HomeMy WebLinkAbout*Other - Sheriff & JailRyan Rectenwald
Office 509-754-2011
ext. 2017
Cell 509-750-7304
Joe Kriete
Chief Deputy
Office 509-754-2011
ext. 2026
Cell 509-750-2710
Josh Sainsbury
Chief Deputy
Emergency Operations
Office 509-754-2011
ext. 4522
Cell 509-750-7306
Phillip Coats
Chief Deputy
Office 509-754-2011
ext. 2021
Cell 509-237-4589
Tracy Hill
Administrative Assistant
Office 509754-2011
ext. 2014
Cell 509237-2278
Corant n ty
October 27, 2022
Danny E. Stone, Chair
Cindy Carter, Member
Board of County Commissioners
Re: Authorization for Promotion's to Detective
I'm requesting authorization to make two promotions to Detective, prior to the
retirements of Detectives Cook and Mitchell. Both have provided letters to me
stating that if the Grant County Deputy Sheriff's Association working agreement is
ratified prior to their retirements, they will retire effective February 28th, 2023.
The position of Detective is difficult and unique as compared to any other position
in the Sheriff's Office. Each Detective carry large caseloads, mostly comprised of
serious felony crimes to include unsolved homicides. My hope is to make the
promotions and assign them to major crimes. The two newly promoted Detectives
will "shadow" the Major Crimes Detectives until they retire.
The funding is available because I have not filled a Chief Deputy and Undersheriff
position since July 11t, 2022.
Thank you in advance for your consideration,
Grant County Sheriff's Office
Cc: Donna Harrington, Financial Specialist
Katie Smith, Chief Accountant
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P.O. Box 37 • Ephrata, WA 98823 • www.grantcountywa.gov/sheriff
599-754-2911 ext. 2991 •599-754-2058 Facsimile ()O@GrantCoSheriff
Administrative Offices in the Law & Justice Center, 35 C St IOW, Ephrata, Wash.
Ryan Re.0tenwald
Office 509-7542911
ext, 2017
Cell 509-750-7304
To: Sheriff Rya.n Rectenwald
Joe. Kriete
From: Jason K. Mitchell
Chief Deputy
Offl..qb 509-754�2011
Employee. # :2709
est: 2026
Cell 509-715.0-2710
Date October 18,2022
Josh Sainsbury
Chief Deputy
Emergency Operations
Subjectf Estimated Retirement Date
Office 509-754-2011
ext. 4522
Cell 509-750-7306
J sbury@grantcountywa.gov
Sheriff Rett enwald
'Phillip Coats
Chief Deputy
Corrections ections
I t hasbeen requested that I Write �a memo to help facilitate the Board
Office, 509-754-2011
ext. 2021
of Commissioners' approval in promoting'Detectives-to the Major
Cell 509-237-4589
Crimes Unit (MCU) andor INET prior to my retirement date.
Tracy Hill
Administrative Assistant
At the above state request, my anticipated retirement date from the
Office 509-714 54-2011
ext. 20s
Grant County Sheriff' Office is February 28, 2023, This is with one
Cell 509237-2278
caveat, 'if the Board of CoMmissioners doesn't ratify the current
bargaining agreement with the Grant County Deputy Sheriff's.
Association prior to me retiring, it will prolong my tenure with the
GCSO until they do so, and the retroactive pay is received . by met
The retroactive pay I would be entitled to would not be paid to me if I
am no longer employed. I won't leave my employment with Grant
P.O. Box 37 - Ephrata, WA 98823 * www,grantcounbiwa.gov/sheriff
509-754-20,11 ext. 2001 * 509-754-2058 Facsimile 00@Grant CoSheriff
Administrative Offices in the Law & Justice Center, 35 C St NK Ephrata, Wash.
County and leave thousands of dollars that is owed to me on the table. That is
money that would be paid to all other members of the bargaining unit.
My hope is that the contract can be settled, and retroactive pay be paid prior to
my anticipated date of February 28, 2023, so that I can retire on the date I have
Respectf Sub'ted,
J4.on Mitchell
Ryan Rectenwaid
Office 509-754-2011
ext. 2017
'Cell 509-750-7304
Joe Kriete
Chief Deputy
Office 509-754-2011
1 ext. 2026
Cell 509-750-2710
Josh Sainsbury
Chief Deputy
Emergency Operations
Office 509-754-2011
ext. 4522
Cell 509-750-7306
jsainsbury@grantcountywa gov
Phillip Coats
'Chief Deputy
Office 509-754-2011
1 ext, 2021.
Cell 509-237-4589
Tracy Hill
Administrative Assistant
Office 509-754-2011
ext, 2014
Cell 509-237-2278
Grant Co nt
To. Sheriff Ryan Rectenwald
From: Kim W. Cook
Date: October 1.3,2,02.2
Subject: Estimated Retirement Date
Sheriff Rectenwald,
It has been requested that I write a memo to help facilitate the Board
of Commissioners' approval in promoting a detective to the Major
Crimes Unit (MCU) prior to my retirement date so the newly,- promoted
detective will have some lead time to prepare themselves for the
position and have access to whatever information the MCU team can
provide prior to my departure.
The position of detective in the MCU is unlike anything encountered in
other positions within the department. It takes a substantial amount of
knowledge, training and experience to get to a level of proficiency in
the position due to the varied highest level of the crimes investigated.
And, with new laws each year, ever changing case law, and the rapidly
evolving technology industry, the position is extremely complex and
P.O. Box 37 - Ephrata, WA 98823- wvm. g ran tcountywa.gov/shedff
509-754-2011 ext. 2001 .509-7 4-2058 Facsimile ()O@Grant CoSheriff
Administrative Offices in the La.w & Justice Center, 35 C St NW, Ephrata, Wash.
It takes approximately five years of time in grade for a newly assigned detective
to reach a level of competency that they would have the prerequisite skills to
investigate an upper tier crime without substantial assistance from other
members of the MCU. I'm not saying that after five years any detective can
handle any crime without assistance and guidance. The position of detective in a
MCU is always challenging and fraught with unforeseen/unknown obstacles and
With the previous being said, aid, my anticipated retirement date from the Grant
County Sheriff's Office is February 28, 2023. 1 say that with one caveat. If the
Board of'Commissioners doesn't ratify the current bargaining agreement with the
I w
Grant County Deputy Sheriff's Association prior to me retiring it will prolong my
.0 It
tenure with, the GCSO until they do so and the retroactive pay i , s received by me.
The retroactive pay I would be entitled to would not be paid to me if I am no
longer employed., I won't leave my employment with Grant, County and leave
thousands of dollars that is owed. to me on the table. That is money that would be
paid to all other members, of the bargaining unit.
My hope is that the contract can be ratified and retroactive pay be paid prior to
my anticipated date of February 28, 20.23 so that I can retire on the date I have
Respectfully submitted,
. 1A
I K1
* W. Cook`_
D tective/M CU