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Grant Related - BOCC (007)
GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS To: Board of County Commissioners From: Janice Flynn, Administrative Services Coordinator Dabn June 23, 2022 Re: Authorization for Release of BOCC Approved Funds, Dept of Commerce, Emergency Solutions Grant #20-46130-100, Reimbursement #30, City of Moses Lake, Request #19 The City of Moses Lake has requested reimbursement for the above -referenced grant, per the contracted guidelines in the amount of $16,694.65. The invoice and supporting documentation are attached for review. I am requesting the release of funds for payment to City of Moses Lake in the amount of $16,694.65. City of Moses Lake PO Box 1579 Moses Lake,, WA 98837' TO Grant County Atfn,- Janice Flynn Via Email INVOICE DATE June 1.4., 2022 DEPT #110 INVOICE #CDH22.06 FOR,* EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANT COVID-1 9 BILL CODE: ERESG DescriiptionAmount Subcontract work for -rant County.: Dept of Commerce Contract 20-46130-100 Ace Hardware ...... $15.12 ......... Basin Septic ---- $220.00.,,/--- General Laundry -April $1 1358.00 .. .............. ... . .......... General Laundry- May $11956..26,/ Grant Co. PUD- April. may $475.90 ✓ Groundworks 3., LLC $4,583.33,,/ HopeSDouro e $5,370.58 Modern Buil In $894.31 . ........ . Will cot $1 t 821.15 ,REFERENCE INVOICE" NUMBER, ON PAYMENT TO: EN U: -A PROM RE AESPONSE Payment is due within 30 days of invoice date, Bolance $16*,694v65 Due Make all checks payable to City of Moses Lake or call 509-764-3715 or 3719 to pay with a credit card, If you have any questions concern . ing this invoice, contact Finance Department at 509.764,3732 or 0:) 7:� r, 0 RECEIVED I r-, - `�' A INT COUNlY COAANMSS MERS a �<WASHINGTON J Form19-IA STATE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE VOUCHER DISTRIBUTION DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE PO BOX 42525 OLYMPIA, WA 08504-2525 AGF14CY NUMSER Short Code Commerce Contract Number '1030 20-4613C-100 1NSTRUCTIONtroVENDOR OxCt.arrnANT: Submit this form to claim payment for materials, merchandise or services, Shatlx complete detail lar each itern, Contact Person: VENDOR OR CLAIMANT (Warrant is to be payable to,) Cad Cortez Vendor's Certificate: The individual signing this voucher below warrants they have the authority to do so as authorized and on behalf of the entity identified in the Vendor/Claimant section. The individual signing below cartines under penalty of perjury that the Items and totals listed heteln are propr;r-charges for materials, merchandise or services rurntshed to the State of Washington, and that all goods furnished andlar services rendered have been provided without discrimination because of age, sex. marital status, race„ treed, color, national origin, handicap, religion orVietnam era or disabled veterans status, s By.,. Phone—, Email:. Contract Pedod* 500-764.37`42 ' a+i of I.ctim 711512020-19/3012022 (SIGI IN BLUE INK) Housing and Grants Coordinator � REPORT PERIOD. 51112422-513112022 (TITLE) �OATEj DATE DESCRIPTION BUDGET PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED AMOUNT THIS INVOICE AWARD REMAINING BALANCE. AbMIN $89,131.00 $89,104.50 $26.50 ;HMIs $20,000..00 34,659.61 $1,,131.29 $14,009,10 OUTREACH $20,014.00 $1,506.82 $10.51 $18,482.67 stlELrERCASE MANAGEMENT $4081891:03 $408,891`:43 $0.00 SHELTER OPERATIONS $364,758.04 $297,946.79 $11,393.7 $55,417.88 RAPIO RE -HOUSING WE MANAGEMENT $107,977.30 $105257.91 $2,71939 RAPID RE -HOUSING RENTAL ASSISTANCE $80,000.00 $19,381.68 51,20U0 -$59,,418.32 RAPID RE -HOUSING OTHER FINANCIAL ASSI$$TANCE ' $101000.00 $0,04 $101000.00 PREVENTION CASE MANAGEMENT $70;000.00 $909.64 $240.09 $68,80,27" PREVENTION RENT A'5S15TANCE $1DO, 500,00 $4,200.00 $96,300.00 PAEVENTWON OTHER FINANCIAL: ASSISTANCE $2,050.00 $0.00 $2,050.00 Match: 82Ii J< dollar f Coding PROGRAM APPROVAL (The individual Signing this vouchervrarrantsthey have th& authority to si{yr hiss voucher;) PMNTED NAME: SIGNATURE DATE p4iG DATE CURRENT DOC, NO. REFERENCE DOC NOVENDOR NUMBER and'S'UFFDX ACCOUNT NO, ASDRUM4BER VENDOR fJES$ACaE TRAM CODE SUR IMASTM SOB OBJ SUB GL. INDEX 081 ACCs` SUBSID AMOUNT INVOICE SIGNATURE 4F ACCOUNTING PREPARE'R FOR PAYMENT DATE WARRANT TOTAL ACCOUNTING APPROVAL FIJI+; PAYMENT DATE Expenses. Grantee Subcontractor #1 Subcontractor #2 Subcontractor #3 Subcontractor #4 Subcontractor#5 Subcontractor#6 q, -2,AV-2-A. NIX- m m� M $0.00 HMIS $1.,131.29 Vaccine incentives (iinique activity): $0.00 Trainin - (un g ique activity) $0.00 Street Outreach Outreach Essential Services $10.51 $10.51 Hazard Pay (unique activity) $0.00 Handwashing stations1portable bathrooms1laundry (unique $0.*00 Volunteer Incentives (unique activity) $0.00 Training (unique activity) $0.00 Coordinated Entry COVID Enhancements (unique activity) $0.00 Cell Phones (unique activity) $0.00 Subtotal Street Outreach $0.00 $0.00 $10.51 $0.00 $0.001 $0.00, $0.00 $10.51 n ZA Perrhane EMprgqnp- sh e, er 7asell,,,..,,,. anage., 'X 5PAPaY, $ 0.00 fe- e, so -00 $0.00 Air% $0.0 0 0.00 z Hal' $0.00 Y 'I'U", vmq0o�d M, A, 01,11A ,V4 "'N","""'A 0'' $0.00 rqinyg�.,, q,Jq t t )�l N 0�.Ill� $0.00 Pl. ,c �ub. o a, .,er mergep Sh t t t 'oq s: 4", "'A so -00 Temporary Emergency Shelter - ONLY USEIF APPROVED BY COMMERCE Shelter Case Management (including CE an'&Essential:Servi6as):, $0.00 Shelter Operations :,.$6 810.�04 $6,810.04 Leasing existing real property or�tempora structures, 583.33 ry $4.,583.33 $0.00 Hazard Pay.(unique activity).. 0.00 Volunteer Incentives (unique. activity), . $0.00 Training (unique activity) $0.00 Other Shelter Costs (pre -approved by, HUD) $0.00 $0. :$0.00 '$0.00 .00 00, Subtotal Temporary Emergerky Shelter:. �$0 $0.00 393.37 $0� $11393.37 Rapid Rehousing, RRH Rental Assistance. $112001 .00 200.00 RRH Other Firiancial Assistance -$0.00 RRH Case Management(including CE and Essential Services) . $2,719.39 $2,719.39 Hazard Pay (unique activity) Landlord Incentives (unique activity) 0 00 Volunteer Incentives (unique activity) , 00 $0 rainin Tung ue activity) 9 ( q , $0 00 Subtotal Ra �d. Rehousm p g , _ $0.00 $0.00 $3,919.39 $0.00 _ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3, 919.39 v Homelessness Prevention ' , Prevention Rental Assistance 0.00 Prevention Other Financial Assistance $0.00 Prevention Case Management (including CE and Essential Services) $240-09 $ 240 09 Hazard Pa (unique Y ( q activity) - 000 .. Landlord Incentives (unique active ( q tY) o.00 Volunteer Incentives (unique activity) - : . $0 00 Tralnin 9 (unique ' activitY) $0.00 I0. Subtotal Homelessness Prevention 0.00 240.09 $ 00 $ $ $ 0.00 $0.00 .. $0.00 - $0.00 $240.09 Invoice Total: :�Zb,W4.bb Ag Supply Ace Hardware Moses Lake . PAGE IRO I RIEWT TO AG SUPPLY COO PO)BOX 599 WE, NMCDEE , WA 98807 PHONE; (509) 707-0026 fts t; Na J'ab No Patahass Order Reference Clerk patm 4320 DUE IN FULL BY 10TH Vr,.At4 5/31/22 10-.40 Sold To: obit/ TOWN CX,gy OF MOS130 LAKE PARKS 4i Ur, Doc# 4564 411 BALSAM ST INVOICE I mosr"s Lum WA 98837 TAX : Mb MCSSEI LAKE: 1'r �ciPWN -QMDMR UN A= DEgCRIPTION. 1=10 PRI 2 EA 5073531 UY OCHLAGO SCI 2 2.59 /X& 5.18 2 *DA 5005209 K3YKMFTNR 068N CP BRASS 2 3.39 /EA 6.78 3 1 1 EA 593$931 CD 1rN SPLIT KEY RINGS 1.99 /9A 1.99 AMUNT CHARS D TO STORE AaCWHO t* 15.12 TAXABLE MON-TAXMM9 (CAAXTZHA (CARI) 0) SIJBIXOTAL TAX AWIMT 11'011AL ReaGiVed By w•F. THANX YOU FOR. %loppIt4a AT w TROY Ac* Pt4r[c:f ire dal. I Store. 16W 09/31/22 10:48AN VERN 6 74 IM •a.4 Mr a..+M.IW r4. r1 M 'by. � K15 4111 4r N... LLR,.W W e` 2 2.59 FA KE 419 EA CD !� LIT KE'''. R'TKn- TOTALr CHA-Ro • ° � { F ! 1 � .. _.......rte+; ° � I ND CLIcitomor Copy i �►4HY { 7� r .w• 'r H+wirNa° liJ�i{.JLhyj yyyy■■., �MM�1111 I�L{7 �//■1r}}.��w***n+.1'■♦..(w�•uI.11.•�7....KpLn.Qnar ' �Y. I�rW�Hi �I L (GART) Wll`►i�ll�� ..M►'n[rrb .Ml b.n.Y ....nY•.ar�rllM l'r .hwlLk a[a I ; ro(vi red for ur nsr) rstwrpl Z i�l� "b�� 1 1 1 ��� ��a1,��J E {����'i� �f•IJ! �i;i '���a �r�f:i 1.�.� � � e • 1 � r ! �i i,��'"fT,�,�r.I"y�_I'�r�'l'�����'�'►`�ri�rr'11"1°'1"r�jTr/'��'�r�"1''t�`��'t• rH" Teff lia ObOt Mir expo, riecj�wp tadt)y 411d ���j•Iti'I�i�R�'P��T"Iti�'i�'1'�7[f��1"nf 1�ie'�.r,Y��l•�r�l'T,�% �. �" � rI'd q• r r r Th1e wirvey InvitAtiObi 16 va tot, U. hoLimessary ifi� . t�c���� dart �� :r�r� � 1 r���rr •i:�� enter swempstok r Vole Basin Septic Services Ine, Invoice Date Invoice 0 6/4/2022 T58762 INVOICE 220 S Homilton Rd Moses Lake, WA 98937 Job At: CitY Of Moses Lake Phoft# SW -765-4002 roadway extended & Highway 17 PDX 0 509-765,7384 Moses Lake WA 98837 Rill To: City of Moses Lake P-0, Drawerl 579 *fD1UEASE11> A Moses Ute, WA 98837 *TMS AMOUNT $220.00 1 10 *'Iry #Jk gal; Make checks payable to: RR81H Septic Services Inc. Plmw check box If address is inconvat or has changed, and HM E -Mail? Please write it here: Indicate Chang s) on reverse side. m m om "0 6* 00 4M M or awaft a" ON sofa va am . *W NWM M M a* on ON Basin Septic selTices lite. PLEASE DE TACK AND RETURN TOP PORTION WITH PAYMENT 220 S Hamilton Moses Luko, WA 98837 AA • P60W Noe Terms Due Date ep Project T. I Not 60 8/3/2021 city Of —.13 r WeBroad,,, I Q-ty A, 0 1 jY Sftnitizey Stations - - 5/8/2022 - 6/4/2022 --- -M. " -- 4- M, Routed Service I - - 5/10--022 6/4/2022 2 110.00 2 22OvOO -OW001- 2• 6.00 'S&V, 0. 4fed .,Igo /a5/Zo22:Li6l 2 0.00 0.00 0--0 closed - -6/1/2 NO SERVICE 022 6/4/202-2 I .. 0 0.00 00. O,OOT L Subtotal Sales Tax (8a4%) THKRE WILL BE A $35 CHARGE POP. ALL RETURNED C.*,HF#CXS, TOO FINANCE CHARGES ON 30 DAY PAST MM ACCOUNTS ARE 1.5% PBR MONTI.1 WJTH A $5000 MINIMUM, P. ymelits/cridits 13111ing Inquiries? call 509-765-4002 alance Due $220POO $0000 $220.00r], $0900 1ND76951822 04/13122 05112/22 5,620 5.620 01000' 1,00 U00 KVVH No 00001139 0005625 0016-0030 T(ICSTMf 7060222022602 01 L 00001139 Page 16 of 30 Int: TMPLCA2 A ccount.Nu 6203200000 06/0112022 .06127/2022 $11,807.68 Customer: City of Moses Lake (Continued) service Address: Russell Ave 5 Moses Lake WA 98837-000 Continued 0-aw" xrer>a�sraariserzc-zau t# Demand,, Rate 2 - General Service PBiolling ac0044.0664 0 wer Ftor., 1,00 0% 0 Period: 04116/2022. - 05/16/2022 0 Usage Wtory (in KWH) 'Billing. 3186 Prior Balance UP"47 Payments 0.00 2549 Balance DUE IMMEDIATELY 505.47 Basic Charge 31 Days @ $1.04 S3224 Ehergy Charge 2,223.162 kWh @ $0.04245 $94,37 "SUBTOTAL ENERGY"'" 3 cj,, 13 7 CURRENT CHARGES 0 4 ip 126.61 1274 6 CURRENT AMOUNT DUE 637 May Jur Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Doc jqn Feb Mar Apr May 2021 2022 Service Address: 1045 Broadway Ave E Sleeping Center.. Moses Lake WA 98837-0000 1ND76951822 04/13122 05112/22 5,620 5.620 01000' 1,00 U00 KVVH No 00001139 0005625 0016-0030 T(ICSTMf 7060222022602 01 L 00001139 Ground Works 'three ILC 1224 S Pioneer Way Moses fie, WA 98837 Bill TO City of Dioses LWw 321 S Balsam St P.O. Boy, 1579 Moses fie, WA 98837 Date Invoice # 5/19!2022 9 .Program Staffing Changes. Pease com tete monthly to report new or departing P QGRAM staff staff Charge Type No Yes If yes, enter employee name, job tine, E email -� ATTN.- �16ra�ri76 7()R 1l3iSii it City of Moses take _ Grant Bat's Oetde. y-^• +�A�•, ,t,a4y�rRe . "'fi4K < '�"•a,t•bi'{?{ v`�° iip;oo,Af ,�C�i i.�i`lp�ER mro��-"°• �111A1y`, t ^1'Y,�E sL� i, r ..i ,ay, ,,,��•RF�2 ». W")�" r'' \t F\ � L �� y wt\�� 4N 4 ^,�' a�Y,F,r.44 �c �e� � �ry'y�`k�kgP� t,�'�S'L\YL- k ^�• 4>�• � t��"t�' �C+'t,?x k� ���� yy y `r � �' 'k, \ °4�K �;,, v1 A+ \ .. �c���Rk �' � � a "3 sn�•i-`•� � � s7 % , �"•?. ,,.t""� �� ' et' a.0?�FJ-`."C.�..'`�1i"C HOMELESS GRANTS GRANT REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST -- INSTRUCTIOMW TO VENDOR OR, CLAIMANT: Submit this form to request, payment for services car materials, CIN UE MOSES LAKE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Ptd BOX 1579 Attach accompanying proof of expenses (.e. receipts, timesheets) MOSES LAKE, WA 98837-1579 Vendor's Corllficatc. The Individual signiN this vourber betaivvmarrants that' have the authority to do so asautharizedand onbeholfoftt�entity identified tntheVeniiar/Claimants�e-loon, '�heIn�iivPdudtsic�nirsg below certifies. under penalty of perjury that the ilems.and totals listed herein are proper charges for matedals, merehandiso or•samces furnished f4i lite Grant, anti chat all goods furnished andhir sr rvteas rondemd have been provided Without discritninatiort btvjusip of age, sax, marital status, race, orad, color, national origin, handicap, religion or Vietnam era Or disabled velOrans status.. r POR.t3 C1-��Ilu4i" , arrrrk:is tp.e pttiaibl toj , Hapesource/Rapid Re-Housin /Hotel Voucher Program tt �cq tt 7QQ E Mountain ViewAve Suite 501 Ellensburg WA 98926 ',.�.,rz�'�vF�d`�uha .!6*. ��<����4f �: �Y� �'9���ic����£��, ���:'F�}'-sy 4�.is .�,.��;:�jZr'i'L*:�%fS4 ,�-Fh,.:,, � ��T s i r�/z""2,;iF-✓ '•-r.-� `,. By: Contact Person: us�n �rind.Ce �- .. { : `, Phone-, 509 9"97 (slGNxt°t'URE) ,.......... F�} �1��1�C� Sk t lwa t l +ria r3� :4111�Q2�#-9I3Ql2Q22 Title (DATE) REPORT PERIOD/Month & Year: may_22 � . -r - �.. � Y .�. �". ..-�,�.a.. ,�.f,.^. %n.>. i..,.,.......,: s,:J�,..v,a.kf",.< ,,, .:Y Y. ...,. !„ ..l''r _>,.. .;'2 ?. :R 3. �y <- ?, °sf! x4 b'?y �. ✓ice � � �{��i � ./is S'R'S 1 jt 'Y zz.. �s 1 # .. Grant`"Bud et ' ".. 1'Il 't -x#1 2 E5 wCV L>trre Items l; Reimb urtemeh ale .s.. , Lin ltrr ance. (4/1f1 -913 0/22) Ta«e Rqut - .ra ±�� .,f<, t.�..::+� Src,n•Jva2"�, �F. �nafTst��.`. 2;4;r. 5 M p1,457.22 '��3 '� ,..�{ $18,532.27 y 0 0 ) 6..4. 4. ,�1o7Tf} 2'rr 3..1 (.4 $�..5 987,07 77 a 07 .t1�:. !i• $1/5t'y5 191 �wul,� $19,381.68 1`200D .00 1:01000 '0 00 9.64 -850 .27 fft iC MOM S96 300 00 4 65011 J .t'4Q 1b 'V' i■.3.'F1� }6 NW -2-21 3 om , �fi �e. - :J$,z_.,s.,.-:S.'..2�.-F....,.:Sz„. 4�93t�,_NY.,:"-8�Ate8': .T- Ylh J �i,.<.:...,.._.. . � 4ss.�.-.ti..r�<.-st�.?:..<"3' ..b25 R��.?-.T %Y". t U € .�/.s�i•Y1..:�.}'�irX..' 'dj> New Grant Balance for Curren~ 19�650.21 Reimbursement Request this $12,804.72 Fiscal Year Deporting Period FOR CITY USE ONLY: Voucher Approval Signature: DATE: .Program Staffing Changes. Pease com tete monthly to report new or departing P QGRAM staff staff Charge Type No Yes If yes, enter employee name, job tine, E email Elope Source .Expanded General Ledger- BL- ESG=CV - Dnposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111- ESC- Grant County From 51112022 Through 5131/2022 DMsi... Personnel GL 0.00 Code Division Title Code GL Title Session ID Transaction Description 612001 Personnel 8711 Training & Opening Balance Salaries & Wages 1 A6 Opening Balance Technical Case Management 5.01 8.54.20 Assistance 612003 612001 Personnel 8711 Training & APIC40310 Mental Health Training -Inlay 2022 - Alishat Christina Case Management Technical +612003 Permanent: Shelter Assistance Salaries & Wages 512001 Personnel 8711 Training & AP1040413 Mental Head Training - May 2822 - Alisha, Christina Technical Permanent Shelter 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1274 Assistance Transaction Total Galan... Personnel 0.00 0.00 612001 1,064.88 54.48 10,790.85 1,34 x.91 612003 Penn ent Sheltar 7000 Salaries & Wages 1 A6 Opening Balance 703.63 Case Management 5.01 8.54.20 612003 Permanent- Shelter 7000 Saiariea & Wages CDSPRO1271 Payroll May 1-15, 2022 Case Management +612003 Permanent: Shelter 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1272 Payroll May 1-15, 2022 Case Management 612003 Permanent Shelter 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1274 Payroll May 16-51, 2022 Case Management 612003 Permanent- Shelter 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1275 Payroll May 16-31, 2022 Case management 612003 Permanent- Shelter 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1276 Accrued Vacation May 2022 Case Management 612003 Permanent Shelter 7000 Salaries & Mages CDSPRO1278 Accrued Vacation May 2022 Case Mmagement 612003 Permanent Shelter 7100 FICA & medicare CDSPRO1271 Payroll May 1-15,2022 Case Management Expense 612003 Permanent- Shelter 7100 FICA & Medicare CDSPRO1272 Payroll May 1-15,2022 Case Management Expense 612003 Permanent- Shelter 7100 FICA & Medicare CDSPRO1274 Payroll may 16-31, 2022 Case Management Expense 612003 Permanent- Shelter 7100 FICA & Medicare CDSPRO1275 Payroll May 16-31, 2022 Case Management Expense 612003 Perrrranent Shelter 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1271 Payroll May 1-15, 2022 Case Management Date: 611 W22 09A 8:0 AM Debit Credit u.w 180.00 180.00 1 8U.UU l t$U.UU 0.00 0.00 9,018.80 1,064.88 54.48 10,790.85 1,34 x.91 56.41 257.30 1 A6 1.02 703.63 5.01 8.54.20 5.98 1,064.88 Page:1 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL ESC -CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111- ESG- Grant County From 51112022 Through W112022 Divisi... GL Code Divislon Tile Code CL Title Session ID Transaciion Description Debit Credit 612003 Permanent- Shelter 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1272 Payroll May 145, 2022 9.60 Case Management 612003 Permanent- Shelter 7141 Employee Tax CDSPRO1274 Payroll May 1£31, 2022 1,340.91 Case Management 612003 Permanent- Shelter 7101 Employee Tax ODSPRO 1275 Payroll May 16-31, 2022 12.00 Case Management 6120€ 3 Permanent- Shelter 7105 Health Benefrts CDSPRO1271 Payroll May 1-15, 2022 650.07 Case Management 612003 Permanent Shelter 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1272 Payroll May 1-15, 2022 18.59 Case Management 612003 Permanent- Shelter . 71 D5 Health Beneffis CDSPRO1274 Payroll May 16-31, 2022 730.33 Case Management 612003 Permanent Shelter 7105 Health Bonus CDSPRO1275 Payroll May 16-31, 2022 19.65 Case Management 612003 Pemnanent- Sher, 7106 Unemployment CDSPRO1271 Payroll May 14 6, 2022 101.81 Case Managemnt Insurance Exp 612003 Permanent Shelter 7106 Unemployment CDSPRO1272 Payroll May 1-15, 2022 0.70 Case Management Insurance Exp 612003 Permanent- Shelter . 7106 Unemployment CDSPRO1274 Payroll May 16-31, 2422 105.43 Case Management Insurance Exp 612003 Permanent Shelter 7106 Unemployment CDSPRO1275 Payroll May 16-31, 2022 0.75 Case Management Insurance Exp - 612003 Permanent- Shelter 7107 L & 1 tax expense CDSPRO1271 Payroll May 1-15,,2022 140.99 Case Management 612003 Permanent- Shelter- 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1272 Payroll May 1-15,2022 0.98 Case Management 612003 Permanent- Shelter 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1274 Payroll May 16-31, 2022 165-05 Case Management - 612003 Permanent- Shelter 7107 L & I tax +expense CDSPR-01275 Payroll May 16-31, 2022 0.86 Case Management 6'12003 Permanent Shelter 8010 Pratessbnal Fees, AP1040M ADP: Background Checks (lrry #2212754-05-2022) - 53.06 Case Management May 2022 - Madisen Transaction Total 281€4.08 2,406.81 Balan... Permanent Shelter 23,757-27 612003 Case Management 612004 RRH Case 7000 Salaries & Mages {opening Balance 0.00 Management Date: aM OM M.16:20 AM Page: 2 D!Y`S1..■ RRH Case Code Division Tide 612004 RRH Case Sesefon ID Management 612004 RRH Case CDSPRO1271 Management 612004 RRH Case CDSPRO1274 Management 612004 RRH Case CDSPRO1276 Managernent 612004 RRH Gast: CDSPRO1271 Management 612004 RRH Case (Management 612004 RRH Case CDSPRO1274 (Management 612004 RRH Case Management 512004 RRH fire CDSPRO1271 Management 612004 RRH Case CDSPRO1274 Management 612004 RRH Case CDSPRO1271 Management 612004 RRH Case CDSPRO1274 Management 612004 RRH Case CDSPRO1271 Management Bala) I... RRH Case 612004 Management 612005 Outreach- Sesefon ID Personne[ 612005 Outreach- CDSPRO1271 Pemnnel 612005 Outreach - CDSPRO1274 Personnel 61.2045 Outreach - CDSPRO1276 Personnel Date: 6110= 09.16:20 AM Hope Source Expanded Genera[ Ledger- BL- ESC -CV - Dnposted Transactions Included In Report 6M X211'1 - ESG- Grant County From 511/2022 Through 5/31/2022 GL Opening Balance 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1272 Payroll May 1-15, 2022 Code GL Title Sesefon ID Transaction Description 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1271 Payroll May 1-151 2022 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1274 Payroll May 16-31, 2022 7000 Salaries & Mages CDSPRO1276 Accrued Vacation May 2022 7100 FICA; & Medicare CDSPRO1271 Payroll May 1-15,2022 Expense 7100 FICA & Medicare CDSPRO1274 Payroll May 16-31, 2022 Expense 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1271 Paymfl May 1-15,2022 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1274 Payroll May 16-31,2022 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1271 Payrol[ May 1-15, 2322 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1274 Payroll May 16-31$ 2022 7106 Unemployment CDSPRO1271 Payroll May 1-15,2022 Insurance Exp 7106 Unemployment CDSPRO1274 Payroll May 16-31:,2022 Insurance Exp 7107 L & I tax expense GDSPRO1271 Payroll May 1-15,2022 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1274 Payroll May 16.31, 2022 Transaction Total 7000 Salaries & Wages Opening Balance 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1272 Payroll May 1-15, 2022 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1275 Payroll May 16-31,,2022 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1278 Accrued Vacation May 2022 Debit Credit 1,057.2{ 131.65 1,425.60 193.63 92.70 33.36 113.23 13'1.65 196.63 228.61 250.69 9.57 1'1.68 13.04 19 -IR 3,652.12 330.28 ti7,36 7 .Gt`�h 0.00 4.16 2.70 0.21 Fags: 3 Divisl... Outreach - Code 137Wtsion Tile 612005 Cutrt- 612006 Personne[ 612005 Outreach - 612006 Personnel 612005 Otrlreach- 612006 Personnel 612005 Outreach - 612006 Personnel 612005 Outreach - CDSPRO1275 Personnel 512005 Outreach - Personnel 612005 Outreach - Personnel 612005 Outreach - Personnel 612005 Outreach - Personnel 612005 Ct ach- Personnel 612005 Outreach - Personnel 612405 Outreach - Personnel Balan... Outreach - 612005 Personnel 612006 HM IS- Personnel 612006 HMIS- Personnel 612006 HMIS-- Personnel 612006 HMIS- Personnel 612006 HM IS- Personnel 612006 HMIS- Personnel 612006 HMIS- Personnel 612006 HM18- Personnel Date: -6110122 W.19:20 AM ISL Code 7100 7100 7101 7101 7105 7105 7106 7106 7'107 7107 7106 7108 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- ESC -CV - ilnposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111- ESG- Grant County From 51112022 Through 518112= GL Tree Session [D Transaction Description Debit FICA & Medicare Expense FICA & Medicare Expense Employee Tax Employee Tax Health Benefits Health Bensfts Unemployment Insurance Exp Unemployment Insurance Exp L & l tax expense L & I lax expense Other Benef s Other Benefits 7000 Salaries & Wages 7000 Salaries & Wages 7000 Salaries & Wages 7000 Salaries & Wages 7100 FICA & Medicare CDSPRO1275 Expense 7100 FICA & Medicare CDSPRO1275 Expense 7101 Employee Tax 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1272 Payroll May 145, 2022 CDSPRO1275 Payroll May 16-31, 2022 CDSPRO1272 Payroll May 1451 2022 CDSPRO1275 Payroll May 16-31, 2022 CDSPRO1272 Payroll May 1-15,,2022 CDSPRO1275 Payroll May 16-31, 2022 CDSPRO1272 Payroll May 1-15,2022 CDSPRO1275 Payroll May 16-31, 2022 CDSPRO1272 Payroll May 1-15,2022 Ct)SPRO1275 Payroll May 16-31, 2022 CDSPRO1272 Payroll May 146, 2022 CDSPRO1275 Payroll May 16-31 t 2022 Transaction Total 0.39 0.25 0.76 0.52 0.68 0.43 0.04 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.01 0.01 10.51 Opening Balance COSPRO1271 Payroll May 1-15, 2022 CDSPRO1274 Payroll May 16-31, 2022 CDSPRO1276 Accrued Vacation May 2022 CDSPRO1271 Payroll May 1-15,2022 CDSPRO1274 Payroll May 18-31, 2022 CDSPRO1271 Payroll May 1-15,,2022 CDSPRO1274 Payroll May 16-31, 2022 0.39 0.25 0.76 0.52 0.68 0.43 0.04 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.01 0.01 10.51 0.00 113.59 0.00 388.00 71.89 441.60 01.86 44.80 30.29 36.35 71.69 91.86 Page. 4 Di sl. Code Division Title 612006 HMIS- Personnel 612006 HMIS- Personnel 612006 HMIS- Personnel 612006 HM IS- Personnel 6-12006 HMIS- Personnel 612006 HMIS- Personnel Galan... HMIS- Personnel 612006 Health Benefits 612008 Prevention - Case Health Benefits Management 612008 Prevention - Case CDSPRO1271 Management 612008 Prevention - Case Management 6112008 Prevention - Case Insurance Exp Management 612008 Prevention - Case CDSPRO1271 Management 612008 Prevention - Case Payroll May 16-81, 2622 Management 612008 Prevention - Case Salaries & Wages Management 612008 Prevention - Case CDSPRO1271 Management 612008 Prevention - Case Payroll May 16-31, 2022 Management 612008 Prevention - Case FICA & Medicare Management 612008 Prevention - Case management 612008 Prevention - Case Payroll May 1"1, 2022 Management 612008 Preverftn - Case Employee Tax Management Date: COW M.19:0 AM GL Code 7105 7105 7106 7106 7`l07 7'107 7000 7000 7000 7000 7100 7100 7101 7101 7105 7105 7106 7106 7107 Hope Source Funded General Ledger - BL- ES -CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111- ESG- grant County From 5/112022 Through 513112022 GL Title Session ICS Transaction [description Health Benefits CDSPRO1271 Payroll May 1-15,2022 Health Benefits CDSPRO1274 Payroll May 16-31, 2022 Unemployment CDSPRO1271 Payroll May 1-15, 2022 Insurance Exp Unemployment CDSPRO1274 Payroll May 16.31, 2022 Insurance Exp L & I tax expense CDSPRO1271 Payroll May 1-15,2022 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1274 Payroll May 16-81, 2622 Transaction Total Salaries & Wages Opening Balance Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1271 Payroll May 1-15, 2022 Salaries & mages GDSPRO1274 Payroll May 16-31, 2022 Salaries & mages CDSPRO1276 Armed Vacation May 2022 FICA & Medicare CDSPRO1271 Payroll May 1-15,2022 Expense FICA & Medicare CDSPRO1274 Payroll May 1"1, 2022 Expense Employee Tax CDSPRO1271 Payroll May 1-15,2022 Employee Tax CDSPRO1274 Payroll May 16-31 x 2022 Health Benefits CDSPRO1271 Payroll May 1-15,2022 Health Benefits CDSPRO1274 Payroll May 16-31, 2022 Unemployment CDSPRO1271 Payroll May 1-15,2022 Insurance Exp Unemployment CDSPRO1274 Payroll May 16-31, 2022 Insurance Exp L. & 1 tax expense CDSPRO1271 Payro[i May 1-15, 2022 87.37 87.37 3.1 � 3.40 4.28 1,295.04 163.75 1,131.26 0.00 80.00 11.93 96.00 15.04 6.00 6.25 7.50 11.93 15.04 20.051 20.05 0.84 0.90 1,19 Page: 5 D11 s1__. Cade Division Title 612008 Preen - Case Management Balan... Prevention - Case 6120€ 8 Management Hope Boum Ended General Ledger - BL- ES V - Unposted Transactions IncAuded 1n Report 632202111- ESG- tGmat County From 51112022 Through 513112022 L Code GL Title session ID Transaefien Dewription 7107 L & [ tax expense CDSP 01274 Pall May 16-31),2022 613001 Program Support - 8010 Professional Fees Poo[ 613001 Prograrn Support - 8011 Professional Fees APIUM 10 Pool 613001 Program Support - 8010 Pmfess[onal Fees AP[039704 Pool 613001 Program Support - 8010 Professional Fees API039913 Pool 613001 Program Support - 8010 IProfes4lona[ Fees AP1039913 Pool 6130DI Program Support - 8010 Pwfessibnal Fees AP1039974 Pool 613001 Program Support - 8010 Professional Fees AP1040007 Pool 813001 Program Support - 8010 Professional Fees AP1040375 Pool 613001 Program Support - 8010 Professional Fees AP1040385 Pool 613001 Program Support - 81041 Owe Supplies AP1040� poi [' 613001 Program Suppe - 8100 ice Supplies AP1040067 Pool 613001 Program Support - 81410 office supplies AP1040068 Poo[ 613001 Program Support - 8100 ice Supplies AP[ €3284 Pool 613001 Program Support - 8200 Communication AP1039905 P Expense 613001 Program Support - 8200 Communication APIM982 POO[ Expense 613001 Program Support - 8200 Communication AP1039962 Pool Expense Date; 6MOM 091620 AM Transaction Tcdal Opening Balance IT Support for May 2022 Backup SenAce & Email Securay Openpath Serves: Q2 2022 (Iry ##111261) - M1 ofd IT Support for May 2022 Backup Service & 1Erna11 Security Openpath Services-, Q2 2022 (Inv 111261) - M1 office ADT- Securlty for NIL Office- Svcs =5/22-5/241= Microsoft Office 365 - Bus;iness Premium - Nonprofit Inv 732-366080) - April 2022 ML Office Security Svcs- 5/25-6f24122 Aldridge. Azure l igrat`rnrt Downpaymenf (Inv #732-398812) May 2022 Pop Up i&y notes for Upper County office Office Supplies ML -Inv # 1044132 Kelly Connect - 412g122 Moses Lake ice Supplies -+Copy paper-INVOIGEtt l N'1027909-4.'18 2022 Moses Lake Main Office Supplies B ain Ton .5.2022 Upper County Office Internet - Svcs 5/1-5130122 Win Office Internet Stec 511122-5131122 Main ice Telephone Svc 511122-531122 1.3'1 267.06 26.97 241.09 458.05 30.86 432.84- 458.05 22.34 30.36 17.84 14.46 6.46 419.44 0.26 32.36 6.46 3.58 4.418 12.73 15.38 mow_ s Hope Source Expanded General Ledger- SL- ES -CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 6322021/1 - ESG- Grant County From 51112022 Through 8131(2022 Divisi_.. GL Cade Division Tidle Code 01 - Tile Sesslon ID Transaction Description Debit Credit 613081 Program Support - 8200 Communication AP1039977 Internet Servims far NIL O[te - Svcs from 8.81 Pool Expense 5/1)22-5131122 613001 Pmgram Support - 8200 Communication A.P1039977 Telephone SoMms fer WIL Office - Svcs from 35.24 Pool Expense 5/1122-5131122 613MI Program Support - 8= Postage & ShIpptng AP1040385 Aldridge. Shipping to repair Sonya & Cheryl laptops 2.96 Pool Inv 732-398812 - May 2022 613001 Program Support - 8300 Postage & Shipping AP104€I398 Aldridge: Shipong to repair Sonya & Cheryl laptops 2.96 Pool Inv #73Z-390812) - May 2022 613001 Program Support - 8440 Stent - Space API039739 main Office Rent - May 2022 357.37 Pool Lower County 613001 Pr rare Support - 8400 Rent - Space AP1039913 Main Office Pent - May 2022 337 78 357-37 Pool Lower County 5130D I Program Support - 840'I Rent Space AP1039648 Upper County Office Rend for May 202 16.74 Pool Upper County 613001 Program Support - W1 Pent - Space AP1039913 Upper Court Office lent f6r May 2022 15.82 16.74 Pool Upper County 613001 Program Support - 84D5 Utilities - Ellensburg AP1048163 blain Office Utilities - Sour Allocation Acct# 388089, 9.24 Vaal 388090- Svcs from 4/4122-8 613041 Program Support - 8405 pities - Ellensburg APIM163 Main Vice Utilities - Svcs from 4I4/22 -5M/22 19.43 Pool 613001 Program Support - 8405 Ut€I ies - Ellensburg AP1040166 lain Cl ffce Garbage Service - 411122-4130M 24.33 Pool 613001 Program Support - 8406 Utilities - Upper API04W49 Polaris - W1SIG - April 2022 28 42 Pool Count lCfWde offices 613001 Program Support - 8406 Util"rties - upper APIC40171 Upper County Office Utilities - Svc Period 4 /22- 6f22 4.78 Pool CountylQfls offices 613001 Program Support - 8406 UtirdliRs - Upper AP1040230 WIL Office Utilities- 1000 W l - Svcs 4114/22 -SM 3 11.40 Pool cwntyloffsrte officas 613001 Foram Support - 8420 Repairs & APIOM974 Ace Hrdwr- barn OfficeMaintenance- Thermostat 0.73 Pool Maintenance - Cover- Apr 2022 General 613001 Program Support - 8420 Repairs AP1039974 Amazon- Main Office Maintenance- Lightbulbs- Apr 2.97 Pool Maw nce - 2022 General Date: L!E EilM St+'fi :16:20 FTM Q• € Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL ESG-G- Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632262111 - ESG- Grant County From 51112022 Through 6a1f2022 Div i.... Si -Mart. - Inv 939471 - General Maintenance Supplies - GL Code Division Tie Code GL Title 613001 Pent Support - 8426 Repairs & Pool Maintenance - ML ire Diag &. Finer Replace - Inv #PS52 14 - 16.59 General 6131 Program Support - 8420 Repairs. AP[040160 Pool 8.26 Maintenance - May 2022 AP1040165 General 613001 Program Support- 8420 Repairs & AP104DI65 Poo[ 1.34 Maintenance - 2022 ' API040165 neral 613001 Program Support - 3428 Repairs & POO] Mai ntanan - Iron Mountain: (4127)2022 2412022) - ML Offim 6.98 General 613001 Program Support - 6420 Repairs & Pc©i Maintenance - neral 613001 Program Support - 6420 Repairs & Pool Mainnance - General 613001 Program Support - 3420 Repairs & PO! Maintenance - C-4merai 613001 Program Support - 8420 Repairs & Pool Maintenance - General 613001 Pmgram Support - 3420 Repairs & Pool Maintermnce - General 613001 Program Support - 3420 Repairs & POO[ Maintenance - Genl 613001 Program Support - 3420 Repairs & Peal Maintenance - General 613001 Program Support - 8420 Repairs & Peal Maintenance General 6130101 Program Support - 8426 Repairs & Pool Maintenance - - General Date-- &I aF22 M-1 620 AN Session ID Transaction Description Debit Credit AP1040025 Si -Mart. - Inv 939471 - General Maintenance Supplies - 6.28 4/2622 P104OG26 Main ice Supplies - 4&8122 - lnv#248028 0.79 AP1040036 Property Mair tenanee - LG SPare Pool- Inv# 1963989 0.21 -411122 API€ 971 ML ire Diag &. Finer Replace - Inv #PS52 14 - 16.59 3128122 AP1040168 Iron Mountain - 31231224126122 - ML Office Shredding 6.96 AP[040160 HorneDepot- Repairs & Maintenance for Main Off- 8.26 May 2022 AP1040165 Main Office Weekly Cleaning -- Apr[12022 18.27 10401 Main Office Weekly Cleaning - March 2022 1€3.27 AP104DI65 Spot Cleaning Front Desk & Driver Room - April 1.34 2022 ' API040165 SSVF & Training Resimoms - Mar & Apr 2022 3.63 AP1040291 Mss Lake BainOffice-A&E Janitorial 52.13 Serfics It#2022-1701- May 2022 AP1040336 Iron Mountain: (4127)2022 2412022) - ML Offim 6.98 Shredding PI040361 Upper minty office moaning, May 2022, invoice 4.37 395486 Paw a Rope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL ESG-CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632282111- ESG- Grant County From 51112822 Through M12M Crivisi... GL Code Division Title Code GL Tale session 1D Transaction Description Emit Credit 613001 Program Support - 8420 Repairs & AP1040357' Serv/Maint - main Office - Invoice # 365242 - May 2022 3 76 Pool Maintenance - neral 613001 Program Support - $420 Repairs & AP1040359 Main Office WeekJy Cleaning - May 2822 18.27 pool Maintenance - General 613001 Program Support- 8420 Repairs & API040359 Vet Training Center Cleaning - May 2022 1.61 Pool Maintenance - General 613001 Program Support - 8428 Repairs & APl040375 lidstate- LG Spaca Pool- Maintenance- June 2822 1.00 Pool Maintenance - General 613001 Program Support -- 8421 repairs & AP1039974 Ace Hrdwr- Polaris #13 Maintenance 4.63 Pool Maintenance - Program 613001 Program Support - 8450 Insurance tense AP1840020 Liability and Commercial Insurance - Jan 20122 - 127.32 Po©l General 613001 Program Support - 8851) Photocopy Expense AP[0140173 ML ice pier/Printer Usage & aint-4115122 - 1.11 Pool 5115122 613DO1 Program Support - 5658 Phan=py dense API040173 ML Office Copier/Printer Usage & Maintenance - 7.53 Pool 4119122 5t18122 6130181 Program Support - 8559 Photocopy Expense API840173 UG Office Copier/Printer Usage & plaint 4119122 - 0.37 Pool 5118/22 6130181 Program Support - 8880 Vehicle AP1039974 DOL- LC Spats Pool Vehicle Maintenance- F258 Tab 2.92 Pool l intenanc e & Renewal- Apr 2022 related 613001 Program Support - 88019 Vehicle AP1040346 F250, New Battery, May 20122 . 6.61 Pool Maintenance & related 613801 Program Support - 89901 Interest Expenses AP1640259 [Lice Loan Payment -flay 2822 77.58 Pori Transaction Total 2,792.86 865.98 Basan... Program Support.. 1,926.88 613001 Pool 6130D8 Permanent Shelter 7000 Salaries & Wages Opening dance 8.80 Program Ops ta: 611 QM [-16:20 AM PROW- st Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - SL- ESG-CV - tlnposted Transae#iens Included In Report 632202111 - ESG- Grant County From 511#2022 Through 5/31/2022 DWi... Transaction Description Delft GL Payroll May 1-15, 2022 Gods DivWjon Title Code GL Title 613008 Permanent Shelter 7000 Salad & Wages CDSPRO1271 Program Ops CDSPRO1274 Payroll May 16-311 2022 613008 Permanent Shelter 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1271 Program Ops CDSPRO1274 Payroll May 16-31, 2022 61308 Permanent Shelter 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1271 Program Ops CDSPRO1274 Payroll May 18-31, 2022 613008 Permanent Shelter 7100 FICA & Medicare AP1040414 Program Ceps Expense 613008 Permanent Shelter 7100 FICA & Medicare AP10414 Program Ceps Expense 61308 Permanent Shelter 7101 Employee Tax Program Ops 613008 Perrtt meni Shelter 7101 Employee Tax PrOgrarn Ops 613W8 Permanent- Shelter 7105 Health Beneft Program Ops 613008 Permanent Shelter 7105 Health Benefits Program Ops 613008 Permanent Shelter 7106 Unemployment Program Ops Insurance Exp 6130€ 8 Permanent- Shelter 7106 Unemployment Program Ops Insurance Exp 613008 Permanent Shelter 7107 L & I tax expense Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter 7107 L & I tax expense Program (Ops 613008 Permanent Shelter 7108 tither Bens Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter 7108 Other Benefits Program Ceps 613008 Permanent Shelter 8010 Processional Fees Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter 8010 Professional Fees Program Ops 613008 Permanent Shelter 8010 Professional Fees Program Cps 613008 Permanent Shelter 8010 Professional Fees Program Ops Session ID Transaction Description Delft CDSPRO1271 Payroll May 1-15, 2022 CDSPRO1274 Payroll May 16-31 p 2022 CDSPRO1276 Accrued Vacation May 2022 CDSPRO1271 Payroll May 1-15, 2022 CDSPRO1274 Payroll May 16-31, 2022 CDSPRO1271 Payroll May 1-15,2022 CDSPRO1274 Payroll May 16-311 2022 CDSPRO1271 Payroll May 1-15, 2022 CDSPRO1274 Payroll May 16-31, 2022 CDSPRO1271 Pall May 1-15, 2022 CDSPRO1274 Payroll May 16-31, 2022 CDSPRO1271 Payroll May 1-15, 2022 CDSPRO1274 Payroll May 16-31, 2022 CDSPRO1271 Payroll May 1-15,2022 CDSPRO1274 Payroll May 18-31, 2022 AP1040070 ML ENHANCED SHELTER -PACIFIC SECURITY -MARCH 2022-1WOICE940654 AP1040414 ESC- Security at MLES - Svcs 1118-11130121- lnv#871 AP1040414 ML ENHANCED SHELTER -PACIFIC SECURITY -MARCH 2022 -INVOICE# 40654 AP10414 MLES-PPC Solutions inc.-Security-lnv#352307- 4.1- 4.2.22 422.24 604.86 73.06 33.19 54.16 88.47 145.44 64.16 06.26 2.80 4.09 10.91 16.76 1.60 2.50 0,646.00 88.47 145.44 7,156.50 S,646.0O 600.00 Hate: $11 OM W.1010 AIS! Page: 10 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - SL ESG-CV - Unposted Transactions Induded In Report 63MO2111 - ESG- Grunt County From 51112022 Through 513112022 �ivrsi... ' C=L Gude Diyision Tri Code GL Tile Session IIS Transaction Description Debit 613008 Permanent- Shelf 8010 Professional Fees AP1040414 Moses Lake Enhanced Shelter -Pacific Security -Jan Program Ops - 2022 613008 Permanent- Shelter 8010 Professional Fees AP1040414 Mases lake Pacific Security -Girard Program Ops Service-Invoice#40222-Feb.2022 613008 Permanent Shelter 8200 Communication AP1039977 Internet & Telephone for MLES-1214 S Pioneer Way 92.46 Program Ops Expense Svcs from 511122-513112.2 613008 Permanent- Sheffer 8200 Communication AP1040312 Cell phone plan for Enhanced Shelter grant, service 98.73 Program Ops Expense period 04120-05/1912022 818008 Permanent Shelter 8407 Utfliities - Shelter AP1040231 ML Enhance Shelter Utilities- 1214 Pioneer- Svcs 704.53 Program Ops 4121122-5120122 613008 Permanent- Shelter 8407 Utilities - Shelter AP1040289 ML Enhance Shelter - 1294 Pioneer- Utilities Svcs 636.47 Program Ops Utilities Svcs 417122-515122 613008 Permanent Shelter 8421 Repairs & AP1039974 Armlock Inc MI FS Property Maintenance- Apr 2022 220.96 Program Caps Maintenance - Prngram 693008 Perianent- Shelter 8421 Repairs & API040071 MLES Sewer getting - Inv #P528315 - 3129122 1,626.00 Program Ops Maintenance - Prograrn 613008 Permanent Shelf 8421 Repairs & AP1040096 MILES Maintenance R ir-ALLFIX Invoice 867.19 Program tips Maintenance - #2213 -1 -May 2022 Program 613008 Permanent Shelter 8421 Repairs & AP1040097 [Dioses Lake Enhanced Shelter- Pacific 1.56.80 Program Caps Maintenance - Security-Invoice#41091 Program 613008 Permanent Shelter 8421 Repairs & API040220 MILES Drain Maintenance - Basin Refrigeration - 427.64 Program Ops Maintenance - Invoice P530033 - 5/6122 Pegram 613008 Permanent Shelter 8421 Repairs & AP1040234 Perry Srnid Per Diem Reimbursement ARLES 252.00 Program Ceps Maintenance - Maintenance & Repairs- Mari -May 21122 Prcgmm 613008 Permanent- Shelter 8421 Repairs & AP1040414 lees Lake Enhanced Shelter Pacific Program Ops Maintenance - Secur'ity-Invoice#-41091 Program 613008 Permanent Shelter 8510 Program supplies AP1040221 ML Sleep Center Supplies - Invoice #2995 - 6/412022 50.66 Program Ops and tools 613008 Permanent Shelter 8510 Program supplies APIC40222 Sleep Center Operational Supplies 783.56 Program Ops and goals 613008 Permanent Shelter 8510 Program supplies API040223 MLES operational supplies 147.57 Program Ops and tools Date_ W0122. M fi:20 AI Credit 9,834.50 8,7+'36.00 156.00 Pam. "11 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - SL- ESG-CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Retort 632202111 - ESG- Grant County Erorn 51112022 Through 5IS112022 DWL. GL Code Division Title Code GL -rifle Session 1D Transaction Description 6113008 Permanent- Sher 8711 Training & AP1040413 Mental Health Training - May 2022 - Alisha, Christina Pmgrarn Ops Technical Assistance 613008 Permanent Shelter 3805 Vehicle Gas & 011 AP1040232 MILES - Fuel - Statement April 2022 Program Ops Transaction Total Galan... Perr ment Shelter 613008 Program Ops 614001 Fent Assistance- 8940 Rent Assistance Opening Balance RRH 814001 RentAssistance- e- 8948 Rent Assistance AP1040069 ESG CV RRH RRH 2022 Transaaon Total Galan... Fent Assistance - 614001 RRH Balance 632202111 - ESG- Grant County Report Opening/Current Balance Report Transaction Totals Report Current Balances Report Difference Data: 6110122 0916:0 AAA Debit Credit I t SWUZU. r u 18,783.18 10.00 ,REntal distance -April C1,2003.0""' 1200.00 0.00 1,200.00 0.00 0.0© 53,231.42 40,426.70 12,804.72 Page: 12 GDERN BUILDING SYSTEMS PO Box 110 * 9493 Porter Rd,* Aurnsville, OR 97325 800.682.1422 Modern Bull di ngsysterns. Corn 0*111 To: City of Moses Lake P.O. Box 1,579 Moses Lake, WA 98837 -------- -- ------- Invoice Page: Invoice Number: 0133105 Invoice Date' 6/1/2022 Contract: Roos 155 Billing Cycle 7/1/2022 8/1/2022 Ship To Address. - City of Moses Lake 1045 E Broadway Ave Moses Lake, WA 98837 1 - ------- -- - - ------ -I 1 Customer PO: Ship Via: Confirm To: Terms: Rick Neil 25th of Month Item Number Ordered Unit Price Extension 2577 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 575.00 - ------ 575.00 Restroom/Shower STAIRS 0.00 1.00 0.00 0,00 250.00 .250.00 Stairs Access Ramp Please Submit Paymet to: P.O. Box 110, Aumsville OR 97325 Net Order: 825,00 Less Discount: 0.00 Freight- 0.00 Sales Tax: 69.31 Order Total: 894.31 Less Deposit: 0.00 Order Balance: LLSCOT 901 SOUTH BOND T., SUITE 600 BALTIMORE MD 21231 (800) 782-1500, Option I customersuccess@wiliscot.com www.willscot.com Fed ID# 52-0665775 BRANCH: CITY OF MOSES LAKE MD SPOKANE WA 4101 S BALSAM ST - MOSES LAKE WA 98837-1764 3310 N FLORA RD SPOKANE WA 9 9 21 6 -1 705 11' fill I 1 111111111111111 11111111111 (5091).8921-6778 .................... ........ 1-1.1 ......... -- ........ --,..........._..,....k........... invoice in ubu ..... ...... -------- ...... T* - Denotes taxable Item, N* - Denotes non-taxable Item. ......... q ...... -.1 .......... ...... PLEASE REMIT WITH PAYMENT �icN 0 NECT F PAYMENT OPTIONS INVOICE TOTAL $1,P856.15 We/come to the .W111Scot I Mobile Mini customer Invoice #: 9013961547 portal! Register today to make online payments, sign Due Date: 5/15/2022 up for Auto -Pay, or view Invoices and statements. Customer: CITY OF MOSES LAKE Customer #: 10452459 61 intipswponai. mob iiemi nixom %* (8001) 7824 500, Option I You remain responsible for the invoice balance if there Is an Issue with your method of payment Late fees and Interest charges may be assessed If payment Is not made within terms. Thank you for your business! 5245106.2022050624904.00534 PLEASE. REMIT, TO: WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN, INC. PO BOX 91975 CHICAGO IL 60693-1975 Contract# Submitted to GC by: .....www .. Request for Reimbursement Na. Grant County's Su i : - 0/145�> .;VX2- State Auditor's Office Audit Procedures for Testing Activities Allowed And Not Allowed., As Published In 2007 Questions to ask before submitting a payment request Was the expenditure or cost: Made for an allowable activity under the grant guidelines? Authorized (or not prohibited) under state orlocal laws or regulations? Approved by the federal awarding agency, if required? Allowable per Circular A-87 (June 2004 version), Attachment B., items 1-43? For payroll transactions: 0 Does the employeel s titre and effort d.ocumentation meet the requirements of Circular A-122? Allocable to the program? (Le., was the dollar amount charged to the program relative to the benefits received by the program? Is the * federal grantor being charged 'Its fair share of the cost?) v1 Based on actual costs., not budgeted or projected amounts? Applied uniformly to federal and non-federal activities (Le., is the federal government being charged the same amount as if nonfederal funds were being used to pay the cost),?, Given consistent accounting treatment within and between accounting peri ods? (Con-sistency in accounting requires that costs incurred for the same- purpose, in like circumstances, be treated as either direct costs only or indirect costs only with respect to final cost objectives). Calculated in conformity With generally accepted accounting principles, or another comprehensive basis of accounting, when required under the applicable cost principles? Not included as a cost (or used to meet cost sharing requirements) of other federally -supported activities of the current or a 'prior period? Net of all applicable credits? (e.g., volume or cash discounts, •insurance recoveries, ecoveries, refunds, rebates, trade -wins, adjustment's for checks not cashed, and scrap sales), Not included as both a direct billing and as component of indirect costs? Properly classified (e.g., some costs may be incorrectly claimed as a direct cost instead of being incorporated as part of the indirect cost rate)., Supported by appropriate documentation? (e.g., approved purchase orders, receiving reports, vendor invoices, canceled checks, and time and attendance records.) Documentation may be in an electronic form, Correctly charged to the proper account code and grant period? NAStaftAASC Files\lStrickler Pre Feb 2018100 Grants\00 Subreciplient Checklist,docx Page I HMIS Data Quality Report [FY 2022] ............... .... .. � I Q1. Report Validation Table Program Applicability: All Projects HopeSource (Grant) CoC Category Filter: Agency CoC Date Range: 05/01/2022 thru 05/31/2022 Total number of persons served 169 Number of adults (age 18 or over) 168 Number of children (under age 18) 1 f with unknown Number o persons age 0 Number of leavers 0 Number of adult leavers 0 Number of adult and head of household leavers 0 Number of stayers 169 Number of adult stayers 11---168 Number of veterans 11 Number of chronically homeless persons 52 Number of youth under age 25 . . ........ I - - - ---------- 11 Number of parenting youth under age 25 with children 0 Number of adult heads of household 168 Number of child and unknown -age heads of household 1 Heads of households and adult stayers in the project 365 days or more 54 1/8 Tuo Jun 7 03:36,15 PM 2022 Powered By FYLARI a PHLUMAN SERVICES HMIS Data Quality Report [FY 2022] HopeSource (Grant) CoC Category Filter: Agency CoC Date Range: 05/01/2022 thru 05/31/2022 Q1. Report Validation Table Program Applicability: All Projects Total number of persons served 3 Number of adults (age 18 or over) 3 Number of children (under age 18) 0 Number of persons with unknown age 0 Number of leavers 1 Number of adult leavers 1 Number of adult and head of household leavers 1 Number of stayers Number of adult stayers 2 2 Number of veterans Number of chronically homeless persons 0 1 Number of youth under age 25 0 Number of parenting youth under age 25 with children 0 Number of adult heads of household 3 Number of child and unknown -age heads of household 0 Heads of households and adult stayers in the project 365 days or more 0 1/81 Tue Jun 7 03:32:34 PM 2022 HMIS Data Quality HopeSource (Grant) Repoft [FY 2022] CoC Category Filter: Agency CoC Date Range: 05/01/2022 thru 05/31/2022 Q1. Report Validation Table Program Applicability: All Projects Total number of persons served 22 Number of adults (age 18 or over) 12 Number of children (under age 18) 10 Number of persons with unknown age 0 Number of leavers 0 Number of adult leavers 0 Number of adult and head of household leavers 0 Number of stayers 22 Number of adult stayers 12 Number of veterans 0 Number of chronically homeless persons 1 Number of youth under age 25 3 Number of parenting youth under age 25 with children 2 Number of adult heads of household 12 Number of child and unknown -age heads of household 0 Heads of households and adult stayers in the project 365 days or more 0 �Tue Jun 7 03:26:52 PM 2022 UMAN SERVICES