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Grant Related - BOCC
GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LlJ1=i1_I_��J To: Board of County Commissioners From: Janice Flynn, Administrative Services Coordinator Datm March 17, 2022 Re: Authorization for Release of BOCC Approved Funds, Dept of Commerce, Emergency Solutions Grant #20-4613C-100, Reimbursement #26, City of Moses Lake, Request #15 The City of Moses Lake has requested reimbursement for the above -referenced grant, per the contracted guidelines in the amount of $64,285.48. The invoice and supporting documentation are attached for review. I am requesting the release of funds for payment to City of Moses Lake in the amount of $64,285.48. Thank you. E I V E D MAR X 2022',' WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE VOUCHER DISTRIBUTION Form 19-1A DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE------ PO BOX 42525 OLYMPIA, WA 98504-2525 AOMCY NUMBER ShortCade 1030 - INStRUCTION TO VENDOR OR Gl.AAIMAN'T: Submit this form to claim payment for materials, merchandise SNcwcomplete detail for each item, Commerce Contract Number 20-461313-100 or services. VENDOR OR CLAIMANT (Warrant is to be payable to:) Contact Parson: Carl Cortez Vendor's certificate: Tits individual signing this voucher below warrants they have the authority to do 50'a authorized and on behalf of the entity identified In the %/indar/Claimant section; The individual signing below certiCles under penalty of perjury that the items and totals lusted herein are. proper Gharges`to trt61ariais, merchandise or services furnished to the State of Washington, and that all goods furnished antler services rendered have been provided without discrimination because of age, pox, m6rital.status, race, creed, color, national origin, handicap, religion or Vieiriarn era or disabled veterans status, By, Phone: 500-764-5742 Email: aco ezndityprall,corn Contract Period: 711512020-9/3012022 (SION 1N BLUE iNKj Housing and Grants Coordinator REPORT PERIOD: x11112022-1/3112022 (TITLE) (DATE) DATE DESCRIPTION tETiJ BUDGET PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED AMOUNT THIS iNVOIC>r A1NAIta REMAINING BALANCE ADMIN $89,131..00 $58,115.72 $6:,673.86. $24o341.42 �j .i�y1(�j c HM HMIS �++]]�((''�, �(jj j/"j� (/��r� (�,[''y ('�'t $20tQ00,100. $962.01 (r�� .$552.40. y�Q�r Q�'1 $18:,485«JJ OUTREACH $20,000.00 $246.64 $696.56 $19,056.80 SHELTER CASE MANAGEMENT $408,891.03 $301,.528.:2� $24,748.1.9 $82,614.62 SHELTER OPERATIONS $,364;758.04 $21,804rt82 ` $119) ' 14,�1t�.b$ RAPIDRE•�IQU5ING CASE MANAGEMENT $1.07,977.30 $85,414.27 $5,4011.38 $14,151.65 RAPID. RE -HOUSING RENTAL.A5StSTANCE $80,000,00 $2,130,00 $3,913418 $7.3j 9.56;$ RAPID RE-HOUSiNG OTHER FINANCIAL ASSISSTANCE $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 PREVENTION CASE MANAGEMENT_ PREVENTION RENT ASSISTANCE $70.,000.00 $0.00 $100,500.00 $0.00 $495.09 $0.00 $6 504.91 $100o500.00 PREVENTiUON OTHER FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE $2,050.00 $0.50 $0.00 $2'9050.00 TOTALS $1,273,307.37 -$674,749:40 $+4,285.1. 48 $534,272,49 Match: Year/ Dollars /Coding PROGRAM APPROVAL (The indMdual signing this voucher warrants they have Ole authority to sign this mchar j PRINTED NAME; 51GtVATIJRE: DATE OAC DATE CURRENTOOC, NO. REFERENCE DOC NO, VENDOR NUMBER and SUFFIX ,WCOUNT NO. AS D DUMBER VENDOR M tc ssmx sun TRANS ]MASTER Sun OBJ SUB GLSUBSlD CODE INDEX 0 B ACCT AMOUNT iNVOlCE SIGNATURE OF ACCOUNTING PREPARER FOR PAYMENT DATE WARRANTTOTAL ACCOUMIG AYPROVAI. FOR PAYMENT DATE City of Moses Lake PO, Box 1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837 TO Grant County Attn: Janice Flynn Via Email INVOICE DATE February 16, 2022 DEPT #110 INVOICE #CDH 22.02 FOR. EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANT COVID-1 9 BILL CODE: ERESG Description ----- ------ -..- -- ------- ------------ -- - - ------ ---------- Amount Subcontract work for Grant County; Dept of Commerce Contract 20-4613' .... C-100 ----------- - ----- - - ---- ----- - --- - ----------- -- -- - ---- --- --------------- -------------- Basin Propane -- -------- - .... --------- ........ -------- . ...... uo$81.95 B.ori ,si.n Septic --------------- ----- ............. 46 .52 General Laundry ----------- .. .. . ........ ...... . 421334-84 Grant Co. PUD .............. ...... . ------ ---- --- - - 1" -- - --- -- ----------- ----- Groundworks 3, LLC------ .... .... .. .... .. -- 44,583.33 Hope -------------------- - -- -- ---- ------------- ------- --- - -- ---- -- ------ ---- --- ------------ ---- --- ----- -- - - ----- ------------------------------ * - ----------- - - - ----- ------- --------- --- - - ------ ----- 46,71.44 ---------- v$9 Modern.Building ..... .... .. ...... ... . . -- - -------- ---- . . .. ... ......... .. .. ---- - ----- - - ----- $894.31 Pacific Security --- ------- - ---------------- ...... ------ ------ j6r619.77 Williscot ... ........ . ............ ....... ------... . ... . ..... ... 1, 761.23 ------ ----------- 7-7: ------- ---- - ---------------- - - --------- ----------------- - ------------ - ........ ------- ER ON. PA M- HSVRE A 'PROMPT "RESP0HSt REfE -E 1: RENNO. NVOICE NUM -.9 y ENT10 -E s Payment Is due within 30 daysof invoice 1 date. ............ ....... . .... ............ . ... ...... . - ------ --------------- - Balance Due $64,.285.48 ........... . Make all checks payable to City of Moses Lake or call 509-764-3715 or 3719 to pay with a credit card. If you have any questions concerning this invoice, contact Finance Department at 509.764.3732 or 3735. IN" • contract.` Submitted to GC by: Request for ReimbursemInt No. Grant County's Subre t Checklist cipien `� State Auditor's Office Audit Procedures for Testing Activities Allowed ,And Not Allowed, As Published In 2007 Questions to ask before submitting a payment request Was the expenditure or cost: Made for an allowable activity under the grant guidelines? Authorized (or not prohibited) under state or local laws or regulations? Approved bythe federal awarding agency, if required? V/ Allowable per Circular.A-87 (June 2004 version), Attachment B, items 143? For payroll transactions: Doe's the employeeM 's ti e and effort documentation meet ■thr e q m e uire ents of Circular A-1 22? Allocable to the program. . a Le., was the dollar amount charged to the program relative to the benefits received by the program? I S* the federal grantor being charged its fair share of the cosiLrIlk . If) Based on actual costs, •not budgeted or p rojectod amounts? Applied uniformly to federal and non-federa.1 ■activities activities (i.e., is the federal government being charged the same amount as if non-federal funds were being used to p a' the cost)? Y d I a Given. consistent accounting tr witnin an ting'16, eatment d between accoun " periods? (onitency,in accounting requires thatcos* . costs incurred for the same purpose, in like circumstances, be treated as either direct costs onl0 r indire y ct costs only Y with respect to final cost objectives) Calculated in conformity with generally accepted -. accounting principles, or another comprehensive basis of . 1. accounting, when required under the applicable cost principles? Not included as a cost (or used to meet cost sharing requirements) of other /federally -supported activities of the current or a prior pedod? Net of all a p*plicable credits? (e.g., volume or cash discounts, ■insurance recoveries, refunds, rebates, trade-ins, adjustments for checks not cashed, and scrap sales). Not included as both a direct billing and as a. component of indirect costs? Properly classified (e.g., some costs may be 'Incorrectly claimed as a direct cost instead of being incorporated as part of the indirect cost rate). Supported by appropriate documentation? (e.g., approved purchase orders, receiving reports, vendor invoices, canceled checks, and time and attendance records.) Documentation maybe in an electronic form. Correctly charged to the proper account code andgrant period? NAStaffiASC Files\Btrickler Pre Feb 2018\00 Grants\00 SubrcciPient Checklist.docx Page I W;1m 955 E BROADWAY MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 PHONE'*' 509-766-0068 Bill TO . . ........... CITY OF MOSE,S LAKE PO BOX 1579 MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 vv'`�un b� l l INVOICE Date Invoice # 1/10/2022 28244 3 ;zo 6:3 3S. to b 09 S W;Nt 4K3* qcw BMW AM e, 955 E BROADWAY MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 PHONE: 509-766-00 Date Invoice n 1/24/2022 28395 Account No. Ternis lNh�,W"rv.-en..rwpyMq��.Aw. oa�b/FxaaPa:.. Rep Iii Via F.0. B,, Due Date 1444 Net 30 1/24/2-022 1/23/9.,012 Quandt Item CodeDescription . t�4 Pr k I acts Amount 9,4 Propane Po # SLEEP CENTER Sates Tax, 0 32,90T .' 2.76 y Thai* you for, your business. Total $35.66 INVOICE .AS. IF"w N;r, qcw ww& Am ve DCi.45:n" invoice� 955 E BROADWAY MOSES LAKE. W I " - PHONEV 509-766-0068 Account, meow trn Rol) :1 Vii ", � . u� - Due Date 1444 Net 30 2171202 3/9/2,0'2? rit It y Item CodeDC 3.6 Propane , 3,50 12.60T. Sales rax Total $13.66 Basin eptie Service 'Inc. 210 S 1*111111ton Rd MOsess Lilke, WA 98837 Phone ff 509-7645-110042 Fax 0 50-765-7384 City of Moses Lp-nkd PA Drawer 1579 Mowmq, Luko, WA 98837 InvoicoDaw Invoke N INVOICE 1/15/2022 T56306 Or Job At, ;MY MY Of Moses Lake Droadway extooded &.-J. [Ighway 17 Moses Lake WA'98837 PLEASE :THIS AMOUNT Wif f1f W* a v** 0111f w.*d:*4&A Nil 411*9 40p. it a v 0 4 6 Make ullooks payable to: 11ji.ght $�vpflic ser vitos. me, 0 Plm.w, check boxill'addrom is .1nuorrat or hus 011(ingedi, Itild I 111ve 114'.1"V101111 1110tise Avrile it here: indicate chmi&(s) on revorse side. ON 00 M 00 of m as m ani "a am a& *w on as ma Ab 06 nk ift oft on 00 go 4"'um a% Amw *0 0* m on " mp 00 on mw. � so am W* ow *0 00 wa am ;000 A0 00 00. "0 v* *0 ** aw 00 aw ** *A 04 BIWA septle. seevices Wel 220 S 110.11111(oll PLEWS.i?� im,,rACH AND RE.11ANT011 PORTION VVtT!,! PAYM EN1 Mons Lake, WA 9883*7 PvOp No4 Terms Duo D11(0 Rol) pr oj cc* I Due on receipt .11151 0 City OrW-Broad. jhsqjp!-10-n Q.ty ]Int6. Amount sanifizer S(aflons - 1111,91202.1 - 1/ 151. 022 95,00' 190400 ,101110.8orvica-0 W29/2`021 .. !/IS/204 .0too, ftautedSdvim- - 111.2/202.2-1115/2022.. 0.00 1 0. 60, Subtotal Sales, Tax (8.4%) $0.00 iW KS. THEIRE" WILIAL" A $35 C1 lARG2* FOR ALL RE"'I"URN1.1"D CHI $190,00 4 -- - - - ------------ FitINANCE CIIA1101-3S ON 30 DATPAST ACCOOWS A111. 1,15% P171,11 MONTH WITH A55,00 MINNUM. .1111yinenb/Credits $0.100 Hilling InquIrles? Call 509405-4002 it low 00 0 Balunce Due $190.00 Jett. D 0 j 3.7,507 16 b Basin Septic Services Inc. 220 S Hainilton Rd Moses Lake, WA 98837 Phone # 509-765-4002 Fax # 509-765-7384 Bill To: City of Moses Lake P.O. Drawer1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837 Invoice Date Invoice ft 6/512021 T51552 INVOICE Job At: City Of Moses Lake Broadway extended & Highway 17 Moses Lake WA 98837 #00**469 00460#0604*0 ::PLEASE PAY *THIS AMOUNT $222.52 Make checks payable to: Basin Septic Services Inc, Please check box if address is incorrect or has changed, and Have E -Mail? Please write it here: indicate change(s) on reverse side. no 00100 IND OND amb w� me= NED am a" lftwe• on 000� some � no 40000MERIM A" ME � me �605. solam �00 no 4001,4000 am Vw � am Basin Septic Services Inc. PLEASE DETACH AND RE' TURN TOP PORTION WITH PAYMENT 220 S Hamilton Moses Lake, WA 98837 P.O. NO. Deseripti Sanitizer Statio 5/9/2021 -6/5/2021 �O Private 5112/2.021 - 6/51201 Routed Sery ce - - 6/2/2021- 6/5/2021 Terms Due Date Due on receipt 6/5/2021 • oty 2 Rep Prof ect 01 City of ML -Broad... Amount 95,001 190.00 .30;00- 30.00T 0.001 0.0, 0 $220.00 $2.52 $222.52 $0.00 $222.52 Subtotal Sales Tax (8.'4%) THERE WILL BE A $35 CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS. Total FINANCE CHARGES ON 30 DAY PAST DUE ACCOUNTS ARE 1.5% PER MONTH WITH A $5.00 MINIMUM. Payments/Credits Billing Inquiries? Call 509-765-4002 Balance Due Rep Prof ect 01 City of ML -Broad... Amount 95,001 190.00 .30;00- 30.00T 0.001 0.0, 0 $220.00 $2.52 $222.52 $0.00 $222.52 Basin Septic Services Inc. 220 S Hamilton Rd Moses Lake, WA 98837 Phone # 509-765-4002 Fax # 509-765-7384 Bill To: City of Moses Lake P.O. Drawerl 579 Moses Lake, WA 98837 Invoice Date Invoice # INVOICE 8/28/2021 T53367 Job At: City Of Moses Lake Broadway extended & Highway 17 Moses Lake WA 98837 *#****$I moo $too 6*004 00*64* 0*4 0 66* 04 *** W*6*60006* &&to to*&6064% *as & PLEASE PAY T AMOUNT $190.00 Make checks payable to: Basin Septic Services Inc, Please check box if address is incorrect or has ohanged, and Have E -Mail? Please write it here: iadicate, change(s) on reverse side. 4=a� ftPf Man fwdm =a am &a am am � M fm&*do 4"4=00 *mom WPOW� Basin Septic Services Inca PLEASE DE TACH AND RETURN TOP PORTION WITH PAYMENT 220 S Hamilton Moses Lake, WA 98837 P.O. No. Terms Due Date Rep Project Due on receipt 8/28/2021 City ofML.-Broad.,. e,4 AmMint escr ty Rate Q'W Sanitizer Statio 8/1/2021 - 8/28/20 2 95.00 190.00 $190.00 $0.00 $190.00 $0.00 $190,00 Subtotal Sales Tax (8.4'x/0) THERE WILL BE A $35 CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS. Total FINANCE CHARGES ON 30 DAY PAST DUE ACCOUNTS ARE 1.5% PER MONTH WITH A $5.00 MINIMUM. Payments/Credits Billing Inquiries? Call 509-765-4002 Balance Due $190.00 $0.00 $190.00 $0.00 $190,00 DA. E TERMS 46 iff GURRENI (&,N - Oman pwlm DBA/ General Launot, "MR, 'wa rden, W A P-1 Q'A OVER 3 DAYS OVER 0 DAYS ToTkj AMOUNT Page 16 Of 30 Int, r.A 62032000,00 01/3112022 0.2/25120,22 $33189.06 CustoPler, City.of Moses Lake (Continued) Service Address: 1045 Oroad ra Ave E Slee in Center Moses L Re WA 98837-0000 lContinued), a Power Factor: 100.10000% Billing Demand: 28.440, 4 Rate 2 General Spoice I is iPilling Period: �r42/11/2021 01112/2022 Usage Histbry (in KWH) Llsa.g.e.History (in KWH) Rate I -'Domesti c* Service Pilling Period: 12/1412021 - 01113/2022 Prior Balance $20.00 Payments $0.00 Balance DUE 'IMMEDIATELY go,00 Basic Charge 31 Days @ $0 ' 65 $17.0-5— Minimum Charge Addition $2.95 CURRENT CHARGES $20.00 CURRENT AMOUNT DUE $40.00 Jan Feb Mar Apr M ay Jun Jul Avg Sep Oct Ndv Dee Jan 2021 2022 Service Address: 10000 interstate 90 E Radio,.Mbses Lake WA 98837-0000 000000010000009 0016-0030 TGCSTMNT020122022513 01 L 000002-2 Ground Works Three LLC 1224 S Pioneer Way Moses Lake, WA 98837 Bill TO City of Moses Lake 321 S Balsmil St P.O. Box 1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837 Invoice Date Invoice # 1/28/2022 5 P.O. No. Terms Project Quantity Description Rate Amount MONT14LY RENTAL FEB I Monthly Rent for property located at 1045 and 1049 Broadway. 4.9583.33 4,583,33 Total $4,583.33 City of Moses Lake ---------- AWN! Allfs.ion Williams Brant Barrs Code,, 1 ------ A WX INk"11 N'� 5 J4!_'E_Rd�,"G'fitNAN' dour W -00 ewlW'. 2� HOMELESS GRANTS GRANT REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST INSTRUCTION TO VENDOR OR CLAIMANT: Subrnft this form to request payment for soNices or materials, CITY OF MOSES LAKE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT l=0 BOX 1579 Attach accompanying proof of expenses (i.e. receipts, timesheets) MOSES LAKE, WA 98837-1579 Vendor's Certificate: The individual signing this voucher bolow warrants they have the authority to do so as authorized and on bphalt.af the entity Identified In the Vendot/Claftnahlsa�rtjon. The Individual signing below certifies under penalty of perjury that Die Items and totals listed herein are proper 0 es for materials, merchandise Or services furnished for the Grant, and that nil goods Wished andfor servic been provided . without. . dkcriminatio I ri bocauso of age, 4ex marital status, es rendered have I 1 1. 1 1 race, creaO, color, natIonal odain, hanificap, religion or Vietnam ora ordis4bled veterans slatus. V t CLAI, NT b 3", ENROWOf A 'M' Hopeso urce/Rapid Re-HOUSiligfflole l Voucher Program 700 E Mountain View Ave Suite 601 Ellensburg WA 98926 yr nm gn —ft.-Sms-mmom- - WNPOWS-Offt"WPF Ely: (SIGNATURE) CFO 2/1,,5/2022 Contact Person: 1- on, gt Phone: 0 Email: S ou ce.us..;: brant Idd,:'�.. 4/112021 m9/30/2022:1: -- - ---------------- - Title (DATE) REPORT PERWO/Month & Year., Jan -22 NIN-419-Pr' 01,11000", -------- --- rain u get_:_-. ESG�'C 1" -it e ms:` t o 1111217W22' V Ine: 4/ttZt 9 e1mbut, semen ft�-Pih' d, epor r X4k2T, �"f Li ne I 6m a anit e To Date 1 Alt S-1 F A., AN W, V P "z $17,555.55 6,. 74�3"-86` 1 $17)681.17 A? "AI� V g z. saX, �gg' 9 1 a g N �V.' Owl W"' 1 1. 111.1 ON $962.01 $246.64 Zoe' _69611,11, 5 $18)485.59 $191 056.80 *g IWIMWIM 'It Elmall", a,, 11-111 �' MI -1 ZEN a x. ..1. W I el- Wi. $66,636.86 'F fYsa 4 1 $82)614.95 $10)711.42 76*0']�' b "A $17,315-05 41 �1.1 5 831.*59 1'i-.-417 '44i ;i $69.30 jj�� ----------- ME e ", t TIM an* 71A $8814 24.27 $14)151..65 11 W S P X SP E -T ",-, U Kq aw 2,130.00 $73)956.82 MR 131 '" M1.5 ►I , I 100 , a0_01- Cv skean 1`2 I-P21'r, 11:� 1 0'� 000 0 00 &I JR. 61 , ,a L.ei IN, 'n 0 MW 114111MEW.1-1 # L W.. $0.00 -4 5`0 $ $69504.91 '! l' pg "'gg" a 0 q en, 6, � 01MR,10 `7 f - -------- BRUNEI, ax_" 0.00 $100)50 0.00 Pffllt ff �' $0.00 V'�"" --- W $181485,59 24 $202;498.34 $425)386.2 4 --------- --Q New Grant Balance for Current Reimbursement Request thi s $46,971.44 t $425)386.24 Fiscal Year Reporting Period FOR CITY USE ONLY., Voucher Approval Signature: DATE: Program btaTting Lrianges: Flease complete monthly to report new or departing PROGRAM staff Staff Change Type No Yes If Yes, enter employee name, Job title, Ft email DIVIsl... Code Division Title 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 140 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 1001 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL: ESG CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 6322021/1 - ESG- Orant County From 11112022 Through 113112022 GL Code GL Title Session ID Transaction: Description 7000 Salaries & Wages Opening Balance 7000 Salaries & Wages JVA1481 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 7100 FICA & Medicare JVA1481 Allocated line for Admin Ailocation Expense 7101 Employee Tax JVA1481 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 7105 Health Benefits JVA1481 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 7100 Unemployment JVA1481 Allocated line for Admin Allocation Insurance Exp 7107 L & I tax expense JVA1481 Al located line for Admin Allocation 7108 Other Benefits JVA1481 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 7110 Employee Incentive JVA1481 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 8010 Professional Fees JVA1481 Allocated line forAdmin Allocation 3100 mice Supplies JVA1481 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 8200 Communication JVA1481 Allocated line for Admin Allocation Expense 8300 Postage & Shipping JVA1481 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 8350 Dues & JVA1481 Allocated line for Admin Allocation Subscriptions 8400 bent - Space JVA1481 Allocated line for Admin Allocation Lower County 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg JVA1481 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 8420 Repairs & JVA1481 Allocated line for Admin Allocation Maintenance - General 8500 Asset/Equipment JVA1481 Allocated line for Admin Allocation Purchase 8610 program supplies JVA1481 Allocated line for Admin Allocation and tools 5850 Photocopy Expense JVA1481 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 8660 Printing & JVA1481 Allocated line for Admin Allocation Publications 8700 Travel Expense JVA1481 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 8710 Meeting Exp JVA1481 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 8711 Training & JVA1481 Allocated line for Admin Allocation Technical Assistance 8712 Representation JVA1481 Allocated line for Admin Allocation expense Debit 0.00 31143.81 258.31 658.52 787.35 26.79 43.92 20.01 21 49 802.76 11.25 23.79 3.57 146.22 178.58 21.53 54.49 00.22 19.60 38.78 21.8'1 17.14 259.36 12.58 Credit 0.85 17.11 Date: 2115/ 2 06.35:12 PM Page:1 Div si— Cade Division Title 100 Administration 100 Administration Hope Source Expanded General Ledger- BL- ESG-CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111 - ESC- Grant County From 11112022 Through 113112022 GL Code OL Title 8800 Vehicle Maintenance & related 8992 Bank Fee Session lD Transaction Description JVA1481 Allocated line for Admin Allocation JVA1481 Allocated line for Admin Allocation Transaction Total Galan, Administration 100 611011 Hotel/Motel Voucher 8944 Emergency Opening Balance Housing Assistance 611011 Hotel[Motel Voucher 8944 Emergency AP1038435 FSG -CV - RRH - Hotel Stay - Robert Jones -1.3.22 - Housing Assistance 1.16.22 Balan... Hotel/Motel Voucher 611011 Opening Balance 612001 Personnel 612001 personnel 612001 Personnel 612001 Personnel 612001 Personnel 612001 Personnel 612001 Personnel 612001 Personnel 612001 Personnel 612001 Personnel 612001 Personnel 612001 personnel 612001 Personnel 612001 Personnel 612001 Personnel 612001 Personnel Date: 2118122 06:35:12 PM Transaction Total 7000 Salaries & Wages Opening Balance 7000 Salaries & Wages AP1038611 Accrued Vacation Jan 2022 7000 Salaries & Wages AP1038611 payroll ,Jan 1-15, 2022 7000 Salaries & Wages AP1038611 Payroll ,Jan 1631, 2022 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1230 Payroll ,Jan 1-15, 2022 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1234 Payroll ,Jan 16-31, 2022 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1237 Accrued Vacation ,Jan 2022 7100 FICA & Medicare AP1038611 Payroll Jan 1-15, 2022 Expense 7100 FICA & Medicare API038611 Payroll .tan 1631, 2022 Expense 7100 FICA & Medicare CDSPRO1230 Payroll Jan 1-15,2022 Expense 7100 FICA & Medicare CDSPRO1234 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 Expense 7101 Employee Tax AP1038611 Payroll ,Jan 1-15, 2022 7101 Employee Tax AP1038611 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1230 Payroll Jan 1-16, 2022 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1234 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 7105 Health Seneftts AP1038611 Payroll Jan 1-15,2022 Debit Credit 0.77 0.80 !6, 9r18.00 673.86 0.00 769.30 769.3 0.00 769.30 0.00 2.4'1 17.82 22.71 17.82 22.71 2.41 1.6'1 2.07 1.61 2.07 2.82 3.78 2.82 3.78 5.17 Page: 2 Divisi... Cade Division Title 612001 Personnel 612001 Personnel 612001 Personnel 612001 Personnel 612001 Personnel 612001 Personnel 612001 Personnel 612001 Personnel 612001 Personnel 612001 Personnel 612001 Personnel 612001 Personnel 612001 Personnel 6121301 Personnel 612001 Personnel Galan..- Personnel 612001 GL Code GL Title Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- ESG-C1! - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111 - ESG- Grant County From 11112022 Through 113/12022 Session ID Transaction Description 7105 Health Benefits AP1038611 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1230 Payroll Jan 1-15, 2022 7105 Health Senefr% CDSF 01234 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 7106 Unemployment AP1038611 Payroll Jan 1-15, 2022 Case Management Insurance Exp 612003 Permanent Shelter 7106 Unemployment AP1036611 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 612003 Insurance Exp 7100 7105 Unemployment CDSPRO1230 Payroll Jan 1-15, 2022 7100 Insurance Exp Case Management 7106 Unemployment CDSPRO1234 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 Case Management Insurance Exp Date: 2J1 5122 06:36:12 PM 7107 L & i tax expense AP1038611 Payroll Jan 1-15, 2022 7107 L & I tax expense AP1038611 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1230 Payroll Jan 1-15, 2022 7[ 07 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1234 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 7108 Other Benefits AP1038611 Payroll Jan 1-15, 2022 7108 Other Benefits AP1038611 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 7108 Other Benefits CDSPRO1230 Payroll Jan 1-15.,2022 7108 Other Benefits CDSPRO1234 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 Transaction Total 612003 Permanent Shelter 7000 Salaries & Wages Case Management Payroll Jan 1-15,2022 6120103 Permanent Shelter 7000 Salaries & Wages Case Management Accrued Vacation Jan 2022 612003 Permanent Shelter 7040 Expense Case Management 0.31 612003 Permanent Shelter 7000 Expense Case Management 612003 Permanent Shelter 7100 Case Management 612003 Permanent Shelter 7100 Case Management 612003 Permanent Shelter 7101 Case Management Date: 2J1 5122 06:36:12 PM Salaries & Wages Credit Opening Balance Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1227 Payroll Jan 1-15,2022 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1232 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1236 Accrued Vacation Jan 2022 FICA & Medicare CDSPRO1227 Payroll Jan 1-151 2022 Expense 0.31 FICA & Medicare CDSPRO1232 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 Expense 0.36 Employee Tax CDSPRO1227 Payroll Jan 1-15, 2022 Debit Credit 6.03 5.17 6..03 0.22 0.26 0.22 0-26 0.31 t�.36 0.31 0.36 0.06 0.07 0.00 0.07 65.70 66.70 0.00 0.00 0,326.96 993.56 10,232.40 1,230.75 39'1.54 731.47 806.81 1,031.60 Pane: 3 Hope Sourco Expanded Genera[ Ledger- BL- ESG-CSI - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111 - ESC- Grant County From 1/112022 Through 1131120122 Divisi... GL Code DiuisIon Tiffe Code GL Title Smion ID Transaction Description Debit Credit 612003 Permanent- Shelter 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1232 Payroll Jan 16,31, 2022 1,230.75 Case Management 612003 Permanent- Shatter 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1227 Payroll Jan 1-15, 2022 1,328.15 Case Management 512003 Permanent Shelter 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1232 Payroll Jan 16-31,2022 1,326.15 Case Management 612003. Pen anent Shelter 7106 Unemployment CDSPRO1227 Payroll Jan 1-16, 2022 117.44 Case Management Insurance Exp 612003 Permanent Shelter 7106 Unemployment CDSPRO1232 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 119.75 Case Management Insurance Exp 612003 Permanent- Shelter 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1227 Payroll Jan 1-15, 2022- 162.07 Case Management 612003 Permanent- Shelter 7107 L & [ tax expense CDSPR01232 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 165.41 Case Management Transaction Tota[ 26,972.50 2,224.31 Galan... Permanent Shelter =24?748.19 612003 Case Management 612004 RRH Case 7000 Salaries & Wages Opening Balance 0.00 Management 612004 RRH Case 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1227 Payroll Jan 1-15, 2022 570.96 226.48 Management 612004 RRH Case 7000 Salaries & Wages, CDSPRO1232 Payroll Jan 16-31..2022 1,820.40 317.74 Management 612004 RRH Case 70010 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1236 Accrued Vacation Jan 2022 1,087,20 Management 612004 RRH Case 7100 FICA & Medicare CDSPRO1227 Payroll Jan 1-15, 2022 141.52 Management Expense 612004 RRH Case 7100 FICA & Medicare CDSPR.O1232 Payroll Jan 16-31, 20222 162.00 Management Expense 612004 RRH Case 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1227 Payroll Jan 1-151 2022 264.52 Management 612004 RRH Case 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1232 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 317.74 Management 612004 RRH Case 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1227 Payroll Jan 1-15, 2022 609.01 Management 612004 RRH Case 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1232 Payroll Jars 1631, 2022 609.01 Management Date: 2115/22 06.35:12 PM Page: 4 Divisi... RRH Case Code Division Title 612004 RRH Case AP1038611 Management 612004 RRH case CDSPRO1232 Management 612004 RRH Case AP1038611 Management 612004 RRH Case CDSPRO1227 !Management Galan... RRH Case 612004 Management 612005 Outreach - AP1038611 Personnel 612005 Outreach - CDSPRO1232 Personnel 612005 Outreach - AP1038611 Personnel 612005 Outreach - CDSPRO1227 Personnel 612005 Outreach - AP1038611 Personnel 612005 Outreach - Personnel 612005 Outreach - Personnel 612005 Outreach - Personnel 612005 Outreach - Personnel 612005 Outreach - Personnel 612005 Outreach - Personnel 612005 Outreach - Personnel 612005 Outreach - Personnel Date: 2115122 05:35:12 PM Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL IESG-CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Deport 632202111 - ESG- Grant County From 1/1/2022 Through 113112022 GL Opening Balance Code GL Title 7106 Unemployment AP1038611 Insurance Ftp 7106 Unemployment CDSPRO1232 Insurance Exp 7107 L & I tax expense 7107 L & I tax expense 70010 7000 70}00 7000 7000 7000 7000 7100 7100 7100 7100 7101 7101 Salades & Mages Salaries & Wages Salaries & Wages Salaries & Wages Salaries & Wages Salaries & Visages Salaries & Wages FICA & Medicare Expense FICA & Medicare Expense FICA & Medicare Expense FICA & Medicare Expense Employee Tax Employee Tax Session ID Transaction Description CDSPRO1227 Payrol I Jan 1-151 2022 CDSPRO1232 Payroll Jan 1631, 2022 CDSPRO1227 Payroll Jan 1-15, 2022 CDSPRO1232 Payroll Jars 16-31, 2022 Transaction Total Debit Credit 18.15 19.27 2.39 22.68 5,945.60 544.22 5,401.35 t0q)y fi {3.00 1� 2.41 17.52 22.7'1 290.15 22.57 140.40 40.62 16.20 1.61 2.07 25.65 18.56 2.82 3.78 Page: 5 Opening Balance AP1038611 Accrued Vacation Jan 2022 API038611 Payrol I Jan 1-151 20222 AP1038611 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 CDSPRO1227 Payroll Jan 1-15,2022 CDSPRO1232 Payroll plan 16-31, 2022 CDSPRO1236 Accrued Vacation Jan 2022 AP1038611 Payroll Jan 1-15, 2022 AP1038611 Payroll Jan 1631, 2022 CDSPRO1227 Payroll Jan 1-15, 2022 CDSPRO1232 Payroll Jars 1637, 2022 AP1038611 Payroll Jan 1-15, 2022 AP1038611 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 Debit Credit 18.15 19.27 2.39 22.68 5,945.60 544.22 5,401.35 t0q)y fi {3.00 1� 2.41 17.52 22.7'1 290.15 22.57 140.40 40.62 16.20 1.61 2.07 25.65 18.56 2.82 3.78 Page: 5 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - B1.- BSG -CV, Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111 - BSG- Grant County From 11112022 Through 113112022 Divisi... GL Code Division Title Code GL Title Session ID Transaction Description Debit Credit 612005 Outreach- 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1227 Payroll Jan 1-15, 2022 60.61 Personnel 612005 Outreach- 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1232 Payroll ,fan 16-31,2022 40.62 Personnel 612005 Outreach- 7105 Health Benefits AP1038611 Payroll Jan 1-15, 2022 5.17 Personnel 512005 Outreach- 7105 Health Benefits AP1038611 Payroll Jan 1631, 2022 6.03 Personnel 512005 Outreach- 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1227 Payroll Jan 1-15, 2022 53.57 Personnel 612005 Outreach- 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1232 Payne]] Jan 1631, 2022 4.0.11 Personnel 612005 Outreach- 7106 Unemployment AP1038611 Payroll Jan 1-15, 2022 0.22 Personnel Insurance Exp 612005 Outreach- 7106 Unemployment API038611 Payroll Jan 16-31,2022 0.25 Personnel Insurance Exp 612005 Outreach- 7146 Unemployment CDSPRO1227 Payroll Jan 1-15, 2022 2.10 Personnel Insurance Exp 612005 Outreach- 7106 Unemployment CDSPRO1232 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 1.75 Personnel Insurance Exp 612005 Outreach- 7107 L & I tax expense AP1038611 Payroll ,Ian 1-15, 2022 0.31 Personnel 612005 Outreach- 7107 L & I tax expense AP1038611 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 0.36 Personnel 612005 Outreach- 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1227 Payroll Jan 1-15, 2022 2.91 Personnel 612005 Outreach- 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1232 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 1.07 Personnel 612005 Outreach- 7108 Other Benefits AP1038611 Payroll Jan 1-15,2022 0.06 Personnel 612005 Outreach- 7108 Other Benefits AP'1038611 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 0.07 Personnel 612005 Outreach- 7108 Other Benefits CDSPRO1227 Payroll Jan 1-15, 2022 0.25 Personnel Transaction Total 759.75 63.19 Galan... Outreach- 6.56 612005 Personnel r Data 211 06:WA2 PM Page: B d Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- ESC -CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202/11 - ESG- Grant County From '11112022 Through 113112022 Divisi... GL Code Division Title Code CL Title Session ID Transaction Description Debit Credit 612006 HMIS- Personnel 7000 Salaries & Wages Opening Balance 0.00 612006 HMIS- Personnel 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1227 Payroll Jean 1-15, 2022 175.56 612006 HMIS- Personnel 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1232 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 218.10 33.75 612006 HMIS- Personnel 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1236 Accrued Vacation Jan 2022 5.70 1.00 612006 HMIS- Personnel 7100 FICA & Medicare CDSPRO1227 Payroll Jan 1-15,2M 16.04 Expense 612006 HMIS- Personnel 7100 FICA & Medicare CDSPRO1232 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 17.63 Expense 612006 HMIS- Personnel 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1227 Payroll Jan 1-15, 2022 29.69 612006 HMIS- Personnel 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1232 PayrolI Jan 16-31,2022 33.75 612006 HMIS- Personnel 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1227 Payroll Jan 1-15, 2022 40.10 612006 HMIS- Personnel 7145 Health Benefits CDSPRO1232 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 40.10 612006 HMIS- Personnel 7106 Unemployment CDSPRO1227 Payroll Jan 1-15, 2022 Z49 Insurance Exp 612006 HMIS- Personnel 7106 Unemployment CDSPRO1232 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 2.54 Insurance Exp 612006 HMIS- Personnel 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1227 Payroll ,tan 1-15, 2022 3.32 612006 HMIS- Personnel 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1232 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 3.03 Transaction Total 588.05 35.65 Galan... HMIS- Personnel 552.40 -. 612446 612008 Prevention - Case 7000 Salaries & Wages Opening Balance 0.00 Management 612008 Prevention - Case 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1227 Payroll Jan 1-15,2022 177.04 Management 612008 Prevention - Case 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1232 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 140.40 40.62 Management 612008 Prevention - Case 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1236 Accrued Vacation Jan 2022 15.20 Management 612008 Prevention - Case 7100 FICA &!Medicare CDSPRO1227 Payroll Jan 1-15, 2022 16.57 Management Expense 612008 'Prevention - Case 7100 FICA & Medicare CDSPRO1232 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 13.55 Management Expense 612008 Prevention - Case 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1227 Payroll Jan 1-15,2022 38.04 Management $12008 Prevention - Case 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1232 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 40.62 !Management Date: 2115122 05:35:12 PM Page: 7 Happe Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- ESG-CV - Unposted Transactions Included to Report 632202111 - ESG- Grant County From 1/112022 Through 113112022 Divisi... Prevention - Case OL. 512008 Management Grant PUD- MLES Utility Svc from11120-12121/21 Gude Division Title Code OL Title Session ID Transaction Description 612008 Prevention - Case 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1227 Payroll Jan 1-15, 2022 Professional Fees AP1038367 Management Pool (Inv 732-393193) - Dec 2021 612008 Prevention - Case 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1232 Payroll ,Jan 16-31, 2022 Management Date: 2115122 05.35.12 PM 612008 Prevention - Case 7106 Unemployment CDSPRO1227 Payroll Jan 1-15r 2022 Management Insurance Exp 612008 Prevention - Case 7106 Unemployment CDSPRO1232 Payroll ,tan 16-31, 2022 Management Insurance Exp 612008 Prevention - Case 7107 L,& I tax expense ODSP RO1227 Payroll Jan 1-15, 2022 Management 612008 Prevention -. Case 7107 L & l tax expense CDSPRO1232 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 Management Transaction Total Balan... Prevention - Case AP1038330 512008 Management Grant PUD- MLES Utility Svc from11120-12121/21 613 Program Operations 8407 Utilities - Shelter 613 Program Operations 8407 Utilities - Shelter 613 Program Operations 8407 Utilities - Shelter 613 Program Operations 5700 Travel Expense 613 Program Operations 8700 Travel Expense Galan... Program Operations 693 613001 Opening Balance AP1038330 Grant PUD- MLES Utirtty Svc from11120-12/21/21 AP1038611 Grant PUD- MLES Utility Svc from11120-12121/21 API038325 Rebecca,- Per Diem Reirnb- Travel to ML far Ray 613001 Severs Orientation- Jan 2022 AP1038612 Rebecca.- Per Giem Reirnb- Travel to ML for Ray Severs Orientation- Jars 2022 Transaction Total 613001 Program Support - 8010 Professional Fees Opening Balance Pool 613001 Program Support - 8010 Professional Fees -AP1037692 IT Support for .January 2022 Backup Service & Email Pool Security 613001 Program Support-- 80710 Professional Fees AP1038367 Microsoft Office 365 - Business Premium - Nonprofit Pool (Inv 732-393193) - Dec 2021 613001 Program Support - 8010 Professional Fees AP1038542 IT Support for January 2022 Backup Service & Email Pool Security Date: 2115122 05.35.12 PM Debit Credit 40.09 40.09 1.72 1.75 2.37 -i n7 535.71 4.0.62 Q 95.09 w 0.00 74.1.31 741.31 18.00 15.00 7519.31 0.40 x(}.00 167.1.5 5.96 431.11 157.15 Page: 8 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger- BL ESG-CV - Unposted Transacfions Included In Report 632202111 - ESG- Grant County From 111/2022 Through 1/31/2022 Divish.. Debit GL Ml=soft Office 335 - Business Premium - Nonprofit Code Division Title Code GL Title Session [D 613001 Program Support - 3010 Professional Fees API038542 Pool 165.87 2022 613001 Program Support - 8100 Office Supplies AP1038133 Moses Lake -Doe 2021 Pool ML Office Supplies - Dec 2021 8.15 613001 Program Support - 8100 Office Supplies AP1038248 92.95 Pool 2021 613001 Program Support - 8100 Office Supplies AP1038353 Pool 99.21 165.87 2022 613001 Program Support - 8100 Office Supplies AP1038359 Moses Lake Office Supplies- BIE - Dec 2021 Pool 257.87 Internet & Telephone Services for ML Office - Svcs 101.81 613001 Program Support - 8100 Office Supplies AP1038359 2.93 Pool (Main Office Telephone Svc '1211-12131121 4.04 613001 Program Support - 8100 Office Supplies AP1438549 2.93 Pool 12.93 4.04 Upper County Office Internet - Svcs 211-2/28122 613001 Program Support - 8100 Office Supplies AP1038549 from 1/1-1/31122 Fool 613001 Program Support - 8100 Office Supplies AP1038549 Pool 613001 Program Support - 8100 Office Supplies AP1038549 Foal 613001 Program Support - 8100 Office Supplies AP1038549 Pool 613001 Program Support - 8200 Communication AP1038223 Pool Expense 613001 Program Support - 8200 Communication AP1038228 Pool Expense 613001 Program Support - 8200 Communication AP1038228 Pool .Expense 613001 Program Support - 8200 Communication API038379 Pool Expense 613001 Program Support - 8200 Communication AP1038542 Poo[ Expense 613001 Program Support - 8200 Communication AP1038542 Pool Expense 613001 Program Support - 8200 Communication AP1038543 Pool Expense 613001 Program Support - 8200 Communication AP1038549 Pool Expense Transaction Description Debit Credit Ml=soft Office 335 - Business Premium - Nonprofit 15.30 5.96 (Inv 732-393193) - Dec 2021 131E - Mases Labe office Supplies, INV#10278 - Dec 155.41 2021 BIE Mooses Lake office Supplies, INV#10499-0 - Jan 165.87 2022 Bargain Town Christmas decorations/ office supplies 20.39 Moses Lake -Doe 2021 ML Office Supplies - Dec 2021 8.15 Moses Lake Office Supplies- BIE - Dec 2021 267.37 BJ.E - doses Lane office Supplies, INV#10278 - Dec 92.95 155.41 2021 Bargain Town Christmas decorationsl office supplies 12.20 20.39 Moses Lake -Dec 2021 BIE Manses Lake office: Supplies, INV#10499--0 -Jan 99.21 165.87 2022 ML {Office Supplies - Dec 2021 165.10 5.15 Moses Lake Office Supplies- BIE - Dec 2021 257.87 Internet & Telephone Services for ML Office - Svcs 101.81 from 1/1-1/31/22 Main Office Internet Svc 1211-12131121 2.93 (Main Office Telephone Svc '1211-12131121 4.04 Upper County Office Intemet - Svcs 211-2128/22 1.72 Main Office Internet Svc 121'1-12131121 7.57 2.93 Main Office Telephone Svc 12/1-12131121 12.93 4.04 Upper County Office Internet - Svcs 211-2/28122 1.72 Internet & Telephone services for ML Office - Svcs 60.89 101.81 from 1/1-1/31122 Data: 2115/22 06:35:12 PM Page: 9 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - SL- ESG-CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111 - ESO- Grant County From 11112022 Through 1131/2022 D ivisi._. GL Code Division Title Code; OL Title Session ID Transaction Description Debit Credit 613001 Program Support- 8350 Dues & API038431 Monthly Digital Fax Subscription - Feb 2022 - UC 0.13 Pool Subscriptions 613001 Program Support - 8350 Dues & AP1038542 Monthly Digital Fax ,Subscription! - Feb 2022 - UC 0.31 0.13 Pool Subscriptions 613001 Program Support - 8400 Rent - Space AP1037807 Main Mice Pent - January 2022 178.51 Pool Lower County 613001 Program Support - 8400 bent - Space AP1038542 Main Office Rent - January 2022 351.48 178.51 Pool Lower County 613001 Program Support - 8401 Fent - Space AP1037815 Upper County Office Rent for January 2022 7.07 Pool Upper County 813001 Program Support - $401 Rent - Space API038542 Upper County Office Rent for January 2022 15.74 7.07 Pool Upper County 613001 Program Support - 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg AP1038276 Main Office Utilities - Solar Allocation for acct#30$089, 6.19 Pool 306090- Svcs from 1212121-114122 513001 Program Support - 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg AP1038276 Main Office Utilities - Svcs from 12/2129-11412.2 16.64 Pool 613001 Program Support - 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg AP1038542 Main Office Utilities - Solar Allocation for .acct*06089, 44..94 6.19 Pool 306090- Svcs from 1212/21-114!22 613001 Program Support - 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg AP1038542 Main Office Utilities - Svcs from 1212/21-114/22 16.64 Pool 518001 Program Support - 8406 Utliities - Upper API038277 Upper County Office Utilities - Svc Period 3.43 Pool County/Offsite 1218/21-117122 offices es 613001 Program Support - 8406 Utilities - Upper AP1038375 M L Office Utilities -1000 X111 Ivy - Svcs 12115/21-11'14122 61.25 Pool County/Offsite offices 613001 Program Support - 5406 Utilities - Upper AP1038542 Upper County Office utilities - Svc Period 8.13 3.43 Pool CountylOfFsite 1218121-1/7122 offices 613401 Program Support - 8406 utilities - Upper AP1038549 ML Office UfFities-1000111 Ivy - Svcs 12115121-1114122 36.54 61.25 Pool Counwoffsite offices 613001 Program Support - 8420 Repairs & AP1038156 Reimbursement - Main Office Maintenance Amazon 6.47 Pool Maintenance - charged to Personal Card- Jan 2022 General 613001 Program Support - 8420 Repairs & AP1038188 Snow Plowing and De-icing - Main: Office - INV 29656 5.21 Pool Maintenance - - Nov 20221 General Date: 2/15122 06:35.12 PM Wage: 10 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- ESG-CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111 - ISG- grant County From 't1112022 Through 1/3112022 Divisi... Transaction Description GL Cleaning Service -Main Office- INV 11341-10.81 Code Division Title Code GL Title 613001 Program Support - 8420 Repairs & AP1038221 Pool Maintenance - AP1038325 Taylor- Main Office Maintenance R&H Statement pmt- mtDec • General $13001 Program Support - 5420 Repairs & AP1038478 Pool Maintenance - AP1038494 ML Office Cleaning - Inv #2021-1636- Svcs in January General 613001 Program Support - 8420 Repairs & AP1038498 Pool AP1038542 Maintenance - January 2022 AP1038542 General 613001 Program Support - 8420 Repairs & Pool Maintenance - General 613001 Program Support - 8420 Repairs & Pool Maintenance - General 613001 Program Support - 8420 Repairs & Pool Maintenance - General 613001 Program Support - 8420 Repairs & Pool Maintenance - General 613001 Program Support - 8420 Repairs & Pool Maintenance - General 613401 Program Support - 8420 Repairs & Pool Maintenance - General 613001 Program Support - 8420 Repairs & Pool Maintenance - General 613001 Program Support - 8420 Repairs & Pool Maintenance - General 613001 Program Support - 8420 Repairs & Pool Maintenance - General 613001 Program Support - 8420 repairs & Pool Maintenance - General Date: 2115122 06.35:12 PM Session ID Transaction Description AP1038189 Cleaning Service -Main Office- INV 11341-10.81 AP1038191 Property Restoration - Carpet Stretching - Main Vice - INV 385740203086 - 1 1.9.21 AP1038221 Main Office Property Maintenance -1 943085- Decernber 2021 AP1038221 Main Office Property Mainterranca` Parking Let - 1942603- December 2021 AP1038325 Taylor- Main Office Maintenance R&H Statement pmt- mtDec Dec2021 API038334 Main Office Building Maintenance- Invoice#207- January 2022 AP1038478 Iron Mountain: (12122121-1125122) - ML Office Shredding AP1038494 ML Office Cleaning - Inv #2021-1636- Svcs in January 2022 AP1038498 Addl Bathrooms - SSVF Training Rm - Dec 2021, January 2022 AP1038498 Weeldy Cleaning train Office --.January 2022 AP1038542 Add'I Bathrooms - SSVF Training Rm - Dec 2021, January 2022 AP1038542 Main Office Building Maintenance- Invoice#207- January 2022 AP1038542 Maim Office Property Maintenance -1943085 & Parking lot 1942603 -December 2021 Debit Credit 7.74 21.89 0.35 0.13 0.15 8.60 24.24 120.40 1.08 4.82 2.13 15.93 0.94 1.08 8.61 Page: 11 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger SL- ESG-CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 6322021/1 - ESG- Grant County From 1I'i12022 Through 113//2022 DivlSL. GL Code Division Title Code GL Title Session ID Transaction Description Debit Credit 613001 Program Support - 8420 Repairs & AP1038542 Main Office Property Maintenance -1943085- 0.35 Pool Maintenance - December 2021 General 613001 Program Support - 8420 Repairs AP1038542 Main Office Property Maintenance- Parking Lot - 0.13 Pool Maintenance - 1942003- December 2021 General 613001 Program Support - 8420 Repairs & AP1038542 Reimbursement - Main Office Maintenance Amazon 12.75 6.47 Pool Maintenance - charged to Personal Carts- Jan 2022 General 613001 Program Support - 8420 Repairs & AP1038542 Taylor- Main Office Maintenance R&H Statement prat- 0.30 0.15 Pool Maintenance - Dec 2021 General 613001 Program Support - 3420 Repairs & AP103854-2 Weekly Cleaning Main Office -January 2022 19.33 9.82 Pool Maintenance - Genera[ 613001 Program Support - 5420 Repairs & AP1038549 Iron Mountain: (12/22t21-1125/22) - ML Office 14.50 24.24 Pool ]Maintenance - Shredding General 613001 Program Support- 8420 Repairs & AP1038549 ML Office Cleaning - Env (#2021-1636- Svcs in January 72.01 120.40 Pool Maintenance - 2022 General 613001 Program Support - 8421 Repairs & AP1038303 Moses Lake Office Pest Control -1'115 and 911712021 59.72 Pool Maintenance - Program 613001 Program Support - 8421 Repairs & AP1038549 Moses Lake Office Pest Control -11/5 and 9/1712021 35.72 59.72 Pool Maintenance - Program 613001 Program Support - 8510 Program supplies AP1038165 U1ine invoice 142469460, floor mats, pouch 2.84 Pool and tools 613001 Program Support - 8510 Program supplies AP1038165 Uline invoice 143265158, grocery carts 2.64 Pool and tools 613001 Program Support - 8510 Program supplies AP1038306 Shiriworks: UG Uniforms (Inv #1031231) - ,Jaya 2022 1.35 Pool and tools 613001 Program Support - 8510 Program supplies AP1038542 Shirtworks: UC Uniforms (Inv #1031231) - ,Jan 2022 3.20 1.35 Pool and tools 613001 Program Support - 8510 Program supplies AP1038542 Uline invoice 142469460, floor mats, pouch 2.84 Pool and toots 613001 Program Support - 8510 Program supplies AP1038542 Uline invoice 142469460, floor mats, pouch & Uline 12.99 Poral and tools invoice 143266158, grocery carts Date: 2115122 06:35:12 PM Page: 12 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- ESG-CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111 ESG- Grant County From 11112022 Through 113112022 Divisi... GL Code Division Title Code GL Title Session ID Transaction Description Debit Credit 613001 Program Support - 8510 Program supplies AP1038542 Uline invoice 143265158, grocery carts 2.64 Pool and tools 613001 program Support - 8650 Photocopy Expense AP1038329 ML Office CopierlPrinter Usage & Maintonance 19.73 Pool -12119121-1113122 613001 Program Support - 8550 Photocopy Expense APE038329 ML Office CopierlPrinter Usage & Maintenance- 2,46 Pool 12118121-1115122 613001 Program Support - 8650 Photocopy Expense AP1035329 UC Office Copier/Printer Usage & 0.12 Pool !faint -1 211 912 1-1 11$122 6130€31 Program Support - 5850 Photocopy Expense AP1038542 UC Office Copier/Printer Usage & 0.28 0.12 Pool Maint 12119121-11'18122 613001 Program Support - 8550 photocopy Expense. AP1038549 ML Office Copier/Printer Usage & Maintenance 19.73 Pool -12/19/21-1118122 613001 Program Support - 8650 Photocopy Expense AP1038549 ML Office Copier/Printer Usage & Maintenance- 13.27 2.46 Fool 12116121-11'15{22 613001 Program Support - 8660 Printing & AP1038297 Vistaprint. ML Thank You Cards - Dec 2421 7.26 Pool Publications 613001 Program Support - 5660 Printing & AP1038549 Vistaprint_ ML Thank You Cards - Dec 2021 4.34 7.26 Pool Publications 613001 Program Support - 8800 Vehicle AP1038377 Main Office Pool Vehicle Maintenance -Inv# 537757- 0.81 Pool Maintenance & Jan 2022 related 613001 Program Support - 8800 Vehicle AP1038542 Main Office Pool Vehicle Maintenance-lnv# 537767 1.60 0.81 Pool Maintenance & Jan 2022 related 613001 Program Support - 8990 Interest Expenses AP1038444 Loan Payment for ML Office - January 2022 189.06 Pool 613001 Program Support - 8990 Interest Expenses AP1038549 Loan Payment for ML Office - January 2022 113.08 189.06 Pool Transaction Total 3,348.43 1,631.75 Balan... Program Support - 1,716.68 613001 Pool 613008 Permanent- Shelter 7000 Salaries & Mages Opening Balance 0.00 Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1232 Payroll Jan 1631, 2022 336.00 61.315 Program Ops 613008 Permanent Shelter 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPR01236 Accrued Vacation Jan 2022 67.20 Program Ops [date: 2115/22 06:35:12 PM Page: 13 Rape Source Expanded General Ledger -13L- ESG-Cil - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111 - ESG- Grant County From 111/2022 Through 1/3112022 DiVISI... GL Code Division Title Code GL Title Session ID Transaction Description Debit Credit 613008 Permanent: Shelter 7100 FICA & Medicare CDSPRO1232 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 28.95 Program Cps Expense 613008 Permanent Shelter 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1232 Payroll Jar, 16-31, 2022 61.36 Program tips 613005 Permanent Shelter 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1232 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 84.22 Program Cps 613008 Permanent- Shelter 7106 Unemployment CDSPRO1232 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 3.68 Program Ops Insurance Exp 613008 Permanent Shelter 7187 L & l tax expense CDSPRO1232 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 21.41 Program Ops 613008 Permanent Shelter 7108 Other Benefits CDSPRO1232 Payroll Jan 16-31, 2022 1.05 Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter 8010 Professional Fees AP1038181 ADP_ Background Checks (Inv #2212754-12-2021) - 52.06 Program Cps Dec 2021 - Azi 613008 Permanent- Shelter 8010 Professional Fees AP1038366 ADP: Background Checks (Inv #2212754-01-2022) - 30.33 Program Mas Jan 2022 - Raymond 613008 Permanent Shelter 8010 Professional Fees AP1038432 bioses Lake Enhanced Shelter Security- Invoice 0,509.50 Program Cps #3934 -- Dec 2021 613008 Permanent- Shelter 8010 Professional Fees AP1038611 Moses Lake Enhanced Shelter Security- Invoice 9,509.50 Program Cps #3934 - Dec 2021 613008 Permanent Shelter 8200 Communication AP1038223 Internet & Telephone for MI ES -1 S Pioneer stay- 65_17 Program Ops Expense Credit from 1211-12122121 613008 Permanent Shelter 8200 Communication AP1038223 Interriet & Telephone for MLES-1214 S Pioneer Way- 92.72 Program Opus Expense Svcs from 111-1131/22 613008 Permanent Shelter 8200 Communication AP1038407 Cell phone plan fear Enhanced Shelter Grant, service 139.04 Program Ops Expense period 12/20-01/1912022 613008 Permanent Shelter 8407 Utilities - Shelter AP1038416 ML Enhance Shelter Utilldes-1214 Pioneer- Svcs 1,005.68 Program taps 12122/21-1121/22 613008 Permanent Shelter 8407 Utilities - Shelter API038499 iVIL Enhance Shelter - 1214 Pioneer Utilities Svcs 555-25 Program Ops Utilities Svcs 1218121-117122 013008 Pennanen( Shelter 8407 Utilities - Shelter API038611 ML Enhance Shelter -1214 Pioneer- Utilities Svcs 555.25 Program Ops Utilities Svcs 1218121-1/7/22 613008 Permanent- Shelter 8407 Utilities - Shelter AP1038611 IVIL Enhance Shelter Utilities -1214 Pioneer- Svcs 1,005.68 Program Cps 12f22I21-1121122 613008 Permanent- Shelter 8421 Repairs & AP1038406 MLES-Maintenance Repairs ALLFIX-Door frame 216.80 Program Cps Maintenance - repair -Jan 2022 Program Date: 2115122.06.*35:12 PM Page: 14 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger BL- ESG-CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111 - ESG- Grant County From 1f1/2022 Through 1131/2022 Divisi... Permanent- Shelter GL Program Ceps 614001 Rent Assistance-- AP1038073 ESG Cif - Rent Assist - Jerry Guertin - January 2022 Code Division TI#le Code GL Title Session ID Transaction Description Debit 613008 Permanent Shelter 3421 Repairs & AP1038529 Basin Refrigeration & Htg-MLES Diagnostic and 237.94 Program Ceps Maintenance - plumbing Repairs- 01.14.2022 Program 613408 Permanent- Shelter 8514 Program supplies AP1038359 Sleep Center Operational Supplies - Dee 2021 156.49 Program Ops and tools 613€ 08 Permanent- Shelter 3510 Program supplies AP1038436 ML Sleep center Supplies -Invoice#IVILGO 2961 - DeG 152.47 Program Cps and tools 2021 613008 Permanent Shelter 8510 Program supplies AP1038436 ML Sleep center Supplies -Invoice#MLGC 2964 - Jan 134.40 Program Ops and tools 2022 613008 Permanent- Shelter 8510 Program supplies AP1038436 ML sleep canter supplies Outlet- Sleep 154.41 Program Ops and tools center-Invoice#Ml—GO 2958 - Dec 2021 613008 Permanent Shelter 8510 Program supplies AP1038516 Moses Lake Grocery Outlet -Sleep Center 96.36 Program Ops and tools Supply -1-20-2072 613008 Permanent- Shelter 8660 Printing & AP1038247 Vistaprint: HopeSource Business Cards - Birdie, Azi 46.44 Program taps Publications 613008 Permanent- Shelter 8700 Travel Expense AP1038612 Rebecca- Per Diem Reimb- Travel to ML for Ray 13.00 Program Ops Bevers Orientation- Jars 2022 613008 Permanent Shelter 8941 Moving costs AP1038437 Moses Lake Enhanced Shelter -Property cfeaning 1,224.00 Program Ops -invoice # 625060- 111 9 -1124122 613008 Permanent- Shelter 8941 Moving costs AP1038611 Moses Lake Enhanced Shelter -Property cleaning Program Caps -invoice # 625060-1119 - 1124122 613008 Permanent Shelter 5990 Interest Expenses AP1038544 Loan payment for ML Shelter - Jan 2022 1,304.19 Program Ceps 613008 Permanent Shelter 8990 interest Expenses AP1038611 Loan payment for ML Shelter - Jan 2022 Program Ops Balan... Permanent- Shelter 613008 Program Ceps 614001 Rent Assistance-- AP1038073 ESG Cif - Rent Assist - Jerry Guertin - January 2022 RRH 614001 Dent Assistance- APIC38097 ESG CV - Rent Assist - McKenzie Groves - January RRH 614001 Rent Assistance- (PR) 2122 RRH 614001 Rent Assistance- AP1038252 ESG-CV - Rent Assist Daniel Aviva - December (PR) RRH Transaction Total 1,224.00 1,304.19 15,729.95 13,725.15 2,004.80 8940 Rent Assistance Opening Balance 0.00 8940 Rent Assistance, AP1038073 ESG Cif - Rent Assist - Jerry Guertin - January 2022 895.00 8940 Rent Assistance APIC38097 ESG CV - Rent Assist - McKenzie Groves - January 795,18 (PR) 2122 8940 Rent Assistance AP1038252 ESG-CV - Rent Assist Daniel Aviva - December (PR) 373.00 2021 Date: 2115122 06:35:12 PM Page: 15 DIMS!... Code Division Title 814001 lent Assistance- Code RRH 814001 Rent Assistance- 8940 RRH 814001 Fent Assistance- 894.6 RRH Balan... Bent Assistance - 614001 RRH Report OpeninglCurrent Balance Report Transaction Totals Report Current Balances Report Difference Elope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- FSG -CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111 - ES G- Grant County From 11112022 Through 113112022 GL Code GL Title Session ID Transaction Description 8940 Rent Assistance AP1038438 ESG-CV - rent Assist - Daniel Avina - Jan 2422 894.6 Deposit Assistance AP1038097 FSG CV - Deposit Assist -(McKenzie Groves - January 2022 8945 Deposit Assistance AP1038252 ESG-DV - Deposit Assist - Daniel Avina - December 2021 Transaction Total Bafance 832202911 - ESG- Grant County Deblt Credit 560.00 750.00 550.00 3 913.10 0.00 S3,913.18 46,971.44 0.00 0.00 80,079.34 19,107.90 66,079: 19,107.90 48,971.4 Date: V15122 06:35:12 PM page: Is s -� n PO BOX 110.94-93 Porter Rd Aumsville, OR 97325 800.682.1422 Modernl3uildingSystemsxoni Bill To: City of Moses Lake P.O. Box 1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837 Page: Invoice Number: 0129533 Invoice Date: 211/2022 Contract,-- 8005155 Billing Cycle 3/112022 4/11/2022 31 Ship To Address, City of Moses Lake 1045 E BrbadWa'Y Ave Moses Lake, WA 98837 Customer PO: Ship Via: Confirm To: Terms: Item Number Ordered Rick Neil 25th of Month ................. 2577 0.00 1.00 Unit Price Extension Restroom/Shower - 0.00. 0.00* 575.00 575.00 STAIRS 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 250.00 Stairs Access Ramp Please Submit Paymet to: P.O. Box 110, Aurnsville OR 97325 Net Order: Less Discount: Freight: Sales Tax: Order Total: Less Deposit. - Order Balance: 825.00 0.00 0.00 69.31 894.31 0.00 894.31 PACIFIC SECURITY '- a d1v of Parker Corporate � ate $VAS IWP,jjr '� 2009 Inon Street "` ,� FIAV Bellingham, WA 98225-4211 SECURITY UNITED STATES t800j-743-2787 MOS ESL03 City of Moses Lake 0 Allison Williams 401 S Balsam St D PO Box 1579 T Moses Lake, WA 98537 0 PAGE INVOICE DATE 1/31/2022 INVOICE NO 39770 Moses Lake Sleep Center 1048 E Broadway Ave RMases Lake, WAS 98837 T O TOTAL btlE 6,618.77 SLS1 51,82 DUE DATA DISC DUB DATE ORDER NO ORDER DATE SHIP NO 7!3112022 1l31/2022 475 1I31/2022 TERMS DESCRIPTION CUSTOMER PO NO SHIP VIA SHIP DATE On Receipt 20.12-13T 1 /3�1120t22 ITEM ID TX CL UNITS ORDERED SHIPPED UNIT PRICE EXTENSION' Guard Service (W) 0 270.0040 270.00001 23.3500 6,304.60 Holiday (W) 0 9.0000 9.00000 35.0300 315.27 Month of Service -111 0 January 1.01000 1.0 000 0.0000 0.00 We al)Preoiate your buslness. Federal Tax IIS 91-2071184 TELE NONTAXABLE REICHT SALES TAX1 NI SC TOTAL 0.40 019.77 0.40 0.00 0.00 6,699.77 TOTAL DUE 6,619.77 biZ90010 ag400 Parker t~orpc�rate servicessl,ong T= -- Billing Sumary (Detailed)Page:2269 • _ �.,.. � - - - T - - �.-�Q= ���a=�-.�-��CC�� a==-���-..r-_��=ate......-_�_ 112/03122022 1.©�33 ������,, r 3305 Ca.ty Of Moses Casiome y�T �y VO 11G-1LG --------�-----�-----------..__-__-------�------------w_ Site: 1 Sleep Center � - _ - r r. _ _ _ „'_ - - w r _ _ - _ • - - _ r _ a �_--_„-= _ -_--''-----"�---------war-_------rr.__w--r.�_ Status- A�i ll c1e : FSS Data StatLMp%oyee aar_----__r---_ � -.._-______w__..rrr- ^_-__....__-__-____ __ _ _ __ ------_ D out Dept isa - _ r _--T�.-__----.--iii-_ 01/01/2022 LOCk 80433 - --_--__------------------�----------- Break Total a Hours --- ate___ �wrr-+.- _r /��.���..��-yy Arun t ���.M44 Anderson, .Adams »------------------------ ----- 02./01/2022 LOCk 80433 •AnderSOn, Adam X11.0 00:00 06:00 0.000 6.000 Stat 5_000 35.025 01/02/2022 Lack 80433 Anderson., Adam MIIO. 21:00 00:40 0.000 3.000 Stat 3-000 35.025 210.15 01/02/2022 LOCk 80366 Lopez, Valentin X1.10 00:00 06:00 0.000 5.000 Standard 6.000 23.350 1.05.08 140.10 0110312022 Lock 80366 Lopez, 'Valentin. M110 21.:813 00:00 0.000 3. DOO Standard 3.000 23.350 70.05 011133/2022 LOCk 8x36'6 Lopez, Valentin. 13.3.fl 130:111} 06:00 0.000 6.000 Standard6.000 23.350 01/04/2022 LOCk 80356 Lopez, 'ValentIn M110 21-.00 00_00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.00O 23.350 140.10 01/0412022 Lock 80366 Lopez, Valentin M110 00:00 06;00 0.000 6.000 Standard 6.000 23.350 70.05 01f 05/2022 Lock 80356 Lopez, Valla tin M11.0 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 23.350 02/05/2022 Lock 80366 Iopez, Valentin, 11110 00:00 06:00 0.000 6.000 Standard 6.000 23.350 70.05 140.20 01./0612022 Lock 80366 Lcpez, Valentine NMIIO 21:00 Do:00 0.000 3.0011 Standard 3.001 23.350 01/06/2022 Lock 80366 Lopez, Valentin Milo 011:00 06:00 0.000 6.000 Sta=lard 6.000 23.350 70.05 01/07/2022 Lock 50366 Lopez, tT.alentin M310 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Stands d 3.000 23.350 140.3/3 01/07/2022 Lock 80455 :Sjr :L gbaM, Robert M110 00:00 06:00 13.000 6.000 Standard. 6.000 23.350 70. QS 140.10 03%08/2022 Lock 80455 33jrmj»5rhaW, Robert M1Y0 21100 00: 130 0.000 3.000 t�n�Zi.II. 3.000 0.000 03/177/2022 Gk 80366 Lope , Val-�t_j33� Milo 00;00 06:08 0.000 6.000 Unbil.l. 6.000 0.000 0. 00 0.1311 01./08/2022 Lock 8036 ' ?o peg, Valentin XIII 21:00 00 fl0 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 23.350 '70.0.5 Dl%{38f 2022 Low 804'55 �3rn�i,�xg'�1a�, Rbbaa.^t M110 0000 06:00 0.000 6.000 Standard 6.000 2 3.350 140.1{3 01/09/2022 Lock 80455 Robert , Birtt�in ham Birmingham, M110 23:00 Ofl:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 23.350 70.05 01f O�f2022 Lack 811455 �armingham, RCb M110 0€t:00 06: 00 0_ € 00 6.000 Standard. -6.000 23.350 148.1.0 01/10/2022 Lack 80455 Birmingham, Robert M110 23.:00 00:00 O.000 3.1160 Standard 3.000 23.350 70.05 01/10/2022 Lock 80366 Lopez, Valentin 14110 00:00 06:00 0.000 6.000 Stamdard 6-000 23.350 1.40.10 01/21/2022 Lock 80366 Lopez, Valentin Milo 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.1300 23.350 70.05 01115/2022 Lack 80355 Lopez, Valentin M110 00.00 05:130 0.00 6.0300 Standard 6.000 23.350 1.40.10 01/1.2/2022 Lock 80366 Lopez, ValerItin Milo 21-00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 23.350 70.05 01./12/2022 mock So366 Logen, Valentin Milo 00:00 06:00 0-[1£30 6.000 Standard 6. G00 23.350 01/13/2022 Lock 30366 Lopez, Valentin MIG 21-00 00:00 0.000 3.004 Standard 3.000 23.3SO 70.05 01/13/2022 Lock 80366 L cxpez, Valentin I8 00:00 06 : DG 0.000 6.0€70 Standard 6.000 23.350 140.1.0 01114/2022 Luck s Q3 66 Lopa�, alantin. M110 21:00 p0:QO 0.000 3.000 Standard 3_000 23.350 70.05 01/14/2022 Lock 80455 Birmingham, 3Dbert 0 0.O 05 M11010 11 06 - woo 0 1} . 0 00 6.4 E) 0 St an 'd 6.G00 23.35(7 140.10 01/15/2022 Lock 84455 Bingham,. Robert 143.1 21:00 0azoo 0 _ 000 3.000 Standard 3.000 23.350 70.05 01./15/2022 ?pock 80455 Birmingham, ert Ni1.3fl t?0 : fl�i Q6: Bil 0 . £�00 6.0fl13 Stan Bard 6.000 23.350 1.40.10 01116/20.22 Lock 80455 B�.rm ,ztgha , Robert N 110 21: 00 00: 00 0.000 3 _ 084 Standard 3.000 23.350 70-05 01./1.6/2022 Lock 388 Beadle ,, Mark X1.10 00:00 06-00 0.000 6.000 Standard 6.000 23.350 1.40.10 01/17/2022 Lock 3138 Headley, Mark M110 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Stazxdard 3.000 23.350 70.05 01/17/2022 Lock 80444 Valencia, Cuerstm Mfl 00:00 06:00 0.000 6.004 Standard 6.000 23.350 140.10 01/18/ 2022 Lock 80444 Valencia/ GuersaYx M110 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 23.350 70.05 01/18/2022 Lock 80444 Valencia, Marson 14110 00:00 O6: fl0 �o. 001y 6.00.0 Standard 6.01317 23.35{? 140.10 01./15/2022 Dock 80444 Valencia, Guersan, 14130 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 23.350 70.05 01/19/2022 Lock 80444 Valencia, Guerson. X30 0{t, 00 06x 00 O.OQp 6_ 000 Standard. G. 000 23 350 140.10 01/20/2022 Lock 50444 Valencia, Giza,.rson N110 21:00 00;00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 23.350 70.05 113./2012022 Lock 80444 Valencia, Cttersaa 14110 00:00 06:00 0.000 6.000 Standard. 6.000 23.350 140_10 01/21/2022 Lock 80444 Valencia, Guer'son M110 21:00 00:00 O0 0 ..01313 3 :1}1}0 Standard 3 , 08€1 23.350 70.00 DI/21/2022 Lock 80429 Wilson., Jonathan M110 110:00 06:00 0.000 6.000 Stamd=d 5. D00 . 23.358 140.10 01./22/2022 Lack 80429 %i..lson, j=Uatban. Milo 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 23.350 70.05 01/22/202.2 Lock 80429 W11sc n, xT'•onathan M110 00:00 06:00 0.000 6.000 Staudard 6.000 23.350 140.10 Dif23f2022 Lock 80429 Wilson., Zonathan X.10 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 23.350 70.05 X110 00;00 06:00 0.000 6.000 Standard 6.000 23.380 140.10 biI9 0 010 Og4 0 0 slc= Paxker Cry xpoxate services . Billing Summary (Detailed) Page: 70 ..wwr-!lr.�__•.r!-_: w'rw rr-----__!!r-rr.r_rw-----w.r_-wr..w_w.-wlw----wr.• ;..�PT..__r-�w�7OlOw.�� 02/03/2022 113 39 Customer: 3306 City of Imh a o..rr---- _ww-!!l-r-- �7 }. Sleep _-- 0r_�_Y -7� Y --------------------------------------- - _ Status: A Bill Cycle:Psi Employee t- e St! ar _.-r lr ------------------ ►wrr_--_r--rw---rDep"I= at - - - - - -.•-- w r r___ w a-_ 01/23022 Lock 3SS-Head1. Dept I=out wr rr r r_ _ rr.rr -� -___ --------,_-----------r--------,---------- 33teak _�-lrw iOtal Type -- R1LLs rr Ammmt w 01/24/2022 Lock 388 Headley, Mark MIIO 23:00 00:00 0.000 -------y-..--- 3.000 Standard 3.000 2 3.3.50 0. 7405 01/24/2022 Lock 80366 Lopez, Valenti,, i�l330 {��:OQ �}�: 00 0 000 � 6 000 Standard 6.000 23.350 .05 140.10 01125/2022 Lock 80366 Lopez, Valentin MIIO 23.:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 23.350 70.05 01/25/2022 Lock 80366 Zopezr Valentin MIIO Ott: 00 06:00 0.000 6.000 Standard 6.000 23.350 140.10 01/2612022 Lock 50366 Lopez, Valenti. MIIO 21:00 40: QO 0.000 3.000 Standaxd 3.000 23.350 0112151:2022 Lock 80366 Lope= r Valentin M110 00:00 06:00 - 0.000 6.000 Sta and 5.00 a 23.350 74.05 140.10 01/27/2022 LOCk 80366 Lopezr Valentin MIIO 2.1:00 QQ:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 23.350 70.05 01/27/2022 Lack 80366 Lopez, Valentin MIIO 00:00 06:00 0.000 6.000 Stannard 5.000 23.350 140.10 01/28/2022 Lock. 80356 Lopezr Valentin MIIo 21:00 DQ t oo 0.000 3.400 Standard 3.000 23.354 70-05 01/28/202.2 Lack 60429 Wilsont Jonathan X110 00:00 06:00 0.000 6.040 standard 6.000 23.350 140_10 01/29/2022 Lock 80429 WjjsoM r jonath n MIIO 21:00 0u : 00 0_000 3.000 Standard 3.000 23.350 70.05 01/29/2022 Lock 80444 Valencia, Guerson r 01/30/2022 Lock 80444 Valencia, IIID OOZOO 06:00 3110 21:00 00:00 0.000 0.000 6.,000 Standard 6.000 23.350. 140.10 Guerson 01/30/2022 Lock 80366 Lopez,0 �r alentiIO 00:00 06:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 6.000 Standard 3.000 6.000 23.350 2 3350 70.05 01,/31/20223a�2o�a Lock 80356 Lopez, Valentin MI2i:00 00: oo 0 _000 3.000 Standard, 3.000 23.350 140.10 70.05 01/31/2022 Lock 90366 Lopez,. Valentin MIIO 00=00 06-00 0.000 6.000 Standard 6.000 23.S50 140.10 MIIO 22:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 standard 3.000 23.350 70.05 All Hours AMO=t -r-..r----- --------- 288.000 .. .._---- 6r619.73 ----------- -------r-• w..wlw wr. Sta lard 270.000 00 6,304_50 OT 0.000 0.00 DOT O . OD©0.00 y stat 9.000 3J.5 . 23 Tjbbill 9.000 0.00 Other 0. CO 0.00 288.000 6r 619. 73 ---------Al ----------------- lowances 0.00 ------------------- Tota3 with Ailowames ........... T rww 901 SOUTH BOND ST.; SUITE 600 BALTIMORE MD 21231 (800) 782-1500, Option 1 customersuccess@wilIscot.com www.willscot.com Fed JD# 52-0665775 BRANCH: CITY OF MOSES LAKE MD SPOKANE WA 401 S BALSAM ST MOSES LAKE WA 98837-1764 3310 N FLORA RD 1111111 if 1111111111101111111111111111 SPOKANE WA 99216-1705 (509) 892-6778 ----------- — ................................ ....................... i " - uenores taxanie irem ms - r% L PAYMENT OPTIONS W&OM0 to the W111SCot I Mobile Mini customer portal! Register today to make online payments, sign up fdrAuto-Pay, or view invoices and statements. https://portalmmobilemini.com (800) 782-1500, Option I You r9m0ln rOsPonsible for the invoke balance If there Is an Issue with your method of payment. Late fees and Interest charges may be assessed if payment is not made within terms. Thank you for your businessi 82451 C16.2022020649504.00689 T* T* T* T* T* T* ...................... j enotes non-taxable item. .............................. ............ .......................................................... ............ PLEASE REMIT WITH PAYMENT INVOICE TOTAL $1.v761.23 Invoice #: 9013082928 Due Date: 2/15/202-2 Customer: CITY OF MOSES LAKE Customer #: 10452459 PLEASE REMIT TO, WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN, INC. PO BOX 91975 CHICAGO IL 60693-1975 I I I 11 I .1 I � I I � I I � � � I � 11 - 11.1 I I I I � 1. I + I � . ,. I �'.. I � . I . - 1, I � � �' � 1. � I... I "I. - � -11''. - - -Expenses. 1. . -1- ,� ''..'' 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