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*Other - Sheriff & Jail
Compression Adustrn:ent to Command Staff Positions a Ir . N ft 4\,1\ \.. 1'>,t .,4.. .1a \ \\..'.i .: u\ \k \\', \.,., "A d J\ -A tz.. FV_ R N08 32 Chief Deputy n4 -ii SHERIFF CHEIF D 15% Above Sergeant $52.19 $4475*20 $'475228"A3, $9;,046-2.7 $io!8;555.20 32' SHERIFF CHEIF D 15% Above Sergeant $52.195.20 $ 4)17 4252-3-13 $�9�7046.27 $108Y55520 31 11501 JAIL CAPTAIN 15% Ab Se ove rgearit . . ...... ... .. . ... - 3*13 $.9,046.2 $108 $52-19 .$41175-20 $462 7 7555 20 f No8 33 Undershen 14-02 SHERIFF UNDER 6% Above ie I f I �% o .6ol 1 $55: $4425,601 $4,79-4-40 1 $9.,588801 $115) 65 44197 Aj,)prove Date Approved Approve wage scales for GCS O Command Staff (Chief Deputies, & Undersheriffi retro to 01/01/21, 01/01/21: Received cost- of-II'Viing increase, 05/04/291'. CBA.for Deputy Sheriff signed. This- adjust mei-.itwill increase wages an additional x.,95 4 to ad•dress co pression between the top bargained pos-itions end 'the Comma-nd,Star r Cindy Carter, Chairperson. I vl' . A Danny,.'E. Stone,. Vice Chairperson Rob Jones, Conunissioner. . . . . . . .