Week of December 5 —December 11, 2022
Commission Chambers
35 C Street NW
Ephrata, WA 98823
Public meetings were held in person with a WEBEX Conference Call/Video option available.
The Grant County Commissioners session began at 9:30 a.m. with all Commissioners in attendance.
8:15 a.m. — 8:45 a.m. C Carter at Public Works Leadership Meeting (Public Works)
8:30 a.m. —10:00 a.m. D Stone, Grant County Public Health Briefing for Healthcare and Schools
9:30 a.m. —10:30 a.m. B Vasquez, Clerk of the Board Update
• NovaTime — Reports
• 2023 Boards and Committees — Commissioners
• Meeting with Fire Districts
• Expense Claim Reimbursement Form — Policy states that forms are due 30 days after return
from the trip.
10:30 a.m. —11:30 a.m. Open Record Public Hearing, Fixing the final 2023 County Budget,
making tax levies, Noxious Weed Assessment
The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing to consider Fixing the final 2023 County Budget,
making tax levies, Noxious Weed Assessment
• Commissioner Jones suggested using ARPA/PICT to fund Elected Official salaries only
• ARPA/PILI funds going to current expense as a lump sum is ok, but how breaking it up must be
tracked. PILT can be used for many things, salaries or Liability insurance. Commissioners
suggested putting this toward the county liability insurance for 2023.
• Public Works Sam Castro discussed their Solid Waste budget. He stated they have 2 positions
still wanting to be added to their Foreman and Laborer positions for 2023.
• Public Works Sam Dart discussed additions being requested and also told of the 1% Levy and the
banked capacity as requested by the BOCC.
• New positions Committee — Commissioner Jones — discuss at Round Table. BOCC not approving
the 2 new PW positions at this budget hearing.
• Capital Outlay — Undersheriff John McMillan discussed their request for a cage for their animal
patrol vehicles. They are asking for the additional funding needed to purchase it in 2023 as it
was not purchased in 2022 ($22,000 L&J Funding) The Board agreed to add this extra expense
to the 2023 budget using L&J Funds.
• Coroner's Office request for equipment — use REET 1 or REET 2? Darryl Pheasant, Treasurer
recommended REET 2. Contingent on Grant Funding.
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of December 5, 2022
• Tom Gaines was asked about the decrease of Facilities and Maintenance/Central
Services/Technology Services Travel Budgets. They are still looking at many options but would
recommend keeping his budget status quo.
• Darryl Pheasant believes the budget is ok and there should be no need to cut travel.
• Fairgrounds — Jim McKiernan — there are 3 trainings/travel they request for entertainment
purchasing and for Rebecca Martinez to get her certification. They also invite the FAC to attend
trainings as well. Travel costs are increasing. There will be a $56,000 transfer from Current
Expense to offset expenses and balance their budget. Commissioner Jones stated to reduce
their travel budget $13,000.00
o Commissioner Stone also recommended to keep of Facilities and Maintenance/Central
Services/Technology Services Travel Budgets the same.
• Capital Facilities Plan—clarity on use of the REETfunds— expenses should be added to the
Capital Facilities Plan before they can be expended. Chris Young, Development Services Director
stated the CFP and STIP are 6 -year plans. It involves the Comprehensive Plan and can be done
outside of the Comp Plan. Tom Gaines, Central Services Director asked about a Fencing Project.
Does this need to be added
• Barbara J. Vasquez, Clerk of the Board read into the record the Levy rate for Current Expense
• Commissioner Stone read through the Noxious Weed Board:
• Commissioner Carter asked about the Coroner's Budget was amended and the MACC calls
moved to L&J Funds?
o Sheriff's MACC calls moved to L&J Fund —will do the Coroner's Budget calls there as
• Commissioners 133 Economic Enhancements rural - $13,000 budgeted for Bridges International
Sister City Exchange position
A motion was made by Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner Carter, to close the public
comment portion of the hearing. The motion passed unanimously. A motion was made by
Commissioner Carter, seconded by Commissioner Jones to continue the hearing to 12/6/22 at 9am to
finalize and adopt the budget. The motion passed unanimously.
11:30 a.m. —12:00 p.m. S Fode, New Hope /Kids Hope Update
• Shelter Update
• Personnel update -Lead Staff
• ARPA Request Clarification
• Other
12:00 p.m. —1:00 p.m. WSAC Virtual Assembly
1:00 p.m. — 2:00 p.m. Commissioners Round Table — Miscellaneous Discussion
• Review of Consent Agenda Items
o Commissioner Jones would like to hold item 13.
• Mental Health/Behavioral Health Tax (DS) —What are like size counties doing with the funding
they have received? Could help the jail and the county.
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of December 5, 2022
Renew is struggling to find staffing to perform mental health services. Dell Anderson brought
forth information and discussed the process for services in the jail. If we want services in Grant
County, we will need to have the funding from the proposed tax.
• Funding from the Gravel Pit Sale, where do the proceeds go? Public Works or Current Expense?
Commissioner Jones suggested 50/50 split. Commissioner Carter feels it should go 100% to
Public Works. Sam Castro mentioned the 2 parcels and that 1 of the parcels was owned by PW
and they paid taxes on. Commissioner Stone suggest $23,,000 to current expense and the
balance to Public Works. It was decided to give $20,000.00 to current expense and the balance
to Road Fund.
• New Hire Committee — HR, Accounting/Auditor's Office, Commissioner. Kirk Eslinger, Human
Resources discussed Position Management. Sam Castro, Public Works Director discussed his
request for new positions in 2023. They eliminated all but 2 position requests.
• Code Enforcement issue — Barking dogs and machinery noise.
• Beau Lamens — Field Operations / Gary Mansford — Investigations / Undersheriff John McMillan
were introduced by Chief Deputy Josh Sainsbury.
• DS- Cell Coverage at the Gorge
• Event Permits — Development Services — need to get this nailed down. Discretionary Use
Permits could be used at the sand dunes.
• White Trail Road —Jake Brake email in the area. Sam Dart mentioned it
• Desert Aire contract for Law Enforcement Services — being suspended after January 31, 2023
and will revisit.
2:00 p.m. -3:30 p.m. K Eslinger, Human Resources Update
3:30 p.m. — 4:00 p.m. District Court Update
• Legislation has changed and it will take longer to process payments. Increase of fees will also be
• Only judges can approve deferral.
::Discussion It___
Budgetary Restrictions
a. Hiring Freeze
b. Step Freeze
Position Management Committee
Authorization Requests
PMA— Maintenance Site Supervisor
PMA—Youth Mobile Response MHP
PMA—Administrative Support Asst
GCSO Command Staff COLA
Comp, Benefits; Payroll, &Leave
Department Head Comp
Public Comment
Request '
3:30 p.m. — 4:00 p.m. District Court Update
• Legislation has changed and it will take longer to process payments. Increase of fees will also be
• Only judges can approve deferral.
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of December 5, 2022
• 1/1/23 indigency screening form will change. More unclaimed payments will be turning over to
the Department of Revenue.
• They are using Indeed now for job postings.
The Commissioners approved and signed the Public Works County Payroll Salary Fund for their
December 21 2022 payroll.
The Commissioners signed a 36 Year Dedicated Service Award for Anna Sangster; and an 18.5 Year
Dedicated Service Award for Loren Bevier, from Public Works.
The session was continued to 8:30 a.m. with Commissioners Stone and Carter in attendance.
Commissioner Jones arrived at 8:37 a.m.
8:30 a.m. — 9:00 a.m. K McCrae, Prosecuting Attorney's Office Update
Kevin McCrae was unable to attend due to training. Carol Highland and Rebekah Kaylor
attended via Webex.
Funding for Fire Investigator was removed from the 2023 budget. This is a concern for their
office. Commissioner Stone reiterated his meeting with Development Services. Arson
Investigation training is important and many of the Fire Districts have volunteers.
Commissioner Carter discussed the Desert Aire Owners Association contract with the Sheriff's
Office and the email received this morning regarding Law Enforcement Services for that area.
She will follow up with Josh Sainsbury.
9:00a.m.-10:00a.m. «-roh„o” 2023 Budget Adoption—Continued from 12/5/22
Commissioner Stone opened the public hearing that was continued from 12/5/22. There are 4
matters for adoption today: Adopt the budget, adopt the Levy's for the Current Expense Fund
and Road Fund, and Noxious Weed Assessments.
Katie Smith, Chief Accountant discussed the amendments that were proposed yesterday. The
new amounts to be adopted today are:
• Current Expense $54.,161,,124.00
• Beginning Fund Balance used to balance budget $12,879.00
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of December 5, 2022
• Total County Budget $334,306,517.00 (Resolution No. 22 -124 -CC)
A motion was made by Commissioner Jones to adopt:
• Current Expense Levy —increase in the amount of $486,.946.32 = 2.35594% (Resolution
No. 22 -126 -CC)
• County Road Levy -increase in the amount of $203,489.82 = 1.98256% (Resolution No.
22 -127 -CC)
• Noxious Weed Board Assessments: (Resolution No. 22 -125 -CC)
o Irrigated Cropland
o Dryland
o Range/Scabland
o Minimum Parcels
23 cents per acre
09 cents per acre
06 cents per acre
$14.00 per parcel
Grant County 2023 Budget in the total amount $334,306,517.00
Commissioner Carter seconded. For discussion Commissioner Stone thanked the Auditor/Accounting
Staff for their hard work and the patience of all offices and departments. Commissioners Jones and
Carter reiterated these accolades. The motion passed unanimously.
10:00 a.m. —11:00 a.m. Department Head Review Discussion
Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(8) Commissioner Stone called an Executive Session to order at
10:02 a.m. to go until 10:32 a.m. regarding Job Applicant/Evaluation. In attendance were
Commissioners Carter, Stone and Jones, and Kirk Eslinger, Human Resources Director.
Commissioner Stone closed the session at 10:32 a.m.
11:00 a.m. —12:00 p.m. C Young, Development Services Update
• Mr. Young went through his staff report.
• The Gorge Amphitheater/Live Nation Concerts were discussed. Noise, cell phone service and
traffic are an issue.
• Sheriff's Office and Prosecuting Attorney's Office staff attended to discuss the Fire Marshal
position. There is a meeting scheduled 12/7 with the Fire Districts to discuss terminating the
program. The fire investigation program was never codified. And there is a potential liability for
providing this service. Development Services staff were providing these services, only certified
to do this is the Fire Marshal, Nathan Poplawski. As of 1/1/23 this program will be terminated.
Fire Districts have an obligation as well (RCW 43.44.050). Historically, Fire Districts would call
the Fire Marshal's Office to investigate. Fire Districts must determine cause first. Currently,
Title 15 of the Grant County Code is reserved for updating who is responsible for fire
investigations within the County. Rebekah Kaylor checked in with the Washington State Patrol
Fire Investigations Supervisor, who stated funding for this program has been pulled. And they
are short staffed as well. Chris Young is working on this and would appreciate everyone's
patience. The stakeholders would have appreciated more of a heads up.
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of December 5, 2022
Commissioner Stone asked if it would be ok for Sheriff/Prosecuting Attorney's Offices to attend
the 12/7 meeting. Interlocal Agreements with the Fire Districts are an option.
1:00 p.m. — 2:00 p.m. S Castro, Public Works Update
1.0 Solid Waste (15 min.)
➢ HB 1799 —Solid Waste Program/ Organic Materials Exemptions Available
➢ Compost Procurement Ordinance —Due by the end of the year.
➢ Landfill Fire -
2.0 Public Works General Update (15 min.)
➢ Winter Response —All hands-on deck.
➢ Parttime CDL Operators for Winter
➢ CDL Training Program
➢ CDL Hiring
➢ Upcoming Retirement Dates
• Loren Bevier, December 31, 2022
• Anna Sangster, December 31, 2022
3.0 Public Works Engineering/Roads (15 min.)
➢ Soap Lake Reimbursable Request
➢ Permit Digitization SmartGov
➢ Award Recommendation 2022 Crushing and Stockpiling
4.0 Equipment Repair and Replacement (15 min.)
2:00 p.m. — 3:00 p.m. Commissioner's Meeting
• Call to order
• Open Forum for Citizen Input (3 minutes per person, 15 -minute time limit) None
• Approval of Agenda A motion was made by Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner
Carter, to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
• Correspondence (ie. Emails that have come in that need response, letters of support etc.) None
• Commissioners Roundtable — Miscellaneous Discussion
o Amazon Account email
o Commissioner Carter informed the Board that the Komaki City position is still
o Commissioner Carter discussed the Desert Aire Law Enforcement contract that
is on the agenda today. There is an option to cancel the contract completely
and pay them back for the services that were not rendered. The Commissioners
are in support of terminating the contract. This item will be held for one week.
o They will hold item 13 for 1 week, hold item 29 for 1 week. Commissioner Jones
will abstain from item 14, the Spring Festival LTAC Grant Award.
• Consent Agenda — (Items 1 through 31) All items are considered routine and will be enacted by
one motion of the commissioners with no separate discussion. If a separate discussion is
desired, that item may be removed and placed under Board Discussion/Decision. A motion was
made by Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner Carter, to approve items 1-12, hold
items 13 and 29 for 1 week, and Commissioner Jones will abstain from the Spring Festival
portion of the LTAC Award.
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of December 5, 2022
Discussion was held from Commissioner Carter about changing the LTAC amounts.
Commissioner Carter moved to amend the original motion to add item 14 as a HOLD,
Commissioner Jones seconded. Commissioners Carter and Jones rescinded the above motion.
Commissioner Carter moved to send item 14 back to the LTAC Committee for further review.
Commissioner Jones seconded. Discussion by Commissioner Carter was her concerns that
Tourism was reduced and questioned why the Moses Lake Spring Fest is so much?
Commissioner Jones stated the LTAC Committee may bring back the same dollar amounts for
their consideration. Commissioner Jones stated he also felt the Moses Lake Spring Festival
was also high, but so were many of the smaller events. Commissioner Stone stated he will
vote nay on the LTAC transfer back to the Committee. Commissioners Jones and Carter
rescinded the motion to transfer the LTAC funding back to LTAC. The main motion was then
voted on as presented and hold items 13 and 29 for 1 week. The motion passed unanimously.
1. Payment of vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those
expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090,
as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. (In the amount of $869.,274.71)
2. Approval of November 21, 2022, and November 28, 2022 Commissioners Minutes.
3. Invoices
4. Service letter to Lorna Callahan for her work on the Grant County Fair Advisory Committee.
5. Resolution No. 22 -129 -CC in regard to Strategic Infrastructure Program (SIP) advisory
committee recommendations for funding on Project No. 2022-03 for the Town of Coulee City,
utility design and plan for park, campground, and marina in the amount of $40,000.00 grant
6. Resolution No. 22 -128 -CC in regard to Strategic Infrastructure Program (SIP) advisory
committee recommendations for funding as follows:
o Port of Royal Slope
o Install Well #3 in Port
$268,800.00 Grant
Six Month Timeline
o Grant County Hospital #4, Mckay Healthcare 2022-05
o Feasibility Study/Capital Needs Assessment/Architect/Planning $21.,000.00 Grant
o Port of Mattawa 2022-06
o Wastewater Expansion —Phase 4 $200.,000.00 Grant
$200,000.00 Loan
o Port of Quincy 2022-07
o Intermodal Yard Container Expansion $300,000.00 Grant
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of December 5, 2022
o Port of Quincy 2022-08
o Industrial Park 5 (George) Water Main Extension $353,000.00 Grant
7. Request to reapprove New Hope American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding categories that was
previously approved August 24, 2021, to be billed through the following three line items:
salaries, benefits, operations/rental assistance.
8. Request from North Central Education Service District 171 (NCESD171) to purchase Wireless
Tour Guide Voice Audio Transmission System + 32- slot charge case (2 transmitters and 30
receivers) in the amount of $1,202.10 ($1,,288.65 with 2 -year protection plan) to help tour
students through industry partners within Grant County. Commissioners to determine which
fund this would be paid from.
9. Reimbursement request #12 from Opportunities Industrialization Center (OIC) on the
Department of Commerce Eviction Rent Assistance Program (ERAP 2.0) Grant No. 21-4619C-108,
in the amount of $11,971.14.
10. Reimbursement #34, request #23 from the City of Moses Lake on the Department of Commerce
Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) No. 20-4613C-100, in the amount of $29,,468.44 for September
11. Appointment letter for Dennis Carlson to the Grant County Mosquito Control District #2 for a
two-year term beginning December 6, 2022, through December 5, 2024.
12. Reimbursement request from HopeSource on the Department of Commerce Eviction Rent
Assistance Program (ERAP 2.0) Grant No. 20-4619C-108, in the amount of $20,,981.35 for
October 2022 expenses.
13. Approval of the Grant County Homeless Housing Task Force Bylaws and the Grant County
Advisory Committee on Homelessness Charter. (Item held until 12/13/22)
14. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) recommendations for funding of the 2023 LTAC Tourism
Promotion Grants totaling $843,,500: (Commissioner Jones abstained from voting on the Moses
Lake Spring Festival Funding)
Western Outdoor News/
WON BASS Washington
Open at Potholes
Grant County Fairgrounds
Grant County Fair
Grant County Fairgrounds
90s Flannel Fest
Grant County Fairgrounds
Moravida Festival
$ 15,000
Othello Sandhill Crane Festival
Othello Sandhill Crane
Coulee City Rodeo Association
Coulee City PRCA Rodeo
Moses Lake Spring Festival
Moses Lake Spring
Ridge Riders Saddle Club
Ridge Riders Junior Rodeo
$ 8,000
Ridge Riders Saddle Club
Cleatis Lacy Memorial Bull
Ridge Riders Saddle Club
Colorama Pro Rodeo
Ephrata COC
Sage -N -Sun Festival
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of December 5, 2022
Moses Lake Walleye
Abate of Grant County
Run to the Desert
Motorcycle Rally
Columbia Basin Youth Baseball
14U Babe Ruth Tourney
Columbia Basin Rodeo
Moses Lake Round -Up &
Demo Derby
Masquers Theater
Almost Maine
Masquers Theater
Sing On!
Masquers Theater
The White Liars &The
Black Comedy
Masquers Theater
Fall Musical
Central Basin Community
Concert Association
Season 69
Best of Barrels, Inc.
3 Horse Events
Mattawa/Desert Aire Lions
Hot Desert Nights
Grant County LTAC
Year -Round
Tourism Promotion
Grant County Tourism
Year -Round
Tourism Promotion
Grand Coulee Dam Area COC
Year -Round
Tourism Promotion
Ephrata COC
Year -Round
Tourism Promotion
Columbia Basin Allied Arts
Year -Round
Tourism Promotion
Coulee Corridor Consortium
Year -Round
Tourism Promotion
15. Appointment and Oath of Office of Special Deputy Prosecuting Attorney for Michael McFarland,
Jr., of Evans, Craven and Lackie, P.S., of Spokane, WA LLP to perform and render legal assistance,
advice, and litigation if necessary. Oath expires December 31, 2023.
16. Appointment and Oath of Office of Special Deputy Prosecuting Attorney for Sean Boutz and
Christopher Kerley of Evans, Craven and Lackie, P.S., of Spokane, WA LLP to perform and render
legal assistance, advice, and litigation if necessary. Oath expires December 31, 2023.
17. Appointment and Oath of Office of Special Deputy Prosecuting Attorney for Christopher Ries, of
Ries Law Firm, P.S., of Moses Lake, WA to perform and render legal assistance and counsel
regarding the duties and responsibilities pertaining to Darryl Pheasant, the duly elected
Treasurer of Grant County. Oath expires December 31, 2023.
18. Appointment and Oath of Office of Special Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Anthony Menke of
Menke Jackson Beyer, LLP, of Yakima, WA to perform and render legal assistance and counsel
regarding labor law, employment law, and personnel matters. Oath expires December 31, 2023.
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of December 5, 2022
19. Washington State Office of Public Defense Agreement No. GRT23006 for the distribution of
grant funds in the amount of $90,,947.00 for the purpose of assisting counties with public
defense costs related to resentencing and/or vacating sentences in regard to the State v. Blake
20. Professional Services Agreement for legal representation of indigent individuals in Grant County
District Court with Bradley Thonney for a term of January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2024.
21. Professional Services Agreement for legal representation of Indigent Individuals in Grant County
District Court with Paulette Burgess for a term of January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2024.
22. 2023-24 Professional Services Agreement for legal representation of indigent individuals in the
juvenile division of Grant County Superior Court (juvenile offenders only) conflicts contractor
with Thomas Wolfstone, currently an employee with Larson, Fowles, PLLC, for a term of January
1, 2023, through December 31, 2024.
23. Resolution No. 22 -130 -CC rescinding resolution No. 22 -083 -CC initiating county road project
designated as CRP No. 22-03 due to duplicate CRP. Resolution was initially signed by the board
on August 23,2022.
24. Recommendation to award the 2022 crushing and stockpiling project to DeAtley Crushing
Company for their bid amount of $1,.497,650.00. Upon approval, award letter will also be signed.
25. Request to the County Road Department for reimbursable work between Grant County and the
City of Soap Lake. Grant County to crack fill city streets in Soap Lake no later than December 31,
2023, for a maximum payment of $15.,000.00.
26. Held from the October 17, 2022, agenda: Recommendation from the Solid Waste Advisory
Committee (SWAG) to close the Mattawa Drop Box, due to financial concerns, working
conditions, safety concerns, and vandalism. If approved, the closure of the Mattawa Drop Box
will take place by March 31, 2023.
27. Memorandum of Understanding with North Central Accountable Community of Health (NCACH)
to provide recovery coach services to individuals currently using drugs or alcohol. Term of
agreement is upon signature through December 31, 2023, with a maximum amount of
28. Out-of-statetate travel request for Dayana Ruiz to attend the CADCA 33rd National Leadership
Forum in National Harbor, MD., January 29, 2023, through February 4, 2023. Cost of travel is
29. Amendment to agreement for provision of law enforcement services between Desert Aire
Owners Association and Grant County, previously signed on June 17, 2021.
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of December 5, 2022
Amendment will provide Desert Aire with enforcement services at no cost from October 1,
2022, through January 31, 2023, due to Sheriff's Office providing less than the mandatory
contracted enforcement services, as well as ending the agreement on January 31, 2023, due to
staffing issues within the Sheriff's Office. (Item held until 12/13/22)
• Board Discussion/Decisions Items (Items to discuss and items that were removed from Consent
Agenda. These items will be acted upon together)
• Adjournment
2:30 p.m. — 3:30 p.m. D Stone, Shrub -Steppe Mitigation Workgroup Meeting
5:30 p.m. — 6:30 p.m. R Jones at Business After Hours (Moses Lake)
8:00 a.m.-9:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. — 2:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m. -9:00 p.m.
R Jones, Bi -Weekly Jail Design Meeting
D Stone, WSRRI LTSAG Monthly Meeting
The Chair of the Board was authorized to sign the following Final Plat Submission and Reviews:
• Suberizer Inc. Chip Hesse (Bergeson-McHargue Short Plat — Amendment No. 1) File # P 21-0226
(preliminary P 21-0188)
• Tom Walters (Walters Short Plat) File # P 22-0370 (preliminary P 22-0214)
• Linda Watkins (Cox"s Landing Short Plat 2022) File # P 22-0336 (preliminary P 22-0231)
9:00 a.m. —10:00 a.m. R Jones, Multi -Agency Communication Center (MACC) Meeting
12:00 p.m. —1:30 p.m. D Stone, and R Jones at Columbia Basin Job Corps Luncheon (Moses
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of December 5, 2022
1:30 p.m. — 3:00 p.m. C Carter, Area Aging /Council of Governments Meeting
7:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. R Jones, Moses Lake School District Board Meeting
D Stone, Out
12:00 p.m. —1:30 p.m. R Jones, at Public Works WA ATV Route Tour
6:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. D Stone, Fairgrounds Staff /Fair Advisory Committee (FAC) Christmas
Party (Cancelled)
Signed this day of ewn� 2022.
ry i+ Ba bara J. Vasqu z,
C1 rk of the Board
Grant County, Washington
Danny E. done, Chair
is -hair
CindyCaft'dr, Member