HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreements/Contracts - Central ServicesCONTI2t1CT TI-IIS CON TR-ACT ("Contract"), entered into by and belween GRANT COUNT , duly organized and operating undor atid by vIrtue of the Constitubon and the laws of the State of Washington, (`i�ounty"), and FARMERS ELECTRTC 11 LLC. a limited liability corp. oration duly formed and doing business in. the State of Washington ("Contractor"). In consideration of the inutual promises and covenants contained lierein, the parties bereto agree as follows: Work of Contract/S cope of Work. The Contractor shall do all work and'-finnish all tools., inaterials, equipinent, ean, d things of every description, aecessary to co-r-nplete the tasks and. scope of work. as per the request for bids, and this contract for the Grant, County'Fairgrow.Ws Barn 46 Electrical Upgrades CSD 2203.1-'g. Alln Contractor will be responsible to: I Provide electrical wiring in conduit foltowing the path of recently installed water lilies. Or as agreedupon by the County and the Con, tractor, 2, Verify the wire size to panels is sufficient for this alp plica-tion. 3, Provide the, number of breakers required and th,e. number of circuits required for the total, number of outlets requested. 4. If there is a need to bring a new feed. from the trcansforni.er to a panel, contractor will coordinate with the Grant County PUD for connects or disconnects. 5., Any excavation and back -fill is the responsibility of tli.e contractor. 6. Provide CTF1 oi) each circuit. 7. Provide weatherproof single gang receptacle for 2,Oa outlets. 8. Apply or perinits, coordinate inspections, aind perform all work as per the NEC 9. Per'.Form the work. as intended. in the bid document Girant County Fairgrounds Barn 46 Electrical Upgrades rb-CSD 2203f'gr Contractor sball leave the prQject site In, a clean conditionwith. call debris recovered and removed. The term "work" shall mean all work individ ial ly and/or collectiI vely- porfon-ned by the Contractor during the prQject. 2, P, wrg' alSite. The work shall beaccon-iplished Upon the real propertycoi-nillorily known and situated on or about as 3953 Airway Dr. NE (County Fairgrounds) Moses Lake, Wash ingtwi, or as may be more specifically directed. at the sole discretion of the County, 1) Date of Colllniepceiiipnt and Date of Completion. The Contractor shall conim.ence the . e. I work described herein upon receiving notice to proceed frorn the County, Substanti.al completion of the work, shall ' occur at such othor time as may be mutually agreed upon by the parties. In any event, Contractor shall not commence construction untilnotice to proceed has. been provided by the Colanty. The Contractor slia.1.1 obtain all necessary permits/bonds prior to the Yartners Electric Bam 46-47 electrical -upgrades contract.., I commencement of any work. 4. Contract Sum and Terms. The agrood Contract sum, except for provi'sions set forth below in Paragraph 14, and with paymQnt of such Contract Sum subject to provisions set forth'below in Paragraphs 9 and 12, andlor any other provision contained within the Cunb-act -which may af-fect such Contract Sum to be paid to Contractor, is as follows: I—SU-6tal $53452,001 Washington State* S�fes Tax 8.2% . $4,383.06 .. ........ ... .... . . . . ..... . .................. . . . ...... Total $58�835.06 —ketainage (5% of Subtotal)--- $2fi72.60 ti 5% retainage is required as are intents and affidavits to Washington State Labor and Industries. Contract is over $35,000 requiring a. notice of completion to be 'filed and approvedbefore releas-ing retainage. Contractor shall submit a monthly billing statement and/o'r luvoice to the -County, Such billing statement and/or invoice. shall set out the nature of work pei-fbmied, as -well as the time and materials invol-ved in such work or pementage of work completed as mutually agreed Upo.n by the Cont-ractor and. the County. The County will P3Y SUch statement a-n&or invoice witbin thirty (30) days of receipt. 5. Performance and Payment Bondsy Required, for this project. 6, R-otainage: Rqyired for, this project.. 'I d 7. Indemnity and Hold .1-1a,ri-nIcss. TheContractor shall defend, inde,M nify and ho the CoLaty, its Officers, Officials." einploy-ees and volunteers harmless from any and all. claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits, iiietuding attorney fees, arising out of or in connection wi,th the perfoimance of the con -tract, e=Cpt fOr iDJUries and. damages ca-used. by the sole negligence of the County. It is ftirther specifically and expressly understood that the Indemnification provided hei-ein constitutes the Contractor's waiver of immunity under, Industrial Insurance, title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the part-ics. The prov.1sion. S of this section steal . I survive the expiration of termination of this contract. Insurance, The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of this contract, ins-unance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to,property which may arise from or in comiection with. the perffirniance of the work herounder by the Contractor, its agents, representatives, ernployees or subcontractors, The Contractor shall, provide a Certification of o Insurance evidencing: a. Automobile Liability insurance with limits no less than $1 000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily h1jury and propertydamage; and Farmcrs'.Elcctric Bam 46-47 electrical upg, rades contract... — Page 2 b. Commercial Goner at Liability insurance wiitten on an occurrence basis Avith limits no less than $ 1 000,00.0 Combined single limit per occurrence and $1 n000,000 aggregate for personal injury, bodily 14JUry and property damage. Coverage shall I include but ,.not be limited to: blanket contractual; products/competed op, tratiolls broad form property damage; explosion, collapse &nd underground. (XCU) if applicable; rand employer's liability. C, Worker's Com ......pensation. insurance at the lin-ilts, established by the State of Washing I gton. 41� Any payment of deductible or self -insured retention shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. The County ,shall be named as an additional l.nsured on the insurance policy, as respects work perforined by or on behalf of the Contractor and a. copy of the endorsement naming the county as additional insured shall be attached to the Ceitificate of Ins-urance, The Contractor's insurance shall, be prirnary insurance with respect the Coinity and the County shall bo givon thirty (30) days prior written 7aotice of any canceliation, suspension or -material change in coverage. 9. Payments Witl,�.ield. The County may withhold or, on account of subsequently discovered evidence, nullify the whole or part of any payment to such extent as may be necessary to protect CO -Unity from loss or damage for reasons, includii:i.g but not limited to.: a Work not in accordance with the Contract; bu Reasonable evidence that the work required by the Contract cannot be completed for th, e unpa-id balance of the contract sum; o. Work by the County to correct def"ective work or complet.Q the work; d Failure by the Contractorto perform in accordance with the Contraot. or e. Cost or liability that may occur to the County as the result of Contractor's faultor negligent acts or amisssions, PROVIDED., In any case where part or all of a payment is going to be witlibeld for unsati s factory porfonriance, the County shall notify Contractor in accordance witli RCW 39.76.01 1(b). 10. Authority Of COLInty. if the Contractor fails to perforin the work according to requirements of tl-ie Contract Docuinent, the County shall provide -written notice of the deficiency to the Contractor and C ontractorsh all have seven days to coiTect the deficiency in. the work. If the Contractor fails to correct the deficiency in the -work within the seven. day period or to take and continue all appropriate steps to ill.itiate tho corrections in the event Corrections cannot be reasonably con-ipleted in the seven day pi .erod, the County may, without prejudice to other 1 -1 "a i Tuens Electric Bam 46-47 electrical upgrades contract— -- Page 3 rcnnedies, (a.) use County forces, other contraotors, or othQr ircans to make good the Contractor's deficiency and (b) deduct from the Contractor's payments the cost of such effoi-t. IL Warraiity_��f ConstrLICti011. In addition to any special warranties provided elsewhere in the Contract Document wid/or cornpailion. or applicable documents, th.e Contractor warrants that all work coiifonus to the req-airements of the Contract and is free of any defect in equipment, material, or design. fumi.shed., or workmanship perfornied by Contractor. With respect to all warranties, express or implied, for work performed or materials ftirnished amordin. g to the Contract, and/or companion or applicable doCL1111entS, the Contractor shall: & Obtain all warranties that would be given in -normal com.niercial practice; b. Require all warranties to be executed, in writing, for the benefit of the County, -,I and o, Enforce all warrantles for the benefia of flic County, if directed by the County, including any subcontractor's, manufact-urers, or su-pplier's wa..rranty that extends beyond the period specified. in the Contract.. d The obligations under this Section shall sLirvive completioii. 12. Successors and Assisms. The County, acid Contractor respectively bind thernselves, their partners, successors., assigns, and legal representatives to the other party hereto and. to partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives Of SLICh other party in. respect to covenants, agreenjents, and obligations contained. in the Contract. Neither party shall assign the -work -without written consent of the other.. If eithor party attempts to inake such au assigniawnt without such con silt, that party shall nevertheless remain legally responsible for all obligations set forth in the Contract. 13. Cha.n2es in Work. The County may, at avy tits and, without notice to Contractors, surety, order additions, deletions, revisions, or other chang,es in the work. These changes in the, work shall be incorporated Into tbe Contract Document thi-ough the execution of Change Orders, If any change in. the work ordered by CoLmuty causes an increase or decreasein the Contract Su na or the time of performance, an equitable adjustment shall be made, and such adjustments(s) shall be ilicorporated into a Change Order. If the County desires to order a change in the work-, it may recluest a written Change Order proposal from -Contractor. Contractor shall submit a Change Order Proposal within 14 days of the request from the County, or withi:ti such other period as mutually agreed. Contractor's Chajige Order proposal shall include full compensation -for implementing the proposed chaage in tho, work, including any adjustment in the contract sun or time of performance, and including compensation for all delays in connection with such change in the wofk and -for any expense or inconvenience, disruption of schedule, or loss of efficiency or productivity occasioned by the change in the work. Upon receipt of the Change Order proposal, or a request for equitable adjustment in the contract suni or tinic of` performance, or both, the County may accept or reject the proposal, request further documentation., or negotiate acceptable terms with Contractor. Fanners Electric Barn 46-47 electrical upgrades contract... — P'age 4 Pending agreement on. the terms of the Change. Order, the County may direct Contractor to proceed immediately with the ,Chan ge. Order work, Contractor shall. not -proceed with any change in the work until it has obtained the County's approval. AII work done pursuant to any County - directed change in the work shall be execitted in accordance with the Contract. 14. No Agency Relationship, Neither the Contract, nor any agreenientImplied therefrom, constitutes the Contractor as an agent or legal representative of the Caunty -for any pug pose "' whatsoever, and the relatioti.ship of the Con -tractor to the Coulity by reason of the Contract "Docurnent sbal I be that of an independent contractor. The Contractor is ii ot granted any express or implied, n ,lit or authority to asswiw or create any obligation. or responsibility on behalf of or I'll thenaine of the County or to bind the County in any manner or thingwhatsoover. 15. Clean Up. Contractor shall at all times, keep the project site, includinghauling routes' infrastructures, litilities, and storage areas, free from ace-urnulations of waste rnaterial.s. Before completing the work, Contractor shall remove from the premises its rabbish., tools, scaffolding equipment, and materials. Upon, completing the 'Work, Contractor shall leave the prQject site in a clean, neat, and orderly condition satrisfactory to the County. If Contractor fails to clean tip as provided herein, and after reasonable notice from the County, the County n.iay do so and. the cost thereof shall be charged to Contractor. 16. Sur'vival. Ih the eN,,ent agay clause or pro visiot.-i of this Con tract AC be held to be invalid, then the remaining clauses and provisions shall nevertheless be zuid remain in full force and. effect. 17. Entire Agreement. The Contract embodies the entire agreement between the parnica, all other agreements, oral or written, are hereby merged into and sijperseded by the Contract. There are no other agreements which modify or affect the ternas hereof No atnendnient hereto shall be binding unless the terms thereof are in writing signed by -both parties. Time is of the essence. No verbal or other agreeinents modify or affect the Contract. 18. Explanation of Documents. The Contract, been fully reviewed by the Contractor. The Contractor has had the opportunity to consult with legal counsel. as to the legal effect of the Contract. 19. Notices, All, notices whicb may be required pursuant, to the tenns hefoof are to be in wdtiqu and deliVeTed lvrsonally to the party to receive the same or mailed by regular mai'l, postage prepaid to the address specified adjacent to the parties' signatures. A.11 notices shall be de.elned served, upon delivery thereof or three (3) days following deposit ofthe notice in the U.S. mails as required herein. 2Q, Headimas, Construction, The headings of the sections and paragraphs are inserted solely for the coftvenience of the parties and are not a part of and are not intended to govern, unlit, or aid in the construction of any term or provision hereof. In construing the parties' intent with regard to Farmers Electric Barn 4647 electnical upcTrades con -tract.. - Page 5 In . this. contract., no greater or stri.eter constaiction of any team or provision hereof shall be asserted against the CO U.-tity as drafter. 21. DispLitesAtto.rneysFees, In any controversy, claim or dispute arising out of, or relating to, this contract or the method and manner of performance thereof or the breach thereof, the prevailing party shall b.e entitled to be awarded its reasonable attorney's fees in addition to such other damages as are appropriate. If neither party wholly prevails, the party that substantially prevails, shall 'be awarded. its reasonable aftomeysfees a. s liti.gation. expenses, For the puq)oses of this provision, the terni.s "proceeding" aftd "lifigatJon" shall inctude arbitration, administrative, bankruptcy, andjudicial proceedings, incItid.ing appeals therefrom,, For purposes of this contract, the actual attorneys" Fees in,cui-.red sliall be deemed "reasonable". 2. Govcmin� Law,.,Ym[C. The. performance and. interpretation of the Contract Document shallbe govertied and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Wash.in. gton. Any litigation arising out of or -in connection mPith this Contract shall be conducted in Grant County, Washington. N Farmers Electric an 46-47 clectrical Upgrades contract... — Page 6 � nA�A- Dated the of CONTRACTO-,R: Faniiers Electric 11 L. L C 30 E. Hemlock Othr,I]o WA, 9934"' By. RRR Booth, Cale*b, Managling Merriber LicenseNo. FAR.MEE191OR8 UBI No. 602-925-98,5 Dated the of AT S T: asqu Barb JJV 00,1,..-We, Board.' Approve as to form: By. Ke-vin McCrae, Prosecuting Attorney 7 Date: . .2022. ,2022. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANI" COUNTY, WA HINGTON Danny Stolfe-, Chair Cindy Carter, ember Fanners Electric Barn 46-47 deoftical upgrad-es contract... Nge 7