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Accounts Payable Batch - Accounting (004)
Payable batch es audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24,090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to the Board: As of this date, 10/2612022 the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those payable batches . Payable Total: 68,126.00 . .... ......... .. Chairman of the Board of Commissioners. Date: :10/26/2022 Invoices./Batches not approved: Double, Checked by: Date: System: 10/26/2022 2:29:45 Y L PM County of Grant Page: User Date: 10/26/2022 CASH REQUIREMENTS REPORT User !D: nayanez Payables Management Ranges: Vendor ID: I - zzzzzzzzzzzzzz Vendor Flame: First Last Vendor Class: First Last User -Defined 1: First Last Sorted By: Vendor ID Payment Priority: First - Last Due Date: First - Last Discount Date: First - Last Payment Date: 10/31/2022 Vendor w vendor Name Document Document GL Account Amount On Hold Total --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number Date BURGP BURGESS, PAULETTE R 01/01/22-12/31/22 10/25/2022 001.133.00,0000,515934161 $9,035.00 $0.00$9,03 5.00 EAI.PILP EARL, PATRICK 01/01/22-12/31/22 10/25/2022 001.133.00-0000-515934161 01905.00 $0.00 $7,905.00 EDWAJ EDWARDS, JONATHAN 01/01/22-12/31/22 10/25/2022.,51593416,1 $5,421.00 $0.00 $5r421.00 EARLM Earl, Michael Glen 01/01/22-12/31/22 10/25/2022,515934161 $7,905.00 $0,00 $7,905.00 KENTR Kentner, Robert S 01/01/22-12/31/22 10/25/2022,515924160 $11,025.00 $0.00 $11,025.00 MORG1,41 Morgan, Michael Fraser 01/01/22-12/31/22 10/25/2022 001.133-00-0000,515924160 $11,025,00 $0.0,0 $11t025.00 PRNMIC PRINCE, MICHAEL STEPHEN 01/01/22-12/31/22 10/25/2022 001,133.00,00004515934161 $7,905,00 $0.00 $71 9055, 00 THONB Thonney, Bradley 01/01/22-12/31/22 10/25/2022 001,133-00-0000.515934161 $7,905.00 $0.00 $7,905.00 TOTAL FOR FUND 4 401 -------------- ------------- $681126.00 -------------- $0.00 $6B,1 126.00 GRAND TOTAL ------------- --------------- $68,126.00 -------------- $0.00 $68,126.00 System-, 10/2112022 3:45:44 PM County of Grant Page: User Date: 10/2112022 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID: nayanez Payables Management Batch ID: *PDCNTCT22 Batch Comment: OCT. 2022 Batch Frequency: Monthly Trx Total Actual: 8 Trx Total Control: 0 Audit Trail Code: Batch Total Actual: $68,126.00 Batch Total Control: $68,126.00 Batch Error Messages: Posting Date:. 10/25/2022 Document Total Vendor IQ Document Number Document Date Voucher N ber urn Purchases : Vendor. Name/ Terms. Disc Avail BURGP 01101/22-12/31/22 10/25/2022 0331553 $91035.00 $9: 1035.00 BURGESS, PAULETTE R 'Description PUBLIC DEF CONTRACT Payment Information Checkb.00k/Card Payment Number Document Date Amount Check 0/0/0000 $0.00 Distribution Messages: Work Messages: General Ledger Distributions Account/.Account Description Account Type Debit Amount Credit Amount ADULT MISD. PUB. DEF. DIST. c PURCH 91035.00 0.00 692.001.00.0000.211000000 WARRANTS PAYABLE PAY 0100 ----------- 91035'.00 91035,.OQ ----------------- 9,435.00 Document Tot" l V pndor',ID Document Number urn Doc men DateVO'ucherNumber Purchases -en, or - d 'Nam Terms, Disc Avail EARLM 01/01/22-12/31/22 10/25/2022 0331552 $7,905.00 $7,90590 Earl, Michael Glen Description PUB DEF CONTRACT Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Document Date Amount Check 010/0000 $0.00 Distribution Messages: WorkMessages: General Ledger Distributions /Ccount Account Description Account Type Debit Amoun' Credit Amount ADULT MISD., PUB. DEF DIST. t PURCH 7s905.00 0,00 692.001,00.0000.211000000 WARRANTS PAYABLE PAY 0.00 ----------------- 71905.00 7,905,00 --- ------------ 7,905.00 System: m: 10/21/2022 3:45:44 PM y County of Grant Page:. 2 User Date: 10/21/2022 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID: nayanez Batch ID *PDCNTCT22 Payables Management en or Document Number Document Date Voucher Number Purchases Document Total Vendor Name Terms Disc Avail ,EARLP 01101/22-12/31/22 10/25/2022 0331554 $7,905.00 $7,905.00 EARL, PATR16K Description PUBLIC DEFCONTRAC-T Payment. Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Document Date Amount Check 0/0/0000 $0.00 Distribution Messages: Work: Messages: General Ledger Distributions Account A count Description Account Type Debit AmourLo� Credit Amount 001.133.00,0000.515934161 DULT MISD. PU18. DEF. DIST. PURCH 71905,00- 692.001.0060000.211000000 WARRANTS PAYABLE PAY 0.00 -------------- 71905.00 pay - m r e * nt Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Document 71905.00 -- — ------------- 71,19.05.00 Check Total Vendor ID Document Number ' Document Dat' e V oucher Number Purcha8esDocument-nil 6- 'Vendor Name Terms Disc Avail Work Messages: EDWAJ 01/01/22-12/31/22 -10/25/2022 . 0331555 $5,421.00 $5.1421.00, E DWARDS, JO ATHAN Description PUBLIC DEF CONTRACT pay - m r e * nt Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Document Date Amount Check 0/0r/0000 $0.00 Distribution Messages-. Work Messages: General Ledger Distributions Account ,Account Description Account Type Debit Amount Credit Amount 001.138000.000.0.515934161 ADULT MISD. PUB. DEF. DIST. PURCH 51421.00 0.00 6192.001,00.0000.211 OOOOQO WARRANTS PAYABLE PAY 0.00 ----------------- 51421.00 51421.00 ----------- 51421.00 System; 10/21/2022 3:45:44 PM County of Grant Page: 3 User Date: 10/21/2022 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID: nay anez Batch ID *PDCNTCT22 Payables Management vendorlu Document Number Document Date Voucher Number Vendor Name KENTR 01/01/22-12/31/22 Kentner, Robe/S Description PUBLIC DEF CONTRACT Payment Information Checkbook/Card Check Distribution Messages4 Work Messages: 10/25/2022 0331529 Payment Number Document General Ledger Distributions Account count Description Account Type 00 1. 133.00-0000.515.924160A, DULT FELONY PUBLIC DEF.,.,,Q. PORCH 692.001.00.0000.21100000.0 - WAR -RANTS PAYABLE PAY Vendor ID Document Number Document Date Voucher Number Vendor Name MORGIVI 4 01/01/22-12/31/22 10/25/2022 .0331530 Morgan, Michael Fraser Description PUBLIC DEF CONTRACT Payment .Information Checkbook/Card Payment. Number, Document Check Distribution Messages: Work Messages: General Ledger Distributions Account, Account Description Account Type ADULT FELONY PUBLIC DEF. PURCH 692.001.00.0000.211000000 WARRANTS PAYABLE PAY Purchases Document Total i Terms Disc Avail $11,025.00 $11,025.00 Date Amount 0/0/0000 $0.00 Debit Amount Credit Amount 11 t025.000,00 0.00 0.00 ioe� ----------------- 11 1025.00 11 ,025.00 ----------------- 11,025.00 Purchases Purchases Doe'umenI - . t ' To - tat Term's Disc Avail $11,025.00 $11,025.00 Date Amount 0/0/0000 $0.00 Debit Amount Credit Amount 11 t025.000,00 0..00 we� 111025.00 111025.00 ----------------- 11,025.00 System: I - 0/21/2092 3:45:44 PM County of Grant Page: User Date: 10/21/2022 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID: Batch ID *PDCNTCT22 Payables Management Vendor ID Document Number Document Date Voucher Number Vendor Nam PRNMC f 01/01/22-12/31/22 10/25/2022 PRINCE, MICHAEL STEPHEN Description PUBLIC DEF CONTRACT Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Check Distribution Messages: Work Messages: 0331556 (Document Purchases Document Total Terms Disc Avail $77905.00 Date Q/0/0000 General Ledger Distributions Account A ..,dcount Description Account Type Debit Amou ht 001.133,00.00_00.515934161 ADULT MISD. PUB.. D.E.F. DIST. PURCH 71905..00 692.OQ1,.00.0000.21 1000000 WARRANTS PAYABLE PAY 0,00 ------------------ 7?905.00 .......... Vendor ID Doc'u'ment*Numb,er Document Date Voucher Number Purchases Vendor , Nam/ Terms Disc Avail. THONB it 01/01/22-12131/22 10/25/2022 0331551 $7,905.00 Thonney, Bradley Description PUBLIC DEF CONTRACT Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Document Date Check 0/010000 Distribution Messages: Work -Messages: General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type ADULT MI D; PUB. DEF. DIST. ( PURCH 692.001 000.0000-21 100.0.000 WARRANTS PAYABLE 'PAY Dodument Total Debit Amount 71905.00 6000/ 0.00 73'905.00 System: 10/21/2022 3:45:44 PM of��n ^«vnw ��n page: 5 User Date' 10�1/�O22 PAYABLES . LE8TRAN8ACT|ONB]|TL|ST User ID: nayanez Batch ID Payables Management Purchases Amount Terms Disc Avail Document Tote �_______ __�______ ------------- w--- $68,126.00 State of Wash I ngton-County of Grant lithe undersigned, do hereb certify under penalty of perjury that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered or the labor performed as described herein, that any advance payment is due and payable pursuant to a contract or is available as an, option for full or partial fulfillment of a contractural obligation, a- ' nd that the claim is a just, due and unpaid obligation against the county, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify to said clai m. Subscribed thi, day of Date Allowed Department Approved and Ara Authorized By too � < Commissioner i Commissioner Commissioner Jan -22 Feb -22 Mar -22 Apr -22 May -22 Jun -22 Jut -22 Aug -272 Sep -22 Oct -27. Nov -22 Dec -22 PDCNTCT1202Z KENTR V PAID DATE I MORGM P DATE ITHONB PAID DATE rEARLM PAID DATE IgUFtGP- " PAID -DATE JEARLP; PAID DATE I EDWAI PAID DATE PAID DATE $1U.Soo.ou $10'soo-ou 57,qU5,00 5S1,035.0a �7,905�00 $67,076.00 MONTHLY 57P905,00 :S7j91)5,00 $5,035-00 $5,421,00 57MSM $68,126.0© $111,775,00.- 511,025-00 57t905.06 $7,905.00 �5%038.00 57,4-b5.00 $5,421,00 5,11,025X0 5I1..1,125.00 $7XS,0U $9,05-00 S7 905A) SSj,42LW 57.905.00 $7,905.00, $9,035.00 57191Y5100 $5,121.00 570905.0,0 511,025.00 511,02-5,00 $7,905,Oa 59,035-00 57-,i905.00 $5,421-00, 57.905,00 $11,025.00 S11,025.00 S1110-25,00 52905.0.0 57 905..Cj0 "Z9 035 -al) 57,905,00 $7,90S-.00 25,oq 00 5 . 90035iOO S5,42 -LOG" -4 00 035.00 C,39,035,OU ti $7,431) 5.001 $5,42LOQ 57,905.00 511.025 .00 $11,G25,00 $7,qa sm 57,905.0 .0 5232,775.00 $94,860,00 $94,860-00 $208,420.00 $94,860.00 .$65,D52.00 $94,860,00 $816,462-00 ANNUALLY AP BATCH D: GOAp1o/2o/2oo2 Grant County Claims Clearing Account -92O1 Name FUND AMOUNT CURRENT EXPENSE 001.000. $ 68,126.00 COUNTY ROADS 101 $ CARES ACT - ELECTIONS 102 $ VETS ASSISTANCE 104 $ FEDERAL DRUG 107 68,126.00 m m6,252,00 m - MENTAL HEALTH 108 $ ST DRUG SEIZURE 109 $ LAW LIBRARY 110 $ JAIL CONCESSION 112 $ $ TOURIST ADVERT 114 $ $ COUNTY FAIR 116 $ $ INET INVESTIGATION 118 $ - m - m TRIAL COURT IMPROV, 127 $ $ -m -m 'm Dispute Resolution 136 $ $ - m - $ ^ w - -m -w -$ - -n - ACC BLAKE DECISION 192 $ w $ COUNTY FAIR SEWER 309 $ - $ TOTAL TRANSFER: $ 68,126.00 s APCOMPLETED BY: w.Yanez JOURNAL Ewrnv TREASURER NOTIFIED: POSTING COMPLETED BY: CnEomo________ vmoEo' ' BATCH puCnm CREDITS p*rnx 68,126.00 m m6,252,00 m - m 136�252.0*PoCNTcT22 - $ - m ` m - - m - m -m -m 'm - - m - $ ^ w - -m -w -$ - -n - m 68,126.00 $ 136,:52.00 w - w . Ignacio Cobos Spokane County Jail 1100 W. Mallon Spokane, WA 9926.0 MAkE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN ---------- - 4e 61 XUL7j IM 'f ,J' ell 70ritvz- V0.n 1`Ov 71w tivf- LIX-Page 1 of 2 w Z n1ank you for your time' andconsideration in this niaffiwr In accordance with.28 USC §.1746, 1 declare, under penalty ,of perjury, that*I mailed this letter with -attachments -if applicable, and copies - on the da v of 20 Sincerely,, All Ri-ghts Reserved, z"J I gq. nlA- c i Co os I-gnacl'.o- Cobos' _197 V ? 4 vlzot Ltr-Page 2. of 2 440 • �N!`fJ/7` I � r r UARTH DANG SPANTCOUNW- PROSECUMEiATTOUEY. ChIC Deputy Alan White :tvil-Anneltnte Deputies Nevin I McCrae Katharine W. Mathews 6dmini�for .Kaye Burns Criminal Denudes Edward A. Owens Daniel Crawford Chad Jenks Carlee Sittle Peter Hibbard Brandon Guernsey Caleb Nolta Corey Metzger Rebekah Kaylor Katharine W. Mathews - Civil Deputy Prosecuting Attorney 15 February 2019 (509) 754-2011, ext. 3920 fax (509)754-6574 Mr. Ignacio. Cobos. i Cobos Paralegal Services P.O. Bax 829 Spokane, WA. 99210 . Re: Request for Public ]Records No. P004812-012919 Dear Mr. Cobos: I have reviewed the email correspondence between you and Grant County's Public Records! Officer-, Jodi Zimbelman, concerning your public records request referenced above. Ms. Zimbelman has told you repeatedly Grant County.has produced. all records she has beep able to.identify as responsive to your request. You--avon.tlnue- to - demand- - duction, of a record of which you claim. to be aware, yet refuse to. Ydentif�: Each time,; lVls Zimb.elrnsn has told you that if you will identifythe. record, Arid if it. -is the C®uinty's possession, she will produce it. _ - ue to refuse to iden ' the document. YouAlso. refuse to state the reason you You conun t�fy .}.: . will not identify a document claimed to be -known to you: Y"oitr Issurances that a responsive document does exist, with nothing more, do not provide reasonable identification. There is nothing further Ms. Zimbelmann can do. Please direct. all fature.'dorrespondence to me. Finally, lease understand that I will not be able to assist- pr .your--cuent-- f you continue to demand a record you do not feel compelled..to =identify in any manner. I will en age in prolonged discussion on the subject. YoU do'not. need to draft a `'settlement nal g g p g a_ .. _ .. letter." There is nothing to settle. in Y$ Katharine W. Mathews Civil Deputy Prosecuting Attorney c: Jodi Zimbelman, Grant County Public Records Officer PO Box 37 • Ephrata, SIA. 98823 9 phone: (509)754-2011 • fax: (509)754-3449 Itv d-a1v :::+T!1M AUG 28 P1 10: 19 SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR GRANT . COUNTY STATE OF WASHINGTON Plaintiff, 'No.: 11-1-00445-0 vs. IGNACIO * COBOS, Defendant, NOTE FOR HEARING 0 Clerk's Action Required The Clerk of the Court AND TO: Ignacio Cobos, Defendant.'".' The undersignedor he�arui has noted the above matter f g. as follows: Nature of Motion: Proceeding On Mandate _.. . Date and Location: Tuesday, September 24 201.9 at -9:00 am Grant CountSuperi y or Court _ 35 C Street NW, PO BOX 37',' Ephrata _ p ,. WA 98823 Kev6 J.1VIc rae, WSEA #43087 Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney DECLARATION OF MAILING/DELIVERY Under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State - = of Washington, I hereby declare that on this day I: ® deposited in the mail a properly stamped and addressed envelope directed to the Attorney for - Defendant or _. mailed to the Atew Defendant or El hand delivered to the Attomey for Defendant or their Assistant a copy of the document to which this declaration is attached. DATED: PROSECUTING ATTORNEY NOTE FOR HEARING page 1 35 C STREET NW, POST OFFICE BOX 37 EPHRATA, WA 98823 (509) 754-2011 FAX (509) 754-3449 Grant County District Court �; FEB 2 0 2020' GRANT COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE - iro —�-- - - -'�35 C SrnWr NoRrxovEsr v Ermte; WA-98823 • PHONE 1509) • Fax (509J'?54OSS Q.FE.CERMPORT OFFICERS REPORT SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT ❑ DETECIIVE: John Wallace COURT: DISTRICT SUPERIOR ❑ JUVENILE ❑ 02-07.1965 Lw DEFENDANTS: Ignacia Cobos CRIME: Unlawfu(Practice � � AUG 2 3 2019 DATE 01: INCIDENT: March 2019 CPiV4TATTORNEY �'?�C� DATE OF REPORT: 08-08.2019 CUSTODY: YES ❑ NON LOCATION OF INCIDENT: Grant County Courthouse 35 CStNW* Ephraa, WA 98823 CASE #: 19GS09050 VICTIM: Sate of Washington SEND TO THE PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE XES � NO ❑ `.. _ - - , _ _ __ . 1. Identify Victims, Address, Phone State of Washington 2. IdenriEy Suspects or Persons Arrested &Charged - Ignacio Cobos DOB: 02-07-1965 1665 -E Crotivn Ave PIi (762) 338-33Q4 - SpokanetWA 99247-- 3. Charges, RCW. Bail Recommendation, Citation #: Unlawful Practice, 2.48.180, N/A, N/A 4. Identifyti`Uitnesses, Address, Phone #: Kevin iVfcCrae _ Grant CountyProsecutor's Office 35 C St NW Ephrata, WA 98823 7 so Katharine Mathews Grant CouatyProsecu6?s Office 35 C St MV ___ ... .. Ephrata, WA 98823 Peter Hibbard Grant County Prosecutor's Office 35 CStNW Ephrata, NVA 98823 Peter Edksen DOB: 02-06-1931 Transient Ph* (360) 927-2937 Ephrata, WA 98823 5. Iden* Property Taken &Value: ism 6. List Evidence &Disposition: 19GSE 1518 —DVD Rom with emails and deposition of Peter E&en 7. Photos, Diagrams, Latents: 8. Property Damaged &Value: -None 9. Reconstnj.ct Incident: On 07-23-20199 1 was directed by Chief Deputy D. Cadield to. nia4._ ,contact with Grant County Deputy Prosecutors Kevin McCme and/or Kate Nkthews m . reference to a report that Ignacio thax-direcwe,,I set .-Mee _��ith ..- -: Cobos, may be pmaicing law without a license. Based _t)n-..-_.ting, McCrae and b&thn!s for later that day.- -- Prior to meetul v#,vn*h McCrae and NEtthews, Nk-Cme foc�arded rm.,several -emails that m cluded-the.. followin; information: An email fomrarded to McCrae from Zach Acres- at:Ries --.Law..-- Fim- 4;wtu' --originAted-, from an enwil address identif ied as belangina to Ignacio Lobos. This email originally dated 06.14- .. 20 19 and was sent to Chris Ries wirh Ries Law Fmn;, ;-The:.-b0dyof .the -tautil that it is sent by Peter E riksen and includes an attachment with a "Declaration of Service* and an "Appellants Motion for an Order Accepting Appdants%.Cor*Ued- -Over'<Lengtli=Reply' which are both signed by"PeterEnlssen, 16 Agept." of Peter - An email with an attachment of a 53 page transcript TakenTaken Erken an 03-13-2019. In this deposition, Zach.Acres asks Erilmen about what services Lobos provides to Erilzen. Pages 7-9 and pages 18-20 hive been attached to this report, 3 but a di��ital copy of the entire transcript has been included with the case file. Erikson states Ihe s' Wd' pagesab6ve),0duringItIon on pecif The paralepl service provides legal services for Erten. 40 * The paralegal service sometimes does legal research for Enksen. A That "he* sometimes drafts legal documents for Eriksen that are filed with the court. 0 -a That "he" sometirm signs Ezituen!s name: to documents, a Lobos, preparei documents and investigates evidence for Erken. -Winvestigationsinvest **That, ErIsen has conducted for Cobos, includiasginvestigating real property records. 0 Eriksen has "traded" Lobos to provide legal work for Edksen. in exchange for E Asen conducting investigations ' ns for Lobos. tiptio An email exchange between NkCrae and Mathews on 04-19-2019 in which the following infommxion was shard 0938 hn McCrae to Mathews: "Pete Erickson is up her arguing on the civil docket and Lobos is in ihegallery n`8ght-b&m`d m, e." ** 0940 ha Mathews to MC=: "WatCfar.pOssia� ., nates: 7" 10z adiqcr hisculiri�;, 0947 ha McCme to �&thevs: "Antos- is reCo taking notes, (documenting what is going Oii) 0948 hrs Mathews to McCrae: "Got that." Mathews: "TaUced-*t.o,opposme-atto'meyi.Z-ach..Acress.'a 1002 hs �&Crae to Nht has significant information on Lobospraoucing law-for:Pete, Eiclmon,inc including .- a . deposition�,�fiere Pete aclw6wledgves Cabos -.-I's draffina Pleadu'Ffor hirn." ` ey��i!'hle 1047 haMcCrae to Mathews: ""Mre e.2 wz-.-a discuss.ion.-on-Ittom --s-fiesIFEriclnstobos- then made jurisdictional opposing counsel wastallcatkin;ison co ulted; objection." Later that afternoon, I met with McCrae and Mathews at the -Grant, County_Prosecutor's office,- - McCrae told me that based on his observations (documented by theemail * exchangel-betv�-Ten- -him and 1�Iathews on 04-19-2019), he believed that Cobos upas providing =legal advice/assisMce to_m. Erikson in the courtroom that day. McCrae further advised--- me.--. that .--. -Cobos :has _previously. represented himself in court and that McCxie has reviewed documents ..filed by Lobos from that t=. According to W*Craej those previous documents appear to be written in a similar manner and _ style as the documents Eri�ksen has filedwith the court whUe-.represen-t"Lng.�hinaself.:....iit.-is- _B..r h6Vs beHef that Cobos most hely prepared the documents Med by E-rilksen.,with the court. .� 4 During this meeting Nathevurs told me that Grant County District Court Prosecutor Peter Hibbard __ bve ai ry d Cobos s' Ersen notes cl + cc►urr �'h�e En�sse as may previously obis a pas i representing hinuelf. On 07-24-28I9, I met szch Grant County Deputy Prosecutor Peter Hibbard Hibbard recalled that he was the prosecutor for a trial involving Pecer Eriksen. in N,vFDeputy Sgt J. h?cMillan VM also present during the trial as he was the original investigating Deputy. Edlaen elected w represent himself doting the trial, but Defense Attorney Peter Van Akin was assigned by the court to assist Erilssen. Hibbard recalled that Ignacio Cobos was present throughout the aial process and appeared to be assisting Erilaen aith his legal defense. During the trial, Cobos would attempt to participate in any conversations that I-Ebbard would have with Van Akin and Eriksea. At one point, Mbard told Cobos that he need not be present during these meetings as he was not. an attorney. Lobos responded that he was only there to offer legal assistance. Also, Hbbard saw Lobos pass En*ksen sevearal notes throughout the tria0. Atone point, Mbbard intercepted one of the notes but he is unable to recall what the note said and Hibbard no longer has the note. At some point during the trial, Lobos asked Hibbard if Lobos was being investigated for practicing law without a license. When Hbbard said drat he was not aware of an unvestigration, Cobos stated that the first offense was only misdemeanor anyway. Hbbard told me that he has read handwritten motions submitted to the court by both Eriksen and Cobol and both artitina styles appear to be the same to him On 07-24-2019, I left a voicemail. message forPeter.Van Alldnn with a request to return my phone call in reference to this iinvesti=aaxion. As of ilie date of this report, Peter Van Akin has not'.cetucned my _ - call. On 07-25-2019, I spoke with Sat. WUBan and. he. .recalled being present at Edksen's trial. Sgt. 1V1cMillan remembered that Gtabos did indeed pass notes to Eckea during the anal and that.. one. of those nates were intercepted. Sgt McMillan does not recall the content of the note.: and does, not - know what happened to the note. . Also on 07 -?5-2019, I received an .ema�1 from McCrae with - an -attachinerit document of "Declaration of Service" and an "Appellants Motion for an Order Accepting Ap�iellants Compelled Over Length Reply". 71vs document is the same docurnentaddrested earner ui>this report as put of an ema�.sent to Chris Ries on 06-19-2019. In the body o� IIIc e'y ecr�a�, .he states: that,Tilis is the stuff that just reads likeCobos, wrote it, the apologies, the excuses and. such appear to be sun7ar to other thinaas he has filed" - -- On 08-03-2019, I spoke on the phone. urith Ignacio Cobos at (762) 338-35046, Cobos, told me that he does have a business license as a Paralegal, but he gas not goir�; to say *hedi�r he has or Teas not prep:Md le&n,l documents for Peter Eriksen is the past .I explainedxa Cobos that Erilcsenhad - _ already stated under oath that Cobos has prepared docum-ein- ts that mere #iled witti,the eourtL. Cobos stated that Law enforcement turns his words around on hirxi and he -did notvant`to anscverany questions. Cobos did make the statement that he understood hewosbetng i n- ves Uga ted f o f pmcucing law %ithout a license. I responded by telling him that maybe.I vas uivestigating Eril�sen for committing _ perjury. Cobol' response was to go .ahead and conduct the pec�urty �nvest��aaon-and then-Cubos - would testify on Erilssen's behalf. I told Cobol that Yunderstood -his response to say that Peter S Eriksen was not a liar because Cobos would testify that Eriksen did not commit perjury.. At that iurie; GDbos told riie again chat-hhe �s not going to answer anyquesaons Ultimately Cabos refused to dcny the allegations that he has prepared legal documents or that he has signed Peter Er�ilcsen's name to documents fid with the court. Eventually, Cobos ended our phone conversation by hanging up on me. According to the department of licensing, Cobos'license was issued on 12-20-2018 and lists as address of 1665 E'Crown Ave, Spokane, WA. According to GDbos' sex registay information, this is also his last. known address. According to Spokane PD, GDbos was last contacted on 01.09.2019 and he idenified as being homeless, but they also list his last known address as 1665 E Crown Ave. At this time, I am forwarding this report to the prosecutor's office for consideration of charges against Ignacio Cobos for Unlawful Practice of Law RCW 2.48.180. 10. Statements: NOI12 11. IdentifyRecovered Properly: None Ice (or declare} under penalryof �rjury vender the 1a�5 of the State of Washington that the forgoing is tzue and correct to the. best of mykrlowledae. ���� LEO: John E. �Jallace GT -28 Renee T. 7wivnsley 009) 06-31182 7611) II-SIM8.134388 Mary Eriksen c/o Ignacio Cobos 1655 E. Crown Avenue Spokane, WA 99207 The Co ttrt t)f Appeah paid NCIedur ST of th e Spokane, WA 99201-190.5 State of Kishinglon 1lay.109) & 11 DIVISIoll III Its do August 15,2019 CASE # 356361 Consolidated with: CASE # 365051 E3 Land, LLC v. Peter Eriksen, et al GRANT COUNTY SUPERIOR'COURT No. 172000678 Dear Ms. Eriksen: Please be advised the documents which you filed on August 1-- 2019; "Appellant t Mary E. pp 4M Eriksen"s Objection to Commissioner's Ruling and Current..Qeadlines* 460*A Mary-. Eriksen's Assignment of New Agent and Request to the Court" are rejected for fifirig beicause yOU'are not 9 party Of record in this appeal. The Notice of Appeal filed on October 11, 2017 was sig.n-ed..by P-eter Efik-sen--only'as was the h: Notice of Appeal filed on December 6, 2018. Therefore, the..CdUrt has,f*.j cted.y0UrAugust 1,2019 filings'. Sincerely,'', Renee, -S-. "Towns1q. Citrk/Aftinistrator RST:jcs c: Christopher F. Ries c: Zachary William Acres Ries Law Firm, P.S. Ries LwAl Firm, P. -S. PO Box x\119 - PO.Sox 2119 Moses Lakip...,INA -9-8837-0519 Motes- Lake, WA 98837MOS-1.9- chrisr Cgrieilawnrm.cbm' _* y za.chiacres@ries1aWftM&'to.m c: Peter Eriksen R0'Tru#(,_' l5diet Er'iksen 9532 SW 0 Road i!io' PO Box 7685 Royal City, WA 99357 Spokane, WA 99210. peat 6l@hotmall.com - C: RO Trust, Peter Eriksen Trutteie. . PO 'Box 7685'.- -Spokane., WA. 992 10 T� FILED �� �� SEP 2 4 2019 �` KIMBERLY A. ALLEN GRANT COUNTY CLERK SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR GRANT COUNTY STATE OF WASHINGTON, Plaintiff, No. 11-1-00445-0 VS. IGNACIO COBOS, Defendant. SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE JUDGMENT AND SENTENCE I. MOTION That on March 18, 2015, an Amended Judgment and Sentence was entered in this matter. That this second amendment .is based upon a decision by. -the .Court of Appeals -Thd-State- moves to amend this order as stated below. II. ORDER IT IS ORDERED: 2.1 Section 4.2 is amended to read: Count 1, at least 0 months, plus -all accrued earned early release time at the time of release. Count 3 at least 12 months, plus all.. accrued, earned early release time at the time of release. Count 4 at least 3 months, plus all accrued earned early release time at the time of release. - Pursuant to State v. Bruch, 182 Wn.2d 854, 859, 346 P.3d 7245 726 (2015) In section 4.3 the $200 filing fee is stricken, legal finical obligations total $500, 2.2 That -all other aspects of the Amended Judgment and Sentence entered March 18, 2015, shall remain in full force and effect, DATED: _� ?�!� , Judge Presented by: A Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Approved as to form: . WSBA # Attorney for Defendant