HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Hearing - BOCCOpen Record Public Hearing
Sheriff's Office, Current Expense and Central Services, Auditor's Office and Development Services
June 1, 2021
8:45 a.m.
In Attendance:
Cindy Carter, Chair
Danny E. Stone, Vice -Chair
Rob Jones, Member
Barbara J. Vasquez, Clerk of the Board
Tom Jones, Sheriff
Ryan Rectenwald, UnderSheriff
Tom Gaines, Central Services Director
Damien Hooper, Development Services Director
Public: See sign in sheet
8:47 a.m. The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing to consider the following budget
extension requests:
• Sheriff's Office Fund #001, Department #115 in the amount of $5,567.00 for the emergency
repair and asbestos removal of floor tiles in an area of the main jail.
• Current Expense and Central Services Fund #501, Department #179, each in the amount of
$16,000.00 to implement an internship program to provide support to Technology Services
during certain times of the year.
• Auditor's Office Fund #141 Department #001 in the amount of $235,.000.00 for Affordable and
Supportive Housing to account for the payment of 2020 tax credits paid in 2021($215k) and the
additional amount that is anticipated to be received in 2021 tax credits ($20k).
• Development Services Fund #138, Department #116 in the amount of $5,.697.29 to purchase
two (2) new computer workstations from CDW-G.
Tom Jones, Sheriff, described his emergency request to have asbestos removed from the jail and to
waive the bidding requirements due to this emergency.
Tom Gaines, Central Services Director discussed his request and that a transfer from Current Expense to
Technology Services, as they are not a part of the current expense fund.
Commissioner Carter read into the record the Auditor's Office request.
Damien Hooper, Development Services Director gave a brief synopsis of his request.
A motion was made by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Jones, to close the public
comment portion of the hearing. The motion passed unanimously. A motion was made by
Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner Stone to approve the amendment as presented. The
motion passed unanimously.