HomeMy WebLinkAbout*Other - Public Works (002)-z - Grant County Department of Public Works 124 Enterprise St. SmEs Ephrata, WA 98823 To: Honorable Grant County Board of County Commissioners From: Dave Bren, PE, MSCE County Road Engineer Date: October 17, 2022 Re: 2023 Annual Construction Program (ACP) 2023/28 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Workshop Discussion /---I -M - Serial No. 22. Legislative History: Financial Impact: • First Presentation: 1 October 11, 2022 2023 County Roads Funds $ 2,758,297 • Second Presentation: October 18 2022 14 2023 Local., State, & Federal Funds $ 8.100.1892 • Action Requested. Discussion Total. Annual ConstructionI P. I ogram: 114 189 overview The The 2023 Annual Construction Program (Attachment A) is required to be reviewed and approved by the Board before the end of 2022. In addition, the 2023/28 Six Year Transportation Improvement rovement Program (Attachment B) is required to be reviewed and approved by the Board as well. There are some steps along the way: • Draft Planning Discussions with Board (current) • SEPA Process • Final ACP & STIP Approvals by Board • Reporting to CRAB and WSDOT Commission Packet Attachment A. DRAFT 2023 Annual Construction Program (ACP) with Map B. DRAFT 2023/28 Six Year Transportation Program (STIP) with Map Action Reg uested Discussion of 2023 Annual Construction Program Road Projects. Future discussions and approvals. "To, meet current amd future needs, serving together with publ'o- an priv d e e int, I at ckes while fostering a respeotful and succaselul work ermeonmt. en-VIO Inf........... (SOS-) 1,54-606,2 Dave grenn., county moad a5o,2 %. Sd Lowry, Supervisor-of-st. NO. ....... gxt,3540 ...... ... ... .. ..... (5'") 754%�60$7 8,6b "Sersant, r"Onstrulation Engineer'..., 3 5-03 hike 0,el r0110 in/FT as I � Ski PeNIS-Or-Olst� N0.2 t. 9,1 Aft urant County Department of Public Wor 124 Enterprise St. S.E. Ephrata, WA N. To: Honorable Grant County Board. o -F County Commissioners From-, Dave Bren, PE, M County Road Engineer Date-, October 17, 2022 Re: Top Two Scored Roads 2023 Gravel-to-01"Fload Building Program $400,000 REET-1 Funding Request Serial No. 22. Legislative History: Financial Impact: * I st Presentation September 27, 2022 Miles of Gravel -to -Oil, 1.6 Mil es * 2nd Presentation: October 4, 2022 Cost /Mile for New :QST roads $250,000/m.ile * ActionRequested: Allow .EET-1. Application 01-3 SET -1 Road B-4fld m" R eFg quest $ 40000 - - - - ------------ Top Two Scoring --- Gravel Roads: '11e 2017'Road Scoring framework was reviewed and found to be good. A major update to scoring will take some time conduct and is proposed to be conducted in 2023. The top two scoring roads are excellent candidates as follows: ------------ ---- ADJUSTED -sir LOW FOR EACH CHARACTERISTIC DELETED Ed Lowry, Super-A-sor-oist, tio.3540 ..........>..,,,> 7_54-6087 80b 8P-MPfi, C.OnStfuctioft Engineer- 3503 htl<e DeTrolio, supervisor -Dist, No. 2- 3531 E4naL,,,,,,._...,,,>,,,,..... pub gcwori*P--grar�tcourtywa..go.v Loic Ohl, Aocounta nt Lei d-_____ ... ... ____Ext, 3555 John Sri%ey, Supewisor-Oist NO. 3541 Sam Castro, PUbUCWork5 Director-- ..............Ext, 350.4 Rod Follett, ForernarSign 3579 091 '7554408 SORT90 LIST - FINAL Jason eolings, Solid W 8ete-_ T5443lia Andy Booth, Bridge 3535 Priority Array (Scoresheet w1data and values - Final (sorted) Total School Adj, Ref Rd No Rd Name stvip 9M P Length FFQBecin End EGTS Score Rank 830 G.7 -NW/ 5.6 -NW/ H -NW 0 2.17 2.17 9 at 5 -NW at 7 -NW EPH na 4.3569 3 43750 S -NE 3.52 5.53 2.01 9 End of Oil Where 5.5 -NE would be MLK na d_,3274 -4 67 13200 1 I-Sw 0.00 0.750,75 9 at Dodson Rd at Beginning of pavement ROY na x.3183 5 123 32260 12 -NW 1.00 133 9 at U -NW 0.33 miles W of U -NE QUI na 4,1496 -6 12530 H SW 0.00 1.02 1.02 ­ 9 at 12 SW at SR 26 ROY --nal 4.1-459 7 133 10270 12-sw 6.74 7.97 T2T 9 at end pvnit E of J -8W W to K-SW___ ROY na 34770 8 72 21930 K -SE 1.50 2.01 0.51 9- 0.50 rn north 5 -SE 4 -SE MLK na 3.7779--- 9 62 22100 Baseline .S, SE 0.00 1.01 1,01 9 SE N -SE na 3.4263 10 " `o meet current- and finture needs, serving toget-her with public and privelte err i,4uies. v'rile fostering a respectful and successful work environmerf-t.' ...... ... ... ____(7*09-) r*4-6082 DaVe SMA, PE, County Road 3502 Ed Lowry, Super-A-sor-oist, tio.3540 ..........>..,,,> 7_54-6087 80b 8P-MPfi, C.OnStfuctioft Engineer- 3503 htl<e DeTrolio, supervisor -Dist, No. 2- 3531 E4naL,,,,,,._...,,,>,,,,..... pub gcwori*P--grar�tcourtywa..go.v Loic Ohl, Aocounta nt Lei d-_____ ... ... ____Ext, 3555 John Sri%ey, Supewisor-Oist NO. 3541 Sam Castro, PUbUCWork5 Director-- ..............Ext, 350.4 Rod Follett, ForernarSign 3579 091 '7554408 Samuel Dart Assistant V Jason eolings, Solid W 8ete-_ T5443lia Andy Booth, Bridge 3535 Gravel to Oil Program (Road Buildi Road building by updatin.gavel. roads to Bituminous Surface Treatment (BST) Roads is a clear use for REET-I funds and an excellent long-term investment for the County. There are several elements that should be considered when making this decision to fund this program including-. Maxhnum New Construction by Countv Forces: New BST Gravel -to -Oil roadwork- is considered New Road Building by County forces. New construction qualifies for REET-1. The total amount of new construction by County forces annually is $1,307,000. Maintenance work- is not counted toward this amount. Count y Forces Morale Boost, County Road District Staff have expressed great pride and satisfaction when. constructing a small arnount of new BST road construction on Road 3 -NE this year. The vast majority of their work- is road maintenance, so a small amount of new roads construction is greatly appreciated. Lon wTerm Maintenance is,Chea er. After the cost of the initial BST surface construction, it is cheaper long- term to maintain a BST road than a gravel road. Chip seal. roads have 9 -year maintenal-ice Cycle, which- is cheaper than grooming maintenance of gravel roads 3-6 times per year. A BST road has minor maintenance between 4=) chips seals and -there areno grooming costs. Fiscal and Policy I m plications : The initial. cost to construct a -new Bs,r oiled road is high. However, after the initial investment, the long-term maintenance costs thereafter are much less then gravel roads. Therefore, if REET- I funds can be annually invested to pay for the initial costs to construct BST o fled roads by County Forces, the annualized maintenance costs thereafter actually go down for those roads. In addition, the public gets to enjoy an oiled road thereafter. A. REET 1. &.2) — Public Works as a Primary Use B. Scoring Narrative for the Gravel -to -Oil. Road .Building Program ---------- Action Requested Public Works Staff requests the opportunity for 20123 Gravel. -to -Oil, program to apply and compete for $400,000 in 202.3 'REET- 1. funding. -- - ------------ -- "'To rneez- currep and- 'lure needs, serving toterwith public and privete entities. while fostering a respec -6fgal and suicaessful ,work environment." TS -4-6082 DaVe 13r PE, County Road 3so2 Ed Lftny, Supetwifsorzfst.tio, j_ 3540 FAX,......, IM54t87 Bob Semi t, 0onstruction FnIsneer,.. ......Fxt $503 Mke DeTrollo, Supetvisor-Dist. No,, E -.,m a d... pub Vcworks@ graptcountyAva.-gov toc Ohl, Accoun ta of L ead.-,.- ___E xL 3555- John art. sey, SuperVisor-Dist. No. 3 ....... ....... Ext 3541 -Sam castro, P works, Ext. 3504 Rod Follett, Forenj an -S ignSfIop__ ...... .. 3579 John SpLeSs. Supewissee ntragi 764-6086 Samuel Daft, Assistant Exts S519 Jason Dia s, solid ___($09) 7544319 Andy Booth, Srido,,e Supewisor......._ ................ ----ext 3535