HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCCGRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LlJ_l_=i1_L!J TO: TOM Board of County Commissioners MAY 3.1 2022 From: Janice Flynn, Administrative Services Coordinator Datw. May 24, 2022 Ra. Authorization for Release of BOCC Approved Funds, SIP #2020 -06 - Port of Quincy — Intermodel Yard Container Expansion — Phase 2 The Port of Quincy has met the requirements for release of funds in the above - referenced SIP project, which was approved by the BOCC pursuant to Resolution No 21 -003 -CC dated January 5, 2021. The proof of requirements is in the form of a signed Project Certification from the Port of Quincy and supporting invoicing of the project that meet the requested amount. The documentation is attached for your review. To that end, I am requesting the release of funds on this SIP project as follows: 1) 2nd installment of the grant in the amount of Ninety Three Thousand, Six Hundred Eighteen and 54/100 Dollars ($93,618.54) to the Port of Quincy. Note: The full grant amount was $300,000, leaving unused funds of $58,418.47. Thank you. I GRANT COUNTY STRATEGIC, INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM PROJECT CERTIFICATION This form must be- stormed and returned, with an invatee, for the approved funding, before re-tmbursement can be approved by Grant County, SIP Project Proposal Number; 2. :020-06 SIP Funding Recipiento, Port of Quincy SR Pr'ect Des.c t' 01 np ion: Intermodal Yard Container Expansion. — Phase 2 1, the und d, do her - by brtify - nd pe of that the -ate W shave been ersigne re, c nA under Ity PeKW3 M ri furnished , the services rendered -f and/or the -labor pe, ( d as de c ibed C r onne S r in the proj e t proposal for the above -referenced SIP Pr 'ect and th am the ticat 01 at I authotized t a -e _ ,,n e and. .certify to this claim. I also certify that this claim i's just and due, and is an unpaid obligation against Grant County., Further, . according to the SIP. Pro* ect Fund'.n Polici j in I .. es) I attest that at. the next audit of my entity, this project all "be called. to the attention of the Wash" 0 in n gto Mate ffl' ce and an emphasis audit will be requested to ass -tire that these funds Nv ere eXpended. towatd the. project and according to the intent of the proposal ev *a ov OW/ X0, *I, -Signature Title Printed Name y/� Date Signed ii COPAPAse2ow Printed Title Completed, signed oriLyinal certification and invoice are to be I v mailed to.: Adn-iinistrittive Services Coordinator, PO Box 37, Ephrata, NVA 988,23 ATTACHMENT 4 PORT OF QUINCY SIP'No. 2020-06 Industrial Yard Container Expansion - Phase 2 Reimbursement Request #2 (FINAL) Tobin Electric*, $ 300,000.00 117848 $ 71374.05 117972 116.86 117971 21-447.48 118152 31449.42 118360 79,299.59 Tommer Construction: PORTQCY-1 1311226..66 1528341 11092.2 1 9 1 A *11 R C) C, Total Reimbursement #2 (FINAL) $ 930618.54 Project Recap: Grant Awarded $ 300,000.00 Reimbursement Request #1 (147,96,2.9 ) ReJmbqrsemerit Request# 93,618.54) lG`rant Funds het 'U 581418-- T051N -ELECTRIC., INC. PO Box 428 4 Quincy, WA 98848 all U (509) 787-1591 tobin.electric@frontier-6 AUG 9 2021 0M A!, Job Invoice 1 "13JLL To JOB INVOICE # 117848 Quincy Port District #1 DATE 07129/2021 101 F Street SW D U -E DATE 08/25/2021 Quincy, WA 98848 PO # Curt M .DESCRIPTION OTY AMOUNT Intermodal odal - Built 4 - 480V exte ns on cards for refers. Installed 4 - addition 30 amp breakers and cord sets out of now service panel. Troubleshot no Power to receptacles. Supplied 4 - spare interlock erlock recept I acles for the original towers, Converted 12 - refer sharing . units from 4,to. 2 hour time cycles. Materials E333MPIA 32A 480V Male 4 40.00 160.00T E333 FCA 32A. 480V Female 4 70.00 280.00T UPS Freight 1 1.8.00 18 -OOT #10/4 Type SO Cord 80 2---115 172' OOT QD 30A 480V 30 Boll on Breakers. 4 388.00 1 552*OOT 3/4" Nylon Cord Conn 4 8.00 3 2.00T 3/4" Locknut 4 0.30 1 . .20T 1705-56 ANP 32A 480V Safety Interlock Receptacles 4 510.00 21040.00T UPS Freight 1 48.00 48.3OT 4061-27-2'H 2 Hour Kits 12 :35.00 420,OOT UPS Freight 1 40.00 40 -OOT Subtotal: 4,7631.20 LABOR Prevailing Wage Hours - Brock - 6/22/21 0.50 108.00 54.00T Prevailing Wage Hours - Brock - 6/23/21 0.50 108-00 54.00T Prevailing Wage Hours - Brock, - 6/25/21 0.50 108.00 54.00T Prevailing Wage Hours - Will & Tim - 7/7/21 6.50 108.00 702.4OT Prevailing Wage Hours - Will & Tim - 7/21/21 8.50 108.00 918.00T Prevailing Wage Hours - Will & Tim -x`/29/21 2.50 108.00 270, OOT Subtotal: 21052.00 SUBTOTAL 3,815.20 TAX 558.85 TOTAL. 7,374.05 BALANCE DUE $7-1374-xO,5 TOBIN INC. PO Box 428 Quincy, WA .98848 (509) 787-1591 tobin.electric@frontier.com Job Invoice -BILL TO Quincy Port District #1 101 F S trees S W Quincy, WA 988.48 JOB INV OIG -E# 117972 T -E -08/17/2021 DUE DATF_ 09/25/2021 PO # Curt 'RATE AMOUNT. -DESCRIPTION OTY ,Intermodal - Troubleshot & repaired refer sharing unit #21. Replaced bad 4 hr timer resistor LABOR Hours - Doug 1 1108-00 108-99T SUBTOTAL 1 1 08.00 TAX 8:86 86 TOTAL 116,86 BALANCE DUE 116.86 SEP 2 2 2021 By: TO IN ELECTRIC, ING. PO Box 428 Quincy, WA 98848 (509) 787-1591 tobin.el.ectric@frontier.com Job Invoice BILL TO JOB JNVOIG-E# 117971 Quincy Port District #1 DATE 08/25/2021 10 1 F Street, SW -DUE DATE 08/31/2021 Quincy, WA 98848 DESCRIPTION:RATE QY; TUT AMO Intermodal - UL listing for the .8 ESL 10 gang 300 amp .Power units, and final electrical inspection Picattil Engineering Evaluation & UL Listing For 3 E.SL 2100.00 211 00.00T U n its LABOR Hours - Pat 1.50 108.00 162.00T Subtotal: 2,262-A.00 SUBTOTAL 2W262.00 TAX 185.48 TOTAL 2 _Y447-48 BALANCE DUE q) -4"447-A8 V[5 D SEP 2 2 2021 By.. TOBIN ELECTRIC., INC. PO Box 428 Quincy, WA 98848 (509) 787-1591 tobin,ele,ctri,c@front'ier.com Job Invoice BILL TO Quincy Port District #1 101 F Street SW Quincy, WA 98848 PO # Curt JOB JNVOICE # 118152 DATE 1110812021 DUED-ATIE 12/25/,2021 DESCRIPTION QTY RATE AMOUNT Intermodal - Troubleshot and repaired 4 refer sharing units. Replaced 4 HR timers 2 HR timers. Supplied Parts MATERIALS 40,61-02 8 Sec. Delay on Make Timer 3 45.00 13 OT 4061-03 Recyle Timer 3 65.00 195.00T 4081-.27µ2H 2 HR Time Resistor 18 al 10.00 648 -OOT Electrical Permit Fee 1 65-00 65.00T Cre..dit Card Charge 1 38,50 38.50T E33.3 FC 480V Female 2 65.00 130.00T E333 MPI 480V Male 1 40.00 40-100T Electrical Permit Fee 1 0.00 O.00T 3/4" Nylon Cord Conn 1 8,50 8-.50T 3/4" Locknut 1 0.30 0.30T Blue Q Slide F 6 0.25 1.50T #14 THHN Copper Wire,Str 6 0.20 1.20T Subtotal: 1 t263.00 WA'ftjZ'*0T'W* Prevailing Wage Hours - Greg - 9/20/21 2.50 110.00 275.00T Prevailing Wage Hours - Will & Tim - 10/13/21 6 110.00 660.OTPrevailing Wage Hours - Will - 10/29/21 1 al 10.00 11 G -00T Prevailing Wage Hours - Will & Tim - 11/5/21 3 110.00 330.00T Prevailing Wage Hours - Will & Tim - 11/8/21 5 110.00 550.00T Subtotal: 1,925.00 .................. SUBTOTAL 31188.00 TAX 261.42 TOTAL 31449.42 BALANCE DUE %P 3,449-A2 TIN ..ELECTRIC, IN C-.., PO Box 428 Quincy, WA 98848 (509) 787-1591 tobl'n.electr'ic@frontier.com V Job Invoice -BIU TO Quincy Port District #1 10 1 F Street SW Quincy, WA 98848 JOIBINVOIC-E# 118360 DATE 03/08/2022 DUE DATE 04/25/2022 DES CRIPTI ONQTY RATE AMOUNT Port Intermodal - Installed and wired 4th 10 gang reefer sharing unit with 2 hour cycle timers MATERIALS ESL 3500 - 076A 10 Gang Unit (See attached invoice 1 29,653-00 29x653.00T description) Money Wire Transfer to ESL 1 45.00 45-0OT SQD LJA36400 300 Amp Breaker 1 31480.00 31480.0OT UPS Freight 1 18.00 18 -OOT 3" Plc-Sc,h.40 Conduit 800 8.15 21445.00T 3 PVC 36" Rad.. 90 2 65.00 130 -OOT 3"PVC ch,40 Coupling 4 3.50 1 4.00T .3" PVC. 90 degree,Sch.40 1 29.00 29.OOT 3" PVC Male Adapter 1 4.00 4.00T Locknut 1 3.65 3.65T 3" Plastic Bushing 1 2.75 2.75T PVC Glue, Quart 14.00 21.O1J T 2" Underground Marking Tape/Ft 1 3.08 0-06T 3 1/2" Malleable Mogul LB 1 488.00 488 -OOT 3 1/2" Reducing Bushing 2 48.00 96.00T 3" Rigid Conduit 3.50 29.00 101.50T 1 5/8" Thick Strut 3 7.00 2 1.00T Strust 3 - Hole Angle Bracket 2 7.20 14-40T 3" Strut Strap 2 3.30 6.60T 3" Two Hole Strap, Stl 1 3.50 3. 50T 1/211 x 4" Concrete Anchor 4 4.80 19.20T 3/811 X I Bolt Hardware 4 0.20 0-80T 3/8" Fender Washer 8 0.07 0-56T 3/8" Spring Nut 4 2.90 11.60T 2" x 12" x 16' Lumber 2 76.00 152 -OOT 1/210 x 20' Rebar 2 15.00 30 -OOT 3" Rebar Dobies 11 0.80 8.80T DESCRIPTION QTY RATE AMOUNT Rebar Cutting Disc 1.50 4.00 4.00T QHL Hardware 1 4.80 4.80T CW Concrete and Short Load Charge 1 480.00 480.00T Tape Seal Camper 15 9.00 9.00T Concrete Cure Seal 1 34.00 34.OOT Pull Twine 310 0.02 6.20T #12 THHN Copper Wire,Str 310 0.28 86.80T 350MCM Copper WireStr 11000 10.50 1 0,500.00T #2 THIN Copper WireStr 330 2.70 891.00T Wire Lube Quart 2 15.50 OT Phase Tape 3/4" 4 6.00 24.00T Duct Seal per pound 1 6.00 BOOT 18" Ty Wrap Black -wide 10 1.20 1 1 2.00T TA -0 Lug 1 1.80 1.80T Brother Label 4 0.50 2.00T Pioneer Metal Fabricated Stainless Plate 1 95.00 95.00T 1 l4" Taps 2 9.00 18.00T 1/4" Drill Bits 3 3.60 10.80T 1/411 x 1" Bolt Hardware 18 0.10 1.80T Jig Saw Blades 2 5.00 1, O.00T 7/8" Hole Saws 2 10.50 21.00T Picatti Engineering Evaluation & UL Listing 1 11680.00 i 0680 OOT Inspection Fee 1 288.00 288 -OOT Subtotal,: 51,0161*62 ,WA .T*0Tfyjft0j Hours - Pat -2/8/22 1 120.00 120.00T Hours - Pat - 2/10/22 1.50 120.00 180.00T Hours -Will & Tim - 2/15/22 1 120-00 120 -OOT Hours - Will, Tim, & Pat - 2/16/22 17 12 0.00 2tO4O.00T Hours - Will, Tim., & Pat - 2/17/22 15 120.00 11800 -OOT Hours - Will, Tim - 2/18/ 6 120.00 720.00T Hours -'Fill, Tim - 2/21/22 2 120.00 240 -OOT Hours - Will, Tim - 2/22/22 '9 120.00 71 t080.00T Hours -Will, Tim & Pat - 2/24/22 4 120.00 480.00T Hours - Will, Tim, Pat & Wayne - 311122 14.50 120.00 11740,OOT Hours - Will, Tim & Pat - 3/3/22 10 120.00 1 , 1200 -OOT Hours - Will, Tim - 3/7/22 1.50 120.00 180.00T Subtotal: 9,900 .00 SUBTOTAL "601916.62 TAX 41995.16 TOTAL 85,011.78 PAYMENT 05,011678 BALANCE DUE ak 0 $ _X00 Ephrata WA 98823-115 (509) 787-3312 Bill To* Port Of Quincy 101 F St Quincy WA 98848 Quantity Unit Description Unit Price Extended, Price C o. r -nm e n t ......................... ..... ............... 2021 1.00 LS 'ondtlit Trenching Backfill & Poured Light Pole -c 9,179.27 91179.27 2021 2022, 1.00 L onduit Trenching, Backfill 3,0 .5.00 31045.00 2022 Invoice Aniount: 1�,,224.27 Please send payment to: P.O. Box 1150 Ephrata, WA 98823 Sales Tax: 11002,39 Terms: 30 Dav W? Total Invoke Amount: 13,226.66 We appreciate your business', Visit our website at: www.tommerconstructuion.com INVOICE I. Invoice No-, -PORTQCY-1 Date: 4/21/2022 Due Date: 5/21/2022 jobs No: PORTQCY21 Description: Port of Quincy 2021 PO 2021 & 2022 Custom No: 458 Quincy WA 98848 Quantity Unit Description Unit Price Extended, Price C o. r -nm e n t ......................... ..... ............... 2021 1.00 LS 'ondtlit Trenching Backfill & Poured Light Pole -c 9,179.27 91179.27 2021 2022, 1.00 L onduit Trenching, Backfill 3,0 .5.00 31045.00 2022 Invoice Aniount: 1�,,224.27 Please send payment to: P.O. Box 1150 Ephrata, WA 98823 Sales Tax: 11002,39 Terms: 30 Dav W? Total Invoke Amount: 13,226.66 We appreciate your business', Visit our website at: www.tommerconstructuion.com 'E, t RE L I Mf 2 0 N1 A R 311 2022 V rNvoicE Invoice No: 15-2-8341 Date: 3/17/202-9 Due Date: 4/116/2022 Job No: GRAVEL22 Descriiption: Gravel. Sales 2022 P 0 F"': TO Customer No: 45"s Q411-n.CY �VA 9884L9 Quantity Unit Description Unit Price'Extended Price . . ........ .. .......................... ........ -- .......... . ......... . .. .......................................... Commen't . . 66.60 TO Basecourse 14.55 969.03 See. attached CLIStomer Usa(Y-e 0 101.70 TON Topcouxse 14.55 1,479.74 See attached Customer Usaae 5.00 EA Fuel Cha.rae 15.00 75.00 U F el Charge 2 I oG �- -� .�� 00 . a, eu,Y,eO � e�u.Q�. 3 � cc CL0"-% � M10" L.AAA �l ova 2, 2�5 = I, o� 2, f2_9 Invol*ce Amount: 22.523.77 Please send. payment to: P.O. Box 1150 Ephrata, VVA 98823 Sales Tax: 206.95 Ternis:30 Day Total Invoice Amount: 21730.72 Iii a co 1-1 * 0 Vic -if mir viph-q*1 1p ah -tv-tv-tv,,ff)mmprrnn.rtniction.com app1re-C1,12.1. e ", 1 o 11 r .. ti. S1 I "NA %0-S A %-11 4. Y Tommer Construction Co., Inc. From Customer: 458 To: 458 From Order: To: zzzzzzzz From Material: To: zzzzzzzz Customer Usage page I Of 1 Date Run: 3/23/2022 Time Run: 1:59:5 PM From Date'. '3117/2022 Td Date, 3/17/2022 1—Tic,ket—i Truck[Trl'r Mat'l ------------ Material-.-- ---------- I --------------- ft -..-*-.R even u e -------------------yr Dat e Number ID Unit Net M a I t'l Tax/Misc. Total Date Eritered Customer: 458 3/17/22 .1528341 150 -BASECOURSE 331.240 to $48164 $55.89 $539.53 3117/22 3117/22 1528356 150 BASE CCII SE 33.366 to $485.39 $566 $541.42 3/17/22 1 V4" Base Course Totals 66.600 to 2 $1,080.95 Total Tickets, 2 3/17/22 1528300 150 TOPCOURSE 34.3803 to $50013 $57.25 $557.48 3117/22 3117/22 1528307 150 TOPCOURSE 33,690 to $490A-9 $56A3$546.6 2 -3/17/2 2 3/17/22 1528328150 - TOP COURSE 33.630 to $489.32 $56.3 5 -$545L73117/22 518 Top Course Totals Total Tickets", 3 101.700 to S1,479.74 $1 73, 03 $1,2649-77 lion -order Totals 168300 to $2,443.77 $281, $2f73032 Total Tickets; 5. Port of Quincy Totals 1168.300 to $2,448-77 $281.95 $2,730.72 Total Tloke.ts-0, 5 Grand Totals 168.300 to $2,448.77 $281-95 $2,730.72 Total Tickets:- 5 Page #1