HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCCGRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS I a M To: Board of County Commissioners Janice Flynn, Administrative Services Coordinator Dadbe: August 29, 2022 Re: Authorization for Release of Funds, Emergency Housing Grant #316-46108- 10, Refund to Dept of Commerce During an internal audit, the City of Moses Lake found some adjustments needed to be made to billings previously submitted and paid by Grant County. The end result was a refund of $1,225.97 due Grant County. A check for this amount was received on August 25th. The total amount should now be returned to the Washington State Dept of Commerce as all of the EHG expenses paid by Grant County were reimbursed by said Dept. I am requesting the release of funds for payment to WA State Dept of Commerce in the amount of $1,225.97. Thank you. SEP 101'6 2022 R Is e- W. we WA = a M W t Janice nn From: Cari Cortez <ccortez@cityofml.com> Sent: Monday, December 20, 2021 8:51 AM To: Janice Flynn Subject: City of ML CV-EHG 1-12-21-2020 Attachments: 2020-12-21 CV-EHG Corrected to County.pdf Hello, For the December EHG, the WillScot and Modern Building were initially based on PO's. Here are the actual invoices. Also, I believe this Lowe's amount was included in the initial one and it isn't an expense. Thanks, Ci,'d/ Cie k (she/her) Housing and Grants Coordinator City of Moses Lake 509-764-3742 321 S Balsam St P.O. Box 1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837 mtc�n 31 traa A-c� Li NovapUwe�s 40 .4 ..til R' NOTICE OF PUBLIC DISCLOSURE: This e-mail account is public domain. Any ed e�dence from or to this e-mail account maybe a public record. Accordingly, this e- mail, in whole or in part, may be subject to disclosure pursuant to RCW 42.56, regardless of any claim of confidentiality or privilege asserted by an external party. 1 DOER MIS SYSTEM PO BOX 110 a 9493 Porter Rd * Aumsville, oR 97,325 1900-682,1422 Modern Bu lldlngSystems.com 13111 To: City Of Moses Lake P-0 - Box 1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837 Involm Page: Invoice Number: 0117610 Invoice Date: 12/8/2020 Contract: 8006155 Billing cycle 1218/2020 1/1/202T� Ship To Address,-, pity Of Moses Lake 1045 E Broadway Ave Moses Lake, WA 98837 I Customer PO: Ship Via: Confirm To: Less Discount: 0,00 Freight: 0.00 Sales Tax: 484.20 Terms: FDura 61249,61 Item Number Rick Nell Order Balance: Upon Receipt Ordered 25770.00 1.00 Unit Price Extension Restroom/Shower 0.00 0.00 676.00 463.71 STAIRS 0.00 Stairs 1.00 000 . 0.00 250.00 201.61 Access Ramp ISETPAC 0.00 6 -Set Up & Deliver PAC Delivery - 0.00 000 . . 000 32900.00 ETPAC . J 0.00 Set Up & Delivery - PAC 0.00 0.00 0.00 11200.00 Access Ramp UNIT WAS DELIVERED ON 12-7-20 prig P,o, �— 4� 13as,o� t .1 WANW "Please submit paymet to: P.O. Box 110! Aumsville OR 97325 Net Order: 5j765.32 Less Discount: 0,00 Freight: 0.00 Sales Tax: 484.20 Order Total: 61249,61 Less Deposit: 0.00 Order Balance: 6t249.61 Corporate opemclons WILLSOOT goi s. j3Ond Street., Suite 600 fttlmore, MD 21231-3357 62211 6 0,43 INVOI F CE :nv:o :10i =# Amount 836OD4417,376,Duo tato PL $40 Upon Reoel, EASE REMIT PAYM VIA ACH OR 00 TO .-Arhou -Encl6ski BILLIRUST; M1P:1Av11Imt,bjjjtnjSt,C0M Awl orc� po Ate- a�,as3.os —a5ssq,�y 196ML S190UP fOr eMaft Mfling! Y011r invOices Me sent once a day as an OxaCt replica Of Your paper bills, Contact u C-stomerSuccess@W11beot.com and get setup today, =OVIRWAND F t d1willot.bitttru t bi-- Late - USE*,THIS mdof 0002-.6802 fee of 1112% per month on all post due amounts, A $30.00 fee will be charged for any ratumed checks, "rdirq) your [Itmnj abould ba d1mgod to; Involcle PaW 12/1 712020 I Unk LoCation .87ge 2 oft [let, WHOM Sootsman $310 N Flora Rd Iry Invoice #: 8366044 '01tv Of MONS We 1045 e Smdm aSCOT Spokane* WA 99210-1705 Due Date: Upon Re 1pt __ yAvo MOSES I. WA 90&v 088.378-9084 CUStomor 23499511 PUrChOSIng Agant WWW.Wlllsoot.comAllison 06670 WilliaMs Feder8l ID NO. 62-W66776 The buyer aar"s to pay all OPP110016 Stift and m�njcjpaj taxes on thlis transadon UNIT NO@ BILLING TERMS 7 DESCRIPTION.- BAS. CONFERENCE PKG -1;KM AMOUNW PROPERTY TAX RECOVERY ISALES TAX $6.92 $1,346,43 CURRENT 1W010E AMOUNT DUE: Awl orc� po Ate- a�,as3.os —a5ssq,�y 196ML S190UP fOr eMaft Mfling! Y011r invOices Me sent once a day as an OxaCt replica Of Your paper bills, Contact u C-stomerSuccess@W11beot.com and get setup today, =OVIRWAND F t d1willot.bitttru t bi-- Late - USE*,THIS mdof 0002-.6802 fee of 1112% per month on all post due amounts, A $30.00 fee will be charged for any ratumed checks, WILLscOT 9018, 13wid Stroot, Spite 600 Baltinwre'.1VID 21231-3357 ERE Do n6l Mclude corraspondofioe with youf mmilianco. Corresn�eno P0 should bo d1ractod to It-jo Willjorno. Sct)tsmarj Branch Dddrosa IndIciated Wow. 131110 Tim E0041K 10-00 V600620165D 82 MOM 00011,0042 CITY 0P MOSESLAKE 401 b BALSAM S , f VOSES LAKE WA 98837-4764 h Ill 2-1,0,a �f $366044 PLEA85 Rr-WIT PAYMEN VIA AC]i OR Q 0 TO 51.11TRU$T: OICE &nount Due Dtle Dato $VX5.40 Upon Receipt Pnl)'Orless by paying via ACC Or re it Payment tos WILLIAM$ Sq.OT SMAN, INC. PO 13 OX 9-1975 CHICAGO, 1� 60693-1.975 #$I WA *Wit -,V,*& 0 a a. IRA 'A 1. Plailga Meta th arid roturfs lop P0100A Vith your po om ymont to frl6rd o0110.0edit tq year aepuliL 'Thgak. pi. 1"itge I q1.2 InVoloo Da 101 12117/2020 Unit Loo* 0n . ......... Involm 8366044 CRY or Mas 9 * !~DRi i.046 -E Broadway Me. tau wale DEO; Upon Rpt MOSVig LAVA, WA 98837 GUSW10 M Purchasing Agefit 96670 wwmwills ootcom Federal ID NO. 52-0606775 IN. buyor agrees to pay.911 applicable St;ut' e and MUAWPAI [axes an this trarimtjon Allison Williams ........... NIT NON BILLING TIM M %8 DESCRIPTION Alffi%.an ** Ift 1' 11 hAMOUNT I qF t [f tj CM I 11tviltwilluu wiltrty t,com (USI (CAD accowitt 611MInAtIng the need io log into ljo Will$ -Cot p, Aymont,Portat each Mon.!h to Pay qow Invoioes, Set up rocurthig AOH orcredIt card payjn6tjjs,tbd�iy; 1-ps fagtl sin1ple and ftea of 0110gel 12/15/20 TH RU 01 /14/21 46XIO MOBILE OFFI.Ql-:-(4210 13OX LAST M0TH hUNT -DEOVERY '. 1VODE 13LOCKA LEVEL (M) - 4'6-47' TIEDOWN-bIRT -(M), $KIRTINO (M BLOOK & LEVEL (L) - 46`0471 TOUNDATION / TI.EDOWN PLAN$ TieDO.WN-DIRT (L) Sk-IRT(N.G. (0 Ik. wooD 1.*F I<NOCKD OWN, 401-474 T106WN4 . IR,,r RrMOVAL WRTN*G- REMOVk­ WOOD LF RET-UNN. To *STANOARd -RETURN - 101 Wlr).[:-.* SAb. 0 FF 10 e PACKAOE 12 DAS. C'ONFERENO[�'PACKAGE- T2 ADA811C RAMP -W] SWITCIBACi� DAMP - LIVERY & INSTALLATION RAMP -1<00 1<00WN & RETURN MODIFICATION To UNIT' M Installation ofback exit do -or M01*10ATION TO UNIT* L DATA HUB RC-NTAL T2 ADNI80 RAMP LM DATA HUB RENTA4 T2,LM bAS. OFFICE PIKO T2.LM 0001-110002 ANN PAY 014LINE d6"T_6_,-_j N=aTWIS ENROLLMENT TOKEN -:1_ Late fee of 1 1/2% per month on all past due 8000unts. A $30,00 fee will be ohar�ed fbr any returned checks, $474,80 $474,30 012.06 .$33.33 Si 73.28 $924.66 S-2-56.67 $420,62 $145.71 $260,00 $712,86 $20-60 $36.9 0 $720,00 $2,630.00 $1,813.80 ssa4-93- $884M $50.00 $7 0.00 $50,00 $261,60 ...f ............... ... 11 ........ 11 ... 1-11- ..................... wwv I L LSCOT T 901 SOUTH BOND ST., SUITE 600M BALTIMORE MD 21231 (800) 782-1500., Option I customersuccess@willscot.com WWW.Willscot.com Fed I D# 52-0665775 631 INVOICE BRANCH: CITY OF MOSES LAKE MD SPOKANE WA 401 S, BALSAM ST MOSES LAKE WA 98837-1764 3310 N FLORA RD fill 1111 Jill 111111 [I'll SPOKANE WA 99216-1705 (509) 892-6778 � https://portal.mob!lemini.com k* (800) 782-1500, Option I You remain responsible for the invoice balance if there is an issue with your method of payment. Late fees and interest charges may be assessed if payment is not made within terms. Thank you for your business.[ 524510!6.2021060628204.00631 T* T* T* T* T* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE REMIT WITH PAYMENT INVOICE TOTAL $1,366.09 Invoice #: 9010800634 Due Date: 6/15/2021 Customer: CITY OF MOSES LAKE Customer #: 10452459 PLEASE REM— TQ WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN, INC. PO BOX 91975 CHICAGO IL 60693-1975 iNI.LLS'COT Im 901 SOUTH BOND STq SUITE- 600 BALTIMORE MD 21231 (800) 782-1500, Option www'iwIll-scotcom Ped I D4 52-0665775 366 "NVOICE BRANCH: CITY Of -MOSES LAKE M-0 SP-OKANE WA 401 SUL$AMST MOSES. LAKE WA,9.8837-1764 3,310 N FLORA k.'0 11*111;utf, ')h I fill v! it 1.-111 141A Ill, I foliq f, I Ill-gl III SIP09A.NE W.A. 9'9216 .05 P L E A 5; R E - M- I T W I T H PA Y M E N T tj 1 71.j 7M i M M I PAYMENT OPTIONS ­�.. INVOICE TOTAL Welcometo the WiliScot I MobInvoice # ile� Mh/custm:er pottall Register today to make onlinepclyments., sign Due Date -9010554041 tip for Auto -Pay, or vloW involdes and statement5. 6/15/2021 Custome n 'CITY OF MDSE -S LAKE Customer #4 0 h m4nl kl*l 10452459 (800) 782*1500, Option I YOOMMO' WPOnsiblO tOffhO invOlcobalanco Ifthere is arl I$Sue With Your m. othad otpayment Late toss dInto' may be ass rost dhargos- 0$90 Irpaylli-ant Is not made vilthit) jorms Thank you for yourbusinessl U45100 M. 105DO017,02 M06 PLEASE- REMIT TO, WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN, INC. PO BOX 91975 CHICAGO IL 60693-1975 00001 4524 X909010. 40 100000 0 113 257 1. 1. 1 11 1101101111001 Corporate Operations [WILLSCOT 901 S. Bond Street, Suite 600 WBaltimore, MD 21231-3357 Do not include correspondence with your remittance. Correspondence should be directed to the Williams Scotsman Branch address indicated below. Billed To: CITY OF MOSES LAKE 401 S BALSAM ST. MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 q N, yell rd? �_ .invoice' # r�nu Due Dade 8675109 $1,366.08 Upon Receipt PLEASE REMIT PAYMENT'z:. VIA ACH OR GO TO AOS Ef1CrOSGd BILLTRUST: http://willscot.billtrust.com Go paperless by paying via ACH or remit payment to: WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN, INC. PO BOX 91975 CHICAGO, IL 60693-1975 r--r--rr-rr-rrrrrrrrr-rrrrrrr--------rrrrrr-----rrrrrrrrrwrrr------rrrrrrrr--rrrrr-r..----------------------r ® Please detach and return top portion with your payment to insure proper credit to your account. Thank you. .�-------r------- INVOICE u1%11.L11%�:anjm�"T TM Questions regarding your account should be directed to: Williams Scotsman 3310 N Flora Rd Spokane, WA 99216-1705 888-378-9084 wvvrne'.W11 Is cot.com Federal ID NO. 52-0665775 The buyer agrees to pay all applicable state and municipal taxes on this transaction Invoice Date: 04/15/2021 Unit Location Invoice #: 8675109 City of Moses Lake 1045 E Broadway Ave MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 Due Date: Upon Receipt Customer #: 23499511 Purchasing Agent 96570 Allison Williams UNIT NO. BILLING TERMS DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Auto -Pay is now available at http://wiliscot.bilitrust.com (USD accounts) and http://willscotca.bilitrust.com (CAD accounts), eliminating the need to log into the WillScot payment portal each month to pay new invoices. Set up recurring ACH or credit card payments today; it's fast, simple and free of charge! MCK-06667 04/15/21 THRU 05/14/21 46X10 MOBILE OFFICE (42X10 BOX $474.30 ADA/IBC RAMP -W/ SWITCHBACK $720.00 DATA HUB RENTAL T2 $50.00 PROPERTY TAX RECOVERY $5.92 PAPER CHECK FEE $10.00 CHECK 151529 SALES TAX $105.86 CURRENT INVOICE AMOUNT DUE: $13366.08 �1 Sign up for email billing! Your invoices are sent once a day as an exact replica of your paper bills. Contact CustomerSuccess@willscot.com and get setup today. IEUI AND PAY ONLINE GO To httP://willscot.billttust.com USE THIS .ENRO)LLIVIENTOKEN BGL BVDGH Late fee of 1 1/2% per month on all past due accounts. A $30.00 fee will be charged for any returned checks. Corporate Operations WILLSCOT 901 S. Bond Street, Suite 600 rM Baltimore., MD 21231-3357 Do not include correspondence with your remittance. Correspondence should be directed to the Williams Scotsman Branch address indicated below. Billed To: CITY OF MOSES LAKE 401 S BALSAM ST. MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 INVOICE Voice# .0'nt Due .13 ate U. ue D 8595576 $1,081.29 Upon Receipt PLEASE REMIT PAYMENT VIA ACH OR GO To Am''.0unit Enclosed BILLTRUST: http://wlllscot.bilitrust.com Go paperless by paying via ACH or remit payment to: WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN, INC. PO BOX 91975 CHICAGO, IL 60693-1975 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�4 j -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please detach and return top portion with your payment to insure proper credit to your account. - Thank you. - -- -- -- -- - - - ----------- INVOICE WILL, IS Ig C , OT TM Questions regarding your account should be directed to: Williams Scotsman 3310 N Flora Rd Spokane, WA 99216-1705 888-378-9084 Invoice Date: 03/15/2021 Unit Location Invoice #: 8595576 City of Moses Lake 1045 E Broadway Ave MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 Due Date: Upon Receipt Customer #: 23499511 Purchasing Agent Allison Williams 96570 www.wiliscot.com Federal ID NO. 52-0665775 The buyer agrees to pay all applicable state and municipal taxes on this transaction UNIT NO. I BILLING TERMS I DESCRIPTION Auto -Pay is now available at http://wiIIscot.biIltrust.com (USD accounts) and http://willscotca.bilitrust.com(CAD accounts), I AMOUNT eliminating the need to log into the WilIScot payment portal each month to pay new invoices. Set up recurring ACH or credit card payments today; it's fast, simple and free of charge! MCK-06667 03/15/21 THRU 04/14/21 46X10 MOBILE OFFICE (42X10 BOX ADA/IBC RAMP -W/ SWITCHBACK $474.30 DATA HUB RENTAL T2 $720.00 PROPERTY TAX RECOVERY $50.00 INTEREST CHARGE $5.92 LATE PAYMENT FEE -$260.63 OVPD INV 8439288 -$35.00 PAPER CHECK FEE CHECK 150982 $10.00 PAPER CHECK FEE CHECK 151189 $10.00 SALES TAX $106.70 CURRENT INVOICE AMOUNT DUE: $1,081.29 OPEN INVOICE(S) as of 03/15/2021 Due Date Invoice # Open Amount 01/15/2021 8439288 -$72.09 02/15/2021 8518300 -$10.85 Immftkl Ar M ffED1 Sign up for email billing ! Your invoices are sent once a day as an exact replica of your paper bills . Contact CustomerSuccessgwillscot.com andget setup today. TO JEWIAND PAY(ONONE5., GQ TQ: http://wiUscot.billtrust.com TOKEN: BCTL BVD QGH Late fee of 1 1/2% per month on all past due accounts. A $30.00 fee will be charged for any returned checks. EiECorporate Operations E WILLSCO901 S. Bond Street, Suite 600 00Baltimore, V, , MD 21231-3357 Do not include correspondence with your remittance. Correspondence should be directed to the Williams Scotsman Branch address indicated below. Billed To: CITY OF MOSES LAKE 401 S BALSAM ST. MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 Invoice Due,:. . at 8518300 $1,281.84 Upon Receipt PLEASE REMIT PAYMENT_ -End "" ed -A VIA ACH OR GO TO O's BILLTRUST: http://willscot.billtrust.com r Go paperless by paying via ACH or remit payment to: WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN, INC. PO BOX 91975 CHICAGO, IL 60693-1975 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 1 ..*� F!".) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------. - - - - - - - - - Please detach and return top portion with your payment to insure proper credit to your account. Thank you. &, INVOICE W I LLSCOT TM Questions regarding your account should be directed to: Williams Scotsman 3310 N Flora Rd Spokane, WA 99216-1705 888-378-9084 Page I of 1 Invoice Date: 02/15/2021 Unit Location Invoice #: 8518300 City of Moses Lake 1 1045 E Broadway Ave Due Date: Upon Receipt MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 Customer #: 23499511 96570 www.willscot.com Federal ID NO. 52-0665775 The buyer agrees to pay all applicable state and municipal taxes on this transaction U kjqull Allison Williams UNIT NO. BILLING TERMS DESCRIPTION I AMOUNT Auto -Pay is now available at http:llwillscot.bilitrust.com (USD accounts) and http://wiliscotca.bilitrust.com(CAD accounts), eliminating the need to log into the WIIIScot payment portal each month to pay new invoices. Set up recurring ACH or credit card payments today; it's fast, simple and free of charge! MCK-06667 02/15/21 THRU 03/14/21 46X10 MOBILE OFFICE (42X10 BOX BAS OFFICE PKG $474.30 BAS CONF PKG -$53.20 OVPD INV 8366044 -$79-80 ADA/IBC RAMP -W/ SWITCHBACK $720.00 DATA HUB RENTAL T2 $50.00 PROPERTY TAX RECOVERY $5.92 INTEREST CHARGE $24.93 LATE PAYMENT FEE $35.00 PAPER CHECK FEE $10.00 CHECK 150629 SALES TAX $94.69 CURRENT INVOICE AMOUNT DUE: $1,281.84 OPEN INVOICE(S) as of 02/1512021 Due Date Invoice # -Open Amount 01/15/2021 8439288 $1,661.70 Sign up for email billing! Your invoices are sent once a day as an exact replica of your paper bills. Contact CustomerSucces s @Wills cot-com and get setup today. Attp://willseot.bifltrust.com TO V dEW.ANDP"bNUWG0,T01:1-Flj§E-TH,!$*ENROLL.MtNT-TOKE�N7,.�—' BCTLBVD ' QGH Late fee of 1 1/2% per month on all past due accounts. A $30.00 fee will be charged for any returned checks. Corporate Operations WILLSCOT]901 S. Bond Street, Suite 600 Baltimore, MD 21231-3357 fro not include correspondence with your remittances. Correspondence should be directed to the Williams Sewsman Bmnch address Indicated below. Billed To: 2701 SP 0.500 E0275X 10342 07088409455 S2 P7978214 0001:Q001 VIII'1EII1II1IIII111„III11111I1111111 rl„�e[II� ' III I iI CITY OF MOSES LAKE 401 '•S BALSAM ST MOSES LAKE WA 98637-1764 1 • Invoice:#- .Amount.Due Dui: gate 643923Z_ 6 011� $1, 33.79 Upon Receipt PLEASE REMIT PAYIVIEI_T p . VIA ACH OR GO TO - •At+auiit`EnCiosed EILLTRUST: http:l/wl Ilsoot. h1IItrust, oo m Go paperless by paying via AOH or remit Payment to: WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN, INC. PCS BOX 91975 CHICAGO, IL 60693.1975 - ---------f --------------f----_-------glrrsfewff rv.__r-----m--frY.-f Ywm_f Ymr •••• � rt---r--•__-_ff m.m _YrE r.----.-ff _f__m. �..--.OrOf ___.. m_-mAp4 f-.--. m.f.mm m .� PteBS�@ doh and return top a eon with our ----• -ff--"..mans. rr....... y payment to insure propw CMda to your sc=nt, Thank you. .&, _.._.__.. INVOICE WILLSCOT TM Mage 1 of I Invoice I]ate: .01/1,5/2,02,1 Unit Lavation Invoice M 6439266 City of Moses Lake 1045 E Ero dity Ave Due tate: Upon Receipt MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 Customer #: 23499511 Purchasing Agent 98570 wf _w' wO f' M 9/ d. t cM m Lr.�e�..._+m_ Federal ICS NO. 52-0665776 '1'Ite buyer $grass to POY aril applicable state and municipal taxes on this transaction Allison Williams KNIT NO. BILLING TERMS DESCRIPTION Auto -Pay is now available at http:llwiiiscot.billtrust.corn U t accou AMOUNT eliminating the need to Bo into the nts) and AMOUNT g willScat {CACI accounts �, payment portal each month to pay new Invoices. Set; u rev card payments today; It's fast, simple and free of chargel P recurring ACID or credit MCK 06667 01116121 THRU 02114121 46Ki 0 MOBILE OFFICE42X I 0 BOX O . OFFICE PACKAGE BAS TZ $474.30 BAS. CONFERENCE PAdKAOE T2 $39.60 ADA/IBC RAMP' -Vii! SWITCHBACK $39.90 DATA HUB RENTAL T2 X720.40 PROPERTY TAX RECOVERY x IhITEREST CHARGE $5. X5.9922 LATE PAYMENT FEE X250.63 PALER INVOICING FEE 36.Oa SALES TAX $10.00 $111.44 CURRENT INVOICE AMOUNT DUE: $1,733.79 OPEN INVOICE(S) as of 0111512021 Due Clete Invoice # Oen Amon t 1211712024 836604444 X17,375.40 Sign up for remail bion i � Your mvaiees are sent on �e a day as an exact replica ofyoura . er brills. p i� Contact CustomerSuccess@willscot.com iscat�.ca and get setup today, TO WEW4AND PAY OkUNE, t3oTCS: h5EJ/W111SC0Lbi1Iuug.com BSE IS ENROLLMENT TOM:l SGL BVi] Late fee of '1 1/2% QQH per month on all past due accounts. A $38,00 fee will be charged any cetumed 0001:000110001:00011for Checks. Janice Flvnn From: Cari Cortez <ccortez@citY ofml.com> Sent: Monday, December 20, 2021 11:15 AM To: Janice Flynn Subject: 108.40 EHG That amount was included on the November :invoice, whereou already de Y y ducted it, but also in the December EHG invoice so that's why it has to be taken out again. C •v COrtelk (she/her) Housing and Grants Coordinator City of Moses Lake 509-764-3742 321 S Balsam St P.O. Box 1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837 NOTICE OF PUBLIC DISCLOSURE: This e-mail account is public domain. Any correspondence from or to this e-mail account may be a public mail, in whole or in part, may be subject to disclosure pursuant to RCW 42.56, regardless of any claim of confidentialityor privilege as �c record. Accordingly, this e- mail, p g asserted by an external party. cr b Idl - a ^ 0.,. wwvs• La h:u w K L— %369 i j Weia I • 1 r t Janke Fi nn From: Cari Cortez <ccortez@cityofml.com> Sent: Monday, December 20, 2021 8:48 AM To: Janice Flynn Subject: City of ML CV-EHG 1-11-16-2020 Attachments: CV-EHG Corrected to County.pdf Hello, For the November invoice, it looks like we were reimbursed for part of a Lowe's expense. Thanks, COW' COTtegl (she/her) Housing and Grants Coordinator City of Moses Lake 509-764-3742 321 S Balsam St P.O. Box 1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837 NOTICE OF PUBLIC DISCLOSURE: This e-mail account is public domain. Any correspondence from or to this e-mail account may be a public record. Accordingl this e- mail, in whole or in part, may be subject to disclosure pursuant to RCW 42.56, regardless of any claim of confidentiality or privilege asserted by an externparty. part . Xk..04 44,4 ok A�A