Week of May 2 — 8, 2022
Commission Chambers
35 C Street NW
Ephrata, WA 98823
Public meetings were held in person with a WEBEX Conference Call/Video option available.
MONDAY, MAY 292022
The Grant County Commissioners session began at 9:30 a.m. with Commissioners Jones (Webex) and
Carter in attendance. Commissioner Stone was out and excused.
8:30 a.m. — 9:30 a.m. D Stone, Grant County COVID —19 Public Health and Healthcare Briefing
9:30 a.m. —10:30 a.m. B Vasquez, Clerk of the Board Update
• NovaTime-Reports
• Claims/Incidents and Accidents —Shane Heston
• New OPMA Legislation —Record 2pm meeting only or all updates?
• Public Comment at meetings —each update?
• Executive sessions
• Solar hearing —process discussion
• Human Resources updates
10:30 a.m. —10:55 a.m. P Thornton, Grant County Museum Discussion
11:00 a.m. —11:30 a.m. S Fode, New Hope/Kids Hope Update
• Shelter Update
• ARPA funds review
• Out of state travel request discussion
• Compensation
• Harvest of Hope: facility cost waiver request
• Donations update
• Other
12:00 p.m. —1:00 p.m. Quarterly Elected Official/Department Head Luncheon
• The new travel policy for employees was discussed
12:00 p.m. —1:00 p.m. WSAC Virtual Assembly
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of May 2, 2022
1:00 p.m. — 2:00 p.m. Commissioners Round Table — Miscellaneous Discussion
• Review of Consent Agenda Items
• ARPA Clarification (JG) — Letter to the Commissioners before they receive ARPA funding for
clarification on what they are spending the funds on? Or just receipts afterwards? Send out
letter to recipients on the requirements.
• Commissioner Stone recommended the ARPA committee take a few months break. Tom Gaines
suggested reaching out to Moss Adams to discuss the ARPA grant funds.
• Commissioner Carter stated Stirling Knudson reached out again to her to see if the Board has
made a decision on a property issue. The commissioners want to follow the process correctly
and will send a letter.
2:00 p.m. — 4:00 p.m. R Jones, CE Governance Structure Learning Session
TUESDAY, MAY 3, 2022
The Grant County Commissioners session began at 8:30 a.m. with all Commissioners in attendance.
(Commissioner Stone attended via Webex when available)
8:30 a.m. — 9:00 a.m. K McCrae, Prosecuting Attorney's Office Update
• Language Line usage — MRSC Article
• Upcoming meeting re: landfill 5/9/22
9:00 a.m. —10:30 a.m. K Eslinger, Human Resources Update
Requ,' est
Discussion Items
Recruitment Incentive Approval
FYI Only
No Action
Authorization Requests
Sick Leave Donation
New Hope — Enhancement Funds
Unpaid Premiums
Budget, Finance, & Risk
2023 HR Revenue Billing
FYI Only
No Action
Outside Attorney Process
FYI Only
No Action
Use of Clear Risk
FYI Only
No Action
Comp, Benefits, Payroll, & Leave
Comp Table Structure
FYI Only
No Action
Comparative Worth Work Group
FYI Only
No Action
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of May 2, 2022
Department Head Comp
Recruitment /Civil Service
Development Services Director
Direct FYI
GIS Coordinator
No Action
Veteran Services Officer
FYI Only
No Action
Employee &Department Issues
Public Works
FYI Only
No Action
Solid Waste
FYI Only
No Action
Labor Relations: Association (ASC)
Negotiations: Courthouse -Signed
FYI Only
Negotiations: District Court -Signed
FYI Only
Negotiations: Public Works —Work Group
FYI Only
Negotiations: Solid Waste -Signed
FYI Only
Negotiations: Youth Services —Impasse
FYI Only
Labor Relations: Deputy Sheriff (DS)
Negotiations: Benefits Discussion
FYI Only
Labor Relations: Corrections (COR)
PERC: Arbitration
FYI Only
Other: Arbitration Implementation
FYI Only
Labor Relations: Sheriff Support (SS)
PERC: Mediation
FYI Only
Labor Relations: GrIS Teamsters (GT)
PERC: Mediation
FYI Only
Legal Actions
WSHRC Complaint
FYI Only
Adame v Grant County
FYI Only
Armstrong v Grant County
FYI Only
Prince v Grant County
FYI Only
Client Department Issues
County Engineer
Request for decision on an Unpaid Self -Pay Insurance Premium by former employee Amanda
Oliphant in the amount of $183.56. The Commissioners voted to forgive the debt.
Recommendation memorandum regarding 2022 Wage Enhancement Payments for New
hope/Kids Hope staff. The Commissioners gave their final approval to add language "or offered
Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(f) —Personnel Disciplinary Matters and RCW 42.30.110(1)(g) -Job
Applicant/Evaluation, Commissioner Jones called an Executive Session to order at 10:12 a.m. to
go until 10:27 a.m. In attendance were Commissioners Carter and Jones, Kirk Eslinger and
Decorah Anderson, Human Resources. Commissioner Jones closed the session at 10:27 a.m.
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of May 2, 2022
11:00 a.m. —12:00 p.m. Development Services Update
• Workload Report: New building official starts soon
• Shrub Steppe: Fish and Wildlife new maps show that most of Grant County is now "Shrub
• Planning Commission members, very Moses Lake "heavy". It was decided to wait for
applications from others that live in other areas of the county. 2 positions currently open.
• Comprehensive Plan Amendment Applications: Commissioners gave the approval to move
forward with the application process. Commissioners public hearing will be in September.
• Open Recruitments: GIS Coordinator position
1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.
• Solid Waste
Public Works Update
• Public Works General Update
• Public Works Engineering/Roads
• Equipment Repair and Replacement
2:00 p.m. — 3:00 p.m. Commissioner's Meeting
1. Call to order (Commissioners Stone and Jones via Webex)
2. Open Forum for Citizen Input (3 minutes per person, 15-minute time limit) None
3. Approval of Agenda A motion was made by Commissioner Jones, Seconded by Commissioner
Stone, to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
4. Correspondence (ie. Emails that have come in that need response, letters of support etc)
Coroner Morgue cost will be approximately 3.5 million; the board asked for a response letter
to be drafted for Stirling Knudsen.
5. Commissioners Roundtable —Miscellaneous Discussion Commissioner Jones discussed the
Fairgrounds hood request.
6. Consent Agenda- (Items 1 through 23) All items are considered routine and will be enacted by
one motion of the commissioners with no separate discussion. If separate discussion is desired,
that item may be removed and placed under Board Discussion/Decision. A motion was made by
Commissioner Stone, Seconded by Commissioner Jones, to approve the consent agenda,
holding #13 until 5/10/22. The motion passed unanimously
1. Payment of vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and
those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by
RCW 42.24.090, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. In the amount
of $754,,563.48.
2. Approval of April 11, 2022 meeting minutes.
3. Invoices
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of May 2, 2022
4. Letter of appointment for Rachelle Haven to the Grant County Tourism Commission for
a three-year term beginning May 3, 2022 through May 02, 2025.
5. Thank You Letter to Theodore Hill for his application to for the Grant County Tourism
Commission. The applicant was not selected.
6. Agreement amending Washington State Department of Commerce Treasury Rent
Assistance Unit Grant (T-RAP) No. 21-4616C-108 Subrecipient Agreement Between
Grant County and Opportunities Industrialization Center (OIC) of Washington Signed the
27t" Day of April, 2021. Agreement amends end date to October 15, 2021 as well as
decreases the grant by-$89,810.53 for a new total amount payable to subrecipient to
7. Agreement Amending Washington State Department of Commerce Eviction Rent
Assistance Program 2.0 (E-RAP) No. 21-4619C-108 Subrecipient Agreement Between
Grant County and Opportunities Industrialization Center Signed the 9T" Day of
November, 2021. Agreement amendment increases the total amount payable to the
subrecipient by $89,810.53 for a new total of $630,535.53.
8. Request for release of funds of 61"-8t" installment on Strategic Improvement Project (SIP)
#2021-01- Grant County Hospital District #4-McKay Healthcare, Phase 1 Capital
Improvement Plan in the amount of $10,.424.93.
9. Approval of Grant County Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Tourism Promotion
Agreement as follows:
Grant # Funds For: Organization Name: $Amount
2022-04 Moses Lake Round -Up Columbia Basin Rodeo Assoc $20,,000
2022-06 Tourism Promotion Coulee Corridor Consortium $2,500
10. Request for immediate change to the Veterans Assistance Fund Policy regarding Burial
Assistance. The change would decrease the burial/cremation policy from $5,.000.00 to
$3,.000.00 per death and apply to the yearly maximum. The policy was signed.
11. Proclamation for Provider Appreciation Day on May 6, 2022 recognizing Child Care
Providers for their important work.
12. Recommendation to award the bid for the extension of the Cattle Wash Rack project
(GCFG2022WR1) to Stans Construction and Son LLC in the amount of $14,823.40. If
approved, contract will be signed.
13. Request to purchase new restaurant hood for food booth from the lowest bidder,
Western Restaurant Supply in the amount of $31,272.49 including freight and taxes.
Funding for purchase is account This item was held until
the 5/10/22 Consent Agenda.
14. Letter to the County Road Administration Board (CRAB) recognizing David Bren as the
new County Engineer as of April 25, 2022.
15. Resolution No. 22-041-CC to rescind Resolution No. 22-018-CC and 22-015-CC and
appointing David Bren as the County Engineer.
16. Proclamation recognizing May 15-21, 2022, as National Public Works Week.
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of May 2, 2022
17. Out of state travel request for Bernadette Crawford to attend CADCA's (Community
Anti -Drug Coalitions of America) National Leadership Mid -Year Forum in Orlando,
Florida July 16 through July 22, 2022. Total travel cost is $2,825.15.
18. Out of state travel request for John Wallace to attend Cellular Investigations Training in
Missoula, Montana July 10 through July 15, 2022. Total travel cost is $2, 270.00 and will
be funded by funding source 001.114 Registrations.
19. Request to purchase tracking system for inmate wellness checks and movement from
Sole Source provider, Guardian RFID in the amount of $41,102.00. Funding will come
from Fund 112.154. (Sole Source Resolution No. 22-042-CC)
20. Purchase order No. 414 in the amount of $65,482.28 from Aumentum for the semi-
annual maintenance fees for Terra Scan for Assessors Office and Treasurers Office.
21. Purchase order No. 415 in the amount of $5,,911.06 from PluralSight, LLC for annual
business enterprise renewal (7 licenses).
22. Purchase order No. 416 in the amount of $27,887.39 from SHI International Corp. for
ADOBE software.
23. Purchase order No. 417 in the amount of $17.,755.93 from Ednetics for the annual
renewal of Ednetics Umbrella -Cisco Umbrella.
7. Board Discussion/Decisions Items (Items to discuss and items that were removed from Consent
Agenda. These items will be acted upon together.)
8. Adjournment
3:15 p.m. — 3:20 p.m. Open Record Public Hearing, Possible Extension to Ordinance Nos 21-
080-CCand 22-014=CC relating to Commercial Solar/Wind projects (RCW
The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing to consider a 2"d extension to the
moratorium enacted by Ordinance Nos. 21-080-CC and 22-014-CC relating to Commercial
Solar/Wind projects (RCW 36.70A.390). If passed, the moratorium would be extended to August 1,
Tyler Lawrence, Interim Development Services Director discussed the request.
A motion was made by Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner Stone, to close the public
comment portion of the hearing. The motion passed unanimously. A motion was made by
Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Jones to approve the budget extensions as
presented. The motion passed unanimously. (Ordinance No. 22-043-CC)
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of May 2, 2022
7:00 a.m. — 8:00 a.m. R Jones, Moses Lake Chamber Response Team Meeting
8:00 a.m. —12:00 p.m. 4entative'' Veteran Services Officer - Interviews
8:00 a.m. — 3:30 p.m. D Stone, Washington Shrubsteppe Restoration &Resiliency Initiative
Field Tour (Northern Douglas County) (Did not attend)
9:00 a.m. — 9:30 a.m. C Carter, WRCIP Fiscal Committee Meeting (Rescheduled to 5/19/22)
TH U RSDAY, MAY 5, 2022
7:00 a.m. — 8:00 a.m. R Jones, Moses Lake Chamber Response Team Meeting (Cancelled)
8:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m. D Stone at WSAC Water 101 Training Module A (Ellensburg)
10:00 a.m. —12:00 p.m. C Carter, Columbia Basin Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
Consortium Meeting
7:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. R Jones, Moses Lake School District Board Meeting
FRI DAY, MAY 6, 2022
10:00 a.m. —11:00 a.m. D Ste-n-e R Jones at Canvassing Board — Certification of Election
(Elections Department)
Commissioner Jones signed an AMENDED Delegation of County Legialtive Authority to serve on
Canvassing Board for the Special Election that was held April 26, 2022, as Commissioner Stone
was unavailable.
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of May 2,, 2022
Signed this I 7�
day of 12022.
At�,e t:
Bafrbi)a, a J. Vasquez
dJp.rllk of the Board
Grant County, Washington
Danny E.itonel Chair
o Jon S.'
Cindy Cart rl ember