HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreements/Contracts - Sheriff & JailAddendum to Lease K11-453
This Addendum modifies and extends the Lease Agreement dated September 1, 2012 between
David A and Candie E Canfield (Lessor) and the Grant County Sheriff Department (Lessee). The
following revisions are made to the Lease:
1. Expiration date is extended to August 31, 20260
2. Rent for next 12 months shall be $3,053 per month and subject to CPI increase annually,
if any, the remaining term of the Lease to be calculated September 11t each subsequent
year. It is acknowledged, the prior CPI Increases as per August 31, 2016 Addendum for
the previous 60 month Lease Extension were mistakenly not paid in the amount of
$2,366 as per ATACHMENT A. The balance for past CPI of $2,366 shall be paid no later
than September 20, 2021.
3. Address for Lessor is changed to: 4072 Cove West Drive Moses Lake, WA 98837 for both
"Notices" and "Payments" of rent.
4. Lessee's name corrected to: Grant County Sheriffs Office
5. New address for building subject of Lease is: 1230 Berschauer Industrial Ephrata, WA
6. Lessor agrees any one of the following David A. Canfield, T r1l Mt4or Tami G.
Canfield may sign on behalf of the Lessors.
7. Rent is due and payable no later than the 5t" of each month.
8. If the new Grant County Jail Project is completed prior to August 31, 2026 the Lessee
may, at its option, terminate the Lease with 180 days -notice without penalty.
All other terms and conditions of the Lease Agreement shall remain as written.
David A. Canfiel
Thomas E. Jones, Sheriff Date
Board of Grant County Commissioners:
Cindy Carter, Commissioner Date
Rob Jones, Commissioner Date
Danny Stone, Commissioner Date
Attachment A
September 1, 2016 rent $32,,400 ($2.,700 per month)
September 1, 2017 CPI Increase 2.1% $33,080 ($2,,757 per month)
September 1, 2018 CPI Increase 1.9% $33,709 ($2,,809 per month)
September 1, 20119 CPI Increase 1.7% $34,p282 ($2857 per month)
September 1, 2020 CPI Increase 1.4% $34,p762 ($2,,897 per month)
Total Unpaid CPI: $2,r366
$684 Unpaid
$629 Unpaid
$573 Unpaid
$480 Unpaid
September 1, 2021 CPI Increase 5.4% $36.v639 ($3,,053 per month)
Barbara Vasquez
From: Tracy Williams
Sent: Monday, August 23, 2021 1:08 PM
To: Barbara Vasquez; Kevin J. McCrae
Subject: FW: FW: Lease Addendum
See note from Dave Canfield regarding striking through Dustin's name.
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PLOS6 LMVK0/bat6LU nLert tke SevOer bU repL� e-vvt2LU 2v�,d thevL �eLete th`s vmsspge PV0 PvuU ntt2chv�.ev�,ts. if
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From: David A Canfield [mailto:dave@majahuapalms.com]
Sent: Monday,, August 23,20211:05 PM
To: Tracy Williams <twilliams@grantcountywa.gov>
Cc: Tom Jones <tjones@grantcountywa.gov>
Subject: Re: FW: Lease Addendum
Absolutely no problem. Strike it and we can initial it or retype it. I'm fine.
On Mon, Aug 23, 2021 at 11:50 AM Tracy Williams <twilliamsggrantcountMa.gov> wrote:
Good Morning Dave,
Would you please see the note below from Barb Vasquez asking if you would be good with
Dustin being removed from the amendment completely. Please advise if you are in agreement
or not.
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E-MAIL. CONF-IT-)ENTIAUTY NOTICE: Tke Coot6vut'S of t'K's 6-V4PU VIA-eSSi2e)e PAA nv*u� PttPC"kV1.eV\,t-C' 2Ke
�wtekOd coLeLU for the 2b��ressee (s) avkA vvtPU cov\,tPL'vk, covuf t�evkt'LPL 2vkA./or LegOLU pr'�'VUeOO /bvLforvKpt/bovu.
If uoi. are v�ot the Ev\,tevAer recb?be0,t Of th/LS VIMS&29e or Ef tK"-s vuessa2ge kcf.s beevu 2�rressO to UoUc �n error,
pLepse �wnu.O/OteLU alert the sev�.�er bU repLU e-vi/tpU PvO tkev� aeLete tK".r, vi/tessPge OA,c Pv�U AttPchntevkts. if
Uo�•c are iAot tine lbotev\AO recb"P/Levk/t,, UoL/L are vk/otbfz0 tK2t a�,U �,LSe, COpu, ,g, or
Stooge of tK-':-> vms.spge or av,.0 2ttPckvv-eot b"s str/LctLU proh/bbEtO.
From: Barbara Vasquez
Sent: Monday, August 23,,202111:10 AM
To: Tracy Williams <twilliams@grantcountywa.gov>
Cc: Kevin J. McCrae <kimccrae@grantcountywa.gov>
Subject: FW: Lease Addendum
H i Tracy:
I forwarded this agreement to the Pros Atty office for legal review and his recommendation is to remove Dustin from
this amendment completely. We could even put a line through his name and initial that.
Can you propose that to the Sheriff and Mr. Canfield pls?
Barbara J. Vasquez, CMC