HomeMy WebLinkAboutCalendar - BOCCNovember 15, 2021 -
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Monday, November 15
Tuesday, November 16
IM 8:30am - 9:30am Grant County=-==
COVID-19 Healthcare & Public = 8:30am - 9:00am G Dano, Prosecutin
pbell ,� g Attorney's Office Update -
Health Briefing (Zoom) - Stephanie Sho
-� BOCC Public..
9:00am - 9:30am C Carter, Public Works Leadership Conference nce "y
Call - Barbara Vasquez == 9:0 - 10:30am K Eslinger, Human Resources Update - BOCC
9:30am - 10:00am J Flynn, Administrative Services Coordinator•
Update - BOCC Publics -- 10. Vasquez - 11:30am B Vasquez, Clerk of the Board Update -Barb
P Barbara
10:OOam - 10:45am Commissioners Roundtable - Miscellaneous M 11:30am - 12:00pm Consent Agenda - BOCC Public
Discussion - BOCC PublicO M
12:00pm - 5:00pm Washington State Association of Counties -
=� 10.45am - 10:55am Citizen Public Comment Period -Barbara
Vasquez Leadership Conference (Spokane) -Barbara Vasquez
3:30pm - 5:30pm WSAC Legislative SteeringCommittee
g1.00Pm - 2.00P m T Adk�nson, Grant County Health District (The Davenport Grand Hotel -Cedar Meeting Room) - Lynn
- 2:30pm Open Public Meeting to take comments on the Fiorillo -Lowe
3.00 m - 3.05 m Open Record Public Hearing, Sheriff's Office
3:05pm - 3:1 Spm Open Record Public Hearing, Six Year
3:30pm - 4:00pm R Jones w/ A Williams, Homeless Board
Wednesday, November 17
Thursday, November 18 _
,Ell 2:00am Washington State Association of Counties - Leadership 1
�P � aL� � 12:OOam Washington Stafie Association of Co�
Conference _S untiesY~yH��p�
_ (pokane) - Barbara Vasquez I - Leadershi
��,..., � Conference S Pt
EM(pokane) -Barbara Vasquez
7:30a m - 10:00am D Stone H.� S ,H�.w.., e) , ..r,���, Vasquez
�a.�.z ,.,..
@ Columbia River Counties Caucus = 6.30 m - 7.3 �° `���������-���--.---------
Meeting (Leaders Conf) - Paul Jewell P 0pm C Carter, Grant Transit Authority (GTA) Board
9:00am - 10:1 Sam Special LSC Meeting with Tax Structure Work Meeting - BOCC Public
Group (The Davenport Grand Hotel) - Lynn Fiorillo -Lowe
9:00am - 9:30am C Carter, WRCIP Fiscal Committee Conference
Call - Barbara Vasquez
1:00pm - 2:30pm C Carter, Grant County Suicide Prevention
Taskforce (GCSPT) Meeting - BOCC Public O
Friday, November 19
Q R J o n es, Out - Barbara Vasquez,�,.rr,,.
F04:00pm - 5:00pm C Carter, Toyo ama, Ja'yan�.-5y,,..,,
Y p Student Exchange
Program Meeting - Barbara Vasquez
Barbara Vasquez 1
1/5/2022 6:03 PM