HomeMy WebLinkAboutAccounts Payable Batch - Accounting (002)Payable batches audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCN 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24,090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to the Board: As of this date, 10/21/2022 the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those payable batches . Payable Total- . $ 2,400.00 rN [Aviewed Ind certifito by;.,,__ LM Commissioner' Co.0milsionet,. Chairman of the Board of Commissioners Date: 10/2112022 Invoices/Batches not approved: Double Checked by: Date: 0C 2o22 R ""C E 1 V"' D i Y AP BATCH ID: GCEMG 10/2112022 Grant County Claims Clearing Account - 9201 Name FUND AMOUNT CURRENT EXPENSE 001.000, COUNTY ROADS 101 CARES ACT - ELECTIONS 102 VETS ASSISTANCE 104 HAVA 3 ELECTIONS 100 FEDERAL DRUG 107 MENTAL HEALTH 108 2,400.00 ST DRUG SEIZURE 109 LAW LIBRARY 110 TREASURER O/M 111 JAIL CONCESSION 112 EGON ENHANCMNT 113 TOURIST ADVERT 114 COUNTY FAIR 110 INET INVESTIGATION 113 PROS CRIME VICT 120 LAW & JUSTICE 121 TURNKEY LIGHT 122 AUDITOR O/M 124 DD RESIDENT PROD 125 R.E.E.T. 1st /4% 120 TRIAL COURT IMPROV. 127 DOM VIOL SRVCS 128 AFF HOUSING 129 HMLS HS LOC 1.30 REET 2nd 114% 132 Econ Enh. Dural Co 133 Depute Resolution 130 Building 138 REET Admin 130 SHERIFF SURPLUS 140 SHB 1 406 141 GC ABATEMENT 150 HILLCREST CRID 101 GRANTS ADMIN. 190 ARPA '191 AOC BLAKE DECISION 192 MUSEUM CONTRUCTION 304 MACC Bond 307 MCKiNSTRY ESSENTION 308 COUNTY FAIR SEWER 309 PROP 1 SALES TAX 311 ERP RESERVE 312 SOLID WASTE 401 DATA PROCESSING 001 INSURANCE 003 INTFUND BENEFITS 000 UNEMPLOY COMP 500 DENTAL INS. 507 OTHER PR BEN, 508 VISION BENEFITS EQUIP RENTAL 509 510 COMMUNICATIONS 511 PITS & QUARRIES 500 TOTAL. TRANSFER: 2,400.00 AP COMPLETED BY: Natalie Yanez JOURNAL ENTRY: TREASURER NOTIFIED: POSTING COMPLETED BY: CHECKS: 603018 VOIDED: w BATCH PMCHK CREDITS PMTRX 2,400.00 $ 4,800M $ - $ 4,800.00 RENEW102022RG $ _ $ _ $ w _ $ _ $ _ $ M - $ 21400.00 $ 4,800.00 $ $ 4,800.00 2,400.00 $ 4,800.00 $ - $ 4,800.00 2,400.00 $ 4,800.00 $ - $ 4,800.00 System: 10/20/2022 4:59:03 PM County of Grant Page: User Date: 10/20/2022 PAYABLES TRANSACTIOM EDIT LIST User ID: rgonzEtles Payables Management Batch ID: RENEW1 02022RG Batch Comment: Batch Frequency: Single Use Trx Total Actual: Trx Total Control: Audit Trail Code; Batch Total Actual: $2,400,00 Batch Total Control: $2,400.00 Batch Error Messages: Posting Date: 10/20/2022 .� ,d6do'r (D ..-1..,,.-�--"*'Do-0urnent �Umbeir--. , �' VDocurnent.D a Vo' her Nurhber' ' r - r * + '' ,".'- P hases ur .a • ocumerit,76,tal,* '''x y.• 1N .. ", `>r r' "_t .. `:: € amedor- o. « • '-' •r. : ---------- ------- ------ ,'.` - • :M. ECONL 12542635 10/2012022 0375219 $2,400.00 $2,400100 J&V INVESTORS LLC Description Client Emerg TAP Housing Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Document Date Amount Check 0/0/0000 $0.00 Distribution Messages: Work Messages: General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Acrount Type Debit Amount Credit Amount 108. 150-00-0000,664004 502 MENTAL HEALTH., .EMERGEt PURCH 21400.00 0.00 692.001-00,0000.211000000 WARRANTS PAYABLE PAY 0.00 --------------- — 21400.00 2,400.00 21400.00 System: 10/20/2022 4:59:03 PM County of Grant User Date: 10/20/2022 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST Batch ID Payables Management State of Washngton-County of Grant Page: 2 User ID: rgonzales Purchases Amount Terms Disc Avail Document Total ------------ - $2,400.00 $0.00 $2,400.00 1, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered or the labor performed as described herein, that any advance payment is due and payable pursuant to a contract or is available as an option for full or partial fulfillment of a contractural obligation, and that the claim is a Just, due and unpaid obligation against the county, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify to said claim. Subscribed thisi2—lday of '" (Signed For Department Approved and Authorized By Date Allowed Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner renewOront Ochavlorpl He -Ah ra elm Date,, Name: Item(s) Requested (include a photo if your need a specific item}: Approximate Cost:, Funding Source, if known: 4*1 Date Needed Byl F641.-, Supervisor's Signature Date 16/�� Please have yo r supervisor sign the form and then return it to the Finance Department, Residenfiai Rental Agreement Name. xb a q_hLQ Unit Number: Date-, 1. Parfie Dugas : The date -stated above in the capfi-on is foridenfification purposes only and may be different from the actual date of signatures.. The parties to this agreement are: 1.1 The i'denfity, of the -lessor (landlord) is Suglani Investors representafive C_ YJ 1.2 Th.e Corporate address of the landlord'I's 449 Melva In, hoses L4ke'Wa. 98837 also ►own as Quality Inn Moses Lake. I 3 The [,dent-Ity of Lessee (tenant) 'is (name of all if more than on: include all adults who wil I be co -tenants).,,, 1.4 'Identities of children and ages., who W11 be occupying the Property. , V ` All lessees -and tenants are referred together in th'is agreement as 1essee and each Jessees* jointly and severally responsih-le -for the obtigafions, of the lessee in this -agreement. No aduits other than those idenfified''in th."Is Paragra,ph, are Permitted to reside in the property. A person occupytng the proper substanfifly aas a Uving or sleelYing place for more than 13 days in any month is presum. ed to be rengi 'n'. 't f 1--e property - 2 ', rt The -rental property 'is the followin .Ad4ressW r V6 f le Me. ,4 or..of Lessor leases -to less-ee the property for the term beginning and ening as described below, This rental agreiamign't totminate8 at 11 -.159 4.4 ppm., U. S, Pacillo time, -on the ending date described below. Ifthis is a monffito month rental agreemont, -so stato in'the "'ending date" blank below. r2t � �; Mart date: z Ending Date,, C. 12 'Osseo OlkqVA-7r-l-em- mm-'Ifl at the tatir-.11 nabo and 1-helessee rem Ins n POSSeSS1 it -paysTetA accepted by the iessor durilng such possessiom, his agreement sh4l] be deemed tow, rt a -month lamant h ,b -y -'sAh-er Wssor md ea elWer tb-c- sse, The tonverT -S'on -of this Ten'tal agreem.enjito a Meth teomonth''tenancy, L endiqq dgtais inat WtomatJC, The lenee C r4ma'in *'tn, 11M property. benad the tormin. afion of thisren-(Wagree M-ent unless the Iwsw, has -given w atten -Consent ar unless 'the iessor am-epts ren' -.t after -thatairm,- mjbun.� U, njess the jes s -Or has ;gven spedf ic -written consent to cWtinue thwe tertan, cy on a month, to 1 on1b baJ the Jos -see SIS must vacateby the termijn, a tjond.,fie and Time- fit-hout suIobwfjejjt from the lessor,, the lessee'.bears the fjsR of eviction the lessor doe not acceptfug h, errenL Among other tfilin gs,, the iessor may requlftre,,as -a mndition of, consent., t1bat the lessee pay rent '1'* -.n advance for the holdover tenancy, or make on ;additional secu."'14.7 deposft- .1f th, e ten ancy becomes a,m onth to mont� h rental,, all secunty depffj rjnw On-, deposit With iessor u OUI th e tenancy 's term4 mated other term of tWils agreem, ent sh, all also rema'jin in effect subje-Ot tO change after niotke as provided in the',res"idential 'Lan, fttd-Tenant Act Of 1973 as amended, month-to-month a9teement, Or if th, e term 'I's lindefin'Re, either party M.ay -term, inate the tenanq by gi " ng at least 2 A 0 days, written notice of tai before the .next reit #S due.. For example, nofte of tetmlnat�wmust be gPhMn n0flateTthan the 10th, day of a 30 -day -month, and not Wtef tfiarj the I I th day of a3l, -4aymonth,'to 1he agreamen t at the end oftbat m-- on'th TT ive - MT in- ation of thetemnoy WiR -ndt be effect* unless sufficient notice ha,45 been given as provW-ed above. #Y tO 4#11ve,r POSseSSIOn0-n b i . nn date.If e9l Ing the lessor.. -des0te:reasonab1e,dflj,qen- -Ce., icanflckd16liver pioss ib n 6f the properly to the lessee on the commencement date of -this agreement bacause ofapnjo.r ten an: ft fN1uwDrrefusaj in tO MOVOOut te toweparethe property -for occu pancyyror because -of -da* mr age,or destruc-fion which the.pmpefW ImPr-actical for occupancy, th e landlord �ghal].,n-ot V. - be fiable'.for lessees m. co en ce, cost ;ex Pense Conseq, u eh fial damr a es, of, , mi-st of -s-dbsfi,,.tu-t-e.-tenanqyortem porafyh,00 'n T .,:g, he 1jesse SI; 0 'MaYaleot toresa.'ndfts agreemeMc and rene' a full rieftjnd of;an y secuny jje ft -or.wepaid rant. d suoh ,post elec. Eon is -thaless�dls exclusive to iedy.. Tbe I ' W 6,SSM -shall COMMUMCate Such - vlecban to the lessor notlater than m e tKird d;Ry �af agreernent, or 61 -se the lessee sball ha-\te w4ive d any, the jassor% -f.-6jjw-e to deliver possession .gin fi.m. e, If the lessee latetN� -vent obligElio n v4p, be abated 'Lessee -agree, the 4 4, nt lo -the landlol-d ;het- mw tht ftlday d,-eachm=nj'.h -Adva�nm_ Otcupan't�.� ThrO M ,omeat )MIl bthe le-Ssoes ad-dress J`&MfMi, unlessthe lessor.sped fies dtherwise in a wd.tten iaobce to thetessea.JAI, Ube m��ariap,-.Thare is a 5 day ,g race pen - this :free', Upaym- enfis made afteT I on "thefts, idaA it "Y" 4 tb e moath,, the 'lessee shall pay aione -funs $We if al,.iong, � jtih th e full;amnoun, T of current monflYs Tent. The -late Payment charge A A nwe deem, A apcy- 4y the 'lessor, of acquiescing in late paymea ts,-TThe late pp ym ens char e s hA. be deemed Zn ftem of additional rent and PaTt of the -rent due for the premises. 5. IM111fies.LesseeShall Pay ffor Power that accurred dwing1heagreement and the power Must be tran-s-fer4*ed Ifllto Me lessee -s name 4tb,* 10 , VW --R) days of move. in datos- 6,NASUblettin.0, -.Lessea agrees!n. 6t to -'su blet otat;!SIgn Nis agreement or any PaTt (A this agreement Wt out the p -dor *Wn'Ren minsent d the Imsor.The 16ssor �s under a duty to -agree astignmera toa, 8ubletfing -.or ,, and may Wthhold -consort fo ,r any reason Or no reason, &Pay rent When due; b. Pay Nkdue all utiI4ht Os WITAch'ate Ibi e 10,03See$ tes n J 'PO siuflity Un&ir :Paragraph 6 above; al 'in '(0 Orl ;uS c. Mit propeTty, a dean and di -,o P, yc n, 1, P y e -and operate dectdcai, gas, beaung', plum. Wig an. d d1her appffances -and ufilil flTy fixtures Jwthe property.. I -P- -PfOPedYdiSPOSe oA :garbage rubbisband waste, '0 ' -dean and Iftary. manner atreasonableend veg(Aar'.Jntervalsand Pay fiarexter-min, abonor -sanl -fut abhonagainst pes-ts (such , lnksbatiOnSOf rodents.riinsects,,or other an"Mals) wNch am due to jassee, ,s acts, neg1pr, Omissions he Pr,OPe'tY Is a Sin&4aMRY T&MdeA, 00,JbO MSM Shall not be MquAred to control Infe.stabon -during the tOna'10Y.. It the ploparty IS -a Single'family ree�tde4cejessee ,0 shall Jfumlsh ooMeiner,% -for the pem Vel Ot �9'Wrbagei vubVvgh, and wasta. i_ez�_s-m SWI PrOPerlY, 61SPMe'Of toxic an -d hazardous substancts such fU CjjVeft, -fart eM Pes'fiieides, petroch, t� m. cal sbaftlies, ar.'Id% paints and ;81mllarsubstancesand ootrelease -or I-eave soy , such zubstanm. son thepiropeq ormarby propiest drainage or sowet Vstemss F. Not inlan, bon -ally or niegtigsn, 0 Y tau, seda m,, ago t% id eta m,, desltroy., impair, or removo -anv palft of the prpperly trany,-;appliances or -fixtures on th e propeq,Tb, els duly to reftain from dam, aging the properly t;ndludes the dut Y to fepatrany.suoh -damag_e prom pRy. Mdod-in, g but not I')Wted tolibe repair w." damage to glass and screens, .and not to wa"'I until the tenant Te` miqates.'The . it .r -lessee 'IS also reWonsible un, derthis Paragrapn for dam, aloe to,the prop caused by es $s guests; G. NoUcause nuisince, waste.,, destwclion, or deteoral ov. koffhe propCrty.A H, Not -en-gage 'in or allow illegaldrug acNity on The propeq: I, Maintain all ske alarms on the property. Thelersee shah assure hay: the smoke -alarms are always fundlontin g and wpolied Vi th fmsh batt ed'as. The lessee hasa dut y to fumtsb proof to the lessor th the smoke alarms are functioding, upon -request by lessor from -filme to ft -e; 4 I Not engage in any actives thati-Simmanantlyb azardom Iw'the ph_sic safety of -other pamtns vmth ptopedy or in ineigb-rop ny- TNS�dotyto refra'M' from bazardous acWity inrAodas, but -is not nt ecossafily fimfted ter, the duty to refrain frompbysic6l assaults and unla,,Au. lo se bf firearms ;or otheudeadly weapons; K.Upon tem�in- ation of the tenancy, regtore the , % premses to tfbeir -.1hiffial ilio ,except far reason. allle wear and tear: L, Confbrrn to -rules of -conduct pro mulgate d.bythe ilessor -as aathorized,4y -the ;'Residentizi],Len.dic)rd-Tenan, t.Ai dof 1973,a -s arn. en K, Refrainkom m -ic ior causing or = r peinig,otber sounds or playing us' adfiWies whldisturb otht- r tenants iln -neighborin-9 or neaft IOPM, N g D tot_ -s. Insu_ La Th e lssoe shall prooure and keepin fotcoa pormy of rentefs InSuTatice Insudwtbe less %., arwd lesvor as � l �suredr top de maqe to lessees PT .0 an famill y., 'guests. an -d invitees,, m6luding but not Vim itted totatss from., lite,th-eith .1sa nce�,,.smaka fire�ghtn, g measums, or �dledbi� burgjaTy, mystetious d. damage,�dam agefrom water 4ig -or MOS Oing from P'* - M.. -toots) of Vlfter-% idaMage -.bm water y i)!Or windstor mn, tdaynaenr losskom. freeNing, -and liabfli�y. for parmiml i -ur 9 A) y. tolthe TI it .M Ie see,, lesse6�,s Ia fly , and Ie�ssee"s guests and InVitees ears somb personal am, vmrs, or am. %sims of' gassw&. Lessee. ,jury, ts attie to the act-sil neglo shAl furnish to the lessor from time to fine proof of :SUGII ITI-SUranCe UPOTIth, e. fessoj't request, 0-.Caerr eofr rdand,'Wildi- .11T, be property Is atingle anffly4etabhed, residence., it a duple Jnwhidb tfhelessee bas exclus-we use of a ya-rd,the :lessee shall m6'mWinthe yard andprounds, J'nduding Vernovalof snow endoe from sidewalks and driveways, mmoval of &bn"% vMtering,, weed cwtrol, past con, troil, -clipping.mwq -tmes, grassy -andsbrulm' so as to ki:.z,lep the yard "in. ane t C sseesteal ffarnr'Ob the tools, roses, M, Owers, tqifipment., and'supplies *bc His pulse, shall the sWaw.alk-s free tf -obskmfions and haz--ar&. Lessee shall keep th e roof clemi ar�d the =butters and -downspouts cilear. Lessee shall take ptacautlom to prevent water and waste ftm keet*n g or clo%ftng. Ue lessee Sbasill discharge the duVes Of this paragr4ph -at the lesse6� expense.,L-ess.'e,-e will assume tbio cost of damanising,trorn fafl:umto cany kout th, e doUes M"- th"is parRgroph- 'R Wr 'f tenancy., lessee shaN velami i;A] keys temingbmn possesman of -the property to th- e lessor -Lessee shall be deemed -tu rernaini*n unfit the keys afe retumed -to lessx, eWess The lessee bas abandon, ed the Property; 'Q- :use af havr-tyoeft' Lessee vAII use theproperly o0y as a psrso nal resWen mand not'for any bus" Iness purpose tr le -I purpose- L-essee wift. not use v WN t the OSe of the ptoperbj in contmvenfion Ot any state, CWnty.". Or MOM ordthancas, R. _R shall ndty lessor of all damages and defects known to Or lis- to by or du -ting aIle les8ejWs tenancy, ch not,&Mon by Wstm diost riot motssra* olpato the lassfor to Mpair the 'darftage oar -dafe&4 the P.dbfimbon Is for -the lessw's ft *" isaasttalad' in theMasbingtnn Infon � mato()njy,LsoeO ess bTigabon to ratt 4p akd Whir, Nn Us U'O M tandlor-&Tu�n 0- At, agrian,mW shall be wnsttutdtoienlar e aTrOr Maintenance. S..'Nowater bads nuarim s,. Lessee tuse Orkeep any water bed or aquariumon- Orm', the pwoperly(u.. Mess stored only, omiRploe�draiaad) Unless the lessee hash, mt obtained the les�sofs wntten,perm. iss , ion, th. e lessee sUAN not ich, ange or racy fhelo*s to any doors on'the propert ,y-:Upon term- 3 *natjon of tenancy, iessee shall. deliver to fessovaH keys to all 'boles --A'Ev fne prlaperty.. 9 -,Credit oudeductio In rent for 1-abor-or pmt by lessee. 4jrAess the lessor -bas expressly agreed fin Wiling. or -ut niess OtheMse reqWired of the Ickssor by 'lhj�! ftsidenti a] Landlord -Tenant Act of 973, the 16'ssae- shall�n Ot, -oft- et rent., reduce mWit paymc:mt,;br tial"M a -edit apairO -nmt for Imseiftedual or tmputed tosts et abo. r w. matan"als for J a i mprovemonts, or -other work eons tothe pToperV,1 and lessor sh A in-ot be obligated to,compensate orvelmbume the lessee For any -Suds a.a.�sdfl-0M"tn -stwithout me Jesso-es ea ra-rtowns, Less - sbatmakena- im, provernai�ts, oraddifions -iwihep pe If any such zifterafion% I'm P.rovemerts,,or addMons arem adety1mSee,3 fffi&,-,all be at pa- 1A IhM WsseA scile expense. L-assee shall n-ol wallpaper,, re NmllpapeT, mt -or repawd propedy w't-bout theieswls express wjifte-nI * :1 perm, issiog- m pviaedl,howjevear� that if repainting the prorbyat the termination of the lesseds ten anqy becomes theles see!s responstbiffly,, lessee sbalday tbe cost -of Guth repain-Ung.. Lessee shall not Perect -or disptay signs or placards outside the ren—t-61 Un. it, Urilevs he Mm Ise ex presslyagreed welving by the less% all alleraUom- IMPrOV amant,% addVin , antennas� cabl Tomas, landscaping, and fixtures now e'Ast* On 1be PrOPerW or -added by lessee become le-Swe's property aball f-emain 'nth The Prap" upon the tamil nation Off' lassed's tanancy'k, I I - hrother wall hangings, but inaft and :fasteners imust be as small and n, andestrumfive .as possialt:x, Ceiling bangings are riot permitted, Lessee shall n6tuss toggle bol-ts or -similar fasteners Wb iobtause large holes. Lssseeis responsible for (Ing and pattbing Off ho�es_ If afilled or pato-hed holeis -consprAmo v s, sne lessee sj° ' Wspon&Ible Tor the lessors,cost of repa"Wno and re infing ith e walls and, if applicable. �ifin2s. 12.:x'9 ,Th lessee is perimitted to keep the-WID.ets'i*naid obou.t,t-,be property (if :none, so state) - *(75� -s�sae . pay -to lessor a on r: u efn ddble petr 11"Iesseekeeps one -orJhele more pat I tharge iinthe -one --lime amount Of $200,00 tier -dog or $100.00 per cat -and -a $25,00 per month- fee -adder -to thorental amount., which 1-8 an addi-W-nal ow, sidtxron for VNis b ar 'ended to be the lessoes We oraxdusiv agrowent.'Tbls Pat c geti�ndtlint cam pensa-fion, Ibr dam ;age which Mabeattdbutable to the pet,'Th e pet charge Y a dMon to arty amaunts which the lasses may or obTigatodtopay for Aamage w repairs, WhatberpWd Vom. -the lessiWs secunky �depm. It rw. l � a',n-d whether �or pt D. t- sudh Aamage or repairs -are atftulable ito thipa pet- Tb e pet charge is only apaftial re Ty th C11 lesser Toudan-tage, and dVraclalfion whir th lessor may 'ey,pect to occur toth 0 Prropen ,as a reso, ft tz.,ek.ee ,P�)' 9 bf ai-get on the propefty. n. Le�sspoeis I i iTfited tc'two pets at any p0int in time, unless given wwriften cm, sen t by he 'lessor for *,temporary itnom,.se OfP6tfirrfiL V nlessslhe lessor tihall have .8% pr consent the lessee,, in his m. en, t or othervfi-se., ito V*keep"n 9 of a pO,.lessee may not keep aqy -animals on the pmpedy lf,thie lessor aacquiesc� to any, breacb of tb7is agreement or defeurl. by. Jesse, or forbears U -0m entordeg ler,-Soft rights and maedi under thl's rem #, sooh atweSteMebt f0ftairance shat not be &emed wwaiver of any -other -or -subsequent breach or default by lessee,, whather bta sl:m4iarjnd or ort 14. Destrugfion.-of % 'I'll. jDronoft.%. tarmination. -of rental a becomas so destroyed or damaged by firej flood, ea-Mquak,% oftr -d Isaster OtMhvlse aS to be ltnor rrya _V tarmirvefte th, qa mniai agreement without fuller Ii -ability tofhe 4ase e, "Me femr Ugated to -rvstom the prop" to haVit6ble tGn ftion loT to Compensate Lessee Ibr -tem- porary lodg'ing or moving expensesiduiin g;,rebxAIding_ 15. a C IRV.- OSIL .n. jW, f F 15.1 IPaw.jpptgt.t.he 'beg' Inn tten� angL.Upon, Ifie execution sof iffis insCrum en, L end before akin res -se On oftb eprkopedy, The iesae shwaffl pay to lessora sew. 6tydeposiHinthe amorluwaUofs, 152- AJ-tp,.m, afive: SLA d=, ofsemin-ftv d. mkbK ts- If fine lessOts Ofials, ear here., 'The zecuniy depoeft -will be 2$0vt ways -inj �R_PP ,equafing per paym, ent due Ah e % of each mux h. with -rent ,amount, b MaInts'Ined by the ieno,11, linatrust -a=ontat the f0flOWIng fimp, Cial imfitu, tion, ( e and lomb"*on) Wheatland Sank. Tht sewity idepm. it willbah6ld tm nam ,seture ail of3 ,onudeWm 1 m -Raft) a PaTt dr f e b- secuefty dep to lessee is mndifianed -as follawsln(a) Lessee shall have IfURY pemrrnedhistr heror their obllgabom ooder Ws agree Mont and those pursuant to ch- apt-er 59, 38, ReVised Gods of Wz� Lessee sbaRil have oc c 'edlhe ,p.Topoq for 'thee mi, iaWeed to above (paragmpb 3)Withoa, d*, defavit (c) Lessee sbal,11 bave deaned, re -r pm adl, and vastbmd She pmpew ,-and returned possession ,of the s iys) tolb, e Jessorin, fts inifial condifian 2t the commencement of Ith, "is rental ;agreernentoxcept for v&ssonable w, ear -an. d tear; (d) Lessee sball have fum- , ed prwf That al utility and setvice charges ish. acCru- ing -dufing lessees tenancy have men safisfi­ ed ,or dtschaied_ Falare of any of hese condifions shatent Mel6sSor toapply, wlorpart -of -the secufiky da.pasitin saftfr parW -safttadbn of tho tondfta, ibdudim'q but not IMS fted to repMr of ftmaqo,� d-,Charg6s, ddinqu, ant rwt, unpaidOfibes, replacement:of ft.tures, screem, apprianom. l other pemonal prop�, an. -d rentYl losm; for p-mmature Wm' arm 'in, ornmentby lessea. 15A I e Imsor in lassoes unrestricted eledion May 'a -PPI, Y. Ithe SOGWAY depwtit?or any P -aft bf lUt.0 t-,ure or 0. partly cure -defau- Its in. Tient -oT cith. eT ide.1inqueniaes., indudin_g but GU to reptflr of damage, on the pad lotiessee dun -ng or afar �ffie tan-ancy. but jessor is -not irequAred to iff the Jasrsqe!ddaults kits M tit SOt MMY� COV, Ueto h, 61d Me t y 4� n" t s*p OST ft to smur-th tu.t,,uph., Pettarmanoe wMe seeWng dvhar itrgme&j- O,s for fhe,dd'fautt I 5, � -4. 1 Th. e ites s or i m- ay. 1w. 110 h.dId to Seaudi tydepos, A un, 114 the termination of tenancy Tana' jr- eqw-rat,.hj e ;femme w cure -any defau, Its or delinquendesQhout.resp rfingtw the SO=4 de§ft du og the tenancy. 15.4_24the leswr applies the secufAy depose or ailly part of it.. 10 cu_re lesseEi's,defaijitsor definquandes 4un""ng the tenancy, the lessor _s`WI njdffy ore lessee ofthe amount and purpoi so of the appli.mban.. The Issas shall prom-ptOy repleNsh the secon-fty de ft so that the balanoo is'restored to atleast the amount specifie d i*nparagrape Imeads. I, 152.,or'15,43, whOwar am appricable, The amount needed to restore such balanceshali be payable not laterthan the first day the monthfolloVjnthe nori, ISA 3 Addl's ional security deposIt. In lessor's ije-u ot, or addifflon to, enfording iessoes other remedies, lessor may, but i"S not req u. I i . -red to, -,forgo other remedies on MindWon that lessee enlarge the security deposit.:: way of MusAration -ogjy, mor~ may -re fire gi=n Increased secur'Itly depos'It if `fie prckperty bermes damaged by lesser or lesseds gueAst, or if Jesseeacqui*res:a petwithout obtainings vwj.tten. p - "" beforeb- -and eunissiGn, or 'if lessee fmRs to fxumt.roof& mm ees 4-muran, ce�, -ur it Iassee inftmn, ds to TeMw.n. as holdover -tenant after term.'inalio nof the rental qgreement with -the -consenj D.:f the lessor. 16. Lessoes du6es Witil ifthe propot y AM P Olt Of a M -U, I�Ple un., It rental Propel., tha JOSSOr Allay hAve ado p*dagreiamn, ts., ou Or, Pr 6WIt's reqiM*ng all tenants 't T,6h*;n froom ,d)�turVln g -each other, such -as byaNd." gby renw M clauses i'I'donfical to -or lar tiopatagra,,Ph .7 ab-bve, �e Landlwds adoption.asuth agreemoots, rul" or P011cles Vttb d lenaftdoas nnt impose upon last -or a duly to evict 6ffand itenants or etmWy Paftbtu W Standards rafi oondud for ft benet of the lessee iin'Hs agreem, ant Lessee shall n.otbe dee m., ed a benefidiw y. off1he lessof,s agreements ,or policies wilh anyiather teaw icts.. 11, Other nan-retu" n, d6bk, q0:5, In addifion twkr e so wwAYdeposit(and pet charpe.4 if any. .aad not as dart of thesaw,4e q Ot pet charge the Ile -toiessor,as addiriont) ton_Ssee shaftpay Werafiwfor th"J's rentalag"es. muenn rem .dable'-fan t"In- the -amount of$ NIA I I&Ktuttomw ftes. lflhielessormso#sL to an rte. or atto rD, eys for en arcemen, tof lessoirs ldgMs under thisree m-ent th. a Iessee agrees -to pay, all costs, texpenses, and.aftomeys "fees, as allowed by law, everaded or cumd by jessort)y r breach b, reason f,any-default -o y lessee -of ,aqy _.ot the terms .6f WS agreement., 19, A%Mah ,yleaor. Th. aLwdlord Ot IeSSOes -agent may place lorrenr or "Tor ie is na 'in Gonspicu- OU -S -places about the Propady -kr ,30 dAys before Vit lessma�s I termination -of t-6nancy, Lwssee,sbell to -1, thov Mg the P -to ty to Pfro, S-Pe6lve npir�ratep par tenants, Purchasers.,le-nd-ersl Mortgagee,, w-Wkmen, ,,Or tonb-actors, U as -an emergenty ceisti., or noke "I's imPratbtablei Or --OthefWse agreed "Ah the lessee, ane lessor 'N '11 give two .day n6floe to lessee batm le - insp %V -�S ring -for' ed. �On and!onna .dav nofice to lessee before tnIefmg to sbow tie Properly to pr�Patrwe tenants, pur&asers, lenders,, Mortgagees, workmen, Or toontractors- Lmee w-Iff n.,, Ot 'unr easonably w M. hold;w` en I to entry by. the leSSOLUe Lmd ord -v..vM- not abu, se t.h.e right of access - 20. Canaft,rs-All sperms S-1gr"ing, as lessees to. Nszagreernent do se as pnndipals.and not as rneTe gwars or S-Urefies,A]IJessees signin, _g are prMy an, d saveTafly Vable for the Jesseds obligations under Ithis;W18M. ent Les-Sor MIRY tenfiorce els agreement against aRy or all,of the .persons- I ' as lessees, lessot's wrestf.ved l ng .eleOom iRegardless ot how the Iessees MOY ivide 1have ag. md among ong tb -selves selves to ij'4 the ants and obfigations thejassorM. May 6t any lesseo Mable Tior el -I w -Sts and ot-ons under Nsagreernen•t, OIIOVAfQ appflanv�t �an.d other tMM&M, Th�e f POM Onal POW are Al t Itzstee wth t Propel wily M ths Wssae M_ ay 'find lhom -con ve-nient, and the lessor do" inot warrant tibefir .00nditon Ot fitness for U andi d-0es -not ibrrkh the -Tor lsssee�z use