HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreements/Contracts - GRIS (002)(I K21-121 LICENSE AGREEMENT THIS LICENSE EE ENT the "License") is entered into as of the day of ., 2021 ("Effective DaW), by and between THE PORT OF Lik MOSES LAKE, (dRAl;&T* COUNTY PORT DISTRICT NOX. 10),a Wk;hingtoh. municipal or oration (licensoras end ,G NTCOUNTY I a Washin 'th o municipatcor pora tion , ( Licensee"). .1. RECITALS A. The Licensee deSireS to USe Port _.rop rty I 'C�O'U P e oceited at the- Gra"' i - 1L., the . Int n, y International Airport ,sftWn on the; ;�tte�dhidd Exhibit 'X'(the -Li c n'ed " "), in its "As is" ,e s Premises", 1 condition for a tire a' rnnest� eve"' nt. B. Liconsee desires to obtain a licensefrm ffi 'r and te res to 9 rant 6 e .. P o. hPort d esi such license, -for the eVen Lt on Port pro' perty, on the terms and conditionsyet forth' herein. 1111. AGREEMENT N 0W.Y THEREFORE, intending to be legal I ly boUhdl the. arti' P es a g ree at fbilows., Grant 'License. Licensor her b to nsee ants e.,m joye, e Y grants Lice s agen es contractors, customers, and invitees (Collective] itted y, the "Perm Users") and Licensee he d P reby acceptsa, zi non-�-extlu$­[Vel license t6 use the License remises, for the t for erm set,folrth herein, ve.hicufar and pedes'tri8n ingress- and egress to cottA., ect �used tires and to store the used es ed tir u..ntil picked up for disposal (the "Li cehSLe). Only alicerise, I YL No * a0ment is e gra.rited her b i M S JjCeL' L or re L L created, and Liceinsee 'is specifically 'rohib"ted feb 'ub P, I.e n.s[nLg,' asing7 signing, the LiCense and/or the Lic6nSed 'Pre is stoany other person or enti nting m e ty- 4 1. 1. No -Interest- i n Reaane This License ShI 'a..] not be deemed to transfer any tin the uhderlyin ' Li i g Li Premises. Rather, it rants a permilssion to Licensee to use the Licensed Premises under the terms and conditions and fof the pgar Poses set forth herein. 2, Term. The t.rm of this License shall commence on September 1, 2021, and shall' continue for one (1) month. Thereafter, the Ucen s'e' s'ha'll autornat . ically renew for successive one (1) month periods LUnless otherwise term! '�ited h n Orei n Use of -Licensed Premiset. a*) Fee. As the Licensor recognizes the valuable contribution the Licensee$s event makes to the local economy and'environment', the Licensee's fee shall be 'Paid --n trade:of equal value for services provided by the L.ic' ClUr ensee. These ser*vt 'e*s " -shall not in, de, but t be limited to: pr ion 9 an enviroute n'tally fhendly and inexpensive way for the communit including, but not limited to, the Licenser's numerous tenants), disposal, of• L used tires, divertin'g waste tires from landfill disposal, and Preventing illegal tire dumping. The Licensor recognizes these benefits as true and fair value for theLicense granted lin. N, PersonnellSecutity. Licensee shall provide, at its own cost and exp , ense, any personnel andlor security necessary, if any, for use of the Ll" ' censed Prem" es. LICENSE AGREEMENT - I (c) Maintenance. Licensee shall utilize the Licensed Premises in a careful., safe and proper manner and Will not permit any wEste or nuisance on the Licensed Premises. Licensee shall keep the Licensed Premises clear of all de bris as it relates to their use. Licensee shall be solely and 6=fusively liable fir r any and 411 costs, reqUired to repair any damage to the Licensed Premises or other Licensor 'property caused by the Permitted users. h*!§uranee... Licensee shall ProcurO, and maintain- , during the term of this Li U.cense., a c.omprehensive­ general liability polipy to Ve . ring all cIai s m for personal jqjury (including de-th) a and pro'perty d.amage (1holuding all rea'I and pro, tt personal prop located on Lio "Wr ensee S Pe 'Y and the' -License Area) rising of or related to the License. M1 I Y shall benoi The ]i.* `t.s Of 1jabil it less. than Ono Million Dollars ($1,000,1000 for eachoccurrence and Two ilion Dollarb ($2,000,000) in -the ag' g -reg fit. T to oina insurance poli a he, reg , cyshall endorse the Licensor as an additio-hal in'su,re-d Licen$ee shall provide certificates fir ,Once, and. ifre est(�d, cop'' of qu any Policy to the Licensor. Receipt of sucherfifka d I C te or p0licy by the Lioensor does not -constitute approval: by the Licensor of the terms of such policy. Furthermore, the �pol icy of insurance re d h in sh '11,1 Aen as a' rimary policy (ji) res, h ui, re ere ;a � I . V. (i) be writ P sly''provide that such insurance may not be tri ll cha'nged,ehd.ed or d am cancele , with respect to the Licensor except upon forty-five (45) dttys` prior written notice from the insuranmp'ny to ce co a the Liceni.§or; (iii.) pop'-tai.n an express waiver of any ri'ght of subrogation by the in'su'rance c against the Licensor and the Licensot'a� elected officials P; 0 1 r a omparly e,m 0yees g,ents; end (1.v) expressly provide th6t the insura'hce e anijproc eds of loss w.11 b,e payable n otwith standing -any a or negligence of Licensee which might otherwise result in a forf itur of said insurance. Rpt. an S A Peri�W,6d* US,eLrs,, Th 5. Casu d L,.s. o e Pattie& Lhereto ag, ree that the Lice'nsor 't I,! S Commissioners and employees-, Lidensaes in 8,ura. iecar-er and Licens.'r's ne.. rt Q cosuafty P014. shall not be responsible �to the Licensee firerty I damage done to any prop oss or the w Lice nsee"s propert whether ether'*�real rs nal or mi ed, occasioned. by reason of any fire 0. X-I e �storm or other c8sualty wha'-tsoever while on the Lin shall be the Uce 'sed Prope4y.. It t n8ee sole responsibility to,provide it S pr6tection a—.mist caSualt ­ 10 SSe,Y8 ofhats'oever knd or alnu'ret regardless of whether drthe apts or ommsio not such loss is Occosione-d b 4 . ns of the Yr � Llcehsor,'Ucensee, a, Per m''ifted' Party-, othef,third-part. pct o Limo her b or. fnsitu're re. y reloa�ses and dischafties the Licensor, its commissioner I s and. M plo sL yee icnsoin ers surance carrier an d. Licens&s casualty polidY froM. any cfaiftiz for lb.sS or da'ftiage to License 7s Property, Indemalfic n permitted ation.. To the fullest extent pe itted by (ate, Licensee shall defend, Indemnify and hold harmless theIrep. sent , LtQensor, Its agents. rese iv s, officers elected offic I ials . at e and employees(6 11'ectively Within this sectiion 0 Licensor) from and against all' aims, dam`a& s., losses and expenses (including but not limited toafto, me fee'st court tosts, and the Y cost of appellate proceedlngrefating to, aris in outOf, f , or,all ei-fesd to have, resulted out of the use of the Licensed Pre m'J'ses b y the Permitted Upers. If the claim,, suf -Injuries J. t., or action for death, or'property damage is caused 4 or results from the concufrent negligen'ce of (a) the Permitted' Users and, (2) the Liconsot, its office hnts th" defense and I n elmp..oyees or ag�. Is indemnity provision shall be enforceable only to the extent of the negligence of the Permitted Users. 6.1 Limited Waiver of Title 51 RCS''. FOR PURPOSES OF THE FOREGOING INDEMNIFICATION PROVISION OIVLY,, AND ONLY To THE EXTENT OF CLAWS AGAINST LICENSEE BY LICENSOR WICA TION UNDER SUCH INDEMN PROVISION, LICENSEE SPECIFICALLY WAImo S A IVY IMMUNITY IT MAY BE GRANTED LICENSE AGREEMENT - 2 U"ER -THE WASHINGTON STATE INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE ACT, TITLE 51 RCW THE INDEMNIFICATION OBLI GA TION UNDER HIS ,IC ,SHALL NOT BE LIMITED IN ANY WAY BY ANY LIMITATION ON THE, AMOUNT OR TYPE OF DAMAGES, COMPENSATION OR BENEFITS PA YABLE TO' OR' FOP ANY. TH19D. PARTY UNDER Wok COMPENSATION ACTS DISABILITY BEN8FIT ACTS0 R' 0THER"* EMPLOYEE BEIVEFIT ACTS, The fin a y 'nio, -4.1 ft. .g ng provision was specific 11 d by tie jDartm go ia ed an. a ree upon h ies V hereto. Licensor's Initials Licenseej s n - 11 , t1aft 7. Access to LIcen'Sed Prem h SOS. t'hi's L" S. icen. e d,00s' hot convey to Licensee any rl 9 -ht, title, 0`rihtez'h` est in ot fo the Ucensed"P:remises, except tht.see shalcen. , I have,, and is hereby granted, a non-excl0si've'lio-ense toe. icen Sed P ' enter upon and Occupy th U ses - re. ifor the purposes of the activitiermitthereunder.. LI"enh as e m"ned the Licensed Pretnises. an'd _pt!� the Liden* Pcesed rem I.Ses "'AS, and :irt fts- present cond io n c n or doe's hit make, a"' fi d her b r "d I'd exp essly di d� All Wa rities 'e aims). an.y ah rra xPreSse, or imp lied regarding the Licensed Premhe'reon e 0 utu is or ahy c6ndit"'oh tPr s rit r f re, khown or unknown and regarding the results Liceftsee will obtain from the activities permitted pursuant to this I License,, & Notice. Any n'tic-e require hereunder shall be in writing and shall be d addressed as follows: Licensor: Port of Md'se-8 La' ke A, ttn D . j re" cto' f Real Estate r'O 781 0 Andrews .t NE to -200 Moses Lake.,WA -9.8837 Licensee: Grant County, 124 r=nter'p"rise 'St SE Ephrata, WA 98823 Such notice or other com.munic at"on shelf for all purpOses be treated as being :effective or having been given when actually redefved or ifeln by s t ,mail upon the earlier of aGtual rece"pt or two (2) business days (atur'd,aysS'Undays arid'' gifted. Stats Postat Service hotid'ays excluded) after the 'same has been deposited ularly � ' ed 'd serviced receptacle in a reg maintaJn_an for the deposit of the United States mail,, addre ...$s�ad. and. postage prepaid. Either party may change'. it's eddies_ for'• receipt of noticL�xs i by ot' ' ice ' _n gven, in the mannerprovided here -in. Miscellaneous. 11 **W 9.1 Govunin_q Law. This License shall be I Interpreted in accordan6e witht and governed by, the substantive and procedural law of the State of hart tan. The parties hereby consent to the juri di ti0P of the courts of th' e State of Washington. in Grant County in resolving any dispute a'rising under or concerning this License and the parties agree that in any such action, venue shall fie exclusively in Grant County, Washington Superior Court and not irl the federal courts of any jurisdiction. LICENSE AGREEMENT - 3 9.2 Attarnev'sFees. if any litigation or arbitr t n is commencedbetween the rr duties��� .. h"fcr on ri relation' theritor ��� � t�nti�i��► �� �r �iiii tn, � � litI tion o r tration ill b �titled, ireiWri to such other relief a b granted, t r nf l tt nexpenses 'L' : i. jnourrtd'n onneb on. ' fit such I' atr ri r rbitr,6tion. ubcohtr ct and ► rim nt This License.. mayfr f a.ssi.gned t ally tIm Licensee may not assign th'i a n e ter d [ at assign, or scab-ontrat ll,: or any part of't doges unifier this Licensehoot, thor Britton consent of Li,cn or in its W re ion .4 Int : r ti n. This License on t Lute theretire are nt between the parties pertaining to the subject matter h r of. � all Irl .r a re and utider t n ing hh r 6rir°ir'itt .. Wfi.1ch. thepartiesmay h avein connection herewth,, and mai nob modified. except bar rritt+ n eeme t, gn b the parties. r b�l�t . if ani pr r n� f this e r i t rrr�in �d k urt f r.we rw r i1xi' e Jwr� lOti t t void or un of r �l �n Whole orto p rtr u h t rMin i ri 11 not effect, or -"impair the of rceabii'it r validity f tip r - tl i n �, FU rther Assurances. Each partha-1.1 o all necessary acts and make, execute, and deliver such Fritter( 'instrumentsa shall from time to time be reals-ohably required to. carry out the term of this Llw­nse, 9w7 "waiver. Failure of either party at any tiro !fir from time to time to enforce any of the terms of this License $hal,l not be n t : d to b ' iv r of such tern or of sudh .party 3 sright to thereafter ehfor e each and every provision hereof. No wai'ver ofny term of w o ,n shall be.,effectiveunless made.in rl' ting, skined by tinedarty against whom. any such waiver is sought to be enforced. . Warranties,, Licensor makes no warrantiesrt nin to zoning, inability or condition environmental or otherwise) of the Licensed Pr r i . 9-.9 Neutral Authorship. Ea.ch of the Prov i ions of this License has been reviewed n got t n r nt t robin work product of af iartieh f o'. No ri.ntl+'n +r'other . rulet +1.trt(nOUintrt tirQ�+nf this .�!n in r favor of or g it t thea ' preparing the m 1 applicable in connection with the on tr tion or nterpretation of any of the ro i in this 'ican .. r, y i d . Tim f F rf rmar� , Ti`m" ifi i i iared to beof the esserice f this, r m nt and of jl albts required to be, done and peiformed by the parties hereto. .11 No Third -Party Beneficiaries. There � h ti�ird-arty ben ficia6e to this Ag.reement. . i 2 Counterparts and utn Tit . This ,� renr� r`it may e signed in.., ..�. c .rrlt r rt . Each r n signing b igw representnd warrantsthat they have complete authority to execute this Agreement. LICENSE AGREEMENT - 4 9.13 Facsit-nile or Electrohic PDF File Transmission. This Agreement and all subsequent notices or modification's may be executed, by the parti�s and transmitted by facsimil-e or efecIronic transmission of a PDF file and, ffso executed and transmitted,, this and all subsequent notic . es or modifications will be for all purposes as effective as if the P delivered an exevate-d original. arfies had Term,' a ion. Either party May te 4 ate th' 1 U in rm n Ps . icense upon tan (10) days, written notice. prior IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the 'paffies" hav-eo ded 'N's License as of the yeat first*rffte' bve. Pke u date and I j n,o a. E, (GRANT -10T NO. 10) By., Don Kers. Exocutiv&,-61�or LICENSE AGREEMENT - 5 I L115 I HII 1 jib! LIED PREMISES LICENSE AGREEMENT - 6