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Grant Related - BOCC (002)
•-^' & r .: ff � y s 3 .t T s Y :e www.hagc.net December 6j 2022 Housing Authority of Grant County Grant County Board of Commissioners ATTN: Janice Flynn PO Box 37/35 C Street Ephrata, WA 9 823 Dear Ms. Flynn: 1139 Larson Blvd., * .doses Lake, WA 98837-3308 'hone: (509) 762-5541 v, Fax: (509) 762-2202 Toll Free: (800) 747-9202 * TTS: (800) 833-6388 &4A - T�. J. h DEC Please consider this letter and attached documentation the Housing Authority's claim for draw #14 for November, 2022, for the Eviction Rent Assistance Program 2,0 (ERAP 2.0). 1 certify that: The information on the A-19 and supporting documentation for the Eviction fent Assistance Program (ERAP), contract # 21-4619C-108, in the amount of $576,466.48 is a true and accurate report and that all reported expenditures are properly chargeable to the ERAP 2.0 grant. Sincerely, akko, Aj"-� Christopher A. utherland Financial Director ��-'1.',O.A•Svp:<:S;C::YJxvetcti't_�'a.-+.� ---- _ E t:p, •'���i d Ad . 3 �'L,�'+ ;�� �...� fi `F q.,. C 6 � . tl narawc .✓u:aacaaa fiThe HousingAuthority of Grant CountA Washington is an equal vpporlunityprovider and employer and docs riot discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, physical or mental disabilit Qrfamilial status. VicHousingAutharity of Croat Counf olictes andpractices are designed to provide assurimces that persons with disabilies will be given reasanable accommodations, EQUAL HOUslNQ upon request, so that they away fully access and utilize the housingprograins and relaitd services. OPPORTUNITY if you or anyone inyour fandly is a person with disabilities, and you require a specific accommodation in order to fully Wilke ourprogranis and services, please contact the Housing Authority. Contract 21-4619C- 8 JERAP 2.0) Grant County/GCHA HAGC qlat' Submitted to GO by: Date: I Request for Relmb4rsemont No, #14 Grant County's Subrecipient Checklist: State Auditor's Office Audit Procedures for Testing Activities Allowed And Not Allowed, As Published In 2007 Questions to ask before submitting a payment request Was the expenditure or cost: _X Made for an allowable activity -under the grant guidelines? ----.+X Authorized (or not prohibited) under state or local laws or regulations? X Approved by the federal awarding agency, if required? _X Allowable per Circular A-87 (June 2004 version), Attachment B, items 1-43? For payroll transactions: --"X Does the employee's time and effort documentation meet the requirements of Circular A-1 22? _X Allocable to the program.? (i.e., was the dollar amount charged to the program relative to the benefits received by the program? Is the federal grantor being charged its fair share of the cost?) _X used on actual costs, not budgeted or projected amounts? _X Applied uniformly to federal and non-federal activities (i.e., is the federal government charged the same amount as if non-federal funds were being used topay the cost)? _X Given consistent accounting treatment within and between accounting periods? (Consistency in accounting requires that costs incurred for the same purpose, in like circumstances, be treated as either direct costs only or indirect costs only with respect to final cost objectives), _X Calculated in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, or another comprehensive basis of accounting, when required under thea cost principles? _X Not included as a cost (or used to meet cost sharing requirements) of other federally -supported activities of the current or a prior period? --X Net of all applicable credits? (e.g.) volume or cash discounts, insurance recoveries, refunds, rebates, trade-ins, adjustments for checks not cashed, and scrap sales). _X Not included as both a direct billing and as a component of indirect costs? _X Properly classified (e.g., some costs may be incorrectly claimed as a direct cost instead of being incorporated as part of the indirect cost rate). _X Supported by appropriate documentation? (e.gf., approved purchase- orders, receiving reports, vendor invoices, canceled checks, and time and attendance records.) Documentation may be in an electronic form. X Correctly charged to the proper account code and grant period? H:\ACCOUNTING\LOTUS\LOTUS\EVICTION PROTECTION GRANTTRAP 2.0\ERAP 2,0 Subreciplent Checkfist.docx Page I Lead Grantee Name: I I List Sub Grantee Names Below Report Week or Month/Year: NOVEMBER 2022 1 IHAGC Total Adman 0.00 , \ $251569.91 �eraitons - Rent and Utility Assistance $550,896.57 By and For Subcontracting $0.00 Rent/Utilities Advance $0.00 .. t ,_. :. , ... .. R i -, \ ♦ .K ,.. .. ,...... eo. MY ui .., 4M1 v 3v .. a .. x an or dance . _ .:, _. a. $ Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Invoice Total: $576,466.48 TOTAL OF REMAINING Dec -22 DRAWS BALANCE $0.00 $483,346.10 $277,343.46 $217,602.67 $11,204,683.07 $946,438.58 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11,482,026.53 $1,647,387.35 'A' 2.0 Voucher Detail Worksheet Lead Grantee Name: Report Week or Month/Year: NOVEMBER 202 BUDGET Jan -22 Feb -22 Mar -22 Apr -22 May -22 Jun -22 Jul -22 Aug -22 Sep -22 Oct -22 Nov -22 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Admin` .$483,346.10 Operations: -, $494,946:13 $12,127.16 $18,847.19 $19,838.65 $32,229.21 $12,447.51 $21,816.71 $21,614.23 $21,127.53 $27,914.64 $15,499.52 $25,569.91 Rent and Utility Assistance $12;151,121.65 $1,101,762.36 $1,122,927.71 $849,824.13 $654,838.37 $947,116.46 $988,036.91 ########## $631,830.29 $460,244.76 $561,736.79 $550,896.57 By and For Subcontracting $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Rent Utilities Advance $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Totals $0.00 $13,129,413.88 $1,113,889.52 $1,141,774.90 $869,662.78 $687,067.58 $959,563.97 $1,009,853.62 ########## $652,957.82 $488,159.40 $577,236.31 $576,466.48 TOTAL OF REMAINING Dec -22 DRAWS BALANCE $0.00 $483,346.10 $277,343.46 $217,602.67 $11,204,683.07 $946,438.58 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11,482,026.53 $1,647,387.35 General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 11 Ending 1113012022 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) PROJECT 01 - P 0 + 6 1 1 f V Account Number/Description PROJECT 01 - Total: 8,439,267.98 683,564,96 7,176.00 Bog Balance Debit Credit Not Change End Balance 401000-8-01 IVIGIVIT SALARIES - CRAP 26,577.71 31659-07 0.00 31659.07 I 300238.78 408200-8-01 MGMT FICA - ERAP 1,992.74 274.62 0.00 274.62 21267.36 408201-8-01 MGMT SISTA - ERAP 396.21 22.06 0,00 22.06 417,27 408202-8-01 MGMT L&I - ERAP 89.17 9.79 0.00 9.79 98.96 408204-8-01 MGMT RETIREMENT - ERAP 3,276.10 338.10 0.00 338.10 31614.20 408205-8-01 WIGMT MEDIDENTNIS/Li - ERAP 21938.84 321.64 0.00 321.54 31260.38 411000-8-01 ADMIN SALARIES - ERAP 120,935.58 121929.93 0.00 12,929.93 133,865.61 415000-8-01 TRAVEL-ERAP 18.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 18,02 418200-8-01 ADMIN FICA - ERAP 91045.28 959.41 0.00 959.41 10,004.69 418201-8-01 ADMIN SUTA - ERAP 1,789,24 175.37 0.00 176. 37 11964.61 418202-8-01 ADMIN L&I - ERAP 679.63 70.86 0.00 70.86 760.49 418204-8-01 ADMIN RETIREMENT - ERAP 13,194.83 11463.29 0.00 114,63.29 14$658.12 418205.8-01 ADMIN MED/DENTNIS/L - ERAP 13,619.17 11968.81 0.00 11968.81 15,687.98 419013-8-01 TELEPHONE - ERAP 31196.12 160.04 0.00 160.04 31356.16 419017-8-01 OFFICE SUPPLIES - ERAP 47601.86 31139.50 0.00 31139,50 7,741,36 471501-8-01 HAP PAYMENTS -RENT - ERAP 81217,931.78 658,072.57 71176.00 550,896.576 81768,828-35 471504-8-01 HAP PAYNINTS UTILITIE: ERAP 1 986 70 0 00 0 0 0 00 40 Run Date; 12/112022 12:67-.16PM GIL Date: 121112022 Page: 1 User Logon: CAS P 0 + 6 1 1 f V PROJECT 01 - Total: 8,439,267.98 683,564,96 7,176.00 576,388.96 91016,656.94 0001 1) ss"Odilp V 14.5 7 6 59 07 + 4.T -tr 9 7 9 4 0 3-38 1 0 + 3 2 1 5 + '"'' C 9 9 + 9 59 4 0 0 0 .......... 17 5 331 1 + 0 8 6 4- L 6 8 '113 -1 L -C 0 0 0 160 0h, + 15 0 5 5 7 5 2,o�� �•• ,, a(Ili () -, o o 015 n 0 2 2 5 Q, 9 1; Run Date; 12/112022 12:67-.16PM GIL Date: 121112022 Page: 1 User Logon: CAS General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period I I Ending 11/30/2022 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) PROJECT 02 - Account Number/Descriptlon Beg Balance Debit Credit Net Change End Balance 419018.8-02 POSTAGE - ERAP 11112.85 77.62 0.00 77.62 1,190.37 PROJECT 02 - Total-, 11112.85 77.62 0.00 77.52/A 1,1 , 90.37 Report Total: 8,440,380.83 533,842.48 71176.00 576,466.4-8 9}0161847.31 Run Date: 1211/2022 12:67:15PM Page: 2 G/L Date: 1211/2022 User Logon: CAS General Ledger Detail Report Detail Postings for Period 11 Ending 1113012022 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) Account Number/Description Period Date Journal Comments Beg Balanco Debit Credit Not Chance End Balance 471501-8-01 HAP PAYMENTS -RENT - ERAP 8,217 931.76 A 11 111212022 AP -004210 0.00 1,920,0 (1 192 ?_ -Alle 8,216,011.78 11 111512022 AP -004214 11060.00 0.00 8 217 061 .78 11 11 111512022 1115/2022 AP -004214 AP -Q04214 1,328.00 ls328.00 0.00 0.00 8,218,369,78 81218,389,78 11 11/512022 AP -004214 11110.00 0.00 81219,499.78 11 11/512022 AP -004214 3,064.00 0.00 81222,663.78 11 11/612022 AP -004214 21574.00 0.00 8,225,137.78 11 1115/2022 AP -004214 31200.00 0.00 81228,337.78 11 1116/2022 AP -004214 2,574.00 0.00 $,230,91 1.78 11 111512022 AP -004214 11348.00 0.00 8,232,259.7a 11 11/512022 AP -004214 3,093.00 0.00 8,235,352.78 11 11/512022 AP -004214 12656.00 0.00 81237,008.78 11 1115/2022 AP -004214 11800.00 0.00 81238,808.78 11 1116/2022 AP -004214 11326.00 0.00 $,240,133.78 11 1116/2022 AP -004214 11800.00 0.06 8,241,933.78 11 1115/2022 AP -004214 11700.00 0.00 8,243,633.78 11 11/512022 AP -004214 31004.00 0.00 8,246,637.78 11 11/612022 AP -004214 6,626.00 0.00 81263,263.78 11 11/512022 AP -004214 1,560.00 0.00 81264,823.78 11 111512022 AP -004214 2,200,00 0100 8,267,023.78 11 111512022 AP -004214 19800.00 0.00 8,268,823.78 11 1115/2022 AP -004214 1,287.00 0.00 8,260,110.78 11 111512022 AP -004214 688,00 0,00 83260,798.78 11 1115/2022 AP -004214 11980.00 0.00 8tMJ78,78 11 111612022 AP -004214 11270.00 0.00 8,264,048.78 11 1102022 AP -004214 11270.00 0.00 81265,318.78 11 111612022 AP -004214 71157.00 0.00 81272,475.78 11 1115/2022 AP -00 * 4214 2t390.00 0.00 81274,865.78 11 11/5/2022 AP -004214 11800.00 0.00 812769665.78 11 11/512022 AP..004214 21400.00 0.00 81279,065.78 11 1115/2022 AP -004214 11800.00 0100 8,280,865.78 11 1115/2022 AP -004214 31600.00 0.00 81284,465,78 11 11/512022 AP -004214 5,500.00 0.00 81289,965.78 11 11/5/2022 AP -004214 3,600.00 0.00 8,293,565.78 11 11/5/2022 AP -004214 2t400.00 0.00 8o295,965,78 11 11/512022 AP -004214 21410.66 0.00 812981376.43 11 111512022 AP -004214 21050.00 0.00 81300,426,43 11 1115/2022 AP -004214 3,375.00 0.00 8s3031801.43 11 11/612022 AP -004214 31700.00 0.00 8,307,501.43 11 11/512022 AP -004214 31400.00 0.00 81310,901.43 11 11/6/2022 AP -004214 61300,00 0.00 81317,201.43 11 111512022 AP -004214 11050.00 01,00 81318,251.43 11 11/5/2022 AP -004214 910.00 0.00 8,319,161.43 11 1115/2022 AP -004214 61598.00 0.00 81324,759.43 11 11/5/2022 AP -004214 31981.69 0.00 81328,741.12 11 1115/2022 AP -004214 10385.80 0.00 8t330,126.92 11 11/5/2022 AP -004214 21170.00 0.00 81332s296.92 11 1115/2022 AP -004214 3$200.00 0.00 81335,496.92 11 11/512022 AP -004214 10950.00 0.00 8,337,446.92 11 1116/2022 AP -004214 31000.00 0.00 81340,446,02 11 11/5/2022 AP -004214 6,200.00 0.00 81346,646.92 11 11/5/2022 AP -004214 2, 674.00 0.00 81349,316.92 Account Number/Description Period Rete Journal Comments Beg Balance [debit Credit Net Change Ent! 16alance 471501-8-01 HAP PAYMENTS -RENT - ERAP 11 11/512022 AP -004214 21136.00 0.00 81351,452.92 11 11/5/2022 AP -004214 2,400.+00 0.00 8,363,852.92 11 1115/2022 AP -004214 7,706.72 0.00 8,361,559.64 11 1115/2022 AP -004214 23100.00 0.00 8,368,860.64 11 11/6/2022 AP -004214 41200.40 0.00 81367,864,64 11 1115/2022 AP -444214 31900.00 0.00 8,371,760.64 11 1115/2022 AP -004214 14,750.00 0.40 8,388,609.64 11 111512022 AP -004214 4,910.0+0 0.40 8,391,419,64 11 111612022 AP -004214 41400.04 0.00 8,396,819.64 11 11 t512022 AP -004214 3,200.04 0.00 8,399,019.64 11 1111012022 AP -004221 81000.00 0.00 8,405,01 9.64 11 1111012022 AP -004221 61000.00 0.00 8,411,019.64 11 1111012022 AP -004221 1,800.00 0100 8,412,619,64 11 11110/2022 AP -004221 6,004.00 4.00 81418,819.64 11 11116/2022 AP -004222 0.00 5,266:00 8,413,663.04 11 11!1012022 AP -004222 5,266.00 0.00 $,418,819,54 11 11121/2022 AP -004224 1,128.00 0.00 8,419, 947.64 11 1112112022 AP -004224 2,313.39 0.60 8142.2,261.03 11 11121/2022 AP -004224 31200,06 0.00 8,425,461.03 11 11121/2022 P-004224 1,190.00 0.00 81426,661.03 11 11 !2112022 AP -004224 21750.00 0.00 81429,401.03 11 1112112022 AP -004224 810.00 0.00 8,4301211,03 11 1112112022 AP*004224 11600.00 0.00 8,43'1,811.03 11 11/21/2022 AP -004224 3,513.00 0.00 8,435,324,03 11 11/2112022 AP -004224 1,004.00 0.00 8,436,324.03 11 11/21/2022 AP -004224 11478.00 0.014 81437,802.03 11 11121/2022 AP -004224 1,124.00 0.00 8,438, 926.03 11 11121/2022 AP -004224 1,172.00 0.00 8,4401,09 3.03 11 11/21/2022 AP -004224 11070.010 0.00 8,441,168.03 11 11121/2022 AP -004224 2t00O.40 0.00 8,443,168.03 11 11121 /2022 AP -004224 2,6OO.00 0.00 8,446,76$.03 11 11/2112022 AP -004224 11900.00 0.00 8,447,668.03 11 11 /21 /2022 AP -004224 2,090.00 0.00 8,449,758,03 11 11121/2022 AP -004224 21488.00 0.00 8,4.52,246.03 11 1112112022 AP -004224 21386.65 0.00 8,454,632.65 11 1112112022 AP -+0014224 1,032.00 0.00 8,456,664.68 11 11/2112022 AP -004224 11124.00 0.40 8,456,788.68 11 1112112022 AP -004224 2,445.43 0.00 8,469,234.11 11 11121120.22 AP -004224 11934.00 0.00 8,461,168.1'1 11 11121/2022 AP -004224 11120,00 0.00 8,462,288.11 11 1112112022 AP -004224 2,016.00 0.00 81464,304.11 11 11121/2022 AP -004224 32800.00 0.00 81468,104.11 11 11121 /2022 AP -004224 31000.00 0.00 8,471,104.11 11 11121/2022 AP -0014224 31400.00 0.00 8,474,104.11 11 11/2112022 AP -004224 1,260.00 01010 81475,364.11 11 11/2112022 AP -004224 31326.00 0.44 81478,689.11 11 11121/2022 AP -004224 2,336.99 0.00 8,481,026.10 11 11/2112022 AP -004224 31906.00 0.00 8,4802610 11 11121/2022 AP -004224 31000.00 0.00 8,487',926.10 11 11/21/2022 AP -004224 11084.00 0.00 8,489,010, 10 11 11/2112022 AP -004224 2,000.00 0.00 8,491,410.10 Account Number/DescrIptlon Period date Journal Comments 471501-8-01 HAP PAYMENTS -RENT - PRAIA 11 1112112022 AP -004224 11 1112112022 AP -004224 11 11121/2022 AP -004224 11 1112112022 AP -004224 11 1112112022 AP -004224 11 11/21/2022 AP -004224 11 11/24/2022 AP -004225 11 11/2412022 AP -004225 11 11/24/2022 AP -004225 11 11124120122 AP,004226 11 11/2412022 AP -004225 11 11/24/2022 AP -004225 11 11124/2022 AP -004225 11 1112412022 AP -004.225 11 1112412022 AP -004225 11 11/2412022 AP -004226 11 11/2412022 AP -004225 11 11/24/2022 AP -00422.5 11 1112412022 AP -004225 11 1112412022 AP -004225 11 11/2412022 AP -004225 11 1112412022 AP -004225 11 1112412022 AP -004225 11 1112412022 AP -004225 11 1112412022 AP -004226 11 1112412022 AP -004225 11 1112412022 AP -004225 11 1112412022 AP -004225 11 11/2412022 Al ~%J04225 11 1112412022 AP -004225 11 1112412022 AP -004225 11 1112412022 AP -004226 11 1112412022 AP -004225 11 1112412022 AP -004225 11 1112412022 AP -004225 11 1112412022 AP -004226 11 1112412022 AP -004225 11 1112412022 AP -004225 11 1/12412022 AP -004225 11 1112412022 AP -004225 11 1112412022 AP -004225 11 1112412022 AP -004225 11 1112412022 AP -004225 11 111241.2022 AP -004225 11 1112412022 AP -004225 11 11124/2022 AP -004225 11 1112412022 AP -004225 11 1112412022 AIS -004225 11 11124/2022 AP -004225 11 1112412022 AP -004226 11 11/2412022 AP -004226 Beg Balance Deblt Credit Not Grange End Salance 61000.00 0.00 814961010.10 1,000.00 0.00 8,497,010.10 51750,04 0.00 81502,760.10 7,464.00 0.40 80510,224.10 13,200.00 0.00 8,623,424.10 71850.00 0.00 8,631,074,10 078.00 0.00 81532,062.10 620.00 0.00 8,632,672.10 2,580.00 0.00 81535,252.10 1,440.00 0.00 81636,692.10 11907.89 0.00 8538,599.99 11172.00 0.00 0,539,771.99 21600.30 0.04 8,642,371,99 1,400.00 0.00 8,643, 771.99 11817,50 0.00 8,545, 689.40 1,897.97 0.00 8,647 487.46 1,490.00 01.00 81648,977.46 1,300,00 0.00 81660,277.46 21578.00 0.00 81552,855.46 31200.00 0.00 81556,055.46 2,021.00 0.00 8,5168,076:46 1,248.00 0.00 8,559,284.46 596.00 0.00 81659, 880.46 11828.00 0.00 8,661,708.46 21635.68 0.00 81564,344,04 1,800.00 4.00 8,566,144.04 850.00 0.00 81666,994.04 2,375.00 0.00 8,569,360,04 11227.00 0.00 815700596.04 11260.04 0.00 01671,04604 11690.00 0.00 8,573,436.04 1,670.00 0.00 52575,106.04 21010.00 0.00 81677,116.04 21090.04 0,00 895799206.04 2180+0.00 0.00 87582,006.04 11690.00 0100 61583,696.04 3,0401.00 01.00 81586,736.04 31030.00 0.00 81589,766.04 21668.001 0.40 8,5921434404 11936.00 0.00 8,594,370.04 11600.00 0.00 8,595,970.04 21528.00 0.001 8,593, 598.04 1,240.00 0.00 81599,838.04 1,392.00 0.00 8,631,230.04 11420.00 0.00 81602,650.04 11124.00 0.00 81603,774.04 11686.00 0.00 8,605,460.04 11354.00 0.00 81606,814.04 2,872.00 0.00 81609,683.04 1,408.00 0.00 U11,094,04 900.00 0.00 8, 611, 994.04 .Account Number/Description Period Dato Journal Comments Bog Balance Dobit Credit Not Change End Balance 471501.8-01 HAP PAYMENTS -RENT - ERAP 11 11/2412022 AP -004226 3;780.00 0100 8,616,774.04 11 1112412022 AP -004225 21400.00 0.00 8,618,174.04 11 11/2412022 AP -004225 21250.00 0.00 816209424.04 11 1112412022 AP -004226 11790.00 0.00 8o622,214.04 11 11/24/2022 AP -004225 11051.68 0.00 8l623$265,72 11 1112412022 AP -004225 21628.00 0100 8,625,893*.72 il 11124/2022 AP..004225 31400.00 0.00 81629,293.72 11 11/2412022 AP -004225 1,000.00 0.00 81630,293.72 11 11/24/2022 AP -004225 21300.00 0.00 8,632,60.72 11 11/2412022 AP -004225 900.00 0.00 8,633,493,72 11 11124/2022 AP -004225 31108.60 0.00 81636p602.22 il I I t2412022 AP -004225 11569.00 0100 81638,171.22 11 11/2412022 AP -004225 3,500,00 0.00 81641,671.22 11 1112412022 AP -004225 2o300,00 0.00 8,643,071.22 111 1112412022 AP -004226 11600.00 0.00 81645,671.22 11 11/2412022 AP -004225 21600.00 0.00 8,648,171.22 11 1112412022 AP -004226 1,269.40 0.00 8,849,430.02 11 11/24/2022 AP -004225 1$700.00 0.00 8,651,130.62 11 11/24/2022 AP -004226 21200.00 0.00 81653,330.62 11 11/24/2022 AP -004225 41000.00 0.00 8,657,330,62 11 11/24/2022 AP -004225 1,790.00 0.00 81659,120.62 11 11/24/2022 AP -004226 4,600, 00 0.00 81663,620.62 11 11/24/2022 AP -004226 3,600.00 0.00 816679220.62 11 11/2412022 AP -004225 41152.00 0.00 81671,372,62 11 11/2412022 AP -004225 41085.00 0.00 8,675,467.62 11 11124/2022 AP -004225 11800.00 0,00 81677,257.62 11 1112412022 AP -004225 11400.00 0100 81678,657.62 11 11124/2022 AP -004225 13,200.00 0.00 81691,857,62 11 11124/2022 AP -004225 11950.00 0.00 81693,807.62 11 11124/2022 AP -004225 925.00 0.00 816940732.62 11 1112512022 AP -004226 700.00 0,00 81695,432.62 11 11125/2022 AP -004226 11898.00 0.00 8,097,330.62 11 1112512022 AP -004226 11366.00 0100 81698,696.62 11 11126/2022 AP -004226 11675.00 0.00 8,700,371.62 11 11125/2022 AP -004226 5,679.00 0,00 8J06,060.62 11 11/26/202.2 AP -004226 5,790.00 0.00 8,711,840,62 11 11126/2022 AP -004226 11390.00 0,00 81713,230.62 11 1112512022 AP -004226 33000.00 0.00 8,716,230,602 11 11/25/2022 AP -004226 11388,00 0.00 81717,616,62 11 1112512022 AP -004226 21850.00 0.00 81720,466.62 11 11/25/2022 AP -004226 4,200.00 0.00 81724s666.62 11 11/25/2022 AP -00 * 4227 348.00 0.00 8t7251014.6 2� 11 11/25/2022 AP -004227 1,460,00 0.00 8,726,464.62 11 11/25/2022 AP -004227 2,574.00 0.00 81729r038.62 11 1112512022 AP -004227 22039.00 0.00 81731 t077.62 11 11125/2022 AP -004227 ls049.89 0100 81732p127.51 11 1112512022 AP -004227 1,800.00 0.00 8,733,927.51 11 11/26/2022 AP -004227 1,514.00 0100 8,735,441.51 11 11/25/2022 AP -004227 21312.00 0100 81737,763.61 11 11/2512022 AP -004227 11391.84 0.00 8,739,145.35 11 11/25/2022 AP -004227 21876.00 0.00 8,742,020.35 Account Number/DescrIption Period Date Journal Comments 471501-8-01 HAP PAYMENTS -RENT - ERAP 11 1112612022 AP -004227 11 11/2512022 AP,.004227 11 1112512022 AP -004227 11 11/25/2022 AP -004227 11 11/26/2022 AP -004227 11 11/2512022 AP -004227 11 11/26/2022 AP -004227 471504-8-01 HAP PAYMNTS UTILITIE: ERAP Run Date: 121112022 11 #456:14AM GIG Date: 121112022 Beg Balance Debit Credit Not Change End Balance 11200.00 0.00 8,743,220.35 31650.00 0.00 81746,870.35 61876.00 0.00 81762,746.35 61860.00 0.00 81768,606.35 6y220.00 0.00 81764,826.36 11866.00 0.00 8,766,692.35 2,1 86.00 0.00 8,768,828.35 81217,931.78 558,072.57 71176.00 660,896.57 81768,828.36' 18t986.70 0.00 0.00 18,986.70 18,986.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 18,086.70 114port Total: 81236,918.48 558,072.57 7,176.00 5601896,67 787;816,05 Page: 5 User Lagon., SAS Eviction Rent Assistance Program 2.0 (ERAP 2.0) - Report Form -VERSION 4 Report period: � r . . Head of Hooldlnf6rmationEthnicity . . ... . HouseholdTotal . assistance Rental Assistance 24 or Unaccompanied •. Providedrental •, . 080120200945 •Non-Hispanic/Non-•lot space/mooring•'. or less Cisgender Woman 30% or less 1• 1. •Cisgender• •. • • -. -r - 1'. or - 4616101022 Cisgender Woman leased rental unit 30% or less SP1383101022 Client Doesn't Know leased rental unit SP1360100522 Cis ender-Wornan [eased rental unit 45851666i Cisgender Woman leased rental unit '30% or less SP1430102422' Cisgender Woman [eased rental unit 30% or less SP1382101022 Cisgender• •. • leasedrental unit or - SP1429102422 Hispanic/Latin(a)(o)(x) leased rental unit ' •1 1 •it •���:Cisgender Woman.. • leased - 1'. or - 4682101722 Cisgender Woman 30% or less 5131416101921 Cisgender Woman Hispanic/Latin(a)(o)(x) 'leased rental unit —i 30% or less SP139610122i Client Doesn't Know leased rental unit SP13891011221 Cisgender Woman Client Doesn't Know leased rental unit 30% or less Cisgender Woman Client Doesn't Know leased rental unit 30% or less SP1367100622 Client Doesn't Know MOM rental unit 30% or less SPI425102122 Cisgender Woman (o)(x) ased rental unit '30% or less SP1423102122 Cisgender Man Client Doesn't Know [eased rental unit 0- [eased rental unit 30% or less SP1417101922i I all. [eased rental unit 30% or less 4694101922 1 oil Client Doesn't Know leasei rental unit 30% or less Cisgender Man leased rental unit Cisgender Woman Multiple Races leased rental unit 4656101322 Cisgender Man F"i E)Jojf)�[ leasei rental unit 30% or less 4506100322 Cisgender Woman I Hispanic/Latin(a)(o)(x) leased rental unit 30% or less 4641101222, Cisgender Man leaseill! rental unit 30% or less Asian or Asian Arn"an lease;l rental unit leasei rental unit 30% or less Cis ender Man leased rental unit 31% or less Cisgender Man leased rental unit 31% or less Cisgender Man Client Doesn't Know leasej! rental unit 30% or less S P1420101.922, CisgencleiWoman Client Netused leasef rental unit SP14191 01922 I Cisgen:ier Man Client Doesn't Know [eased rental unit Cisgender Man Client Poesn't Know His2anic/Latin(a W leased rental unit SP141110182-2 Man lease -1 rental unit SPI409101822: Cisgender Woman Client Doesn't Know [eased rental unit SP1410101822i Cisgender Woman Client Doesn't Know rental unit SP1371100622 �����cisgender woman Multliple Races FAIll, 11111010111�111 [eased rental unit SP3.3571005221• Cisgender Wrtman•. . -. -•• •. - •• - 1'.• - Cisgender Woman leased lot snace/moori v fee 45231003221 1 M.1 �IIIIIIIIIIII'Ieasecl rental unit ���������Cisgender Woman leased rental unit __7 •. 1 ill ••- •-- Refused •. • -. -• - 1'. • - Client Refused Client Refused leasei rental unit 4458092722 Cisgender Woman easef rental unit 30% or less Cisgender Man 1 / Cisgenter Wiliman• •. • • • /'• 4678101722 •• er Man- r •. • • -. -• - 1'.. - 4664101422 .1 • •- r- r •. . • -. -• _ 1' uewom Japua2lsi:) uewom JapuaBSID: Japuz )Vs!D �MMMMM'ZZ170TISLtIUS �,S:Vj 9 LPWAI ig 1jun jejuai paseal moommommi= MMEMMM= uewom a . - -- i ZZZOTTTSt7TdS NOME IT aal U]iOow/@:)ed—si–ol —paseal 1. 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Ham uewofA Japua2sl:) ssal Jo %Os j!un jejuai paseal' -- - uewopA J@Pualls!D �MMMMM'ZZE060TEEldS :pun jejuai paseal momma2mmom ZZEOOTS17ETdS 1! un levaj paseal MOUN I,US@6(] jua!ID ZZZT60S6ZIdS ssal Jo %OE jiun jejuai paseal' I uewoM 'aPuaSsID: ssal Jo %OE j!un-jejuai paseal' By jiun jejuai paseal' MOUN Jusao(] juallD Uediom-japuasslD ZZOZ6060ETdS j!un jejuai paseal UbUJOPA JaPu9iis-D j!un jejuai paseal'oommommmUm =,�Alllllki I uewopMA JaPU@2s.ID j!un jejuai paseal UELUOM J@PuaSs.'D ssal Jo %OF A - - ueVy japuaBs.iD ZZTT019E9v EMMR� ilun jejuai paseal IWMEMM�� ZZEZ60ZZVV ssal Jo %OE j!un jejuai paseal: :pun jejuai paseal mosaimmal= uedi��s.iD j!un lepaj paseal --- llun jejuai pase4 ssal Jo %OE 1jun jejuai paseal ilun leivai paseal uewoffi japuaBsiD zztTOT/-Sgt7 j!un jejuai paseal PIT -01— j!un jejual paseal uewOAA JaPua2s!D: j!un jejuai paseal:01012almom uewoffi japua Summary No. of Applications ITotal Households Months of Utility Assistance iTotal Amount of Utility Assistance Months of Rental Assistance ]Total Amount of Rental Assistance 3521 1981 01 01 7171 552816.571 Aiid�, No' n' A gender other than singularly manor woman (e.g. non- Transgender Man or binarV/genderfluId/a gender/culturally' ,CisgenderWoman Cisgender Man Transgender Woman specific gender), Questioning Client Doesn't Know Client Refused Data Not Collected 1381 56, 0, 0, 01 1 31 0 70%1 28%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 1%1 2%1 0%1 American Indian/Alaska Black/African American/African Native/Indigenous White Client Doesn't Know Client Refused Data Not Collected Asian or Asian American Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander — Multiple Races 5 4 131 40 6 0 1 0 11 3% 2% 66% 20% 3% 0% 1% 0% 6% edA Et on-Hispanic/Non-Latin(a)(o)(x) Hispanic/Latin(a)(o)(x) Client Doesn't Know Client Refused Data Not Collected 73 122 2 1 37% 62% 1% 1% 0, W SS��Stl�.Sl � 4ao.o � vo;da�. ctuk.. L Sam : Al sso,s96�ille�