HomeMy WebLinkAboutPolicies - Public Works1 Grant County Department of Public Works 124 Enterprise St. S.E. Ephrata, WA 98823 To: Honorable Grant County Board of County Commissioners From: Dave Bren, PE, MSCE County Road Engineer Date: July 28, 2022 Re: Public Works Policy Miscellaneous Roadway Signage Policy (PW #22-03) Workshop Discussion Serial No. 22. Legislative History: Financial Impact: • First Presentation: July 12, 2022 . NA NA • Second Presentation: August 1, 2022 ' . NA NA • Action Requested: Workshop • NA NA Overview Grant County Public Works is preparing an operational policy regarding Miscellaneous Roadway Signage including: • Roadside Memorial Signs • Political Signage • Primitive Road Signage • Night Reflectivity Assessment Signage policy is governed by various Local, State, and Federal standards as follows: • Federal: Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) • State: WSDOT Standard Drawings and Specifications • Local: Grand County Code &Grant County Road Standards IN MEMS Of The County Engineer with the advice and consent of the County Board of Commissioners shall set the local policy and standards for County Roadway Signage. The County Engineer or their designee shall manage all signage operations including manufacture, installation, information requests, and petitions. The County Engineer may make changes and deviations as necessary to protect public health, welfare, and safety. "'To meet current and 'future needs. servingogee er with public and privet+, entities, while fostering a respectful and, sucresef ul work environment." information ....w. ............................... _...........(,,09) :54-6092 cave. srenr, PE, Oounty Road Entrnaar............... ..Ext. 35o2 Ed Lowry, supervisor -Dist. uo. �.,r„w...,r..�,r.....w..,...w.«•� s � rw •....-r te 754-6087 Scab Ser�sant#, construction En. naF.ri xw..»w.a...wrw.r>,a.�iw� 3.503 Mike DeTrolio, Supervisor -Dist. No. 2....ww..ww..r.,........wExt. 35ai FAX..rw.r rsw.+rrw•+ra.rw...vrr...n... ...:.. r...e.ws.e. w..ww E-mail ...................•....•.... pub hcworks@grantCount ra.gov Loc Ohl, AccountantLead .... ......•r.........s,•...r.,.a......+Ext.355 John Brissey, Supervisor -Dist fjo. 3 ......... w.._. ......... .r..EA 354 Sari Castro, Public Works Director .................... Ext. 3504 RCS Follett, Foreman -sr , n Shy�.............................. Etr 35 9, Joh nSie ss, supe)isryr-c entr l 754-60,86 I"J0`8 Samuel mart„ Assistant Jason Collings, Solid waste ......................... 09) 754-4319 ndy With., Brifte S upery..w....... .wa.r..•.r.«,..u..w..awE�tK %35 Roadside Memorial Signs: The County Roadside Memorial Sign policy should generally be consistent with the WSDOT Roadside Memorial Sign policy. Adopting the WSDOT policy for County policy keeps it simple. In addition, we know that the policy would meet Washington State Law and Federal MUTCD signage standards. The current WSDOT policy on Roadside Memorial Sign can be found on the WSDOT website (Attachment A). The County Roadside Memorial Sign policy will be shown on the Public Works website as soon as this policy is approved.. Use Existing WSDOT Policy Political Sims: The County Roadside Political Sign policy should generally be consistent with the WSDOT Roadside Political Sign policy (Attachment B). WAC 468-66 and Grant County Code 23.12.150 specifically prohibit the placement of campaign signs within the Public Right -of -Way. The County Roadside Political Sign policy wi the Public Works website as soon as this polic Primitive Road Suns: The County Primitive Road Sign policy must strictly follow RCW 36.75300 and RCW 36.86.070 State Law (Attachment C). • Less than 100 ADT (average daily trips) • The road is not classified as part of the County Primary Road System • Has gravel or earth driving surface only • Primitive road signage at all locations where primitive roads begins • Example #1: Road 22NE Truck Closure • Example #2: Drumheller Opening with Range Area and Cattle Guards "To meet. current and future needs. serving 'together with public and private entities, while fostering a. respectful and successful work environment."" Information ................... .........(s,09) 754-6082 Dawe Bren, PE,,County Road En ineer................... ed. 3sw Ed Lcviry, Supervi r -Dist. No. 1— 3540 FAX ...................w.......................,..... a 754"6087 Bob e san ti, on str 4tion Engineer... 503 hike DeTrolit, Supervisor -Dist. No. �,$591 ..................... ..~...... publicwcrks@grantccu.ntywa.,gov, WOW, mcountant Lead.......................... -.........Ext, X555 Jahn Rrissey, .SupentisorOst; No. 3 ......... ................. Ext 3541 Sam + astroPublic Works Director w.................... Ext. 3504 Rod Follett', F ree an -Sign Shop .............. ............... ext. 3579, John Spiess, Supervisor-antrai dap,.«....,.•.«.5oq754-608 Samuel dart, �ts�ista:nt �irect�r:....,..•.,..•. «.......« dart. � Jason Copings, Solid Waste .................. «.......(509) 75.4-4319 Andy Booth, BridgeSupervisor.................................... Ext 3535 Under RCW 36.75.300, there is no liability for roadworthiness of primitive roads. Strict conformance with RCW 3 6.75.3 00 is required to enjoy the liability protection from all accidents on primitive roads: . "The design of a primitive road, any discretionary maintenance, and the location, placing, or failing to place road signs, other than the requirement that warning signs be placed, shall not be considered in any action for damages brought against a county, or against a county employee or county employees, or both, arising from vehicular traffic on the primitive road.' Discretionary Maintenance of Primitive Roads is managed by the County Engineer when annual funding is available. Criteria for discretionary maintenance operations includes considerations for the following: 1. Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Count on Primitive Roads 2. Farm to Market Primitive Roads 3. Urban Area. Primitive Roads 4. Rural Area Primitive Roads 5. Road Stabilization Program ($500,000/YR Maintenance) 6. Gravel to Oil Program ($500,000/YR Permanent with a 9YR Chip Seal Interval) Night Reflectivity Assessment: The County uses a Visual Nighttime Inspection Method for assessment of Night Reflectivity of roadway signage (Attachment D). This method is designed to maintain traffic signs at or above minimum the levels of night reflectivity required in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Inspection is conducted by trained staff at nighttime with general requirements as follows: Fc►gRlSYhn►gh Maintaining Traffic Sign fft'ob� xed1rnwry Retroreflectivity *idpdatec:hn 20.13 to reflect current MWD compliance dates • Inspection must be conducted at nighttime • Inspection is conducted during a dark winter month • Inspection is typically conducted for all signage, over a focused two-week period, once every two -years. • A special stipend for this two-week nighttime period is proposed ($500/Week). • The Traffic Manager will coordinate with traffic staff prior to this temporary shift change, as required by association agreement. "'To meat current, and future needs. serving together with public and private, entities, while fostering a respectful and successkful mark environment.. Information..................................................( 754--6082 gave stere, PE,county Road En ineer................,,.Ext. 3502 Ed, .t..cviry, Su rvir r -Dist. No. ,t-, 3540 FAX ................................................................. +t 754.6087 Bob Sersnti, Construction Engineer ... .............. .X% 3503 Iv1 ke oeTrolic, Supervisor -Dist. No. 359: E-ma,d............................. pub ficworks@grantcountYwa.gov Loc Ohl, Accountant Lread...................................... Ext. 3!5,55 ,john Brix ey, Supervisor -Dist No. 3.. ....... ................... F_xt 3541 $a:m Castro, Public Works Director ....................x.3504 Rod, Follett, Fcrem.an i€gnshop .......... .................. EX.t. 35x`9, John Spiess, Supervisor -central 754-6.0,86 Samuel Dart, Assistant Director........... . ... ......... E . 5J9 Jason Colings, Solid waste...........754-43 19 Andy Booth, f3ridge supervisor...... ... ............. ........,.....het. 3535 Fiscal and Policy Implications 1. The actual cost of memorial signs is paid by the private petitioner, per WSDOT standards. 2. Campaign Signage costs and removal are the responsibility of the various Campaign. I Primitive road funding is discretionary, subject to annual funding availability, and at the direction of the Public Works Director. The cost of an annual road stabilization program vs. the long-term cost of gravel to oil program. 4. The costs for the Nighttime Reflectivity by the Traffic Division are already budgeted for under Public Works. Commission Packet Attachment A. Roadside Memorial Signs (WSDOT) B. Campaign Signs (RCW 47.42 and GCC 23.12.070) C. Primitive Roads (RCW 36.75.300) D. Nighttime Reflectivity (FE[WA) Action Requested No action requested at this time. County Staff requests a workshop to discuss, review, and receive comments, regarding miscellaneous signage policies. "Tc mei.t current and erre needs. serving together with, public and private entities, while fostering a respectful and successful work environment." information....754-6082: oave aren, PE, County Road Engineer ....... _.Ext. -502 Ed LOVIry,, S nrisOr-Dist. No. 1... 3540 FAX ....................... ...... ........ ........ .......... ... ...5.09) 754 OO7 Bob aarsantip Construction Engineer..._..._ .......Ext. 3503 Mika DaTrolio, supawisor-oist. No. 3,591 E-mail ............................. pub ficworks@grantcountywa..,goy, Loc .Ohl, Accountant Lead.................. .......ext. 3-'555 John $ris'say, s pervi r -Di t. NO.3......... ................. 't 3541 nam antro, Public Works Director ................... Ext. 3504 Rod, Follett, Foram;an-sign shop .......... .................. ext. :35,T9r Join spiess, supat :sor-ca trai shop__.. _(5,09) 754-6086 Samuel mart, assistant Director.........................E. . 35is Iason Collings, Solid Waste- ................ ....... (509) 754-4319 Andy Booth, Bridge,Superyisor.»........ ......... 3535