HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 21-115-CCBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE RESOLUTION - 2021-2026 GRANT COUNTY CAPITAL No. 21- J/ 50"" -cc FACILITIES PLAN APPENDICES AMENDMENT #2 WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of County Commissioners intend to fully comply with the laws and regulations of the State of Washington, and; WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of County Commissioners adopted a Growth Management Act compliant update to its Comprehensive Plan as mandated in June of 2018, and; WHEREAS, the Capital Facilities Element and Plan are a required element of the Growth Management Act Comprehensive Plan, and; WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 36.70A.130 amendments to the Growth Management Act Comprehensive Plan may occur more frequently than once per year for a limited number of reasons, adoption of the Capital Facilities Plan •in conjunction with budget is one of the allowable reasons, and; WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners intend on adopting an updated Capital Facilities Plan annually with the County budget, and; WHEREAS, the attached Capital Facilities Plan appendices are supplemental to and implement the goals and policies of the Capital Facilities Element of the 2018 Grant County Comprehensive Plan, and; WHEREAS, in the event funding shortfalls occur with regard to the projects identified in Attachment B which relate to the Co Count Land Use Plan, Grant County will re-evaluate the Capital • Facilities Element andPlanand will make any necessary adjustments, and; WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have identified certain real properties that they intend to acquire, and; WHEREAS, the real properties the Board of County Commissioners intend on acquiring are required to be added to the list of approved capital facility * improvements in Appendix B concurrently with a budget amendment to appropriate the necessary funds to complete the real property purchases, and; WHEREAS, the Capital Facilities Element and Plan are planning documents that guides spending policies, prioritizes spending requirements and establishes approved and allowable capital facility improvements for Grant County for the specified term. Page 1 of 5 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, THAT the Board of County Commissioners for Grant County, Washington hereby approve the amendment to the Capital Facilities Plan include the purchase of Parcel Numbers 16-0853-000, 16- 0866-002, and 16-0866-003 in the amount of $785,000-00 not including real estate transaction and recording fees, if any. Funding for this purchase will come from the jail funds accumulated by the law and justice tax approved by voters in 2019 and implemented by Grant County in 2020. EFFECTIVE DATE: Upon signature. I% 4-11-1 DATED this 'lay o f - .0 etorbvr 2021. �j0 VOL� 13 40 TZ, Yea Nay F-1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Abstain GRANTlt-oUNTY, HINGT0 1`0 u 71 C1 ry Cartr, Chair Page 2 of 5 APPENDIX A - 2021-2026 INVENTORYY OF EXI S TING CAPITAL FACILITIES Page 3 of 5 2021-2026 Capital Facilities Plan Inventory Office/Department D ' t' escrip ion . . . _ _. ...... ..... _ ._....... _....... .11 . ......._ _ .... ......_. ............ ...."1 _. _ _. Location _-__ Cir yty Spuare footaee Buildin Value Content Val Licensing Equipment (subject to $2,000 deductible) _._ 1111 ...... 1111 35 C Street NW . _ ... .. . ....... ...1 .... 1 1._1..... Ephrata .....,... ... p ;.. 0 . _ _. $0' _ 5,0 $3 00 :Forensic Institute _._ ..I... 1 ...... _1111...... ......111 1.. .......... ....................................... _. 801 E Wheeler Rd _ ........ ....... ........ ......__ .......... . _.......... ;Moses Lake ..1111_ .. 1 000. , 1111.. $.. Building, Planning, Fire Marshal _ . .... ..1111 .. .11......11........ _....._ =264 W Division Street ......... ....... 1111._ _ -...._.... .. . .. .............. Ephrata p .......... I ....1111 9 088 _.. $ 919,275 ...7' 5 0 $ 5 0 0, Office ... _ . ....1111 ..111..1.1 ......... ......... _ .1111.. ._ .. __ ._. ; 1111..1.....111 1- ..... ... _.. 111....1... ... 1.111... ;1103 Lowry Grant Co Ai ort ...­..... rp 1111 __ ? Moses Lake . 2,0 00 _ $212,180 , _ _ . . $57,750 ;Grant County District Court Moses Lake 1111... . ... ..... . .....1.1 .1. ...1111..... ;1525 Wheeler Road ........ _ .... .......... .._ ..... _..__. _ . ..111...1 ... _..._... _ .. 1111... ........111 =Moses Lake 1111 13 8 t----. $2 ; 810,961 .. . . $57,713 _ ; Sheriff Emergency Management ... _.. 1111. ._ .... ..1.111 . ... ....... ..1..11.....1....... ;403 F Street NW 1111. .1.11.....1...;. ._.. .._.__. ........... 1.1....1.1....... 1. ..; . _........ . . ........ Ephrata ....11 p ...... ..... .. 4, 00 183 32 ._ 105,000; ! County Building, Geo Thermal Heating Plant & Addition _ Division C NW and D NW 1111 _ . 1111. ......_... .....i _.. .....1111 Ephrata p 676 _ ..... . $12,410. $367,500; ° County Building, Auxiliary Generator Bldg _.. _ ... ' C Street Between 1 st Ave NW 1111 _ ....._._............ _.. ......._.. .._..... ? Ephrata- 1111.. p _ 1111.. _........ 120 $8,385 $81,906 County Building, Repair/Mamt................... s WS C Street NW ........ ........_......_.._ .... ...... Ephrata .1111 p 1 120 _ . 1111 $115 360 , .... ... 17 375 $ , ' County Building, Courthouse & Annex _ 1111 ......... ........... ...1 11 .... ......I . ... ...... . ....1 .111 ..._ I...... ............................... .... 35 C Street NW _ 1 111.... ...... , ......._.... .......... .......... E hr _ .. ........_ .111......1 _. p ata 52,707 $15,149,100 $4,548,221 2County Building, Storage & Welding Shop.... .1 1 . ........ ......... ............. ......... .......,....... .. .1_ _ ......... ........... _ .... .. ......... .. ......1.. 1. 11. . _.� .1..111 ........ ................... 2415 F Street NW _. .. ................ ?E hrata P 4 000 .. ?............_. $186,719 $12,409 _.. ... _.. . .--...-..-County Building,. Courthouse Storage (Tractor Shed) WS C Street NW 1111. ._....... _...... ........ .. ....... . ....... _ _ 1.1.....1 _ .......... ; E hrata P ._ ... . ......1111. 1 111... 180 ___ $10 000, $14,8501 `Noble - ..... . .... ._. ....._.............__... 1111 ......... ...... - ...._.. ... ....I— ;. 1111 _ ......_.. ..1111. 1 ....1..11... - $ 259,921.2... $10, 000! Harwood Pavilion Office .... _,­...... .1111... ......... . . _. __ ..... . -1-111 _1.111...._. .....1111 _1111. 3 953 Airway Drive NE _ 1111.. IMoses Lake 240 1111.. _ 1 $25,462 . ..11..1 .1 ...._.. .... _ $10,000' ... _ 1111.. Restroom #7 CXT =3953 Airway Drive NE _.. ;Moses Lake .. _....._. 900 $930 00 .............._. ...11 ..._.... _ ., 4-H Buildin 9 _............ _ . ............. 3953 Airway Drive NE ,. 11 11 _. 1111. ;Moses Lake ,... .. 10 498...... �....... _. _.. ..._.... .11...11...... 1111__ .... $ 1. 2,2 ......... I—. $3 0,0 ' 1 1111. ... _ 1111. 1111. ;Equine Barn 1111 __......_ 1111.._ 1111 ........ ;3953 Airway Drive NE _ _ ..111....1 Moses Lake .. 1111... .. 19,200 _ $ 672,384 __.63` $ 0 Hor. ........ ..1111._. 11 .............._........................ ..I.——........ .1111... ..11 ..... Horsebarn _ 1111... ..11 .... _ _..._... ........ _........ .._ . ... 1111... ;. 0,0 1 00 $ 562,755 1111 $p _ ... __ .. 1.11..1.... .. I ................ 3953 Airway Drive NE - ..... .. 1 .... ..__.... _ ............._ ;. :Moses Lake 0,0 1 00 .. 2,7 } 55 ........ _ ......... _......_ . $p; i New Restroom #1 .... .1 ..111 ..... -1 3953 Airway Drive NE ......... ........ ........ . _ _ 11.._11. _. 1...... ........._ ....... Moses Lake ................ .._ . .... 1,850 .. 1111 __.... 0,06 ._..... ,New Restroom #7 _ 1 1 11 10 _......... 11 11.. _. .... 3953 Airway Drive NE 1111.. ;. ;Moses Lake 900 . 1111 $175 000; , _. _ ..... 1111 . 10 000; ,Noble Barn #5 . ...11 .. ._._....__ . ......_ _ 1.1..11.... ..111 1 _ . ........ _ Boy. Scout 3953 Airwa Drive NE _ Y 3 1111 'Moses Lake....... . 1111. ... 2 450 $259 921 _ ._ .. 10 000 I $ , Building _ ....._... _._ ...... 1111 ... .......... .. 11,1,1 .................. _ ... 3953 Airwa Drive NE 1111.. .1.11..1,. __ 1111. __ ....'y -_...___.... _ 1111... i Moses Lake 4,000 j_ $412,000 _ $21 000; , ;Concession Booth M Cg Boys &Girls Club _ .. _ ......I . .11.11.... ........ ...;. _ ......._. _.. _. ..1....111......_.... . :3954 Airway Drive NE .._. ...... . .1..... ......_ _....._.. _ .....I— ..11..11.. .1 ._.._. . 1__.1....11 ;Moses Lake.... _ . .. , 336 $33,091: $1,260 ; Caroline Fischer State W/Removable Canopy ._ .._. ........_ ...._.... ...._ .... ..I ............. 1111... _ 111 ...1111.. 1111_ 1.1.11 ...... ....... ' 3953 Airway Drive NE ...... .1..1 __.__... _........_ _. 1111... Moses Lake ....C..... 1. 800.... _ ......... 1111. _ 7 0 2 $ 9 __ _ 6 $1,2 0; Concession Booth G - Block 40 ._. .-I ..1.1..1.1 .1 .... _...... . . _....... .- .I .1 ....... .. "... ......._ . ..._ ... . _ ...._._ . 3953 Airway Drive NE _......_ _. .,..11 11......11 Moses Lake .. .....;. 320 $26,001 _. _ $15,750 Concession Booth J MI Lioness __ . ......_ ... .. ............ . ,. __ .. ....... .. _.....__...._ 3953 Airway Drive NE 1...1..11. .1...1 .... ?Moses Lake ;. 500 41 3 6 $ 4 2,1 0; $ 0 Concession Booth B No assigned vendor _ _.. . _ . 1111.._ 1111.. i 3953 Airway Drive NE 1111.. .._..... _. _. _....... ; Moses Lake _ _ 1,0 p 1111... 6 6 3 _ 0 $2,1 0 1.. II ._... I....1 . 1111... ..... ..... 2 Concession Booth C No assigned vendor ' 3953 Airway Drive NE . _. _ ?Moses Lake ;. 28 d .. .........1. .._.._ .1.111.... 11.1......... _. 1111 1111 _ _......... 89 $33 091' $1 575 ,Concession Booth E MI Moose ..... 111.1._ I—..1.....--.__...._.. ......1111 ..... ... _.. _ .._..... .. 111...1. 1 1..11.._ .._ .. ..1111.1_ ...... ___. ; 3953 Airway Drive NE ....... 1..11....1... _........ _, ;Moses Lake i..... 508 $3 4 9,2 $1,575 Concession Booth F No Assigned Vendor 3953 Airway Drive NE 1111.. .. . ........ ......... Moses Lake 1111. 21 o.._ $ 3 ... 1111.._ . $ 2 Concession Booth H MI Lions .... ..... .. .111..1. ..-....1- ...., ......... .... ._....... .1....1.1.........1 ............ ............. .....1..1 3953 Airway Drive NE _... ... _ . ....1..1.11 ......... . � Moses Lake 2 .. 1 201 $92,778 , $2,100.1 ,Fower Building . ............. ... ....... ....... .... 1.1..11 3953 Airway Drive NE ..... 1 1.11. ., ......... ._._.... ...,....._ _. .11....1..1 ...... Moses Lake : 4 000 30 . _ 9,000 $8,610 � Concession Booth - Youth Dynamics ... _.........................._... .._ .—.........1..,.. = 3953 Airway Drive NE .... 1111.. .1..1.. ........ ' Moses Lake . 1111 ... . ......... ... ......... . . 320 1111._. $3 27 $ 60, 1,2 ?Cattle Barn _......... ,. = 3954 Airway Drive NE _ 1111.. .......... _ _ _._ Moses Lake _1111 .... ,... 3 200. _ $5 28 6,7 _. $0 _.. Concession Booth N - Azar's Commercial Vendor ...1111. . ........_ . ... -1-- 13953 Airway Drive NE 1. 111... ...11.11 ... _......... ...._ . .......... ......._.. ..... ......._.. j Moses Lake , 1111.. . 1111_ ... 1111 400 $33,683 $1,575 .. , Concession Booth O MI Band Boosters _.. .....". ........ .......11....._ .... ... 3953 Airway Drive NE 1111._ Moses Lake ,.. ...; .. ...1..1.1... ...... 375 . i $33,683 $1,575 ! Concessio B n ooth P Eph Kiwanis 1111 1111 _._ _. . _ 1 ..1.__ . _ ... 3953 Airway Dnve NE ....- .1..1.11 ... , 1 111 .. _ _ _ ..._ _ .... _....... _ ;Moses Lake ,__ ................ _..... 384 .. . __ $ 33 683, 57 $ 5 Concession Booth Q Our Lady of Fatima _ ..... __ ....1.111 ....... .._ t... . ........ ...._.... 11 --- 953 Airwa 1111.. 3 y Drive NE __ 1111.. _ . ........ . ........ . ,..... _._ ....... ... ........ Moses Lake .... 448 k _.. 35 55 $ ,4 $1,260 FFA Swine Barn ..... . ....._. ..._.._... ..111..1..... .11.1 1_ ... _ . ... ... _ .... _ .......... ..11 1....1 _ . ...._... 1 I ..... ...... .... ... .1111 3953 Airway Drive NE _- 1 11 1 _ . _ _. Moses Lake .., 4 134 1111... $ 85.161 1111._ $18,615; ;Concession Booth Y Cbra _ ._.. _ ..1. 111. .. _ ....... .. .... 1 _.... ....... ..... _... ...... _ _ ........ _ .. ....1.......... ........... 1 111._ _ ..... . 3953 Airway NE Moses Lake 532 . 111....1. _...__ ......... ..._... ? _ ..... $49,636: . ..._... ....... .._ . $1 260 Noble Barn #4 1111 1111... ,...._. 3953 Airway Drive NE ,. . 1 ..1 ......_. . ....... 11..11_.. ...1.....11 1 ..._.... ......... ;Moses Lake .. ,..... . 2 450 , _ _ _ 21 _. __. $10,000; =Dairy Barn..._. .. ....__. _.._.......1. 1 ... ....... _ 1............1... _, ....._...._........ _. :3953 Airway Drive NE _........... i Moses Lake .. ........: _ .. 1111.._ ,.... �...... 11.11.. 3 200 .. �........ 1111.._ 6,7 28 ... 1111.. ... _ $0 ... ......... ........... _ . . . 2 East Campground Development .........._ 1111. _ _....... 3953 Airway Drive NE .............. _ . 1111... _ ? Moses Lake 1111... 139 080 °......... ` 132,361 0 Concession Booth I - Ephrata Lions .............. I. _................... ......__ 3956 Airway Drive NE ;1111. 1111.. __ ;Moses Lake ; .......... i 500 1111 6 $ 41 3 4 _ . 2,1 00 30000 Gallon Water Tank And Raised Stand .1 __.. ......11 ..._. _ ...1...1 1 .1 ....... ....... ............ . 1 ..11..1...... 3953 Airway Drive NE 1111.. . ... 11.11.... ..._... I Moses Lake .. 1 800 $47,272 $0 .. .... ......-. . .. _ .. __ ... _ ._ ,'Commercial Building ........... 1111.. 1111 .................. ?3954 Airway Drive NE :.. __ ........ . ... ._ 1111. ... .... ... .1.1.11.... ?Moses Lake �... .........._ . ...... _... ... 12,000 $ _1 080 4891..... 1,5 $3 00 1111 .. 1111... ,.Center Field Activity.. Area.... .,3953 Airway Drive NE ; Moses Lake 80,456 $69 727 , 4 200 ,_4-H Swine Barn . ..1111 ..1. 1..._ .. ......... _ ......_ ....... .._ _.. ........ . ... ...... 1.11 11 1 .. 3953 Airway Drive NE . ...... .... .._........._...... ... _ 'I"' .1 1.11. 1111... Moses Lake 1111.. 3 933 1111. $90 791, I $1$8 615; ;Agriculture Building _ ... _ _ ... . ....... ........................... .. ....... ..1..1.. 11 ;3953 Airway Drive NE . 11 11 ...... ; - ..1111. .. ......... _. _-.... Moses Lake ... 1.1 .11_.. .. 7,200 ' 305 540, �... 1111._ 1111.. ; $5,250 _ .... ........_...... ..... ......... :Arts &Crafts Buildin _ 9 3953 Airway Drive NE ......... _......... _ ......_ ........ _ .......... ... ...._... ........ Moses Lake _ 6,0 pp _ 1111 $ 5 1 2 4,6 6 2 0 $ 1,0 0 II Blue Gate Ticket Booth ...1 . ...1...1 . . ........ .... .1. 1.1.1. ,_ . .,.......... 11..11. ........... .11.1 ..1 ......... ......._......... . .._... ........... ....._...1.11........1....... 953 r 3 A rway Drive NE ...... 1.1.1.._1... i... .. ........ .. ..1 ... ;M e oses Lak .111.1.. ......_ 400 _ 111 1 .. 1111 $ 0 , _. .._ 1111 2 Parking Lot (Valley Road) ..... .___.............. _._... . ...1.111 . .....1.. _ _._... ........ ..._...... .111..1.. ... ....... ...11..11........... . ......1.1.11.. 13955 Airway Drive NE .. .....Blue ; Moses Lake 619 988 $35 455 1111.. _ _....... . 21$000 :Bryan Miller Plaza _ ......... ...1 .1.. . ........ ......... . .......... .....1 1 1 .. 1........ ...... 11.1.1... i 3953 Airway Drive NE Moses Lake _ ,.. 12 000 1111 _ $2 6,0 01: ; $3,150 ... . .1 I....... _ . __.... .... _ ......;.Bryan Miller Stage 1111. II ? 3953 Airway Drive N ...-- .._............_ 1111. ... ............11 1111....V .. ... ........ .__............ 1111. 1 111 1111.. ...... $2,100 _........_ 1111 Cattle.Barn .... 1 .. .1.1..11. i 3953 Ai way Drive NE __. .......... I. :Moses Lake ,. _ t__I....._.... _ ._.. 3,200 ...... . .......... _ ...111.1_$ ...'.___ $5 28 = 6,7 _..- $0' Cattle Ban .. ......_._ .1..1...11 1 111...... ....1 111... 11...1.1 .............. . ... ......... 111. 1.... .1111__.... ;. 3955 Airway Drive NE 1 11. 1.... ... ... —.....1111._. .... _ 1111. ... 1111 ; Moses Lake ,1111_ 3,200 1111... 6,7 $5 28= $0 Dairy Ban _ .. .11.11.1....111 .................... . _ .... _. 1111... .....__._ _......... ................ 3953 Airway Drive NE ;1111 ..1..111.... ?Moses Lake....1111.. e 3,2 00 _ $ 56,728 $ 0 New Restroom #2 _ ......_.. ............ _ ......... ......_.__ ... ....... _ _ .._ 1111... ... 1111.1. ......... ........ ... .......__. .....I... .1...1.11 23953 Airway Drive NE ....._ ... .... _.__ _ ......... ....... _ .......... _ _. ... Moses Lake 1 850...... t.... 9 1111 1 6,267 $154.500 _ $5,000 Shop & Storage . .11 ..... ......_..... ...... ....... . _...... .. ,... . ? 3953 Airway Drive NE .......... ...................._............................... ......................... ....... ? Moses Lake ... __ 1111 ............... s .. 1111. 1,500 1111.._ 1111... _..._.._......... .. _ ? 1111. 1111.. 2 1111... 1111_. _. . 00� � , ;Fairgrounds South a ......._.... _ . _... Field Activity Area _... _ _ .... ......_. 3953 Airway Drive NE ;Moses Lake $61,800 443,743 Fairgrounds 9 ;.Tye Stalls Barn (Rodeo Grounds) _. ........................_ . . , 3953 Airway Drive NE :Moses Lake $618,000 , 1,800 ;Fairgrounds • Gc Democratic Party Booth _...__._ _ .......... 3953 Airway Drive NE Y Moses Lake _ _ 800 Fairgrounds 9 _....... ... _ .. _ ....... _. iYouth Building ._ .,. 3953 Airway Drive NE Moses Lake i _ . 6,000 Fairgrounds ;Concession Booth S Eph Knights Of Columbus 3953 Airway Drive NE ? Moses Lake $196,267 650 Fairgrounds 9 _ _... .. _. _Home Economics Building ....... ... 23953 Airway Drive NE 2Moses Lake ,... . ..... 6,000 Fairgrounds •Horse Barn (East Row, Far South Barn) ' 3953 Airway Drive NE `Moses Lake $259,921 5,600 Fairgrounds 9 .... Horse Barn (East Row, Second From The South Barn) 3953 Airway Drive NE ... ,Moses Lake _ ..._ 5,600 Fairgrounds _._ __ .. ....._.. � Horse Barn Nw (Steel with Asphalt Floor Horse Barn) .... _.. ... ___..... _�.. _.......... ....... .._ ...... 3953 Airway Drive NE Y 'Moses Lake $27,183 9,500 ;Fairgrounds ._ _ _ . ;Sheriffs &Voter Registration Booth .9 _ _ ......... ; 3953 Airway Drive NE _ :Moses Lake _ _ 800 Fairgrounds 9 Livestock Office (Main) -Under Barn #.. (Eastside) ...... ? 3953 Airway Drive NE .... Moses Lake �_. i _... 280............._.. Fairgrounds 9_ t Warm Up And 4 H Riding Arenas With Announce Booth ... _y...._ . _.... _..... ; 3953 Airway Drive NE Y _.. .._ .. Moses Lake ......... ........... .. 115,584 155._4 Fairgrounds _ . 9 New Restroom #3 ............. .... ;3953 Airway Drive NE _ Y _...... _.. � Moses Lake _ ... 1 850 ;Fairgrounds ;New Restroom #4 ..._ .± . :953 AirwayDrive NE =Moses Lake $345,279 • $31,500 ; i Fairgrounds 9 .... ;.New Restroom, Rodeo _ .... ......... .. .._._ ..,_ =3953 Airway Drive NE .... Moses Lake . >.. . ...... .. . ... 50 . Fairgrounds __ __ .... _... ... ._ ... Harwood Pavilion #2 _ .. __.. ...... ,.. _y... 3953 Airway Drive NE........... ; M _ ...... Moses Lake _ . _._.__.. .. 31,040 Fairgrounds _ .. .............................................. ................. . ;Barn #44 _ ......... ; 3953 Airway Drive NE _.. ........ Moses Lake $44,033 ..... 11 640 ;Fairgrounds � Barn #45 _ ; . ... ... _ ..... ... 53 Airway Drive NE 3911,640 ;Moses Lake $25,029, _...-.. _ .. ,0....... 11 640 ;Fairgrounds Barn #46 & #47 3953 Airway Drive NE Moses Lake $14,832; 23,850 ;Fairgrounds ;Noble Barn #1 ;.. _ .. _ . � 3953 Airway Drive NE ........... Y .... __....... _ .. .................. :Moses Lake 1 623' 2,450 Fairgrounds ;Noble Barn #2 , 3 _ .._ .. ......._ __ 953 Airway Drive NE _ _... Moses Lake $9,270 , ...... 50 Fairgrounds • ;Noble Barn #3 .m. 3953 Airway .Drive NE ... y � Moses Lake .. , . 2,450 ;Fairgrounds Kenny Ardell Pavilion with R..... _ &Concession Booth 3953 Airway Drive NE Y..._._....... ; Moses Lake :Fair rounds 9 � _.. __. _. _.._. ,Message Center /Concession Booth R -Youth Dynamics _, 3955 Airway Drive NE E Moses Lake ........48,000 ...... ........ . 416 Fairgrounds ; Gc Republican Party Booth ....... _ __........ . _ _Y... ... ...... _........ 3953 Airway Drive NE Y ...... ;Moses Lake .., . 768 ; Fairgrounds . ............. .... ;Goat Barn . 3953 Airway Drive NE ... ......... ;Moses Lake ....................... ...... 3,200 ;Fairgrounds ;Green Parking Lot Development ..._._.......... ........ .._.. 23955 Airway Drive NE - _ .... ...._... ;Moses Lake _ .... _ 455 000 �_. ;Fairgrounds _ .......... ............. . ;Manufactured Home _ _........ .......... ... . ...... .. . ._ _.. _..... _ ..._ 395 3 Airway Drive NE Moses Lake 1,800 Fairgrounds 9 ..... ;Sheep Barn (Concrete Floor) .. ;,3953 Airway Drive NE ...._. _...... =Moses Lake _ ........ _ 00 ;Fairgrounds ;Milking Parlor 3955 Airway Drive NE ;Moses Lake 352 • ;Fairgrounds North Campground Development 3953 Airway Drive NE :Moses Lake 102 340 Fairgrounds ;Old Rodeo Office Rodeo Grounds _ ( ) _ ..... = 3957 Airway Drive NE _ _.... ;Moses Lake _ __.._. 26 ;Fairgrounds ;Pavilion Campground 3953 Airway Drive NE : Moses Lake 85,312 ;Fairgrounds. ;Poultry And Rabbit Barn .._ .. _ _ ........ 3955 Airway ....Drive NE ................ .. Y _ Moses Lake l .. 4,000 Fairgrounds • • ;Sales Barn W/ Covered Bleachers __ 3955 Airway Drive NE Moses Lake 13 650 `Fairgrounds; Livestock Office Under Barn #27 (Eastside) _, __ 393 Airway DE 5 ?rive N ;Moses Lake 2 80 ;Fairgrounds2 Pumphouse #3 Small Well (Shop Area) 100 Gpm 3955 AirwayDrive NE; ......... ........... . Moses Lake 144 Fairgrounds ;Sheep Barn � 3953 Airway Drive NE � Moses Lake 8 Fairgrounds _ _ _.... Rodeo Office/Ticket Booths (Green Gate Ticket Booths) ;. ...._. .y... __..... _ ........... 3953 Airway Drive NE _ . Moses Lake _..__ ............._1,_.24....... 1 000 , ;Fairgrounds; Rodeo Grounds Grandstands Include Bleachers 3953 Airway Drive NE ;Moses Lake 12,070 ;Fairgrounds ;Rodeo Campground Development 3953 Airway Drive NE Moses Lake 24,738 ;Fairgrounds •Rodeo Arena W/ Bull Pens, Chutes &Holding Pens 3955 Airway Drive NE ;Moses Lake 51,129 Fairgrounds Red Parking Lot Development 3955 Airway Drive NE ;Moses Lake 682,189 ;Fairgrounds Red Gate Ticket Booth 3953Airway Drive NE Moses Lake 408 Fairgrounds ;Pumphouse #2 Large Well (Rodeo Grounds) 500 Gpm � 3955 Airway Drive NE ;Moses Lake 240 i Fairgrounds= Sheep Barn ; 3954 Airway Drive NE ;Moses Lake � 3,200 ;Grant County Museum =Original Historic Justice Of The Peace :742 Basin Street NW ;Ephrata 240 ;Grant County Museum 2 Nash u Accession Trailer 742 Basin Street NW ;Ephrata 467 ;Grant County Museum......... _ _ _ _. .... _ _ ....._..... Country Store ;742 Basin Street NW .... .... .......... Ephrata ..._........ _ _ _.,.............993 ............. ;Grant County Museum Dentists Office ......... 742 Basin Street NW .. - .......... ........ I Ephrata 260 ;Grant County Museum ;Chinese Laundry W/ Wash House 2 742 Basin Street NW ;Ephrata 570 'Grant County Museum ;Drug Store _ .. ; 742 Basin Street NW .. ..._... _ { .._. _. ....... Ephrata .. ... 260 ;Grant County Museum' Camera Shop 2 742 Basin Street NW =Ephrata 600 :Grant County Museum............ Millinery Shop .. __ ...... ... 742 Basin Street NW 2 Ephrata 324 Grant County Museum _... Original Historic Burlington Northern Caboose 742 Basin Street NW ; Ephrata a 324 Grant County Museum _ _ Doctor's ; D Office 742 Basin Street NW Ephrata 2 260 i Grant County Museum ;Original Historic Krupp -Marlin Jail € 742 Basin Street NW ; Ephrata 192 Grant County se n y Mu um . _....... . __. . � Original Historic Newspaper Office ......_. .. .. 742 Basin Street NW ?Ephrata ..... .... 540 Grant County Museum Outhouse (Boys) 742 Basin Street NW _ __ ; Ephrata _ 21 Grant County Museum Outhouse (Girls) 742 Basin Street NW Ephrata 21 Grant County Museum FOuthouse (Homestead); 742 Basin Street NW Ephrata 21 Grant County Museum ;Print Shop 742 Basin Street NW , Ephrata 280 Grant County Museum2 _.... Shoe Repair :742 Basin Street NW ; Ephrata 120 $35,455: $31,500; $37,080; $02 $61,800 ,000; $61800 $6,3$1,050 2 $81,014 , _1,05....-, $2,100 $618,000 , $16,800; $202,088 $0\ $202,088 • 0 $332,690 _. . . $5,408 $65,001, $13,652; $21,630 $4,200 $47,272 zz $15,750 $196,267 $5,000 $196,267 = $5,000 $196,267 $5,000; $3,389,576 . $20,000 $1,234,888 $10,000 $1,234,8881 • $10,000 ,$1,234,888 $10,000 ; $259,921 $10,000; $259,921 $10,000 ,.$259,921 .............. $10,000 ; . ......... $1,777,406 = , $99,635 2 $32,136 + $2,100 _ $59,328 ; 525 $65,920 ; $10,549 $27,183 $15,750 2 $185,400 .$65,920 ........$4,200 $10,500; $44,697 ; $16,134 $23,637 ; $21 000 $136,578 $02 $23,637 21 000: $99,272 ; $22,050 f ............ $38 470' _ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$277,359 $21,630 `, $4,200 $11,124; $26,061 $37,575 $5,775 $103,000 $7,447 $1,181,785; $105,000± $11,820 $10,500; $345,279 • $31,500 ; $35,455 I $21,000'; $31,518 $3,724 _ ...._._..... $6,969 $$3,750 2 .. $65,920, _ ...... $7,560; $18,540 $0 $36, 076 ; ....... .. ........ ..... _.... _. $0 $76,710 ` $0; $20,085 $0 , $44,033 $0 $20,085 2 $0'; $46,350 $0 $25,029, _...-.. _ .. ,0....... $0 = $25,029 ? ... .......... ....... .... .... .... .._....... .........._._. .. ._..... ... .... . $0': .......... ..... ! $20,085 ; .......-.. $0 $14,832; $0 $41,715 • 0; $1,623 , $0 1 623' . ..$0; ., $ '...... 1 623' ... $ 0 $21,630 _... - ....-..... __.... .............. ......... $0 2 _. $9,270 , $ 0 Grant County Museum Grant County Museum _ ................_;Watch Repair ...... ' 742 Basin Street NW ... .... .__ .. t ,Ephrata 120 _....... ....................... $9,270 � $0 ;Grant County Museum Covered Storage....... Schoolhouse ; 742 Basin Street NW ........ ? _....... _ ......... `,Ephrata 2pp . .......... ..... $15,450 .... ._ ............ _ . ......... ...... .. ........ .. _ ..... $ ;Grant County Museum _ _. ... ....... ..... ........... West Meat Market 742 Basi S _.. .. n Street NW :Ephrata ........... 400 30 900 ...... .._.. ... ...__... ....... . Grant Count Museum Y ,.. _..... ....... ................... 742 Basin Street NW ;Ephrata __. 864 $66,744`... $0, Gr ant Count Museum __ ..... :Old Time Gas Station ..... _.. _. _. ....... _.... .......... 7742 Basin Street NW . .... ........ _ .... .... � Ephrata _ . _ ....... $96,690 $p Grant County my Museum._ ......,.Wagon Shed... 742 Basin Street NW _.. ....,............rata .. .`,,Ephrata _.......... t ....... ,...11.44.............. 730 ;.. ..... .. _ _ . $56,393; pi _ _ ...._ ... ;Grant County Museum _.. ...... !Original Historic Bank .,. ......... _ ........ .. .........._ ............................ `Museum Basin ;742 Street NW _ Ephrata _._ .. ............ ................... 237 .... $18,309 _ $01 Grant Count Museum Y _ _ .. ........ _. _....... ..... _.... ......... ...... 'Machine Shed 2 Basin Street NW ...... _ ......... Ephrata . _ � P 2,200 _.___ _ . _ 307,287 _ . ;._ rant County Museum .................. 7 Homestead Barn ;742 Basin Street NW . _ ..... ;Ephrata 8,400 ...._.. . _ $648,900, _..... _ $ p ;Grant County Museum ;Original Historic Church 742 Basin Street NW .....,.Ephrata ................ _ _ _ 175 - $13,519 $0 Grant Count Museum Y_.._ _ ..... _. ...... . _. _.... ............. ...... Barber Shop 7742 Basin Street NW ......... .... ....... _ . _ .._,..... °Ephrata ... ... 900 $69,525 _ _._ _.. ;Grant County Museum _. ;Blacksmith Shop 7742 Bas" • in Street NW _ ;Ephrata {.. ... _ ......... _ .. .... ....... 12,575 _ ... __ $p ;Grant Count Museum _. Y _ ........ Dress Shop p....._.. 742 Basin Street N W ..... 7 Ephrata _ ,... _ .. ... _ .. . ;... 550 _ $42,488 _ _. . ;Grant County Museum....... ,.... Storage Bldg 9 ;742 Bann Street NW Ephrata ............_ . 200 _ . . _ .. . $15,450 _ ..._ . .._...... .... .. ;Grant Count Museum County u eum 9 _ ... _ _ _..........__.... ...... ....... ....... House 742 Basin Street NW ... ... ._. ...... • Ephrata .. ......_.... _. $ 61 800! _ .. . $p _ `Grant County Museum _ . _ ,Chicken I Lavery Stable &Shed •742 Basin Street NW .... 742 Basin Stre NW Ephrata ; _ 650 _ .. $5,022? _ . .._.. _ . .... _ .._ _ .. $0 'Grant County Museum. iWes' Shop et _ .Ephrata , ..._ _.._ .._...... . _ t .... ..... 1,545 _.. .. .... 119,352 _ Grant County Museum _ . _ _ ... ;Original Historical Homestead :742 Basin S Street NW 742 Basin Street NW ,Ephrata ......... Ephrata 700 ...... _ ....._ _ . .... _ ....... ......... $54,075 ... ...... _ . . .......... ..... .... ._ $p Grant County Museum ;Beauty Shop 742 150 $11,5887 $p ;Grant Count Museum Y ;Fire Station Basin Street NW 7 ;Ephrata 144 � $11,874+ $p __ _... _. __.. =Grant Count Mus . _ Y Museum _ . _ _ ..._ 7 Original Historic Dwelling -Artists House ( ) 742 Basin S Street NW __ • 742 Basin Street NW � .Ephrata .; . ... ,.... 800 _ .._... _ __........ ...... 61 800, . ..... _ $_ ..c.. _ _ _ ;Grant County Museum _.. _.. Saloon ... '. _ _ 7Ephrata . __.. ....... .. .... 1,000 ... ... . $83,805 $07 _ _ ....... __ . .. ;Grant County Museum ,. _.... ...... .. ... .. ..... _ _._. . _ 'Log House/Line Cabin ... ........ __ 2 Basin Street NW . 4........ .. ......... � Ephrata . . P _....... _... ........... 3 ... 96 .. ............... $30,591 � $0 _. 7 Grant Mental Health _ _ _.... ..... _ . . ... ......... _ ... ... ........ . ._.._. . ..... 7 Mattawa Comm Medical Center - Counseling Office Leased ;742 Basin Street NW .. . _... _.. ; 210 Go Government Road to ; Ephrata . . ;Mattawa ................200..... _..... $15,450 _. ... . _. ;Grant Mental Healthcare 'Grant _..._ .. , •Counseling Office ... ' 322 Fortu n Road1,848t Y __ . . _ Coulee .. .... ,1,200 .......... ..._ ._...... ..... $0 t _ ...... $45,000 Mental Healthcare � Office ......... ... ;Grand .......... . >...... _... .. _ ......_ ...... $190,344 _.. ... _ .... _ . $68,730 _.... __ ;Grant Mental Healthcare ; . _ ..._. _ 7 Gmh Office _ ;,203 Central Ave S _ .._. _ . ........_ . ...... 7Quincy ........ ... _..... 1 1 925 � _ _. _ .. ... ._.... � ........ 228,272 , _ $68,730 _ ;Grant Me Mental Healthcare .. ..._ .... ._....... .. ; Cityview Boarding Facility i ; 840 E Plum St ,.._ _ __ 836 Moses Lake _.. _ _ ,........ 28,423 _ .. _ ....._ $4 725 402;..... $810,489 - ;Gra _ _.._ _. _.. ,Grant Mental Healthcare :. _. 7 Counseling Office -Leased E Plum St ..,. _...... _ . _.......... .... Moses . t....... ... � . 7438 � $1 763 000 - $45,000 (Health District/Coroner i t/Coroner _.. __.. ... _ ._ ...... ......... ....... .. ..... ;.Coroner and Health Office Space i 130 Camela Street .. ._...... ;. _ .... ... ;103 . Royal _ ....._ _........ � 1,000 _.... $0i ................ -- $55,000 55 00 , _ ........ __....._. Hope_ p P _ ...__...... _.._..... ....._ .._...._. New Hope Admin Offices -, Leased Office Space 8 W Ivy Street _......... ...... _.._........... 311 W Third Ave ... M ses Llake .. ....._ . _ $22,000; 7 New Hope Domestic Violence Shelter - _ :Leased Shelter (confidential -. ) .......... . ......... •Leased Shelter (confidential) ;Moses Lake ......... Moses oses Lake _ _ .......4,985......... $0 • $61,300; 7 Noxious Weed Bo Board _.. _ ...... ..... _.. ........ ;.Bureau. Building Offices ...... . ...... ...... ..... ... .. __ _. _ .� ....._. _. _ .... 32 C Street NW Room 321 _ ... _...a .._ _._. Ep hrata -_ 95 _.. ..2'6 _ 60,000 $0I 1z $0, $11,933; ;Public Works _... ,Moses Lake Wash Bay &Open Storage Bays ......... _ _ _ . _ _....... _ _.... .. . .... .. _.... ;12171 Wheeler Rd _ _..... ...... Lake _.... 11,473 _.... $110,000; :PublicWorks .. .. .. _ ........... ....... ._ Moses.Lake Asphalt Storage Tank ... ._. _ .... . ................... ....... ;12171 Wheeler Rd ;,Moses ... . _ _ . ._.__ 7 Moses Lake .. ,. _..... __ .. 0 $975,205 25 000 $ , Public li Works ;Public Works 2 ......... ......... ........ ,Moses Lake Sign Shop/Open Bays _... ........ ____. __ ...... _. _......... .. ...._. _ .... _...... ;12171 Wheeler ; . _ ....... he aer Rd .. _ ..._.. _ ._ _...... ,Moses Lake 46,000 $74,424 7 -- _ .. $200,,000 _._.. _ O $20,000 _ _..._. ;Public Works Open Storage Bays P 9 Y ............. .......... .. .. _..... ......... 124 Enterprise St SE , ..... ..._ __ .. ............._ 7 E hrata .._ .. 16 70 4. __ _.. .. ..._.. $3,500,000: . _. $200,000: ;Public Works Quincy Wash Bay & Open Storage Bays _ ..._ _ ... _.. _......... _ ..... .._......._.. 4718 Road P NW11,381 , ..... ... _.. _ _P.. _ ...... ..._.... _... Quincy _......... _..'. 11 381........ _ .. $1 200 000 _. $25 000; 7Public Wo Works Royal City Wash Bay &Open Storage Bays ,...._ _.... .... ......... ;13766 Rd E SW ; ..... ...... ............. ?Royal Cit ... 11 381 $1,200,000; ... _ . $25,000 ; ;Public Works Ephrata Solid Waste Scale Shack _. _............. ... ...................... .. ....... ....... 3803 Neva Lake Rd NW .. 7 ._ __ .. ... _ . ... ...... ... .. ......... ...... __.. _.. ..._.. _.. _ ...... $50,000; $10,0007 ;Public Works Ephrata Fac Maintenance Office __.. _. _.......- __......_ ...... ......... _..._ ;124 Ente rise St SE Enterprise ........... . . .... ....__ ... ; . _ ..... _ ..... .•..... Ephrata ..... . .._ .. .. ..... _ 11 5070 �....._... _ .. _ .. $100,000 ,Public Works ......... ... _ ._..._ .. Ephrata Central Shop. and Offices .... ._......... ........_.._....._.. _ .. _.._ 124 Enterprise St SE ,... __.. _.._.. .. E hrata _P .......... 6..276._.. .... ._... __.....$977,500 ..... $3,709,696: $300,000; Works ;Mattawa Shop/Office/Open Bays/Telecom Tower a ._ _..._ :_ ...... ...... ...... ._.._. .. _ ........ ....... 724378 Broadway SW Y . _ _ _ .. .. .... ; .._ ... _........ Mattawa........... 4,320 .... $389 929 7$50,000 ;Public _ _ _ _. ;Public Works .. _ .... 7 Ephrata Bridge Maintenance and Office 9_.... _ .... .. ..._.. .......... .............. ..... ... _ .. __..._ ....._1.24 Enterprise St SE ___.. _ ._ ..... _. .... ....._.. 2. ..... ;Ephrata _......... ,... __... __. � _ 8 127 ,_ _ _ .... ' . . _. $75,000 ;Public Works ,Ephrata Solid Waste Office/Garage/Shop/Storage _....• ___ .. ... .... _ . _.. _... _ ...... ....... .. _..... ; 3803 Neva Lake Rd NW ;..._ _.. __ _ _.. _._ .... _ � E hrat ..... _,_.._p. _a ...... _ _. 8,793 _ ......731,430 $2,429,461 � $ 150 000; 7 Public Works Grant Orchards Office/Garage ._................. ;. ;19956 Road A.8 NE __...._. ........ .......... ......... 7Soa Lake P _ _ _ _ ....... 2,400.. _...... ___._ .. $247,200 _ $18,615 Public Works .Moses Lake Office/Shop/Garage/Welding Bay ;12171 Wheeler Rd 7 Moses Lake 11,984 $2,097,200; $225,000 _ _._ _ . ;Antenna Pole &Communications Tower ($89K) _ '5437 NW Beasfe .. Beasley Hil I Road Ephrata 0 42,194 $p Public Works 7 Transmitter Bldg. _.... . . ........ ........... .... ...... ........._ .......... ... ......... i 5437 NW Beasley Hill Road ........__. _ y...... ... .............. .. . ..... ............. . 7 Ephrata a .... P t _ _ _ _.. _ ....._ t _ ...... _. ... u is Works Wilson Office/Shop/Garage/Open Storage Bays t ; 232 Chelan •Wilson Creek . 1,600 _ _... ........... _..._ . _... $160 000 ........ __ $25 000; ;Public Works _ .. - _.... ..._. .............. ;Quincy Office/Shop/Garage/Welding Bay St ...: ... ...._..... ........ ..... ..... .. ..... � 4718 Road P NW Hartli ne ; Quinc 11,997 10 450 $2,400,000; $225,000 ;Public Works ...... _._ ?Royal City Office/Shop/Garage/Welding Bay ;13766 Road E SW Y 7 Royal City .... ...... ..... 10 450 $1,828,750 ..... .......... $1,828,750 ; $225,000; .. . _ .._.. _ $225,000 Public Works (input from EM) ,Repeater Bldg..,_,,,.,.•.. _ .. ..... ................ _ Beezle Hill W of Cit Limits Y Y .... _ .., _.. ... Ephrata 192 $14,832; $20,000; Sheriff ;Moses Lake Substation, Training Center _.. __ ....... _. _.. _.._ .. _ .. ....._ .......... ;1274 Low Drive .. . __ Lowry Drive .7.. ... _ _ ..... _...._ ...... Moses Lake 3,100 __.. ...... $319,3007 _..._. _. $10,500 :Sheriff `Sheriff 7 Moses Lake Substation, Office : _ _ . __. _ 274 Lowry Drive 'Moses Lake _ __.. _ ._ 1,344 $138,432= ....._...... - - - - $78,750 Sheriff. 3 -Vault Toilet ....._..... _\Sand Dune Road . ........ .. ............. .. .. ,Moses Lake _ _.. 0 _ _ .... _..._ $17,750 ........ . $0 _ _.._. ;Sheriff Work Release Facility _ _. _..... _ _ ......... .._ .... _ y...... .. _... 1631 E Division .. _ .. _ _........ ... ._ ... .. ;Ephrata _ _..... ............. . _ > 13 847 __. _7 ........ $2,662,562 ........ __ 146 7 ;Sheriff Evidence Storage, Rental _ ._.. _ _ _ ........... ..... _........ _..... - 391 Limit StEphrata _ .. ....... ... _ ......... ..... ......... E hrat _.... _..._ ... _ . .. t . .. _..._.�..... 9,000 _.?_....._ ....... $ 0 $ 1 05,000 :Sheriff :L Law &Justice Building ... ............ 35 C Street NW ..... _ . ....... ._ . ....... .p hrata _ ... _.__.... 73,106 _....... ...... _..... .. __. $21,365,600 � $1,470,571 ;Sheriff (INET)P Jail Record Storage .. 'Leased Jail Record Storage ......... ... Ephrata ............. ._ ......... ........... .. .. _ .... __ 490 ....... _. _ _ ... _._ $37,853 $p _ . _ .... _ ... .... Office Space 1237 Bershauer industrial ... d ,trial Way . _ ....... _.. _ .. Ephrata........_.......,.. 5 480 t $0 7 $50,000 ..... 2Youth.,,,Services.. (Juvenile) _ _ . _ _ _ ;Juvenile Court &Youth Services ; 303 Abel Road _._.._. _ .._... 16,248 'Youth Services Juvenile ;Ephrata $4,447,029 $815,000; ;County Building 1008 W Ivy Street = Moses Lake _ _.... _........ � 1,904 _._ $196,.11.2 ,........ $70, 000 _..... .... ...... Source: 2019 WRCIP Renewal Schedule TOTAL $ 108,315,641 —00 $ 13,184,865.00 APPENDIX B — 2021-2026 APPROVED CAPITAL FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS — AMF.NDMF,NT ;10 Page 4of5 Capital Improvement Proiects 2021-2026 Department Improvement Timeframe Status Budgeted Funding Source Estimated Cost Fairgrounds 4-H Bldg upgrade 2007-2026 Yes Fair Bond 309 TBD New horse barns 2007-2026 Yes Fair Bond 309 TBD Covered riding arena (Harwood) 2007-2026 Yes Fair Bond 309 TBD ADA pathways, sidewalks 2007-2026 Yes Fair Bond 309 TBD Sod and landscaping 2007-2026 Yes Fair Bond 309 TBD Lighting improvements 2007-2026 Yes Fair Bond 309 TBD Fence Replacement (East) 2018-2023 Yes Fair Bond 309 $ 15,000.00 Parking Lot and Road resurface (gravel) 2018-2023 Yes Fair Bond 309 $ 51000.00 Irrigation Improvements 2019-2024 Yes Fair Bond 309 $ 307000.00 Electrical Panel Repair 2019-2024 Yes Fair Bond 309 $ 5,500.00 3 -Row bleacher 2020-2025 Yes Current Expense $ 77000.00 5 -Row bleacher 2020-2025 Yes Current Expense $ 181750.00 Rabbit Barn Sign 2020-2025 Yes REET1 $ 17000.00 Campground Maps/Signs 2020-2025 Yes Economic Enhance. - Rural $ 57000.00 Ardell LED Readerboard 2020-2025 Yes REET1 $ 45,000.00 Gold Gate Sign 2020-2025 Yes REET1 $ 5,000.00 Light Poles 2020-2025 Yes REET1 $ 45,000.00 HVAC 2020-2025 Yes REET1 $ 101000.00 ISD Canopy 2020-2025 Yes REET1 $ 107000.00 Temporary Stall Panels 2020-2025 Yes REET1 $ 22,000.00 Ardell Sidewall Panels 2020-2025 Yes REET1 $ 251000.00 Shavings cage 2020-2025 Yes REET1 $ 551000.00 Landscaping 2020-2025 Yes REET1 $ 107000.00 Landscape lighting 2020-2025 Yes REET1 $ 5,000.00 Musco Lighting 2020-2025 Yes REET1 $ 1757000.00 Asphalt ADA projects 2020-2025 Yes REET1 $ 50,000.00 Purple Gate Lighting 2020-2025 Yes REET1 $ 201000.00 Campground/barn repo/livestock area repairs 2020-2025_ Yes Fair Bond 309 $ 196,960.00 Trailer/dump truck/fuel tank repairs 2020-2025 Yes Fair Bond 309 $ 521463.03 Rodeo Water Tank Renovations 2021-2026 Yes REET2 $ 77500.00 Stall Mats 2021-2026 Yes REET1 $ 327000.00 Pave Barn 39 Noble Area 2021-2026 Yes REET2 $ 451000.00 Barn 39 Noble 2021-2026 Yes REET2 $ 45, 000.00 Commercial Building Bathroom 2021-2026 Yes REET1 $ 250,000.00 Pave Rodeo Area Nobles 2021-2026 Yes REET2 $ 507000.00 Porta Cools (animal barns) 2021-2026 Yes Current Expense $ 287500.00 Blue Gate Sign 2021-2026 Yes REET2 $ 6,500.00 Campground Directional Signage/Maps 2021-2026 Yes Tourism Fund (114) $ 5,000.00 16 -stall Temporary Building 2021-2026 Yes REET1 $ 477900.00 Landscape Maintenance 2021-2026 Yes REET1 $ 10,000.00 Campground Signage 2021-2026 Yes Tourism Fund (114) $ 201000.00 Subtotal $ 113613073.03 Facilities and Maintenance Security improvements - Enterprise Security system (door security) Data Center Redundant Cooling Youth Service Hot water tank replacement Courthouse Hot water tank replacement Health District Ductless Split HVAC Unit Rooftop HVAC Unit Replacement (Health District and Storage Facility) 2019 Programmed maintenance requirements of various County facilities (ongoing and proactive maintenance) Youth Services Electrical Repairs Fairgrounds Security Cameras 16 -Stall Temporary Buildings Flashing Crosswalk Signs Health District Carpet Health District Vinyl Flooring Sheep Pens Rebuilding Barns 46 and 47 Misting Fans Triple Sink - Kiwanis Building Chilled Water Pump Chiller Duct Heaters Hot Water Tank - Law and Justice Hot Water Tank - High Temp Law and Justice Ceiling Grid - Youth Services Fairgrounds re -keying Annex/Old Courthouse Roof Stairs Health District Flooring Law and Justice Building Ductless Split 1.5 to 2 Ton Law and Justice Building Condensing unit 3 -Ton District Court (Wheeler Road) Court Flooring District Court (Wheeler Road) Breaker Panel Youth Services (Moses Lake) Flooring Youth Services (Moses Lake) Exterior Youth Services (Moses Lake) Furnace Health District Exterior Finishes Health District Ductless Split 2.5 to 3 Ton Health District Water Heater Law and Justice Building Chilled Water Pump Youth Services (Ephrata) Exterior Superior Court Admin, Judges, Jury Furniture Sheriffs Office Flooring Sheriffs Office (Moses Lake) Flooring Health District Fence Law and Justice Building Water Heaters Youth Services (Ephrata) Heat Control Panel 2016-2020 Yes REET $ 75, 000.00 2019-2024 No Unfunded $ 10, 000.00 2018-2023 Yes Courthouse Bond 308 $ 67000.00 2018-2023 Yes Courthouse Bond 308 $ 27000.00 2018-2023 Yes Courthouse Bond 308 $ 2,000.00 2018-2023 Yes Courthouse Bond 308 $ 37580.00 2019-2024 Yes REET $ 22,000.00 2019-2024 Yes REET $ 75, 000.00 2019-2024 Yes REET $ 10, 000.00 2020-2025 Yes REET 1 $ 907000.40 2020-2025 Yes REET 1 $ 86, 000.00 2020-2025 Yes REET 1 $ 37, 200.00 2020-2025 Yes Current Expense $ 40,800.00 2020-2025 Yes Current Expense $ 27500.00 2020-2025 Yes REET 1 $ 22, 000.00 2020-2025 Yes BEET 1 $ 407000.00 2020-2025 Yes REET 1 $ 10, 800.00 2020-2025 Yes REET 1 $ 2,000.00 2020-2025 Yes REET 1 $ 77000.00 2020-2025 Yes REET 1 $ 507000.00 2020-2025 Yes REET 1 $ 1737400.00 2020-2025 Yes REET 1 $ 151000.00 2020-2025 Yes REET 1 $ 157000.00 2020-2025 Yes REET 1 $ 567100.00 2020-2025 Yes REET 1 $ 77500.00 2021-2026 Yes REET1 $ 207000.00 2021-2026 Yes REET2 $ 48, 000.00 2021-2026 Yes REET1 $ 57000.00 2021-2026 Yes REET1 $ 4,000.00 2021-2026 Yes REET2 $ 457000.00 2021-2026 Yes REET1 $ 10, 000.00 2021-2026 Yes REET1 $ 97500.00 2021-2026 Yes REET1 $ 38,000.00 2021-2026 Yes REET1 $ 27400.00 2021-2026 Yes REET1 $ 607000.00 2021-2026 Yes REET2 $ 67750.00 2021-2026 Yes REET1 $ 11750.00 2021-2026 Yes REET2 $ 57500.00 2021-2026 Yes REET1 $ 19, 500.00 2021-2026 Yes Trial Court Improvement $ 507000.00 2021-2026 Yes REET1 $ 127500.00 2021-2026 Yes REET1 $ 157000.00 2021-2026 Yes REET1 $ 47200.00 2021-2026 Yes REET2 $ 47500.00 2021-2026 Yes REET1 $ 257000.00 Total Approved Capital Facility Improvements 61088,253.43 Dude Solutions Asset Management 2021-2026 Yes Current Expense $ 407000-00 Public Works Keyless Entry 2021-2026 Yes REET1 $ 98,000.00 Youth Services Keyless Entry 2021-2026 Yes REET1 $ 307000.00 District Court (Wheeler Road) Keyless Entry 2021-2026 Yes REET1 $ 407000.00 Fairgrounds Service Gate 2021-2026 Yes 309 Bond $ 107000.00 Harwood Pavilion Bathroom 2021-2026 Yes 309 Bond $ 160,000.00 Subtotal 115403480.40 Elections Installation of 4'new ballet boxes w/labor 2018-2023 Yes Current Expense Funds 197000.00 Subtotal. 199000.00 TechnologyServices SmartCard Advance Authentication 2019-2024 Yes Current Expense $ 30,000.00 Total Subtotal$ 30,000.00 Central Services Real Estate Acquisition - Port of Ephrata 2021-2026 Yes 311 Prop 1 Tax $ 1507000.00 Real Estate Acquisition - City of Ephrata 2021-2026 Yes REET2 $ 507000.00 Real Estate Acquisition - Moses Lake School District (Former Fairgrounds site) 2021 Yes REET1 $ 172007000.00 Subtotal 11400,000.00 Jail Heat Pump Replacement 2021-2026 Yes REET1 $ 137200.0 . 0 Real Estate Acquisition APN 16-0853-000 2021 Yes Law and Justice Tax $ 64,500-00 Real Estate Acquisition APN 16-0866-002 2021 Yes Law and Justice Tax $ 230,000.00 Real Estate Acquisition APN 16-0866-003 2021 Yes Law and Justice Tax r% $ 500,000.00 Subtotal $ 7979700..00 Grant Mental Health Quincy Office HVAC Upgrade 2021-2026 Yes Mental Health 108.150 $ 15, 000.00 Moses Lake Lobby Remodel 2021-2026 Yes Mental Health 108.150 $ 507000.00 Mattawa Office Furniture 2021-2026 Yes Mental Health 108.150 $ 107000.00 Doorway Remodel 2021-2026 Yes Mental Health 108.150 $ 15,000.00 Ephrata Office Remodel 2021-2026 Yes Mental Health 108.150 $ 2257000.00 Ephrata Office Acquisition 2021-2026 Yes Mental Health 108.150 $ 6007000.00 DCL Building Fencing 2021-2026 Yes Mental Health 108.150 $ 257000.00 Subtotal $ 940,000.00 Total Approved Capital Facility Improvements 61088,253.43 APPENDIX C - 2021-2026 ADOPTED TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PLAN Page 5 of 5