HomeMy WebLinkAboutBudget Extension - Accounting2 May 261", 2022 Grant County Auditor Michele Jaderlund PO Box 37 Ephrata, WA 98823 (509) 754-2011 Re: Creation. of Homeless HousingAdmiffil"stration. Fund (13 1.001) i, 10 Dear Grant County Commissioners, I respectfully request the creation of a Homeless Housing Adininistrationfund (131.001), whleh will be 0 4 used to account for the .6% homeless housing administration fees allowable per RCW 136.22.179(1, )0.) Additionally, I request the board .consider a transfer of $371,302.18 from Current Expense (001.000),into the Homeless Housffig Admim* stration Rind (131.001.),. wbich are the total adtni 9 10 strat" n fees dep ited 111.OS into Current Expense between 2008 and 2022 YTD. The use of these funds is restricted per RCW and must be accounted for as -such, Movin,27 fol -ward this administration fee Nvill be deposited directly into the In Homeless Housing Administration �.1 Fund.31,00.1). Additionally, I am requesting a budget extension in the amount of $355,600.66 Bor 13 1.001.0 0,0000.3 8 8 1000000 as well as 8 8 100000. This is the admimi stration fee collected between 2008 and 202 L Additionallyj am requesting a, budget transfer in. the amount of $45 ,0 .00 from Current Expense (001.0 o to the Homeless Housing Administration fund (1.31.001). .RCW3622.179 Surchargaefor local homeless housing and assistance—Use, (1) In addition to the surcharge authorized in ROV36.22,178 and except as provided in subsection (3) o !fthis section., an additional stircharcre ofsIlyty-two dollars shall be charged by the county auditorfor each document recorded, which will be in addition to aity 6ther I charge, allolived by law. Except cis provided in subsection (4) othis f section, the fitnds collected purstiant to this section are to be, distributed and used gas follows; (a) The atiditor shall retain htyo percent for collection of the fee, and of the remainder shall remit sLyty percent to the county to be deposited into afund that mist used .by the county and its cities and towns to accodish the nip purposes ofthapter 484, Laws of2005,,sIX Percent. of -which mav be tised by the countv for the collection and local distribution ofthese [tinds and administrative costs rc--dated to its homeless housing, plan, and the remaindei_or ffogLams which directly accomplish the goals of the countv's local homeless housing plan except that for each ciV in the count/ which elects as attrh0r'.1,ed in RCS 43.185C. 080 to operate its own local homeless housing program, a percentage of surcharge assessed tinder thi section equal to the the c' 's local portion of real is 1ge of I ty estate excise tav collected by the coun4l shall be transmitted at least quarterly to the city treasurer, without out any deducti.onfor county administrative costs, for use by the city for program costs i -Ouch directly contribute to the goals of the city's local homeless housingplan; of thefunds received by the ciV., it may use Arpercentfor administrative costsfor its homeless h ousinog-prog, ram. Thank you for your consideration, Katie Smith "PROVIDING THE PUBLIC SAFE, RELIABLE, RESOURCE EFFECTIVE LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES WITH INTEGRITY. Chief Financial Officer Grant County Auditor's Office RO.Bo x 37 Eplu-ata, WA 98823 509-754-2011 Ext. 2740 REQUESTED BY: KATIE SMITH REQUEST DATE: 05.26.2022 REFERENCE: NEW HOMELESS ADMIN FUND (131) INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: KSMITH 2022 BUDGET EXTENSION REVENUE FUND ACCOUNT NAME 131- HOMELESS ADMIN PRIOR PERIOD ADJUSTMENT 355,600.66 355,600.66 EXPENSE FUND ACCOUNT NAME 001- CURRENT EXPENSE PRIOR PERIOD ADJUSTMENT 355,600.66 355,600.66 REASON HOMELESS ADMIN FUND CREATION ACCOUNTING NOTES 2022 BUDGET TRANSFER REVENUE FUND ACCOUNT NAME 001- CURRENT EXPENSE HOMELESS PLAN ADMIN (45,000.00) 131- HOMELESS ADMIN HOMELESS PLAN ADMIN 45,000.00 ACCOUNTING NOTES Transfer of 2022 Budget NET TOTAL 2022 CASH TRANSFER EXPENSE 001- CURRENT EXPENSE PRIOR PERIOD ADJUSTMENT 355,600.66 001- CURRENT EXPENSE HOMELESS PLAN ADMIN 15,701.62 EXPENSE TOTAL 371,302.28 REVENUE FUND ACCOUNT NAME 131- HOMELESS ADMIN PRIOR PERIOD ADJUSTMENT 355,600.66 131- HOMELESS ADMIN HOMELESS PLAN ADMIN 15,701.62 REVENUE TOTAL 371,302.28 NET TOTAL