HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCC (004)August 2, 2022 Of (w4alt 4sn 5.09-349-232.6 Fax 509-349-2027 121 So Main St. WARDEN, WASHINGTON 98857 0 "on Board of County Commissioners SENT VIA EMAIL AND USPS Attn.-,Janice Flynn Administrative Services Coordinator PO Box 37 Ephrata,, WA 98823 1! REA .Strategic Infrastructure Project —SIP No. 2.0.20-04-08 City of Warden, Truck Parking Fadlity Deas Janice The City of Warden is requesting a payment for the above refe� renced funding. Documentation is provided with the required Project Certification form, Design and planning are nears ycomplete on this project. Addition I funding will be sought for I a n part of the construction at, a later date. Your consideration for this payment is appreciated. Sincerely, Kristine Shuler Clerk-Treasurer/City Administrator City of Warden GRANT COUNTY STRATEGIC INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM ]PROJECT CERTIFICATION Thi's form must be signed and returned, with an invoice, for the approved funding,urs before reimbursement * - einent can be approved by Grant C,'ounty, SIP Project ProposalNumber: 2020-04 SIP Funding Recipient: City of Warden SIP Proj 0, ct Desetiption: Warden Commercial Truck Parking Fac ii 1, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered/ and/or the labor petfonned as des * 0 , cribed in the Pr 'ect proposal for the above -referenced SIP Pray and that I am, authorized toauthent -ica te and certify to this claim, I also certify that this claim is just and due, and is anunpaid obligation against Grant County. Further, according to the SIP Project Fund Policies, I attest that at the next.audit of my entity, this. project shall be called to the attention of the Washington. State Auditor's Office - and an emphasis audit will be requested to assure that these funds were expended toward the prod and accord oJ iuy to the intent of the proposal. Sign tore k,1 Y't��Tl {�t Printed Name Date Signed Printed Title Completed, signed original certification and invoice are to be mailed. to, Administrative Services Coordm*ator, PO Box 379 Eph - rata, WA 98823 ATTACHMENT 4 Strategic Infrastructure Program - City of Warden (SIP 2020-04) Reimbursement Request - #1 Vendor Inv No. 61j000.00 Amount Gray & Osborne 20874.0 1 $ 737.82 Gray & Osborne 20874.0 2 $ 454.46 Gray & Osborne 20874.0 3 $ 425*25 Gray & Osborne 20874.0 4 $ 1..156.02 Gray & Osborne 20874.0 5 $ 296010 Gray & Osborne 20874.0 6 $ 40064.89 Gray & Osborne 20874.0 7 $ 6.350.18 Gray & Osborne 20874.0 8 $ 1,.079.24 Gray & Osborne 20874.0 9 $ 1,.714009 Gray & Osborne 20874.0 10 $ 5.,654.52 Gray & Osborne 20874.0 11 $ 1.,738.75 Gray & Osborne 20874.0 12 $ 674.45 Gray & Osborne 20874.0 13 $ 809.34 Gray & Osborne 20874.0 14 $ 592.21 Gray & Osborne 20874.0 15 $ 2.,577.77 Gray & Osborne 20874,0 16 $ 5;105.35 Tota 1 $ 33,430.44 SIP Project Award $ 61j000.00 Relmb, Request #1 $ (33,430.4-4) Unspent award $ 27,569.56 STiling UmIts Total Billings L'I'm it Remaining 737.82 Current Prior To -Date 737.82 0.00 737.82 67,200.00 86,462.18 Total this Involce $737.82 R 1 1 Q Aq Ili ^s Pr% 0 0 1 i R ^ r1n.4 1 I r1.1% A me%^e% W_ C 0 NS U L'r it -i (I E NO IN 5E rIS invoice City of Warden January 4, 2021 Project No: 208 74.00 121 South Main Street Invoice No: Warden, WA 98857 Project 20874.00 Truck Parking Lot E lofes�i 0 onall-$ervicos from -December 6,, 2020 to December31,,.2020 Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Env. Spec, Powers, Russell 6.50 113-51 737-82 Totals 6.50 737.82 Total Labor STiling UmIts Total Billings L'I'm it Remaining 737.82 Current Prior To -Date 737.82 0.00 737.82 67,200.00 86,462.18 Total this Involce $737.82 R 1 1 Q Aq Ili ^s Pr% 0 0 1 i R ^ r1n.4 1 I r1.1% A me%^e% W_ CONSULTING ENGIMEF.Pg Invo-alce UY of Warden February 9, 2021 Project No., 20874.00 121 South Main Street Invoice No: 2 warden, vvA uud*r Project 20874.00 Truck Parking Lot Erofesslonal Servicesfro . M.JangpMt 2021 td Januaa 30,-2021 Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Env. Spec, Powers, Russell 3.50 113.51 397.29 Technician o Covell, Allan .50 114.33 57.17 Totals 4.00^ 454.�'ffqo Total Labor Billing Limits Total Billings Limit Remaining 464-46 Current Prior To -Date 454.46 737.82 11192.28 67,200,00 66,007.72 Total this Invoice L4 . 54.46 1130 Rainier Avenue S., Suite 3o0 Seattle. Washington 98144 (2061 284 -0860 Foix (206) 283.3206 Ckr (As. CONSULTING ENGINEEFIS 1130 Rainfor Avenue S., Suite 300 Sectile. Washington 08144 (206) 284.0860 Fax (206) 283-3206 June 25, 2021 City of Warden Project No: 20874.00 121 South Main Street Invoice No.o 3 Warden, WA 98857 Project 20874.00 Truck Parking Lot Professional 82Lv1qes.froLn May,231 2021 to June 19 Profess*lonal Personnell Hours Rate Amount P. Engineer Ankney, Jamin Zoo 127.49 254.98 Env. Spec. Powers, Russell 11.50 113.6 1 170.27 Totals 3.50 426.25, Total Labor 425.26 Billing Limits Current Prior To -Data Total Billings 425.26 .11192.28 11617,63 Limit 6 7 0 1200.0 Remaining 65,682.47 Tota I this invoice - - — Oft".0ft". - . t426.25 1130 Rainfor Avenue S., Suite 300 Sectile. Washington 08144 (206) 284.0860 Fax (206) 283-3206 1130 Rainier Avenue S., Suite 300 Seattle, Washington 98144 (206) 284-0860 Fax X206) 283-3206 01041.01 OF1 W41" dill EM11-1E G_Va.Y &-') Osbcmvric, IrLe. CONST LT114G ENGINEERS Invoice JI July 19, 2021 City of Warden P . "ect No: rol 20874.00 121 South Main Street Invoice No: 4 Warden, WA 98857 Project 20B74.00 Truck PaTking Lot Professional Services from Jggg,gO. 2021, to.,Jul17, 2021 V Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Engineer In Training Woodkey, Michael 1.00 121.73 121.73 P. Engineer Ankney, Jamin 1.50 135.71 203.67 Env. Spec. Powers, Russell 5.00 118.44 592.20 Civil Engr. DeVries, Timothy 1.00 119.26 119.26 Technician Covell, Allan 1.00 11 9.26 119-26 Totals 9.50 1 rl 56.02 Total Labor 1 56.02 Billing Limits Current Prior To -Date Total Billings 1,1156.02 11617.63 21773.65 Limit 67,200.00 Remaining 64,426.45 Total this Involve. $11,166JI02 1130 Rainier Avenue S., Suite 300 Seattle, Washington 98144 (206) 284-0860 Fax X206) 283-3206 01041.01 OF1 W41" dill EM11-1E 1130 Rainier Avell Lle S.. S Uit9 300 Seattle, Washington 98144 (206) 284-0860 Fax (206) 283-3206 Pro*ipii co w4win.-.1 v-jvor C_Xv4ty 8-z Ostpolvile'� CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1_nvo.i.ce August 20, 2021 City of Warden Project No: 20874.00 121 South Main Street Invoice No: 5 Warden, WA 98857 Project 20874.00 Truck Parking Lot Professional Services from July, 18, 2021 to Augu..,st 1x,021 Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Env. Sped, Powers, Russell 2.50 118.44 296.10 Totals 2.60 296.10 Total Labor 298.'10 Billing Limits Current Prior To` ate Total Bfilings 296.10 2,773.65 31069.65 Limit 67$200.00 Remaining 64,130.35 Total this Invoice- 1296.10 -4 1130 Rainier Avell Lle S.. S Uit9 300 Seattle, Washington 98144 (206) 284-0860 Fax (206) 283-3206 Pro*ipii co w4win.-.1 v-jvor ga> &-r- Otk:.7boi-vne%7 lit-i4co CONSULTING ENGINEERS Innice September 21, 2021 City of Warden 121 South Main Street Project No: 20874.00 Invoice No: 6 Warden, WA 98857 Project 20874.00 Truck Parking Lot Professional Sery1ces from Augupt,15,, 2021 to Sei)tembor 11, 2021 Professional Personnel Hours Rate P. Engineer Ankney, Jarnin 1.50 135.71 Env. Spec. Powers, Russell 16.50 118.44 C!,vil Engr. DeVdes, Timothy 2.50 119.26 Technician Covell, Allen .50 119*26 PLS Benson, Lawrence 1.00 164,63 Surveyor Hata, Gregory 5.00 62.61 Leitzel, William 5.00 102.98 Totals 32.00 Total Labor Reimbursable Expenses Mileage Additional Fees Drone Total ReImbursables Total Additional Fees Silling Limits Total Billings Limit ti Remaining 1.0 times Amount 203.57 11954,26 298.15 59.63 154-63 312.55 514.90 31497-69 33497.69 67.20 67.20 67,20 500.00 600.00 600.00 Current Prior To -Date 41064.89 31069.65 71134.54 67l200.00 K065.46 Total this Invoice -------------- t.4 89 .4064. 7 1130 Rainier Avenue S.. Suite 300 Seattle. Washington 98144 1206') 284-0860 Fax (206) 283-3206 CONSULTINCs' ENGMUC nS Invoice October 15, 2021 City of Warden Project No: 20874.00 121 South Main Street Invoice No: 7 Warden, WA 98857 Project 20874,00 Truck Parking Lot ProfessionalServicesir 2v 2 from pt ab 1 021 to Octobor 9, 2024 Professional Personnel 1130 Raider AvellUe. S.. SURe 300 Seattle, Washington 98144 (206) 284-0860 Fax (205) 283-3206 Hours Rate Amount Engineer In Training Wier, Justin 2.00 105.28 210.66 Woodkey, Michael 18.50 121,73 21252.01 Env. Spec. Powers, Russell .50 118.44 59.22 Technician Covell, Allan 20.00 119.26 21385.20 PLS Benson, Lawrence 9.00 164.63 11391.67 Totals 60.00 8,298.66 Total Labor 6s298.66 Reimbursable Expenses Mileage 51.52 Total Rolmbursables 1,0 times 81,62 61-62 Billing Limits Current Prior TowDiate Total Billings 61350-18 714134.54 13,484.72 Limit 67,200.00 Remaining 53,715.28. Total this Invoice- 16.1350. 8 1130 Raider AvellUe. S.. SURe 300 Seattle, Washington 98144 (206) 284-0860 Fax (205) 283-3206 4:R i> exrbety Coll",$ U 1JJ NIG 'EINGiNEE-P�q 1.nvolce City of Warden November 15, 2021 Pro 1 . 21 South Main Street ject No: 20874.00 Invoice Warden, WA 98857 Project 20874.00 Truck Parking Lot PLo.f.essional Services from October 10, 2021 to November 6, 2021 Professional Personnel 1130Rainioi-Ave[ILle,'..Sudo 3OO,. Set'.' 111e. ftshtnglon 98144 1.206) 284-C),%() Farx (206.) 283-3206 Hours Rate Amount Engineer In Training Wier, Justin 2.00 105.28 210.56 Woodkey, Michael 6.00 121,73 730.38 Technician Covell, Allan 1.00 119.26 119.26 Totals 9.00 19060-20 Total Labor, 11060,20 Reimbursable Expenses 4 Mileage 19.04 Total Reimbursables 1.0 times 19-04 19.04 Billing Limits Current Prior To -Date Total Billings 11079.24 13,484.72 141563-96 Limit 67,200.00 Remaining 52t636.04 Total this Invoice 9A 1130Rainioi-Ave[ILle,'..Sudo 3OO,. Set'.' 111e. ftshtnglon 98144 1.206) 284-C),%() Farx (206.) 283-3206 [ Invoice I December 14, 2021 City of Warden Project No: 20874.00 121 South Main Street Invoice No: 9 Warden, WA 98857 Project 20874.00 Truck Parking Lot Professional Services from November 21 to December 4,9 Professional Person not Hours Rate Amount Engineer In Training Wood Bey, Michael 9.00 121.73 11095.67 PLS Benson, Lawrence 4.00 154.63 618.62 Totals 13.00 11714.09 Total Labor 11714.09 Billing Limits Current Prior To -Date Total Billings IJ14.09 14,563.96 16,278.05 Limit 67,200.00 Remaining 50,921.95 Total this Invoice 1100 Rainier Avenue S., Suite 309 Spzitflel. Washington 98144 (206) 28.4-0800 Rix (206) 283-3206 GVZAIY i r Invoice City of Warden January 05, 2022 Project No: 20874.00 121 South Main Street Invoice No: 10 Warden, WA 98857 Project 20874.00 Truck Parking Lot Professional Services from December 0S..2021 to December 31,. 021 Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Engineer In Training Renterla, Julio 2.60 136.54 341.36 Woodkey, Michael 7.00 121.73 852.11 PLS Benson, Lawrence 7.00 154-63 11082.41 Surveyor Hata, Gregory 12.00 62.51 750.12 Leltzel, William 18.50 102.98 11905.13 Schulkin, Brian 4.00 127.66 610.60 Totals 51.00 51441.72 Total Labor 6,441.72 Reimbursable Expenses Mileage 212.80 Total Reimbursables U times 212.80 212.80 Billing Limits C urrent Prior To -Date Total Billings 5,664.62 16,278.05 21,932.57 Limit 67t200.00 Remaining 45,267,43 Total this Invoice - ----- - 10,664.52 I 30 RvainieNr Avr�nUO S.. SUite '300L Sr -l -Wille. M-94.3h4icl"011 98-144 (206) 284-0860 Fax f206) 28%31.3206 Invoice City of Warden 121 South Main Street Warden, WA 98857 � a4l� CONSULTING ENGINEERt,33 February 5, 2022 Project No: 20874.00 Invoice No: 11 Project 20874.00 Truck Parking Lcit Profession lA2Uices from January 2,2022 to Janna ly 29, 2022 Professional Personnel 1130 Rainier Avenue S.. Suite 300 Seattle, Washington 98,1114 (206) 284-0860 Fax (206) 283-32C)6 Hours Rate Amount Engineer In Training Woodkey, Michael 2.50 121.73 304-33 P, Engineer Ankney, Jamin 1.00 135.71 135.71 Technician Covell, Allan 7.00 119.26 834.82 PLS Benson, Lawrence 3.00 164,63 463.89 Totals 13.60 11738.75 Tota I Labor 11738,75 Bill -Ing Limits Current Prior To -Date Total Billings 11738.75 21,932.67 231671.32 Limit 67,200.00 Remaining 43,628.68 Total this Invoice $1138.76 1130 Rainier Avenue S.. Suite 300 Seattle, Washington 98,1114 (206) 284-0860 Fax (206) 283-32C)6 CONMw it of Warden March 4, 2022 Project No: 2.0874.00 121 South Main Street Involoe No: 12 Warden, WA 98857 Project 20874.00 Truck Parkihg Lot P E.9 f g .;stonal Services from d-anuary *3.q., gL2g_. o_ ebrua[y 26,20 Professional Personnei Hours Rate Amount Engineer In TrainIng Woodkey, Miclubl 6-.00 134D 674.45 Totals .6.00 674,45 TGtaf Labor Billing Limits Total Billings Limit Reiti-alhing Current Prior To -Date 674.45 '23,6`x'1 ,32 24,845-77 67;2004,00 4�.1-854,23 Total this Inv -oleo, 674AS 1180 Rainier Memo S.. SUIte 300 Seattle, Washington 98144 (206) 284-0860 Fax (206) 283-3206 G 0 N S U L T NG E N G N E E il S =1nivoice — 1130 Rainier Avenue S,, Suite 300 Seattle, Washlngtc)n 98144 (206) 284-0860 Fax (206) 283-3206 April 6, 2022 City of Warden Project No: 20874.00 121 South Main Street Invoice No.: is Warden, WA 98857 Project 20874.00 Truck Parking Lot .Professionall Services tror February -27,2022 to March 26, 2022 Professlo,na[ Personnel - Hours Rate Amount Engineer In Training Woodkey, Michael 6.00 134.89 809.34 Totals 6.00 809-34 Totat Labor 809.34 13111ing Limits Current Prior To -Date Total Billings 809.34 24,345.77 25,156.11 Limit 67,200.00 Remaining 42,044.89 Total) this Invoice 1130 Rainier Avenue S,, Suite 300 Seattle, Washlngtc)n 98144 (206) 284-0860 Fax (206) 283-3206 Ots�bo Invoice City of Warden April 29, 2022 121 South Main Street Projeot No: Warden, WA 98857 Invoice No: Project 20.874.00 Truck Parking Lot Pro—fassional S from March 27,, -entlees .12022 22 Professional Personnel 20874.00 14 Engineer In Training HOUrs Kate Amount Woodkey, Michael 1,00 134,89 134.89 P. Engineer Ankney, Jamin .50 149-70 7 4.85. Technician Covell, Allan 3,00 127-49 3 82.47 Totals 4.50 592.21 Total Labor 13111ing Limits Total Billings Limit Remaining 592-21 Current Prior To -Date 592.21 25,155.11 A251747.32 67,200.00 41,462.6a Total this Invoice .69 "J'9116 �14 1130 Rainier Avenue S.. SLIfte,300 Seattle. Mashiligton 98-144 (206) 284.,0860 Fax (206) 283-3206 Inca 1 i CONSULTING Q'NGINEERS Invoice May 23, 2022 City of Warden Project No: 20874.00 121 South Main Street Invoice No: Warden, WA 98657 Project 20874.00 Truck Parking Lot Profegslonal Services Lrom Aorill 24, 2022 Jo May 21 2 Profossionall Personnel Hours Rate Amount Engineer In Training Woodkey, Whael 3.00 134.69 404-67 Env. Spec. Powers, Russell 7,50 127.49 956,18 Civil Engr, DeVries, Timothy 1.00 133.25 133,25 Technician Covell, Allen 8.60 127.49 11083.67 Totals 20.00 21577,77 Total Labor 29677.77 13111fing Umlats Current Prior To-Date Total Billings 21577.77 25,747.32 28,326.09 Limit 67,200.00 Remaining 38,874.91 d. Total this Invoice $2,677,77 1130 Rc&inier Avenue S., Suite 300 Seattle. Washington 98144 (206) 284-0860 Fax (206) 283-3206 CONSUL*rING LNGINEERS Invoice City of VVarden 121 South Main Street Warden, WA 98857 Project 20874.00 Truck Parking Lot Pro Lesalo efy1ces troy .MO_v_222022 to June 1.84 2022. Professi*onal Personnel 74-85 127.49 Hours Engineer In Training 127.49 Woodkey, Michael 1.00 P. Engineer Ankney, Jamin .60 Env. Spec. Powers, Russell 8.60 Techn Uan Covell, Allan 1.00 Totals 11.00 Total Labor Consultants Electrical Consultants 6/16/2022 Connetix Engineering, [no, Total Consultants Billing Limits Current Total Billings 5,105.35 Limit Remaining June 24, 2022 Project No: 20874.00 Invoice No: 16 Rate Amount 134.89 134.89 149.70 74-85 127.49 1$083.67 127.49 127.49 11420.90 ls420,90 31349.50 1 *1 times 3,349.60 3,684,46 Prior To -Date 28v325-09 33,430,44 671200.00 33,769.56 Total this Invoice 1130 Raln'ter Avenue S.. Suite 300 SOattle, Washitiglon 98144 (206) 284-0860 Fax (206) 283-3206 ll' 1:9.connetl x� cvnne�iairig ideas with solutions P.U. Bax 8326 14-30 N. 16th Ave, Suite A Yakima, WA 98902 (509) 965-9872 Gray & Osborne, Yakima 180 ivory Horse Dunt Yakima, WA 9890 1 INVOICE DATE INVOICE NO. 613112022 20874.0522 M ■ k • JV� � .A.I. I• � • � r. ■1 M'Y� .w City of Warden 20874 Truck Parking Lot Planning Design DEMRIP I N HOURS RATE AMOUNT For Professional Services from 06101/22 through 05/31/22 Principal l En inner 01 189.00 94.50 Registered Professional Englneer 21 155.00 31255.00 Fee $4tOOO Total Earned To Data PF349.50 Remaining $,60a50 Amount Due This Invoice $31349.50 d, Pax 501M49-2027 12.1 8o Main 8t. WARDMs WAISHINGTON 98$57 February 16, 2022 Board of County Commissioners ,Adm1n1str6TIvia SetAcesCoordinator PO Box 37 Ephratat WA '98823 RE; Strategic Infrastructure ProJect SIP No, 2020-04 MY of Wardenmmerdal Truck Parking Facility Project Dear Commissioners, The City of Warden Is requesting an extension for the above refine-nted funding. The current expiration Is February '28,,2o2z., It Is Or Nquest to extend the date io Atigust 10, 2022. Utenslon Is ceded to co.Mplete the design phase that was. dbliayeA due to labor IMP % With engineerlog services �tje to cOV11) restrictions, Your consideration for this extend on Is APPreclated, Sincerely, 19 J TO Y 's I'moyor City of Worden