HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCC (005)October 5., 2022 Wam IN a tiousing Authorl'ty of Grant County Grant County Board of Commissioners ATTN- Janice Flynn If PO Box 37/35 C.Street Ephrata, WA 98823 Dear Ms. Flynn: 1139 Larson Blvd. * Moses aye, NVQ. 98837-3308 Phone: (509) 762-5541 a Fam, (509) 762-2202 Toll Free: (800) 747-9202 a TTY (800) 833-6388 Please consider this letter and attached documentation the ko-using Author - ity's cl ai im for draw'#12 for September., 2022, for the Eviction Rent Assistance Program 2.0 (ERAP 2.0). 1 certify that: The information on the A-19 and. supporting documentation for the Eviction Rent Assistance Program (EMAP), contract # 21-4619C-108,, in the amount of $488,159.40 is a true and accurate report and that all reported expenditures are properly chargeable to the ERAP,2.0 grant,, Sincerely, Christopher A. Sutherland Financial Director OEM Vie co I 111Q, lVashingtoir is im equa I oppartim it), pro ovist a) jdamployer a rpt not dilerin I h I ate an the basis of race, colar, na I hwit I aright, rel�giotj, s&w, physical or mi -n I ta I I disability, orfizinilial status. The Pit) I 15ing.-I 11thority qj'Cirant CvwjtV� pahrics and practices are desig ned to provide assurances thatpersons widi disabilides will be, given •reasonable EQUAL HOUSING maye I upon reqlh uest, soat thc�y fidly aalld ccess litilize the howing. Programs and related sol -vices, OPPORTUNITY If you or aqona its yourfiami1v is a person it4th disabifities, andyna mquire a specffic naommodation its order tea fids y utilize ourprogrants and services, please contact dw ffousingAnthorlh, Contract # 21-461 c-108 (ERAP 2.0) Grant County/GCHA HAGC 01111 Submitted to GC by: Date:A L10 toa,:l Request for Reimbursement No. #12 Grant County's Subrecipient Checklist: State Auditor's Office Audit Procedures for Testing Activities Allowed And Not Allowed, As Published In 2007 Questions to ask before submitting a payment request Was the expenditure or cost;- -X Made for an allowable activity under the grant guidelines? –X Authorized (or not prohibited) under state or local laws or regulations.? –X— Approved by the federal awarding agency, if required? –X Allow -able per Circular A-87 (June 2004 version), Attachment B, items 1-43? For payroll transactions: –X Does the employee's time and effort documentation meet the requirements of Circular A-1 22? X Allocable to the program? (i.e., was the dollar amount charged to the program relative to the benefits received by th ' e program? Is the federal grantor being charged its fair share of the 'cost?) –X Based on actual costs, not budgeted or projected amounts? –X Applied uniformly to federal and non-federal activities (i.e., is the federal government being charged the same amount as if non-federal funds were being used to pay the cost)? –X Given consistent accounting treatment within and between accounting periods? (Consistency 'in accounting requires that costs incurred for the same purpose, in like circumstances, be treated as either direct costs only or indirect costs only with respect t _-- -----o final cost objectives). –X Calculated in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, or another comprehensive basis of accounting, when required under the applicable •cost principles? –X Not included as a cost (or used to meet cost sharing requirements) of other federally -supported activities of the current or a prior period? –X Net of all applicable credits? (e.g., volume or cash discounts, insurance recoveries, refunds, rebates, trade-ins, adjustments for checks not cashed, and scrap sales) , –X Not included as both a direct billing and as a component of indirect costs? -_Xc Properly classified (e.g., some costs may be incorrectly claimed as a direct cost instead of being incorporated as part of the indirect cost rate), –X Supported by appropriate documentation? (e.g., approved purchase orders, receiving reports, vendor invoices, canceled checks, and time and attendance records.) Documentation may be in an electronic form. X Correctly charged to the proper account code and grant period? H:\ACCOUNTINGLOTUS\LOTUST-iVICTION PROTECTION GRANT\ERAP 2,0\ERAP 2,0 Subrecipient Checklist.doex Page 1 General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 09 Ending 9/3012022 to 00 /'.. '` ` %Mal 301 19 4 6 I1 32 3 27 7 6 95 1 261 o2k 107673 lo262e92 r) X070,; 4 0 160o0 4 7 5 * 2 4 9 Run Date: 101512022 2:31:09PM Page: I G/L Date; 101512022 User Logon: CAS HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) PROJECT 01 - Account Number/Description Beg Balance Debit Credit Net Change End Balance 401000-8-01 IVIGIVIT SALARIES - ERAP 21,624.10 31301.19 0.00 31301.19 26 126.29 408200-8-01 TMT FICA - ERAP 11635.63 247.41 0.00 247.41 11882.94 408201-8-01 MGMT SISTA - ERAP 327.70 46,88 0.00 46.88 374.68 408202-8-01 MGMT L&I - ERAP 73.65 11.32 0,00 11.32 84.97 408204-8-01 MGMT RETIREMENT - ERAP 2,744.62 327.76 0.00 327.76 31072.38 408206-8-01 MGMT MED/DENTNISILI - ERAP 21666.89 282.95 0.00 282.96 21938.84 411000-8-01 ADMIN SALARIES - ERAP 94,211-76 181395.00 0.00 18,395.00 112,606-76 415000-8-01 TRAVEL-ERAP 18.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 18.02 418200-8-01 ADMIN FICA - ERAP 71057.24 11364.56 0,00 1,364,56 8[421.80 418201-8-01 ADMIN SUTA - ERAP 11409.78 26124 0.00 261.24 11671.02 418202-8-01 ADMIN L&I - ERAP 636.53 107.73 0.00 107.73 644.26 418204-8-01 ADMIN RETIREMENT - ERAP 10,639.02 11262.92 0.00 11262.92 11,901.94 418206-8-01 ADMIN MED/DENT/VISIL - ERAP 91695.10 21070.40 0.00 2,070,40 11 t665.60 419013-8-01 TELEPHONE - ERAP 21043.06 160.04 0.00 160.04 2,203.10 419017-8-01 OFFICE SUPPLIE$ - ERAP 41272,21 0.00 0.00 0.00,)/ 41272,21 471601-8-01 HAP PAYMENTS -RENT - ERAP 71196$750.23 460,244.76 0.00 460,244.76 7,656E994.99 471604-6-01 HAP PAYMNTS UTILITIE: ERAP 18,986.70 0.00 0.00 0,00 18,986,70 PROJECT 01 - Total: 713740781.14 488,084.16 0.00 488,084,16 718621865.30 to 00 /'.. '` ` %Mal 301 19 4 6 I1 32 3 27 7 6 95 1 261 o2k 107673 lo262e92 r) X070,; 4 0 160o0 4 7 5 * 2 4 9 Run Date: 101512022 2:31:09PM Page: I G/L Date; 101512022 User Logon: CAS General Ledger Detail Roport Summary Report for Period 09 Ending 913012022 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) PROJECT 02 Account Number/Description Beg Balance Debit Credit Net Change End Balance 419018-8-02 POSTACE -ERAP 11003.98 75,24 0.00 75.24 11079.22 PROJECT 02 - Total: 11003.98 75.24 0.00 C76.24rj) 1,079,22 Report Total: 7,375,786. 12 488,159,40 0.00 4881`169,40 71863,944.52' Fir i) 000 0 a 0 0 :4.0+ 27t9l4c,64 +- h 6 0 Vit. h. 7 6 + 002 Run Date: 10/6/2022 2:31:09PM Page.- 2 CIL Date: 101612022 User Logon: OAS General Ledger Detail Report Detail Postings for Period 09 Ending 913012022 Account N1umberlDescription Period Date Journal 471501-0-01 0.00 09 9111/2022 AP -004175 09 0111/2022 AP -004176 09 9111/2022 AP -004175 09 911112022 AP -004175 09 911112022 AP -004175 09 911112022 AP -004176 09 9/11/2022 AP -004175 09 911112022 AP -004175 09 911112022 AP -004175 09 9/11/2022 AP -004175 09 911112022 AP -004175 09 911112022 AP -004176 09 911112022 AP -004176 09 911112022 AP -004175 09 911112022 AP -004175 09 9/11/2022 AP -004175 09 9111 //2922 AP -004'175 09 9/1 'lf 2022 AP -004175 09 911112022 AP -004175 09 9111/2022 AFS -004175 09 9111/2022 AP -004175 09 911112022 AP -004175 09 9/1112022 AP -004175 09 9/11/2022 AP -004175 09 9/1112022 AP -004175 09 9/11/2022 AP -004175 09 9/1112022 AP -004175 09 9111 /2022 AP -094175 09 91111.2022 AP -004175 09 9/11/2022 AP --004175 09 9/1112022 AP -004175 09 911112022 AP -004175 09 9/11/2022 AP -004175 09 911112022 AP -004175 09 9/11/2022 AIS -004175 09 9/11120122 AP -004175 09 9/11/2022 AP -004175 09 912012022 AP -004181 09 9120/2022 AP -004181 09 9120/2022 AP -004181 09 9120/2022 AP -004151 09 9/20/2022 AP -004181 09 9/20/2022 AP -004181 09 9/20/2022 AP -004181 09 9120/2022 AP -004181 09 912012022 AP -004181 09 9/2012022 AIS -004181 09 9120/2022 AP -00.4151 09 9/20/2022 AP -904181 09 912012022 AP -004181 09 912012022 AP -004181 Account Number/Description Period Gate Journal Comments HAP PAYMENTS -RENT - ERAP Comments HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCW) Beg Balance Debit 71196,750,23 Credit Net Change End Balance 489.00 0.00 71197,239,23 11990,00 0.00 71199,229.23 2,720,00 0,00 71201,949.23 21850.00 +0.00 7,2041799.23 41186.00 0,00 71208,985.23 2,170.00 0.00 71211,155,23 23 496.00 0.00 7,2113651,23 405,00 0.10 71212,056.23 639,00 0.00 7,212, 595.23 1,74$.00 0.00 7,214, 343.23 2,550.00 0.00 71216,893.23 2,410.00 0.00 712191303.23 20000.00 0.00 71221, 30,3.23 31800.00 0.00 71225,103,23 4,200.00 0.00 71229,303,23 4,450.00 0.00 71233,763,23 5,300.00 0.00 7,239,053,23 11869.00 0100 71240,922.23 31820.04 0.00 7,244,742.23 51260.00 0.00 71250 o002,23 31040.00 0,00 712531042.23 2,396.31 0.00 71255,433,54 1,'120.00 0.00 71250,558,54 91,400.00 0.00 7,285,958,54 5,500.00 0.00 71271,458.54 41480.00 0.00 71275,908.54 2,800.00 0.00 71278,738.54 2,281.62 0.00 71281,021,16 6,700.00 0.00 7,286,720.15 20375.00 0.00 71289,095.16 71300,00 0.00 71296,396,10 4,140,00 0.00 713001535.16 41480.00 4.00 7,305,015.16 41800.00 0.00 71309,816.16 31760.00 0.00 713131565.16 3,250.00 0.00 71316,815.16 900.00 0.00 713260415.16 '1,240.00 0.00 71327,656.16 3,900.00 0.00 7,331,555,10 21190.00 +0.00 7,333, 745.16 21000.40 0.00 71335,745.16 11690.00 0,00 7,337,435.16 33084,00 0.00 71341,119.15 10314,09 0,00 71342,433.16 21150.00 0.00 71344,583.16 11614.00 0.00 71346,197.16 21014.00 0.00 7,340,211.16 4,274.00 0100 71352,486.16 2,412.00 0.00 7,3640897.16 11910.00 0.00 713560807.16 4,058.00 0.00 713600865.16 Beg Balance Debit Credit Net Change End Balance 471601-8-01 HAP PAYMENTS -RENT - ERAP 09 912012022 AR -0041 8,550.00 0.00 71369,416.16 09 912012022 AP -004181 7,000,00 0.00 71376,915.16 09 912012022 AP -004181 11580,00 0.00 71378,496.16 09 9120/2022 AP -004181 592,00 0.00 7,379,{ 87.16 09 9120/2022 AP -004181 l o078.00 0,00 7,380,165.16 09 912012022 AP -004181 25400 0.00 7,380,419.16 09 912012022 AP -004181 10080.00 0.00 7,381,499.16 09 9120/2022 AP -004181 1,071.00 0.00 71382,570.16 09 9120/2022 AP -004181 11920.00 0.00 71384,490,16 09 912012022 AP -004181 11650.00 0.00 71386,140.16 09 9/20/2022 AP -004181 11792,00 0109 71387,932,16 09 9/20/2022 AP -004181 1,701.00 0.00 71389,633.16 09 9/2012022 AP -004'181 2,6BO,98 0.00 71392,314.14 09 912012022 AP -604181 4s'136.00 0.00 • 7,396,450.14 09 9/2012022 AP -004161 41827.86 0.00 7,4D1,277,99 09 9120/2022 AP -004181 31584,20 0.00 7,404,862.19 09 912012022 AP -014181 2,574.44 0.00 71407,436.63 09 912012022 AP -004181 1,840,00 0.00 71408,976.63 09 912012022 AP -004181 2,916,94 0.00 7,411,893.67 09 912012022 AP -004181 8,770.00 0.00 7,429,663.67 09 91.2012022 AP -004181 31535.00 0.00 7;424,198.57 09 912012.022 AP -004101 1,1168,110 0.00 71426,266.67 09 91201202.2 AP -004181 4,765,90 0.00 7,430,022.47 09 912012022 AP -004181 3,131,00 0100 7,433,153.47 09 9/26012022 AP -0041X31 21270,00 0.00 71435,423.47 09 9120/2022 AP -004181 21628,40 0.00 71438,051,47 09 9/20120.22 AP -004181 560.00 01.00 7,438,611,47 09 9/20/2022 AP -004181 3,0644.00 0.00 7,44'1,675,47 09 912+012022 AP -004181 7,200.04 0.00 71448,875.47 09 912012022 AP -004181 7,200.00 0.00 71456,075,4.7 09 912012022 AP -004181 7,2OO,OO 0,00 71463,275.47 49 9120/2022 AP -004181 2,432.00 0100 7,465,707.47 '09 9/20/2-022 AP -004181 31099.90 0.00 71466,807.37 09 9/20/2-022 AP -004181 3,100.01 0.06 7,47'1,307.37 09 912012022 AP -004181 2,417,45 0.00 71474,324.82 09 912012022 AP -004181 21764,28 0.00 71477,079.10 09 912012022 AP -004181 3,200,00 0.00 7,480,279.10 09 912012022 AP -004181 6,300.00 0.00 71486,679.10 09 9120/2022 AP -004181 41480.00 0.00 7,491,059,10 09 9/2012022 AQP -004181 31202.00 0.00 71494,261.10 09 9/20/2022 AP -004181 21470,00 0.00 71496,731.10 09' 9/2012022 AP -004181 1,820.00 0.00 7,498,551.10 09 9120/2022 AP -004181 6,3761.00 0►00 71603,927,10 09 9/20/2022 AP -004181 71000.00 0.00 71510,927.10 06 9120/2022 AP -004181 5#4010.00 0,00 7,616,327,10 09 9/2012022 AP -004181 3,597,00 0.00 715.19,924.10 09 9/2012022 AP -004181 950.00 0.00 7,5201874.10 09 9120/2022 AP -004181 1,9+D0.00 0.00 7,622,774.10 09 9120.12022 AP -004181 1,90O.00 0.00 7,524,674.10 09 9/2012022 AP -004181 7,750,00 0.00 71532,424,10 09 912012422 AP -044181 5,836.00 0.00 7,538,260,10 Account Number/Description Period date .Journal Comments Berg Balance Debit Credit Not Change End Balance 471501-8-01 HAP PAYM ENTS-RENT - E RAP 09 9120/2022 AP -004181 31600.00 0.00 71641,864.10 09 912012022 AP -004181 '1,887.89 0,00 71543,747.99 09 9120/2022 AP -004181 41500.00 0.00 7,54 3,247199 09 9/2012022 AP -004181 450.00 0.00 71548,697,99 09 912012022 AP -004181 000.00 0.00 71663,197.99 09 9/20/2022 AP -004181 2,360.00 0.00 71655,547.99 09 9120/2022 AP -004181 31080.00 0.00 71658,627.99 09 9/2012022 AP -004181 61750.00 0.00 71665F377.99 09 9/20/2022 AP -004181 2,076,00 0.00 71567o462.99 09 9/2012022 AP -004181 6,450.00 0.00 7,573,902.99 09 9/20/2022 AP -004181 61250.00 0.00 7s580,152,99 09 9/20/2022 AP -004181 41600.00 0..00 71584,652.99 09 9120/2022 AP -004181 61000.00 0.00 7,589p652.99 09 9/2012022 AP -00418110,500.00 0.00 71600 162.99 09 9120/2022 AP -004181 4,050.00 0.00 716047202.99 09 9/2012022 AP -004181 63300.00 0.00 7,610,502.99 09 912012022 AP -004181 6p160.00 0.00 7,610,662.99 09 912012022 AP -004181 61160.00 0.00 71622,822.99 09 9/20/2022 AP -004181 31060.00 0.00 7p625t872,99 09 912012022 AP -004181 896,00 0.00 71626,768.99 09 912012022 AP -004181 6r000,00 0.00 71632,768.99 09 9/20/2022 AP -004181 2?600,00 0.00 7,636,268.99 09 9120/2022 AP -004181 41500.00 0.00 7,639,768,!99 09 9120/2022 AP -004181 11,826.00 0,00 71651,594.99 09 9128/2022 AP -004186 2,600.00 0.00 7,654,194.99 09 912812022 AP -004186 21800,00 0100 7,656,994,99 71196,760.23 460,244.76 0.00 460,244,76 72656,994.99 471504-8-01 HAP PAYMNTS UTILITIE: ERAP 18,986.70 0.00 0.00 18,986,70 18,986.70 0.00 0,00 18,986,70 Report Total: 71216,736,93 460,244.76 0.00 4601244.76 ) 71676,981.69 Run Date: 1016/2022 11:36:24AM Page: 3 GIL Date; 101612022 User Logon: SAS Lead Grantee Name: I I List Sub Grantee Names Below Report Week or Month/Year: SEPTEMBER 2022 IHAGC I I I Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 Total $0.00 $27 ,914*64 :$460,244:76 .$0.00 .$O.:.Oo vac "W'15 511,,�,l 'mom, INME $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Invoice Total: $488,159.40 Totals $0.00 $13,129,413.88 $1,113,889.52 $1,141,774.90 $869,662.78 $687,067.58 $959,563.97 $1,009,853.62 ########## $652,957.82 $488,159.40 TOTALOF REMAINING Oct -22 Nov -22 Dec -22 DRAWS BALANCE $0.00 $483,346.10 $236,274.03 $258,672.10 $10,092,049.71 $2,059,071.94 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10,328,323.74 $2,801,090.14 ERAP 2.0 Voucher Worksheet Lead Grantee Name: Report Week or Month/Year: SEPTEMBER 20:1BUDGET Jan -22 Feb -22 Mar -22 Apr -22 May -22 Jun -22 Jul -22 Aug -22 Sep -22 Admin $483;346.10 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Operations ',' ";. $494,94613 $12,127.16 $18,847.19 $19,838.65 $32,229.21 $12,447.51 $21,816.71 $21,614.23 $21,127.53 $27,914.64 Rent and Utility Assistance $12,151,121.65 $1,101,762.36 $1,122,927.71 $849,824.13 $654,838.37 $947,116.46 $988,036.91 ########## $631,830.29 $460,244.76 By and For subcontracting $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Rent Utilities Advance $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 < ., ,,." `- Y j�Sie� C' ,< Y >-, Sf Wnt K� V .3 .r' 2 b 1y k� 3 ` I ... 1st j.�c. �:, t 6C�,-'�` -a�+ C;�. �Bvand,ForAi�vance,.,�.�,<�.,._;.,����,„�� tiy� �t. ��,>.. �, Vit. ,.."...4;; $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Totals $0.00 $13,129,413.88 $1,113,889.52 $1,141,774.90 $869,662.78 $687,067.58 $959,563.97 $1,009,853.62 ########## $652,957.82 $488,159.40 TOTALOF REMAINING Oct -22 Nov -22 Dec -22 DRAWS BALANCE $0.00 $483,346.10 $236,274.03 $258,672.10 $10,092,049.71 $2,059,071.94 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10,328,323.74 $2,801,090.14 a W, Washington State ♦%1.1 colhmexce Instructions: Report Period: Enter corresponding week or month that matches the invoice reimbursement request. Match all of the information below to the information collected on the ERAP 2.0 Payment Forms and Household Information and Eligibility Form. Grantee: Grant County Report period: 9/1/2022 Tota I No. of Applications Received 283 - - - Household Payment information 11 _ -: _ _ ; ;, _ Head. of Na>useh6ld.lnfi>iimation select from dr_ ` down Household ID Total no. of months of rental assistance Total no. of months of Total Rental Assistance utilities assistance Provided Head of Household is 18 - Total Utilities Assistance 24 or Unaccompanied Provided Youth 16-17 Gender Race Ethnicity Rental Type Percent Area Median Income (AMI) EXAMPLE: 080120200945 12 12 100100 -No Marr. American lndlanlAlaska Ha ive/Inds enaus... Non-Hispanic/Non- (eased )gt spaWmooiin$ {ee titin a o z1 30% or less' 4219082922 4 4800 no Cis ender Woman White _ its Jc Non-LaVP.(a)(o)( leased rental un)t Non -t_ 3091. or less 4208082922 5 3750 no Cis ender Woman White Non-Hispanic/Non-Latina o U Jeased rental unit 30% or less 4207082922 5 3250 no Cis ender Man Multi le Races His anic Latin a o x leased rental unit 30% or less 4069081022 4 2410 no Cis ender Woman White Non -Hispanic Non -Latina (o)(Jeasedrental unit 30% or less 4200082722 5 4200 no Cis ender Man White Non-Hispanic/Non-Latina (o)( leased rental unit 30% or less 4198082722 5 2375 no Cis ender Man Client Refused Client Refused leased lots ace/mODrin fee 30% or less 4194082522 3 1990 no Cis ender Man Client Doesn't Know His anic/Latin a o x leased rental unit 31-50% 4159082222 4 496 no Cis ender Woman White Non-Hispanic/Non-Latina (o 0 leased rental unit 30% or Jess 4085081122 4 2000 no CJs ender Man White Non -Hispanic Non-Latin(a) o leased lots ace moorin fee 30% or less 3827071422 8 9600 no Cis ender Man White Non-Hispanic/Non-Latina (o) leased rental unit 30% or Jess 4147081922 7 7300 no CisgenderMan White Hls anic/Latin a a x leased rental unit 30% or less 4183082422 5 4450 no Cis ender Man White JJJs nic Latin a o x leased rental unit 3096 or less 4215082922 3 405 no Cis ender Woman White His anic Latin a o x leased rental unit 30% or Jess SP1246082522 4 5300 no Cis ender Man Client Refused His anic LatJn a o x Jeased rental un)t309'. or Jess SP1230081522 3 1869. no Cis ender Woman Client Doesn't Know Hls anic Latin(a)(o)(xj leased rental unit 31-509'• SP1235081722 5 5500 no Cis ender Woman White #lis anic Latin a o x leased rental un)t 30% or less SP1087062222 8 9400 no Gs der Woman Client t oesn'tKnow His anic Latin a o x leased rental un)t 31-50% SP1213080922 4 1748 no Cis ender Woman White HLs anic/Latina o x leased rental unit 3096 or less SP927042022 5 3040 no Cis ender Woman . White His anic Latin a o x leased rental unit 30% or less 4167082322 3. 2550 no Olentliefused White OentRefused hotel motel 309'. or less 4131081722 2 2800 no CisgenderMan Client Doesn't Know His anic Later a o x leased rental unit 31-80% 4035080732 4 4480 no CisizenderWoman White Non=Hisvanic/Non-Lat)n(a)(o (: leased rental unit 3096 or )ess 4087081122 5 5260 no Cis ender Man White . His nic Latin a o x leased rental unit 518096 4143081822 4 2850 no Cis ender Woman White Non-Hispanic/Non-Latin(a)o)(> )eased rental -unit 3096 or Jess 4149081922 7 3820 no Cls der Man White HLs nic Latin a o x Jeased rental unit 3095 or less .413308212 3 489 »o CisgenderWoman White His nic Matin a o x )eased rental unit 30% or Jess 3883072222 3 2281.62 no Cis ender Woman White Non -Nis anic/Non-Latin(a)(o)( leased rental unit 30% or Jess 4103081522 5 4480 no Cis ender woman White His anlc satin a o x hotel motel 3096 or Jess SP1212080922 6 2396.31: no Cis ender'Man Wilke Ni . anic/Lat1n a o x Jeased lot spacelmooring fee 30910 or less SP.1210080822 4 1120 no CisgenderWoman Client Doesn't Xnow His nk/Latin a o x Jeased Jot,spacelmoofing fee 30% or less SP1191080222 4 3800 no Cis ender Man ClientRefused His anJc/Latina o x Jeasedrenta)unit 30%. or less SP1204080522 4 2170 no CJs ender Man CGentDoesn'tKnow Jlls anicLatina o x Jeasedrental un)t 3095orless SP1205080522 4 4186 no Cis ender Woman White His anic Latin a o x leased rental unit 31-50% SPM6080322 4 2720 no Cis ender Man Client Doesn'tJ(now HJs an)c Latin a o x Jeased rental unit 3091. or less 3987080322 4 4140 no Cis ender Woman lCisgenderWoman White His nic/Latina o x leased rental unit 3D96 -or Jess SP1194080322 6 5700 no Cis ender Woman White His panic Latin a o x leased rental unit 30% or Jess SP1221081122 2 539 no White lits anic Lati n(a)(OXXI leased rental unit 3096 or less 4253090222 2 2150 no Gs ender Woman White Non Mspank/Non-Latina (o)b leased rental unit 51-80% 4236083122 4 3684 no Cls ender Woman White Non-Jiispanlc/NoirLatin(a)(o)( leased rental un)t 51-8096 4243090122 2 2574.44 no Cis ender Man Black Afrlcan American African Non-1JJspanlc/Non-Latina (o) leased rental unit 51805rA 4193082522 7 8550 no Cis ender Woman Client Doesn't Know MspanjSLatln(a)(o)(x)leased rental unit 309'0 or less 4237083122 4 1920 no Cis ender Woman Cliert'Doesn't Know His anic Latin a o x Jeased )ots ce moorin fee 309'• or less 4188082522 3 3584-2 no Cis ender Man White Non-Hlspanit/Non-Latin(a)(A leased rental unit 318091. 4161082222 6 2754.28 no CisgenderWoman White Non-Jiispanic/Non-Latin a)(o)() Jeased lots ace/moorin flee 309• or less 4330081722 5 4480 no Cis ender Woman White Non-HisJranjc/Non-.Latinla} o ( hotel/motel 30% or Jess 4232083122 5 3080 no Cis ender Woman White Non-Hispan) Non -Latina Dilafamll friends 30%orJess SP1190080222 4 4050 no Cis ender Man White Nis nic/Latin a o x leased rental trait 30% or less SP1242082422 2 1240 no Cis ender woman Client Loesn't Know Nis anic Latin a o x Jeased rental unit 30% or Jess 4163082222 3 3597 no CisgenderMan Client Doesn't Know His anicLatina o x leased rental unit 31-5095 4192087522 3 3900 no Cis ender Woman White Non-Hispank/Non-Latina (o)() leased rental unit 51-8095 4223083022 3 2075 no Client Refused White His anic/Latin a o x leased rental unit 51-80% 3896072622 7 10500 no Cis ender Woman Client Refused Nis anic/Latin a o x Jeased rental unit 30% or )ess 4104081522 6 8770 no Cis ender Man White Non-Hispanic/Non-Later a o leased rental unit 31-50% 40820811221 51 4755.9 no Cis ender Woman White., Non -His hnk/Non-Latin(a)io)(y leased rental unit 309'. or less 13M 412W&16221 51 4827.85 no Cis ender Man white Non-Hispanic/Non-Latin(a)(oi(-N leased rental unit or less IA w4A 0 0 E, 0 o *A i *4 11 VA is M 4A r S - , 401 0 4 r , , IA 0 W gmi -I , 4A - CIO 4A 019 " iA -0 r, , 0 0 0 0R. c 0 A Al 9 9 ol ol ol 9 1 HI 'I 2 m Ln m A .,4 - .4 A ill M- m is fn . A bc A4 tt g 34 m m Ae & G c *e c c 0 = t! R: & 41 G 9 cz S 5 it 0, 9 se .14 9 e *t S C1 U 6 S v je ge A:! 44 44 A-- 2 0 0 0 0 c- t t e c v v c c g e a c :3 m m c z m , w c v e c c � = m te a g m m a c z v te c c 0 2 v & c v A = Iwn Mn A. m la m m MEMO6. C, MI C c lz I V I I T I I I T 1 19 12 9 T E I I I 1 8 T 'Iron1 T T ow 14ok I z v I 1 71 "rl 79 72 79 pL *9111 Till I I I V I I I S! 2 Jt 1 4! v 2 t 0� 21'ZI J?. X 7 T *3 'a v —x —x 13 7 ,g 7 lz 7 —x —x x x x a K s A 1E m A s c S S S m m Z m m ZM c c c c 1-t a 0 0 � 11 2 s m S S 1 — g 0 g m la .5 E — — — .— C i C C C 1E V x X X x m 42 42 .14 4 0 0 z z ja 0 C Jo it c I z c x x c G =I f m ra x Jn Ja x x x x Mi ml x 4 x x =1 =I 0 a Z Z C c x w t jo At z z c c x c a x 0 c lo� c r c 54 N4 #4 ux 4- G 9 c cf- cv:iL "r-jj M 3�1 91 ;E 51 il 51 1 '91 A A 42 Cl Ift 61 9D -BOO w TV' 4A 99 43 " ki ti ro g C m c a m m a c m m 2 w m E E m 5 m M to z 2 E 2 E F EL E C c S 0 a E m 0 S E m m E E m c E m E c c a E E a s E 04 V V 4, V "D 9 E 5 C& t V g t "a V JS 31 i5 A2 oc 6 61616 U12 1 6 16 --- - -- Vic ------ W wl IS V., u x v . . x 6 v . w 0 0 0 c c 0 0 c c 0 0 a a c r_ al 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 '1 c a '1 Ol c c Ol o a c 0 ol c a ol a[ c c ol c Ol Ol a Ol 0 a c o o c c Ol Ol c Cl Ol c c 0 Ol c al Ol c c 0 0 c c 0 c a 0 c c Rio 0 0 c c I I all c c 01 Ol 11 c1l a a I 0, 28 8 8 8 F, 5t Ulm, 64 'N CV4 2 ;R v r4 tTi cn N 2 C h R 14 M tel 4 C4 N in N 4. N N 4 N ydyy 0 r-. ^C N N v to N N rq N 00 V to 0% w to in N N N N pq N rq fq koeq pp m N N N r4 r4 N N v v o m f4 N N N Q v eq N 01 Of -W m sir v -w s" N 14 -w -w N (w N w *Q N r4 LM " -w C4 C4 r4 0 04 rq V4 en N rq 14 m m 'T -T v ul r4 N wl eq r4 r4 W r4 cy to N (4 ev qr W4 N N ro M N eq eq &4 N N f4 N mi eq m q N tD In m Ir C34 f4 a !:i 1. r4 ell IQ Q' e^I It C V m tdl N in N N N ci (N eq N N N eq m !� g rq N C-4 N N N CN tv N rq N tD N V4 lD N N N N P4 to N N N N M IA N 14 N P! CW r4 N tOl o 4n CL 0. V16n CA. Q. In V) CL wl 446 'A .1 wl #A V) IA 26 V4 Nr4 4n N4 'I iil Summary No. of Applications ` Total Households Months of Utility Assistance ' Total Amount of Utility Assistance Months of Rental Assistance Itota[Arno6ht6f6RepLaIAssistancd,. 2831 1241 01 01 5691 460244.76 \. ,. e o House o ci Gender hot . or endererthan sin ularl man = wo m n no n a a e CisgenderVUoman ClsgenderMan, ;-, Transgender Man or, • Transgender;Woman e er cultural) binary/genderfluid/ag nd / y le specificgender) Questioning Client;DoesntKnow \ " \ •:' t efused .. Cilen R Data Not Collected 78 43 0 1 0 0 2 0 63% 35°x6 0% 1% 0% 0% 2% 0% American Indian Alaska , m flack/Africa n American/African' NatNe/Indigenous ;' White Cllent Doesn t Know Client Refused Data Not Collected Asien`orAsian American .': Native 3 0 77 29 8 0 0 2% 0% 62% 23% 6% 0% 0% aa\ \ \ \ Head of Household Ethnic• on-Hispanic/Non-Latin(a)(o)(x) Hispanic/Latin(a)(o)(x) Client Doesn`t Know Client Refused Data Not Collected 37 83 1 3 30% 67% 1% 2% 0' ,2_ \, \ „ \� \ �`,w ` ,�\„\ \AMI`+ ..` , ,Y \ ` \\Ak Less than 30% 31-50.6 51-80% 88 21 15 71% 17% 12% MU, i e Races c f`c Isl � rider `.? M fti I o� Pa t i a P 0 7 0% 6%