HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCC (002)�jRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS To: Board of County Commissioners From: Janice Flynn, Administrative Services Coordinator Oaten. October 26, 2021 Re: Authorization for Release of BOCC Approved Funds, Dept of Commerce, Emergency Solutions Grant #20-4613C-100, Reimbursement #17, City of Moses Lake, Request #11 The City of Moses Lake has requested reimbursement for the above -referenced grant, per the contracted guidelines in the amount of $71,078-09. The invoice and supporting documentation are attached for review. I am requesting the release of funds for payment to City of Moses Lake in the amount of $71,078.09. Thank you. Dated this day of 2Q21 Board of County Commissioners Grant County, Washington AMr.ove Rj5gnoro Ab—stain Dist #1 Dist # I Dist# I Dist #2 Dist # 2 Dist # 2 Dist #31 Dist # 3 Dist # 3 Vi C E " ` r .^ y Form 19 -1A20 WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT CSP COMMERCE - 1i UCHER DISTRIBUTION DEPARTMENT OF (:OMMERCE PO BOX 42525 OLYMPIA, WA 98504-2525 AGENCY14VMBER Short Code Commerce Contract Number 1030 -46"13C-100 INsTRUCT1aNTOVENDOR ORCLAIMA14T; Submit this form to clatnt pament far materials, merchandise or cervices, Show complete detail for each item. Contact PeTsom VENDOR OR CLAIMANT C,Varrant Is to be payable to.) Carl Cartel= Vendor's Certificate: The indhiduai signing this voucher below warrants they have Me auffiority to do so as authorized and on behaK of the antily idenlifiod in the VendoriClairnantaoGt on. The Indb,4dual signing betowtr certifies under penalty poejury that. the Iternsi and totals 0sted herein are proper Charges tot matedat,, -merchandise or services furnished to the Mata of Washington, and thatall goods furnished andlor sem' ell rendered have beert provided v t out discrimination because of age, sex, marital status, race, creed, Color, national origin handicap, religion or'lietnam era ordisabled vstaran! status, K By: Phone; Email; Contract Period: 509-764-3742 9000-7-4-0-19t ofn1111am 7/15/2020-913012022 (SIGN IN BLUE I � Housing and. Grants Coordinator REPORT PERIOD: 91112021-9/3012021 (TITLE) (DATE) DATE BUDGET PREVIOUSLY AMOUNT' THIS INVOICE REQUESTED AWARDREMAINING BALANCE ADMIN $89,131,00 $31,079.42 $3,660.25 $54,391.33 HMIS $105,000.00 $0.00 $105,000.40 ------------------------ OUTREACH $1051000400 $0.00 $105,000.00 SHELTER CASE MANAGEMENT $236,000,00 $191,870.85 $11,422,00 $324707.15 SHELTEROPERATIONS $238,176.37 $119,666,09 $19,0147.40 599,462.88 RAPID RE -HOUSING CASE MA,NAGEMENT $105,000.010 $8,140.75 $36x948,44 $59)910,81 RAPID RE:•HOUSING RENTAL ASSISTANCE $212,000.00 $0.00 $212,000.00 RAPID RE -HOUSING OTHER FINANCIAL AS5ISSTANCE $26,000.0]11 $0.011 $261000,00 PREVENTION CASE MANAGEMENT $26,000.00 $0.00 $264600.00 PREVENTION RENT ASSISTANCE $105,000.00 $0,00 $105,000.010 PREVENTMON OTHER FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE $26,000,00 $0.00 5,261 000.00 ----------------------- TOTALS $1,273,307,37 $35i1a757, Ifi �7�,a78. $851,472.17 Match: Year[ collars /Coding PROGRAM APPROVAL (The ihdtviduat signing this 4muther ;vnrranit Ihayhamthe authority to i;lgn this wwlahe�r:j 1PRINTEDNAME: SIGNATURE: IDATE a0c OAU CURRt IT DOC, IiO, REFERENCE DOC NO. VENDOR NUMUER and SUFFIX ACCOUNT NO. ASO NUMBER VENDOR MESSAGE TRANS CODE SUB MASTER We 004 Sue GL INDEX out ACCT sve yin AMOUNT INVOICE SIGNATURE OF ACCOUKING PREPARE:RFOR PAYMENT DATE WARRANT TOTAL ACCOUNTIN13 APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT DATE Expenses Grantee Subcontractor #1 Subcontractor #2. Subcontractor #3 Subcontractor #4.1Subcontractor #5 Subcontractor #1 HMIS $0.00 Vaccine Incendves'(d que.actwjt ) $0.00 Training (unique actvt ) $0.00 Street Outreach Outreach Essential Services $0.00 Hazard Pay (unique activity) $0.00 Handwashing stations/portable bathrooms/laundry (unique Volunteer Incentives (unique activity) $0.00 Training (unique activity) $0.00 Coordinated Entry COVID Enhancements (unique activity) :$0.00 Cell Phones (unique activity) $0.00 Subtotal Street Outreach $0.001 $0.001 $0.00 $0.00 $0.001 $0.001 $0.00 $0.00 Permanent E me e c Sh t Shelter.Case IVlanagement (including CE and Essential Services):..,..,, $8.2 97.8 , ,, a Shelter O erations _.. .,.. , . _. , . .. , • , ., , , �... .. .. ,, }; 4 s 0.00 - , .. .., .... .. ..... ,. .. �. ..... ... ...... ,..... .. , .. .. , .. ,.. y 0.00 HazardPa uni ue ctivi 0.00 .. _, .. VolunteerJncentives un ue actw� 0.00 Tra►nm rn uue actw0.: w, '•... .: ...:. .:...:. ....... n;.. is :.. , .,. ,,.... ,,.,. .... ,.... .. .. , .., '. ,' ,:..a..l .:. :.. :• ! 0.00 8 29...85 , 0.00 r, 0 00 0':00 000 Subtotal Permanent. Einer enc :Shelter :._ _ ..,., :...: a ...:, .... $0,00 $ . .. ,_ $ . 7 $ $ $ $ 8 297.85 $ , Tempora Emergency Shelter- ONLY USE IF APPROVED BY COMMERCE, Shelter Case Management (including CE and Essential Services) - $3,124.15 $3,124.15 Shelter Operations $19,047.40 $19,047.40 Leasing existing real property or temporary structures - $0.0 0 $0.00 RenevatieR $0.00 Hazard Pay (unique activity): $0.0 0 Volunteer Incentives (unique activity) 0.00 Training (unique activity) : $0.00 Other Shelter Costs (pre=approved,by HUD) $0.00 Subtotal Temporary Emergent Shelter:,$0.00 $0:00 $22,171:55 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $22,171.55 Rapid Rehousing -. RRH Rental Assistance $0.00 RRH Other Financial Assistance RRH Case Management(including CE and Essential Services $36,948.44 $36,948.44 Hazard Pay (unique activity) $0.00 Landlord Incentives (unique activity) $0:00 Volunteer Incentives (u nique.activity) $0.00 Training (unique activity) $0.00 Subtotal Rapid Rehousing $0.00 $0.00 $36,948.44 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 - $0.00 - $36,948.44 Homelessness Prevention Prevention Rental Assistance - $0.00 Prevention Other Financial Assistance $0.00 Prevention Case Management (including CE and Essential Services) $0.00 Hazard Pay (unique activity) - : $0.00 Landlord Incentives (unique activity) $0.00 Volunteer Incentives (unique activity) ,.: , $0.00 Training (unique activity) $0.00 Subtotal Homelessness Prevention.$0.00 $0:00 $0.00 $0.00 ,$0.00 $000 $0.00 - $0,00 Invoice Total: $71,078.09 City of Moses Lake PO Box 1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837 TO Grant County Attn", Janice Flynn Via Email DATE October 1, 2021 2021 DEPT #110 INVOICE # CDH21.02 FOR.* EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANT COVID-19 BILL CODE: ERESG Description Amount Subcontract work for Grant County, Dept of Commerce Contract 20-4613C-1 00 Groundworks 3,. LLC $7,449.81 Basin Septic '$ 190 Grant County PUD /$105.34 Pacific Security $6,,222.82 City of Moses Lake- Admin $3,660.25 General Laundry $1,,811.53 Modern Building ........... --- */$894.31 --- ------- -- - Hopesource-Temp Shelter Case Management $3e] 24.15 Hopesource-RRH Case Management $39 322.03 Hopesource- Perm Shelter Case Management $81297.85 ........ .. - ---- --- ----- ....... __ ....... REFERENCE INVOICE NUMBEIR ON PAYMENT TO ENSURE A PRE OMPT R SPONSE .... ... ....... Payment is due within 30 days of invoice date, Balance Due $71.,078.09 Make all checks payable to City of Moses Lake or call 509-764-3715 or 3719 to pay wifh a credit card. If you have any questions concernina this invo* ice, contact Finance Department at 509-764.3732 or 3735. Ground Works Three LLC 1328 E Hunter PI WA 98837 Bill To City of Moses Lake 321 S Balsam St P.O. Box 1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837 Data Invoice # 9/2412021 P.O. No. Terms Project Quantity Description Rate Amount I I MONTHLY RENTAL FEE Monthly.Rent for property located at 1045 and 1049 Broadway.. Property' Tax.Reimbursoment 43583.33 2,8-66.4-8- 4,583.33 2j866,48 Total $7)449.81 Basin Septic Services Inc. 220 S Ham! Iton Rd Moses Lake, WA 98837 Phone N 509-765-4002 Fox # 509-765-7384 Hill To: City of Moses Lakt, P.O. Drawer 1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837 Invoice Date Invoice # INVOICE 9/25/202 1 T53986 Job At: City Of Moses Lake Broadway extended & Highway 17 Mom Lake WA 98837 14 9 P00% a"* 9 0 6 a V *as *goo** A 44 0 *0 * 04 6 0 4 a AV 1*% 0 0 0 ##1** *lad&,* *a % 046444 at, ::PLEASE PAY :THIS AMOUNT $190,100 Make checks payable to: Basin Septic Services Inc. Please check box If address is incorrect or has changed, and Have R-Mafl? Please write it here: indicate chme(s) on reverse side. dodo Oft ft a ""qft f*0 *m"mm 0" im 4m d& m � d" am 0" ON ft� as am go Basin Septic Services Inc. PLEASE DETACH AND RETURN TOP PORTION WITH PAYMENT 220 S Hamilton Moses Lake, WA 98837 THERE WILL BE A $35 CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS, FINANCE CHARGES ON 30 DAY PAST DUE ACCOUNTS ARE 1.5% PER MONTH WITH A $5,00 MINIMUM. Billing Inquiries .9 Call 509,-765-4002 Due Date Rep Project 9/25/2021 City of ML -Broad, 64, Qty- Rate Amount 2 95.00 190*00 Subtotal $190.00 Sales Tax (8.4%) $0.00 Total $190,00 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $190.00 S..e.rv-lc.di e.ss:,.Il-014,5. BroadwayAve E Sleep.Ing Center,lMoses Lake WA 98837-0000 331923.459 1 35,910,234 1 1,986,775 1 1.001 1,986,7771 KWH I No Rate 2 - General Service Billing Period.- 08/1212021 - 09/10/2021 Prior Balance $118.03 Payments Applied THANK YOU -$118,03 Balance $0.00 Baltic Charge 30 Days @ $0,70 21,00 Energy Charge 1,986.777 kWh @ $0 04245 **""SUBTOTAL $84.34 ENERGY*** $84,34 CURRENT CHARGES $105.34 CURRENT AMOUNT DUE X106.34 00 ,Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 2021 Service Address-, Neppel Landing Park Christmas L.Ights,, Moses Lake WA 98837-0000 00000001 0000008 0015-0028 TGCSTMNT100121022524 01 L 000001( PACIFIC SECURITY a div of Parker Corporate Svcs roAch i ir i sob 2009 Iron Street affffw= Mr Wp Bellingham, WA 98226-4211 SECURITY UNITED STATES (800)-74342737 S MOSESI-03 0 City of Moses Lake Allison Williams DL 401 S Balsam St PO Box 1579 T Moses Lake, WA 98837 0 PAGE I INVOICE DATE 913012021 INVOICE NO 38080 S 1 H Moses Lake Sleep Center 1 1045 E Broadway Ave P Moses Lake, WA 98837 T 0 TOTAL DUE 61222.82 SL$1 SLS2 DUE DATE DISC DUE DATE ORDER NO ORDER DATE SHIP NO 9/30/2021 9/3012021 463 9/30/2021 TERMS DESCRIPTION CUSTOMER PO NO SHIP VIA SHIP DATE Due On Receipt 20.12 -ST 913012021 ITEM ID TX CL UNITS ORDERED SHIPPED UNIT PRICE EXTENSION Guard Service (W) 0 253,0000 253.0000 23.3500 5,907.55 Holiday (W) a 9,0000 9.0000 35.0300 3116.27 Month of Service - W 0 1.0000 1.0000 010000 0.00 Zelaternber We appreciate your business. Federal Tax ID 91-2071184 TAXABLE NONTAXABLE FREIGHT SALES TAX MISC TOTAL' 0.00 6,222.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,222.82 TOTAL DUE 6122282 bi190010 ag400 Parker Corporate Services Page- . 82 slong Billing Summary (Detailed) 10/05/20211.3 -50 ---------------w------------ Customer- ------------------------------------.--------r------r-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- 3306 City Of Mases sake Site: 1 Sleep Center ----------------rr-r-----------------------------._.tee-------r--a Status r A Bill Cycle : PSw --- Date r•... ..-- ----mow Stat Employee -- r �. r...-----^.. .4 ...------.. .�-- a-- --- ---------------------------------------------_--------------r--------------- Dept fw.,r ..-----w�---- - --w w �...--- -'� In Out Break Total 'fie 11ours Rate .mount 09/01/2021 Luck 80350 Koblos., Michael w w - w - r---- w.s- -- M110 -^'----------..- 00:00 06; 047 -------a- 0.000 - ---•- 6.000 ------ -- -- -- Sta.-adard - ---- --------------- 6.000 23.350 140_3.0 09/4 1/2021 Lock 8 03 66 Lopez, Valentin X1.10 21 _ {,0 00:Q0 0-000 3.€ 00 Standard 3.000 23.350 70.05 09ID2/2021 Lock 54356 Lopez, ,Valenti. X110 00:00 06:00 0.000 6.€300 Standard. 6.000 23.350 140.10 09/02/2021 Lack 80366 Lopez, Valentin M110 23:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 23.350 70.05 09/03/2021. Lock 80366 Lopez, VaIentin M1.10 00:00 06:00 0.000 6.000 Standard 6.000 23.350 140-10 09/03/.2021 Lock 80366 Lopez, Valentin. M1.10 21:00 00 z 00 0.000 3.000 Stancla.rd 3.00G 23.350 70.45 09/04/2021 Lock 80366 Lopez, Valenti M1.1.0 00:00 06:00 0.000 6.000 Standard 6.000 23.350 140.10 09/04/2021 Lock. 80238 fie, Garrison M110 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Stacdard 3.000 23.350 70.05 09/05/2021 Lack so238 Rule, Garrison M110 00:00 06:00 0.000 5.040 Standard 6.000 23.354} 140.10 09/05/2021 Lock 80235 Rule, Garrison X110 22.30 00:00 0.000 1.500 Standard 3.500 23.350 35.03 09/06/2021 Lock 80238 Ga=ison Milo 00:00 06;00 G.000 6.000 Stat 6.000 35.025 21.0.15 09/09/2021 sock 80366 Lopez, Valentin M110 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Stat 3.000 35.025 105.08 09/07/2021 Lock 80366 Lopez, Valentin M214 00:00 06:00 0.000 6.000 Standard, 6. 000 23-350 140.1.0 09/07/2021 Lock 80366 Lopez, Valentin, M110 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 23-350 70-05 09/08/2021 Lock 803G6 Lopez, Valentin MIIQ 00:00 06:00 0,000 6.0100 Standard 6.000 23.350 140.10 {39/08/2021 Lock 80365 Lopez, Valentin M110 21;00 010:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 23.350 70.05 09/09/2421 sock 80366 Lopez, Valentia M110 00:00 06:00 0.000 6.000 Stannard 6.000 23.350 1.40.10 09/0912021 Lock 80366 Lopez, Valentin M110 21:00 00-00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.400 23.350 70.05 09/1.41/2021 Lock 80366 Lopez, Valentim M110 00:00 06:00 0.000 6.000 Standard. 6.000 23.350 140.10 09/10/2021 Loch 80366 Lopez, Valentin X1.10 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 23.350 70_05 09121./2021 Lock 80356 Lopez, Valentin M110 00:00 06:00 0.000 6.000 Standard 6.000 23.350 140.10 09/11/2021 Lock 80360 Koblos, Michael M110 21.:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard. 3.000 23.350 70.05 09/12/2021. Lack 80360 Koblos, Michael M1.10 00:00 06: 107 0,000 6.000 Stamdard 6_000 23.350 140.10 09/12/2021 Lock 80.360 Koblos, Michael. M11D 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 23.350 70.05 09/13/2021 Lock 50360 Koblos, Michael M1.1.0 00:00 06:00 0.000 6_000 Stanch== 5.000 23.350 1.40.10 09/1.3/20121. Lock 80360 Koblos, Michael X11.0 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 23.35E 70.05 09/1.4/2021 Lock 80360 Koblos, Midbael M10 00:00 06:00 0.000 6-000 Standard. 6-000 23.350 140.10 09%1.4/2021 Lock 80360 Kobles, Michael M110 21z00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 23-350 70.05 09115/2421 Look 80360 Xablos, Michael. M110 00:[#0 06:00 0.000 6.000 Standard G-000 23.350 140.1,0 09/15/2021 Lock 80356 Lopez, Valentin. M1.10 23.; 00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 23.350 70.05 09/1.6/24121 Lock. 80366 Lopez, Valentin M110 00:00 06:00 01.000 5.000 Standard 6.000 23.350 140.1.0 09%1£/2021 Lock 80366 Lopez, Valentin M110 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Stannard 3-000 2,3.350 70.05 09/1.7/20,21 Lock 80366 Lopez, Valentin X110 00:00 06:00 0.000 6.000 Standard 6.000 23.354 140.10 09/17/2023. Lock 80366 Lopez, Valentin M110 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 23.350 70.05 09/18/2021 Lock 80366 Lopez, Valentia M1101 00:00 06:00 0.4011 6.000 Standard. 6.000 23.350 3.40.10 09/18/2021 Lack 80360 Koblos, Michael M11.0 21:00 23:34 0.000 2.500 Standard. 2.500 23-350 58.38 09/1,9/2021 Lock 80238 Rule, Garrison M1141 21:00 00.00 0.000 3.000 Standard. 3.000 23.350 70.45 09/20/2423. Lack 80238 Rule, Garrison 3-110 00:00 06:00 0.000 6.000 .Standard 6.0100 23.350 140.20 09 /2 012 02 1 Lock 8036G Lopez, Valentin M110 21:00 00:00 0.00€1 3.000 Standard 3.000 23.350 701.015 09/21/2021 Lock 80399 Lopez, Valentin M110 00:00 09:00 0.000 6.000 Standard 6.000 23.350 140.1.0 09/21,/20.21 Lock 80366 Lopez, Valenti M110 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 23.350 70.05 09/22/2021 Lack 80365 Lopez, Valentin M114 00:00 06:00 0.000 6.000 Standard 6.000 23.350 140.10 09/22/2021 Lock 80366 Lopez, Valentin Milo 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.G00 St da.rd 3.000 23.350 70.05 05/23/2021. Lock 80366 Lopez,, Valentin. M110 00:00 06:00 0.000 6.000 Standaxd 6.000 23.350 140.1.0 09/23/2021_ Lock 80366 Lopez, Valentin M1.10 21:00 00:€30 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 23.350 70.05 09/24/2021. Lott 80366 Lopez, Valentin M110 00:00 06:00 0.€1003 6.000 Standard 6. 0003 23,350 140-10 09/2412021 Lock 80238 Rule, Garrison M1.141 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 23.350 74.05 bil9GO10 og400 Parker Corporate Sem? ces Page. 83 slang Billing Sutmary (Detailed) 10/05/2€21 114-50 49/25/2021 I,ock. 80238 mule,risen ---------�._------------���i+I10-00. ' 00 �� : 00 0.4Q4---� . {3�3{3� Standard 6.000 23_350 140.10 09/25/2021. Lock 80238 Rule, lia=ison M110 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 23.350 70.05 09/26/2021 Lock 80238 Ruler Garrison x++110 00.00 06:00 0.000 6-000 Standard. 6.000 23.350 140.10 09/26/2021 Lock 80238 Rvle, Garrison M110 21:00 00:00 0.040 3.000 Standard 3.000 23.354 70.05 09/27/2021 Lock 80238 Rule, Garrison M110 04:00 06:00 0.000 6.000 Standard 6.000 23.3SO 140.10 03/27/2021 Lack 80366 Lopez, Valentin M110 21s 00 00; OO 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 23-350 70.05 09/28%2021. Track 80aGG Lopez, Valentin M110 00:00 06:00 0.000 6.000 Standard 6.000 23.350 140.10 09/.28/20321 Lock 803G6 Lopez, Valentin M110 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 23.S50 70.05 09/29/2D21 Lock 80366 Lopez, Valentin M110 00:00 06:00 0.000 6-000 Standard. 6.000 23.350 140.10 09/29,/2021 Lock 80366 Lopez, Valentin M110 21:00 00:00 0.000 3-000 Standard 3.004 23.350 703 05 09/30/2021 Dock 80366 Lopez, Valentin x,10 00:00 06:00 0.000 6.000 Sta-.dard 6.000 23.350 140.10 09/30/2021. Lock 80356 Lapez, Valentin MII0 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard. 3.000 23.350 70.05 262.000 6,222.79 �l Hours opt ---------- ..-----------. Stannard 253.000 5,907.5G OT 0.000 0.00 DOT 0.000 0.00 Stat 9.000 315_23 Unbill 0.000 0,00 Other 0.000 0.00 262.000 ---------- --------------- 6, 222.79 ...... A-11C}wances 0.00 ----------------- Total with Allowances 6,222.79 4 �� O�}DMICAAW 'DC62}2 D$" ] PO Box 110 * 9493 Porter Rd a Aumsville, OR 97325 800.682.1422- Modern B uildingSystemsxom Bill To: City of Moses Lake P.O. Box 1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837 Page-, Invoice Number: 0125875 Invoice Date.- 10/1/2021 Contract: 8005155 Billing Cycle 1111/2021 12/1/2021 Ship To Address: City of Moses Lake 1045 E Broadway Ave Moses Lake, WA 98837 Customer PO: Ship Via: Confirm To: Terms: Rick Nell 25t1 of Month Item Number Ordered Unit Price Extension 2577 x 0 1.00 0.00 0.00 575.00 Restroom/Shower STAIRS 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 250.00 Stairs Access Ramp Please Submit Paymet to: P.0. Box 110, Aumsville OR 97325 Net Order: Less Discount: Freight: Sales Tax: Order Total: Less Deposit: Order Balance: 825.00 0.00 0.00 69.31 894.31 0.00 894.31 Program Staffing Changes: Please complete monthly to report new or departing PROGRAM staff taff Change Type No Yes If yes, enter employee name, job title, &- email ATM: Allison Williams Gmnt,Sara Code. City. of Moses Lake bunthig,: C of e,,, HOMELESS GRANTS EDEN.", P�toi6ct'W=Oun n i.Zpdp GRANT REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST INSTRUCTION TOVEN.DOR OR CLAIMANT: CITY OF MOSES LAKE COMMUNITY .DEVELOPMENT submit this forms to request payment for services or mateirlials. ,FO 13OX 1579 Attach zccornpqT`n proof of expenses (i.e. recelpLs, timesheets) MOSES LAKE, WA 98837-1579 "VEt4DOR'OP.,.CLAIMANT:.(Warrint,i�.t��l�e,: pay -able to. Ilse thLky have the suffionlY Hopesource/COV9 EmergencylHusing Funds ID -1 o Wow certifies Lodor parsaftyar parjury thtt l Individwil slgriinqla da sa as b.e liens andkhe taints 11sted hatoln am 700 E Mountain View Ave Suite 501 proper cj�argas for;mserlals, morchandise or jerVir,", fu(niitied far wn Grani, and that all goods furrii.btd ahrYor flerVIUM rflOdOrea tulve been provided without dimriminatinn Wcause of aga, sm. avintalWalus. tfiLe� Croad, cobi, handicap, iaiigior;tar Vsatrw;nora or disablad Ellensburg WA 98926 slatus, 77 Contact Person: Susan Phone: (SIGNATURE) Email-, gtri I ridmhogerm -#-rtpe� Grant Period: CFO 10/15/2021 ritle (DATE) REPORT PERIODWonth Year; Sap -21 Grant Budget Reimbursements RqpqrtPe,riod Line Item Homeless Budget Line Items. -17/1/20'- Tv -Date Request. Balance: 10/31/20) �c Un JD. E nq Jd $166,875.85 '$31 124.15 $0.00 $0.00 a U 'T'o T-, A, un s b �"L­C�­­",' I ess'f 0 $166875.85 3, .124.15 New Grant Balance for current ($0.00) Reimbursement Request this $3024.15 fisc a I Year Reporting Period FOR CITY USE ONLY: Voucher Approval Signature: DATE Program Staffing Changes: Please complete monthly to report new or departing PROGRAM staff taff Change Type No Yes If yes, enter employee name, job title, &- email GL Cade 7000 7000 7000 7000 7100 7100 7101 7101 7105 7105 7106 7106 7107 7107 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- Grant County OV -19 EHG - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 609202007 - Grant County COVID-19 Emergency Housing Grant From 91112021 Through 913012021 Salaries & Wages Repairs & Opening Balance Salaries & Wages C DSPR01187 Payroll- Sept 1-15, 2021 Salaries & Wages CDSPR01191 Payroll- Sept 16-30, 2021 Salaries & Wages CDSPR01194 accrued Vacation Sept 2021 PICA & Medicare CDSPR01187 Payroll- Sept 1-15, 2021 Expense General Personnel PICA & Medicare CDSPR01191 Payroll- Sept 16-30, 2021 Expense and tools Personnel Employee Tax CDSPR01187 Payroll- Sept 1-15,1 2021 Employee Tax CDSPR01191 Payroll- Sept 16-30, 2021 Health Benefits CD$PR01187 Payroll- Sept 1-15, 2021 Health Benefits CDSPR01191 Payroll- Sept 16-30, 2021 Unemployment CDSPROI 187 Payroll-- Sept 1-15} 2021 Insurance Exp Photocopy Expense AP1036445 Unemployment CDSPRO1191 Payroll- Sept 15-30, 2021 Insurance Exp L & I tax expense CDSPRO1187 Payroll- Sept 1-15, 2021 L & I tax expense CDSPR01191 Payroll- Sept 16-30, 2021 Transaction Total 8420 Repairs & 612... Personnel Maintenance - Personnel 612... General 612... 8420 Repairs & AP1036422 612._- Maintenance - 512... Personnel General Personnel 8510 Program supplies AP1036373 Personnel and tools Personnel 8510 Program supplies AP1036373 Personnel and tools 8510 Program supplies AP1036473 and tools 8650 Photocopy Expense AP1036445 8650 Photocopy Expense AP1036445 Date: 10/14/21 03:35:22 FM Opening Balance Divi... Code Division lithe 612... Personnel 612... Personnel 612... Personnel 612... Personnel 612... Personnel 512... Personnel 612._- Personnel 512... Personnel 512__. Personnel 612.-- Personnel 512... Personnel 812... Personnel 512... Personnel 612... Personnel Bal._- Personnel 612- 613 Program Operations ML Office Maintenance & Repairs- Inv# P522149- Svc 613 on 8/1812021 ML Sleep Center Program Operations - August 2021 613 ML Sleep Center Program Operations - July 2021 613 Mases Lake Sleep Center- Program Ops Supplies- 613 9.8.21 NIL. Office Copier/Printer Usage & Maintenance 613 -7119-3118121 ML Office Copier/Printer Usage & Maintenance- 613 8116-9115121 0.00 135.59 185.83 37-42 12.55 17.45 25.44 32.88 34.21 55.38 1.81 2.58 2.32 3.55 545.62 0.00- 545.52 0.00 Program Operations 34.85 Program Operations Program Operations Program Operations Program Operations Program Operations 808.64 171.0'1 249.39 19.02 X1-.51 Page: 1 Sal... Program Opera#ions 013 Report Opening/Current Balance Report Transaction Totals Report Current Balances Report difference Credit 1,200.14 1,875.00 192.79 d;09 AR 3,777.57 _ 9 ,200.1 4 2,577.53 0.00 0.00 4,324.29 11200.14 4,324.29 11200.'14 3,124.15 Date: 10/14121 05:35:22 PM Page: 2 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- Grant County CV -1 9 EHG - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 609202007 - Grant County COVID-19 Emergency Housing Grant From 91112021 Through 913012021 Divi... GL Code GL Title Session ID Transaction Description Code Division Title Debit 8711 Training & API0327112 All Staff DISC/Motivators/EQ Assessments July 2021 613 Program Operations Technical Assistance 3719 Training & AP1036397 All Staff DISC1I1 otivators/E0 Assessments July 2021 613 Program Operations Technical Assistance 8990 Interest Expenses AP1036692 Loan Payment for Doses Lake Office - September 613 Program Operations 2021 3997 Depreciation JV002624 Moses Lake Depreciation - Sept 2021 693 Program Operations Expenses Transaction Total Sal... Program Opera#ions 013 Report Opening/Current Balance Report Transaction Totals Report Current Balances Report difference Credit 1,200.14 1,875.00 192.79 d;09 AR 3,777.57 _ 9 ,200.1 4 2,577.53 0.00 0.00 4,324.29 11200.14 4,324.29 11200.'14 3,124.15 Date: 10/14121 05:35:22 PM Page: 2 ----- ------- Contact Person: SU sah G rindle', sy� Phone'. 509-899 -09 (,SIGNATURE) Emall: skoril hdleft6pesource.0 Grant Period: 5/14/2021 -12131/2021 CFO 10/15/2021 offto*_P000� Title (DATE) REPORT PER10011VIonth Year: 1.9pn-71 Homeless Budget Line Items: Grant, Budget ---- --------- — ATTN: Allison Williams Report- Peti od fi� 1, Rio Cit of Moses Lake A- 01-erm y Grant Bars Code: (711/20 - 10131/20) To -Date - L CCOU C "A_00g. Balance HOMELESS GRANTS GRANT REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST ccoun INSTRUCTION TO VENDOR OR CLAIMANT: 4844 Submit this form to request payment for services or materials, CITY OF MOSES LAKE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 8 1. -3 PO BOX 1579 MOSES LAKE, WA 99837-1579 Attach accompanying proof of expenses (i,e, receipts, thesheets) Vendor"s Carfiftcate- The individual sign1bg INS voucher below warrants they haY6 the aulhodly to do so asautborized and on behalf of the entity identified in the Vendar/C. laimant section. The. individualsigning below ceffes under penalty of perjury that tile items and totals 11's- herein are led proper chargwi for materials, merchandise or services furnished for the Grant, and that; all goods furnished and/or Strvicas; randered have been provided without discrimination nation becau.se of age, sed Marital status, race, creed, color, national &kjln, hancitcap,rellgTon or Viainam era or disabled velerans status.. - I VENDOR OR CLAIMANT (Warranti, to be payable to:) Hopesource/Rapild Re-Housi_ tel Voucher Program 700 E Mountain View Ave Suite 501 Eflensbur-ci WA 98926 ----- ------- Contact Person: SU sah G rindle', sy� Phone'. 509-899 -09 (,SIGNATURE) Emall: skoril hdleft6pesource.0 Grant Period: 5/14/2021 -12131/2021 CFO 10/15/2021 offto*_P000� Title (DATE) REPORT PER10011VIonth Year: 1.9pn-71 Homeless Budget Line Items: Grant, Budget R6imbursements Report- Peti od -Line Item (711/20 - 10131/20) To -Date Request, ---------- Balance D,4pl-e &R- Housing.: _P 1, M $2 6&", 18&_;� $ 71028 86 4844 $224,710.78 C.1 K P -e tet 60 n --------- ---- 8 1. -3 $1 111.89 ^2 137359 $77826.44 SOT .0 un ome Lb t -H' ss fu n& -5 ---- ---- --- - $8,140.75 )3 $302,537.22 New Grant Balance for Current Fiscal Year FOR CITY USE ONLY: Vaucher Approval Signature: Reimbursement Request this $39,322.03 Reporting Period ,rogram :tatting Lean es: Please cpm late monthly to repo t new or departing PROGRAM staff teff Change Type No Yes If yes, enter emptoyee name, job titte, Et email GL Code GL Title 7000 Salaries & Wages 100 7000 Salaries & Wages JVA1453 7100 FICA & Medicare JVA1453 Administration Expense Administration 7101 Employee Tax JVA1453 7105 Health Benefits JVA1453 7106 Unemployment JVA1453 Administration Insurance Exp Administration 7107 L & I tax expense JVA1453 7108 Other Benefits JVA1453 7110 Employee Incentive JVA1453 8010 Professional Fees JVA1453 8100 Office Supplies JVA1453 8110 mice Furniture JVA1453 8200 Communication JVA1453 Expense 8300 Postage & Shipping JVA1453 8350 Dees & JVA1453 Subscriptions 8400 Rent - Space JVA1453 Lower County 8405 [.Utilities - Ellensburg JVA1453 8420 Repairs & JVA1453 Maintenance - General 8510 Program supplies JVA1453 and tools 8650 Photocopy Expense JVA1453 8700 Travel Expense JVA1453 8705 Conference Fees JVA1453 8710 Meeting Exp JVA1453 8791 Training & JVA1453 Technical Assistance 8992 Bank Fee JVA1453 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL Enhanced Shelter - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 628202/04 - Enhanced Shelter- Rapid Re -housing ML From 9/1/2021 Through 9/301202/ Opening Balance Allocated fine for Admin Allocation Allocated line for Admin Allocation Allocated line for Admin Allocation Allocated line for Admin Allocation Aflocated line for Admin Allocation Allocated line for Admin Allocation Allocated line for Admin Allocation Allocated line for Admin Allocation Allocated line for Admin AJlocation A[[ocated fine for Admin Allocation Allocated line for Admin Allocation Allocated line for Admin Allocation Allocated line for Admin Allocation Allocated line for Admin Allocation Al located line for Admin Allocation Allocated line for Admin Allocation Allocated line for Admin Allocation Divi... Code Division fide 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administratfon 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 0.00 1,6{4.22 151.76 361.76 347.37 13.30 19.87 9.82 1.28 305.77 18A2 11.02 12.23 0.68 50.34 52.76 7.28 18.04 354.39 Allocated line for Admin Allocatlon 100 Administration 7.37 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 9.53 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 142.46 Allocated line forAdmin Allocation 100 Administration 3.52 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 237.76 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 771.63 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 0.08 Transaction Tota[ 4,165-67 354.39 Date. 10/1412101:10 48 PM Page: q GL Code CL Title Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - ESL- Enhanced Shelter - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 628202104. - Enhanced Shelter- Lapid Ike -housing ML From 91112021 Through 913012021 Divi... Session ID Transaction Description Code Division Title Debit Credit Administration 100 7000 Salaries & Wages Opening Balance 612... Personnel 7100 Salaries & Wages CDSPROI 186 Payroll- Sept 1-15, 2021 612.., Personnel 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPR01189 Payroll- Sept 16-30,2021 612... Personnel 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPR01192 Accrued Vacation Sept 2021 612--- Personnel 7100 F[CA & Medicare CDSPROI 186 Payroll- Sept 1-15, 2021 612... Personnel Expense 7100 FICA & Medicare CDSPROI 189 Payroll- Sept 16-30, 2021 612... Personnel Expense 7101 Employee Tax CDSPR01186 Payroll- Sept 1-16, 2021 612... Personnel 7101 Employee Tax CDSPR01189 Payroll- Sept 16-304 2021 612... Personnel 7105 Health Benefits CDSPR01186 Payroll- Sept 1-15, 2021 612.,. Personnel 7105 Health Heneflts CDSPR01189 Payroll- Sept 16-30, 2021 612... Personnel 7106 Unemployment CDSPROI 186 Payroll- Sept 1-15, 2021 6'12... Personnel Insurance Exp 7106 Unemployment CDSPR01189 Payroll- Sept 16-30, 2021 612... Personnel Insurance Exp 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPR01186 Payroll- Sept 1-15, 2021 612... Personnel 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPR01189 Payroll- Sept 16-30, 2021 612... Personnel 7108 Other Benefits CDSPR01186 Payroll- Sept 1-15, 2021 612... Personnel 7108 {ether Benefits CDSPR01189 Payroll- Sept 16-30,2021 612... Personnel TransaclJon Total 8510 Program supplies Opening Balance and tools 6510 Program supplies API036766 Shirtworks: Flags (Inv #1030069) - Sept 2021 and tools Transaction Total Sal... Personnel 612... 613 Program Operations 613 Program Operations €x.00 13,413.36 13,361.43 1,234.39 1,069.42 1,042.36 23005.4.4 2,002.13 2,024.68 1,822.35 145.24 135.34 136.41 185.40 a rn 2,005.44 2,012.12 .JiJ,�ltli�.'1 i Y.UU1 .uV 34,574.86 0.00 ,d ^e% wr I00.`*Q V_VV Bal... Program Operations 188.45 613 Date: JI D114121 01:10:48 PM Page: 2 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- Enhanced Shelter -- tlnposted Transactions Included In Report 628202104 - Enhanced Shelter- Lapid Ede -housing ML. From 91112021 Through 913012021 Date: 10114121 01.10:4a PM Page: 3 Divi_.. GL Code GL Title Session ID Transaction Description Code Division Title Debit Credit 8010 Professional Fees Opening Balance 613... Program Support - 0.00 Pool 6014 Professional Fees AP1036351 It Support for Sept 2021 Back Up Service and Email 613... Program Support - 255.68 Security Pool 8010 Professional Fees AP1036396 Microsoft Office 365 - Business Premium - Nonprofit - 613 ... Program Support - 8.25 August 2021 Pool 8010 Professional Fees AP1036503 Aldridge: Firewall Hardware (Inv #732-388275) - Sept 613... Program Support - 38.62 2021 Pool 8010 Professional Fees AP1036637 Microsoft mice 365 - Business Premium - Nonprofit - 613... Program Support - 6.13 July 2021 Pool 8200 Communication AP1036384 Main Office Internet Svc 911121-913012'1 613... Program Support - 4.60 Expense Pool 5200 Communication AP1036384 Main Office Telephone Svc 911121-9/30121 613... Program Support - 6.23 Expense Pool 8200 Communication AP1036635 Upper County Office Internet- Svcs 1011121-10131121 613... Program Support - 2.70 Expense Pool 8350 Dues & AP1036506 Monthly Digital Fax Subscription - Sept 2021 - UC 613... Program Support - 0.09 Subscriptions Pool 8400 Rent - Space API036163 Maim Office Pent - September 2021 613... Program Support - 279.89 Lower County Pool 8401 Rent - Space AP1036158 Upper County Office Rent for September 2021 613... Program Support - 11.08 Upper County Pool 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg AP1036443 !Alain Office [utilities - Solar Allocation for acct# 693... Program Support - 10.35 3060€9, 306090- Svcs from 813121-912121 Pool 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg AP1036443 Main Office Utilities - Svcs from 813121-912/21 613... Program Support - 11.29 Pool 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg AP1036529 Main Office Garbage Service - August 2021 613... Program Support - 13.83 Pool 8406 Utilities - Upper AP1036441 Upper County Office Utilities - Svc Period 613... Program Support - 5.12 County/Offsite 815121-917129 Pool offices 8420 Repairs AP1036381 Main Office - Repairs & Maintenance -August 2021 613... Program Support - 0.99 Maintenance - Pool General 8420 Repairs & AP1036393 Weekly Cleaning Main Office - August 2021 613... Program Support - 15.40 Maintenance - Pool General Date: 10114121 01.10:4a PM Page: 3 Bal... Program Support - 613... Pool Balance 628202104 - Enha,nced Shelter - Rapid Re -mousing ML Credit 0.32 7.53 13.22 17.46 2.77 6.87 8.43 15.40 0-20 744.45 0.00 744.45 39,322.03 Date: 1011412101:10.48 PM Page: 4 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL Enhanced Shelter - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 628202104 - Enhanced Shelter- Rapid Re -housing ML From 91112021 Through 9130012021 DIV... GL Code GL Title Session ID Transaction Description Cade Division Title Debit 8420 Repairs & AP1036448 Main Office Waste Maintenance - Ticket #s 1913467, 613 --- Program Support - Maintenance - 1920007 August 2021 Pool General 8420 Repairs & AP1036474 Office maintenance supplies - Aug 2021 613... Program Support - Maintenance - Pool General 8428 Repairs & AP1036481 Heating Service - Main Office - INV 381580 - 7/6 613... Program Support - Maintenance - Pool General 84.20 Repairs & AP1036481 Heating Service - Main Office - INV 388747 - 7/15 & 613... Program Support - Maintenance - 7123 Pool General 8420 Repairs & AP1036690 Home Depot- Main Office Maintenance- Blinds for 613... Program Support - Maintenance - Kate's office- August 2821 Pool General 8420 Repairs & AP1036724 Lawn Service - Main Office - INV 5429 - 916, 9113,0/20 613... Program Support - Maintenance - & 912712921 Pohl General 8420 Repairs &. AP1036763 Addtl Cleaning Main Office Windows - September 613... Program Support - Maintenance - 2021 pool General 8420 repairs & AP1036763 Weekly Cleaning Main Office - September 2021 613... Program Support - Maintenance - Pool General 8850 Photocopy Expense AP1036445 Uig Office Copier/Printer usage & Maint-7i19-8118121 613--- Program Support - Pool Transaction Total Bal... Program Support - 613... Pool Balance 628202104 - Enha,nced Shelter - Rapid Re -mousing ML Credit 0.32 7.53 13.22 17.46 2.77 6.87 8.43 15.40 0-20 744.45 0.00 744.45 39,322.03 Date: 1011412101:10.48 PM Page: 4 GL Code GL Title Report Opening/Cu rrent Balance Report Transaction Totals Report Current Balances Deport Difference Hope Source Expander[ General Ledger - SL- Enhanced Shelter - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 628202104 - Enhanced Shelter- Rapid Re -housing ML From 91112021 Through 913012021 Divi.._ Session ID Transaction Description Code Division Title Debit Credit 0.00 0.00 4303.93 41381.95 43,683.98 4,361.95 39,322.03 Oate:10114/21 01:10-.48 PM Page: 5 Program Staffing Charges. Please complete monthly to report new or departing P.RKOOGGRAM staff Staff Change Type No Yes If yes, enter employee hare, job title, Et email GL Code CL Title 7000 Salaries & Wages 100 7000 Salaries & Wages JVA1453 7100 FICA & Medicare JVA1453 Administration Expense Administration 7101 Employee Tax JVA1453 7105 Health Benefits JVA1453 7106 -Unemployment JVA1453 Administration Insurance Exp Administration 7107 L & I tax expense JVA1453 7108 Other Benefits JVA1453 7110 Employee Incentive JVA1453 80110 Professional Fees JVA1453 8100 Office Supplies JVA1453 8110 Office Furniture JVA1453 8200 Communication JVA1453 Expense 8300 Postage & Shipping JVA1453 83501 Dues & JVA1453 Subscriptions 8400 Rent - Space JVA1453 Lower County 84405 Utilities - Ellensburg JVA1453 8420 Repairs & JVA1453 Maintenance - General 8510 Program supplies JVA1453 and tools 8650 Photocopy Expense JVA1453 8700 Travel Expense: JVA1453 8705 Conference Fees JVA1453 8710 Meeting Exp JVA1453 8711 Training & JVA1453 Technical Assistance 8992 Bank Fee JVA1453 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL Enhanced Shelter - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 616202103 - Enhanced Shelter- ML (ESHI- ML) From 91112021 Through 9130/2421 Opening Balance Allocated line f"ar Admin Allocation Allocated line for Admin Allocation Allocated line for Admin Allocation Allocated line for Admin Allocation Allocated line for Admin Allocation Allocated line for Admin Allocation Allocated line forAdmin Allocation Allocated line for Admin Allocation Allocated line for Admin Allocation Allocated line for Admin Allocation Allocated line for Admin Allocation Allocated line for Admin Allocation Allocated line for Admin Allocation Allocated line for Admin Allocation Allocated line for Admin Allocation Allocated line for Admin Allocation Allocated line for Admin Allocation Divi... Code Division Title 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 101 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 0.00 258.65 24.47 58.32 56.01 2.'14 3.22 1.53 0.21 49.30 2.97 1.78 1.98 0.11 8.12 10.12 1.18 2.91 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 1.19 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 1.58 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 22.97 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 0.57 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 38.34 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 124.41 Allocated line for Admin Allocation Transaction Total 100 Administration 0.01 57.14 67214 57.14 Date: 1011412103:48.,46 PM Page:1 7000 Salaries & Wages 7000 Salaries & Mages 7000 Salaries & Wages 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense 7101 Employee Tac 7105 Health Benefits 7106Unemployment Insurance Exp 7107 L & I tax expense 8010 Professional Fees 8100 Office Supplies 8200 Communication 613 Expense 8200 Communication 613 Expense 8407 Utilities - Shelter 8420 repairs & CDSPR01189 Maintenance - 613 General 8420 Repairs & 613 Maintenance - CDS PRO 1189 General 8500 Asset(Equipment AP1036634 Purchase 8510 Program supplies and tools 8711 Training & AP1036823 Technical 613 Assistance 5711 Training & Technical AP1036646 Assistance De te:10114121 03:48A6 PM Hope Source Expanded General Ledge- - BL- Enhanced Shelter - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 615202103 - Enhanced Shelter=- ISL (ESHP-ML) From 91112021 Through 913012021 615.00 0.00 558.96 225.85 66.21 156.09 178.06 4.94 8.94 240.00 213.92 03.71 102.08 449.82 120.40 543.46 AP1036674 Business Interiors and Equipment: Headset fro MIL 613 Program Operations 54.54 office -Aug 2021, INV#i=9969-1 AP1036662 Sleep Center Operational Supplies - August 2021 613 Program Operations 893.02 AP1036397 All Staff DISC/Motivators/EQ Assessments July 2021 613 Program Operations 937.50 AP1036862 All Staff: DISC/Motivators/EO Assessments July 2021 613 Program Operations 1,200.14 156.09 Page: 2 Divi... Session ID Transaction Description Code Division Title Bal... Administration; 100 Opening Balance 613 Program Operations CDSPRO1189 Payroll- Sept 16-30, 2021 613 Program Operations CDSPR01192 Accrued Vacation Sept 2021 613 Program Operations CDSPR01189 Payroll- Sept 16-30, 2021 613 Program Operations CDSPR01189 Payroll- Sept 16-30, 2021 613 Program Operations CDSPR01189 Payroll- Sept 16-30, 2021 613 Program Operations CDSPROI 189 Payroll- Sept 16-30, 2021 613 Program Operations CDS PRO 1189 Payroll- Sept 16-30, 2021 613 Program Operations AP1036634 Attorney Fees - Statement #95212- Svcs in August 6113 Program Operations 2021- Re: ML Loin Income Housing AP1036823 BIE: ML Office Supplies - (Inv #10123-1 #10122-1 613 Program Operations #16062-1 #"10051-1) -- Sept 2021 AP1036646 ML Enhance Shelter Internet Svcs 8/23•-9/22121 613 Program Operations AP1036648 Internet & Telephone Services for ML Mice - Svcs 6013 Program Operations frcrn 911-9130121 AP1036382 ML Enhance Shelter Utilities -1214 Pioneer- Svcs 613 Program Operations 7121121-8120/21 AP1036645 ML Office Meaning - Inv #2021-1566- Svcs in August 613 Program Operations 2021 AP1036861 Lawn Service - Misses Lake - ,Jain -Jun 2021 613 Program Operations 615.00 0.00 558.96 225.85 66.21 156.09 178.06 4.94 8.94 240.00 213.92 03.71 102.08 449.82 120.40 543.46 AP1036674 Business Interiors and Equipment: Headset fro MIL 613 Program Operations 54.54 office -Aug 2021, INV#i=9969-1 AP1036662 Sleep Center Operational Supplies - August 2021 613 Program Operations 893.02 AP1036397 All Staff DISC/Motivators/EQ Assessments July 2021 613 Program Operations 937.50 AP1036862 All Staff: DISC/Motivators/EO Assessments July 2021 613 Program Operations 1,200.14 156.09 Page: 2 OL Code OL Title Session ID 8010 Professional Fees 8010 Professional Fees AP1036351 8010 Professional Fees AP1036396 8010 Professional Fees AP1036503 8010 Professional Fees AP [036637 8200 Communication AP1036384 Pool Expense It Support for Sept 2021 Back Up Service and Email 8200 Communication AP1036384 Security Expense Pool 8200 Communication AP1036635 Program Support - Expense August 2021 8350 Dues & AP1036506 Aldridge: Firewall Hardware (Inv ##732-388275) - Sept Subscriptions Program Support - 8400 Rent - Space AP1036163 Pool Lower County Microsoft Office 355 - Business Premium - Nonprofit - 8401 Rent - Space AP1036158 July 2021 Upper County Pool 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg AP1036443 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg APIG36443 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg AP1036529 8406 Utilities - Upper AP1036441 12.46 County/Offsite Pool offices Upper County Office Internet - Svcs 101'1121-10131121 8420 Repairs & AP1036381 Maintenance - Pool General 613... Date:/0114/29 03:48:46 Pall 0.20 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger- BL- Enhanced Shelter - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 616202103 - Enhanced Shelter- ML (ESH P -M L) From 91112021 Through 913{ 12021 Divi... Transaction Description Code Division Title Debit Credit Transaction Total 6,349.64 156.09 Ela[... Program Operations 6,193.55 013 Opening Balance 613... Program Support - 0.00 Pool It Support for Sept 2021 Back Up Service and Email 613... Program Support - 511.47 Security Pool Microsoft Office 365 - Business Premium - Nonprofit - 613... Program Support - 16.50 August 2021 Pool Aldridge: Firewall Hardware (Inv ##732-388275) - Sept 613... Program Support - 77.26 2021 Pool Microsoft Office 355 - Business Premium - Nonprofit - 873... Program~ Support - 18.27 July 2021 Pool Main Office Internet Svc 911121-9/30/21 613... Program Support - 9.20 Pool Main Office Telephone Svc 911121-9130121 613... Program Support - 12.46 Pool Upper County Office Internet - Svcs 101'1121-10131121 6"13... Program Support - 5.40 Pool Monthly Digital Fax Subscription - Sept 2021 - UG 613... Program Support - 0.20 Pool Blain Office Rent - September 2021 613... Program Support - 559.78 Fool Upper County Office Rent fear September 2021 613... Procgrarn Support - 22,15 Fool Main Office Ublities - Solar Allocation for acct# 613... Program Support - 20.70 306089, 306090- Svcs from 813121-912121 fool Main Office Utilities - Svcs from 813121-912121 613... Program Support - 22.53 Pool Main Office Garbage Service - August 2021 613... Program Support - 27.65 Pool Upper County Office Utilities - Svc Period 613... Program Support - 10.98 81512'1-91712'1 Pool Main Office - Repairs & Maintenance August 2021 613 ... Program Support - 1.99 Pool Page: 3 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- Enhanced Shelter - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 61 62021 03 - Enhanced Shelter ML (ESHP-ML) From 91/12021 Through 91301202/ Div!... GL Code GI_ Title Session 10 Transaction Description Code Division Title Debit Credit 8420 Repairs & AP1036393 Weekly Cleaning [Main Office - August 2021 613... Program Support - 30.73 Maintenance - Poo[ General 8420 Repairs & AP[036448 Main Mice Waste Maintenance -Ticket #s 1913467, 613... Program Support - 0.63 Maintenance - 1920007- August 2621 Pool General 8420 repairs & AP1036474 Of=fice maintenance supplies -- Aug 2021 613... program Support - 15.06 Maintenance - Pool General 8420 Repairs & AP103M I Heating Service - Main Office - INV 360580 - 716 613.,. Program Support - 26.43 Maintenance - fool General 8420 Repairs & AP1036481 Heating Service -(Main Office - INV 360747 - 7115 & 6'13... Program Support - 34.92 Maintenance - 7123 Pool General 8420 Repairs & AP1036690 Home Depot- Main Office (Maintenance- Blinds for 613--- Program Support - 5.55 Maintenance - KaWs office- August 2021 Pool General 8420 Repairs & AP1036724 Lawn Service - Main Office - Ilei $429 - 916, 9113,9120 613... Program Support - 13.73 Maintenance - &!912712021 pool General 8420 Repairs & AP1036763 Addtl Cleaning Main Office Windows - September 613... Program Support - 16.87 (Maintenance - 2021 Poo[ General 8420 Repairs & AP1036763 Weekly Cleaning Main Office - September 2021 613... Program Support - 30.79 Maintenance - fool General 8660 Photocopy Expense AP1036446 UC Office Copier/Printer Usage & Maint :7119-8118121 613... Program Support - 0.41 Pool Transaction Total 1,488.97 0.00 Bal... Program Support - 1,488.97 613... Pool Balance 616202103 - 8,297-52 Enhanced Shelter- ML (ESHP-ML) Date: 10114121 03:48:46 PM Page: 4 GL Code GL Title Report Opening/Current Balance Report Transaction Totals Report Current Balances Report Difference Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- Enhanced Shelter - Unposted Transactions included In Report 616202103 - Enhanced Shelter ML (ESHP-ML) From 9/1/2021 Through 913012021 Divi... Session ID Transaction Description Cade Division Title Debit Credit 0.00 0.00 $,51().75 213-23 8,510.75 213.23 3,297.52 Date:/0114121 03.48:46 PM Page: 5