HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCC (003)GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS To: Board of County Commissioners From: Janice Flynn, Administrative Services Coordinator Data July 21, 2021 Re: Authorization for Release of BOCC Approved Funds, SIP #2020 -06 - Port of Quincy — Intermodel Yard Container Expansion — Phase 2 The Port of Quincy has met the requirements for release of funds in the above - referenced SIP project, which was approved by the BOCCpursuant to Resolution No 21 -003 -CC dated January 5, 2021. The proof of requirements is in the form of a signed Project Certification from the Port of Quincy and supporting invoicing of the project that meet the requested amount. The documentation is attached for your review. To that end, I am requesting the release of funds on this SIP project as follows: 1) 1st installment of the grant in the amount of One Hundred Forty Seven Thousand, Nine Hundred Sixty Two and 99/100 Dollars ($147,962.99) to the Port of Quincy. Note: The full grant amount is $300,000, leaving a balance of $152,037.01. Thank you. DVVated this day of —1 . 2o2� BO"rd Of County Coln,-ni Omni tioners Offant County, Washington —ro —ve Abs_tain Dist # I Dist #I Dist #1 Dist #2. 2 Dist #2 Dist #3 #.3 ----------- Dist #3 J U L 4 PORT OF Slim July 16, 2021 Janice Flynn A.dmi'ni.strativc Services Coordinator Board of County Commissioners PO Box 37 Ephrata, WA 98823 Dear Mrs. Flynn-, Enclosed please find the Project Certification., cost recap, and back-up invoices for SIP Number 2020-06. This projectis not yet fully comptete, and we 111 antici1P ate us' gg the total %.., grant award, of $300,,000. This is the first oft anficipated refinbursement. requests. If you need any further information, please let me know. Thank you, Darel L. Kleyn, CPA Comptroller f dare. oto - uutncy*or a Enclosures 101 F Street SW + Quincy, WA 98848 4 509-787-3715 + fax 509-787-2525 4 manager@portofq,uincy.org The Port of Quincy is an equal opportunity provider and employer If You wish to file a Civil Riglits prograin complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, C� L11 I I found online at htto://www.laser.usda.aov/cornplaint, filing cust.htnil, or at any USDA Office, or call (866) 632-999_2 to request tile form. You may also write a letter conudaing all of the infoinnition requested in the form., Send your completed conipt-aunt . form or letter to us bit mall at U.S. Department or Agriculture, Dine tor, Offilce of Adjudication. 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email atprQgLq 5&.,go V GRANT COUNTY STRATEGIC INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM 0, This form must be signed and returned, Ne ith an invoice, for the approved fundm' . 9, before reimbursement can be approved by Grant County,, SIP Project Proposal Number: 2020-06 SIP Fundina Recipient: Port of Quincy. SIP Project Description, Intermodal. Yard ContainerExpansion -- Phase 2 1, the undersigned, do hereby certify -under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, and/or the labor performed as described 'in theprQject proposal for the above -referenced SIP Project and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify to this claffii, I also certify that this claim is just and due, and is an un aid obligation p against Grant County. Further, accordm'g to the Sr Project Funding Policies, I attest that at the next audit of lily entity, this project Shall be called to the attention of the Was hington State AuditW s Office and an emphasis audit will be -requested to assure that these funds were expended toward the project and according to the intent of the propo:sai. — ----------- Signature Title -------- - - ---- Printed Name r--- - . " ( --- -------- ----- ------ Date Signed Printed Title Completed, signed or' inal certification and in-vo' 19 ice are to be mailed to: Admmistrative Services Coordinator, PO Box 37, Fphrata, WA 98823 M6) tse rrAQ '9 ��Pel v�P S C � I .STT ACHMENT4 PORT OF QUINCY SIP No. 2020-06 Industrial Yard Container Expansion - Phase 2 Gray & Osborne, Inc., 11015-00-77 $1.07.44 11015-00-79 11702-98 11015,00-80 1)171.44 11015-00-81 11004.80 11015*'00-83 249.96 11015.00-84 1,1507.99 11015-00-85 916.50 11015.00-86 509-89 11015-00-87 676.52 Tobin Electric: 117431 8,688.46 117437 181963.13 117630 441248.39 117603 8;843.19 117726 233.71 117740 361174.51 117739 88.674-08 PUD: Large Electrical Service Application 21500.00 Work Order #220155 28.730.00 Total Cost of Project 244,962.99 Department of Commerce: Capital Budget Grant (97,000.00) SIP Reimbursement Request #1 $147,962.99 10 1 "F" Street SW Quincy, WA 98848 Project 11015-00 General Engineering Services Professional Services from March 29 2020 to April 25,12020 Professional Personnel Hours Principal Julius, Lawrence Engineer In 1 -raining Renteena, Julio Technician Parker, Frank PLS Benson, Lawrence Totals Total Labor B.1 filings to Date 14.00 1.00 1,50 5.00 21.50 2.8 times 1:025,48 1.15 times 21871.34 11015.00 77 Amount 2�871.34 3t302.04 31302.04 Total this Invoice $3,302.04--- Current Prior XV%fty 8S71 199,408.37 2021710.41 Expense 0.00 31123-39 3,123.39 Totals 31302.04 202,531.76 Invoice � IVEA April 30, 2020 Grant County Port District No. I Project No, Attn, Dani Kl;.z,.yn - darc*l@portofquincy.org Invoice No: 10 1 "F" Street SW Quincy, WA 98848 Project 11015-00 General Engineering Services Professional Services from March 29 2020 to April 25,12020 Professional Personnel Hours Principal Julius, Lawrence Engineer In 1 -raining Renteena, Julio Technician Parker, Frank PLS Benson, Lawrence Totals Total Labor B.1 filings to Date 14.00 1.00 1,50 5.00 21.50 2.8 times 1:025,48 1.15 times 21871.34 11015.00 77 Amount 2�871.34 3t302.04 31302.04 Total this Invoice $3,302.04--- Current Prior Total Labor 3$302.04 199,408.37 2021710.41 Expense 0.00 31123-39 3,123.39 Totals 31302.04 202,531.76 205,833.80 1130 Rainier AvefIUC� S., SUII'tt-0-1 3Q(-) Seattle, Washington 9814;1 (206) 284-08(.50 Pax (206)983--3906 3 0 rx ##y1 ft 0 Dw �a a r c ta 101 i ew- n I -om> Julius <Ijudiu -ox Larry @Eg Fieldca--yj Ma Y 1� 2020 828 AM, Di Klen Ca Michatell Woodkey t � Servic s Invoice No. 77 bit m. t t Gteneral Entg' H Da r, c i: I We have forwarded under separate cover our latest invo'ce (Invo*ce No. 77) dated APM 30, 2020, for our t -a t.# I I I f t.zma.meral Engitneam-aring Senvicies montera-&L with the Poft. -17n"e invok.--i,'e- inuciva"A5.swom, Ing op. the following pr -j ' V Oil Inte mou a"n nkalsluructur;E3h Group, LLC Easements.* $2708&98. Wo,r-k include d revising the legcaal duescription, eCasemen t, and exhibit wMin Lot I of the Huston Short Phat in order to avoid existing Grant County PUD easements. Indus,,ti-ial Pad6r., No. O -Alf- Intv^-rmodall Yard ContallnArArpea ExP=--"-ns;1on.- $963-90. 'Work included cons tpuction administration sem`%ces such as preparing the final pay estimate and close-out pape.Muvoirk, required for the Po,,It to accept the pt oliecct as compfteti(-.-,. r 1-1-V 4., -Ir -al'- mp, O -V6 d idusbr-' t Park -1-mlo 4--4riter-r-rod, Work included discussing electrical Im prove meas wi-th Tobin Electric for additional refer units within the Intermodal Yard. Industrial Park No. 4 Intermodall Yard Rai! Improvemerits: $83.72,. Work included discussing ra-fl, exteimstions with the Pow Within the Inteirmodal Yard. T he" K' 0 t. o I f o- r the 'i ic- � e it st 1 $-' 3 13001-0zoor. Please let us know if you have any questions or h like addiltional information. Larry Julius Gra" & Osborne, Inc. Sent via the SaMSUng Galaxy S7 edge, an AT&T 4G LTE ma one x-aw IN .M Win '! ®R - Invoice Billings to Date 31464.33 Total this Invoice $3,464.33 Current Prior June 26, 2020 Labor 314064.33 Grant County Port District No. I 2081288.92 Project No: 11015.00 Att.n., Dard Kleyn - accounts@portofquincy,org Invoice No- 79 101 "F Street SW Quincy, WA 988,48 Project 1015.00 General Engineering Services Professional Sces from Mav 24, 2020 to June 20 Professional Personnel Hours Amount Principal Julius, Lawrence 13.00 Elect, Engr. Newquist, Jason 4.00 Technician Parker, Frank 7 50 Totals 24.50 2.8 times 11075.88 31012.46 1.15 times 3)012.46 3)464.33 Total Labor Billings to Date 31464.33 Total this Invoice $3,464.33 Current Prior Total Labor 314064.33 204,824.59 2081288.92 Expense 0.00 3t211.17 3t2:11.17 Totals 31464.33 208,035.76 211,500.09 JUL 0 1 2020 BY: 1130 RainiE,-ir AverlU(-) S, Suille 300 4 t-3ttle, Washingtan 98144 .1 (206) 28-1-08t(30 Fax (2 06) 283-3OG Darci Kleyn It From'. Larry Julius <1 uliUs@g-0.CoM> Sent: Monday, June 29, 2020 9* -56 AM To.- Dardi Kleyn CC: Michael Woodkey JUL 02 2020 Subject: General Engineering Services Invoice No. 79 By" (SaINVOU piton,,, Hi Darci: In the next few days you should receive our latest invoice (Invoice No. 79), dated June 26, 2020, for our , General Engineering Services contract with the Port, The invoice includes working on the following projects: S --i-1nn dust 1'al P8rkNd '4'Eloctrical Imp ro.ve-M' Work Included reviewing the electrical system in the Intermodal Yard to determine whether it has the capacity to support additional reefer pedestals and yard lighting. Industrial Park No. 4 Intermodal Yard Rail Improvements: $840.43. Work included discussing funding options and scheduling of the proposed rail and site improvements within the Intermodal Yard. Industrial Park No. 80* $920.91 Work included reviewing options and cost estimates for the extension o1pr water and sexuer infrastructure to Industrial Park No. 8. The total for the invoice is $3,464M. Please let us know if you have any questions or would like additlonal information, Larry Julius Gray & Osborne, Inc., (509) 952-2507 cell Sent vla the Samsung Galcaxy S7 edge, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone -Pal urgfon 2020 JUL 2 By: Invoice A July 27, 2020 Grant County Port District No, 1 Project Na 11015.00 Attn: Dard Kleyn - accounts@portofquincy,orgq Invoice No- 80 101 "F Street SW Quincy, WA 98848 Pr 'nct 01'" 11015.00 General Engineering Services Profe,sslonal Services from June 21, 2020 to July 2020 Professional Personnel Hours Amount Principal Julius, Lawrence 3.00 Elect. Engr. Newquist, Jason 6.00 Tot@fs 9.00 2.8 times 470.40 11317.12 1.15 times 1,317.12 11614.69 1, otal Labor 11514.69 Total this Invoice 5 Billings to Date Current Prior Total Labor 1,614.69 208,288.92 2091803.61 Expense MO 31211.1-1 3t211.17 Totals 1,1514.69 211,600.09 213,014-78 0 Rainicir Ave,11L.19 S , St Jite 300 &�at1'1aW,,,),sh1(1� ton C181-1-1 (_2 2 8 4 .08G0 FaX (206) 4,2833-32OV) Dard Klevin 011 WIN 11 From-, Larry Julius <1julius@g-0.c0M> Sent: Monday, July 27, 2020 21-40 PM To: Darci Kleyn Cc:Michael Woodkey 12HCT�MEE [0) Subject- General Engineering Services Invoice No. 80 JUL 2 9 Z020 k. tY1. 1A M A .0 A 'A 4V Vj in a W 4 a H1 Darci: I In the next few days you should receive our latest invoice (Invoice No. 80dated July 27, 2020, for our General Engineering Services contract with the Port. The Invoice includes working on the following projects: Antermod -1-Yard-Bectr -t:,- lndu�s-tr' Park---_'�M� 4 a �, �. �ical Im.prov men:s-; Work included discussing the expansion of the Intermodal Yard electricalsystem with Grant County PUD, and il the sizing, cost, and availability of new transformers to add to the capacity of the electricalsystern. Industrial Park No. 8: $343.25. Work included completing the USB R permits for the crossing of the West Canal in two locations to extend the City of George's 16 -inch water main to Industrial Park No. 8. The total for the invoice is $1,514.69, Please let us no if you have any questions or would like additional information. Larry Julius Gray & Osborne, Inc. (509) 952-2507 cell Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S7 edge, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone C-3 Invoice CONSU t. T i NG E t I G I N S Ij MOM CNN 'efflARM AN m -MU August 17, 2020 Grant County Port District No. I Project No-. Attn.' Dard Kleyn - accounts@portofquincyorg Invoice No: 101 "F Street SW Quincy, WA 98848 Project 11015.00 General Engineering Services Professional Services from Jul 19,.,2Q2oto _Aqqust16,202G Prof es!siona.l Personnel Hours Principal Julius, Lawrence Elect. Engr, Ne.wquist, Jason Totals Total Labor Billings to Date Labor Expense Totals �� 2 0 t. Y: X-1 ki 5. 00 UO 2.8 times 312.05 1.15 times 873.74 11015.00 81 Amount. 873.74 11004.80 11004.80 Total this Invoice $11,004.80 Current Prior Total 11004.80 209,803.61 210t808.41 0.00 3t211.17 31211.17 11004.80 213,014.78 2141019.,58 1130 Rainier AveflUe S., Suite '3300 Seattle, Masi-flngton 98144 (20(3) 284-0860 F=ax (206) 283-3206 Darci Lleyn 11 11011'.11111111111 From: Larry Julius <1julius@g-o.coM> Sent: Monday, August 24, 2020 837 AM To: Dard Kleyn Cc: Michael Woodkey Subject: General Engineering Services Invoice No. 81 Hi Darci: In the next few days you should receive our latest invoice (Invoice No. 81), dated August 20, 2020, for our General Engineering Services contract with the Port. The invoice includes working on the following project: 04 �y ai��vm6hts:___; Industrial Plark�NOV�4-:.-Intermod�al ard- Eled-tric`­ Impr- 6- e Work included preparing cost estmates for the upgrading existing transformers to meet the capacity needs of the proposed electrical system expansion and discussing funding options with the Port. The total for the invoice is $1,,004.80. Please let us know if you have any questions or would like additional information. Larry Julius Gray & Osborne, Inc. (509) 952-2507 cell Sent via the Galaxy S7 ed Samsung cre, an AT&T 4G LTE srnartphone 1 0 1 0 Invoice Prior Total Labor 249.96 213t257.06 213X507.02 October 15, 2020 31211-17 Grant County Port District No. I Totals 249-96 Project No. 11011-,00 Attn: Darci Kleyn - accounts@porLofquincy.org Invoice No, 83 1 01 "F" Street SW Quincy, WA 98848 Project 11015.00 General Engineering Sewices Professional Services from September 11.2020 to October 10, 2020 Professional Personnel Hours Amount Elect. Engr. Newquist, Jason 1.50 Totals 1.50 2.8 times 77.63 217.36 1.15 times 217.36 249.96 Total Labor Billings to Date M Total this Invoice $249.9 Current Prior Total Labor 249.96 213t257.06 213X507.02 Expense 0,00 31211-17 39211.17 Totals 249-96 216,468.23 216,718.19 D) LE n 1,41 13 0 1:1 1 r A, v (20 3 0' t VW't �, I 11 n q t�t,) I T 120" 1 ,- -1 ( , L) - I.') , - � f, , 11 r -5 Dard..Kleyn From-. Larry JUJiUS <1JU11US@g-0.CQrn> Sent: Friday, October 16, 2020 11:17 AM To: Dani Kleyn Cc: Michael Woodkey Subject: General Engineering Services Invoice No. 83 Hi Dani: In the next few days you should receive our latest invoice (Invoiceo.N83), dated October 15, 2020, for our General Engineering Services contract with the Port. The'Invoice includes working on the following project: ea tl ndustrial Perk �-No-­44- In tor,m od I r lctrl1 _IM_ rffi_ t8 - Work included discussing the purchase of the new transformer with Grant County PUD. The total for the invoice is $249.96. Please let us know if you have any questions or would like additional information. Larry Jul' lus Gray & Osborne, Inc. (509) 952-2507 cell Sent via the Sarnsung Galaxy S7 edge, an. AT&T 4G LTE smartphone Principal Julius, Lawrence Engineer In Training Renteria, Julio Elect. Engr. Newquist, Jason Technician Bates, Patricia PLS Benson, Lawrence Surveyor Leltzel, William Prediletto, Thomas Schulkin, Brian Totals Total Labor Reimbursable Expenses Mileage Total Reimbursable Billings to Date 7,50 7.00 4.00 1.00 10.00 NOV 2 0 2020 2,00 By: 2.00 3,00 36.50 2.8 time '1,584.85 41437.58 1.15 times 4#437.58 51103.22 51103.22 Current prior Labor 5110122 213,607.02 Expense 144.78 3,211.17 Totals 51248.00 2161718.19 el, M*— Invoice. November 18, 2020 Grant County Port District No. 1 Project No: 11015.00 Attn: Dara Lleyn - accounts@portoflquincy,org Invoice No: 84 101 "F Street SW Quincy, WA. 98848 Project 11015.00 General Engineering Services Professional, Services from October 11 ,2020 to November 7, 2020 Professional Personnel Hours Amount Principal Julius, Lawrence Engineer In Training Renteria, Julio Elect. Engr. Newquist, Jason Technician Bates, Patricia PLS Benson, Lawrence Surveyor Leltzel, William Prediletto, Thomas Schulkin, Brian Totals Total Labor Reimbursable Expenses Mileage Total Reimbursable Billings to Date 7,50 7.00 4.00 1.00 10.00 NOV 2 0 2020 2,00 By: 2.00 3,00 36.50 2.8 time '1,584.85 41437.58 1.15 times 4#437.58 51103.22 51103.22 Current prior Labor 5110122 213,607.02 Expense 144.78 3,211.17 Totals 51248.00 2161718.19 1.44.78 1.0 times 144.78 144.78 Total this Invoice 151248.00 Total 2181610,24 8,355.95 221,966.19 ,a 4 1130 Rainier Avewme S, SLOte 300 S(9-atlle, Mi.Mflngton 08144 (2068-1 ") 2-0860 F=ax (9-06) 283-3206 uarci K exn am-------------------- From- Larry Julius <1 u1ius@g-o.com> Sent: Thursday, November 19,2020 1130 AM To: Darci Lleyn Cc: Michael Woodkey Subject; General Engineering Services Invoice No. 84 Hi Darc'[*. In the next few days you should receive our latest invoice (invoice No. 84), dated November 18, 2020, for our General Engineering Services contract, with the Port. The 'Invoice includes working on the following pr0' iects: Golf Course Septic Systems: $3,396.82. Work included identifying locations of new septic systems within the Port's Colockurn Ridge Golf Course, surveying their locations in the field, and preparing legal descriptions of each site. ­­>' h n us na _­ri_"-i"dI id -El"' e_ec_-tri dal- 1rTiprovdme, -s I Id -"'-t'w -i-l'Park �NOA�` hib� mo a `Y - Work included meeting with the Port and Grant County PUD at the Intermodal Yard to determine the location of the new transformer and assisting the PUD with determining electrical power loads for the new pedestals, Fiber Optics Conduit Locations: $343.26. work included identifying locations in the northwest sector of the City where spare fiber optics conduits are located and relaying that information to Mr. Chris Hardin of the Intermountain Infrastructure Group, at the request of the Port. The total for the invoice is $5,248.07. Please let us know if you have any questions or would like additional information. Larry Julius Gray & Osborne, Inc. (509) 952-2507 cell Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S7 edge, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone 0 1'33 1U L IG F f E iE R VIC-Ur Invoice December 14, 2020 Grant County Port District No. 1 Project No, 11015,00 Attn: Dard Kleyn - accounts@portofquincy.org Invoice No.- 85 101 "F" Street SW Quincy, WA 98848 Project 11015.00 General Engineering Services Professional Services from November 8, 2020 to December 5,20.20 Professional Personnel Hours Elect, Engr. Newquist, Jason Totals Total Labor Billings to Date 5.50 5.50 2..8 times 284-63 1.15 times 796.96 Current Prior Labor 916-50 218F610.24 Exp.ense 0.00 31355.95 Totals 916.50 221,966.19 Amount 796.96 916.50 916.50 Total this Invoice $916.50 Total 219F526,74 31355.95 222$882.69 DEC 2B4-0860 Fax �206) '83-32016- 1130 Rainier Avenue S., Pulte 300 Se�itfle, Washinc too 93 144 (2M Dard K eyn I III j1plipjapol From: Larry Julius <1jul1us@g-o.coM> Sent: Tuesday, December 15,2020 9-42 AM To: Dard Kleyii Cc: Michael Woodley Subject: General Engineering Services Invoice No. 85 H Darci: In the next few days you should receive our latest invoice (invoice No, 85), dated December 14, 2020, for our General Engineering Services contract with the Port. The 'invoice 'Includes working on the following project: , e $91 -,Q t1n,dus-_t n *a[ Park ' rkNo.=41-11ntermodal Yard - electrical -Imwe-p ro-, n 6. . Work included continuing discussions with Grant County PUD No. 2 regarding the new transformer within the Intermodal Yard. The total for the invoice is $916.50. Please let us know if you have any questions or would like additional information. Larry Julius, Gray & Osborne, Inc. (509) 952-2507 cell Sent via the Sarnsung Galaxy S7 edge, ari AT&T 4G LTE smartphone ONE - a. AN Mill X Invoice January 4, 2021 Grant County Port District No. 1 Project No: Aftn: Dard Kleyn - accounts@portofquincy.org Invoice No. 101 OF' Street SW Quincy, WA 98848 Project 11015,00 General Engineering Services Professional Services from December 6, 2020 to December, 31, �2020 Professional Personnel Hours Principal Julius, Lawrence 12 .00 Elect, En9r. Newquist, Jason PLS Benson, Lawrence Totals Total Labor Billings to Date 3.00 6.00 2.8 times 293.35 1.15 times 821.38 Current Prior Labor 944.59 219,526.74 Expense 0,00 31355.95 Totals 944.69 2221882-.69 11015.00 86 Amount 821.38 944.59 944.59 Total this Invoice $ - 944.59 Total 2201.471.33 3135595 223,827.28 ITF [9 D JAN 0 6 1021 183y: 1130 Reiinier Aw)nUC� S., suitc. 300 St:�atfl-,). 'Alac-lihngton 941-" 1 !;1 2 0 (6' 2 f4 Q 6 F cax (2 0 6) 2 8 33 331 Dard Kleyn - ------_-_ From: Larry Julius <1jUI1US@g-0,C0M> Sent-, Tuesday, January 5, 2021 44*43 PIVI ToO Dares Lleyn D Cc; Michael Woodkey JAN 2021 Subject: General Engineering Services Invoice No. 86 Hi lard: In the next few days you should receive our latest invoice (Invoice No, 86), dated January 4, 2021, for our General Engineering Services contract with the Port. The invoice 'Includes working on the following projects- ndustrialrPark 1ntermo,dal Y-electrical--Bectrical"I'Ire: - r - ve ments­,�$5� ,11,l-�4, po Work included reviewing the project with Tobin Electric and - the 'Bran t4bounty PUD. Colockum Ridge Golf Course Septic System Easements: $434.70. Work Included developing legal descriptions for the proposed easements for the new septic systems., The total for the invoice is $944.59. Please let us know if you have any questions or would like additional Information, Larry Julius Gray & Osborne, Inc, (509) 952-2507 cell Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S7 edge, an AT&T 4G LTE smartiphone Billings to Date Current Prior Labor 11052.14 220,471.33 Expense 0.00 31355.95 Totals 1$052.14 223,827.28 11052.14 Total this Invoice $1,052.14 Total 221 t523.47 31355.95 224,879.42 ........... L� .. =1 FEB IG2021 P6 Y: 1130 Rainier Avamuea S., SUO-E) 300 Sr. -?--M le, Was,"', irla tf")11 5-N-113-1 F- x ( 206) 2S-3-"' 20 32 MR ®R zv -'JSh-1 I 111fC 30 0.1 J IC -11-1 Invoice February 9, 2021 Grant County Port District No, 1 Project No: 11015,00 Attn: Darn Kleyn - accounts@.portofquincy.org Invoice No. 87 101 "F Street SW Quincy, WA 98848 Project 11015-00 General Engineering Services Professional Services from January 1, 2021 to plana Ky..30.. 2021 Professional Per son.nel Hours Amount Principal Julius, Lawrence 2.50 Elect. Engr, Newcluist, Jason 2.00 PLS Benson, Lawrence 2.00 Totals 6.50 2.8 times 326.76 914.90 1.15 times 914.90 11052.14 Total Labor Billings to Date Current Prior Labor 11052.14 220,471.33 Expense 0.00 31355.95 Totals 1$052.14 223,827.28 11052.14 Total this Invoice $1,052.14 Total 221 t523.47 31355.95 224,879.42 ........... L� .. =1 FEB IG2021 P6 Y: 1130 Rainier Avamuea S., SUO-E) 300 Sr. -?--M le, Was,"', irla tf")11 5-N-113-1 F- x ( 206) 2S-3-"' 20 32 Darci Kleyn From.- Larry Julius <1julius@g_0.coM> Sent: f—r3) Tuesday, February 9, 20214-010 PM M 1i D To-, Dard Kleyn Cc: Michael Woodkey FEB 161% 2021 Subject: General Engineering Services Invoice No. 87 By: Hi Darci,* In the next few days you should receive our latest in -voice (invoice No.), dated February 9 2021, for our General Engineering Services contract with the Porf. The invoice , includes working on the following projects-, mprovemen Ind,ustrfiaPark;�--�--No-.-----� I t t" s Work, included providing Tobin Electric with existing electrical plans of the Intermodal Yard and updated information requested by Grant County PUD for the new transformer installation, Colockum R.idge Golf Course Septic System Easements: $375.62. Work Included developing easement documents for the three new drainfields for the Quincy Adult Recreation Park Model Owner's Association. The total for the invoice is $1,052.14. Please let us know if you have any questions or would like additional information, Larry Julius Gray & Osborne, Inc. (509) 952-2507 cell Sent via the Samsung Galaxy 57 edge, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone T ELECTRIC, INC. 315 F STREET SE QUINCY, WA 98848 US (509) 787-1591 tobin.electric@frontier.com Job Invoice BILL TO Quincy Port District #1 101 F Street SW Quincy, WA 98848 DESC.RIPTION Intermodal 1) Supply 5 - 2213 - 04SA 480 volt refer sharing units ($1530.00 each) 2) Freight from California ($380) 3) Allow 2 - 3 week delivery time JOB INVOICE 117431 DATE 01/11/2021 DUE DATE 01/31/2021 QTY RATE AMOUNT Total Job 8,030.00 8,030,OOT SUBTOTAL 81030,00 TAX 658.46 TOTAL 8,688.46 BALANCE DUE $8,688-46 it JAN 12 2021 By.: Rage I of -1 TOBIN ELECTRIC., INC. 315 F STREET SE QUINCY, WA 98848 US (509) 787-1591 tobin.electric@frontier.com Job Invoice -B-LL TO Quincy Port District #1 101 F Street SW .1 Quincy, WA 98848 JOB INVOICIE # 117437 DATE 01/26/2021 DU -E DATE 02/25/2021 -------- . . . ......... JOB L GATION Intermodal DESGRIPTION QTY RATE AMOUNT, Down Payment required to fabricate 3 - 10 gang modUlar reefer sharing units. See Attached. Down Payment 1 17,526.00 173526.OT ---------- -------- SUBTOTAL 17,526-00 TAX 1,437.13 TOTAL 18,963.13 BALANCE DUE � �9 6 ..13 it I L�.���.�JAN 2 TOB W RLE C TH Gt IN C. PO Box 428 Quincy, WA 98848 (509) 787-1591 tobin.electricCaWrontler.corn job Invoice -BIlLL TO Quincy Port District #1 10 1 F Street SW Quincy, WA 98848 PO # Curt M DESCRIPTION Port Intermodal - 10 gang modular refer sharing units ESL E10_ SU3 Refer Sharing Units, Including Freight $36,806 + 10% JIO. # 117630 DATE 04/05/2021 DUE DATE 05/10/2021 QTY RATE A MOUNT 1 40,895.00 40,895.00T SUBTOTAL 40,895.00 TAX 3,353-39 TOTAL 44,248.39 BALANCE DUE (t, A 116� w4 `48.39 TOBIN -ELECTRIG,, IN 0. 315 F STREET SE QUINCY, WA 98848 (509) 787-1591 tob'ln.electric@frontier.com Job -,Invoice -BU TO JOB INVOICE # 117603 Quincy Port District #1IDATF. 04/07/2021 10 1 F Street SW DUEDATE 05/10/2021 Quincy, WA 98848 PO' # Curt M. DESCRIPTION Intermodal sharing units - Advance payment required to ship 5 refer sharing units MATERIALS CITY RATE AMOUNT - Priority Mailed Check 1 10-00 1O.. 2213-045A 480V Refer Sharing Units 5 1s531.00 71655 -OOT UPS Freight 1 288,00 288.00T Subtotal.* 7,953.00 LABOR Prevailing Wage Hours - Pat - 4/7/21 2 110.00 220.00T Subtotal: 220.00 SUBTOTAL 81 73.00 TAX 670.19 TOTAL 81843.19 BALANCE DUE 84119 ........ ...... F cr /AP 2021 BV{ TOBIN FJ-ECT]RtC. INC, PO Box 428 Quincy, WA 98848 (509) 787-1591 tobin.olectric@frontier.com BILL TO Quincy Port District #1 101 F Street SW Quincy, WA 98848 J013 INVOICE # 117726 DATE 05/10/2021 DUE DATE 06/25/2021 DESCRIPTION RATE .Q try AMOUNT Intermodal - Troubleshot & tested refer sharing unit #22 LABOR Hours -Doug - 5/10/21 2 108.00 2. 15.00T .......... SUBTOTAL 216-00 TAX 17.71 TOTAL 233.71 BALANCE DUE *r.3171 TILE 17 LEE 10 J U N 15 2021 Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... ............. FF - JUN 14 By TOBIWELEcmic PO Box 428 Quincy, WA 98848 (509) 787-1591 tobin .electric@frcntier.co m Job Invoice Quincy Port District #1 101 F Street SW Quincy, WA 98848 PO # Curt M. JOB JNVOIGE # 117740 DATE 06/06/2021 "DUE DATE 07/25/2021 DESCRIPTION Port Intermodal - Portable refer sharing units QTY RATE AMOUNT Quantity 25 - 2213-04SA Portable ReferSharing Unit $302090 + 10% = $33,433 33,433.00 33,433.00T SUBTOTAL TAX TOTAL BALANCE DUE 33433.00 21741.51 36,174.51 $36 174 91 a I ix -%j I CUSTOMER: Tobin Electric Inc. 315 F St. SE Quincy, WA 98848 United States CONTACT: IAT TOBIN 509-787-1591 QUOTE NUMBER QUOTE IDAT . QUOTE EXPIR.ATIoN: SALESPERSON: �'� FOS: PAYMENT TERMS. PROJECT: PRICE QUOTATION 0088870-0 4/14/2021 5/14/2021 l1412021 fyRO A,C] BARBARA SINEDA CASH IN ADVANCE SNIT QUANTITYUNIT PR)1r.r: R Uw-32- 0w PMT-4fl-2 1304 EA 25,90 KI161.60 32A 48* OVAREEFER HA��I�IG UNIT AVAILABLE), WITH T'11�11FR. CSV ' , 4 HOUR FIXED TIMER (OTHER TIMER SETTING K. RRIL � IT H, (2) 480VAC, 32A OUTLETS W/ S ITS 32A 480VA MALE PLUGWITH 3M (I0- T) POWER CABLE, SNAP OVERS (1 ) TERMINAL UNIT WITH PADDED HANDLE& ANTI-SKID RUBBERCJFST. AMOUNT $29,040.00 NOTES: I. PRII`�,I ( IS BASED �N A SINGLE PRIDTAT RDE FOR THE ITEMS AND QUANTITIES (��} I N I S AL.I D I� O R 89 DAB'S S TATS C� ABOVE 3. ESL I N �.rPT RE�./�y PON5IB L E FOR Q LtANT1 ESL IMMEDIATELY OF ANY TY COUNTS. BUYER MUST VERIFY QUOTA ISRI�I�ANII�S D QUANTITIES AND NOTIFY 4. ITEMS ARE 8 TO 4 WEEKS ARCS AND 5. DRAWING APPROVAL SAN BE EXPEDITED) LAI TIME I� BASED ON CURRENT T �I AVAILABILITY AND IS SUIT T 6, PLEASE ALLOWI w+�RII DAYS ARS I�ANE FSR SALES APPROVAL DRAWINGS 71 ALL PRICES ARE IN US DOLLARS AND DO 8. ESL STANDARD TE NOT INCLUDE SALES, 1.15, LAL TAS RMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY (SEE BEL R IMPORT DUTY 8. TERMS REFERENCED ABOVE L..If�I�� UPON �RC�ITAPPROV;AL, 10, FOB. CORONA, CA (FREIGHT NOT INCLUDED) I , ORDER IS NN -AN NON -CANCELLABLE AND NON -RETURNABLE For teras and conditions please vi,;- w W. e l LAIr co �.� r��erms Net Quote Freight: Quote Total. U ESL Power Systems, Inc.0 2800 Palisades Drive, Corona, CA 92880 Tel: (800) 922-4188 a +1 (951) 739%7000 . Fax: +1 951 www,eslpwr.com * sales@eslpwr.com 739M?U48 $29,040.00 $1,050100 $30,000.00 33,133-r--�-AX Page 1 of I TOBIN ELECTRIC -,1.N , PO Box 428 Quincy, WA 98848 (509) 787-1591 tobin.electric@frontier.com Job Invoice Quincy Port District #1 101 F Street SW Quincy, WA 98848 J1 LOCATION Quincy, WA JOB INVOIGE # 117739 DATE 06/07/2021 DUE DATE 06/30/2021 DESCRIPTION QTY RATE -AMOUNT JOB: INTERMODAL EXPANSION SqD 900A main service panel, with 3- 300A11P feeder, breakers, in 1 18,880-00 181880.00T stainless enclosure MCB main kit 1 220.00 220 -OOT HCWM12 N neutral kit 1 180.00 180.00T Stainless mounting rack for service panel, built by Pioneer Metal 1 2,850.00 2,8K.00T Bags of concrete 8 6.00 48-0OT 2x1 2x1 6 form boards 5 65.00 325.00T Roll chicken wire 1 8.00 8.00T Rebar from QHL 1 130.00 130.00T Tie wire 1 5.00 5.00T Tie wire twisters 1 5.50 5.50T Concrete sealer and sprayer 1 49.00 49 -OOT 3/411 all thread 2 16.00 32.00T Concrete by CWC 1 700.00 700-0OT Concrete tool rent from Konen 1 50.00 50.00T 8'o PVC ch.40 Conduit 480 3.40 1 t632.00T 3" PVC 24" Rad. 90 9 3.2..00 288.O0T 3"PVC Scli.40 Coupling 9 3.50 31-50T BELL END 31t 3 8.40 25.20T 3" PVC Caps 3 3.00 9.00T 3" PVC Male Adapter 6 4.00 24.00T 3" Locknut 6 3.65 21-90T 3" Plastic Bushing 6 2.75 16.50T ill PVC Sch. 40 Conduit 170 1.40 238.00T 1 " PVC 18" Rad. 90 4 10-00 40-00T I" PVC Sch. 40 Coupling 8 0.55 4.40T I "PVC Male Adapter 2 0.80 1.60T 1 " Locknut 2 0.45 0.90T 1" Plastic Bushing 2 0.45 0.90T Insulation Foam 3 7.50 22.50T PVC Glue, Quart 3 14.00 42.00T DESCRIPTION QTY RATE AMOUNT 2" Underground Marking Tape/Ft 20 3" KO punches 0,05 1 .00T 7/811 HS 3 15.00 45.00T 1-1/8 HS 3 14-50 43-50T 1-5/8" Thick Stainless Strut 2 16.00 32.00T 1 5/8" Thick Strut 10 24-80 248 -OOT 2 7/16" Thick Strut 10 2.80 28 -OOT Strut 2 - Hole Angle Bracket 15 18.50 277-50T 3/8" Spring Nut 2 3,60 7.20T 3/8" x I" Bolt Hardware 4 2.65 10.60T Pull Twine 12 0.20 2.40T Wire Lube Quart 310 0.02 6.20T 350MCM Copper Wire,Str 4 11-50 46 -OOT 2/0 THHN Copper Wire,Str 11850 9.95 181407..50T #2 THHN Copper Wjre,Str 95 4.15 394-25T Phase Tape 3/4" 610 2.60 11586.00T 3M 33+ Tape 4 6.00 24.00T Duct Tape 1 6.00 6.00T Duct Seal per pound 1 13.50 13,50T Copper Shield 5 6.00 30 -OOT LA 350-2 lugs 1 3.00 3 -OOT 181t Ty Wrap Black -wide 12 12.00 144.00T 3/8" tap set 30 1.20 36.00T 1/411 x I" Bolt Hardware 1 14�,00 14.00T 1/ 4" Fender Washer 8 0.10 0-80T 1/4" Spring Nut 8 0.05 0.40T 11 3/8 x 3" Hilti Anchor 8 2,,45 19.60T 3/8" Fender Washer 12 2.00 24.00T 3" Strut Strap 24 0 . 06 1A4T it' Strut Strap 9 2.80 25.20T 3/4 x 1 0' Copper Clad 4 1.55 6.20T 3/4" Acorn, Grnd Clamp 5 28,00 140,OOT 5/811 Acorn, Grnd Clamp 5 4.00 20,00T #4 Ground Wire 3 3.00 9.00T #4 cu. Saddle Crimp 58 1.20 69.60T #6 Ground Wire 2 5.25 10-50T 5KVA 480 to 120/240 transformer 9 0.88 7.92T SqD RT Panel 1 588.00 588.00T SQD Main breaker kit 1 96.00 96.00T Vole SQD Breaker 1 8.25 8.25" 1 Pole SQD Breaker 1 19-00 19 -OOT 1 01f x7l 0"x4" RT Box 3 9.00 217.00T 8" 8"x4" RT Box 1 50.0 0T Telem 32AMP IEC Contactor 2 38.00 76.00T Din Rail 1 94-00 94.00T Deep WP 3 1/2" Bell Box 1/2"Hubs 1 2 5.00 5.00T 20A FI Tamper/Weather Resist. Receptacle 2 13.50 27 -OOT 1/2" LiquidTite Flex 29.00 58.00T 1/2" LiquidTite Flex Conn. 90 4 1.70 6.80T 3/4" LiquldTite Flex 2 5.50 11 .00T 3 2.30 6.90T DESCRIPTION QTY RATE AMOUNT 3/4" LiquidTite Flex Conn. 1 5.10 5.10T 3/4" LiquidTite Flex Conn. 90 2 8.50 17.00T #10 Self Tap Screws 10 0.10 LOOT 9 Hole Ground Bar 3 9.80 29.40T #12 THHN Copper WireStr 400 0.27 108.00T #10 THHN Copper Wire,Str 760 0.42 319.20T 1/2" Offset Nipple 2 3.00 6.00T Gray Wire Nuts 6 0.45 2-70T Red Wire Nuts 10 0.20 2.00T Tan Wirenuts 16 0.20 3.20` Yellow Crimp Spade 2 0.85 1.70T Yellow Crimp Eye-Lg 2 1.15 2-30T Phenolic Label 1 8.00 8.00T Brother Label 10 0.50 5.00T #10/4 Type SO Cord 60 2.15 129.00T ESL 32A 480V male cord conn 1 40.00 40.00T ESL 32A 480V female cord conn 5 70.00 350.00T UPS Freight 1 19.00 19.00T 3/4" Nylon Cord Conn 4 8.00 32.00T 3/4" Locknut 4 0.30 1 1.20T 3 custom built pole light cross arms PBV' -4 1 13520.00 1 t5.20 -OOT Auto Freight 1 680.00 680.00T 3/811 x 1 " Bolt Hardware 8 0.20 1.60T Welding by Pioneer Metal 1 80.00 80.00T Can Paint 1 8.00 8.00T GKO LED floodlights 4 420,00 1,680.00T ACWM4DB right angle brackets 4 105.00 420.00T 1/211 tap set 1 36.00 36.00T 80' boom lift with delivery, pickup, fuel, tax 1 11690"00 1160.00TStainless cover plates with rainshield by Pioneer Metal 3 110,00 330.0OT OHL carbide blades and bits for stainless 1 78.00 78 -OOT QHL gaskets 7 hardware for cover plates 1 32.00 32.0 O -T Silicon 0.50 10.00 5 -OOT 3/411 Rigid Conduit 60 3.80 228.00T 3/4" Myers Hub W Grd Lug 1 7.50 7.50T 1" Pipe Ground Clamp 1 4.80 4.80T 3/4" Two Hole Strap, Stl 14, 0.40 5.60T #10 x 2" LR Screws 30 0.10 3.00T #16/3 Type SO Cord 36 0.65 23.40T 112 Nylon Cord Conn 8 7.25 58.00T 1/2" Locknut 4 0.25 1.00T SqD 277V bolt on breaker 1 48.00 48.00T Electrical Permit Fee 1 830,00 830.00T Pat, 1-27-21 2 108-00 216.00T Pat) 2-1-21 2 108.00 216.00T Pat, 2-26-21 2 108.00 21 6,OOT Will, Tim, Pat, 4-6-21 5 108.00 540-00T Will, Tim, Pat, 4-1921 18 108-00 11944.00T Will, Tim, 4.20-21 10 108-00 11080.00T Will, Tim, 4-21-21 10 108.00 1 1080 -OOT DESCRIPTION u/r RATE AMOUNT Will, Pat, 4-22-21 3 108.00 324. 324OOT OOT VNU Tim, Brock, 4-2�-81 ' . 1G.�O 108.00 11782-O0T Will, Tim, 4-27~21 18 108.00 11944'DOT Will, Tim, 4-28-21 9.50 108.00 1-OOT ' Will, Tim, 4-�8'�1 ' 5 108.00 ' 840.00T Will, Tim, Pat, 5-5-21 13 108.00 1404OOT V0U,Tim, Pe�5-6-21 17 108,00 1''838''OOT Will, Tim, 5-11-21 3 108.00 324.00T Will, Tim, Brock, Doug, 5-24-21 18.75 108JX0 2�2G' OOTWU'Tlm, Pat, 5-25-21 �3 108.00 21484-OOT VNU'Tim, Broo�5�6421 17�G 108.00 11917. 1'91 OOT OOT ��U Tim, �-�-�1 , 1B.50 108.00 1782.00T VYU| Tlrn �-3-�1 ` ' 16 108-00 ' 1728-OOT ----_--___—.—_----_—_—__—_-------_—.-------_---------_._ SUBTOTAL B1/953.86 '"° 6,720.22 /w/mL 88'674.08 BALANCE DUE ������ 674-xO8 QUINCY PORT DISTRICT-(PORT#I) Grant PUD Date Type Reference 8/25/2020 Bill General Fund LMP100 MIP CHECK 0 8126/2020 Original Amt. Balance Due Discount Payment 21500.00 21500.00 21500.00 Check Amount 21500,00 27500.00 6 00000001 TGCSTMNT012621024610 01 100000000 0000351 002 ` `' Port of Quincy District No 1 I L,, it 101 F St SW Quincy WA 98848 Pagel of .,,H........_._.._.._.......,. Int: CA Account Number: 17596754181 M"WAWO ft I ---- I I KAAW Billing Date: 0112512,021 r Due Date: 02/19/2021 $281730.Wl D 0M. FEB 03 2021 FEB 0 12021 By* By Service Address: 410 Columbia W Complex Job Order Charge Bill in2.Period: 01 /2112021 - 01/21/2021 Prior Balance $0.00 Payments $0.00 Balance $0,00 Complex Job Order Charge $28#730.00 CURRENT CHARGES $28,730.00 CURRENT AMOUNT DUE $28,730.00 Grant Large Electrical Service Appli cat ion Grant PUD uses this application to determine a scope and study of connection requirements at the CU.".."ttomi-e4es service point for electrical service above 50OKW. The applicant should atemPt to fill in as much of the form as possible. The applicant will receive a preliminary estimate f or the utility 'interface requ1rem-:.r-'-nts that may be used in calculating the overall project requirements. Failure to accurately 0 cc,)rnphate this form could result in additional costs and/or delay s to the con ph-Wition of yo -Ur project, Section I., CONTACT INFORMATION company Grant County Port District No. 1 Mailing Address 101 "V" Street SW City Qmncy County Phone (509) 787-23715 Cell (509) 797-3400 Current Customer? yEs - -- ---------- - rant State WAZ 1P i 98848 Contact Name Curt Morris, Commissioner Email caniorrisni pa 1-tinmorilscom .,a Company Gray & Osbom.e, Inc. Malling Address 1130 Rainier Avenue South, Suite 300 city Seattle County King State -WA Zip 98144 Phone 206 284 -Contact Name Jason Newquist, P.E - -- ---- ----- cell (206) 372-2467 Email jnewquistu-o,com Company To be determined, Project to be publicly bid Mailing Address City County State Zip Phone Contact Name Cell Email Additional or secondary contact information: GRANT PUD I Large Power Solutions Phone: (50 9) 766-2517 Email: �arggepay.L�-rSqkjtiqas P.,�cp;d.or L____y g Rev. 10-2019 — Page I 0, Sect'l'on 2., POWER REQUIREMENTS -y Demand Capacit (MW) 1.0 MW Will the electrical load bz- phased in.? El YEs Average Usage (KWH) 12,000 kWH 0 NO Prefer Overhiead or underground service? 0 OH � UG (on Site Will there be any generation at this facility? OYES Xt NO If "Yes" what kind of 'In-terconnection do you Intend on using? E3 Open Transhtion 11 Closed Translt/o.n Start Date for Site R ze! cl u ee -s t Date t e TO Polder W e r Construction October 2020 v 202 Januar. 1. L Describe any power requirements at startuP (i.e. Commissioning, tesfincr)- None Indicate special requirements for reliability, redundancy of equipment or coordination with UPS s y s At, e rn s None Describe power quality issues that may affect Grant PUD equipment, (Le, large motor loads <100hp,, chopped w v,-im, loads, harmonics, Installation of capacitors or filters, power factor) ,None anticipated, over is for refr )n trailers Describe the r R .clivershy of the load, (i.e. hourly, Monthly, and/or seasonally) Demand will change with the ambient outdoor temperature, peaking in late afternoons and --dUff summer mors s. Section 3: SITE INFORMATION L 4. Grant PUD will allow three -s! e locations for studies p-er application, Please provide, addiLi011al site locat'lon information on an attached document. Sit .o Address 410 NE Columbia Way CityA 0 QLIiIIGY_ _ , 'r State WA 988,0 Zip Parcel 4 042005099 zonina Industdal 0 . I Acres 62.74 0 Please list any other SUrveys, assessments, studies, etc. that h8we been conducted on the property; Altered Tract ), Port Industrial Park No. 4 Binding Site Plan Note: At Grant PUD's discretion, large customers may be requked to provide property rightsfor a substation to serve their project either nolvil or in tho. future, GRANT PUD I Large Power Solutions Phone: (509) 706-2517 Email: v. 10-2t) 19 - p R Section 4: BUSINESS INFORMATION I Type of Business X, 0 J. '21 Acrna al a rnr Int EIN / Ta -([D Number 91--7 ? 00(l NAI CS / SIC Id ntifle. r 91 Dilrect Emplioyize Count Cash Payme-nt G Surety Bond C1 Letter of Credit 0. Note: Deposit Is based on an average two-month billing for this address or comparable service and 1.5 required befOrO.- service is activated. Section S, CHECK LIST 0 Provide a one -line diagram of plant el�dtrilcal f-aCi1W,=S and number offeeders requested, 0 complet.-te )ro, -ected P;-xaA ko-ad b%j mon'th secItIon. ff avQjja1oj,_,. providen, any additional or detall-ed load ramp schedule assoclat-ed to the pr*ct. 0 Provide. a plot plan for the proposed facility, to scale, in Auto -Cad including water, sewer, storm drain, along with point of dellve-iry for power. 0 Provide if needed an attachment of two or less additional site locations Nfidth information, Needed In section " l e Infoirmation" I'lapplicable, indicate a propos-zd site plan to place C-1 Grant- PUD Substation that is accessible and Sul t -able for construction 014 electrical facilities. Assume th-esubstation site will requirie a MINIMUM, of 350 feet by 350 fees level a nd well draln.id. Specific requir-e-meats will be Provide upon application re- v 1 e w. Hav83 legal land owner sign obligation fo,'M. (Required after customer site locatlon confirmed.) The Port. has executed an Option Agreement to purchase the property and will sign the Obligation Fomi. Section 6: FORECAST INFORMATION Y aa Feb r14 a r Aor Mil Jul 2019 2020 values in MVA 2021 2022 0.15 0.15 2023 GRANT PUD Large Power Solutions Phone: (509) 766-2517 Email: Au a Sep Oct N av D C 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 R-Q,v, 10-2019 — Pagi 3 Additional Commerj&s: t Initial build out is 60 connections of 30A 4801 3 h, pin/sleeve outlets. 20A load Per outlet is foo of connected load. Estimatinq peak demand at 50 %. Full build oLlt--f---o-r —t— his XFMR would be I MW supporting 120 connections with a connected load of 2400A(2--MV—A)-and es Fim—a—te-d—peak demand at 30-50% of connected. Note: This table will b� used by to Plan construction and equipment Purchases required by fiacility bas',eld on fUture load arowth. It- will also be used for District load forecasting, 0 Section 7., SIGNATURE Applicont Applicant- understands the request and authorizees Grant PUD tu bt:39in planning, for work listed on thex L 1, L I Wllcat!OM form. Applicant agreeas to PaY 2PP"OPriatie aPplication fen 22 Ba,ltp- the fea by requested demand load Soma fees only neled Yz upfront PaYment to hold position in queue. CLISt0Mz,-rq will be no-tifi,ed for r�majn,,rje f e. 0.5 MW to 2 MW " Up to 20 MW 12 500 $15000 Over 4 0 MW C Up to 10 MW Up to 40 MW $6,500 $52,000 Does not cover studlen scope. AAdin, t rya Evolvina Industry? 116- z L YES, I attest the indu5try of th e. req u estin.g company to be on G rant PUD Evolving Indu5tiry list. Red rira I service will be under Rate Schedule 17,, NO, I -attes Me, industry of the requzesti-ing company is not on the Evolving indust list, 0 L J F Signature acknowled.uten Mat the applicant has madt& biest, effort to fill and read applicasdon, Printed Name: Curt A. Morris Tifl-2: President, Board of Commissioners Signature: Date: GRANT PUD I Large POWer Solutions Phone: (509) 766-2517 Email; Lfz @g�p��.Or ps: P e,/ 10_i019 —Pa4 >' ��/ Grant Property Rights and Obligations4PUD__ This form may be filled out with Large Service Application or filled later after site selection, Please read carefully and have property owner sign, Mailing Address 101 T" Street SW City Qaincv COuntV -Grant State WA Zip -98848 Phone (509) 787-3715 __ Representative CLIrt 0 rri"s Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County (Grant Cou ' I nty PUD) Will construct electrical facilites customer's property, if necessary, 1P exchange for part of value receivedCustomer-grantsi . les on , Grant County PUD the right to construct, opoerate, patrol ' Maintain and remove overhead and/or underground electrical distribution lines and associated aPPurtenances, Customer rants Grant County PUD the right to clear the area where the distribution equipment and facilities ;are I It 0 same clear of brush. treesstructures,i ocated on the customers property and keep the , timber, improvements and all fire hazards. Customer also grants to Grant County PUD the right of ingress and egress to and from Grant County PUD distributi ion electrical facilities. Customer agrees not to place, construct ior maintain any wilding, structures or other improvements within a 10 foot are.a of Grant County PUD electrical facilities* reduce or enlarge the clearanceslti":s� CUstomer acrrees not to between. the ground and any distribution lines within a 10 foot area of Grant County PUD electrical facilities, Grant County PUD may seek and enforce specific Performance of any activities required of the customer by this section. Legal Land Owner of Record Signature Your signature indicates I You have read and agree to Conditions stated in the "Riahts and Obligations') section, Signature: GRANT PUD I Large Power Solutions Phone-, (509) 766-2517 E.rTlail: L.,ILP L/%n-tSg1L1t .Ve P 0% _2 0 1-) —L-ipa, t' m e-ci Li--or-P, jti y, 10-2019 — pagesI