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Invoices - Technology Services
Grant County Technology Services 35 C ST N'W, Suite 308 EPHRATA, WA 98823 Vendor AXON VJ I rt t4-;W1F-J-V - V4 a Date P.O. No. 8/2/2022 429 Item I Description Qty Rate Amount Software Mainten... Annual License Renewal Basic'Evi,dence.Com - Body 1 37.273 3.90 37,273.90 Cameras $27,530.13 of thi's invoice was budgeted for TS Software Maintenance,.' 3506 $9,743.97 trill be paid by the Sheriffs office as the software package chosen exceeded budgeted amount. AP AUG 202Z Total S379273.90 f13 Axon Enterprise, Inc. 17800 N 85th St. Scottsdale, Arizona 85255 United States VAT: 86-0741227 Domestic: (800) 978-2737 International: +1.800.978.2737 .... ......... .. ,... _...... _ __....__ ..._.... SHIP TOBILL .......... r .._._ __ ........ . ........ ...........___.-__ ___ .._._ _..._ _w_ TO.i .......... . ......._....._ ....� .__._.._...._...._......_...._.,. 35 C Street Grant County Sheriffs Office - WA PO Box 37 35 C Street EPHRATA, WA 98823 Ephrata, WA 98823-0037 USA USA i Email: _..._......___........_W_.._-__...,__._._...... ...._...._....._._......._.__..._...._._.._._...._._,.._.._._....... ._......_._____............ _...... _._.....,_..._..._.__......_.. __....,..,.__, Quote Summary Program Length TOTAL COST ESTIMATED TOTAL W/ TAX Payment Summary 60 Months $17. .... . ........5,7.... . ...........25.00.... ........ .. . ..... . ..... ....... .... ..... ...........' $186,369.50.:. Payment Terms: N30 Delivery Method: Fedex - Ground Rachel Hall E REPRESENTATIVE PRIMARY CONTACT SAL S. ___........_.� .. __....�.w...�..�.,.�.._w�_._.. W.�........_.. _ ._............._�......��.._.w°.,.�_�....�....�.-...�.__.__.._„____,.._-_._�..�.. _... Phone: Phone: Email: rhall@axon.com i Email: Fax: Fax: ._...._...._._.._......_.___...__._...._..:..__...... ____._..__...._.__......_..__.................... ..__.......... _.... _ ....._.._.__.._........._......_._.._.__.._._............ _._..... ......_....___._.__..._..........._ _ _.__..._..w._ ......................_.................. ..,._._.......,_.......... ......... µ.... ..... _._.......... _..... .....�..._.......� Discount Summary �........,.,.,..,_......_.,._.....__..,,,.u...._��.........,.._...,..,..__...m.......w__.w......,a........_............. ........................... .......... ._.._..._ Average Savings Per Year 1 $999.00 .... ___. TOTAL SAVINGS $4,995.00 Page 1 Q-400545-44762.698BH Quote Unbundled Price: Quote List Price: Quote Subtotal: Pricing $180,720.00 $180,720.00 $175,725.00 All deliverables are detailed in Delivery Schedules section lower inro osal p p _...._..._...._. .... _...... _..... ._...._..__.r._._._.._...__._._..._.........._..._... ......... _....... ..........___...........__._.___._..___....__ .. _..____...... __.._..... __._... _...... __._..___.___... ................. .__............. ........ ...... _......... .... ... .__._....____..._.....__........ ...... -.____._..___..____. Item De�crr do n Q Term Unbundled ..:......_ .:.._ W...... _.... _............__._.... _ .......__...:.:... _. _.._..._ _.. _. ..........._......:.._ _.:.........::.........: _ .............. List Price Net Price Subtotal Tax _ Total _ . Ala Carte Software �_. 73683 10 GB EVIDENCE.COM A -LA -CART STORAGE- 2250 60 $0.40_ _._._.__.._._ _ _ $Ow36 _ __ _$49,005.00 $0.60—$49,005.00 __.__.__..._..�.__._.__._._.. _.__...._.._.....__ __............�._._..__ �.._..__..__._...�_.� �_.. _ __._._.._..__ ____._ BasicLicense Basic License Bundle 94 60 $15.00_ $15.00 $84,600.00 $7,106.40 $91,706.40 ProLicense Pro License Bundle 18 60 __.___ $39.00 _ _ _ $39 00 . ____ _$42120 00 ........ $3,538.10 $45,658.10 �._...._.._..__..�._.._.._---__..__...... _...._._. __.._._____W.__.._..___._..... _.._.____.._ ..._.�.___.____.._..___..____....._....___..____ _._........-.�._.-_.____.._. _._._..___. Total �..__..._w._._ _...__ �..�.._._.._�..w $175,725,00 �...,__. �......��.._..__...� _��..�..�.�,_��...�_ $10,644.50 .._��u,�..�..,...�.�_-_ _...,..,,....w..,��w.� $186,369.50 .......,....,._,..�....� Page 2 Q-400545-44762.698BH Delivery Schedule Software Item Description QTY Estimated Start� Date MEstimated Encl Uate _.............._ . ...... __._..._:.......w.........._._._._..._�..._.:...w..:.:..__..._...��....:__._.._ _..__......... 73683 10 GB EVIDENCE.COM A -LA -CART STORAGE- 94 08/01/2022 07/31/2027 73840 EVIDENCE.COM BASIC LICENSE 94 .............._._...._.w_...._..__.____..,.._......__.._..._._....._.__..._..__.._.....__,._.._...._._.__..m,.__...................._._._._.��_._....__.__.__.,�... 08/01/2022 07/31/2027 _._____._,.___._.__._....._...._...____....._____...._...._____..__..._........_.._..._._.._.....___._..._.__...._.._.__......_._._.__.._._.....__....... 73683 _..__..__..__..._.....___...._..._,...._..__....,r_........._..___.......____.._._._....w..._.__._._...............,__..._._.._._.._.._.__......._._.._....._.__....__.._.___......_._..._,. 10 GB EVI D EN C E. C O M A -LA -CART STORAGE- 54 08/01/2022 07/31/2027 73746 . ...... ..... .......... . PROFESSIONAL EVIDENCE.COM LICENSE 18 08/01/2022 07/31/2027 73683_._._._..._._..___ 10 GB EVIDENCE.COM A -LA -CART STORAGE- 2250 08/01/2022 07/31/2027 Page 3 Q-400545.44762.698BH Payment Details Jul 2022 _...._.._.._ Invoice .Plan ............_ Item ......... _____.._ __.... Description p_._._ Qt ._.._.. ..__.__ Subtotal .._. _.:.. ___......._...._....._...._.�.�...... Tax ___:._:....._w.. _. _:......:.._......._.. Tota _._.. ...w.....__..: Year 1 73683 .__._.__.__ ._....__._...._ .._ ....._....._........._...._._._.__...__..__.._.___......._.....__.___-__-.___._._...._._..._.__......___ 10 GB EVIDENCE.COM A -LA -CART STORAGE- 2250 -_.__....__._.,_.._ _ _...._....._........___..... $9,801.00 _ ...__._.w...._......._........_ __._.._.______._,_._................._._._:.__.._.....,........._._........_._...__......._....._.._.. $0.00 $9,801.00 _..__....... ______.._..__..._.._. __...__.._....__ Year 1 _.. _ __ __. ......... .._................._. _ _ BasicLicense _......_._...._._..._�._ _-.....__...._.._.__............_..... _._.._....__ ...._.._.....__.._.....__......_.....__......__.__...._.......__..._...._........._......__.__ .:__.._..._......_..._:_...__ Basic License Bundle 94 _..�___..�____._.._._.._._..__.� $16,920.00 ....._....__._.._._ $1,421.28$18,341.28 .__..�....._.__.... Year 1 ProLicense _.__.�._.........................___:.._....__..___.___....._.. �-._._.__._._.._._-._.___.____....._...._w_._-_�__._..___..._�.____..__._ Pro License Bundle 18 ..._..._... . ................_.._._...._...._...._........__$8,424.00___._.__......__......._._.:._._...._._._.._.......$707.62 . . ....... . . ..... . ... _..._._...,........._......_....__.._...__..._9,.13.1.62 . .....$35,1`45.00 . .........._.........._.._......_.............. ............-__....._... Total _.............. ._..................._............._..__......_..__...._...._.._........_.._....._. .............__..............................._._....._....._........_.... .......-....... .......__..._._............ _..... ......_.. ......... _... ......_ .._. ... $35,145.00Wu:.:::....::.:uw::.�..�._:.:�:, :.$21128.90 .w.-..._::.:.-:-_.:: - $37,273.90..:.� Jul 2023 . . ......._.........�. .......__..._ ......._ _. _:_...__._.. �....._.._..._. - - - _ . __.. _.........__...._...._........................_...:__._ Invoice Plan .............._............_...................._._:....__.:....:.:.._ Item ..__....._.. _.._.. _.._...__..._._. _. __.:......_.. __........... _.... ......... _..._ Description p .. Qt __.._w.:_.._._....._._._..._._.._:Y..._....._.......:.:.._.W.__.._....:_.: Subtotal _ _.._.._.:.:... w.:_.....:._...__....._.._ Tax _._._ _.__..._..�_._.. _..._� _ . _ _ .. _ Total __..::...__:.:............_.._..._:.:...._....w....._._,_.._..__....._.w......._._._.:.�.._..:.........._........._..........._._........_ Year 2 __. ..._....._ __._...__...._..__.:.._ 73683 ... _-.w_......._.._._.._._...._..__ _ _._.:__. _ __.._........._......�_. __._.._........__.._ .._ W.. _.�.�_._.__ ...:_.�_ __....._ 10 GB EVIDENCE.COM A -LA -CART STORAGE- _ __.:.......�._ 2250 _ _ $9,801.00 .._._.$0.00 $9,801.00 _._.__...._._...._......_...........__ -.__ Year 2BasicLicense _ _.._._.._..__._....__ __.._._._.__.._...._._._:_......__._....__._.. __.................._.__._.._.__-.......... -.1 Year 2 ProLicense _............. ......._....._..._._._.__ _......._.............__ ....... Total Jul 2024 Basic License Bundle 94_._,__._._...._.._._.�.__.$16,920.00_.....___.__..___ _..-...$1.,421.28._—_..:...._.._ ........ ..__.$18,341 ..... 28 nvoice Plan Item Description ..............__:._.__._..__:.. - Q t_.._ Subtotal _...____:.._..........._.._._........__..._. Tax _..._......._.._...___......._...._........_..._.._._.....__..._._.._.._.. Tota _. __.._...W _........ 'ear 3 W.,._._I?_..............._.._....:_:......_........_.._...__..__..._._.....:.. _._.__...�__.._. 73683 10 GB EVIDENCE.COM A -LA -CART STORAGE- _..._.._..__ .___._...__ ..._.: .. 2250 _-_- ............_...._...__ -_ $.9,801.00 „ _ _......_...._. __. . _ _ _ $0.00 �� ..._..._...__._._._.. $9,801.0( . ..__...._.__.._..._._................._......__.._..........._._...._.. 'ear 3 ..........................._ _...._......_..._......_:.....__............. ___._......_............__.__._._...._...............�___._....__......................_..........._... _....._..._.._._ ...__.._..............._......._.._.............._....__:..__........__......._.__...._...........................__..__.....__...._.. BasicLicense Basic License Bundle 94 _.._ _ _ .� __ .:_.._.._....M_...__.. $16,920.00 _._.__.-._..__..__..._ .._.._._.�___ $1)421.28 . __....._.__ _._..__ _ _.._..____._ $18,341.2f :___.._...._..._.__.._._. _ .... __.__........._........__.._.._.w....._.._.....___..._.._. 'ear 3 _........ ............... .............. _..... _...... _........ _ __..._ ._. _.__.....__._..__._.a..._...._......�_. _ ..._.__-. .._�...._........__.__._. ___.._..___._.._........ ____._._......__.___...._._ ProLicense Pro License Bundle ____._... 18 _.........................._.....,...._................._......._.._ $8,424.00 ...... .......... .... _.._......__....... ._._....._........._.._._............... $707.62 _..._..._.__......_.._............._........ _................. ........ _........._...... ....... $9131.61 ........_.._.._._.._.......... .........................,..,................. dotal .. . ... ....... ... . .......... . ...... . . ....... . . ..... . ... ......... . .....$35,1`45.00 . $2,128.90 $37,273.9(..... Jul 2026 _.._.......... . _........__.._......_.._..._.__......... _I....,.... _.............. . ........... . ._...._.......... __...._.._....... _. Invoice Plan ....... ..__ _.... _.._.. _._.._......._................ _....... ...... .................. ..... . .._.....__..:............ __...._ ...... ..... ._._....... _.... _....... ..... ........ _ __._.......... _......... ........ ......... .... Item Description p __._.._ ..... ..._........ ..... Qt _....... Subtotal _..........__::....._:......._._._.:.w:w.:_..__M._._�:_:_. Tax _..::......._..-W_.m:�._..._w--._::..w Total M ._..__.. Year 5 73683 10 GB EVIDENCE.COM A -LA -CART STORAGE- 2250 $9,801.00 $0.00 µ _y$9,801.00 Year 5 BasicLicense Basic License Bundle 94 $16,920.00 $1,421.28 18 341 28 Year 5 ProLicense Pro License Bundle 18 $8,424.00 $707.62 $9,131.62 _._ ... ........ Total _..... ......_.. ......... _... ......_ .._. ... $35,145.00 $21128.90 $37,273.90 Page 4 Q-400545-44762.698BH Tax is estimated based on rates applicable at date of quote and subject to change at time of invoicing. If a tax exemption certificate should be applied, please submit prior to invoicing. Standard Terms and Conditions Axon Master Services and Purchasing Agreement: ACEIP: Axon Enterprise Inc. Sales Terms and Conditions This Quote is limited to and conditional upon your acceptance of the provisions set forth herein and Axon's Master Services and Purchasing Agreement (posted at www.axon.com/legal/sales-terms-and-conditions), as well as the attached Statement of Work (SOW) for Axon Fleet and/or Axon Interview Room purchase, if applicable. In the event you and Axon have entered into a prior agreement to govern all future purchases, that agreement shall govern to the extent it includes the products and services being purchased and does not conflict with the Axon Customer Experience Improvement Program Appendix as described below. The Axon Customer Experience Improvement Program Appendix, which includes the sharing of de -identified segments of Agency Content with Axon to develop new products and improve your product experience (posted at www.axon.corn/legal/sales-terms-and-conditions), is incorporated herein by reference. By signing below, you agree to the terms of the Axon Customer Experience Improvement Program. Acceptance of Terms: Any purchase order issued in response to this Quote is subject solely to the above referenced terms and conditions. By signing below, you represent that you are lawfully able to enter into contracts. If you are signing on behalf of an entity (including but not limited to the company, municipality, or government agency for whom you work), you represent to Axon that you have legal authority to bind that entity. If you do not have this authority, please do not sign this Quote. Page 5 Q-400545.44762.698BH Signature 7/20/2022 Date Signed Page 6 Q-400545.44762.698BH