HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCC (003)0 l� Housing Authority of Grant County 1139 Larson Blvd. •Moses Lake, WA 98837-3308 Phone:.(509) 762-5541 •Fax: (509) 762-2202 Toll Free: (800) 747-9202 •TTY: (800) 833-6388 www.hagc.net November 2, 2021 Grant County Board of Commissioners ATTN: Janice Flynn P(3 Box 37/35 C Street Ephrata, WA 98823 Dear Ms. Flynn: Please consider this letter and attached documentation the Housing Authority's claim for draw #7 for October, 2021, for the Treasury Rent Assistance Program. I certify that: The information on the A-19 and supporting documentation for the Treasury Rent Assistance Program (TRAP), contract # 21-46160-108, in the amount of $411,659,39 is a true and accurate report and that all reported expenditures are properly chargeable to the TRAP grant. Sincerely, Christopher A. Sutherland Financial Director Dated this . .� ._._ day of f ' -- , 21 Board of County Commissioners Grant County, Washington Arwrove Disapprove Abstain Dist #1 hast # Dist # i Dist #Dist # 2 -- Dist # 2 Dist OS Dist # 3 Gist # 3 I GRANT COUNTYCOMMISSIO[�IERS j 111 The Housing Authority of Grant County, Washington is an equal opportunity provider and employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, seal physical or mental disability, or familial status. The Housing Authority of Grant County's policies and practices are designed to provide assurances that persons with disabilities will be given reasonable accommodations, EQUAL HOUSING upon request, so that they may fully access and utilize the housing programs and related services. OPPORTUNITY rf you or anyone in your family is a person with disabilities, and you require a specific accommodation in order to fully utilize our programs and services, please contact the Housing Authority, Grant County/GCHA Contract # 21-4616C-11308 RA P) Submitted to GC by: HAGC Date: i ?-' ( Z 2 1 Request for Reimbursement No. #7 Grant County's Subrecipient Checklist: State Auditor's Office Audit Procedures for Testing Activities Allowed And Not Allowed, As Published In 2007 Questions to ask before submitting a payment request Was the expenditure or cost: _X Made for an allowable activity under the grant guidelines? _X Authorized (or not prohibited) under state or local laws or regulations? _X Approved by the federal awarding agency, if required? _X Allowable per Circular A-87 (June 2004 version), Attachment B, items 1-43? For payroll transactions: 0 ' _X Does the employee's time and effort documentation meet the requirements of Circular A-122? _X Allocable to the program? (i.e., was the dollar amount charged to the program relative to the benefits received by the program? Is the federal grantor being charged its fair share of the cost?) _X Based on actual costs, not budgeted or projected amounts? _X Applied uniformly to federal and non-federal activities (Le., is the federal government being charged the same amount as if non-federal funds were being used to pay the cost)? _X Given consistent accounting treatment within and between accounting periods? (Consistency in accounting requires that costs incurred for the same purpose, in like circumstances, be treated as either direct costs only or indirect costs only with respect to final cost objectives). _X Calculated in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, or another comprehensive basis of accounting, when required under the applicable cost principles? �X Not included as a cost (or used to meet cost sharing requirements) of other federally -supported activities of the current or a prior period? _X Net of all applicable credits? (e.g., volume or cash discounts, insurance recoveries, refunds, rebates, trade-ins, adjustments for checks not cashed, and scrap sales). _X Not included as both a direct billing and as a component of indirect costs? _X Properly classified (e.g., some costs may be incorrectly claimed as a direct cost instead of being incorporated as part of the indirect cost rate). _X Supported by appropriate documentation? (e.g., approved purchase orders, receiving reports, vendor invoices, canceled checks, and time and attendance records.) Documentation may be in an electronic form. _X Correctly charged to the proper account code and grant period? H:\ACCOUNTING\LOTUS\LOTUS\TRAP\TRAP Subrecipient Checkfist.docx Page 1 Lead Grantee Names I List sub Grantee Names Below Report Week or Month/Year: OCTOBER 2021 HAGS Total Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Invoice Total: $411,669.39 '" Voucher Detail Worksheet Lead Grantee Name: List Sub Grantee Nanses Blow ITotal TOTAL OF BALANCE Report Week or Month/Year: OCTOBER 2021 HAGC I I I I 1 -:1 DRAWS REMAINING BUDGET Aar-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 :Admin ,t....., .._....,�.,.:,,:..:..:.....:.:. . .;,.,.:.:.,.�.s,.r...,......,> - ;., ,.. $13,369.34 $8,235.14 $16,709.14 $26,615.43 $10,210.46 $20,074.35 $29,644.25 $124,858.71 $748,033.29/ 8entafid°Utll :Assistance 1�. n : y:: ,' %, <,.%.> t ". ; ' ::$5;86Q,51000 .::... s <,; < * < :. `. ° s 5860' 10:00 • ...... t d.y:'+, •. , ....:.. .. .,.r.:� . a:. ...... .,... �.,.....::...x... $ a - _.... 32 759.79 52S 247.03 465 977.66 510 2L81 18 498.99 503 0999 $382 025.14$2,841,=.41 $ a $ . $ s $ a $ a5 $ a $3,019,169.59 BY and,:ForSii c6ntractmP • ,' •:.. :.::: '' - ' __ - - $0:0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Totals $0.00 $6,733,402.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Invoke To $6,733,40.2.00 $4.5,129.13 $536,482.17 $482,686M $536,937.24 $428,709.45 $523,584.94 $413,66939 $2,966,199.22 $3,767,20Z88 General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 10 Ending 10131/2021 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) PROJECT 01 - 4- 31 o86 + 14. o 6 ;2 uY 44 o- 60 Account Number/Description 928 ej 77 Beg Balance Debit Credit Net Change End Balance 401000-2-01 MGMT SALARIES -TRAP 19,938.53 3,888.81 0.00 31888.81(1) 23,827.34 408200-2-01 MGMT FICA -TRAP 11491.94 291.57 0.00 291.57 11783.51 408201-2-01 MGMT SUTA - TRAP 225.32 31.86 0.00 31.86 257.18 408202-2-01 MGMT L&I - TRAP 71.32 14.62 0.00 14.62 85.94 408204-2-01 MGMT RETIREMENT - TRAP 21567.68 448.60 0.00 448.60 31016.28 408205-2-01 MGMT MED/DENTNIS/Ll - TRAP 41590.34 928.77 0.100 928.77 5,519.11 411000-2-01 ADMIN SALARIES - TRAP 54,777.96 11,944.56 0.00 11,944.56 66,722.52 417000-2-01 ADMIN FEES -GRANT CO. -TRAP -C 0.00 81500.00 0.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 418200-2-01 ADMIN FICA - TRAP 41181.82 910.38 0.00 910.38 51092.20 418201-2-01 ADMIN SUTA - TRAP 619.08 134.93 0'.00 134.93 754-01 418202-2-01 ADMIN L&I - TRAP 374.37 79.34 0.00 79.34 453.71 4182042-01 ADMIN RETIREMENT - TRAP 5,095.54 1,202.62 0..00 11202.62 61298.16 418205-2-01 ADMIN MEDIDENT/VISIL - TRAP" 603.82 205.31 0.00 205.31 809.13 419013-2-01 TELEPHONE - TRAP 1.36 844.56 0,00 844.56 845.92 419017-2-01 OFFICE SUPPLIES & FORMS - TR 11049.77 218.32 0..00 218.32 11268-09 419018-2-01 POSTAGE - TRAP 291.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 291.99 471,501-2-01 HAP PAYMENTS RENT - TRAP 21436,188.46 3911420.02 10,202.50 381,217.52 27817,405.98 471504-2-01 UTILITY PAYMNTS - TRAP 21,827.81 1,495.38 65.;14 1,440.24 231268.05 PROJECT 01 - Total: 21553,897.11 422,559.65 10,257.64 412,302.01 21966,199,12 Total: 21653,897.11 422,559.65 10,257.64 412, 302.0121966,199.12 0.00,10. �`,Report 8 2 9 '1 T (if 4- 31 o86 + 14. o 6 ;2 uY 44 o- 60 + 928 ej 77 + 1lo-911,4hj56 + 500 o 00 9109 + 1 33 93 + 79 3 .4 + 1 202 6 2` + 2. 0 5 31 + 8 4 4 Q56 + 21t 3 + 0i 29 Run Date: 11/212021 GIL Datax. 10/31/2021 k):0 U 0, 0 0 F,1 2- 1 7 o 5 + 003 pq 2 C r 5 1 000 O0 00 2 9 6 hp� 0 i 1 382 1�+ Page: I 002 User Logon: CAS 6 6 9r 31% General Ledger Detail Report Detail Postings for Period 10 Ending 10/3112021 Account Number/Description Perlo . Date Journal 471501-2-01 21442,893.46 10 10/5/2021 AP -003969 10 10/5/2021 AP -003969 10 10/5/2021 AP• -003969 10 10/5/2021 AP -003969 10 10/11/2021 AP -003972 10 10/11/2021 AP -003973 10 10/11/2021 AP -003973 10 10/11/2021 AP -003973 10 10/11/2021 AP -003973 10 10/11/2021 AP -003973 10 10/11/2021 AP -003973 10 10/11/2021 AP -003973 10 10/11/2021 AP -003973 10 10/11/2021 AP -003973 10 10/11/2021 AP -003973 10 10/11 /2021 AP -003973 10 10/11/2021 AP -003973 10 10/11/2021 AP -003973 10 10/11/2021 AP -003973 10 10/11/2021 AP -003973 10 10/11/2021 AP -003973 10 10/13/2021 AP -003974 10 10/13/2021 AP -00397.4 10 10/13/2021 AP -003974 10 10/13/2021 AP -003974 10 10/13/2021 AP -003974 10 10/1312021 AP -003974 10 10/13/2021 AP -003974 10 10/13/2021 AP -003974 10 10/13/2021 AP -003974 10 10/13/2021 AP -003974 10 10/13/2021 AP -003974 10 10/13/2021 AP -003974 10 10/13/2021 AP -003974 10 10/13/2021 AP -003974 10 10/13/2021 AP -003974 10 10/13/2021 AP -003974 10 10/13/2021 AP -003974 10 10/13/2021 AP -003974 10 10/13/2021 AP -003974 10 10/13/2021 AP -003974 10 10/13/2021 AP -003974 10 10114/2021 AP -003975 10 10/14/2021 AP -003975 10 10/14/2021 AP -003975 10 10114/2021 AP -003975 10 10/14/2021 AP -003975 10 10/14/2021 AP -003975 10 10/14/2021 AP -003975 10 10/14/2021 AP -003975 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) Comments Beg Balance HAP PAYMENTS RENT - TRAP 2,436,188.46 Debit Credit Net End Balance 61705.00 0.00 21442,893.46 41470.00 0.00 2,447, 363.46 9,800.00 0.00 2;457,163.46 91900.00 0.00 21467,063.46 0.00 51040.00 21462,023.46 31000.00 0.00 21465,023.46 51875.00 0.00 21470,898.46 21844.00 0.00 2, 473, 742.46 91495.00 0.00 21483,237.46 21304.00 0.00 21485,541.46 21000.00 0.00 2,487,541.46 41365.00 0.00 2,491, 906.46 41362.00 0.00 2,4963268.46 51040.00 0.00 21501,308.46 21432.00 0.00 21503,740.46 4,000.00 0.00 21507,740.46 71290.00 0.00 21515,030.46 11500.00 0.00 21516,530.46 51600.00 0.00 23522,130.46 51800.00 0.00 21527,930.46 5,250.00 0.00 2,533,180.46 33431.00 0.00 2,5361611,46. 21616.00 0.00 23539,227.46 2,405.17 0.00 21541,632.63 31350.00 0.00 215441982.63 31980.00 0.00 21548,962.63 41897.00 0.00 2, 553, 859.63 51721.00 0.00 2, 559, 580.63 1,658.00 0.00 21561,238.63 11418.00 0.00 2,562,656.63 3,048.00 0.00 21565,704.63 61000.00 0.00 21571,704.63 21376.00 0.00 21574,080.63 2,678.05 0.00 21576,758.68 31500.00 0.00 21580,258.68 7,000.00 0.00 21587,258.68 3,400.00 0.00 21590,658.68 11100.00 0.00 2, 591, 758.68 41380.00 0.00 21596,138.68 41000.00 0.00 2,600,138.68 41860.00 0.00 21604,998.68 4,800.00 0.00 2,609,798.68 41400.00 0.00 21614,198.68 21720.00 0.00 21616,918.68 11928.00 0.00 2,618, 846.68 51075.00 0.00 21623,921.68 3,150.00 0.00 21627,071.68 21975.00 0.00 21630,046.68 31730.00 0.00 2,633,776.68 21306.17 0.00 21636,082.85 10 10/14/2021 AP -003975 2,930.00 0.00 2,639,012.85 Account Number/Description Perio Date Journal Comments Beg Balance Debit Credit Net End Balance d Change 471501-2-01 HAP PAYMENTS RENT - TRAP 10 10/14/2021 AP -003975 308.00 0.00 23639,320,85 10 10/14/2021 AP -003975 2,452.00 0.00 21641,772.85 10 10/14/2021 AP -003975 1,512.00 0.00 21643,284.85 10 10/14/2021 AP -003975 51300.00 0.00 29648,584.85 10 10/14/2021 AP -003975 61800.00 0.00 2, 655, 384.85 10 10/14/2021 AP -003975 41780.00 0.00 21660,164.85 10 10/14/2021 AP -003975 33000.00 0.00 21663,164-85 10 10/14/2021 AP --003975 3,400.00 0.00 21666,564.85 10 10/14/2021 AP -003975 31100.00 0.00 21669,664.85 10 10/14/2021 AP -003975 41350.00 0.00 21674,014.85 10 10/14/2021 AP -003975 4,008.00 0.00 216781022.85 10 10/14/2021 AP -003975 31200.00 0.00 21681,222.85 10 10/14/2021 AP -003975 3,000.00 0.00 21684,222.85 10 10/14/2021 AP -003975 53162.50 0.00 21689,385.35 10 10/1412021 AP -003975 31300.00 0.00 2,692,685.35 10 10/14/2021 AP -003975 31000.00 0.00 21695,685.35 10 10/14/2021 AP -003975 31000.00 0.00 2,698,685.35 10 10/14/2021 AP -003975 31600.00 0.00 2,702,285.35 10 10/14/2021 AP -003975 3,150.00 0.00 2,705,435.35 10 10/14/2021 AP -003975 41870.00 0.00 23710,305.35 10 10/14/2021 AP -003975 41000.00 0.00 21714,305.35 10 10114/2021 AP -003975 3,400.00 0.00 27717,705.35 10 10/14/2021 AP -003975 33800.00 0.00 21721,505.35 10 10/94/2021 AP -003976 2,400.00 0.00 21723,905.35 10 10/14/2021 AP -003976 51200.00 0.00 21729,105.35 10 10/14/2021 AP -003976 41836.00 0.00 21733,941.35 10 10/1412021 AP -003976 31000.00 0.00 21736,941.35 10 10/14/2021 AP -003976 51250.00 0.00 21742,191.35 10 10/14/2021 AP -003976 31114.00 0.00 21745,305.35 10 10/14/2021 AP -003976 21065.00 0.00 2,747,370.35 10 i 0/14/2021 AP -^03976 2,901.00 0.00 2750,271.35 10 10/14/2021 AP -003976 3,426.33 0.00 21753,697.68 10 10/14/2021 AP -003976 3,666.00 0.00 21757,363.68 10 10/14/2021 AP -003976 41480.00 0.00 21761,843.68 10 10/14/2021 AP -003976 91450.00. 0.00 21771,293.68 10 10/14/2021 AP -003976 33100.00 0.00 21774,393.68 10 10/14/2021 AP -003976 2.,855.00 0.00 2,777,248.68 10 10/14/2021 AP -003976 11620.00 0.00 21778,868.68 10 10/14/2021 AP -003976 41500.00 0.00 2,783,368.68 10 10/14/2021 AP -003976 11380.00 0.00 21784,748.68 10 10/14/2021 AP -003976 11928.80 0.00 21786,677.48 10 10/14/2021 AP -003976 41240.00 0.00 2,790,917.48 10 10/14/2021 AP -003976 21080.00 0.00 21792,997.48 10 10/14/2021 AP -003976 61600.00 0.00 21799,597.48 10 10/14/2021 AP -003976 71000.00 0.00 2, 806, 597.48 10 10114/2021 AP -003976 51796.00 0.00 21812,393.48 10 10114/2021 AP -003976 31875.00 0.00 21816,268.48 10 10/14/2021 AP -003976 31400.00 0.00 21819,668.48 10 10/15/2021 AP -003980 21900.00 0.00 21822,568.48 21436,188.46 391,420.02 51040.00 386,380.02 2,822,568.48 Account Number/Description Perlo Date Journal Comments Beg Balance Debit Credit Net End Balance 471504-2-01 UTILITY PAYMNTS - TRAP 21,827.81 afts 10 10/5/2021 AP -003969 782.94 0.00 22,610.75 10 10/11/2021 AP -003972 0.00 55.14 22,555.61 10 10/11/2021 AP -003973 55.14 0.00 22,610.75 10 10/11/2021 AP -003973 120.00 0.00 22,730.75 10 10113/2021 AP -003974 51.37 0.00 22,782.12 10 10/13/2021 AP -003974 45.58 0.00 22,827.70 10 10/14/2021 AP -003975 226.30 0.00 23,054.00 10 10/14/2021 AP -003975 184.05 0.00 23,238.05 10 10/14/2021 AP -003976 30.00 0.00 23,268.05 21,827.81 11495.38 55.14 11440.24 23,268.05 Report Total: 21458,016.27 392,915.40 51095.14 387,820.26 21845,836.53 Run Date: 10/25/2021 9:18:46AM Page: 3 G/L Date: 10/25/2021 User Logon: SAB 'x ..).,.^ } f-. naJ• xb i:•)irc Yy.25i� . xie.Y4 .<•S"a:.>�,-;.z3.' t. -..: i6 -11 D`':ts': ..,"r w;:.). ` .x .... )-: r."s ua y:..-c:J'rc �. :1.^•:c.�:• : < )•. .Sr., ... ,:P �. .. ,. .. ...:a .,.• :> J •r .._• ...: •rt .. i` <: )' Y:� ?d i ¢ .i;":," L N' a : t _ _ > ...... 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Lead Grantee: County(s): Grant, Adams Service Month: Oct -21 Number of Households Applied: 38 Number of Households Received Assistance: 92 Number of Households Received Housing Stability Services Only: 0 Total Amount Expended on Housing Stability Services: $0.00 Total Amount of Approved Mousing Stability Services Not Yet Expended: $0.00 Total Dollar Value of Approved T -RAP Applications that Have Not Yet Been Paid: 0 Tonal Amount Expended an Administrative Expenses: 29644.25 Total Amount of Approved Administrative Expenses Not Yet Expended. 0 Lead Grantee Name: I List Sub Grantee Names Below Total Report Week or Month Year: OCTOBER 2021 HAGC TOTAL OF BALANCE DRAWS REMAINING Admin/Op"e"rations Rent Utility BUDGET $872,892.00 $872,892.00 Apr -21 May-21Jun-21 Jul -21 Aug -21 Sep -21 Oct -21 $13,369.34 $8,235.14 $16,709.14 $26,615.43 $10,210.46 $20,074.95 929,644.25 Nov -21 Dec -21 $124,858.71 $748,033.29 and Assistance By and For Subcontracting $5,860,510.00 $51860,510.00 $32,759.79 $528,247.03 $465,977.66 $510,321.81 $418,498.99 $503,509.99 $382,025.14 $2,841,340.41 $3,019,169.59 Totals $0.00 $6,733,402.00 $0'.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Invoice To $6,733,402.00 $46,129.13 $536,482.17 $482,686.80 $536,937.24 $428,709.45 $523,584.94 $411,669.39 $2,966,199.12 $3,767,202.88 NI r11 ar , ,v :Inform�atitin Lead Grantee: County(s): Grant, Adams Service Month: Number of Households Applied: Number of Households Received Assistance: Number of Households Received Housing Stability Services Only Total Amount Expended on Housing Stability Services: Total Amount of Approved Housing Stability Services Not Yet Expended: Total Dollar Value of Approved T -RAP Applications that Have Not Yet Been Paid: Total Amount Expended On Administrative Expenses: Total Amount of Approved Administrative Expenses Not Yet Expended. Oct -21 38 92 0 $0.00 $0.00 0 29644.25 0 8 a 2 BEE LSE a a a a a a 8 a � 88 a a C: a a 8 a 888 F! 2 a R 8 a 8 a a 888888 a a a a Miami R 115 N. w K Z' Z. 'S� . . . . . . . . . . . . m . . m m m m m m m m m m m m. e. m m m . . . . . . m .. . . . . 8 Be €€ €€ a Be a a a €€€€_ 1. 8 91. as 9 a a a a 6 a., a .8 a 8 a . . a -.2 a 2 -.8 as 8 8 Sasso 8 a 2 '4 g g a 5j €€€S€€ a 8 €€€€€€ 9as8 a 9 a r Q q a P rc F� G 4 '4 4 . . . . - -a - - - - - - - - - n --.-a - - - - - - N - - - - - - - - agass a as 2 as age 8 a 8 a a age a age ' a 8 a 9 9 a 8 as 9 so sale 8 8 2 a 2 8 a gas 8 a 8 a a as a as a 8 2 a 9 a a a 9 a a R a a a 2 a BE a sea as go 2 a 9 m � 9 �' K 9 c & zz age 9 a as so a €€ €€ a €€€€S €€€ 68 S€€=€€ d d d 8 2.1 1. 1. 1. 1. age a g 99 K 9 9 ann 4 z 2 cc .1 29 a 9 8 3 cc a a a 1. c a.- c- a 2 N a ; 1 1 � 9 �'. 1 � 5 -� 5! a R zo R Id d g a s. 6 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- 8888E 8888 so 888 88 a 88888 8 SEE a 8 888888 a 8 5� 88 ESE 8 Re a 8 8 8 8 a a 8 a a a a 8 a Be 8 88 88888888 a 8 8 R a 8 8 a a 88 SEE 88888 a a a a HUN 11,11, H M H i HM 81 H 11 HIM lffl H . . . . tP, t" 34tZR Imm ZR q. <& -5 -i 10 d Id a Z �' - CS 6 d A 6 Iq K 4 . . . . .. . .y..n mn . n= . . . me . . . . . At A A A W Z: Zzz -V Z ;z z ZZ Z I ;z zz Zz Zz ;z ZZ I A cc I I cc 'At -N A It a, a It a a a � i e e e E r q Lt J� I let I Lt it Lt tt Lt Lt Lt LE 'It g l j gj j 111iji I � 1 i j t g l 1 j j g g l t l l I l I j I'l 1 1 1 ll l t I I'll J I I J Ill J I J 1 1 IZ z 4 d � d I I Is, I J J J I J I 1 .1 11 J JI J9.1 I �1 I- I'I J I I � � I 1 119 � I � I I II I ID $ � i � I I ; $ Totals Rent Assistance Utility Assistance 5u of 'ota! �4mEou it of ;Total Households who ;lutstand€`ng' Sum of paid rental � � loutstanding ;received assistance arrears ;Utlty arrears • :rental arrears; 1440.24 ;Total financial assistanceSurn of paid months Total Ar�tour3� of ;i refit, utilities, OHCS of reni~ l arrears 'Utilites paid .,� Total Outstanding ;Burn of future rent i arr+�ar»ontls paldtj aad 'Sum of future ;months of rent praid � ;Total Rent ;Ass€stance 3861380-0 Female 64 American Indian or 70% 2 2/ Non-Hispanic:/Non Alaska Native Latinx 40 43% Male 30 33% Asian 1 1% Hispanic j Latinx 52 57% Trans Female (MTF or Male Black or African to Female) 0 0% American . 3 3% Client doesn't know 3 3% 'Trans Male (FTM or Female to Male) 0 0% Multi -Racial 7 8% Client refused 0 Q% Native Hawaiian or Gender Non -Conforming 0 0% Other Pacific 0 0% Data not collected 0 09/0 Islander Client doesn't know 0 0% White 65 71% Client refused 0 0% Client doesn't know 15 16% Data not collected 1 1% Client refused 2 2% Data not collected 0 0% Other Housing Costs T61~al Arnount of Other K�using, �ostS �*a€d 30% AMI or less 66 72% Yes Between 31% AMI and 50% AMI 10 11% No Between 51% AMI and 80% AMI 19 21% Data Not Collected 0 95 0 CHG Voucher Detail Worksheet $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Grantee Name: Grant County ILead Grantec List Sub Grantee Names Below $24,288.39 $61,091.12 $200,861.88 $17,144.14 Report Month/Year: OCTOBER 2021 HAGC Jul -21 Aug -21 Sep -21 Oct -21 Nov -21 $74,000.00 BUDGET DRAW #1 DRAW #2 DRAW #3 DRAW #4 DRAW #5 Admin $69,950.00 $5,000.00 $798.07 $512.37 $837.77 $2,274.80 CHG-Other Rent/Fac Supp Lease & Housing Costs $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 CHG-Rent & Fac suppo Lease Costs $216,539.00 $11,099.29 $10,949.77 $16,677.94 $15,231.46 a Su ` _ ' $8,250.57 $3,951.70 $5,480.61 $5,433.38 PSH .CHF Fcili ort Lease Costs $0:00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 PSH CHF Other Rent Fac Su Lease & Hous CHFO' $0:00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 PSH erations '" •` yq $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 HEN'�A�dmi'i202'�2 y „� 5,000;00 w $152.83 $116.83 $190.31 $251.64 ht W- nou 'O �11- $14,613.19 $13,891.00 $16,848.25 $15,738.68 ,1�EN� eratio� s'�2Oz2 $7Q000 $5,643.50 $2,972.96 $4,390.12 $4,137.56 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Invoice Tota $40,557.45 $32,394.63 $44,425.00 $43,067.52 $0.00 $1,188,395.00 Dec -21 Jan -22 Feb -22 Mar -22 Apr -22 May -22 Jun -22 TOTAL OF BALANCE DRAW #6 DRAW #7 DRAW #8 DRAW #9 DRAW #10 DRAW #11 DRAW #12 DRAWS REMAINING $4,423.01 $65,526.99 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 $53,958.46 $162,580.54 $23,116.26 $151,883.74 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $711.61 $24,288.39 $61,091.12 $200,861.88 $17,144.14 $56,855.86 $0.00 $25,000.00 $0.00 $261,953.00 $0.00 $74,000.00 $0.00 $160,444.60 $1,027,950.40