HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreements/Contracts - Sheriff & JailP -age 2022 ww", 2025 HFALT 1 14 St:Rvl , CES A'. .E,8 Grant County Jail THIS AGREEMENT Is nit reinto etween the Rem.eoy InmateMed 101 I ery S ibm and GM NT COUNTY,, Wash ingt: dn OU N'Ty)', a* poIs ca : u fit! WIV,isloh of the -,State:9 shi ngto.n. 1.0 PURPOsr The' porpose, of th* Agreement, t6 I -S is provIde r0a's6nable, a: C s�.a ry b a S'i t r tC' he e A C. M,edw Ica a re to ..Of he 0 the'inm ou ari JAIL "n'a orda,ce'tothoSta -ddr Cd A40*q/ Se Twim ind 0 --1 .....eveloped by tKe' Nat ha mm.:Js Ion o'n Corr -t -Care (NCCHC), I ep I'He lo 2. AUTHORITY This Agreement''I's aUth1or1zed.,byTit18,3 6 ACW. DTII SHI P01FTREPRTION-S 11 . AE .4. RESPONSIBLE PHYSICIAN COUNTY HEALTH$ AVICES A " - ' G REEMENT ,a) recelvin -savening Procedures. -health apprals-al dat.: toprocid e u nres.,, 0. referrals. sof, I eriously lll:g tients. d) P, 1 ion. rOV $ , of non emerge medical erWcts, ncy I s refeirral tb o btain emergen Cy medical and al se dent rvices. 4 chronic care.. g convalescent care. h) preventative maintenance. screen'' in Of rne.int ,ally -d inat il[ordeVelOPMerltally delaye* * rh es 9. le. tk-"Lkq_j3 - 2 7--- i"`30-ZZ, R A N T C 0 �U N Tit C 0 10 FAII I S s:) 10 pk,, Page 2 -MEDICAL LIAISON OFFICER SHE -RI.FF Will designate,a registered nurse as a medical liais f r, t*. on o - cer. who has fi I training and CPR ce', I 1ca on, and who works t be day shift to coordi nate for SHERI ff� the, health c.-a re activities through the pe h ff 6rma te of dut" les outlined inthis Agreement. 7. RESPONSIBILITIESOF JAIL., AND/ OR. FACILITY AND COUNTY In order toprovidefor a program Of basic medical- care,, S I tHERIFF will provide the folto in gin ac'c 0 r W d with he approved written standard operating pr o-Cedures,i direct wrtit en ordfrom the ers responsible phyician and/ or designee,. a. Receiving and ttre,janinglnquiryfl 'inmates u and notification to JAIL and. FACILITY health care, nutting-staff if medical attention 1 needed+ b.. Dailv c w ma ollection of each n te's h�e'dical c. omplaints kites to be revieWed by JAIL and FACILITY staff, and riaby an RN, C: PrOVIsion of emergency care,Ir`r° d toir w rfrr « rel e r nler dental and medical e r encd transfer �abr�. se referred to theVis- Laky + ►rr�Muhlt Heat Centers Page 14 In the event REMEDY INMATE M EDI CAT. SERVICES or COUNTY failS to perform I d accor ance with this Agreement SH ERIFF or REMEDY INMATE MEDICAL SERV 011 . --1 .-. 1.. .1 JCES shall fi � t notify'thie other with, ITS in r Pa rtY "'. . w iting a�- A cI statem —entspe. ifica,11- -11 fa" gill e, t -c y outlinthg a i p s a 0 n and Ply; K A toas ona. ble time. limit Ih re y n w ich to. rued ttated h n mpance, If the failur to com 1y 1 e p s not -,corrected-� wit hin the time $E limitj SHERIFF or REMEDY INIVIATEMEDICAL RVICE Ss'h*a-II'noVfy:thel3 of.0 oard o y o I i0ners ill in -three (3) business days. C unt non-com Pliance:after such notific" 0 onfinued ati.. n.May,result n I tmmedfate terniination of this Agreement, 10. EF FEC TIVE DATE This Agreem --ffett,, , I ent shall become e lve upo,'n' execut" -Jon.- 11. DURATIO U �C .0 NTRACT The. te'' IM Of thisAgreeme nt shall be frorh.ju]V,,4 2022 through December 31 2025, inclu 'P to :that thi S" - vided $ nt. a be re Ive, - le'd,, ar e- t0ftd�ed m. -T, newed.,- mod"f x UPOP MU,tu.a. Written ogreement of the parties hori�tb, or a: S r•�►�ee�drefin 12, AMENDMENT' This Agreement maibe tm d d en e on t of both PartIOS b mv -o.� *o Y�, �ual. writte c osen, All amendments--�shall be signed by both- parti-e-S, attaOed t AW A 0 js -,gre.e * e ...-M nt and inporporate referefte, '13a. TERMINAT ,Ah art , M, Y. , I ate th Y P y a termffi IS Agree miem withdUt ca b' eitt , Y.91ving he.other Part -Otleast ixty:( y s 60) days t w en pro. no, ce. A rm ny te. Inationsh 11 t - al. re:q.0 ire, the.... titten n ca ionf he 6 0. t rantCounty Board of b - If -U omml lonern s o, e. h a., NTY,, Th 'r6e to t -- e 1 e parties may rjl,Ljtu� ally'ag e m nate th time, e contract :at any 14.UCE NOT ' S All notices un der ti h",reteit shall Win writing.0d �hall.be effecti*ve when mafle, . by certified mall Postage prepaid end r�ur.�i.c 4prequestoere ej t d o' be in o t' ed at headdressreSto the. pa rty'r t ifi.. t set forth hereln. or''at such other add s as either p.art 'y may frqm time to timt dept e n', wri 1 t in g: COUNTY,.-: Board Of c0untYcorn.missioners Aftni-RAdminis"trative Servi ices o C ordinator PO Box 37 Ephrata, WA 98823- 0037 REMEDY INMATE MEDICAL SERVICES Atth4. Morgan Fife 408 Viewmont DR SE Moses. Lake, WA 98.837 3 * # M�- E. 151F ENTIRE CONTRACT The Parties agree that ts Agreement is the Complete ex- p-ression Of the terms and any oral representation of -'understanding not inc rpo rated., herein are excluded., 16. COMPLIANCE WITH: LAWS. The parties in'the Piefformancie .-f 1 0 EiPplic ble, law o., -ee to f fly C - thIsAgreernent agr u 0MPlyW1-th a. a regulaltionsO S:and Durlh'. the HO o y I yb * 4 f this-Agreem0ht'and for anliab*'Iit r191.0aTing.tro m this Agreement,,CO U T'shall providoinsu a ce cover age for the: benefit:of REMEDY INMATE MEDICAL '�kVj- _S w`thm-_jL ES.,includ.ing I 'Mitation'.. errors rid om-gs Ut '0_n.s -and ne:l!gence -in th,ol. e r ance o t g T hireement,and EEC MEDY 'NMAT.EM'E'D"CALSERVIC'ESWIII'ben'am'ed ari'addit!*Onall'nsure-donsa6idc'overage iUnless REM INMATE MEDIC . L -SE 'I EDY CA RV CES waives the e' rem n s set fo s r 0i a rthoph 16( 4), beldw. $aid in paragr insurance shall ii c'lud:e all insura nce.cove,ragroxtebdedeeporti eriooat least three Years beyond the term in6tiOn.of theri p at )nsurance covera P Inci ge Provided by *17Y, NTY. hall Pay prern" end I U ms, a nydeduttill es'necessar n n s .......yto Mai tai or give effect to uch rahc6 0 1" S in'su 0 icy and/or coverage nclud trig any. premium�' S and ded fibles necess ­ucl­­ ary to.,give effect to the tafl/ext -ded . I .-On t Porting; Period covera ge. The aforementioNod insurance ma Y be o .0ta tined fro M any in 'com-pahy authorized to � dbu stirahce, .....,­s.iness, in the State of Washington and S'hallhav'e policy limits of.million and NO100 D lirsOne 0 00qP 0 0 00) or more. Within -thirty (30)-daof Sig YS ..,,nature of the last. party signing.this Agreement,, COUNTY -shall submit ev*dME ience to A EDY I . NMATE MEDICAL SERVICE 9.1., COO Of morSt rece nt declarations Page) that suche insuranc is -in full force and. e ffect, and that such insurance will not be canc eled during the time period REM EDY INMATEMEDICAL SERVICES has to fully exec ,Ute all of the terms and condition s of this Agreement, unless such oloc P I Y Is. replaced byanother Policy with equal or bettero ge 9, b c. vera EM E Y INMATE MATE M EDICAL SERVICES' s coverage. Of liab*lity Page 16 creating went ac crul,n.g. duriha this Agre ement sh 11 e Mend after the -Agreement's terminated by its terms or-orderofa courtwith jurisdic-tibil. Said in %d o,9V,� COUNTY Wir surance.compano t 1 y shall be-requ tten notice within seve ntY-two (7- hour� if th e� policc y s anceled. or otherwise term 'Ina te d, for any ri,v. includin Mthou T 11"Mitation nonpwirent, o mjum, pre Transport Under no Ki Ircumstanc es shall REM EDY INMATE MEDICAL S�RVIcBlra,n�l)Ort- - at* *n his/ h,& Pe. rso a P i.ent I na,l veh i -rdrive.a v6hitle which the de,o -is Propertof Wu y. NTY'. P roor 01 f Insurance 19. SECURITY COUNTY, by and thr-o'Jug-h SHERIFF.,- reserves the right to refuse admittance of any REMEDY INMATE MEDItALSE11VICESpersonn 1, employee, principial oragentIf deemed a security threat. e Page 17 204 WHEN RIGHTS- AICD REMEDIES ARE NOT WAIVED In n -o event shall any payment by COUNTY or acceptance of payment by REMEDY I' NMAT E MEDICAL SERVICES con'f stitute or be construed to be a wai-ve bysuchpa yb- nybre,alchofcontract covenant, or default wfikh.rn- c ay then exist on the. part of the othmaki hg- or a t ice f er. The Xcepan, cif such nayment while. any su'ch b'reac-K-oe def au.1t shall exist shaff in no way Impair or prejudice ahy right,ot remedy available. with respect to such brea-th orl.def - I - aut. 21, LICENSING AND -ACCREDITATION STANDARDS REMO— 1 0, - DY INMATE MEDICAL SERVICES and its.:-officers..'Offida. s.. employe ..as and agents- Mall tompi y with allapp 1:'State a Hc ableoc aI f nd federal licens" req- irei ntsts-tand. �rd mg, u me s,necess ary in the performance.—c' this Ageep,ment, 22. CONTRACTOR NOT EMPLOYEE, 0 FFICER OFFICIA1 LOR AGENT OF COUNTY 25. MODIFICATIONS rage Nothingc ntainedire thi'ree-tneht,shall b dee d to preclude any party from see king modifli ti W me of any term. con in ca. on tried herein should an unfo, ore and m r mate tal change in circuMstaftes arise,agAh- ree. cnt mento ract, understandingt-or modification -made betw y een the p -nt to this artiessulbseque Agre' ent mus. t. be. executed with identical form ality as th"s-Agroh, e t otherwise the same shall not e.1 n., be effdr,ceabiet. 26...ASSIGNABILITY REMEDY INMATE MEDICAL SERVI(ESmay h.ot aS.s*g.n its r" ight s or.o.bligatlo ns- under this Agreem -a unaffill t d ent to. n a,,e.. th_'rd, -party without:th e* -prior wri Itte'n co'nspnt o C UNTY -as,'0thetWiseperm:"tt­ or i ed herein, 27.N.O. WAIVER No c1. Ur e Of'COUNTY or REMWY Itonthelstr'i INMA`ESE DICAL SERVICES to insis. 'hY 'n cteSt Performance of a -telrl of this.Agreement shall constitutea. wa n -th term, or a�h b d iver of a", y'SU a an onment of this Agreement, HEADINGS -NOT CONTROLLING. Headings used j:h this Agr,eLrr1 en't are fo reer erence puroses�only and shall be'. hs'd red a P co I e .ubstantive par .of -this Agn�em e. nt 29x,60VE ' ..RNING.LAW This' A greemenf t shallbe governed by, Stat f the laws of the Wa h"'.&n.-Shouldthi e. eo s in t o crutlhy �4 Jf law rb"trat 't i s Agreement be jec. t s y a court a I I or oir�o her re'view" body W'''. ftK 'U Wi6fllon j r, ;.. . . I ' P- it sh.all be .interpreted as if draffi d b b e� y ot.h of the parties errs. App,rod..'this .day of4lhAuust'.2022, 9 ATTEST: Barbary J.Vasquez Clerk of this Boa rd Approved s to - f- 0 rm, BOARD OF COUNTY' commis $10NERS' GRANT COUNTY WA SHINGTON D a �nyE�.S Stone e �,Ch a 1 �r Jones V100 -Chair - - - - - - - - - - CineCarter Member 5 1 Alt Attachment 1 GRANT COU. NTY JAIL AND FACILITY: PROFEUSIONAL MEDICAL SERVICES FEE PRO.P' OSAL FOR 2022-202-9, Teleph.onort a. $806&00 monthly Me'd.1call coverage $300-00 hourly