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Grant Related - BOCC
C7 '0Hth "ty f Grant County ousing Au ori o 1139 Larson Blvd. * Mose*s Lake, WA 98*837-3308 Phoiie: (509) 762-5541 * 17ax: (509) 762-2202 Toll Free: (800) 747-9202 * TTY (800) 833-,6388 ww,Af hagc.net September 6, 2022 Grant County Board of Commissioners AT I TN I : Janice Flynn PO Box 37/35 C Street Ephrata, WA,98823. Dear Ms, Flynn: Please consider this letter and attached documentation the Housing Authorityls claim for draw #14 for August., 2022, for the Consolidated Homeless Grant. I certify that. - The information on the A-19 and supporting documentation for the Consolidated Homeless Grant (CHG),, contract #.22- 08 .461-10, in the amount of 43,153.41. is a true and accurate report and that all reported expenditures are properly chargeable to the CHG grant, sincere y, 0 0 . Christopher A. Sutherland Financial Director �-M— IcVid Housing Authority of Grant Comq)� 1AThshington is 0.711 qW.Opportmilty provider and employer and does not discrintinate on the basis qfra(v, colori national orighl, rel�gion' sox, physical oi- Ineatal disabillty, orfandfialstatus. 7he Mand prarlicesare destgned to proti tide cissarenwes thatpursolls withdis.abilitieg will beiii e it rensmablu accot imodationsi EQUAL HOUSING upan request, so that they mayfully access and ittiliZe rlw housing programs apid OPPORTUNITY Ifyou orae -one inyourfattiffy iso person with dis4tbilities, andyatt require a spvc�rzc acrommmkition ht prder tofitl4i afffize ourprograins and services, please contact t1w —Housing Atithoritm. Grant County/GCHA Contras t#22-4-IZO8 110 (CH Submitted to GC by: HAGO Date*. Request for _Reimbursement No. #14 Grant County's Subrecipient Checklist: State Auditor's Office Audit Procedures for Testing Activities Allowed And Not Allowed, As Published In 2007 Questions to ask before submitting a payment request Was the expenditure or cost: X Made for an allowable activity under the grant guidelines? X Authorized (or not prohibited) under state or local laws or regulations.? X_ Approved by the federal awarding agency, if required? X Allowable per Circular A-87 (June 2004 version), Attachment 13, items 1-43? For payroll transactions: ,�X Does the employee's time and effort documentation meet the requirements of Circular A-122? _X Allocable to the program? (i'.e., was the dollar amount charged to the program relative to the benefits received by the program Is the federal grantor being charged its fair share of the cost?) _X Based on actual costs, not budgeted or projected amounts? _X Applied uniformly to federal and non-federal activities (i.e., is the federal government being charged the same amount as if non-federal funds were being used to pay the cost)? .,-. _X Given consistent accounting treatment within and between accounting periods? (Consistency in accounting requires that costs incurred for the same purpose, in like circumstances, be treated as either direct costs only or indirect costs only with respect to final cost objectives). _X Calculated in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, or another compreh-ensure basis of accounting, when required under the applicable cost principles? _X Not included as a cost (or used to meet cost sharing requirements) of other federally -supported activities of the current or a prior period? _X Net of all applicable credits? (eg., volume or cash discounts, insurance recoveries, refunds, rebates, trade-ins, adjustments for checks not cashed, and scrap sales). _X Not included as both a direct billing and as a component of indirect costs? Properly classified (e.g., some costs may be incorrectly claimed as a direct cost instead of being incorporated as part of the indirect cost rate). �X Supported by appropriate documentation? (e.g., approved purchase orders, receiving reports, vendor invoices, canceled checks, and time and attendance records.) Documentation may be in an electronic form. X Correctly charged to the proper account code and grant period? H:\ACCOUNTING\LOTUS\LOTUS\Consolidated HG\CHG 2021-20231CHCT Subreciplent Checklist.docx Page I Grantee Na e; Grant County ILead Grantee List Sub Grantee Names Betow Dotal Report Month/Year: AUGUST 2022 HAGC CHG voucher.Detall WorksM-t Grantee NAme: Grant CouM 7Lead Grantag Ust Sub Grantee, Na mw Below -THAGC: Report Month/Year: AUGUST 2022 Jan -22 Feb -22 Mar -2-2 Apr -22 May -22 Jun -22 Jul -22 Aug -22 5ap-22 Oct -22 BUDGET DRAW #7 DRAW #8 D RAW 49 DRAW 910 DP.AW#21 DFLAW #12 DRAW #13 DRAW #14 DRAW#IS DRAW#26 $345.63 $429.25 $2,747.4-S $�L001-78 $1,32131 $3,Z7:9 9 $:LM -n $3,010.82 ogi, oyslng - CKG;Oth' kiiil .4040P se. $0.00 $0.00 $150.00 $0.00 CHGOint& Fac*�iaEeort/LeaseCom $3�3.05-49 '00 $7,757. -23 $8,446.SS $15,402 -38 940-51 $12, $=,190-56 $:LDX3.W $10,412-10 $13,688.81 a n-- a" M.1, -,5449, ZI 6-* REX= 0 MR I;t�Iel a sm0sayloiMid. MEN= $S,840.20 $9,181.79 S8,,45 -SAS $11,439-94 $9,M62 $8,91S.06 $6,430.94 $5,376-57 a Fy, PRIM.0-M 6 mw M&IFAMIG $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Pm $3 $0.00 $0.00 upp• $0-00 $0.00 $0-00 $0-00 $0= $0m $0-0D $0-00 VI �666667 oic""V M i k. - O'Sl4tCHF.0 ZIP ,A .110 VisvId Mm 'r -JaM. $9.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $O.ioo $D.lDD $0.00 $0.00 0 $87.32 $97.33 $58.12 $277.62 $15235 $202.22 $0.00 $0.00 $17,008.25 $3 ,321.75 $17,851.64 %6,597-00 $16,16LOO $17,824-00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,404.96 $4,324.04 A230.84 $2,15579 $4,2a4M $0,00 $0.00 $0-00 $().()a $0170 $0.00 $143-U $75-93 VAN! =I $0.0o $O.00 $0.00 $()M $0= $16,813.24 Al FA $0.00 S0_©Q $0-00 $0.00 $0-00 $0M $2,33-925 $2,194�97 Invoice Tota $33,683.02 $41-A71..60 W,M.12 $50,357.69 1527,347.63 $44,789M $37,17739 $43,153Al %X$,455.00 TOTAL OF BALANCE DRAWS REMAINIIVG $23"160A6 $46,789-54 $150.00 sq'aso-oo $167,850-53 $143,698.47 $99,S63.71 $95,495.23 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0-00 $D.00 $0M $1,7VA9 $23,272-51 $20OA31.76 $61,52:1-24 $0,7643 $25,235417 $219.04 $24,780.99 M629 -SS $226,32 AS $4,504-22 $E9A9378 $58ZZMD.79 $726,454-21 General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 08 Ending 813112022 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) PROJECT 01 Account NumberlDescriptlon Beg Balance Debit Credit Net Change End Balance 411000-7-01 ADMIN SALARIES:CHG 31600.52 20163.75 0.00 21153.75 51654.27 417001-7-01 ADMIN FEES -GRANT CO-CHG 21000.00 0100 0.00 0.00 21000.00 418200-7-01 ADMIN 1'ICA-dHG 260.54 157.42 0,00 167.42 417.96 418201-7-01 ADMIN SUTA-CHG 52.73 30.58 0.00 30.58 83.31 4182027-01 ADMIN L&I-CHG 15,92 10.30 0.00 i0.30 26.22 418204-7-01 ADMIN RETIREMENT:CHG 559.82 96.86 0.00 96.86 656,68 418205-7-01 ADMIN MED/DENTA/IS/L:CHG 11031.39 176.09 0,00 176.09 11207.48 419012-7-01 MEMBERSHIP DUES & FE-GHG 500,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 500.00 419018-7-01 POSTAGE:CHG 111.51 14.57 0.00 14.57 126,08 441000-7-01 MAINTENANCE SALARIES:CHG 31688.83 320.27 0.00 320.27 4tOO9. 10 443300-7-01 MAINT FICA:CHG 279.05 24.29 0,00 24.29 303,34 443301-7-01 MAINT SUTA:CHG 54.23 4.65 0.00 4.55 5&78 443302-7-01 MAINT L&I:CHG 143.76 10.11 0.00 10.11 163,87 443304-7-01 MAI NT RETIREMENT:CHG 394.80 12,03 0100 12.03 406.83 443305-7-01 MAI NT MEDIDENTNISIL:CHG 691.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 591.17 471501-7-01 HAP PAYMENTS RENT:CHG 4,00- 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 - PROJECT 01 - Total: 13,184.27 31010,82 0.00 31010,82 16,191,09 Run Date: 91612022 12:15:51 PIVI Page: I OIL Date: 8/31/2022 User Logon: CAS General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 08 Ending 8/3112022 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GGH) PROJECT 02 - Account Number/Description Beg Balance Debit Credit Net Change End Balance 411000-7-02 ADM[N SALARIES FACILITY SUPF 33,651.22 31053,82 0.00 3,053.82 36,705.04 418200-7-02 ADMIN FICA FACILITY SUPP & W 21492.37 227.24 0.00 227.24 22719.61 418201-7-02 ADMIN SUTA FACILITY SUPP & R 509.36 43.36 0.00 43.36 552,72 418202-7-02 ADMIN L&I FACILITY SUPP & RA 1 176,67 16.79 0.00 16.79 193.46 418204-7-02 ADMiN RETIREMENT FACILITY S1 41531.11 477.15 0.00 477.16 51008.26 418205-7-02 ADMIN MED/DENTNIS/L FACILIT" 13t423.97 11435.26 0100 11435.26 14,859.23 443000-7-02 CONTRCT SVC MAI NT FACILITY 745.20 122.95 0.00 122.95 868.15 PROJECT 02 - Total: 55,529.90 51376.67 0.00 51376.57 60s906,47 S-7 z1_ Run Date: 91612022 12:16:61 PM Page; 2 GIL Date: 813112022 User Logon: CAS General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 08 Ending 8131/2022 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (G H) PROJECT 04 - Account Number/Description Beg Balance Debit Credit Met Change End Balance 471501-7-04 HAP PAYMENTS RENTS-CHG 39,692,13 51400.12 0.00 51400.12 46,092.25 471502-7-04 HAP PAYMNT PROJECT LEASE C 25,872.00 31720.00 0.00 31720.00 29,592.00 471-506-7-04 RENT DEPOSITS-CHG 11,879.00 31619.00 0100 31619.00 16,498.00 471508-7-04 MOTEL VOUCHERS -CH G 60.00 949.69 0.00 949.69 999.69 PROJECT 04 -Total: 77,493.13 13,688.81 0.00 13,688,81 91,181.94 02 ex Run Date: 9/612022 12; X15:51 Page: 3 GIL Date: 813112022 User Logon: CAS General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 08 Ending 813112022 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH.) PROJECT 06 - Account NumberlDescriptlon Beg Balance Debit Credit Not Change End 13alance 471604-7-05 HAP PAYMNTS UTILITIES CHG-0! 150.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 150.00 PROJECT 05 - Total: 160.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 160,00 Run Date: 9/612022 12:16:51M Page: 4 G/L Date: 813112022 User Logon: CA$ General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 08 Ending 8131/2022 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) PROJECT 08 - Account Number/Description Beg Balance Debit Credit Net Change End Balance 411000-7-08 ADMIN SALARIES-HEN-OPS-CHG 187083.35 11405.12 0.00 11 1405,12 19,488.47 418200-7-08 ADMIN FICA-HEN-OPS-CHG 11140.10 104.30 0,00 104.30 1,244.40 418201-7-08 ADMIN SUTA HEN-OPS-CHG 232.69 19.96 0.00 19.96 252.65 418202-7-08 ADMIN L&I HEN-OPS-CHG 80.23 7.88 0.00 7.88 88.11 418204-7-08 ADMIN RETIREMENT HEN -OPS -C 21169.80 150.46 0.00 150.46 21320.26 418205-7-08 ADMIN MEDIDENT/VISIL HEWOR 3,491.43 497.25 0.00 497.25 31988.68 PROJECT 08 - Total: 25,197.60 21184.97 0.00 23184,97 27,382.67 6�- ) <77 Run Date: 916/2022 12:16:51PM Page". 5 GIL Date: 8/3112022 User Logon: CAS General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 08 Ending 8131/2022 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) PROJECT 09,, 132.24 201.31 0.00 201.31 333,65 471606-7-09 RENT DEPOSITS HEN-CHG 2,900.00 745.00 0.00 745.00 Account Number/Description PROJECT 09 - Total: Beg Balance Debit Credit Net Change End Balance 411000-7-09 ADMIN SALRIES HEN-CHG 669.64 34,05 0.00 34.06 703.69 418200-7-09 ADMIN FICA HEN- CHG 60.20 2.68 0.00 2.58 52.78 418201-7-09 ADMIN SUTA HEN-CHG 9.80 0.49 0.00 0.49 10.29 418202-7-09 ADMIN L&I HEN-CHG 2.78 0.13 0.00 0.13 2.91 418204-7-09 ADMIN RETIREMENT HEN-CHG 78.49 13.22 0.00 13.22 91.71 418205-7-09 ADMIN MED/DENTNISIL HEN -CH, 157.66 25.46 0,00 25.4 183.12 471501-7-09 HAP PAYMENTS RENT HEN-CHG 118,544.64 171870.00 0.00 171870-00 1361414.64 471504-7-09 HAP PAYNINTS UTILITIE -CHG 132.24 201.31 0.00 201.31 333,65 471606-7-09 RENT DEPOSITS HEN-CHG 2,900.00 745.00 0.00 745.00 31645.00 PROJECT 09 - Total: 1221645.45 18,892.24 0.00 18,892.24 141,437,69 Report Total: 294,096-35 43,153.41 0.00 43,153.41 3371249-76 in 0 0 0C'00 34o05 + 00 (K 2 o 0 4 9 + 0 0 0 o 13 + 13022 + 3 010 E82 2 5 o Lv 6 F) 3 7 6 5 7 + 006 + 79 593 20 18 4 9 "? + 75 93 18 8 1 6 31 006 43 15 "15- 41 H 00.0 0 a 00 17 8 7 0 a (10 + 201 41 3 1 + 00.3 B 6 & 3 1 Run Date: 9161202.2 12:16.-5'1 PM Page: 6 GfL Date: 8/31/2022 User Logon: CAS General Ledger Detail Report Detail Postings for Period 08 Ending 8131/2022 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) Account Number/Description Period Date Journal Comments Beg Balance Dobit Credit Not Change End Baiance 471501-7-01 HAP PAYMENTS RENT:CHG 4.00- 0.00 0.00 4.00- 4.00- 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00- 47160-7-04 HAP PAYMENTS BENTS -CHC 39,692.13 08 811/2022 AP -004165 300.00 0.00 39,992, 13 08 8/1/2022 AP -004155 300.00 0.00 40,292.13 08 8/112022 AP -004155 1,131.00 0.00 41 v423,13 06 8/8/2022 AP -004169 227.45 0.00 411650.68 08 8/11/2022 AP -004161 300.00 0.00 41,950.68 08 811112022 AP -004161 174,19 0,00 42; 124.77 08 811112022 AP -004161 638.00 0.00 42,662.77 08 8/11/2022 AP -004161 216.00 0.00 421877.77 08 8/11/2022 AP -004161 600k0 0.00 43,377.77 08 '8111/2022 AP -004161 49,08 0.00 43,427.75 08 6116/2022 AP -004165 413.60 0.00 43,841.35 08 8/2212022 AP -004168 300,00 0.00 44,141.36 08 8/22J2022 AP -004168 365.00 0.00 44,506.36 08 8/2312022 AP -004169 586.90 0.00 45,092.25 39,692.13 51400.12 0.00 61400.12 46,092,25. 471501-7-09 HAP PAYMENTS RENT HEN -DIT 118,544.64 08 8/1/2022 AP -004166 300.00 0.00 118,844.64 08 811/2022 AP -004166 525.00 0.00 119,369.64 08 8/1/2022 AP -004156 750.00 0.00 120,119.64 08 811/2022 AP -004166 550.00 0.00 1207669.64 08 8/1/2022 AP -004156 660.00 0.00 121,319.64 08 8/11-2022 AP -004156 775.00 0.00 1221094.64 08 8/112022 'AP -004156 400,00 0.00 122,494.64 08 81112022 AP -004166 560.00 0.00 123,044,64 08 8/1/2022 AP -004156 425.00 0.00 1230469.64 08 -8/112022 AP -004156 700.00 0.00 124,169.64 08 8/1/2022 AP -004156 11118.00 0.00 1261287.64 08 8/1/2022 AP -004156 641.00 0.00 1251928.64 08 81112022 AP -004166 641.00 0.00 126,569.64 08 81112022 AP -004166 641.00 0,00 127,210-64 08 8/112022 AP -004156 450-00 0.00 127,660,64 08 81112022 AP -004156 410.00 0.00 128t070.64 08 8/112022 AP -004156 675.00 0.00 128,746, 64 08 8/1/2022 AP -004156 620.00 0.00 129,366.64 08 8/112022 AP -004156 500.00 0,00 129,865.64 08 8/112022 AP -004156 700,00 0.00 130,565.64 06 8/112022 AP -004156 426.00 0.00 130,990,64 08 8/1/2022 AP -004156 630.00 0.00 131,520.64 08 8/1/2022 AP -004166 650.00 0.00 132,170,.64 08 8/112022 AP -004156 500.00 0.00 132P670,64 OB 8/1/2022 AP -004156 400-00 0.00 1331070.64 08 81112022 AP -004166 400.00 0,00 13:3s470-64 08 8/112022 AP -004166 325.00 0.00 133,795.64 08 811/2022 AP -004156 626,00 0.00 134,420.64 08 81112022 AP -004156 616.00 0.00 134,936.64 08 8/112022 AP -004156 350.00 0.00 135,285.64 018 811 112022 AP -004161 746.00 0.00 136,030.64 Account Number/Description Period Date Journal Comments Beg Balance Debit Credit Not Change End Balance 471601-7-09 HAP PAYMENTS RENT HEN -CHCS 08 8/11/2022 AP -004161 08 618/2022 AP -004159 384.00 0.00 136,414,04 471506-7-04 RENT DEPOSITS-CHG 118,544.64 17,870.00 0.00 171870.00 136,414.64 471502-7-04 0.00 HAP PAYNINT PROJECT LEASE CC 25,872.00 132.24 08 8/1112022 AP -004161 08 8/1/2022 AP -004155 000100235/IN:1004080122 08 8/2212022 610.00 0.00 26,482.00 08 81112022 AP -004155 000100235/IN:1006080122 RENT DEPOSITS HEN-CHG 610,00 0.00 27,092.00 08 8/1/2022 AP -004155 00010023511N:1008080122 AP -004159 640.00 0.00 27,732.00 08 811/2022 AP -X104155000100235 AN: 1010080122 700.00 640.00 0.00 28,372.00 08 811/2022 AP -004165 000100235 /IN: 1102080122 14,633.00 610.00 0100 28,982.00 08 8/112022 AP -004155 000100235/IN:1104080122 0.00 610.00 0.00 29,592,00 26,872.00 3,720.00 0.00 3,720.00 29,502.00 471504-7-05 21900.00 HAP P"MNTS UTILITIES CHG-06 150.00 746.00 31646.00 60,00 0.00 0,00 150.00 471504-7.09 0.00 HAP PAYMNTS UTILITIE -CHG 08 618/2022 AP -004159 132.24 08 812312022 AP -004169 471506-7-04 RENT DEPOSITS-CHG 08 8/8/2022 AP -004159 233.25 08 8/11/2022 AP -004161 0.00 08 8111/2022 AP -004161 132.24 08 8/1112022 AP -004161 201.31 08 8/16/2022 AP -004166 08 8/2212022 AP -004168 08 812312022 AP -004169 0.00 471500-7-09 12,520.00 RENT DEPOSITS HEN-CHG 08 8/11/2022 AP -004161 471508-7-04 MOTEL VOUCHERS -CHG 08 8/8/2022 AP -004159 13,083.00 08 818/2022 AP -004'159 0.00 150.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 150.00 132.24 1 101.01 0.00- 233.25 100.30 0.00 333.55 132.24 201.31 0.00 201.31 333,55 11 t879.00 641.00 0.00 12,520.00 300,00 0,00 12,820.00 263.00 0.00 13,083.00 600.00 0.00 13s683.00 700.00 0,00 14,283.00 350.00 0.00 14,633.00 865.00 0.00 15,498.00 11,879.00 3,619.,00 0.00 31619.00 15,498.00 21900.00 745.00 0.00 31646.00 21900.00 745.00 0,00 746.00 31646.00 60,00 441.46 0.00 491.46 508.23 0.00 999.69 60.00 949.69 0,00 949.69 999.69' Report Total: 199,216,01 32,506.12 0.00 32,506.12 231,721.13 mAi, dk.AA 01. Run bate-. 8/29/2022 3:31:26PM Page: 2 OIL Date: 812912022 User LoSon: SAB CHG - AUGUST 2022 471501-7-04 HAP PAYMENTS RENT - CK Al 68AF71 C Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 08/01/2022 $300.00 FE513885DB Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 08/01/2022 $300.00 E4C5CO761 Rental AssIstance., Rental Assistance 08101/2022 $1,131.00 F2B87EEIC Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 0810112022 $227.45 02CA8500D Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 0810112022 $174.19 02CA85GOD Rental Assistance: Rental AaGlatonco 08101/2022 $300.00 17864FCOB Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 08/01/2022 $215.00 17864FCOB Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance, 0810112022 $538.00 9171881221 Rental AssIstance: Rental Assistance 08/01/2022 $49.98 917188E21 Rental Assistance; Rental Assiatance 08101/2022 $500.01) 197369742 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 08116/2022 $418.60 0400111FC1 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 08/01/2022 $300.00 943524OF4 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 08/0312022 $365.00 AB2C80790 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 0811112022 $585.90 A686CABF1 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 0810112022 $50400.12 471601-7-09 HAP PAYMENTS RENT - HEN A27DD0130 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 08101/2022 $300.00 CAD7866A2 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 0810112022 $525.00 E83CDO593 HEN Rent Assistanco., HEN Rent Assistance 0810112022 $750.00 CE8BC384A HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 0810112022 $550.00 63C04A310 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 08101/2022 $650.00 9F74B4ACF HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 08101/2022 $775.00 BI3AF1DB7C HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 0810112022 $400.00 F350FBA2A HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 08101/2022 $550.00 COW 26F HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 0810112022 $425.00 37A14A37F HEN Rent Assistance; HEM Rent Assistance 08/0112022 $700-00 410E07E70 HEN Rent Assistance; HEN Rent Assistance 08101/2022 $1,11g.00 1BOB90DAF HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 0810112022 $641.00 4=63486 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance. 08101/2022 $641.00 4D7370947 HEN Rent Assistance; HEN Rent Assistance 0810112022 $641,00 A686CABF1 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 0810112022 $450.00 661CAE122 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 08101/2022 $410,00 542299068 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 0810112022 $675,00 38753E8EO HEN Rent As-glatance-, HEN Rent Assiallanoo 08/0112022 $620,00 BFlIA77AB HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 08101/2022 $500.00 427=61317 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance (!810112022 $70D,00 301347377 HEN Rent Assistance., HEN Rent Asalslawo 08/0112022 $425,00 453EB0019 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 08/0112022 $530.00 1)3731DO14 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 0810112022 $650,00 EE7414580 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 08/0112022 $500.00 OF7457991 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 08/0112022 $400.00 F0221DFODD HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assla(ance 08/01/2022 $400,00 CF494EC92 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Asals(ance 0810112022 $325.00 008962DOF HEN Rent Asgistance'..HEN Rent Asals(ance 08/0112022 $625,00 EBOAAEAFO HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 0810112022 $515,00 %,CFE20174 HEN Rent Assistance; HEN Rent Assistance 08101/2022 $350.00 8529765CA HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 06/01/2022 $384.00 8529765CA HEN Rent Assistance; HEN Rent Assistance 08/01/2022 $745.00 $17,870.00 471504-749 HAP PAYMENTS UTILITIES - HEN 471506-7-04 RENT DEPOSITS - CHG 471506-7-09 RENT DEPOSITS - HEN 471508-7-04 MOTEL VOUCHERS - CH 44CE07E70 HEN Utility Payment: HEN Utility Payment 08/4112022 $1.01.,01. 41DE07E70 HEN Utility Payment• HEN Utility Payment 0812212022 $100.30 $201,31 197369742 Socurlty Dopostt; Security Deposit 0811512022 $700.00 91718BE21 Securlty Deposit; Security Deposit 08101/2022 $500.00 8435240F4 Security Deposit', Security Deposit 4810112022 $350.00 A132CB079C Security Deposit: Security Deposit 0811112022 $865.00 1`21387EETC Security Deposit: Security Deposit; 0810112022 $641.00 02CA8600D Security Deposit: Security [deposit D9f0112022 $300.00 17864FCOB Security Deposit: Security Deposit 08/0112022 $263.00 $3,619.00 8629765CA HEN Security Deposit Payment, HELI Security Deposit 06/01/2022 Payment $745.00 $745.00 02CA85COD Motel/Motel Vouchers: Motel/Hotel Vouchers 6/1912022 $+441,46 02CA85COD Motel/Hotel Vouchers: Motel/Hotel Vouchers 6/27/2022 $508,29 $919,69 CHG Voucher Detail Worksheet Grantee Name: Grant County Lead Granter: List Sub Grantee Names Below Report Month/Year: AUGUST 2022 HAGC Jan -22 Feb -22 Mar -22 Apr -22 May -22 Jun -22 Jul -22 Aug -22 Sep -22 Oct -22 BUDGET DRAW #7 DRAW #8 DRAW #9 DRAW #10 DRAW #11 DRAW #12 DRAW #13 DRAW #14 DRAW #15 DRAW #16 Ad -min, $69,950:00 " $10;000 00 $345.63 $429.25 $2,747.46 $4,001.78 $1,321.31 $3,279.99 $1,058.85 $3,010.82 CHG-Other Rent/Fac.Supp Lease & Housing. Costs $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $150.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 CHG-Rent & Fac support/Lease Costs $311,539.00 $7,757.23 $8,446.55 $15,402.38 $12,940.51 $12,180.56 $10,353.80 $10,412.10 $13,688.81 man $5,840.20 $9,181.76 $8,499.48 $11,439.94 $5,222.62 $8,915.06 $6,430.84 $5,376.57 PSH/CHF4 Fcilty Support/Lease_,,Costs , , ' „_ ,..�3. ` , _x ,,, ".__, ,°Y... ; $0 00 T _ . _ a; _„ = $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 PSH/_GHF Otie'Rent/Fac Supp=Lease',&,Hous, �' ,. n� ,„ f� :, $0 OQ' _,_<< . $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 >.. _.._ ;_.._.._ o ...F. ....., r$o.00;,,_.. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 E F $87.82 $87.33 $18.12 $277.62 $152.35 $202.22 $0.00 $0.00 $17,008.25 $19,321.75 $17,851.64 $16,597.00 $16,161.00 $17,824.00 $0.00 $0.00 z G i $2,643.89 $4,404.96 $4,324.04 $5,130.84 $2,159.79 $4,214.83 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $143.11 $75.93 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $16,813.24 $18,816.31 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,319.25 $2,184.97 TOTAL OF BALANCE DRAWS REMAINING $23,160.46 $46,789.54 $150.00 $9,850.00 $167,850.53 $143,688.47 $99,563.71 $95,496.29 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,727.49 $23,272.51 $200,431.76 $61,521.24 $48,764.03 $25,235.97 $219.04 $24,780.96 $35,629.55 $226,323.45 $4,504.22 $69,495.78 Invoice Tota $33,683.02 $41,871.60 $48,843.12 $50,387.69 $37,347.63 $44,789.90 $37,177.39 $43,153.41 $582,000.79 $726,454.21 $1,308,455.00