HomeMy WebLinkAboutAccounts Payable Batch - Accounting (003)Payable batches audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42,24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to the Board: As of this date, 07/13/2022 the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those payable batches. Payable Total: �$ 11200.00 Reviewed and certified by*. Commissioner 07Z Commissioner 14 chairman of irt Board of Commissioners Date: 7/1312022 Invoices/Batches not approved: Double Checked by: Date: AIS BATCH ID; G EMG 7/1312022 Grant County Claims Clearing Account - 9201 AIS COMPLETED BY. Natalie Yanez Name FUND AMOUNT CHECKS% VOIDED. BATCH $ - $ $ - $ - $ N 1,200.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $- $ $ $ K $ a $ - $, - $ - $ $ - $ $ _ $ - $ - $ k $ _ $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ - $ $ $ - $ - $ - $ _ $ 1,200.01 $ 1,200.00 $ $ 1,200.00 JOURNAL ENTRY: TREASURER NOTIFIES}; POSTING COMPLETED BY: 599688 PMCHK CREDITS PMTRX $ w $ - - $ _ $ - $ - $ $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,400M $ - $ 2,400,00 RENEW071322FCS $ _ $ _ $ -. $ - $ $ _ _ $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ _ $ _ $ - $ - $ _ $, - $ $ _ $ - - $ - $ _ $ $ R $ $ - - $ w $ - $ $ R $ - $ - $ W - ` _ $ $ _ $ $ - $ - $ $ $ - $ p. $ ., - $ - $ _ $ _ $ - $ _ $ - $ $ _ $ - $ - $ - $ _ $ - $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ _ $ - $ - $ y $ _ $ - $ - $ _ $ ;, $ $ $ _ $ a $ _ $ $, _ $ _ $ _ $ s $ - $ _ $ $ $ _ $ 2,400.00 $ $ $ 2,400.00 $ - $ .. $ r $ $ w $ 2,400.00 $ - $ _ CURRENT EXPENSE 001.000. COUNTY ROADS 101 CARES ACT - ELECTIONS 102 VETS ASSISTANCE. 104 HAV'A 3 ELECTIONS 100 FEDERAL IDRUG 107 MENTAL HEALTH 108 1,200.00 ST DRUG SEIZURE 109 LAW LIBRARY 110 TREASURER O/M 1 1 JAIL CONCESSION 112 ECON ENHA'NCMNT 113 TOURIST ADVERT 114 COUNTY FAIR 110 INET INVESTIGATION 118 PROS GRIME VICT 120$ ........ ...... . LAW & JUSTICE 121 TURNKEY LIGHT 122 AUDITOR O/M 124 DCS RESIDENT PROD 125 R.E.E.T. 1st 1/4% 125 TRIAL COURT IMPROV. 127 DOM GAOL SRVCS 123 AFF HOUSING 12.0 HMLS H LOC 130 REET 2nd 114% 132 Egan Enhx Rurai Co 133 Dispute Resolution 100 B ,lding 133 REEF Admin 139 SHERIFF .SURPLUS 140 SHB 1406 141_ GC ABATEMENT' 150 HILLCREST GRID 1+61 GRANTS ADMIN. 100 ARPA 101 AOC BLAKE DECISION 192 MUSEUM CONTRUCTION 304 MACC Bond 307 MCI INSTRY ESSENTIOI` _ 303 COUNTY FAIR SEWER 309 PROP 1 SALES TAX 311 ERP RESERVE 312 SOLID WASTE 401 ©ATA PROCESSING 501 INSURANCE 503 INTFUND BENEFITS 505 UNEMPLOY COMP 500, CENTAL INS. 507 E OTHER PR BEN. 508 VISION BENEFITS 509 EQUIP RENTAL 510 COMMUNICATIONS 511 PITS & QUARRIES 560 TOTAL TRANSFER: 11200.00 System: 7/13/2022 11:241,52 M County of Grant Page. 1 User Date: 7/13/2022 CASH REQUIREMENTS REPORT User !D; nayane., Payables Managemellit Ranges: Vendor !D: 1 - zzzzzzzzzzzzzz Vendor Mare : First - Last Vendor Class: First -;past User -Defined 1: First - Last Sorted By: Vendor ID PaY.Ment PriBrit v: First - Last Due Date: First - Last Discount Date: First - Last Payment. Date: 7/31/2022 Vendor ID Vendor Name Document Document GL Account Mount On Ho Id Total Number Date ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LARAJ JOSHUA A. LARATMORE 7/13/22 7/13/2022 10.8,150.00.0000.564004roo $1,200.00 $0.00 $1,200.00 -------------- ------------- -------------- TOTMI FOR FUND # 108 $1,200.00 $0,00 $1,200.00 ------------- I --------------- GR` 1D TOTAL 51,200. 00 $0,00 $1,200.00 1 sysLem: 7/13/2022 11:27:25 AM County of Grant Page., I User Date., 7/13/2022 COMPUTER CHECK REGISTER User ID: nayane-,-, Payables Manage men"t, Batch !D-. GCENIG071322 Audit Trall Code: PMCHKO0003005 Batch Comment: Posting Date: 7/13/2022 Checkbook ID: U. S. BANK Voided Checks Check Number Date Payment Number Vendor ID Check Name Amount. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9201599685 7/13/2022 0202527 LARJAJ JOSHUA A. 1ARAMORE $1,200.00 --------------------- Total Checks: l Checks Total: $1,200.00 System: 711312022 10;17:49 AM County of Grant Page: 1 User Date,* 7/1312022 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID: treldredge Payables Management Batch ID: RENEW0713 2FCS Batch Comment: Batch Frequency: Single Use Trx Total Actual: Trx Total Control: Audit Trail Code'. Batch Total Actual: $1,200.00 Batch Total Control: $1,200.00 Batch Error Messages: Posting Date: 7/13/2022 User posting access denied 1� -1 4M P0 .11-11 C 'DoWnqentTota`[' Vendor ID D6dur�bnj Nuilibeir Docdmbnt Date VoO hd� NUmber' Purchases Di§ c Avai dor. Name,:ji T6r'ms LARAJ 7113/22 7/13/2022 0368200 $11200.00 $1,200,00 JOSHUA A. LA AMORE Description FIRST & .AST MONTH RENT Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Document Che'ck Distribution Messages: Work Messages-, General Ledger Distribut i ions Account Account Description Account Type 108.150.00.,0000.664004500 MENTAL HEALTH...,EQUIP RE PURCH 692,001.00t.0000.21 1000000 WARRANTS PAYABLE PAY Date 010/0000 Debit Amount I t200,00 0.00 11200.00 Amount $0.00 Credit Amount 0.00 11200.00 1 ,200.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . . . . . Foundational Community Supports Transition Assistance Progra Participant Agreement The Foundational Community Supports Transition Assistance Program (FCS TACE) gives funding assistance to FCS supportive housing enrollees. This time-limited support covers costs tied to your person -centered supportive housing plan. Costs linked to your transition will be paid by your FCS supportive housing provider. Then, your FCS supportive housing provider will be reimbursed by Amerigroup Washington, In.c., the program's third -party administrator. All FCS TAP approva,ls depend on available program funding. FCS TAP offers move -In assistance by paying first and last . months re.nt, security deposit, and other costs related to getting or keeping affordable housing. FCS TAP does not pay ongoing .rents. Speak with your provider to explore longer-term rental subsidies that may be available to you. All FCS TAP disbursements are sent to your FCS supportive housing provider and delivered by the provider to recipients (i.e., a landlord,- property manager, local retailer, and others). All items purchased with FCS TAP funding can only be used for their intended purpose. It is optional to take part in FCS TAP. If you decide not to take part in the program, you will not be penalized in any way. Nor will you lose the FCS services you dire eligible to receive as an FCS enrollee. Eligibility and other considerations: 1) To be eligible for FCSTAP, you must: Q Be actively receiving FCS -eligible Medicaid, Be enrolledIn FCS supportive housing services,, and D identify as having a behavioral health need, FCS TAP funds will be paid directly to your landlord or another entity giving you housing - related goods or services, Neither you nor your provider will receive compensation from the FCS TAP fund for taking part In the program. Your provider will deliver all FCS TAP payments directly to the recipient,. Note-$ If you need to sign documents upon payment, consider Joining your FCS provider as they deliver FCS TAP funding, 2) FCS TAP payments won't alter, change, or affect any financial responsibility or obligation for Medicaid benefits, 3) This agreement does not give you the right to request an administrative hearing. If funding is not approved or is stopped, you have the right to follow your provider's grievance process, Ask your FCS provider for more 'Information about this process. 1041147WAM ENABS 04/22 renewGront I�ohavforal Health a Wellness Name: Date:� a3 �P�'�� I Item(s) Requested (include a photo if you need a speciric i : tem) i2� /a`u rl�si z4 ... ....... . a Approximate Cost, f. ..................... P I I I IPI 319TETTrn doy