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CDBG Public Services Grant: 2022 Application and 2021 Closeout
May 17, 2022
3:00 p.m.
In Attendance:
Danny E. Stone, Chair
Rob Jones, Vice -Chair
Cindy Carter, Member
Barbara J. Vasquez, Clerk of the Board
Janice Flynn, Administrative Services Coordinator
Public: See sign in sheet
3:00 p.m. The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing to review community development
and housing needs, inform citizens of the availability of funds and eligible uses of the state Community
Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, and receive comments on proposed activities, particularly from
lower income persons residing in the Grant and Adams County areas. This will prepare for the closeout
of the 2021 CDBG Public Services Grant No. 21-62210-005, which provided $126,580.00 in funding.
Janice Flynn, Administrative Services Coordinator stated that present at today's hearing is Isidra
Sanchez, Spanish interpreter, if needed. Is there any one present today that needs an interpreter?
(This was also asked in Spanish).
The following handouts are available today in both English and Spanish:
1) Grant County's CDBG Citizen Participation Plan with Grievance Procedure Form. (GC has a
high likelihood of applying for Community Development Block Grants in the future and would
welcome citizen participation. The plan outlines eligibility guidelines and steps GC will take to
procure CDBG funding and community involvement. The grievance procedure form is included.
Any input or grievances regarding CDBG grants can be forwarded tome, Janice Flynn at GC
Commissioner's Office, PO Box 37 or 35 C Street NW, Ephrata, WA 98823.)
2) Dept of Commerce's Community Development Block Grant Program Handout (This gives the
purpose of CDBG grants)
3) Federal Citizen Participation Requirements for Local Government Applicants to the State
CDBG Program. (outlines requirements of the federal government to receive CDBG funds)
4) Letter to Public Hearing Attendees (indicates the Citizen Participation Coordinator and GC's
open-door policy)
Any individuals interested in or requiring technical assistance to become knowledgeable with the CDBG
program or who desire to contribute ideas to solving some of the community's needs will be provided
assistance upon request to the County's CDBG Citizen Participation Coordinator.
The purpose of the public hearing is to report on the County's use of 2021 CDBG funds, prepare for the
closeout of the 2021 CDBG Public Services Grant and state Grant County's intention to apply for 2022
CDBG funds in the amount of $128,000.00. Janice Flynn, Grant County's Administrative Services
Coordinator, will provide additional information
Isidra Sanchez and Jeremy Lopez with OIC of Washington /Prosperity Center gave an overview of the
assistance they provided under contract No. 21-62210-005 and proposed activities for anticipated CDBG
funds awarded in 2022.
No proposed activities will result in displacement of any individuals.
The Title VI Certification and NEPA form 6-G is required and needs to be signed by the BOCC Chair
Grant County has adopted a policy to reduce greenhouse gases, a policy prohibiting the use of excessive
force and an anti -displacement plan.
The NEPA form determine exemptions from environmental review due to the nature of the proposed
use of funds.
A motion was made by Commissioner Carter, seconded by Commissioner Jones to close the public
comment portion of the hearing. The motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Carter moved to
accept the closeout of the CDBG Public Services Grant No. 21-62210-005 and begin the application
process for the grant year 2022, as presented. Commissioner Jones seconded and the motion passed
unanimously. The hearing adjourned.