HomeMy WebLinkAboutBudget Extension - AuditorsGrant County Auditor
Michele Jaclerlund
PO 80X3,7
Ephrata, WA 98823
VMay -2.6.t1'1, 2022.
Re: Creation of Homeless Housing Administration Fund (131:001) MAY 3 202Z
. ID ... . . I .. . . . .
Dear Grant County, . Colurni - ss . io . liers,
I respectfully request the creation of a Homeless Housing Adim'111'strationfund (131.001), wl'-d'dh wild Ue
used to account for the .6%o homeless housing o mini i 'straflon fees allowable per R 36.21179(t)(a).
Additionally, I request thboard 'consider a tran8f I et o $0,7-113 0 2.1`8 from Current E x", "p, fl�1.000 ense(:10to
the Ho Bless Houshig Adniinistration find (131.001)1 7-0hiph are the total adn�itiistrafion fees'ited
pp os
if Current Expense between 2008 and 2022 YTD.. The use-:ofthese funds is restricted per kc* qtid
must st be ace ou;nted for a's"s-40h. Mol Vil4.. og- fol'ward this administ �t 4!* on fee will. be. deposited directly into the
Homeless RoU 8-Inq Adin:inl*.Stration F-LT44 (131,00,1).
Additionally, I am requesting:a budget extension -in the -amount of $355,(00.66 for as we'll as 001.,,000.00.0000.588100.000. This is the administration fee
collected ollected b200and.2021.
Additionally, I am requesting a budget transfer in the amount of pe
ge $45,000.00 frorn Current Ex nse
(001,000) to the Homeless Housing Administreation fund ( ).
R01 3622.179
Sure-harguefior local h61?--ieles.s housing and assistance—Use.
(1) In addition to the surcharge atithor "in ed RCFF 3 6 2 1 M, and except as provided W subsecti6n (3) ofth is
section, an additional surehat-ge o IX
y-hvo- dollars shcdlbe dharg -ie` .0tor fa each dd&, ment
ed by the county ea
e(-,,6rded ivhich will b_e in deldi t "
tiono w
7y.Ot 1 er . arge edloived by lchy. Except as provided in subsection (4) of ti, is
section, the fonds collectedpia-Asuant to this section to be distribittedand itsed asfoll6ivs:
(a) The. a it : ditor shall ,retalli two percentforcollection of the fee, and- 6f the remainder Aall rd#iit sic: v percOnt to the
county to be -dep O"sited into a farad that irillst be its* ed .by the cote 'V Md its cities andt'
n a oWns to accotnplqh the
Purposes of chapter 484, Lc ivs. qf2005L siX percent ofivhich may be, used by the county for the collection and local
distribulioll O.Lthese tunds and adininistrative costs r8latdd to its homeless ho,LtSiliz Pla', and the eemainder Lol,
local hoinedess holWno- P'lan, exc�ept, that r 'ach city
I'log -a7n di d�ly a compliA the jzoa& the 0
s which re 0 e COWIN s ...fo e..
in the count"" ivhich elects as antherzed in RCP" 43.185C. 0,80 to operate its olvn local homeless housing program,, a
percentage of the surcharge assessed tinder this section equal to thepercentage of the city's localportion of the real
estate excise tax co'llected by the countv sha:ll be transmitted at least quarterly to the city t without any
a.. reastiret
deduction far' cotmty aanjillistraffi'T costs, fox use by the cityforprogran7 costs ivhich directly contribute to the goals
of the city's local homeless hotising plan; of heAnds received by. the cid, it inay use six adpunistrative
costsfor its homeless h itsingg-prog
Than you for your consideration,
Katie Smith
r� ell