fill 201 CY 1303 00 1 2,600.00 - - - 0% 2,500.00 CS Foundation Material 201 CY 53.00 1,060.00 0°10 1,050.00 C9 Bank Run Gravel for Trench Bch BaO,fill 1701 CY 42.00 3,140,00 0% 7,340.00 C13 I PVC sanitary Sewer Pipe and Fittings, 8 -In. Diam., Seddin 1,000 LF 51.50 51,500.001 - - - 01A, 51,500.00 C11 i PVC Side Sevrer Pip: and Fittings, --In- Diam., Intl. Bedding 201 LF 54.00 1,080.00 0% 1,080.00 C12 Reconnect Side Sewer 1 EA 800.03 800.00 - - - 0% 800.00 C13 Manhole, 43 in. OiaSm., Type 1 3 EA 3,L515.000 10,845.00 - - - CO3p%/ 10�,�8}45.00 C14 y, A T (Manhole Additional Height 4WO-Inch Dfarneter, Type 1 i2 LF 1,{65.00 x.9,956.00 � - - 0°� 19,956.00 Cis Commericial HMA Pavement Repair, Type 3 400 5Y 99.03 39,600.00 - - - 00/0 39,500.00 C15 Crushed Surfacing Top Course Repair 150 TN 41.00 6,150.00 - - - 0°!0 6,150.00 Original Contract Totals (Excluding Tax)] $ 1,450,913.00 $ 22,189.50 $ 106,248.49 128,437.99 9°% $ 1,322,475.01 ElCDC C-620 Contractor's .11%pplication for Payment Unit Price (c} 2L? 3 National Society of Professional Engineers for £JCi✓C, Ali rights reserved. 2 of 3 Ornarncc I=c%irr%n+= _ I Snit Dr;ri= 1AlnrL- Contractor's Aootication for Payment - - -1 --- -- - Owner: Engineer: Contractor: Project: Contract: - -- - City of Saar Late Cray & Osborne, Inc_ I-ialme Construction, Inc. Water and Sewer (Phase iii) Improvements Water and Server (Phase iii) improvements Owners Project No.: Engineer's Project No.: Contractor's Project No.: iSC=:5 iso Is Application No_: 3 Application Period: From 01/2-0/22 to 01/30/22 Application Date: 02/16/22 11 i3 C..' K L Bid Item luo, Des nptCon Contract information - ork Completed ;. lNaterials Currentl l Stored {not in G} . Work Completed and Materials Stored to )ate {N+ i} % of Valueof Item �Jj J F Balance to`�inish (F. _J) Item Quantity Units Unit Price Value of 8id iters GX E�. ; is , Fstiusated; uanti " Q tY . incorporated the Work Value of Work Com ietecl Lo Date_ P (E X. Gj .. Change C nge Orders,;:. . - d Change Order Totals $ - $ - - $ - Original Contract and Change Orders Project Totals (Excluding Tax) $ 1,450,913.00 $ 22,189.501 $ 106,248.49 $ 128,437.99 9°% $ 1,322,475.01 €jr'.DC C-62.3 Col �tractOr -s Application for Payment Q; - - t 1 Society �f t - reserved. 3 OT 3 Unit Price (c) 201-13 Nationals Soci. z� of Professional Engineers for EJC�J:.. All r(ahl5 res_rV .0 CONSUL"nNG ENGINEERS FebrLiary 24, 2022 Mr. Nic Tijerina • City Administrator City of Soap Lake P.O. Box 1270 Soap Lake, Washington 98851 SUBJECT.- PROGRESS ESTIMATE, 2,, WATER AND SEWER (PHASE 111) IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF SOAP LAKE, GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON G&IO #18045 Dear Mr. Tijerina: We have enclosed Progress Estimate 2 for this project. Please make two copies of the progress,estimate* one copy is for the City files and the other - I . er copy should be forwarded to the contractor with the paym-ent. The amOUnt due the contractor and the retainage amOUnt to - be held by USDA Rural Development are as follows: Total Amount Retain -rage Earned, to Date Payment to Contractor fHeld by USDA RD to Date (Including Ta $26.5,453.55 $2898716.87 $526,79�.64 For funding reimbursement purposes: $240,.,317.13 oft amount due is as gmlie-, Schedule A, $18,810.26 of the amount due asso is iated with Schedule B, I C. A, aif the amount due is associated with Schedule C. 44, Please call me if a have any questions or concerns regardinthis matter. Sincerely, GRAY & OSBORNE, INC. Division Street Sewer (FOR) Jamin Ankney, P.E. JA/cah Encl. By email cc: Mr. Richard Rose, COMMUnity Programs Specialist, USDA Rural Development 180 Iron Horse Court Yakima, Washington 98801 (509) 453-4833 Contractor's Ar)Dlication for Pavment Owner: -City of Soap Lake Owner's Project No.: 18045 Engineer. Gray & Osborne, Inc. Engineer's Project No,: M .18045 Contractor: Hahne Construction, Inc. Contractor's Project No.. 1150 Project: Water and Sewer (Phase 111) Improvements Contract: Water and Sewer (Pliase.111) Improvements Application No.: 2 Application Date: 2/24/2022 Application Period: From 1/31/2022 to 2/18/2022 1. Original Contract Price (Including Tax) $ 21364,376,66 2. Net change by Change Orders (including Tax) $ - 3. Current Contract Price (Line 1 + Line 2) (Including Tax) $ 21364,376,66 4. Total Work completed and materials stored to date (Excluding Tax) (SLIM Of COIL(111111 G Lump Sum Total and Column J Unit Price Total) 493,248,88 5. Tax a. 8.2 % X $ 408,960.50 Work Completed 33,534.76 6. Retainage C 5% X $ 408,960.50 Work Completed (Excluding Tax) $ 20,448-03 b. 10% X, $ 84,288.38 Stored Materials $ 8,428,84 c. Total Retainag'e (Line 6.a + Line' 6,b) $ 28,876-87 7. Amount eligible to date (Line 4 + Line 5.a. - Line G.c.) (Including Tax) $ 497,906.77 8. Less previous payments (Line 7 from prior application) (Including Tax) 232,453.22 9. Amount due this application (111CILlding Tax) $ 265,453-55 10, Balance to finish, including retainage (Line 3 -(Line 4+Line 5.a.) (Incl. Tax) $ 1.,837,593.02 Contractor's Certification The undersigned Contractors certifies, to the best of its knowledge, the following.: (1) All previous progress payments received from, Owner on account of Work done under the Contract have been applied on accoLint to discharge Contractor's legitimate obligations incurred in connection with the Work covered by prior Applications for Payment; (2) Title to all Work, materials and equipment incorporated in said Work, or otherwise listed in or covered by this Application for Payment, will pass to Owner at Urne of payment free and clear of all liens, S*Wlrity interests., and encs. mbrances (except such as are covered by a bond acceptable to Owner indemnifying Owner against any SLIch liens, security interest, or encumbrances), and (3) All the Work covered by this Application for Payment is in accordance with the Contract Documents and is not defective. Contractor: Flalme Constru n, Inc. - -- ------- Signature: tate: 2/24/22 Recommend Iby Engineer` Approved by Owner (For Jamin Ankney) By: L, B y: Title-, Project Engineer Title: A 0 tate February 24, 2022 Date: zrz Approved by Funding Agency By: By: Title: Title. - Date: Date: HCDC C-620 Contractor's Application for Payment (c) 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers for EJCDC. All rights reserved. Progress Estimate —Lump Sum Work Contractor*s Application for Payment -Owner: Engineer: Contractor: Project: Contract* City of Soap Lake tray & Osborne, Inc. I-Ifalme Construction, Inc, Water and Sewer (Phase ill) improvements Water and Sewer (Phase811)Improvements Owner's Project No.: Engineer's Project No.: Contractor's Project No.: 18045 19045 Application No.: 2 Application Period.- From 01/3-1/221 to 02/1-8/22 Application Date-. 02/24/22 A' -7 7777, 1 .. ... ,:. u�7 D k. It em No. 7. M!S&i ption,%- 2 jj S;t Sc D4t Fedift Si E �'X �� :i�.' PrIC4 -.0- M Vdtdfia C tly, 13M OW .6*10 M -d' ewd" !, '. --% f - atwnecto-f1hish (C Gy'. Schedule A 7. AI Mobilization and Demobilization 126, 100-00 44,135,001 18,915.00, 1 63,050.00 50% 63,050.00 A2 Trench Excavation Safety Systems 3,600.00 180.001 1,188.001,368.00 38% 2,232.00 A3 Icrosion control 70,000.00 1, ox m 6,600.00 7,600.00 38% 12,400.00 A3 Traffic Control 80,000.00 4,000,001 26,400l00 30,400.00 38% 49,600.00 A5 SPCC ptar, 2,500-00 2,250.00 50% 11250-00 A, Nlaintaining Sewage Flow 60,000.00 3,000,001 19,800:00 22,800.00 389' 37,200,00 pp Schedule 8 7 -4 BI Mobilization and Demobilization 12x,5x3.€30 421529.55 13,222'.'00 60,756.55 50% 60,756.45 B 2 Trench Excavation Safety Systems 5,000.00 -- OVS S,000,00 Erosion Control 2,000m 0% 2,000l00 B Traffic ronuol 010600 45- 0% 45,000.00 35 SPCC Plan 2,000-001 0% 2,000.00 B1.: Water NAlain Fittings 42,000.00 0% 42,000.00 33 Ktrical, Telemetry, and Instrumentation 0% 114,200.00 B34 HVAC Modifications 23,500.00T 0% 23,500.00 Schedule C • CI IMobilization and Demobilization 40f86.5400 14,302.7.51 6,130-00 20,432JS 50% 20,432.25 C2 Minor C1,-10,0100.00'-00 10,000-00 C3 Trench Excavation Safety Systems 6,000�6,000,0x0 _ s0% 6,000.00 F- C4 Erosior Controf 3,000.00 0% 3,000.00 CS [Traffic Control 75,00=0 0% 25,000.00 CG SPCC Plan 2,000.00 01'0 2,000.00 Original Contract Totals (Excluding Tax)l $ 734,,278.00 $ 110,397.30 97,260-00 207,657.30 28%1 $ 526,620.70 EJCDC '-620 Conrractor's App.11cation for Payment r : Of 2 u -.I P 5 Urn (c) 2018National Scciety o Professional lonal Engineers for EICDC. All ri,-�hts reserved, t 0 Progress Estimate - Lump Sum Work Contractor's Application for Payment Owner: City of Soap Lake - Owner's Project NO.: 1-8045 Engineer: Gray & Osborne, Inc. Engineer's Project No.: 18045 Contractor: Halme Construction, Inc. Contractor's Project No.: Project: Water and Sewer (Phase I 1 1) Improvements ,Contract: WaTer and Sever tPhasie „[j Imp ,, 0 V i'- M e- n It S Application No.: 2 Application Period: From 0.1131/22 to 02/18122 Application We: 02/24/22 A B ----------- ... - - ---- G J: Item No. Description . ... 0 1W etedt.--t-' mot -..,,I-W6tk Cbmotk4d F urffrenfl 'Mat Y1 Stor or bred, r-ftev"tous", .6d(not.1n, W St' to�Mt6,.:.. App•Ication "This,F6riod E).-'. Sche ed iVil Y6 6f Schedu led -F is Wince to Ih h (C 'Change Orders Change Order Totals $ $ 1$ Original -Contract and -Change'Ordem.' Project TotaJSJExcJudingTax} J 134,2MOU I � 110,651.6U J,Zi !f/,Zbu.uu I I bzk7,bzu,Iu EjCDC C-620 Cont raCT or's Application for Payrne-,11% 2 of2 Lt., rnp Sure (0 201-8, NatJonal Sodely of E'CDC, A I rights reserved, Progress Estimate -'Unit. Price Work Contractor's Application for Payment City of Soap Lak,.. Owiler's Project No.: iEn-ineerGray & Osbc-me, Engineer's ProjectlNo.: lContractor- Hahne Cons-mic-zion,Inc, Contractor's Project No.: Water and Sewer (Phase 111' Improxrements. lContract: "Iat!�r and Sewer_%'Pha5t 111) Improveme-nts. lApplication No.:. Application Period: From 0113i/22 to -02/2s/22 Application Date: D21241zi_ I A Controfled c-jens;ty cii'l C -.0 7-7. Q 3,250M 1 0% K J 27 aid item Desaiption Contract t". W6rk Coinpuaid'y�, 0% Matou it V 417 Ss item atiijiky f VAD. unit)M& (EXTE -FW te Inco _4 'ScheduleA :Oul Cy 91,00 ,",7 con*rcfled De.-Slzy Fi'll 25�1 CY 5.0c.0.00 Mi 5,000.001, i n Ma- P-Oundan"Or , Z,�riaf I I 7,885.201 i 16% 901 ;:y '60.0�q 5,400.001 -1 (2,485.20)1 AM 9 i Bank :,Iun Gravel forTresBack-ftil 1 Cy 42.0D 42,000.001 -44.101 10,252-20 1 10,2,52.201 24% 31,747.80 Al_� Roclk Excava"iOn 23 icy 73.00 16,790.00 4118.501 7,190501 7A90.50 431% 0% AII PVC Sa nita ry Sewer Pipe a ad zlttings,110-In. ED i a m., I ncl. S.Oul 31,860.001 - 15,040,1100 15,049.18 48%, 16,al0.82 ADZ I PVC _Sa'-4ftary Sewer Pipe andi: 1-tings, S -4n. €a: €., Inc.. 5,edding 7 '! 717.35 191j476,05 1 8� -, 4,9001 LF 210,700.00 1,674tIO 123,150.15 58% 37,549,85 A,13 and.Fittings, 6-1n.oiarn, lncf. 'Bedding 26,775.00 -1.60,501 8,426.251 3,5016+55 11,937-80 450 14,842,20 A 14 1 11econ.necz Side Sewer 80 EA 9 35.00 75,040.00 31-00.1 29,078.001 5.,205.53 1 37,283.381 so% 37,756.62 A2 W.anhole &S -Inch Diameter, Type 1 22,791.00 5.00 1 69,786.00 90,375.00 '_3.co 46,955X0 '77% 20.58910 ivlanho!e Addalonal HeIght 's -finch Diarneter.,ryne I .251.SA "_F -50.r-,.m 3,750.00 - 0% 8,-750.00 AI7 Seennce Connection, I in. Diarn. 21 E A i,rssc.00 3,300.00 776.11 7 776.17 24% 2,SZ3.83 i I rVce P, e, incl. 5edculg I se - 1 ,2001 LF s. 0,1 9,600.00 2,236.00 2,286.00 24% 7,314,001 AIS HVIA Pavement Repair, T Ype I 2.3Col sy 42-00 1 96,600.001 0% tAddizion-all LI-Oncre-le Thrust, B`Ock A 20tC C -, r., n e rc I a 1 H I V A P a v e r n e n t Repair; TV p e 4' 7001 sy 116-ruo 1 21,200.001 0% 81,200.001 ---------- 1 A2: ;Cruw'ed Surfabing Top 'Course Repa�,,' , ;) -r%43.036,550.00 MA 36,550zo Curb and Gut -Ter Repair 1-001 LF 8-$= 1 9700.00 0%, 8,700.00 Ate. -_ �Cemerl!, con'reze DrIveway'Repalf Z , . 9A 2 1,00 1 820.00 0. 2,820.00 - - A-4 Z'Wornurnert- Case and Cover Z I I EA 9,600.00 6521.00 Bs Controfled c-jens;ty cii'l 251 CY 13 0. J 3,250M 1 0% 3,250,OD 27 i F",ndat;on MaIerfal Got CY SM.00 0% 3,180.00 ---a n kiqun Gravel for TrenCh Backfill 4001 C:Y 37,031 24,800.001 It 0% 14,800.00 Bg ,,Rock f_:XCzV2tIo.q :Oul Cy 91,00 9,100.00 i 1 PvC Pipelfor vvxzer Main, Z -in. Diarri., Incl.. Bedding wiazei,iaf 1311,2001 I= 53.€0 169,60o.00 0% lw.0,600.00 1, D! Pip- for FweH,�dram. &,,n, Diam- IncL Seeding Material 2001 LF S&O -D V.200.00 0% !7,2 00.00 11 !Servie '"onnection, I In. ::I di", 10 11 Ez A 24,460.00 0% 14,460.00 2*3 !Service -Connecvon, 2 In. Ciam. .11.1 EA =000 tiq 4,000-00 0% 4,000.00 3.201 LF 'S. 0 0 8,960zo QOA S'.960.00 I ice Pipe, 2 -tin 101 LF 60.01-1 600.00 00% 600,00 ol %AIater rMain F"ruings &Jna 3.0001 L3 1 -9-50 28,500.00 OIAI 28.50040 tAddizion-all LI-Oncre-le Thrust, B`Ock 401 CY 270.00 i0,800.00 10,800,00 Valve, 4 -Inch I I EA 962.0-0 963.00 /%Yi' 0 4C-2te Valve, 6 -Inch BI A 9,600.00 0%: 9,600.00 JC-zae Valve, S-Irch. 30,558.001 0% 30,558M B 1 I;irt Hydrant 'ssernbiv, Type EA 5,900.00 .0 21,800 01 0%1 11,800.00 '3 Firn� Hyd rant Assem.61-1, Type -1 21 E., A 5,�00,00 2.0,60u)o 1 0% 10,600.00 a IC-Onnection to Exiving Fire HVdrant Assembiy 7_ EA P'% 2,296,00 9,184. 00 I 9,184.01 - 36,673.00 Of 3 (C) 201-S Nallona I socier. 0,4' Pro -e ss ioria I Engmeerss for EJ S.D�..i AifrigiaieA Progress Estimate - Unit Price Work Contractor's Application for Payment J•Owner: City of ScapLake Owner's Project No.: so's lEngineer; Gray & csborn'e. , re 2,600.00 1600100 Engineer's Project No.: 5 !Contractor: Ha4me Cont truc-.10n, Inc. 11060.00 00/4 1,060.00 Contractor's Project No.: Cy ly Project: VVa*er and Sevier (Phase -t.il tm.prove 'Ments 0% 7,140100 F— ePer.,' n dF un gsSIJ ddin PVC5anjtary S - a Fitt ,_Va-i.,g 5-0 5 lContract: VVa-zerand Sewer (Phase t1l) improvements 51,500.00 C PVC, 1.13.de Sewer Pine and Fit-ngs: ^.1n. -Di arn- Incl. Seddin_- 5 �0_-) 4 1,080.00 ]Application No.- Application Period: From 0 to 4VI-12Z. . _t I E A Application DaM. 0 2 /.r. A $00.00 C !Manhcie, 43 in, Diam -ype 1 I 1 I 3�615= 10,845M V 10S45.00 -Contract iaio VC 956,001 00A 19,956.00 1 4r com"nermal HIVIA Pavement RA-Dair, Tape 3 4,00 SY WQi*,C0MR,1dtgd %of ed gF:F 7 0'.1 Co u -'s, e Re P a i r 7 -Est ma ted Wbtk e, CA d AAAWifaft, Val� f 6,150.00 e I Itti 'b`f B'idncA 06�ns I Date malt, s urren y t -6, T� _:tpl rediobiii�B�UIsh to fa IF Bid Item Original Contract Totals (Excluding nit Price .0 n" Orate, d hi Stored tin 611, !e' 10 No. Description Item cluane" un'its lCcrnrrtercial �41.*V' ;A Pavement 2,6 0.0 SY �,D 0 102,700.00 0% 102,700.00 327 tCornrnerciaj IHIMA Paveniera, Repa,r, Type 27 1 -30151'. 151_0�), 34,730.00 0% 34,730.001 --s !CrushedS-Wfacing. TopCourseRzap at, 601 TINt. 40t 00. 2,400.00 0% 2,400.00 B- 9 iCeinenz Concre-le Side-vvBI'K Repa�- 601 sv 95,00 700.00 0% 5,700.00 �,,Cernenz an Conru��re Traf --c Curth d ,::utter Repair -1601 Z S"fl-00 1 22,620M 0%22,620.00 -31 :Cement Concrete L, nVeway Repa! r lai SY 94040 CPA 5 �D -z row- urnent case and over --A 00 652,001 6.52.00 1 0% ISchedule C -7 Density Fill t W11 C -Y 3 -00 2,600.00 1600100 [Founda—tior iMa-.erial y CY 53,40 C-0 11060.00 00/4 1,060.00 Bank Run Gravel for Trench SacKfill Cy ly 42'00 '7,140.00 0% 7,140100 F— ePer.,' n dF un gsSIJ ddin PVC5anjtary S - a Fitt ,_Va-i.,g 5-0 5 5c 1,500.00 0% 51,500.00 C PVC, 1.13.de Sewer Pine and Fit-ngs: ^.1n. -Di arn- Incl. Seddin_- 5 �0_-) 4 1,080.00 O y Reconnect Side Sewi?t,gg . _t I E A 5. 0 0, o o 800.00 OX $00.00 !Manhcie, 43 in, Diam -ype 1 I 1 I 3�615= 10,845M OOA 10S45.00 'di, 11VIanholo.Ad .onal Heigfhr ISMInclh D.ime*ey'l Type 1 956,001 00A 19,956.00 1 4r com"nermal HIVIA Pavement RA-Dair, Tape 3 4,00 SY 39,600-00f ed gF:F 7 0'.1 Co u -'s, e Re P a i r 0%1 6,150.00 Original Contract Totals (Excluding Tax) 1,450,913-00 S 201,303.20 $ 94,28838 285,591.58 1 2MI.1 5 1,165,321.42 EIC C r- '%i` n pplicat-on for PaVmen* ,O,Cot zractor% of 3 Jr (C", 21" a Nat"O."a I Society of Prof-�srsional ne ers for -=j:--DC- AR r11C,1rhzr reservl. e" Progress Estimate - Unit Prue Mork Contractor's Application Ifor Payment OWf)er S Project No.:. .S. j 'Engineer: Gray & Osborne. +^t.� } _ Iingixseer s Project No.- z��� � t :Contractor: Faline Const-uctlon, Inc. Contractor's Project too.` ' Project-. Wazer and Sewer Phase tit) IMPrOyAerx;en s Contract: Wazer and Sewer (Phzse 111) Improvements � !Application No.. Application Period= from Oi/3./22 to 0-71-13122 Application Date: � � ` 1/24/21 � # A 8:+ j k Bid Itearrs iC1rA ..: l� Contract Inf6rniat'son = ' ' 'i t rk Meted e .Sio�ed ri6t��n G - `Work, aid l�tia�e��:� 'Stor'.tQDate H +`i n cf de t�f ;'item 3 Balanc+etsinlsa 1=. -�1 d ... ... • Item Lran � trty t ... -' ':'+.. _. $iiEf:S.; t it, : P.'i. la J. j Brrt Valtti� df Ite 7'.. CX� �`sti eco '^t � Ciiva n y� � ar'ated t� ��lain+e of w�t�rk Wet E X G s arag orders TI + 3 t E > F f « e i Change Order Totals T $ i t : 'Original }Contract and Chthge orders Project Totals (Excluding Tax) I S 1,4S0,913.00 $ 201,303.20 $ 84,288.38 $ 285,591.58 2t� 3.155,32 F 2 =.r,C4 C_6 ii ti=" ,r i 's a p�;iCa:ti ^ for Payr e a rrt a :. .. -� r;a•'C r�r:: + ' �, sea i�3i1�i G t £ + '�fA%?5.5;a?+ 1 }r??Gt5 kCe . ! �.' C. Al a I�,11+'� , es;,rvewd, � !3I MMdpAtM 17ft����+y�.� yyµ� ����rt � yam. �ri��rrv����, CONSULTING ENGINEERS April I3 2022 Mr. Nic Tijerina City Admim*strator City of Soap Lake P.O. Box 1270 Soap Lake, Washington 98851 SUBJECT.- PROGRESS ESTIMATE 3, WATER AND SEWER (PHASE 111) IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF SOAP LAKE, GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON G&O #18045 Dear Mr. Tl'j*en*na: We have enclosed Progress Estimate 3 for this project. Please make two copies of the progress estimate; one copy is for the City files and the other copy' should ho-uld be foi- varded to the contractor with the payment. The amount due the contractor and the retainage amount to be held by USDA Rural Development are as follows: Total Amount Retainage Ea.med to Date C Payment to ontractor ffleld,by IJSD I A. RD to D?tLex (Including T,a $413J'73.54 $44,385.94 $911,680.31 For funding agency reimbursement purposes: $377,215.96ofthe amount due l's assn.: Schedule A., $18,710.16 of the amount due is associated with Schedule B, and, 7L4 7 f the amount due is associated with Schedule Please call meir%y. have any questions or concerns regardingr this matter. Sincerely,Division Street Sewer GRAY & OSBORNE, INC. sa"L�a A Jamin Ankney, P.E. ------- --- ------ ------ ........ ------------ --- Amt this period 'Tax RetainageTot a ------------ ---- ......... -------------- - - - ------------------ --------------- ------------------- - - -------- JA/cah ------------ $435,695.96 ------------- ----,—,$21-,'784.80 $377,215.96 ------------ ----------- --------------------- --- --- ---------- ...... --------------------- ------- $18,130.00 $1,486.66 $906.50 .16 Sched $17,294.00 11 Encl.$864.70 $1�,g nged to 0.42 for' By einall ec.. Mr. Richard Rose Community Programs Specialist, USDA Rural Development 180 Iron Horse Court Yakima, Washington 98801 (509) 453-4833 Contractor's Application for Payment Owner: City of Soap Lake Owner's Project No.: 18045 Engineer: Gray & Osborne, Inc. Engineer's Project No.: 18045 Contractor: Flalme Construction, Inc. Contractor's Project No.: Project: Water and Sewer (Phase 111) Improvements Contract: Water and Sewer (Phase III) Improvements Application No.: 3 Application Date: 3/31/2022 .Application Period: From 2/20/2022 to 3/26/202.2 1. Original Contract Price (InClUding Tax) 213641376.66 2. Net change by Change Orders (Including Tax) 3, Current Contract Price (Line 1 + Line 2) (Including Tax) $ 21364,376.66 4. Total Work completed and materials stored to date (Excluding Tax) (SLIM Of COILIrnn G Lump Sum Total and Column J Unit Price Total) 888,899.65 S. Tax a. 8.2% X $ 880,.080.46 Work Completed 72,166.60 C. Retainage a. 5% X $ 880,080,46 Work Completed (Excluding Tax) $ 44,004.02 b, 10% X 3,819.19 Stored Katerials $ 381.92 c. Total Retainage (Line 6.a + Line 6,b) $ 44;385.94 7, Amount eligible to date (Line 4 + Line 5.a. - Line 6,0 (including Tax) $ 91lo680.31 & Less previous payments (Line 7 from prior application) (Including Tax) $ 497;906.77 9. Arnount due this application (Including Tax) $ 4131773.54 10. Balance to finish,, including retainage (Line 3 -(Line 4+Line 5.a,) (Incl, Tax) $ 114081310,41 Contractor's Certification The undersigned Contractor certifies., to the best of its knowledge, the following: (1) All previOLIS progress payments received from Owner on, UCOUnt of Work done under the Conti -act have been applied on account to discharge Contractor's legitimate obligations. incurred in connection with the Work covered by prfor Applications For Payment, (2) Title, to all Work, materials and equ - ipment incorporated in said Work, or otherwise listed in or covered by this Application for Payment, will pass to Owner at time of payment free and clear ofall Bens, SeCLirity interests, and enWmbrances (except such as are covered by a bond acceptable to Owner indemnifying Owneriagainst any such liens, SCICUrity interest, or encumbrances); and (3) All the Work cover by this Application for Payment is in accordance with the Contract Docti.ments and is not defective. Contractor: Signature: Vol Date: �� � '� Recomrnend. by Engineer Approved by Owner -epol Title: Project Engineer Title: X0(4 tate e: April6,2022 Date: .70 q If Approved by FLInding Agency By: By: Title: Title, Date: Date: EJCDC C-620 Contt-actor's Application for Payment H 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers for HCDC. All rights resc.,rved. Prn;7rPc4-, Frztirnntp - Ltirnn -';Lim Work Contractor's Annlication for Pavment Owner-., City of Soap Lake 121,513.00 60,756.55 60,756 -SS 50% 60,756.451 B2 Owner's Projett No.: 5=0.00 - 18045 Engineer: Gray & Osborne, Inc. Erosion Cmntrol 2,000.00 09'5 2,000.00 Engineers Project No,: Traffic Control 18045 Contractor* Construction,inc. 4,800.00 15PCC Plan 2,000M —o%ol Contractor"s Project No.-. SIQ Project: -Halme !eater and Sever (Phase 111) Improvements 0%1 42,000-00 833 Efectdcal,Ielemetry, and. Instrumentation 114,200.00 17,130-00 17,130.00 15,Y01 97,070.00 Contract: Water and Sewer (Phase 111) 1 mprovem ents 23,500-00 1,000,00 1.000.00 4% 22,500.00 220'101,600.00 Application No.: 3 Application Peeto&- Frorn 02/20/22 to 03/26/2.2- 06ginal Contract Totals (Excluding Tax) l S Application Date-. 03/311/22 A B C D I F H Z. WorkCDmPtetedi� Work C-OMPIOed (D+ El RoM ate Cuirftil ty �--a n d, M�teiflaft WeviousA Stored (hot 1h D St6re&to IDate .%,of Scheduled Baiance to Finish (C Apoffcbtloit� Terib& E), -(O+E+F) Value (G C) Item No. Description Scheduted Value Origin at Coiftract Schedule A AIII Mobilizat'lon and Demobilization 125, 100-00 63,050.00 31,525.001 94,575.00 75% 31,525.00 A2 Trench ExcavatJon Safety Systems 3,600.00. 1,368-001 2.1,2232-001 3,600.00 100% - A3 Erosion Contro1 20,000.00 7,600,001 -210,400.001 18#000.00 90% 21000.00 A3 Traci is Control, 80,00-3.00 30#400M 33,600,001 64,000.00 80% 16,000.00 A5 SPC -C Plan 2, -500.00 11,2550.001 ,000.00 2,250.00 9 0% 250.001 A Aain W tMtino Sewage Now ain1 0- 60,000.00 22,800.001 37,200.001 60,000.00 1001yo CI IMobilization and DemobIlIzation 121,513.00 60,756.55 60,756 -SS 50% 60,756.451 B2 Trench Excavation Safety Systems 5=0.00 - 0% 5,000.00 83 Erosion Cmntrol 2,000.00 09'5 2,000.00 B4 Traffic Control 45,000.000%1 f 1,200.00 45,000.00 4,800.00 15PCC Plan 2,000M —o%ol 2,000M SIQ Mite Main Fittings 4-2,000.00 0%1 42,000-00 833 Efectdcal,Ielemetry, and. Instrumentation 114,200.00 17,130-00 17,130.00 15,Y01 97,070.00 834 HVAC Modifications 23,500-00 1,000,00 1.000.00 4% 22,500.00 220'101,600.00 CI Mobilization and Dernoblfization 40,865-00 20,432.75 20,432.75 SO% 20,432.25 C2 Minor Chances 10,000.00 0% 10,000.00 C3 Trench Excavation Safety Systems 6,000700 1,200.00 f 1,200.00 20% 4,800.00 C4 trosion Control 3,000.001 600.001 600.00 20% 2,400.00 G Traffic Control 25,0000>00 5,=0.001 5,000400 20% 20,000.00 C6 SPCC Plan 2,000.00 4000,00 400-00 220'101,600.00 06ginal Contract Totals (Excluding Tax) l S 34,278.00 207,657.30 141,287.00 348,944.30 48%1, $ 385,333.70 EJCDC C-620 Conti actors Appfic-ation for PaVme.nr of 2 Ulimpsurn (c) 2018 Nrationat Society ofProfessionaf ErIgineers",for t-JCDr,. All rights reserved. Progress Estimate - Lump Sum Work Owner: City of Soap Lake Engineer: MY & Osborne, Inc, Contractor: rialme Const -ruction, Inc. Project: Water and Sewer (Phase [it) Improverm-rents Contract: Water and Se%ver (Phase III) Improvements. Application No.: Application Period: From .02/20/22 to 03/2n -!?7 Contractor's Application for Payment Owner's Project No.; 1804 5 Engineer's Project No.: 1.8045 Contractor's Project No,-. 11rir1ral��f even rlftt.&. nl /!,1 11111 A D E f G ftem No. Description Scheduled Value (PI, Work Completed' Materials Currently .Mored (not in D or Work Completed and Materials -Stored to Date (D+E+f) 9e. of Scheduled value (G Q C YO) Balance to Finish (C (D + E) From -.-Previous Application This Period Change Orders Change OrderTotals $ y, $ $ - Original Contract and Change Orders Project Totals (Excluding Tax) J 734,278.00 J $ 207,657.30 1 $ 141,287.00 $ 348,944.30 48%,61 $ 385,333.70 Ulm- Sum EJCDC C-.6240 Contrartars Applicado.1110- Payment (Icl 20IS NaTional Society of Profess'*nal Engrg eet*s for EJCDC. All rights resepved, 2 of') Progress Estimate - Unit Price Work Contractor's Application for Payment owner: Ozy or, Soap Lake Owner's ParojeCt NO..' 18-C,45 Engineer; C -ray & Osborne, Inc, Engineer's Project No.: lContractor-, Ha',rre Construction, Inc. Contractor's Pro-ect No.. Project: Water and samwer, 111) Impro%Wments Contract: Wa-zerand SeWer (!-h ase M) improveme'n"'s ;Application No.: ZApplication. Period: From -- to sat! — Application Date. 0313 -'/:A,;. A Cont.ratted Denssty Fill is! Cy 0. 0 -a F G L H S7 Foundatton Mazzenai 0 'r -Y L Bid Ite No. Descrpt;oq Contract Information 33 Work Completed Ma Currently SW i -ed (not in 6) Work Completed Ana Materials, Stored to Date .-(H+i) M % of Value of item ..,(Jl F)' M Salance to Finish (F item quan tilts Unit pace Vilue: �U SM item: It X.L M �'i�ubq-ntt 1n&!Voiited i tbe-Work completed to DatL- 0%c! original Co ntiacf', 3,2001 LF 1 :,69,600.0 iScheduleA 2001 LF 17,200.0 17,2=00 sin ServiCe Con,nection-2 In. Diarn. 1-01 EA L44,1-010 I 14,46040 A7 ---1 lCon-relle-al DO.-Mi-DIFE1. -S4 CY iservice Connection, 2 in Dian% a 11 EA 4,000,001 4,000.00 ODA 4,00C1.00 P_1.4 AS oundation, *,oazertal 9-01 CY - - --- -, so,co 1 5,400.001 M. 3.15 jService Pipe. 2-,r:. Daaezm_ Incl. Bedding Mawlaf 7,885.20 146% (2,485,20) 0% Bank R, u n C- r a 1., e I fio r T., e r c;, i -,Ac kfft a it 1,00,01 CY i 42 42,000.001 1 0,3- 1 46 4 3 27,276.06 9.5Z 0 i 27,276.061 651 -14,723.94 i Al0 L— - lRock Excavation a CY 73.001 16,790.00 42 1 "' 6,S4 16,559.321 10,800.00 16,559,321 99% 230.68 A--!'-' 1 PVC Sanitany 10-1n. Diam, Ind. 5601 LF 56-m 31,360.00 52i.00 25,176.00 8-3 1 E A 29,176.001 9.S% 2,184.130 Al2 'PV' Sanjtar,� Sewer Pipe andFittings, 9-1n. Diarn, tndl. Seddir 4,C-001 LF 4.3aco 2!0,700.00 4. -0, 41 8 33 5 190,419.0.5.1 30,558,00 1 190,419.051 90% 20,280.951 A-_13 Flv,- Sar. itary sewer Pipe and cittmgs, 6-1n. Diam, Ind. Bedding 5150 .26,775.001 408,010 21,420.001 I F're-HOrant S5emb11v,,1'vPe -1 21,420.001 80% 5,355.00 4,14 Recceirlec: skle $ewer I'll -01 EA I .. - 1 75,040,001 74.00 613,412.00 36.6.73,001 69,412-5701 93% 51628.00 Al, 5 Manhole 48--, nch Diameter„ Type 1 251 EA Z-�,Z--,540 I S0,375.001 25-00 90,375.001 1,939.001 92,314.001 :102% (1,939.00) AIG 11"Vianhole Additional Height 4S -Inch Diarne-zer, '147ype 2 251, L -r I-so.001 3,75150.00 - - 0% 3750.00 A--, 7 iService Connection, 2 In. Diarm 1`1 1,850,001 3,300.00 - 61 .:La -0 9 18% 2,06M81 A:S JSentice Pipe, Z in., Intl, Bedding 1,2001, Lac 3.00 I SIZ00,00 353,00 3,i 1,270.0-01 4,454.00 46%. 5,146.001 Ic", mercia 1 RIMA Paver nen: Repair, Type 1 -Z 0 S Y 42-,O�C, 96,60000 575,00 24,150.00 24,150.00, 25% 72,450,00 A2n, IComrnercial 4MA Pavernent Repair, Type 2 1 7001 SY 1 610 i $1,200.00 75.00 20,300.001 20,300iGO I 25-A 60,900,00 A ;Crushed Su, acing Top Course Repair 3501 TN 43-R.001 36,550.00 485.7-1 20,885.531 20,885.53 570A 15, 0664.4 7 A --Cerner,, Concrete Traffic 'Curb a nd -Guaterlqepail- 1001 L- 01A, 8,700.00 a i A23 1, Cernent Concrete Driveway Repair 301 SY 2,820.00 0% 2,820.00 -a A ;:sr onvrrienz Case anc! Coverer A- 11 EA l 652.0v 0 652.00 652.004 PICDC A"4620 Contt'3 c, t'.s A plication for Payrnamt tieersfor EICDC. Alfrights 4, sended� 20, aN avonal Sociezy'o-, Prof i EP Cont.ratted Denssty Fill is! Cy 0. 0 -a 3,2-50.001 0% 3,250kc) S7 Foundatton Mazzenai 0 'r -Y 0% 33 t Bank Run Gavell or Trtriclh Backfil! 1 400CY i 37J,00 14,800.001 0% 14,800.00 1,30!cy S,100.001 0%c! Material VC -ipe for Water;Main, 8-1 n. Diarn. i, incl. Beddi-ng0.1 3,2001 LF 1 :,69,600.0 �Dl Pipe Or Fire Hydrant', S -Ira, Diamlncf, BeddinfgsMaterlal 2001 LF 17,200.0 17,2=00 sin ServiCe Con,nection-2 In. Diarn. 1-01 EA L44,1-010 I 14,46040 14,460,00 31�, iservice Connection, 2 in Dian% a 11 EA 4,000,001 4,000.00 ODA 4,00C1.00 P_1.4 'Servi,"e Pipa, 1-,,n. Diarn, Intl. SeddinghAsterW 32DJ LF 23,001, 81960.06 0016 8,960.00 3.15 jService Pipe. 2-,r:. Daaezm_ Incl. Bedding Mawlaf 10 1 LIF. 600-00 0% 600.00 5,;� 7 Ad d i, r; a -naf We Yater Main, Fitungs 5.,- 1 L;,t,1 0001 9.5Z 0 i 25,500.001 0*/* � 28,500.00 =-1s !Addltionaf CC7�Cre,,e ThrLiSt Block :401 CY 270,001 10,800.001 0% 1 10,800.00 9 !Gate Valve, 4 -Inch J,EA 0%1 963,00 C -z -,e valve"6-Inch 8-3 1 E A 0% 9,600.00 32i 'Gaze Valve, S-Inaclft *221 EA i Mao T 30,558.00 0*/* 30,558,00 It =2-' Fire 1: dram A ssernblkj, -Type 1 21 EA 5,90000 11,800.001 0% 1 -Ann. nn 323 I--,' I F're-HOrant S5emb11v,,1'vPe -1 7-1 EA 5,-,00.nn 10,6ouol I .. - 1 Xonnec�.ion -,-- Existung Fire Hydrant Assembly 41 � A 2."296,00 36.6.73,001 C%, 9,194,00 PICDC A"4620 Contt'3 c, t'.s A plication for Payrnamt tieersfor EICDC. Alfrights 4, sended� 20, aN avonal Sociezy'o-, Prof i EP nx�° °~amz cv�s 201 CY iso.00 2,600.00 2,600.00 Engineer* Gray & Osborne, inc, 1,060.00 09A 11060.00 Engineers Project No.: 0, T. 5 C.: C, !PVC Sanitanj Sewer Pipe and, Fiuings, S -,'n. E)iam, Bealding LP Contractor's Pro ect No.-. 51,500.001 T96,001 10,094.001 1 10i094.00 20% ovemenz C -T 1 !PVC Side Sewer Pipe and Firtings, 6-11n. Diarn, Ind. Be 5400 1,08040 !Application No.: Application Period- From -I- Application Date- 0:. Work Completed % of Original Contract Totzls (Excluding Tax) $ 1,450,913.00 Estimated Value of Work and Materials Value of Value of Rid item Quantity Completed to Date Materials Currently Stored to Date Item Balance, to Finish (F: Bid item Unit Price (CX E) Incorporated in JEx G) Stored (not in 6) (H+I) (J F) - J) No. Description Item Quanfity I Units the Work Bze Gornme-&-cial HINIA Pavement Repair, Type 1 2,60-01 sr B9.50 102,700.00 102,700.00 ka 0% 2,400.22J 0% 22,620.00 101 SY 9111.00 940X0T_ 0% 940.00 JJ'Vlonurnent Case and Cover 21 EA 652.00 0% nx�° °~amz cv�s 201 CY iso.00 2,600.00 2,600.00 CY 1,060.00 09A 11060.00 C.: C, !PVC Sanitanj Sewer Pipe and, Fiuings, S -,'n. E)iam, Bealding LP 5,1 51 - 51,500.001 T96,001 10,094.001 1 10i094.00 20% 41,406.00 C -T 1 !PVC Side Sewer Pipe and Firtings, 6-11n. Diarn, Ind. Be 5400 1,08040 Original Contract Totzls (Excluding Tax) $ 1,450,913.00 531,136.167T$ 3,&M19 1 534,955.35 1 37%1 915,957.65 nx�° °~amz cv�s Owner: Engineer: Contractor: ntract. Estimate - Unit Price Work ciw of Scan 'Lake G ray & C StIc-rin e, Inc HaIrne Cons,,ruction, Inc. Waterand' Sewer (Phase 1,11) Improvements, Water and setwer (Phase 10Im provernents Contractor's Application for Payment Owner's Project No.; i lliz C 4 51 Engineer's Project No., Contractor's Project No-, lApptication No.: 3 Application Period: From to Application Date: X3%13»IZ A C E H J K aid item Description Contact Informatiort Work Completed MzMqiallsCuffently Stored Inot in G) Work Completed M and aterials . Stored to Date �(H+J) of value of Item Balance to Finish (F -J) Item Quantity Units Unit Price Value of Bid lte ICXEI. I Estimated quantity lftcosporated let the Wotlk VaWe of Work . moleted to Date'; ^(E x G) aange Orders CbangeOrderTatalsi $ 01!Kinal Contract and Chan g Orders Project Totals (Exclvding Tax) 1 $ 2,450,913.00 1 1 S 531,136.16 3,819.29 $ 534,955.35 1 37%1 $ 915,957-65 Er -DC C-50.20 Co"ItTa—CMe's App%Hca,.ior, for Payrne.n.t. f (C) 2%1 Natioal nsoc:--,-ry of Pr&-2ssianal t-agineers, for EICOC: Alt' ngh�zzs reserved. lap ... -Y 8Z: COSLOXWXXA��'f L CONSULTING ENGINEER April 28, 2022 Mr. Nic Tijerina City Administrator City of Soap Lake P.O. Box 1270 Soap Lake, Washington 98851 SUBJECT: PROGRESS ESTIMATE 4, WATER AND SEWER (PHASE III) IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF SOAP LAKE, GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON G&O #18045 Dear Mr. Tijerina: We have enclosed Progress Estimate 4 for this project. Please make two copies of the progress estimate; one copy is for the City files and the other copy should be forwarded to the contractor with the payment. The amount due the contractor and the retainage amount to be held by USDA Rural Development are as follows: Total Amount Retainage Earned to Date Payment to Contractor (Held by USDA RD to Dated (Including Taxi $400,200.11 $63,560.10 $1,311,880.42 For funding agency reimbursement purposes: $18,870.44 of the amount due is associated with Schedule A, $285,949.91 of the amount due is associated with Schedule B, and 95,379.76 lof the amount due is associated with Schedule C. Please call ine i u have any questions or concerns regarding this matter. Sincerely, Division Street Sewer 22 GRAY & OSBORNE, INC. $12,613.18 RD+ng - (FOR) Jamin Ankney, P.E. JA/cah ------ ------------------ ------- --------- ------- -..--- h dule A $21,616 00 ' $1,772.51: (3,437.27) . .1,080.80 ..............................................._ ...,._......_ ._-.-_-- ---__. 5chedule B $277,083 25 $22,720.83 ; - 13 854.16 $285,949.914 Encl. --------------_.-__..._ _._ _.............�.. $ _........... 5chedule C; $92,422.25 $7,578.62 - $4 621.11 95 379.762 _..............................................1;-'---'---'-'.'--'---_- -... -. ---------- -1-- B y email cc: Mr. Richard Rose, Community Programs Specialist, USDA Rural Development 180 Iron Horse Court Yakima, Washington 98801 (509) 453-4833 rnntrnrtnr'r. Annfiratinn for Pavimpint Owner., City of Soap Lake Owner's Project No.; 18045 Engineer: Gray & Osborne, Inc. Engineer's Project No.: 18045 Contractor: Halme Construction, Inc, Contractor's Project No.: Project. Water and Sewer (Phase 111) Improvements Contract: Water and Sewer (Phase 111) Improvements Application No.: 4 Application Date: 4/28/2022 Application Period: From 3/27/2022 to 4/23/2022 1. Original Contract Price (Including TU) $ 21364.376.66 2. Net change by Change Orders (Including Tax) $ - 3. Current Contract Price (Line 1.+. Line 2) (Including Tax) $ 21364)376.66 4, Total Work completed and materials stored to date (ExclUding Tax} (SUM Of Column G LUMP Sum Total,`alld Column J Unit Price Total) $ 11271,201.96 5. Tax a. &2% X $ 1,271,201.96 Worl(Completed $ 104;238.56 6.1 Retainage a, 5% X $ 1,271,201.96 Work Completed (Excluding Tax) 630560.10 c $ b. 10% X $ Stored Materials $ c. Total Retainage (Line 6.,a -i- Lin,F'-, 6, b.) 63,560.10 7. Amount eligible to date (Line 4 + Line 5.a... Line 6.c.) (Including Tax) $ 11311,880.42 8. Less previous payments (Line 7 from: prior rapplication) (InClUding Tax) $ 911,680.�1 9. Amount due this application (Including Tax) $ 400,200,11 10. Balance to finish, including retainage (Line 3 -(Line 4+Line* 5.a.) (Incl, Tax) $ 9880936.14 Contractor's Certification The undersigned Contractor certifies, to the best of its knowledge, the following, (1) All preVIOLIS progress payments received from Owner on account of Work done Under the Contract have been applied.on ZICCOLInt to discharge Contractor's legiltimaLe obligations incurred in connection with the Work covered by prior Applications for Payment; .(2) Title to all Work, materials and equipment inOrpor;a.Led in said Work, or otherwise listed in or- covered by this Application for Payment, will pass to Ownerz)t time of payment free and clear of all liens, seCUrity interests, and encumbrances (except Such as are covered by a bond acceptable to Owner indemnifying Owner against any such Hens, security interest, or encumbrances); and (3) All the Work covered by this Application for Payment is in accordance with the Contract Documents and is not defective. Contractor: Signature: Date: Recommended by Approved by Owner Engineer (For Jamin An By By: : Project Engineer Title: T1 tl e. Date,* April 28,2022 Date: Approved by Funding Agency By: By: Title: Title: Date: Date-, [JCDC C-620 Contractor's Application for Payment (c) 2018 National Society of Professional Engineet's for EJCDC. All rights reserved. ArnsrrPc,S Fgfim;ifiP - I limn Seim Work Contractor's Annlication for Pavment Owner: Engineer: Contractor: Project: Contract: City of Soap Lake Gray £x Osborne, Inc. Halme Construction, Inc_ Water and Sever (Phase 111) improvements Water and Sewer (Phase 111) Improvements Owner's Project No.: Engineer's Project No.: Contractor's Project No.: 18445 18045 Application No.: 4 Application Period: From 03/27/22 to 04/23122 Application Date: 04/28/22 A B C i3 _ _ EI IF_ G. Hl Item . IeSxi-on .: Schedttet ue J$) WorkCamp3eteti_- : Materialt Currently Stored {not in D or Work Completed, '`, and Materials Stored to Date -- %.of Scheduled Olatue / o balance to Finish (CAp _} E),From. Previous plication ''I'h€s Peno d _ Original -Contract.:. . Schedule A Al Mobilization and Demobilization 126,100.00 94,575.00 - - 94,575.O0 75% 31,52S.00 A2 Trench Excavation Safety Systems 3,500.00 3,500.00 - - 3,600.00 1001 - A3 Erosion Control 20,0100.00 18,000.001 - - 18,O00.00 901 2,000.00 A4 Traffic Control 80,1301}.00 6410300.00 - - 64,000.00 801 16,000.00 AS SPCC Plan 2,500.00 2,250.00 - - 2,250.00 901e 250.00 A5 Maintaining Sewage Flow 60,000.00 60,000.00 - - 5(};000.04 100% - Schedule S S1 Mobilization and Demobilization 121,513.00 50,755.55 30,378.25 - 91,134.80 75% 30,378.20 B2 Trench Excavation Safety Systerns 5,000.001 4,000.00 - 4,000.00 80% 1,000.00 B3 Erosion Control 2,000.00 - 1,600.00 - 1,€100.00 80% 400.00 B4 Traffic Control 45,03000 - 36,000.00 - 36,000.00 80% 9,000.00 BS SPCC Plan 2,000-00, - 5,600.00 - 1,600-00 801a 400.00 B14 Water Main Fittings 42,000.00 - 21,000.00 - 21,000.00 50% 21,000.00 B33 Electrical, Telemetry, and Instrumentation 114,200.00 17,130.00 27,130.00 - 34,260.00 30% 79,940.00 B34 Hk/AC Modifications 23,500.00 1,000.00 15,625.00 - 17,625.00 75% 5,875.00 Schedule C C1 Mobilization and Demobilization 40,855.00 20,432.75 14,215.25 - 30,649.O0 75% 10,216.00 C2 Minor Changes 10,000.00 - - - - flf 10,000.00 C3 Trench Excavation Safety Systems 6,000.00 1,2.00.00 4,800.00 - 6,000.00 100% - C4 Erosion Control 3,000.00 £00.030 2,100.00 - 2,700.00 90% 300.00 CS Traffic Control 25,000.00 5,000.00 15,000.00 - 20,000.00 80% 5,000.00 C6 SPCC Plan 2,000.00 400.00 1,400.00 - 1,800.00 90% 200.00 Original Contract Totals (Excluding Tax) $ 734,278.00 $ 348,944,307 $$ . 161,13449.50 $ - $ 510,793.80 70%1$ 223,484.20 E1CDC C-620 Contractor's Application for Payment Lump Sum (c) 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers for E3CDC. All rights reserved. 1 of 2 PrngrQcs FrtimntP - Lumn Sum Werk rnntrartnr'r, Annlirntinn fnr Pavrnrsnt Owner: Engineer: Contractor: Project: Contract: City of Soap Lake Gray & Osborne, Inc. Halme Construction, Inc. Water and Sewer (Phase III) Improvements Water and Sewer (Phase IEI) Improvements Owner's Project No.: Engineer's Project No.: Contractor's Projekt No.: 18045 18045 Application No.: 4 Application Period: From 03/27/22 to 04/23/22 Application Date: 04/28/22 A C D E.:: f G Hl Item No. Description Scheduled ltalue �$� . Wbrlt Cornpteted.:.. Materials Currently Stored (not in D or �$� Work Complete and Materials Stored to mate (D2 E + F �$� % of Scheduled lue / N Balance to Finish - C} �$} D -+'E) from Previous ` pplictition $� :;. TWS Reripcl: {$} Change Orders . - - Change Order Totals $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 4_. Original Contract and Change Carders Project Totals (ExcludingTax)l 734,278.E 1 $ 348,944.30 1 $ 161,849.5o Ts - $ 510,793.80 701Y $ 223,484.2E EsCDC C-624 Contractor's :application for Payment Lump Sum (c) 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers for E=.JCDC. All rights reserved. 2 of 2 Progress Estimate - Unit Price Work Contractor's Application for Payment Owner: Engineer: Contractor: Project: Contract: City of Soap Lake Gray & Osborne, Inc_ Halme Construction, Inc. Water and Sewer (Phase 111) Improvements Water and Sewer (Prase HI) Irnprovernients Owner's Project No.: Engineer's Project No.: Contractor's Project No.: 18045 18045 Application No.: 4 Application Period: From 03/27/22 to 04/23/22 Application Date: 04/23%22 A 8 C D E F. C H JiC L Bid item No. Description Contract Information Work Completed s Materials Currently Stored {notin'Gj .(H 'Work Completed' and Materials Stored to Date � 1) °6 of Value of . Item . Y I 0-3} Balance to Finish (F item Quantity �3o+iis Unit Price �$l Value of Bid item (CX E) . (�� - E mated : Quanti tj Incorporated in the Work Vaiue of Work Con oleted tv Date (EX G) Ortginai Contract. Schedule A A7 Controlled Density Fill l 25 CY 203.00 5,000.661 - - - - 0°i° 5,000,00 AS Foundation Material 90 CY 60-0{7 5,400.00 131_^2 7,885,20 - 7,885.20 146% (2,485.20) A9 Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill 1,000 CY 42.00 42,000.00 649.43 27,276.06 - 27,276.06 65% 14,723.94 A10 Rock E=xcavation 230CY 73.00 16,790.00 226.64 16,559.321 16,559.32 99% 230.58 A" I PVC Sanitary Server Pipe and Fittings, 10-1n. Diam, Incl. 560 LF 56.00 31,360.00 521.00 29,176.00 29,176.001 93% 2,184.00 Al2 PVC Sanitary Seiner Pipe and Fittings, 8 -In. Nam, Enol_ Bed ing 4,900 LF 43.00 210,700.00 4,423.35 2913,419.05 - 190,419.05 90°% 20,280,95 A13 PVC Sanitary Sewer Pipe and Fittings, 6 -In. Dias;;., Incl. Bedding 510 LF 52.50 25,775.00 408.30 21,420,00 - 21,420.00 $0% 5,355.00 A14 Reconnect Side Sewer 801 EA 938.00 75,040.00 74.00 59,412.00 69,412.00 93% 5,628.00 A 15 Manhole 48-Ench ©iarneter, Type 1 2y EA 3,615.00 90,375.00 25.E00 90,375.00 � - 90,375.00 100% - A10 Manhole Additional Height 43 -Inch Diameter, Type 1 251 LF ISO -00 3,750.00 - - - - 0% 3,750.00 A17 IService Connection, 2 in. Diam, 21 EA, 1.650.00 3,300.£30 4.00 6,600.00 - 6,600.00 200% (3,300.00) A18 [Service ripe, 2 In., Incl. Bedding 1,200 LF 8.00 9,600.00 3,200.00 9,500.00 9,600.00 100% - A19 Commercial HMA Pavement Repair, Type 1 2,31301 SY 42.001 95,600.00 575.00 24,150.00 - 24,150.00 25% 72,450.00 A20 lCommercial HMA Pavement Repair, Type 2 7001 SY 116.00 81,200.00 175.00 20,300.00 - 20,300.00 25% 60,900,00 A21 /Crushed Surfacing Top Course Repair 850 TEL 43.00 36,550.00 585.71 29,485.53 - 29,485.53 81% 7,464.47 A22 JCement Concrete Traffic Curb and Gutter Repair 100 LF 37,0:0 8,700.00 - - - 0% 8,700.00 A23 1Cement Concrete Driveway ,Repair 301 SY 94,013 1 2,820.00 - - - - 0°J 2,820,00 A24 monument Case and Cover 11 EA 552.00 552.00 - - - - Dib 652.00 Schedule B 136 lControlled Density Fill 2 51 CY 130..00 3,2.50-00 - - - 00/0 3,250.00 B7 (Foundation Material 60 CY 53.00 3,180.00 - - - 00/0 3,180.00 BS Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill 41001 CY 37.00'14,8(713.00 296.00 20,952.00 10,952.00 74% 3,848,00 B9 Rock Excavation 100 CY 91.010 9,100.00 - - - 0% 9,100.00 810 /PVC Pipe for Water Main, S -In. Diarn., Incl. Bedding Material 3,2013 LF 53-00 169,000.00 2,475,00 131,17.5-00 131,175.00 77% 38,425.00 B11 I Dl Pipe for Fire Hydrant, 6-1n. Diam., Incl. Bedding Material 20€3 LF 86.00 17,200.00 12.00 1,032-00 1,032.00 6% 16,168-00 B12 'Service Connection, 1 in. Diary+. 10 EA 1,446.00 14,460.00 - - - 0% 14,460.00 B13 ISenvice Connection, 2 In. Diam. 1 EA 4,000.00 4,000.00 - - - 0%1 4,000.00 B14 /service Pipe, !-in. Diam., Incl. Bedding Material 3213 LF 28.00 8,960.00 3.00 224.00 224.00 3% 8,736.00 81.5 Service Pipe, 2 -In. Diam., Incl, Bedding Material 10 LF 60.00 600.00 - - - 00/0 600.00 817 lAdditional WaterMain Fittings 3,300 LS 9.50 28,500.00 - § - - 0% 28,500.00 818 i Additional Concrete Thrust Block 40 ' CY 270.130 10,800.00 - 0% 10,800.00 B19 ;Gate Valve, 4 -Inch 1 EA 963.00 963.00 - - 0% 963.00 B20 /Gate Valve, 6 -Inch 8 EA 1,200.130 9,600.00 1!00 1,200.00 1,200.00 13% 8,400.00 621 Gate Valve, 3 -Inch 27 EA 1,339.00 30,558.00 3.00 4,157.00 4,167.00 1496 26,391.00 822 Fire HydrarntAsserrihly, Type i 2 EA 5,900.00 11,800.00 - - - 0% 11,800.00 823 Fire Hydrant. Assembly, Type 2 2 EA 5,300.00 10,600.00 - - - 0% 10,500.00 B24 Connection to Existing Fire Hydrant Assembly 4 EA 2,296.00 9,184,00 - - - 0% 9,184.00 625 J Connect to Existing Water Main 13 EA 2,821.00 36,673.00 - - - __0%J 35,573.00 E3CDC C-620 Contractor's Application For Payment Unit Price (c) 2013 National Society of Professional Engineers for E1CDC_ All rights reserved. I of 3 Progress Estimate - Unit Price Work Contractor's Annlication for Pavment Owner: City of Soap Lake Engineer: Gray & Osborne, Inc. Contractor: Halme Construction, Inc. Project: Water and Sewer (Phase III) Improvements Contract: Water and Seg en, (Phase Ili) Improvements Owner's Project No.: Engineer's Project No.: Contractor's Project No.: 18045 18045 I Application No.: 4 Application Period: From 03/27/22 to 04%23/22 Application Date: 04/28/22 A cD E ;t Bid ItemUnit No. Description Item Quant -sty . Contract-tnformat;ori Value of Bid item Price (CX E) UnIfts $ $ Work Completed CSiitraaed : 'aluaf Work 4uantity Completed to Date Materials Currently Iriuxparated in (E x G). Stored (not: in G a o c Won% Comgie#ed and 'Materials Stored �to Date { l} r5 of Value of item Balance to Finish (F (1(l~) -_ J) B26 C-ornmerciai HMA Pavement Repair, Type 1 2,6001 SY 39.502 102,700.003 - - - 0% 102,700.00 B27 Commercial HMA Pavement Repair, Type 2 230 SY 151.002 34,730.00 - - - 0% 34,730.00 82$ Crushed Surfacing Top Course Repair 60 i Ill 40.00 2,400.00 - - - iia%a 2,4f}{3.Q0 52.9 ;Cement Concrete Sidewalk Repair 60 SY 95.00 5,70203.00 - - - 0% 5,700.00 830 Cement Concrete Traffic C urh anti Cutter Repair 260 LF 57.00 22,620.00 - - - � 0°! 22,620.00 B31 Cement Concrete Driveway Repair 10 SY 94.00 940.00 - - - 0% 940.00 B32Monument Case and Cover 1 EA 652.00 652.00 - - - 0%1 652.00 Schedule i C7 Icontrolled Density Fill 20 CY 1.30.00 2,600.00 - - - 096 2,500.00 CS lFoundation Material 20 CY 53.00 ! 1,060.00 - - _/� 09� 3,060.VO C9 Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill 170 CY 42.00 7,140.00 - - - 0% 7140.00 CIU FVC Sanitary Sewer Pipe and f=ittings, 8-1n. Diam., Bedding 1,000 LF- 51_,0 51,500.00 070.001 49,955.003 49,955.00 97% 1,545.00 Cil JPvc Side Sewer Pipe and Fiiiirigs, 6 -Irl. Cham., Incl_ Bedding 20LF 54.00 1,080.00 - - - ova 1,080.00 C12 Reconnect Side Sewer 11 EA 800.001 500.00 - - - 0% 8003.00 C13 Manhole, 48 in. Diann., Type 1 3 EA 3,6:5.010 10,845.00 3.00 10,845.00 30,845.003 300% - C14 Manhole Additional Height 4,18 -Inch Diameter, Type 1 12 LF 1,553.020 19,956.030 - - - 0% 19,956.00 C15 lCommericial HMA Pavement Repair, Type 3 400 SY 195.00 39,600.00 - - - 0% 39,600.00 C16 Crushed Surfacing Top Course Repair 1501 TN 41.0? 6,150.003 200.00 8,200.00 8,200.00 133% (21050.00) Original Contract Totals (Excluding Tax) $ 1,450,913.00 $ 760,408.16 { $ - $ 760,408.16 5296 $ 690,504.84 EJCDCC-620 Contractor's Application: for Payments Unit Price (r) 2019 rational Sccieiy of Professional Engineers for EJCDC. All rights reserited. 2 of 3 PrngrpSr, FStim;itp - tinit Prirp illtnrk rnratr�r4r�r�c i►r»�ir��ir�r� err D-��s»�a.�rtt Owner: Engineer: Contractor: Project: Contract: Citi of Soap Lake Gray & Oshcrne, Inc. i :alma Construction, Inc. Water and Sever (Phase 111) Improvements 'Vater and Sewer (mase 11€) Improvements Owner's Project No.: Engineer's Project No.: Contractor's Project No.: 16045 18045 Application No.: 4 Application Period: From 03/27/22 to 04/23/22 Application Date: 04/28/22 A D E F H1 K L Bid Item No. Description Contractinformation Work Completed Materials Currently Stored {not in Gj �$� ?!Mork Completed and Materials SStored.to late -..+ !} .l #$� % of Value of Item j M Balance to Finish (F = 3} Item Quantity. units' . Emit Price Value of Bid item (C X E) Estimated Quantity Incorporated in the V btk . ,.; value of Work Completed to mate [E X Ca} :. �$� Change Orders Change Order Totals Original Contract and :Change Orders Project Totals (Excluding Tax) $ 1,450,913.flt1 $ 760,408.16 $ - $ 760,408.16 52%T$ 690,504.94 EJCDC C-oLi: Contractor's Application for Payment Unit Price (c) 2038. National Society oz Professional Engineers for EJCDC. All rights reser`fev. 3 0 3