HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreements/Contracts - Public Works (003)hinaton State Deparhiient of Transportairlan Agwy Grant County Public Works Address 124 Enterp e E -Orate, WA 988-23 Thp. Local Agency figvinmplied or hereby agreeing to CO Highways, (2) the, regulations Issued pu'rsua tit. thereto, (3) 2 -excluded fr6m receiving Federal fuinds by a Federal Washhgton State Ospadryienl of Tratis p 'n' and (6) the GovOrnmien'( telative to the above projecW t, the ashington 81 . I p 'd thopro* se Le - -a -, Fed rooeet on 1.9tt �y 4 para � notilf ic,. tion Wral fun shown herein on lins , olu rc mn 3,.Without written authority Oy All -project COsts not te-imb,ursed by the Federal vernment Protect Description Name USE Rd, OvOtlaY (20211 T,erm*n1 ro a M 060CAP6013. of Work This proj"I will resurface the existing HMA pavement with i work on road -Sly Local Agency Aoreernent, CMA No, 20.206 (Catalog or Fedwal Domestic Wm� I P"ec-t Nc)-STPR rOJ . -N131(005) Aureement No. tA /0 1 ZS7 For OSC WS `r USS With the terms and conditions sot fotth In (1) Title 23, U S- Code - R Rad 200, (4) 2 CFP Part 1 So —1cart1tying that the loo.al tO'e noy z not 11 or debarment, (5) the Polirjes slid procedures prorp mal aid rr pojo-otageem entered Ulgated b - Y the ent en red into bietvoeen the State and Federal a Department ot Transportation will authonze the Lotl.Agancy to whioh are to Oe Obligated for thrq)emay -n,ol exceed the amount e. State. subject to the approval of the Federal Highway Administration, Al be 1110 res -onsibilityot 1h 1 .0 1 . - e Lol Agency! Length 7 39 Miles 1-1 MA oveda y, Shoulder fin-$ Whing, Quardroll, tra A 16 COntrOl and other n1vin V1 VVdY g P_' Y Federal Aid p Rallo for RW ...... *Q+hA-) & 'ami Q, ist ruction -i 283-862.00 % MDLher Federal Aid padidpation 95,170,00 IZ848.00 $2,322,00 t toRatio for CN 270,00 2,000-00 1.911,M)OO"ou tal GN CO-SLEAffli 2.00.000 ff(l 20 lw� TOW �P(OJOC(Q '4100.000.00 297 OW.00 1,90.1000.00 Aqency,�Offlclal Was.hington State BY 00pal't ment of Transportation DIg.1 - ally s' ned by OY Director, Local Program Stephanie Stephanie Tax Title Date** 2021,08.04 �ryDate Executed Tax 09-.29:59-071001 DOT Form 140-030 Page I Revised IZIZ020